Wonderland (2024) Movie Script

[melancholy music plays]
[woman] My father's family name is Bai.
And my mom's is Li.
So they named me Bai Li. [chuckles]
I'm a fund manager.
I've worked around the world.
Now I'm based in Korea.
I live with my mother and daughter.
Actually, my mother didn't want to do it,
but I persuaded her.
[both laugh]
[Bai Li] Where's Jia?
[Bai Li] My daughter
doesn't know anything.
[Bai Li chuckles]
I always wanted to be her friend.
But I failed.
I want to try again when I go there.
[both laugh]
You said that, when I'm there,
I won't know that I died, right?
[melancholy music continues]
[Bai Li sighs]
Nice. I can be an archaeologist.
That was my dream as a child.
I almost forgot.
Thank you.
[intriguing music plays]
[woman 1] If we get to meet again,
there's still so much
that I want to say to my parents.
It's strange saying, "I want my mom."
I didn't really miss her
all that much before,
but now that I'm dying, I can't help
but think of the people I've lost.
[woman 2] The person
I want the Wonderland service for is...
[woman 3] I just want to see
both of my parents comfortable and happy,
living together in a beautiful place.
[man] I wanted to visit so many places,
but I never got to in my lifetime, so...
[intriguing music continues]
[woman 4] I would really like
to see my friend again,
but when she was at her best.
[woman 5] I wanted to see you again,
even in a dream, but it never happened.
[intriguing music continues]
[gentle music plays]
[music fades]
[PA system] Good afternoon.
This is the pre-boarding announcement
for flight TH3 028.
We now invite those passengers...
- [Bai Li] Hm.
- [man] Hm.
[Bai Li chuckles]
Traveling alone?
Uh, yes.
Is your family there?
No. I'm going there for work.
My daughter is staying with my mother.
Uh, I'm an archaeologist.
You explore ruins?
That's a cool job.
My daughter wants to be
an archaeologist as well.
I heard her say that
during daycare's... [speaks Korean]
Oh, at the end-of-year festival.
- [Bai Li] Yes.
- Your Korean is good.
- It's perfect.
- [in Korean] A little.
[in English] Are you going away
for a long time?
Um, about
three months.
[man] Three months?
Won't you miss your daughter?
[sighs softly]
It's okay.
She's used to it.
I have arranged everything already, yeah.
That's good.
[PA system] Attention please.
This is a final call for Luna Airline's...
Okay. I need to go.
[man] Let's keep in touch.
- Bye.
- [man] Bye.
Have a good trip.
[gentle music continues]
[chuckles softly]
[gentle music continues]
[boy] Hello!
[camels bellow]
Hi. [exhales]
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone continues ringing]
[Bai Li] Mom, I arrived safely.
Come on. What's with that face?
It's so gorgeous here. Hm? You see?
Where's Jia?
Hey, Jia.
Mama's on the phone now.
[Bai Li] Jia?
- [Bai Li's mom] Jia?
- [Bai Li] Jia, it's me! Come here.
I have something to show you.
- Oh, I can finally see you!
- Mama.
Do you see this? Ta-da!
Sweetie, why are you in a bad mood? Hm?
I guess it's because
it's been a while since I called you?
Do you know where Mama is right now, hm?
Hey, take a look at this, Jia.
What animal could this be?
Can you guess?
[camel snorts]
Do you see it?
It's a cute little camel. Aw.
I hope it doesn't bite me!
Oh, its hair is super soft.
Go on, you can take it.
Mama's gonna stay
and work for a while, okay?
I promise I'll call
and show you all the incredible things
I find here every day, all right? Deal?
[gentle music plays]
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone continues ringing]
Jung-in. You still tired?
Rise and shine.
- [Jung-in groans]
- [Tae-ju] Wanna sleep more?
You have five minutes if you're showering.
And 20 if you just wash your hair.
The airport shuttle will be arriving soon.
What do you wanna do?
Mm, what if I only wash my hair
and brush my teeth?
[Tae-ju] In that case,
you can sleep for 15 more minutes.
But now, this conversation
cost you 30 seconds.
Today is your favorite place. Barcelona.
You're not going?
[Jung-in] I will.
I'll go.
[Tae-ju] That's right, you've got to.
I'll get up.
[Tae-ju] Jung-in.
The shuttle left!
- You need to go right now!
- Wait, it did?
[Tae-ju] Hurry, you need to go!
Hurry, hurry!
Just kidding.
- [Jung-in] Ah, shit.
- [Tae-ju laughs]
Are you kidding me?
[laughing] Ah, you fell for it again.
- [Jung-in groans]
- [Tae-ju] All right, then. Time to get up.
The weather's clear in Barcelona today.
It's 16 degrees Celsius. Humidity 58%.
Your flight'll take 12 hours
and 40 minutes,
and your estimated
arrival time is 6:40 p.m.
Barcelona could be a bit chilly,
so take your coat too.
- Jung-in, your eye drops?
- Oh, that's right!
- [Tae-ju] And don't forget your vitamins.
- Ah.
I'm going, then!
- Wake me up a little earlier tomorrow.
- Oh, Jung-in, wait!
[electronic voice] Door now closing.
[chuckles] That girl.
[jaunty music plays]
[music fades]
[man] Are you free this weekend at all?
Wanna go to a movie together?
Ah, just a moment.
Jung-in, hi.
Hey, did you and I
make plans this weekend?
[Tae-ju] No. Why?
Then I might go to a movie
in that case. Is that okay?
Sure. Sounds fun.
- What time are you going?
- I'm sorry, when is it?
Uh, is five o'clock good for you?
[Jung-in] Five o'clock.
[Tae-ju] Should I book the tickets?
What are you seeing?
What are we watching?
Ah, this is my boyfriend.
Oh, no, no.
Then you better go with him instead.
[Jung-in] Oh. But it's all right.
He's far away at the moment.
- Wanna say hello?
- Hello.
Oh, right. Hello.
Hm. I'm going to a movie, then.
[Tae-ju] Okay, sounds good.
- [Jung-in] Okay.
- [Tae-ju] Have fun!
Are we still going?
[man sighs]
Say, "Ah." [chuckles]
- Ah. [chuckles]
- Ah.
Heading to you. [laughs]
Mm, it's so good.
- Want me to show you something cool?
- Sure.
Boring, boring.
Seen it before.
What else?
[Tae-ju] Okay.
Just watch.
[Jung-in laughs]
It's all right, yeah.
- [Tae-ju] Jung-in.
- Yeah?
- [Tae-ju] I'll send it to you, catch it.
- Okay.
Mine! [laughs]
[both laugh]
- Now it's your turn!
- Knock it off.
Okay. Hm.
[Tae-ju] Look, the auroras.
Remember when we saw them together?
[gentle music plays]
Sing for me.
Hm? What's that?
Mm. Sing for me.
You mean now?
Come on.
[Jung-in chuckles]
- [Tae-ju] Here I go. Don't laugh.
- [strums ukulele]
[in Korean] Jung-in
[strums ukulele]
[strums ukulele]
Oh my love
Oh my dear love
The distance keeps us apart
You always make me smile
My love for you will never change
Hold my hand
Let's fly high up into the sky
Close your eyes
Smile for me
Hold me tight
The stars are shining down on us
Let's dance away
[strums ukulele]
Just like this forever
- Oh my love
- Oh my love
- Oh my dear love
- Oh my dear love
- Though the distance keeps us apart
- Though the distance keeps us apart
- I will always protect you
- I will always protect you
- My love for you will never change
- My love for you will never change
[both hum]
[continue humming]
- My love for you will never change
- My love for you will never change
- Oh my love
- Oh my love
[melancholy orchestral music plays]
[man in English] "Or to take arms
against a sea of troubles,
and by opposing, end them."
[quirky music plays]
Ah, yeah. [exhales]
"Where love is great...
the littlest doubts are fear."
What is this?
Uh... Well, I'm working on something.
Right. I see that.
Doing this helps him memorize quicker.
Ah, Jin-gu, let's continue.
Ah, "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind
to suffer the slings and arrows..."
[man] Oh, no, no, no, no.
Don't spin. Just, uh...
[sighs] Let's just try it
without the lines.
[woman sighs]
[woman] All right, then.
I guess I'll take a look.
Then, I'm gonna call him for you.
[Jin-gu] Grandma! Grandma!
Grandma, hello! Have you been doing well?
[grandma breathes shakily]
[Jin-gu] It's really nice here. Thank you.
[gentle music plays]
Oh, why are you crying, Grandma?
I love it here. Want me to show you?
Isn't it amazing?
Wow, I can't believe I'm in London.
Oh, right, before I forget,
all the kimchi you made for me
is so delicious, Grandma.
Thank you.
[Jin-gu] And I have good news to tell you.
Guess what? I'll be in Hamlet, Grandma.
You know Hamlet.
Hamlet? Are you playing Hamlet?
Oh, no. No, I'm not Hamlet. I wish though.
I don't have any lines yet.
Jin-gu, honey, oh my,
what are you wearing?
Don't you have something nicer?
[Jin-gu] What's wrong with my clothes?
I better go, okay?
Let's talk soon, all right?
See you!
Okay, okay.
What do I need to do
to buy him new clothes?
Uh, just... You can tap right here
on the menu and
the options will come up like that.
[gentle music continues]
[music fades]
[jaunty music plays]
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone continues ringing]
- [woman 1] Hello?
- Mm, hi, Mom.
[mom] Hi, sweetie.
What are you doing, huh?
- [woman 2] Hm?
- You what?
I caught you! Noodles again?
Is that jajangmyeon?
- Oh, now what?
- [mom] Hey.
Don't you know
that protein is essential, huh?
So please eat meat, too, all right?
Mom, you can't be
snooping in my phone like this.
[mom] Look at you.
Even thinner than before, ugh.
You're so irresponsible.
What are you talking about now?
I am responsible!
Oh yes, you are. You don't date either.
[chuckles softly]
- Hey, Ma.
- [mom] Huh?
I do date.
- [mom laughs] You can't fool me.
- Hey, I'm being serious.
- Uh-huh.
- So stop nagging.
Wait, really?
- Sweetheart!
- Yeah?
Hae-ri's dating someone.
What's that? She's what now?
- Who is it? Show me!
- Hey, Dad.
- [dad] Bring him, we want to meet him.
- [mom] You're lying, right?
No, no, I'm not lying, really.
- Oh, please.
- Hello.
- Huh? Who is that?
- Oh my.
- No way. Is that your boyfriend?
- Lord, she really meant it.
Mom, Dad, I need to go back to work,
so I gotta eat.
And, hey, seriously, Mom,
keep your nose out of my private life,
okay? Talk later.
- [mom] Hey, hey, hey! Wait!
- [dad] Hey, sweetie! Daughter dearest!
What was that?
You gave my parents the wrong idea.
Why, who cares?
Are you interested in me?
Well, don't be. You'll get burned.
Whatever you say.
[cell phone rings]
- [sighs]
- So, uh, what does he do for work?
[mom] I hope he's a poet like your father.
- [dad] Ah!
- [mom and dad laugh]
[Hae-ri] Mom, Dad, I'm busy now
so I'll call you later. Okay?
[mom] Hey, bring him home soon, hm?
We'll have dinner together.
- [man] Hae-ri.
- [Hae-ri] Hm?
[man] Do you want me
to be your fake boyfriend?
[Hae-ri] Wait, what?
Well, getting nagged like that
must be tough.
[sighs] It's not that tough.
It seems like it is.
I'll just do it for you.
Okay, you asked for it.
Well, good luck.
[quiet orchestral music plays]
[man] Oh?
Oh, no way.
- Is this kid...
- [Hae-ri] Yeah?
You guessed it.
That's me. Do I look that different?
I guess you could say
I'm the living history of Wonderland.
I thought you knew, but I guess not.
[chuckles softly] It's surprising.
Hello, I'm Kim Hyun-soo. Nice to meet you.
- Ah, thanks, sweetie.
- Yeah, sure.
- Hm.
- So, what's your family like?
- Just Mom and my elder brother.
- [dad] Hm.
Uh, my dad, uh, he left us when...
when I was young.
So he probably
was a pretty independent man.
[exhales] Yeah.
[dad] By the way,
do you like poetry?
- Oh, yeah, yeah, I really do like poetry.
- What kind?
Your poems.
Ah. [chuckles]
I look up at the sky
One cat, two cats, three cats, four cats
The cats walk by
And so go I
With twinkling eye
[dad laughs] You're too kind! [laughs]
- Now, why don't we toast?
- Yes, sir.
- [dad] Mm.
- [Hyun-soo] Allow me to top you off.
[all laugh]
Sorry, I was just teasing.
- Thank you.
- No, thank you.
[dad] You know what? I like him.
- [mom] Yes, he's cute.
- [Hae-ri] All right.
[dad] Isn't she beautiful, our Hae-ri?
Naturally. She looks like me.
You're making things up.
She's the spitting image of her father!
[mom and dad laugh]
Hey, let's call it a night.
I'm tired, and you should both rest.
Ah, all right, all right.
Yeah, good night.
Sleep well, Mom and Dad. Dream of me, huh?
[mom] Mm-hmm. Goodnight, honey.
Dream of me.
[jaunty music plays]
[children] Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile
Don't forget to scream
[soaring music plays]
[Bai Li] Do you wanna know
what I'm looking for?
A long, long time ago, there was a tree.
The Tree of Life.
Only one day, a nasty, jealous monster
came along and pulled the tree up
and then tossed it in the ocean. Wah!
Like that. You know?
A very, very long time passed
and eventually the ocean became a desert.
They say the desert I'm in now
was that ocean.
A vast ocean.
- You said you wanna be an archaeologist?
- Mm-hmm.
In that case, can you guess
what you need to do for that to happen?
I don't know.
You need strength.
Strong legs at least.
Out here, you need to walk and walk
and walk a long way
in order to track down anyone that
used to live out here ages and ages ago.
[chuckles] And how can you get stronger?
First, I gotta eat really well,
and get lots of rest and exercise.
[man] Come on, everybody!
Come over here!
Bye, honey. Mama will call you back
as soon as I can.
[Bai Li] Hey, Stella!
I knew it. It was the spot.
[cell phone ringing]
[Bai Li] We need to take a long position.
The shipping sector especially.
Oh, hey, sweetie. What is it?
[Jia] Mama, for my birthday next week,
do you think we can...
Uh, Mama is busy right now.
I'll call you back.
- Bye.
- [Jia] Mama...
[tense music plays]
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Mama hung up too quickly.
[Jia] Hm, it's okay.
You do it all the time.
Do I?
[Jia] Mm-hmm.
- Yeah, you're always busy, Mama.
- [sighs]
[Bai Li] I'm sorry, sweetheart.
Well, I'll never
hang up on you like that again.
So call Mama whenever you want
and I'll be there.
[sighs happily]
[gentle music plays]
[cell phone rings]
[man] Oh, I'm sorry.
I pushed the wrong button.
Did I wake you up?
No, I was awake.
[man] Why aren't you sleeping?
I couldn't.
[man] Why?
[Bai Li] Um, I keep imagining
a different me.
As if I'm inside of a dream.
[chuckles softly]
It's so silly.
[man] Do you think this is real?
What do you mean?
[man] This is just a dream.
[man] Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
[man chuckles]
[Bai Li exhales] You are weird.
[man laughs]
[Jung-in panting]
[tense music plays]
[music fades]
Tae-ju, I...
Did you rest well?
I got some gray hairs now.
It's all because of you.
Well, there's no denying
that this is a miracle.
Please know that he may
still struggle to adjust.
Because of the damage,
there will be cognitive dissonance,
and he may have difficulty
with everyday things,
so don't be alarmed if that happens.
[gentle music plays]
[cell phone rings]
[head thuds on glass]
- [head thuds on glass]
- [chuckles]
[gentle music continues]
Come sit. Are you hungry?
[music fades]
It's nice to be back home, isn't it?
Hm, what should I make?
It tastes terrible.
So terrible...
that I'll have another bowl, yeah.
[Jung-in chuckles, tuts]
[Jung-in] Hilarious.
Gimme that.
Eat up, there's plenty.
Thank you.
[gentle music plays]
[laughter on video]
- Can't hear you.
- Tae-ju, I love you!
[Jung-in] Gosh, it's been so long
since we last went to that park.
[Tae-ju] Do you think
that kite is still there?
[Jung-in] No way.
Mm, there are so many things
I've been wanting to do with you.
[inaudible speech]
Hm. So nice.
[Jung-in sighs] Mm.
[Jung-in sighs contentedly]
[Jung-in] When you're all better,
we should travel again.
Excited! Excited!
[cell phone rings]
[groans quietly]
[cell phone continues ringing]
- [Tae-ju] Hey, Jung-in.
- [gasps]
[gentle music plays]
I just thought
you should get ready for work.
Touching you is so nice.
So I will do just that.
[Jung-in giggles]
[gentle music continues]
- Going all right?
- Mm-hmm.
[Jung-in] Let's invite our friends
over for dinner sometime.
You want me to give it a try?
It's fine. I'll do it myself.
- [steam hisses]
- Tae-ju! Give me that!
Wasn't it hot?
[ice rattles]
Yes, it was.
[Jung-in] Are you okay?
[water continues pouring]
[PA system] Good afternoon,
this is Wonderland.
[jaunty music plays]
[inhales] Well, let's see.
I'd like heaven to look a bit like Hawaii.
That's what I'd like, if you can do it.
Yes, I can make sure.
Hm. So, can we
fire up the service right now?
I want to learn all about it.
Oh, no, sir, I'm sorry.
It begins only once
you have either legally passed away,
or after pronounced comatose.
[exhales] Is that so? Ah, too bad, huh?
It'd be pretty awesome to see.
Seeing yourself can create confusion
and present risks
that can cause the system to crash.
Can I cheat and sign in as another guy?
- [both chuckle]
- No, I'm afraid not.
How about this, then?
Is there a way
to sit in on my own funeral?
Dad, hey, come on, that's a little...
What? It could be kinda fun.
Some people do request that service.
But we have to be sure
you don't remember your death.
At the end of the funeral, a full reset
will take place, just to be safe.
Hm. All right then.
Oh, by the way,
if we're doing this anyway,
I may as well look like my younger self.
Oh. You really were a handsome young man.
- You've got couples' packages too?
- Oh, yes.
Goodness, no way! One lifetime is plenty.
Oh no, no thanks. Your dad and I
aren't going together. Nuh-uh. No way.
Ah, well, okay, then, I suppose.
[clears throat]
[Hyun-soo] Huh?
[gentle music plays]
- What is it?
- Oh, uh...
This woman and this woman
look the same, right?
Mm-hmm. Similar, yeah.
Who is that?
My mother.
Knock it off, you're such a liar.
I'm serious.
[intriguing music plays]
Look up a sec.
[intriguing music continues]
[Hae-ri] Hm.
[cell phone dials]
[man] Hello?
- [Hyun-soo] Hey, bro.
- [brother] Yeah?
Do you remember Dad's face?
[brother] Why?
I think I might have found him.
- What'd he say?
- [Hyun-soo] Ah, you scared me.
Well, it's not him.
How do you do know? Did you ask?
My brother said so.
Our mom's type O, brother is B, and I'm A.
Meaning Dad can't be type A.
Your brother and you,
you might have different dads.
[Hyun-soo] Oh?
Why would you just assume
that you have the same dad?
- Oh, you're right.
- Of course.
Now I'm confused.
Just talk to him and ask.
[sighs] I don't wanna.
Why not?
You make a habit
of digging into someone's life?
What you just described
is the exact business we're in.
- [man] Thank you.
- [sighs] Whatever.
I'm hungry. I want jjamppong.
Jajangmyeon's great here.
I don't want it.
Hey, their jajangmyeon is delicious,
just get it.
Ugh, we also had jajangmyeon last time.
I want jjamppong.
All right, fine. We're ready!
[woman] Yes?
[Hae-ri sighs]
Oh? You're Jin-gu's grandma!
I didn't know you worked here.
I know. I just started here recently.
Oh, so you must have left your last job,
then, is that right?
Oh, no, I still work there,
and I also work here too.
Oh. That must be tiring.
Oh, no, it's... it's all right. [chuckles]
What can I get you?
Uh, I'll have the jajangmyeon,
and a jjamppong for him.
Oh, uh, jajangmyeon for me too.
- [woman] Okay. I'll bring them out.
- Thanks.
[Hyun-soo] She's bought so much.
[inhales sharply] If she keeps this up,
he'll just ask for more.
So, uh, I just...
I just bought him a new car recently.
But he says
he really doesn't like it very much.
Could you possibly peek at it, just once?
I thought that it looked nice,
but I don't know that much about cars.
Hi, Jin-gu, honey.
What is it now?
Just be quick, I'm too busy for this.
[woman] Do you like the car, Jin-gu?
[Jin-gu] No. It's awful.
Do you think so?
[Jin-gu] It's not nice at all.
It's so tacky. I'm not driving it.
All right, I mean, well, then...
What do you want?
Should I buy you a new one?
[Jin-gu] Yeah, yeah, sure. I'm busy.
I need to get to rehearsals. Gotta go.
You're going on stage?
[Jin-gu] Yeah, I already told you
I was in a show.
Oh, then, does that mean I can see it too?
Grandma, of course you can't.
Ah, I see.
Well, all right, then.
Make sure you take photos
to show me later, okay?
Fine, yeah, whatever.
Grandma, by the way, I need a piano
so I can practice for the play.
Oh, oh, oh, okay, a piano.
- All right, bye.
- [woman] Oh, okay, yeah, all right.
Uh, so, do you think getting
a bigger car for him is a good idea?
Uh, we can trade it in
for a new and bigger one at no charge.
[laughs] In that case,
dumplings are on me.
[chuckles] You are so generous.
Thank you so much.
[woman laughs, sighs]
[Hyun-soo] Hm.
Did he always act like this?
[Hyun-soo] She's going
to spoil him rotten.
[Hyun-soo sighs]
[clears throat] H-Hello, I, uh... I, uh,
brought these...
Mr. Kim!
- Oh!
- [man laughs]
- Hey, son?
- [young man] Yeah, Dad?
Show Mr. Kim inside.
Ah, hello.
This was my father's dying wish so...
[Mr. Kim] Oh, I see.
- You're doing well?
- Oh, I'm great.
- You should join me.
- [Mr. Kim] I'd rather not.
- Right this way.
- Mm.
- My, you're balding! [laughs]
- [Mr. Kim] No, I'm not!
- Hey, punk.
- [man yelps]
Wasn't sure you'd be here today.
- Oh, Yong-sik.
- Glad you're here.
You owe me five million won still.
Oh, right, of course. I'll pay it.
Thank you for being here today.
[quirky music plays]
[laughs awkwardly] I was...
Uh, sorry, never mind.
- Thank you again, yes.
- [Hyun-soo] Of course.
[computer dials]
- [computer chimes]
- Ah, hello.
I'm Wonderland travel agent
Kim Hyun-soo, remember?
Ah, right. We met.
I was calling to see how you are.
Been well there?
It's all great here.
[Hyun-soo] Oh, good. I was...
[tropical music plays]
Go on, now!
[Hyun-soo laughs nervously]
Then I'm gonna go.
Yeah, all right.
[Yong-sik] Okay, bye!
Hey, sir, hold up.
Uh, would you like to...
to try out some games real quick?
[both grunt]
Whoa! Look at that!
- [Hyun-soo panting]
- [Yong-sik chuckles]
[Hyun-soo] I can't... seem to wear you out.
[Yong-sik chuckles]
[Hyun-soo panting]
[Bai Li's mom hums]
Jia's sleeping now.
You can call tomorrow. Okay?
[Bai Li] Mom, wait!
Don't hang up yet. Let's talk.
I wanna thank you for taking care of Jia
while I keep on working out here.
You're making it possible
to chase after my dreams like this.
Thank you, Mom.
I went shopping
for some souvenirs to bring home,
but I'm having trouble
finding something you'd like.
What about this?
Pretty, don't you think? Color's nice.
What about your friends?
I can go buy some more. How's that?
Just make sure you tell them your daughter
was the one that bought them.
[mom] Don't buy it. I don't need it.
I don't mind. Or is it not their style?
I can go look for another col...
[melancholy music plays]
[cell phone dials]
Uh, hello.
I'm, uh...
Well, I'd like to...
to cancel the service, please.
Well, it... it all just feels so awkward.
I'm just going
to tell the child the truth.
So I'd like to stop the service
at the end of this month.
Yes. Yes, of course. I, uh...
I understand, yes.
All right. Thanks again. Uh...
[melancholy music continues]
[Middle Eastern music plays]
[man] Bai Li?
How are you?
[Bai Li] Good.
[sighs] Actually, not good.
I'm worried about my mother.
[Bai Li] Mm.
She's not telling me something.
Why are parents
never honest with their kids?
I don't know.
I don't have a parent.
No worries.
[chuckles] It's okay. It's okay!
Did you know I was here?
- Really?
- Mm.
I was
worried about you.
I don't know.
[chuckles softly]
[man chuckles]
[both chuckle]
[Hae-ri] Sung-joon.
Oh, bathroom.
I, uh... I'll be right back.
[Bai Li] Huh?
Oh. Oh, okay.
Sung-joon? [exhales]
Where were you?
Bai Li seemed unstable
so I was checking in on her.
- Ah.
- Is there something I can help with?
Bai Li's service is ending soon,
so I wanted to talk to you about it.
[Middle Eastern music plays]
[gentle tune plays]
Beautiful, right?
My mom liked this music.
We used to dance together.
[chuckles softly]
[gentle tune continues]
[romantic music swells]
[music fades]
- [cell phone rings]
- [Jung-in sighs]
[cell phone rings]
[man] Uh, Jung-in?
Hey, what's up?
[man] Ah, Tae-ju came to see me recently.
He said he wanted work, but I think...
[sighs] Tae-ju
is all right.
[man] Hm?
Tae-ju went there
just because he really missed you.
[man] It wasn't like that.
He was looking for...
That's what it was.
[man] Oh, okay.
All right, we'll talk later, then.
Rest up, okay?
Yeah, thanks, bye.
[cell phone dials]
- [cell phone continues dialing]
- [sighs]
[cell phone continues dialing]
[answerphone] The person you called
is unavailable. At the tone, please...
[Jung-in sighs]
Then where is it?
[electronic voice] Welcome to Wonderland.
Oh, Jung-in.
Hey, is something wrong?
You seem sick.
Do you know where's the acetaminophen?
Yeah, you left it on the top shelf
in the kitchen cabinet over the sink.
It's in an orange bottle.
Look in the back.
Jung-in, is it really bad?
[sighs] Thanks.
And no, I'm all right. Bye.
[distant music thumps]
Hi! Good evening.
[indistinct chatter]
Oh, Jung-in, hey.
Jung-in, I saw an old work buddy today.
He's going to help me get a job soon.
I know things will work out.
All right.
And... who are they?
[indistinct chatter continues]
Don't they seem nice?
They're street performers.
- Who are they?
- Ah, they were at the park earlier.
You said you wanted
to have people over, right?
[sighs] Tae-ju.
You don't act like this.
Really? [chuckles]
I don't act like this?
Huh, okay.
Are you joining us?
No, thank you.
[woman] Come on, let's have fun!
[man 1] Shots, yeah!
[man 2] Let's do shots!
[man 3] Drink up!
[music stops]
[melancholy music plays]
[melancholy music continues]
[melancholy music continues]
[cell phone rings]
Hey, Jung-in. Feeling better yet?
You shouldn't be outside when you're sick.
Hey. Where are you at?
[Tae-ju] Where else would I be?
Space. You knew that.
Let me show you.
I know that.
Why are you still there, though?
[Jung-in] Why aren't you back yet?
Because I can't.
I want to, though.
Well, hurry.
I want you here.
All right. I'll be right there.
Just a bit longer.
[Tae-ju] Why am I a dummy?
You're the dummy.
A big dummy who...
loves me. [chuckles]
Oh! A smile! You smiled!
Yeah, yeah, you're right.
Hey, feel better.
You should get inside.
[melancholy music continues]
[music fades]
- [Bai Li] You remember Kara the fish?
- [Jia] Mm-hmm. [giggles]
Well, take a look at this!
Mama found Kara way out here.
I wanted to show you
before anyone else, Jia.
I'm looking for the Tree of Life next,
so wish me luck.
Only then will I be able to come home. Hm?
Can't you just fly back home right now?
[Bai Li's mom] Jia,
time to hang up the phone.
Eat your dinner.
[Bai Li's mom] Hey now,
your food is getting cold.
Hey, be a good girl and eat, okay?
I'm not hungry.
Mommy is working right now.
Mama can call you again later
after her work's done.
But why? I wanna go be with Mama.
[sighs] Maybe when you're older,
I'll bring you here with me.
Why did you say that? Hey, that's enough.
- [Bai Li] But, Mom...
- Her food's ready.
There. Time to eat.
But I want Mama now!
Don't be difficult.
Mama is busy now.
Mama's not busy. She calls me on the phone
and we talk a lot.
You can't see Mama.
Why can't I?
Uh, how about we go to China?
Huh? Together.
And at my house,
you can meet all your cousins,
have a lot of fun, huh?
I don't want to. I wanna go to see Mama!
Grandma said no.
Quit that. I already told you,
you're not allowed to go see Mama.
Enough whining.
Or else I won't let you call Mama again.
I'm going to Mama!
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone continues ringing]
[Bai Li] Mom, what are you doing?
Are you listening?
Can I see you?
I wonder why my mom is in such a bad mood.
Why would you say
something like that to her?
Taking her when she's older, huh?
Don't be ridiculous.
[sighs] I wouldn't really take her.
I was just pretending
so that she'd calm down, all right?
We're going back to China.
Wait, what do you mean? Why?
I already set everything up,
including her day-care.
Besides, she's making
a lot of friends now too.
It's just not a good time
for her to move back.
We have family there.
She'll have her cousins.
She has no family here.
Come on, yes, she does!
She has her mom, hm?
We'll talk just as soon as I can get back.
And when is that?
We can't wait for you!
You'll never come back!
[somber music plays]
[woman] Bai Li!
Get out!
[man] Get out of here!
[somber music continues]
[music fades]
Tae-ju's not sleeping too well.
At night, he'll wander around
for many hours.
Some nights, he basically just sits there
till dawn in total silence.
I'm not sure who he is now.
I don't understand him anymore.
[doctor] What are the biggest changes
you've noticed, compared to before?
[melancholy music plays]
Well, it's hard to say.
[doctor] Hm.
Tae-ju is also working hard to recover.
I'm sure things will get better soon.
You look a little anxious.
Are you all right?
[music fades]
Jung-in, breakfast is ready.
[Jung-in] I'm fine.
Eat before you go. I made it for you.
I'm running late.
Why didn't you wake me?
- But you're not running late.
- [Jung-in] Yes, I am.
The flights take longer to board now.
Sorry. I'm heading out.
[melancholy music plays]
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone continues ringing]
[melancholy music continues]
What's wrong with you?
Did you look at this?
I wouldn't do that.
Yeah, you did.
Are you hiding something from me?
Don't treat me like that!
What do you mean?
You know what I mean.
[tense music plays]
[Tae-ju] All right, I'm sorry.
[sighs softly]
Never mind. I'm sorry.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone continues ringing]
You're out walking, right?
I can see you from way out here.
Thinking about me on your way to work?
You know,
Earth is looking
especially bright and blue today.
Isn't it?
It's the same as yesterday.
it's completely different
than it was yesterday.
I'll show you tomorrow's Earth too.
Have a great day.
A safe flight, too, okay?
[sports commentator] Has the ball.
And he shoots, he scores!
[all cheer]
[sports commentator] Amazing play!
[melancholy music plays]
[inaudible speech]
[melancholy music continues]
[music fades]
[sirens wail]
[firefighter] Yes, over here.
Over here! Let's do this!
[Jung-in] Excuse me!
[firefighter] Understood.
You can't go in, Miss.
- Just a minute, I need to go.
- You can't go.
- No, there's someone in there, let go!
- Please wait outside.
Wait, there's someone inside!
[detective] The fire started
as soon as Tae-ju walked out.
Doesn't that seem strange?
It doesn't. That's not strange at all.
[detective] You know Park Tae-ju well,
isn't that right?
Yeah, so?
Did he seem like his normal self lately?
[melancholy music plays]
He's been great.
Normal, as always.
Like I just told you, Tae-ju didn't do it.
All right, then.
[Jung-in] You should've been more careful.
[Tae-ju] I didn't do anything.
Were you cooking?
[melancholy music continues]
No, I'm telling the truth.
[Jung-in] Oh, yeah?
If you didn't do anything,
how'd the fire start?
[melancholy music continues]
[Jung-in sighs] Where do we sleep tonight?
[Tae-ju] Should we... go on a trip?
[Jung-in] I've got a flight tomorrow.
To Barcelona.
That'll be great.
You like it there.
[Jung-in sighs]
[Jung-in] Nothing
about any of this is great.
[yells] Seriously.
[Jung-in sighs]
[Jung-in cries]
[Jung-in breathes deeply]
[melancholy music continues]
[music fades]
Grandma, hey. I've been busy, so I...
What the... Who are you?
I am the Wonderland service manager,
Seo Hae-ri. We met earlier.
What do you want?
I'm afraid it's something
about your grandmother.
What is it?
She hasn't been answering my calls.
She didn't get the ski gear she promised.
I was so embarrassed.
Jin-gu, I'm sorry to inform you that...
What is it? Spit it out already.
She passed away earlier today.
I'm very sorry.
She collapsed
on her way to work this morning.
Your Wonderland service
will now be terminated.
Your records will be safely stored by us
until a new request is made.
I wish you the very best.
And to your grandmother as well.
[somber music plays]
[music fades]
[PA system] Attention, please.
This is the final call.
[indistinct announcement continues]
Attention, please. This is the final call.
Ah! Oh, yes, can you tell me
where gate 55 is? I'm a bit lost.
[woman] Ah, you see that over there?
- Uh-huh.
- [woman] It's just on the right.
- Thank you.
- [woman] Oh, you're welcome.
[tense music plays]
I'm s... I'm sorry. Sorry! [panting] Jia!
Sir, over here! Sir! Sir, this way!
Sir, my granddaughter has disappeared!
I need help, sir. Help me, please!
[PA system] A young girl has gone missing
in the airport.
Her name is Bai Jia.
She is seven years old
and she is wearing a brown trench coat.
If you have seen this girl,
please speak to a police officer
or contact the information desk
as soon as possible.
- [cell phone rings]
- [Bai Li] Mom.
Where's Jia?
Vanished! She's just disappeared!
She vanished?
How'd that happen?
- [whimpers]
- [Bai Li] I'm sure she's fine, Mom.
Try not to worry. Did you tell the police?
Did the airport make an announcement?
Also, what was Jia wearing today?
And when did you guys arrive?
I told you it was a bad idea
to move back to China.
What did the police say?
Why aren't you saying anything?
- Mom!
- Bai Li!
Why'd you keep on calling me that?
- Hello, welcome.
- Hello, sir.
[Tae-ju] I want to go with you.
[Jung-in] Let's talk over here.
We'll eat some good food
and take lots of pictures.
- [man] Jung-in, we'll head inside first.
- Sure, I'll be right there.
We can't go on a trip right now.
You're not back to normal, okay?
Don't worry, I'm fine now.
You're not. You're not okay just yet.
Let's talk later.
Just tell me.
- [Jung-in] I need to go in now.
- [Tae-ju] Are you avoiding me?
I'm not doing that.
[cell phone rings]
[ringing stops]
Who keeps calling you?
[cell phone rings]
[Tae-ju] Answer it.
[cell phone continues ringing]
[cell phone continues ringing]
You answer it.
[cell phone continues ringing]
[cell phone continues ringing]
Jung-in, safe travels today.
Hm? Who are you?
- Hello?
- Sorry.
[melancholy music plays]
I just missed you so much.
Okay, let's go together.
I'll tell you about it there.
- [stewardess] Sir, please remain seated.
- [steward] Sir, we're about to take off.
[Jung-in] Tae-ju, wait!
[melancholy music continues]
Travel safe, okay?
[melancholy music continues]
[music fades]
[Jia] Mama.
[echoing] I found you!
[birds chirp]
[echoing] You're right under there!
[Bai Li] Jia.
[sighs] I had such a scary dream.
I was in the desert,
and my baby had somehow vanished.
[Jia] Are you crying, Mama?
You can cry, I'm here.
I'm gonna hide really well, okay?
I'll go hide now.
[breathes shakily]
Wait, Jia!
[Bai Li panting]
[echoing] Mama, I found you!
[birds squawk]
[Jia, echoing] Mama, come and find me!
Please, Jia.
[Jia, echoing] Mama!
[gasps] Wait, Jia!
[tense music plays]
Wait, Jia!
[music stops]
[answerphone] The person you called
is unavailable. At the tone, please...
[cell phone dials]
Is something wrong?
- Jia is missing.
- What...
W-W-What do you mean?
- [static sound]
- How did she go missing? Hey, Danny!
Where are you going?
[static continues]
[tense music plays]
[sighs] I've stayed here too long.
- What do you mean?
- How are you gonna go?
[man] Bai Li!
You can't just leave like this!
[man] It looks like the Tree of Life!
- [woman] Huh?
- It looks like the Tree of Life.
[tense music continues]
I-Is she going somewhere?
I don't know what happened to her.
- Bai Li!
- [static resumes]
Hey, Bai Li!
- Bai Li!
- Bai Li, stop!
[dramatic music crescendos]
[cell phone dials]
[answerphone] The person
you called is unavailable.
[cell phone dials]
- [brakes squeal]
- [Bai Li gasps]
[soft music plays]
- Hello!
- Hello!
[suspenseful music plays]
- Hello!
- [echoing] Hello!
[suspenseful music plays]
[thunder crashes]
[suspenseful music continues]
[dramatic music plays]
[thunder crashes]
Yeah, I'll get back to you
right away. Okay.
[Hyun-soo] Bai Li is awake.
- How?
- I don't know.
And I can't seem to deactivate her.
She's approaching the operating system.
[suspenseful music plays]
[Hae-ri] Try putting up a firewall
to stop her.
- [Hyun-soo] Okay.
- Sung-joon. Sung-joon!
[suspenseful music continues]
[thunder crashes]
Hello? Is this the airport? Hello?
Hello? Anybody hear me?
Anyone there?
Anybody help me?
Hello, can anybody hear me? Hello?
Is anyone there?
[thunder crashes]
[ominous music plays]
[dramatic music plays]
[engine sputters]
[engine stalls]
[ominous music plays]
Mama's on her way.
[wind howls]
[tense music plays]
[horn honks]
[horn honks]
[Sung-joon grunts]
- [Sung-joon] Hurry!
- [Bai Li gasps]
[Bai Li yelps, grunts]
[somber music plays]
This is just a dream.
[Bai Li breathes heavily] A dream?
Do you think this is real?
What do you mean?
If you think it's real...
then it is.
[wind howls]
[static crackles]
[static fades]
[faint tinkling]
[man] Bai Li!
- [Bai Li] My father's name is Bai.
- [man] The Tree of Life!
[Bai Li] And my mom's is Li.
My daughter doesn't know anything.
I always wanted to be her friend.
But I failed.
Actually, my mother didn't wanna do it,
but I persuaded her.
You said that, when I'm there,
I won't know that I died, right?
I want to try again when I go there.
Thank you. That was my dream.
[Hyun-soo] I think we need to erase
all of Bai Li's data.
At this rate,
it could destroy the entire system.
I'll erase it.
[computer alarms beep]
[gentle music plays]
[Hae-ri] And if her family wants her back?
[Hyun-soo] We can make her again.
[Hae-ri] If we remake her,
she won't be the same person.
What do you mean?
That happened to my parents.
I erased them and remade them once too.
In just the blink of an eye,
everything that seemed real turns fake.
It only takes a second.
[gentle music continues]
[gentle music grows]
[music fades]
[knocks on glass]
[woman] Something wrong?
[computer alarms continue beeping]
- [Hyun-soo] This is impossible.
- [beeping continues]
[Hyun-soo groans softly]
The system's shutting down.
Why hasn't Bai Li's data been erased?
Bai Li.
I think there's something
that Bai Li wants.
Something she wants?
Something's different.
Yeah, of course it is, it's an error.
I don't think it is.
Open the network for her.
What are you trying to do?
Just do it.
[melancholy music plays]
All right.
[sighs] How can I say no
when you look at me like that?
[computer trills]
[systems power down]
[tense music plays]
[epic music swells]
[woman] Hello?
What's that?
- Huh? What?
- I'm here at the airport.
Hello? Huh?
[cell phone rings]
[cell phone continues ringing]
[soft music plays]
[Bai Li] Hello?
Can you hear me?
Please don't hang up.
I know this sounds weird,
but I just feel like you can help me.
I'm looking for my kid.
Do you see a little girl around you?
Tell her to stay there.
I'm coming for her.
[electronic voice] Good afternoon.
Welcome to Wonderland.
Our service is currently
experiencing technical difficulties.
We apologize for the interruption
of your call.
[suspenseful music plays]
[brakes screech]
So, where were you trying to go anyway?
To see Mama.
Your mom, huh?
[PA system] Attention all passengers,
this is...
[PA system] We are inviting passengers
with small children, and any passengers...
You're a very brave girl.
[PA system] ...to begin boarding
at this time.
Please have your boarding pass
and identification in hand.
So, did you really
talk to my mama on the phone?
She said that she's on her way here.
She called and asked me
to tell you to wait for her.
So I better wait right here then, right?
[Tae-ju] Mm-hmm.
[Bai Li's mom] Oh, Jia!
Oh! Oh, thank you. Oh, Jia!
My Jia! [cries]
Oh, honey, I worried
so much about you, Jia!
Thank you.
Say thank you, Jia.
Thank you so much.
Well, then, let's get going.
[Jia] Mama told me
that I should wait right here for her.
I want you to call Mama for me.
[Bai Li's mom]
Mama can't answer right now.
I'll explain it all later, okay?
[Jia] I won't go unless you call.
[cell phone dials]
[Jia] Mama! Mama, where are you?
Mama is
at the airport right now, actually.
[Jia] Really?
But where, Mama?
I can't see you anywhere.
[somber music plays]
Mama, but where?
Mama, where are you?
Why can't I see you, Mama?
[somber music continues]
Mama is dead, honey.
[somber music continues]
[somber music continues]
can you still read three stories at night
like you always do right before bedtime?
[somber music continues]
[sniffs] Yes.
Of course I can.
But I don't know.
Don't you think
we should read more than three?
Say, six stories, okay?
[gentle music plays]
My Jia.
I can really tell that you've grown.
Now you really are a big girl.
You'll be just fine on your own, right?
You know what to do?
I know, yeah.
I have to eat well,
and get lots of rest, and exercise.
[Bai Li exhales]
That's my girl.
[Bai Li sighs]
Let me talk to your grandma.
[gentle music continues]
I'm doing well here, Mom.
Mm-hmm. Mmm.
I owe you a lot, don't I?
I'll return the favor one day. [chuckles]
[cries softly]
In the next life,
I can be the mom and you the daughter.
I'll take care of you then.
I'll give you everything you could want.
Oh, honey. [cries]
take care of yourself, okay?
[mom continues crying]
So you have to eat well,
and get lots of rest, and exercise.
Bai Li, I'm going
to miss you, my daughter.
[gentle music continues]
Hey, we'll talk with each other tonight,
so please don't cry.
Stop it, don't cry, don't cry.
[gentle music continues]
[breathes shakily]
[Bai Li] Oh no, your gray hairs
are starting to show again.
[Bai Li] Don't forget to dye it, okay?
[breathes shakily]
[Bai Li] I should be there
to do it for you, but I can't.
- [cries]
- [Bai Li] Sorry.
Please, it's... it's all right. [sniffles]
[gentle music continues]
Gotta get to work. Bye-bye!
[gentle music continues]
[gentle music continues]
[music fades]
[soft music plays]
[computer chimes]
[soft music continues]
- [Hyun-soo exhales] We're back online.
- Yeah.
Seems like you were right.
It seems so.
I wonder what caused all that?
[Hae-ri exhales]
[chuckles softly]
[Hae-ri exhales]
[cell phone rings]
[Hae-ri] Oh, hello, Miss Jung-in.
[Jung-in] Hello, I'm calling to...
Well, I think it's time
to cancel my service.
[Hae-ri] Oh, did you encounter
any problems with the service?
It's not that.
Tae-ju is awake.
[Hae-ri] What?
Tae-ju, he
came back.
Oh, I see.
Then, um, I'll terminate
the service for you then.
Oh, could I possibly ask you a big favor?
[gentle music plays]
Why did you choose space anyway?
I guess it was just
the furthest kind of place I knew.
Since you felt so far away.
[gentle music continues]
[Tae-ju] I should go.
[music fades]
[gentle music plays]
[Jung-in] Hey!
[laughing] Jeez!
- It got stuck. What do we do?
- [Jung-in] What are you doing?
[Jung-in] Wow!
- Ah, you big dummy. Big, big dummy.
- It got stuck.
It's stuck. The kite's stuck in the tree.
[both laugh]
[Jung-in] You're climbing it?
- Wow!
- [Tae-ju] I don't think I can.
- Don't do it!
- [Jung-in laughs]
[Tae-ju] Be careful! [laughs]
- Tae-ju, I love you!
- Can't hear you.
Tae-ju, I love you.
Can't hear you!
I can ride so good now, see?
You can ride solo, now, huh?
[both laugh]
[Jung-in] No, we should
still ride together!
You'll do fine on your own, right?
Just don't get sick.
- [Jung-in laughs]
- You'll be all right.
Hey, quit it!
[gentle music continues]
[hopeful music plays]
[Jung-in breathes shakily]
[Tae-ju sniffs]
[hopeful music continues]
I'm coming home now.
[gentle music plays]
[breathes deeply]
[gentle music continues]
[music fades]
[PA system] Please remember
that smoking is not allowed
outside of the designated smoking areas.
Traveling alone?
Yes. I just came back briefly
to see my family.
But I have to go now.
My work's waiting for me.
- I see.
- [Bai Li chuckles softly]
[PA system] Attention, please. This is
a final call for Luna Airlines flight 57.
Are you going away for a long time?
[gentle music plays]
[Bai Li sighs softly]
Yes, like you.
You know, right?
[gentle music continues]
[in Chinese] I do.
[in English] So you know Chinese.
I do.
[gentle music continues]
- [chuckles] Bye.
- Bye.
[gentle music continues]
[gentle music swells]
[chuckles softly]
[gentle music continues]
[tranquil music plays]
[woman sighs] It's so hard
to find your way around here.
This place is so confusing!
- [Hyun-soo] Mom!
- Oh, hi, honey! [laughs]
Oh, little Kkomi!
[gasps] Oh, you're so cute! Kkomi, hi!
Kkomi, Kkomi. Yes, that's it!
[chuckles] Oh!
Should I switch Kkomi
to your company instead?
Mm-mm. I think pets do better
with their service.
- Oh, okay.
- [cell phone rings]
Kkomi, see you! [giggles]
Oh, hello, sir. Still doing all right?
With that coupon you sent,
I had an amazing meal here.
Ah, that's good to hear.
You should call me now and again.
See, we, uh...
We employees get plenty of coupons.
- Mm. Thank you.
- [Hyun-soo] Yeah. Oh, wait!
I'd like to introduce you to my mom. Here.
- Oh.
- [Yong-sik] Oh.
Gil-soon, hi!
Yes, that's right. It's me, Yong-sik.
- What are you doing?
- [Yong-sik] Such a long time!
He passed away.
He's using our service now.
- [Yong-sik chuckles]
- [Hyun-soo] This is on Wonderland.
[Yong-sik] My goodness, Gil-soon,
you haven't changed at all.
[chuckles softly]
Uh, really? [chuckles]
Well, then, uh, how has life turned out?
How long has it been now?
Goodness, it's so...
It's really great to see you. [chuckles]
- Wow.
- I owe you an apology.
[Yong-sik] Huh?
[Gil-soon] For leaving you without a word.
[Gil-soon sighs]
- Is that how it went?
- [Gil-soon] Yes.
Why don't you call sometime, huh?
We can talk and try to catch up.
How's that sound?
Oh, sure, of course.
You take care, now.
- [Yong-sik] Uh, can I get your number...
- Oh.
[Hyun-soo chuckles]
[Gil-soon chuckles]
[gentle music plays]
[Hyun-soo chuckles]
[Gil-soon chuckles]
[gentle music continues]
[music fades]
[soft music plays]
[humming romantic tune]
[singing in Korean]
[singing ends]