Woodstock (1970) Movie Script

Okay, go ahead.
My name is Sidney Westerfeld.
I'm the owner of this antique tavern...
...Monmouth Valley, New York State.
I was here when
this crowd really came.
We expected fifty thousand a day,
and there must have been a million!
l, myself, was hungry for two days,
because I couldn't get any food in.
I couldn't get out to buy any food.
I was eating cornflakes for two days!
And the kids were wonderful.
I have no kicks.
It was "sir" this and "sir" that, and...
..."thank you" this and
"thank you" that.
Nobody can complain about the kids.
This thing was too big.
It was too big for the world!
Nobody has ever seen a thing like this!
And when they see this picture in
the news, over the moving pictures...
...they'll really see something!
"It's been a long time coming..."
"...because it's been
a long time gone..."
"...and it appears to be a long..."
"...appears to be a long..."
"...appears to be a long..."
"...time. It's a long,
long, long, long time..."
"...before the dawn."
"Turn, turn any corner."
"Hear, hear, you must hear..."
"...what the people say."
"You know that something..."
"...is going on around here."
"But surely, surely, surely..."
"...one day I'm going to have my day."
"Oh, it appears to be
a long, yes it does..."
"...appears to be a long..."
"...appears to be a long..."
"...ah-ha, such a long, long time..."
"...before the dawn."
"Speak out, you've got to speak out..."
"...against the madness."
"You've got to speak your
mind, yes, today..."
"...but don't, no, don't, don't
try to get yourself elected."
"If you do, you'll have
to cut your hair..."
"...and it appears to be
a long, yes, it does..."
"...appears to be a long..."
"...appears to be a long..."
"...time, such a long,
long, long time..."
"...before the dawn."
"It's been a long time coming..."
"...it's going to be
a long time gone..."
"...but you know..."
"...the darkest hour..."
"...the darkest phase, is always
just before the dawn..."
"...and it appears to be a long..."
"...appears to be a long..."
"...appears to be a long time..."
"...such a long, long,
long, long time..."
"...before the dawn."
Hey, Mike, what's the worst part
of running one of these things?
The worst part?
What's the worst part of running one?
I don't know.
You dig it all?
I guess the biggest hassle is
dealing with politics. You know.
Is there a lot of politics involved?
You mean with the cities?
And you got that solved?
Well, it looks that way.
How long did it take you to put
it together. Two, three months?
Uh, been working on it
for about nine months.
Nine months! Full time?
Are you in charge of the whole thing?
But you got backers?
Partners and backers.
Where are you going to go from here?
I mean, are you going
to do another one?
If it works.
Aw, you're really good tonight!
You know...
...this is the most outrageous spectacle
I've ever witnessed. Ever!
There's only one thing I wish.
I sure have to pee!
And there just is nowhere to go!
I believe we're "GOING UP THE
COUNTRY" a little bit right now.
"I'm going up the country,
baby, don't you want to go?"
"I'm going up the country,
baby, don't you want to go?"
"I'm going to someplace,
where I've never been before."
"I'm going, I'm going, where
the water tastes like wine."
"I'm going where the
water tastes like wine."
"We can jump in the water,
stay drunk all the time."
"I'm going to leave this city.
Got to get away."
"I'm going to leave this city.
Got to get away."
"All this fussing and fighting,
man, you know I sure can't stay."
"Now, baby, pack your leaving trunk.
You know we've got to leave today."
"Just exactly where
we're going, I cannot say..."
"...but we might even leave the U.S.A."
"Because it's a brand new
game and I want to play."
"No use in your running or
screaming and crying..."
"...because you've got a home
as long as I've got mine."
"If you smile at me,
I will understand..."
"...because that is something everybody,
everywhere does in the same way."
"I can't see why you called
a friend from the other side."
"There's just one thing
I've got to know..."
"...can you tell me who I am?"
"Say, can I have some of
your purple berries?"
"Yes, I've been eating them
six or seven weeks now."
"Haven't got sick once,
probably keep us both alive."
"Wooden ships on the water..."
"...very free, easy, easy."
"You know, the way it's supposed to be."
"Silver people on the
shoreline, let us be."
"Talking about very free and easy."
"All the ships that
watch as you die..."
"...all they can do is
echo your anguished cry."
"Still I go keep on feeling, why?"
"We are leaving. You don't need us."
What do you think?
Well, what could I think?
We're in the middle of the, of the
situation and we make the best of it.
It's about all we can do.
We were standing on the curbs
watching them come in, uh, last night.
All the townspeople.
It was just like a, an army invading
a town. It's hard to believe.
Do you live here?
No, we're here for a vacation.
Are you having one?
We did, up until last night.
They kept us up for a while.
Who is they?
Is that what you call yourselves?
Well, because that's what
everybody else calls us.
What do you call yourself that for?
Because we admit it. Compared
to everybody else, we're freaks.
I don't think you are. As long as you
behave yourself, there's nothing wrong.
I'm not putting bad connotations on the
word "freak", you know. I'm just...
Don't you think that the word "freak"
itself has a bad connotation?
It's whatever you think about it.
Last time we saw anything like this was
at the Rose Bowl Parade last New Year's.
That's right.
Like four ice cubes
out of the bag, you know.
They wanted to buy four ice cubes?
Yeah, right.
I don't know, what can you charge
them for ice cubes? You know.
It's a great shot in the arm to Sullivan
County, business-wise.
Something we needed.
As far as whether it will leave a
favorable effect later, besides money...
...we'll know when the festival is over.
Uh, they're beautiful people.
Well is this festival
affecting you in any way?
Well, it's kind of overwhelming us.
Put it this way.
In what way?
Just to take care of,
to try to get the people fed,
I would say is one of the main
objectives here.
I know all these young fellows here,
they've got to be fed
and they're going to get hungry.
I hope that they can bring
enough supplies in for, for...
That seems to be the big trouble.
And traffic, that's... well, you know
yourself without me telling you.
What's it done for business?
Oh, come on.
What's it done?
Increased it about what?
As much as you can do.
Put it this way. And more.
I'll say one thing for the young people.
They've been very nice.
All of them. So far.
It's really amazing. Yet it looks like
some kind of Biblical, epochal...
...unbelievable scene!
They're all, you know, like all...
You see these cars,
they're strewn on the sides of
the roads from the helicopters and...
...in all different angles, you know. They
look like jackstraws and stuff like that.
There is this continual flow of people
just riding the stream.
They're going along and it...
Jerry, it was all frozen.
So let's enjoy. It was all I could get.
Well, I mean, I mean,
from a practical point of view,
what do you think,
how could they limit this crowd?
They didn't want this many people
here, really, I don't think.
So you find the control points at
the beginning of the highways...
...and those with tickets are allowed
in and those without tickets are not.
You have to have some control.
You know, when you
have man-eating...
...Barabunda ants coming over
a hill in South America...
...they want to cut them off and stop
them from coming. They make a ditch...
...they put oil in the ditch and
they make a flame.
Now I'm not saying they should put up
flames to stop the people...
...but there has to be some way of
stopping the influx of humanity.
Uh, in numbers, tell me,
how many do you expect?
Two hundred thousand.
Two hundred thousand people
here over the three days?
Where will you put them?
We have contracted for land
surrounding the area...
...setting up camp grounds, water
facilities, toilets, electric, food.
What does it cost to put one
of these things together?
A fortune.
And I suppose the returns
will also be good.
Yeah, we'll probably... I don't, I don't
know what the returns will come up to...
...up to what it's cost or not, but...
...the point is that it's happening.
A couple of million dollars.
In other words, you have to make
two million dollars to break even?
Well, if we're going to break even.
Huh, you know.
The point is that it's
happened and it's working...
...and it's enough for now.
What is it that musicians have?
Are you a musician yourself?
What is it the musicians have that they
can communicate so well to the kids?
I mean, they've always had music.
Music has always been a
major form of communication.
Only now the lyrics and the type
of music is a little bit...
...more involved
in society than it was.
I need something now, let me tell you,
to kind of run as a voice over...
when I'm showing this music on...
If you could, if you could tell me...
...that I can run your voice over
while this music is playing...
...what the music is saying, kind
of, you know, what that's about.
It's about what's happening now...
...and if you listen to the lyrics
and you listen to the, to the rhythm...
...and, and what's in the music...
...then you'll know what's,
what's going on with the culture.
I've got to split.
Can we count on you?
Great, groovy. Thanks.
I'd like... Mike hangs out here.
I'd like to see a little bit of him.
Just natural sound, while he's
getting harassed and bugged. Okay?
Now, goddamnit, I was going
to call you last week!
That means you've got to call me and
I've got to get that thing into the air.
Now I'm going to order
a five-passenger helicopter.
I'm really scared the roads
are going to get jammed up.
If anybody wants anymore rooms...
...shows up with more people
than they're supposed to have...
...tell them they can drop
back fifteen yards and punt!
They've got about as much chance
as a snow ball in hell...
...of getting a room closer
than Middletown.
There's a Holiday Inn in
Middletown, New York.
Let's clear the road, please!
Peel back, peel back there!
Let them through.
Everything has room to flow here.
Please walk...
...on the grass.
Walk on the sides of the road if you're
going to walk through here. Let's go.
How is it out there?
We apologize for the, uh, noise
of the choppity-choppy, but...
...it seems there are a few cars blocking
the road, so we're flying everybody in.
I almost made the worst pun in the world
about high musicians, but we'll skip that.
You know Artie? Artie Kornfeld.
How you doing, man?
Good to see you, man.
Glad you could make the party.
It's going beautifully, man.
Wouldn't have it any other way.
It's really together.
Look at the way...
It really worked out nice, didn't it?
Looks fantastic!
The vibes are so beautiful.
Everybody helps everybody.
Today it feels so great
right here, you know?
How can I ever live on the east
side of Manhattan after this scene?
Yeah, man, it smells like strawberries!
It's perfume! Oh, it is!
"Just Like A Woman"...
...and "Let's Get Stoned."
We're in sync, but you can't
hear a fucking thing...
...because of the fucking helicopters,
so I'm going to quit!
Because of the fucking helicopters...
...I can't get a fucking piece
of dialogue at all, man.
I'm hanging around
blowing my brains out!
We're getting it tied up.
Two or three of the groups are in.
We're just trying to match up two groups
and equipment and we'll be okay.
Can those of you in the back hear well?
Raise your hands please.
It's all right? Thank you.
Marijuana! Exhibit A.
Look at all those people!
The Daily News, in rather large
headlines, still costing ten cents...
See, if you see the,
show the picture in India...
...they won't believe
this is taken in America.
Because their impression
of American children...
...and American ways
is completely different.
All neatly dressed, put on hat
and tie and sitting on chairs.
That's not like this at all.
Wheat Germ, Holly has your bag
with your medicine.
Please meet at the information booth
as soon as you can, please.
Helen Savage, please call your father
at the Motel Glory in Woodridge.
The warning that I've received
you might take it...
...with however many grains
of salt you wish...
...that the brown acid that is circulating
around is not specifically too good.
It is suggested that you stay
away from that...
...but it's your own trip, so be my guest.
Please be advised there is
a warning on the one, okay?
Sam, can you get the monitors on?
Get some more guys over here.
This is going to be the heavy side.
Richard Boch, get back to Eddie
Kramer in the sound truck.
- Watch your fingers right up there!
- Hold it.
Mr. Richie Havens!
"Hey, look-a yonder,
tell me what's that you see..."
"...marching to the fields of concord?"
"Looks like Handsome Johnny, with
his flintlock in his hand..."
"...marching to the Concord war."
"...hey, marching to the Concord war."
"Hey, look-a yonder,
tell me what's that you see..."
"...marching to the fields of Dunkirk?"
"Looks like Handsome Johnny
with a carbine in his hand..."
"...marching to the Dunkirk war."
"Hey, marching to the Dunkirk war."
"Hey, look-a yonder,
tell me what's that you see..."
"...marching to the fields of Korea?"
"Looks like Handsome Johnny
with his M-1 in his hand..."
"...marching to the Korean war."
"Hey, marching to the Korean war."
"Still marching, still
marching, still marching."
"It's a long, hard road..."
"...that he fought so we'll be free."
"That he fought, we'll be free.
Yeah, free!"
"Hey, look-a yonder,
tell me what's that you see..."
"...marching to the
fields of Birmingham?"
"Looks like Handsome Johnny with
his hand rolled in a fist..."
"...marching to the Birmingham war."
"Hey, marching to the Birmingham war."
"Hey, what's the use
of singing this song?"
"Some of you are not even listening."
"Tell me what it is we've got to do?"
"Wait for the bombs to start whistling?"
"Wait for the blitz to start blitzing?"
"Here comes a hydrogen bomb..."
"...and here comes a guided missile."
"Here comes a hydrogen bomb..."
"...I cannot hear it whistle!"
"I can almost hear its whistle,
yeah, yeah, yeah!"
There are a hundred million
songs going to be sung tonight.
All of them are going to be
singing about the same thing...
...which I hope everybody who
came, came to hear, really.
And it's all about you, actually.
And me and everybody around this stage
and everybody that hasn't gotten here.
And the people who are going
to read about you tomorrow.
And how really groovy you were.
All over the world.
If you can dig where that's at.
That's really where it's really at.
Guitar mike, please.
"Freedom! Freedom!"
"Sometimes I feel like
a motherless child..."
"...a long way from home."
"Yeah, yeah, Lord..."
"...singing freedom! Freedom!"
"Sometimes I feel like
I'm almost gone..."
"...a long, long, long
way, way from home."
"Clap your hands!"
"I've got a telephone in my bosom..."
"...and I can call
him up from my heart."
"I've got a telephone in my bosom..."
"...and I can call him
up from my heart..."
"...when I need my brother!"
"When I need my father! "
"When I need my brother!"
"Brother! Hey! Mother! "
"Mr. Richie Havens."
What better way to start than
with the beautiful "Richie Havens."
It's worth it.
Just to see the lights
go on last night, man!
Just to see the people stand up,
man, it makes it worth it.
I mean, I feel there will be people,
you know...
...there are people out there
that really don't dig it.
Very few of them.
But you know, it really is to
the point where it's just a family, man.
All box office people please
go to the main box office.
We don't need it any more.
Somebody unplugged the lines, man.
Let's have a hot mike.
Number two, number three.
You are not giving the world's
greatest three day freebee!
Okay, there's only one way to do it.
There's a way to do it, man.
There is no way.
The only way to do it is
to get into a rap with...
It's okay. Come here. Come here.
This is one thing I was going to wait
a while before we talked about it.
But maybe we'll talk about it now so
you can think about it.
It's a free concert from now on!
That doesn't mean that anything goes.
What that means is...
...we're going to put the
music up here for free.
What it means is that the people
who are backing this thing...
...who put up the money for it,
are going to take a bit of a bath.
A big bath. There's no hype, that's
true. They're going to get hurt.
But what it means is that these
people have it in their heads...
...that your welfare is a hell
of a lot more important...
...and so is the music, than a dollar.
Look, when they hook the electricity up,
a great jolt runs all the way through here.
If you've got the ticket,
you disconnect the circuit and...
...otherwise you disintegrate.
Wendy and Mayar... , Maynard...
...from Fair Lawn, please meet
Jill in front of the stage.
George has a slight problem.
He broke his arm.
Oh, it's on Forty-second Street. Tiny Tim
used to sing there. Did you know that?
Under the name of Robert, uh, Love.
Larry Love!
Could I get the picture, too?
Oh, yes. Toot too, too, too.
Tell me, little girl, what's your name?
My name is Beth Riley, and what's yours?
My name is Hugh.
How do you do? My name is Sue.
I'll see you around.
Ah, here they come, here they come.
My name is Hugh Romney. I'm with the
Hog Farm. And I'm working on a scene.
Some people call it bum trips. I don't
think there is such a thing as a bum trip.
We're working with hobo voyages.
A half an hour after we release anybody
from our section...
...we turn them into doctors...
...and they care for people that were
tripping like they were when they came in.
Now people have been saying that
some of this acid is poison.
It's not poison, it's just bad acid.
It's manufactured poorly.
If you can find out who it is, we...
Anybody who thinks they've
taken some poison, forget it.
And if you feel like experimenting,
only take half a tab. Okay? Thank you.
You know, the Japanese
made that motorcycle.
The Japanese affected that
thing over there...
...with the yellow robes,
or the Indian.
Really does a lot for the music
that motorcycle.
Who's on?
A guy named Bert Sommers.
I think Timmy Hardin is going on next.
So the order of everything
just went kaplooey?
You're closing tonight, honey.
Maybe there'll be
a few more people here by then.
I don't like a puny gathering like this.
I'd like to sing you a song that is one of
my husband, David's, favorite songs.
And let me just tell you
that he is fine. And...
...and we're fine too.
And David was just shifted
from the county jail...
...which is very much of a drag,
to Federal prison...
...which is kind of like
a big summer camp...
...after you've been
in county jail long enough.
See I just, just now got a letter.
I have it with me. About the trip from the
county jail. Manacles on his legs...
...and his arms manacled to his belt.
Well, I mean, it's all worth writing about.
He doesn't care, you know.
And there's only one time that...
...where the first time he felt afraid
in the whole thing, was a couple of...
...I guess guards, or something,
they started talking very loud.
And he started saying...
...talking about the last draft case
that they had been through...
...and "that motherfucker," and "we'll
get you, motherfucker," you know?
He just prayed a little bit harder.
He wouldn't do anything anyhow, but
it's not a very comfortable feeling.
But nothing has happened.
Anyway, this is, this
is an organizing song.
And I'm, I was happy to find out that...
...after David had been in jail
for two and a half weeks...
...he already had a very,
very good hunger strike...
...going on with forty-two
federal prisoners...
...none of whom were draft people.
"I dreamed I saw Joe
Hill last night..."
"...alive as you and me."
"Sez l, 'But Joe,
you're ten years dead!"'
"'I never died, ' said he."
"'The copper bosses
killed you, Joe!"'
"'They shot you, Joe, ' says I."
"'Takes more than guns
to kill a man'..."
"Says Joe, 'I didn't die!"'
"And standing there as big as life..."
"...and smiling with his eyes."
"Says Joe, 'What they
can never kill,"
"...went on to organize."'
"From San Diego up to Maine..."
"...in every mine and mill..."
"...where working men
defend their rights..."
"...it's there you find Joe Hill!"
"Swing low..."
"...sweet chariot..."
"...coming to carry me home."
"Swing low..."
"...sweet chariot..."
"...coming for to carry me on home."
"Well, I looked over yonder..."
"...and what did I see..."
"...coming to carry me home?"
"Saw a band, a band of angels..."
"...were a-coming for me..."
"...coming for to carry me on home."
"Swing low..."
"...swing low, sweet chariot..."
"...coming for to carry
me on home. Home!"
"See me,"
"feel me,"
"touch me,"
"heal me."
"Listening to you, I get music."
"Gazing at you, I get heat."
"Following you, I'd climb a mountain."
"I get excitement at your feet."
"Right behind you, I see the millions."
"On you, I see the glory."
"From you, I get opinions."
"From you, I get the story."
"Listening to you, I get music."
"Gazing at you, I get the heat."
"Following you, I'd climb a mountain."
"I get excitement at your feet."
"From behind you, I see the millions."
"On you, I see the glory."
"From you, I get opinions."
"From you, I get the story."
"Now, I'm a-gonna raise a fuss.
Now, I'm going to raise a holler..."
"...about a-working all summer,
just to try and earn a dollar."
"Well, I went to the boss,
said, 'I've got a date."'
"The boss said, 'No dice, son.
You've got to work-a late."'
"Sometimes, I wonder
what I'm going to do."
"There ain't no cure for
the summertime blues."
"Well, my mom and poppa told me,
'Son, you've got to earn some money..."'
"'... if you want to use the
car to go riding next Sunday."'
"Well, I didn't go to work.
I told the boss I was sick."
"Says they, 'You can't use the car,
because you didn't work a lick."'
"Sometimes I wonder what
I'm a-gonna do."
"There ain't no cure for
the summertime blues."
"I'm going to take two weeks,
going to have a fine vacation."
"Going to take my problems
to the United Nations."
"Well, I went to my Congressman.
He said..."
"'... l'd like to help you, son,
but you're too young to vote."'
"Sometimes I wonder
what I'm going to do."
"There ain't no cure for
the summertime blues."
Ladies and gentlemen...
...The Who!
The word I get is that...
...maybe the best thing
for everybody to do...
...unless you have a tent
or some place specific to go to...
...just carve yourself out
a piece of territory...
...say goodnight to your neighbor...
...and say thank you to yourself
for making this the most peaceful...
...most pleasant day anybody has
ever had in this kind of music.
Well, music is a thing that...
Well, you're obviously
not here for the girls.
Oh, that's good, that's a basic
thing, you know, like...
...there are a lot of girls here
and they're probably...
...a lot freer than,
you know, other places.
I'm sure there's going
to be a lot of balling.
Well, you bring your own coals
to Newcastle?
Are you two going together
or are you just hitching together?
We've lived together for about
four months, or five months.
You know, with a lot of other people.
Kind of what you'd call...
...a communal thing, or someone
else would call a communal thing.
But it's just, we just live together...
...and so we just decided to come down
together because we were coming here.
And like there's nothing, I mean,
no definite thing about...
We're not necessarily going to be
together throughout the whole thing.
So you're not particularly
jealous of him?
Are you two going together?
But you two came up here together.
You like that?
Yeah, I like her.
I love her. I enjoy her.
What do you think about all this?
Well, the way I look at it...
...like I've known Jerry for what?
Four or five, six months now.
When he moved into the family group...
...that I was alr...
that I already knew for quite a while...
...in that time, I got to know him
real well and I learned to love him.
Like, you know, we ball
and everything, but...
...it's really a pretty good thing because
I have plenty, there's plenty of freedom.
Because if we're not going together and
we're not in love or anything like that...
Can you communicate
with your parents?
I can communicate with
them on, on one level.
Now that I've been away
from home for two years.
But at first it was very rough.
...they, you know, they're beginning
to mellow about it.
It's not so hard on them I'm the way I am.
But I can't really communicate to them...
...about anything that's really important
because they just could not understand it.
My mother is really, she really...
...lives in a lot of pain...
...because she's sure I'm going to
go to hell and there's nothing I can do...
...to tell her that there is,
that it just does not exist for me.
So l, there's no communication
on, on those levels.
My father was asking whether I was in a
communist training camp or something...
...in, in the house that I lived in.
I could understand, you know, where
he came from. Because when he...
...well, he's an immigrant, you know.
And so he came over here
to better himself...
...economically and so forth,
and all that other rot.
And, to make it better for me and he can't
understand why I didn't play, you know...
...saying, "Why aren't
you playing the game?"
"Here's all this opportunity.
Here's, here are all these things...
...which have so much value."
But they only have value to him...
...and he can't understand
why they don't have value to me.
But he does have wisdom enough
to know, to allow me to be who I am.
I guess he had some kind of
idea in his head that...
...I will, by doing what I'm doing,
learn for myself how to live.
And that's what he wants me to do,
So he, he can't understand
why I am the way I am...
...but he, he very much wants
me to be that way.
Because he knows that's
the only thing for me.
He started his trip when
he was four years old.
Nothing to do with drugs or anything?
Me, neither.
Do you think that's a cop-out or...?
l, I don't know. L, I used
to be into drugs and...
...I was very heavy on drugs, but...
...now it seems like
it's almost contrived.
It's like drugs and revolution
and the united front and all.
You know, I'm a human being and that's
all I want to be. And I don't...
...I don't want to have a mass change...
...because a mass change only brings
around mass insanity.
I just want to be myself and find
out, find a place where I can...
...maintain some kind of
balance within myself, you know.
I'm kind of like the Hamlet trip,
you know. To be or not to be.
Do you think you could ever communicate
with a guy like Nixon or Westmoreland?
I hope so.
They're doing their thing, aren't they?
I don't know. It's like they,
they're neurotic or psychotic or...
...having fun as they say in
Life Mag... I don't know.
They could say the same thing of you.
Yeah, right. But it's not true, because,
l, I don't need all that power, you know.
Where I can just, I can just sit
here right on this roadside...
...and l, I don't have to become
President of the United States.
And I don't have to go all that way up.
I don't have to make the climb.
Because there's nothing to climb for.
It's all sitting right here.
Do you have tickets to this thing?
How are you going to get in?
I don't really know.
I figured, you know, once I got here...
...l'd see whatever happens
and go along with it.
It's like people that are nowhere
are coming here...
...because there are people
they think are somewhere...
...so everybody is really looking for,
you know, for some kind of answer.
Where there isn't one.
Why would three hundred thousand...
...or a hundred and
twenty thousand sixty thousand...
...seventy thousand people come
to anything just because it's music?
I mean, was music all that important?
I don't really think so.
People don't know, they don't know how
to live and they don't know what to do...
...and they think that if they...
...can come here they can find out.
You know, what it is...
...or how to maintain with it.
It's just like people
are very lost, I think.
America leads the whole
world in several ways.
Very recently, when
I was in the East...
...the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi...
...met me and asked me...
...what's happening in America?
And I said,
"America is becoming a whole."
"America is helping everybody..."
"...in the material field..."
"...but the time has come for
America to help the whole world..."
"...with spirituality, also."
"At the hop..."
"...we can rock to and fro and
never let go, at the hop, hop, hop."
"When the records are playing,
people eat a lot of chicken..."
"...at the hop, hop, hop."
"If you've got a little chicken, share
it with your baby, at the hop, hop, hop."
"Oh, baby, hop! Let's go to the hop.
Oh, baby, let's go to the hop."
"Oh, baby, let's go to the hop!
Oh, baby, let's go to the Hop!"
"Well, let us go now. Let's go to the
hop. Let's go to the hop, oh, baby!"
"Let's go to the hop, oh, baby.
Let's go to the hop."
"Go, go, let's go to the hop!
Let's go, go!"
"We will go rocking and rolling
and stomping at the hop!"
"When the records are playing and the
women start a-singing at the hop!"
"Oh, let's go now.
Let's go to the hop! "
"Let's go to the hop, oh baby.
Let's got to the hop, oh baby."
"Come on, let's go to the hop.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Sha-Na-Na!
Harold, turn up the mike.
Now, very slowly, start coming back up.
Lower the lock and
pull yourself back up.
And then keep breathing
as fast as you can.
Then exhale.
And relax. Then just feel the energy.
These, these are all beginning
exercises of Kundalini Yoga.
Yoga means union.
It's the same energy force that
drugs give you with a rush.
Right? It's, it's the same channels...
...only drugs do it for you
and this way you can do it yourself.
You can do it when you want to...
...and you don't have to score
to be able to do it.
All you've got to score is some clean air.
I learned it in Los Angeles.
And there was only a couple of months
of clean air when I was learning it.
That's hard, too, these days.
But while there's still some
clean air left, it would be groovy to...
...experiment with it like those guys
who have been experimenting for...
...at least six thousand years
and getting very high behind it.
The Kundalini nerve, it's
called the nerve of awareness.
You can't dissect it. It's a current
that runs up the center of your spine.
I don't know if any of you
have ever sat down...
...and crossed your legs and smoked
DMT and watched what happens.
But what happens to me is this big thing...
...goes "uuurrrah" up my spine!
And flashes in my brain!
Well apparently, that's what is going
to happen if I do this stuff and learn it.
It takes years, I guess,
but this is the beginning of it.
These exercises are exercises to create...
...those channels in your body
and to free your body of blocks.
The major block is your solar plexus.
That's why we're doing
a lot of breath of fire.
It loosens the solar plexus.
And there are blocks in your spine and...
...back and wherever you've got blocks,
to keep that energy from flowing.
Go within yourself and
meditate on each breath.
Make each breath a complete breath.
And if you do it right,
you'll be flashing momentarily.
Just keep up, concentrate on your
breathing and hold that position.
Roll your toes forward
so they point forward.
We're going to leave you
with the usual thing.
Only thing I can say, as I said to so
many people, this title, just about...
...puts it all into focus. It's called
"With A Little Help From My Friends."
Remember it.
"What would you do if
I sang out of tune..."
"...would you stand up
and walk out on me?"
"Lend me your ears and
I'll sing you a song."
"I will try not to sing
out of tune, yes."
"Oh, I'll get by..."
"...with a little help from my friends."
"Well, I never come up alive."
"Hey, there are so many ways."
"Well, I'm going back
there for my friends."
"What do I do when my love is away?"
"Does it worry you to be alone?"
"Ho, no, no."
"How do I feel at the end of the day?"
"Are you sad because
you're on your own?"
"I'll tell, never say it any more."
"Going to get a little
help from my friends."
"I've got to buy favors for them."
"Don't bother about the love I gave."
"Help me find my way."
"Do you need anybody?"
"Oh, I need someone to love."
"Could it be anybody?"
"Oh, I need somebody..."
"...to dream about. I know her."
"Oh, I love her."
"Well, I'm going there,
I'm going there."
"Then I'm going to say
that I'll know my way."
"Don't you know I care for my friends?"
"Would you believe in
a love at first sight?"
"I'm sure that it happens all the time."
"You know it does."
"What do you see when
you turn out the light?"
"I don't see nothing."
"I told you I get a lift, I've got
to have a lift from my friends."
"Nobody cares the way I feel now."
"Oh, I sat there all alone."
"Do you need anybody?"
"Oh, Lord, I don't need anybody."
"Could it be that you're lonely?"
"Oh, Lord, I love her. I'll stand by."
"Going to dream about her, I know I am."
"Somebody said, 'Oh, I love her'."
"I've got to get my friends, I've
got to get my friends to go..."
"Don't you know I said,
there before your eyes...?"
"...l've got to get
my friends together."
"All I've got to do is that now."
"I'm going to take them
home with me now."
"You've got to get
all your friends now."
"...you've got to get
all your friends now."
"Nobody goes away..."
"...nobody goes away, yeah."
"You've got your friends,
you've got your friends..."
"...you've got your friends, yeah."
"With a little help from my friends."
"Got to have love from my friends."
The Grease Band and myself
thank you all very much, indeed.
See you again! Beautiful!
It looks like we're going to get a
little bit of rain, so you better cover up.
If it does and if we should have
any slight power problems...
...just cool it out. We'll sit
here with you. It will be okay.
All right, everybody, just sit down,
wrap yourself up.
We're going to have to ride it out.
Hold on to your neighbor, man.
Please get off those towers!
We don't need any extra weight on them!
Please move away from the towers.
The lamps might give us a problem.
Everybody who is in the
back, please move back.
We have to get away from these towers.
Please move away from the towers!
Put the mike stands down on the floor.
Cover all the equipment.
Let's keep it nice and cool.
We'll be back with Country Joe in just
a second as soon as we get set up.
Okay, so come on down off the towers.
Hey, if you think really hard,
maybe we can stop this rain! Yeah.
Please move away from the towers.
Jody, get off the stage.
The wind is blowing this way.
Please be on this side of the towers.
Everyone in the back, please move back.
Just take it calm and easy.
I see it. Please move
away from the towers.
I think the wind has run through it.
It is okay?
Give us some room. Go slowly,
but move back. It will be cool.
Just move away from those towers!
We don't want one
of those lamps to be blown. Please!
That's it. Everybody just help get
away from the towers and clear them.
And look up, very seriously. Let's
think hard to get rid of it, please.
No rain! No rain! No rain!
Keep thinking it!
Keep your eyes on those towers.
It's going to blow through.
Try and keep yourselves comfortable.
And keep an eye on the towers.
Hey, cut the power off
up there, all right?
What do you want?
We're going to have to turn off
some microphones for a minute.
Hang in there with us.
God bless you and watch those towers.
Let me get down with the mike.
Oh, can I talk to you a minute?
Sure. What do you want to know?
Do you like the rain?
Yes, yes. It's nice.
It, it gets you clean.
What are you thinking about?
Does, is this encouraging, or what?
Definitely not. It's great! Just a
little added attraction, that's all.
You, at least, you don't have
to wait for clothes to get dry.
Groovy! I dig it! I dig it!
Do you think it's coming off well
with all those fuck-ups, or what?
Yes. The only, the only
hassle is the mud, that's all.
Does this discourage you at all?
Or is it all right?
Mud. A drag!
I can't believe it!
Do you feel discouraged at all,
or is this all right?
It's a bummer!
It's fine.
Peace, brother!
I've got something to say.
I want to know how come the Fascist
pigs have been seeding the clouds?
Right! For the last hour and a half.
Going over twice with that, with all...
...with all the smoke coming out of them,
seeding the clouds.
I want to know, know why that
stuff is going down there.
And why doesn't the media
report that stuff to the people?
You want to talk about what's happened?
I'm telling you these planes...
...come over an hour and a half
and they seeded all the clouds.
This is the second time
they did it today!
I don't know what they
hope to prove, man.
What's going on here?
Sharon Silverstein,
return home immediately.
Your father has been taken
for open heart surgery.
Please stop at the
information booth right away.
The first Aquarian Exposition.
The forecast for this afternoon is...
...intermittent entertainment
between intermittent showers.
Somebody was saying this is the
second largest city in New York.
There's been no police.
There's been no trouble.
If you check the statistics out...
...you'll find that...
...these people have lived,
over three hundred thousand people...
...have lived together peacefully,
loving each other...
...feeling for each other, want,
needing for each other...
...and wanting to make
this the experience it is.
What are they doing?
They're dropping dry, they're
dropping flowers and dry clothes.
Out of that helicopter?
You said a moment ago that
this wasn't the end of this festival...
...that this was a beginning.
What do you mean, a beginning?
Well, well, look at it!
This is the beginning
of this kind of thing.
This culture and generation, away from
the old culture and the older generation.
And you see how they
function on their own.
Without cops, without guns,
without clubs, without hassle.
Everybody pulls together and everybody
helps each other and it works.
It's been working since we got here.
And it's going to continue working.
And no matter what happens when they
go back to the city, this thing happened.
And it proves that it can happen.
That's what it's all about, you know.
That's the whole thing right there.
Mr. Kornfeld, was, was this
a suc... , a financial success?
From the point of view of
the fellows that put it on?
It was a financial disaster!
Why do you say that?
Well, we just opened the gates and let
everybody in. It's a free festival...
...paid for by the people
who put up the money...
...or the people that are
going to have to pay it back?
Uh, paid for by the people
who bought the tickets.
The two hundred thousand, of which I
don't know how many of them got here.
No, this was paid for by, by
all the people that bought it.
By all the people...
...that had the thought that put it
to the point, to get us in a position...
...to just be a tool,
like, like a vehicle...
...like everybody else.
Just to get it to this point.
You're in the red?
Oh? The company?
Financially? If you tried
to think in those terms...
...when you're talking
about something like this...
...financially, this is a disaster.
But you, you, you look so happy!
I'm very happy!
You can't buy that for anything!
Sure, this is really beautiful, man!
These people are communicating
with each other.
That, that rarely happens
anywhere anymore.
It has nothing to do with money.
It has nothing to do with tangible things.
You have to realize
the turnabout...
...that I've gone through in the last,
in the last three days.
In the last three million years
that l, meaning us, all of us...
What do you mean, the turnabout
in the last three days?
Just to see, just to really realize,
what's really important.
The fact that, that if we can all
live together and be happy...
...if you have to be afraid
to walk out in the street...
...if you have to be afraid
to smile at somebody...
...what kind of a way is that
to go through this life?
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
Waters, Country Joe and The Fish!
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
We're certainly delighted
to be here today.
I'd like to start off
my portion of the show...
...by giving you a taste
of a little something we call...
...rock and soul music.
"Oh, your love is like a rainbow..."
"...your love is like a
rainbow, darling. Now..."
"...your love is like
a rainbow, I said..."
"...your love is like a rainbow,
all around my shoulders, yeah..."
"...performing all around my shoulders."
"You know that your love
is like a rainbow..."
"...falling all around my shoulders.
And I said I love you..."
"...you know I do!"
A lot of freaks!
"Coming in from London
from over the Pole..."
"...flying in a big airliner..."
"...chickens flying everywhere
around the plane."
"Could we ever feel much finer..."
"...coming into Los Angeles..."
"...bringing in a couple of keys?"
"Don't touch my bags, if you
please, Mr. Customs Man."
"A guy with a ticket to Mexico..."
"...no, he couldn't
look much stranger..."
"...walking in a hall with
his things and all..."
"...smiling, said he
was the Lone Ranger."
"Coming into Los Angeles..."
"...bringing in a couple of keys."
"Don't touch my bags, if you
please, Mr. Customs Man."
"There's a hip woman walking
on a moving block..."
"...tripping on the escalator."
"There's a man in the line,
she's blowing his mind..."
"...thinking that he's
already made her."
"Coming into Los Angeles..."
"...bringing in a couple of keys."
"Don't touch my bags, if you
please, Mr. Customs Man."
"Coming in from London from
over the Pole..."
"...flying in a big air liner..."
"...chickens flying
everywhere around the plane."
"Could we ever feel much finer?"
Folk music has come a
long way hasn't it, Arlo?
It used to be the walk down
the road trip, you know.
It's incredible. I heard the
New York Throughway is closed.
This morning we heard
they were backed down...
...on Route Seventeen
with an eight hour delay!
Right. Well, the New York
State Throughway is closed.
It's incredible!
Isn't that far out?
I don't know if you,
I don't know how many...
...of you can dig how many people
there are, man!
Like I was rapping to the fuzz.
Huh, can you dig it?
Man there are supposed to be a
million and a half people here by tonight!
Can you dig that?
New York State Throughway
is closed, man!
Yeah, it's far out, man!
Hey, man, I've just got to say...
...that you people...
...have got to be the strongest
bunch of people I ever saw.
Three days, man, three days!
We just love you!
Tell them who we are.
They'll know if you just sing.
Test. Forty-nine. Sixty-five.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
with us Crosby, Stills and Nash!
"It's getting to the point..."
"...where I'm no fun any more."
"I am sorry."
"Sometimes it hurts..."
"...so badly, I must cry out loud."
"l, l, I am lonely."
"I am yours, you are mine."
"You are what you are."
"You make it hard."
"Remember what we said and did..."
"...and felt about each other."
"Oh, babe, have mercy."
"Don't let the past remind
us of what we are, not now."
"l, l, I am not dreaming."
"I am yours, you are mine."
"You are what you are."
"You make it hard."
"Tearing yourself away from me now."
"You are free, and I am crying."
"This does not mean I don't love you."
"I do. That's forever, baby."
"Yes, and for always."
"I am yours, you are mine."
"You are what you are."
"You make it hard."
"Something inside is telling
me that I've got your secret."
"Are you still listening?"
"Here is the lock and latch
of the key to your heart."
"Yes, and I love you."
"I am yours, you are mine."
"You are what you are."
"You make it hard, hard..."
"...and you make it hard,
you make it hard."
"Friday evening..."
"...Sunday in the afternoon..."
"...what have you got to lose?"
"Tuesday morning..."
"...please be gone. I'm tired of you."
"What have you got to lose?"
"Can I tell it like it is?"
"Listen to me, baby..."
"...it's my heart..."
"...that's a sad feeling in your
heart, and that's what I am."
"I've got an answer."
"I'm going to try and play."
"What have I got to lose?"
"Please come see me..."
"...Thursdays and Saturdays."
"What have you got to lose?"
"Chestnut brown canary..."
"...ruby-throated sparrow..."
"...sing a song, don't be long,
thrill me to the marrow."
"Lacy, lilting, eerie."
"Ring around the moonlight."
"Asking me, said she so free..."
"...'How can you catch the sparrow?"'
"Lacy, lilting, eerie."
"Oozing life, not lamenting."
"Change my life, make it right.
Be my lady."
Thank you. We needed that!
This is our second gig.
This is the second time...
...we've ever played
in front of people, man!
We're scared shitless!
That's near enough for jazz.
I'd like to say thank you again to you.
This is a thing called
"I'm Going Home by Helicopter."
"Going home, my baby."
"My baby, baby, I'm going home."
"Baby, baby, I'm going home."
"Baby, baby, I said I'm going home."
"Going home, my baby."
"Go home, my baby."
"'Go home, baby, I'm going."
"My baby, see my baby around."
"See my baby, see my baby around."
"Love you, baby,
I feel so good tonight."
"Going home, see my baby."
"I'm going home now, see my baby."
"Oh, baby, baby, see my wife."
"Ohh! Baby, going to have more fun."
"Baby, you don't go..."
"...baby, if we don't go..."
"If you don't go..."
"...baby, we don't go.
Man, you hurt me so."
"I love my baby with the red dress on."
"I'm going to shake it on a great big
doll. I'm going to have more fun."
"Go back, baby, baby, I want
to be a half with you."
"I love you, baby, Lord knows I do."
"I love you, baby, God knows I do."
"We're going steady, doll,
that's what we're trying to do."
"Go on, baby, I love that way you walk."
"One for the money, two for the show.
Three to get ready, and go, cat, go, go!"
"Don't you step on my blue suede shoes."
"You can do anything, baby, but
lay off my blue suede shoes!"
"Well, back it up, down in front."
"I've got a baby, mean as she can be."
"Not now, my baby, don't be mean to me."
"Yeah, I'm coming on, baby.
Oh, not sitting, going home."
"Climbing on, baby. Oh, I'm
not sitting, going home."
"Well, baby, I'm not sitting.
Going home."
"Well, shake up, baby, shake.
Well, shake it, baby, shake."
"Shake up, baby, shake.
Shake, baby, shake."
"Well, love you, baby.
I love the way you walk to me."
"Oh, baby, I love that way you walk."
"I'll sit you right down,
knock you off your feet."
"Whoa, baby, I've got a craving."
"I love you, baby, like God knows I do."
"Take your love, baby,
yeah, one more time."
"Oh, do the stomp, do the stomp."
"I gave my baby, I gave one more time."
"Yeah, you quit, I'm
going to see my baby."
"I'm going home.
Home to see my ba-baby."
"Oh, baby, I played the blues for you."
"Yeah, I love you, baby,
with your red dress on."
"Baby, I love you so."
"I'm going home, I'm going home."
"Love you, baby.
Love that way you walk."
"I'm going home."
"Love you, baby. I'm going home."
"Look out, baby! I'm coming to get you!
One more time! Going home! "
"Yeah, home, baby.
Going home, home to my baby."
"Going home. I'm going home.
I'm going home."
"I'm going home, home, home, my baby."
"Going home to see my mama!"
Ten Years After!
Please a warm thank you
for Ten Years After!
Alright friends, now you have seen
the heavy groups...
...now you will see morning maniac music.
Believe me.
It's a new dawn.
The regular guys.
Don't you get a dial tone, or anything?
Yeah, there are some toilets around here,
some of those rolling outhouses...
...like they had in Newport.
You ask for somebody that doesn't exist...
...and then they don't accept the charges
and they know you're okay.
You cheat the telephone company.
Oh, yeah. I'm fine, man.
We don't take the car. We walk.
It's the only way to get there.
Why? Because my mother wants
to make sure I'm all right.
I'm going to call my mother
and father because...
...oh, they think this is going to be
like another Chicago.
Like I'm going to get my head beaten in.
They're terrified. So I'm going to call
and tell them...
..."Ha-ha, I fooled you. I'm alive!"
They've got, they've, you don't even
have to bother bringing your tickets...
...or anything, because they're not
going to collect them.
There's no way they can.
They've got a fence
that's half up...
...and there are people
just sitting in that field.
It's really beautiful.
I'll try. It's like I say, really,
you know how crowded it is here.
It, it's just swarming! What?
Out, out on the ground.
It was nice. We got wet.
All I miss is the bathtub.
Okay. Goodbye.
I didn't even finish
dialing and they said...
It's so great in some ways
and so lousy in others.
Look at the people you're meeting.
Everybody is here for one purpose.
It's ridiculous!
It's getting worse every time.
There is no water. No water,
no food and no medical supplies.
Why don't we pray for rain?
They're telling everybody to go home.
They called it a disaster area.
Oh, that's rot!
They called this a disaster?
You should see,
everybody's happy!
Who are you calling?
My mother.
Somebody may have noticed,
or all of you may have noticed...
...a familiar colored
helicopter over there.
The United States Army has
lent us some medical teams...
...and giving us a hand.
They're with us, man.
They are not against us.
They're here to give us all
a hand and help us.
And for that they deserve it.
There are forty-five doctors
or more.
I know at least forty-five...
...who are here without pay
because they dig what this is into.
Look, it's acid and shit like that.
One kid died, a heroin overdose.
Yeah, another guy died.
Run over, I believe.
The army is really doing
a great job, you know.
All those guys calling them pigs
and shit like that, it's not right.
They've done a good job.
Dr. Jack Maitland, please,
with full suturing equipment...
...your presence is requested.
You've got a delivery to make!
Marilyn Cohen. Wherever
you are, Marilyn Cohen...
...Greg wants you to meet him
at the information booth...
...because he wants to marry you!
There goes Marilyn!
About how long does it take to...?
Well, before it was
backed up, eight hours.
And they've been working at it
and there are still some cats...
...that think they can come here
for Sunday.
And they're stopping them in Monticello
and all that, you know...
...so it's really getting to be a mess.
So, you know what I would do?
I would wait, because this way...
There's no gas in the gas stations.
Because this is the third
largest city in the world.
So I would wait, you know?
Until when?
Until this traffic starts clearing up.
You know, like Monday morning.
I've got to be in North
Carolina Monday morning.
Oh, wow! Do you? Why? A job?
Well, like what? This has been declared
a disaster area.
Because I called
long distance to Buffalo...
...and asked some cats there
and they said...
...it definitely has been declared
a disaster area.
Is there any way to get out?
They're trying to evacuate it today.
So maybe late tonight, you know.
You know, like one.
How are they going to evacuate?
We're not sure. I think they're trying
to get all the cats in the cars...
...and just direct the cars to get out.
I mean, you can try it.
I mean, like it's all up to you, man.
But if your car gets, you know...
Yeah, if you run out of gas somewhere,
there's no gas in the stations.
You're screwed.
Yeah, I mean, like you'd be even more
stuck on the highway...
...than you are here, because...
...at least here there
are a lot of other cats.
I have to get out of here because
there are just too many people!
And I can't leave because
my friends will be lost.
And I can't, I can't stay here
any more. It's too crowded!
We are only taking drastic emergencies.
Nobody worries. Nobody up here
has any money.
You could live and eat here a week
without money, so don't worry about it.
I know, but I've got to
go back to California.
You can get a ride to California, too.
You know, everybody here, it's the
same thing with them, you know.
You just have to dig it and live with it.
About thirty hours, at least.
Thirty hours straight? No naps?
Are you on speed?
No, I'm not on anything.
Blind faith?
Blind Faith is a groovy group.
You wouldn't believe some of
the kids that come in here.
They're really spaced out. Last night,
this cat, this cat comes in and says...
..."If anger is red and envy is
green, what color is jealousy?"
And I mean he's really spaced out!
And you just don't go fucking people's
heads up when they're spaced out!
So I said, uh, "Black, right?
Because jealousy is poison."
He says, "Yeah, but it's got to be
something else than that."
And I said, "Green, because after all,
jealousy is like envy."
"Except that envy is over things
and jealousy is over people."
"A lot of people treat other people as,
you know, things."
And he says, "Wow! Groovy!"
And he walks off
and I never saw that cat!
Another cat comes up and he asks me
to tell him about his wild eyes!
Did he have wild eyes?
He was speeding. Really groovy.
And all the people that come up here
asking, you know...
...if we can page
their freaked out friends.
I mean, like right now
I'm missing my sister.
I lost her. She was on, uh, on mesc.
And I lost her during
Richie Haven's performance.
I've got her tickets home.
I haven't seen her since.
She's all right.
Sure she is.
It's just that I'd like to see her
so I can get home in time.
She's got to be back Monday for Court.
Otherwise, you know, I wouldn't care.
Otherwise, I'd probably
let her hitch home.
City McGee...
...please come immediately
to backstage right.
I understand your wife is having a baby.
John Sebastian!
This is really a mind
fucker of all times, man!
I've never seen anything like this, man!
It's Newport, right? But they owned it.
It was something else!
Just love everybody around you,
and clean up a little garbage...
...on your way out and everything
is going to be all right.
And Chip. My man, Chip.
Aw, you're doing so well, man.
He says to look out for the fence, too,
man. You have to look after the fence.
Like the, the press can only, can only say
bad things unless there ain't no fuck-ups.
And it's looking like there
ain't going to be any fuck-ups.
This is going to work!
I'd like to hear a tune about...
...I guess about those discussions
I was talking about that...
...small circles of friends
around living rooms...
...around pipes, when they weren't
selling any papers on the street...
...and we weren't walking around this
beautiful green place smoking, and...
...not being afraid.
There's a cat, and I really don't even
know his name...
...but I remember
that Chip said that...
...his old lady just had a baby and that
made me think.
Wow, it really is a city here!
But this is, this is for you
and your old lady, man! Whew!
That kid is going to be far out!
"Why must every generation
think their folks are square?"
"And no matter where their heads are,
they know Moms ain't there."
"Because I swore when I was small,
that I'd remember when..."
"...I knew what's wrong with them,
that I was smaller, then."
"I determined to remember
all the cardinal rules..."
"...like sun-showers are legal
grounds for skipping school."
"I know I have forgotten
maybe one or two..."
"...but I hope that I recall them
all before the baby is due."
"And I know he'll have
a question or two..."
"...like, 'Hey, Pop, can
I go ride my zoom..."
"...that goes two hundred
miles an hour..."
"...suspended on balloons?"'
"'And I can put a droplet of
this new stuff on my tongue..."
"...and imagine frothing dragons
while you sit and wreck your lungs?"'
"And I must be permissive..."
"...understanding the
younger generation..."
"...and then I'll know
that all I've learned..."
"...and then I'll know that
all I've learned, my kid..."
"...then I'll know that all I've
learned, my kid assumes..."
"...and all my deepest worries
must be his cartoons..."
"...and still I'll try to tell
him all the things I've done..."
"...relating to what he can
do when he becomes a man..."
"...and still he'll stick
his fingers in the fan..."
"...and, 'Hey, Pop, my girl
friend is only three..."
"...she's got her own bitty
phone and she's taking LSD..."
"...and now that we're best friends,
she wants to give a taste to me."'
"'But what's the matter, Daddy?
How come you look so mean?"'
"'Could it be that you can't
live up to your dreams?"'
No, it's not true, because we're
doing it! I love you. Goodbye.
Ladies and gentlemen, John Sebastian!
Give me an "F"!
Give me a "U"!
Give me a "C"!
Give me a "K"!
What does that spell?
Sing it!
More! More!
Country Joe!
Sir? You live here?
I sure as hell do!
Do you mind if we ask
you a few questions?
I'm right here to answer them.
Have you been affected by this
festival at all? In any way?
What? We lost all of our milk.
We're just trying to put together a film,
to show what the whole picture was like.
You know, from all sides.
How do you feel about it?
Do you want me to
explain in plain English?
A shitty mess!
Tell me, in what way?
No bathrooms.
Our hundred fifty acres.
Gone, that's all.
And we didn't rent to them.
They all trespassed, every one!
Clarence, first tell me
where you want this to go.
Can I ask you a question?
Is it okay if we use your telephone?
Oh, we have none. It's out.
This is a disaster area.
We don't even have a phone.
It's been out since yesterday morning.
Water I can give you.
And I'm sorry the phone has been
out, I had an emergency call.
It's a disgraceful mess, if
you want to know the answer!
What, specifically, has happened to you?
My fields are all cut up.
Our second cutting of hay is going.
Our cows, the milk truck didn't get here.
The milk had to be thrown out.
May I ask you how much money
you made on this, uh, four days?
I have no, no conception.
Did you make five thousand dollars?
have no idea.
It's too private a question?
It's, it's not only too private,
I didn't even have a chance...
...to total up the amount
of purchases we made...
...the amount of money we took in.
We just, uh, haphazardly
sent it to our home...
...and had it locked up until we had
a chance to sit down and count it...
...which would probably be in
about, uh, two to three days.
Would you like to see it again next...?
I'd love to see it again!
You'd love to see it, though?
I can't say the farmers would.
Well, it, it's, it's
a matter of opinion.
What are your feelings
about the garbage?
Where there are people, there is garbage.
You, you can't stop, stop progress.
Saturday night we got word
over WVOS that...
...a lot of kids in town
didn't have anything to eat.
Word went out that everybody should
contribute food.
We went over to the park...
...the village permitted
them to camp there.
A police car went up the street here
with a loud speaker...
...and told the kids to come up there.
And we fed them Saturday
night and all day Sunday.
Excess stuff was taken over to the school
and they flew it to the, to the site.
How do you feel about them now?
Very good. I have a
nineteen-year-old myself.
He's out on the Coast, and I felt that
we've got to give them a fair shake here.
If kids are hungry, you've got
to feed them. I don't know...
...maybe we ought to put, we
ought to put everybody on pot.
And those kids were all happy.
They were all on pot.
Well, whatever it is...
It never should have happened.
If pot makes them happy and no trouble...
...maybe we ought to put all
the adults on pot!
You want a fifteen-year-old girl
sleeping in the field in a tent?
What are you, out of your mind?
It never should have happened!
Do you feel bad about the kids
who were killed in Vietnam?
This has nothing to do with...
It's the same thing. The same thing.
There's no comparison.
People get more excited about the kids
in Monticello than they do about...
Fifteen-year-old kids
sleeping in the field?
They wanted to.
They're all high on pot!
Look, maybe if pot made them peaceful,
maybe we all should take pot!
I was giving them water all along the
road here, right up on the bridge...
...and they were not on pot!
Very lovely children, believe me.
They were selling stuff.
There was plenty of stuff there.
There's no doubt about it.
They had hundreds of kids in that house.
If you have four hundred
and fifty thousand kids...
...and you've got two or three hundred...
...they were selling these,
these blue acid tablets...
...which are bad,
and they were selling them.
True, but figure the law of averages.
If you took 500 adults and brought
them together and had plenty of booze...
...you know what
would have happened?
You didn't see any drunks.
That's right. There was no fighting.
There was nobody stealing.
We had to feed them! What the hell
else was there to do?
There was nothing else to do!
Having a good time?
Very nice.
The water is nice.
We were all sitting on a tree
stump over there.
And the more people got on it,
the lower it got.
About a year ago, I wouldn't have
believed this was the way to swim...
...but this is the way to swim!
It's the way to go all
the time, actually.
Think that's going to happen?
It's got to happen!
You go walking down the street
where all the cars were coming in...
...and it's just the first day,
and it was just beautiful!
Everybody is free.
Everybody is talking.
Everybody is really nude.
I don't think, uh, people
come here to get uptight.
They come here to dig what's going on.
And even if they don't get
into a festival, it's just a groove...
...being with all the people.
You know, you realize all over the
country, they're coming together.
You realize that you're not
the only people in your city...
...who are doing the things you are,
but they're everywhere.
We're taking over!
I think the body is beautiful.
I think skinny dipping is just beautiful
if, if you want to do it, if you can do it.
Some people can't, because all their...
...their environment made them,
you know, feel that it's wrong.
Even though they know in their
subconscious that it's right...
...it's kind of normal and natural, but
we've been made to feel that it's wrong.
Row, row, row!
"Row, row, row your boat,
gently down the stream..."
"...merrily, merrily, merrily,
merrily, life is but a dream."
No, I haven't done
this too often before.
Get it pointed in the right direction!
Well, did I miss any big spots?
Your cheekbone.
Why don't you tell me
something really interesting?
I can't, really, standing
there with the microphone.
Don't worry about it. Don't let it
intimidate you. It's just a microphone.
I know, but it's very intimidating.
Just tell me anything, like
anybody you'd like to meet.
Oh, wow! I don't know.
What did you think about the kids?
From what I've heard from outside
sources for many years...
...I was very, very much surprised.
And I'm very happy to say...
...we think the people of this
country should be proud of these kids.
Notwithstanding the way they dress
or the way they wear their hair.
That's their own personal business.
But their, their inner workings,
their inner selves...
...their, their self-demeanor
cannot be questioned.
They can't be questioned
as good American citizens.
That's kind of surprising
coming from a cop.
I'm not a cop. I'm a Chief of Police.
We've got one more tune for you.
It's called "Soul Sacrifice."
Ladies and gentlemen, Santana!
"I wanta, I wanta, I wanta, I wanta..."
"...take you higher."
"Baby, baby, baby, light my fire!"
"I'll take you higher."
"I wanta, I wanta, I wanta, I wanta..."
"...take you higher..."
"...take you higher..."
"...take you higher!"
"I wanta, I wanta take you higher!"
"I wanta, I wanta,
wanta take you higher!"
What we would like to do
is sing a song together.
Now, you see, what usually happens...
...you get a group of people
that might sing...
...and for some reasons that are not
unknown anymore, they won't do it.
Most of us need approval.
Most of us need to get approval
from our neighbors...
...before we can actually let it
all hang down, you dig?
But what is happening here...
...is a sing-along. Now, a lot of
people don't like to do it...
...because they feel
it might be old-fashioned.
But you must dig that it is not
a fashion in the first place.
It is a feeling...
...and if it was good in the past,
it's still good.
We would like to sing a song
called "Higher"...
...and if we could get everybody
to join in, we'd appreciate it.
"Wanta take you higher!"
What I want you to do, is say "higher"
and throw the peace sign up.
It will do you no harm.
Still again, some people
feel that they shouldn't...
...because there are situations
where you need approval...
...to get in on something
that could be so good.
"I wanta take you higher!"
Now, if you'll throw the peace sign up
and say "higher", get everybody to do it.
There's a whole lot of people here
and a whole lot of people...
...might not want to do it...
...because they can somehow
get around it...
...they feel there are enough people
to make up for it...
...and on and on, et cetera.
We're going to try higher again,
and if we get everybody to join in...
...we'd appreciate it.
It will do you no harm.
"Yeah, I wanta take you higher!"
"Way upon a hill, I'll take you higher!"
"Yeah, I'll take you higher!"
"Going to take you higher!"
How are you out there?
You're staying stoned and
you've got enough water...
...and you've got a place to sleep,
and everything?
Good morning.
What we have in mind is breakfast
in bed for four hundred thousand.
Now, it's not going to be
steak and eggs, or anything...
...but it's going to be good food
and we're going to get it to you.
It's not just the Hog Farm, either.
It's like the Ohio Mountain family
and the Pranksters...
...and everybody else that volunteered...
...putting in their time into the free
kitchens. In fact, it's everybody.
We're all feeding each other.
We must be in heaven, man!
There's always a little bit
of heaven in a disaster area.
So, if you want to make it
back to your campsites,
we'll try and get the food to you.
Or if you stay here, we'll
try and get the food to you.
Now, there's a guy up there,
some hamburger guy...
...had his stand
burned down last night.
But he's still got a
little stuff left...
...and for you people that still believe
that capitalism isn't that weird...
...you might help him out and
buy a couple of hamburgers.
Okay, here it comes! Mess call!
Good morning.
Left side of the audience,
stage right here...
...that wants to be fed...
...has got to slowly move
it through the forest...
...to the Hog Farm where we've got about
seventeen lines going, uh, to serve with.
If you start your lines going through
the forest, you'll wind up...
...going into a line
that will take you
right to where all
the food is being served.
Helen Hayman, to the front.
Jim MacLean,
please go to the pink and white tent
hospital as soon as possible.
And kissing builds up your mouth.
Richard Moss and Barbara, meet
us at the information booth.
Cort Ritcher or Greg Hollander, go to
the Ferris wheel at twelve o'clock.
Greg's sister has his medicine.
Okay, Gayle, wow!
S, i, r, i, n, c, i, o, n, e...
...meet your daddy-o at the first aid
station, near the security office.
If you've got food, feed other people.
Bugsy, to the pink and white tent.
Keep feeding each other.
And if you're too tired
to chew, pass it on.
We have a gentleman with us.
It's the gentleman upon whose
farm we are. Mr. Max Yasgur!
Is this on?
I'm a farmer. I don't know...
I don't know how to speak to...
...twenty people at one time,
let alone a crowd like this!
But I think you people have
proven something to the world.
Not only to the town of Bethel, or
Sullivan County, or New York State...
...you've proven something to the world.
This is the largest group of people
ever assembled in one place.
We have had no idea that there
would be this size group...
...and because of that you had quite...
...a few inconveniences as far as
water and food and so forth.
Your producers have done a mammoth
job to see that you're taken care of.
They would enjoy a vote of thanks.
But above that, the important thing
that you've proven to the world...
...is that a half a million kids...
...and I call you kids, because I have
children that are older than you are...
...a half a million young people
can get together...
...and have 3 days of fun and music
and have nothing but fun and music.
And l, God bless you for it!
I see we meet again.
"Purple haze was in my brain."
"Lately things don't seem the same."
"I'm acting funny,
but I don't know why."
"Excuse me while I kiss the sky."
"Purple haze all around."
"Don't know if I'm coming up or down."
"Am I happy or in misery?"
"Whatever it is, that
girl put a spell on me."
"Help me, baby. Help me, baby!"