Working Girls (1984) Movie Script

Why aren't you eating, my son?
You should eat well
so you can grow faster.
Then next year, you'll
be studying at Ateneo.
And when you graduate,
you'll be a Makati Executive.
Oh, don't be sad,
I'll bring you a daddy...
a Makati Executive.
Come on, kiss Mommy.
Go ahead and eat.
I'll go upstairs first.
To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear the unbearable sorrow
To run...
As a matter of fact. Actually.
In fact. In reality.
The fact is. The truth is.
The morning wakes me up
As sunlight fills the room
Another day has
just been born
Another day has
just been born
The streets begin to fill
With people on the move
The city is alive once more
I am a working girl
A busy working girl
Who's workin' hard
to earn me a living
I am a working girl
I'm working crazy, and my man
can't get enough love from me
I am a working girl
Got little time for love
I'm always working...
You're always early.
I'm avoiding the traffic,
since I live in Marikina.
A million things to do
Are crowding on my desk
Oh, what a day ahead of me
But as the day goes on
The job is always done
Oh, what a day
this will become
I am a working girl
A busy working girl
Who's working hard
to earn me a living
I am working girl
I'm working crazy, and my man
can't get enough love from me
I am a working girl
Got little time for love
I'm always
working overtime...
- Good morning, sir!
- Good morning!
- Hi, good morning!
- Good morning!
So are you going to the
Jefferson Yap cocktail tonight?
Yeah, have you heard
their latest move?
Oh, yes! I heard the unconsolidated
is under negotiation.
- Good morning, ma'am!
- Good morning!
I'm really amazed with Jefferson.
- He's a newbie, yet he grows fast.
- I'm quite doubtful.
I don't think so. He
might just be lucky.
He has a good PR
to the government,
he doesn't have any
problem in his debts.
We're the only ones he
didn't borrow money from.
Except now, they're applying for
a big loan package from us.
Well, we deserve
that, remember...
we've been after
that account for years.
They always snob us,
and yet, we still got it.
That's what makes me suspicious.
Carla, do you know how much Farmer's
Bank made from that account alone?
Good morning. From that account
alone last year? Fifteen million!
And this year,
we expect to make 20 million.
Whatever, I think there is
something more to it.
Excuse me!
Dude, make way for her,
you might get pricked.
Suzanne, they'll be appointing
a new Senior Vice-President.
Really? Who?
I have no clue, can you ask
your boss and tell me later?
Alright, I'll take care of that.
- Hi, Isabel.
- Suzanne.
Wow. I envy you,
you always have yellow roses.
- Who's giving these to you?
- Secret.
Maybe he's rich, right?
Bro, I'm sure, it's
a Chinese guy.
If it's Chinese, he'd probably
give her steamed buns or rice cake.
They keep talking, but
we're not even talking to them.
Nick? I rejected him before.
Well, he deserved it.
Alright, Isabel! Bye-bye!
She's pissed, right?
Hi, Suzanne!
Thank you.
- Good morning, sir!
- Good morning!
- Good morning, Ms. Asuncion.
- Good morning, Isabel.
Bring in the papers
of Jefferson Yap.
Yes, ma'am.
- Yes, sir?
- Ms. Galang, come in my office.
I'm coming, sir.
Oh, no!
Good morning, sir.
Mister Guerrero!
Darling, please deposit this.
- Sister, you might want to buy this.
- That's beautiful, how much?
1,500 pesos only, four payments.
I don't have money now, try Nena.
Oh, come on.
Hello, ma'am?
Ms. Rosales, will
you come in, please?
Coming, ma'am.
You called, ma'am?
I was in the ladies' room.
Is my lunch date
confirmed for today?
Yes! I already made reservations.
The file of Jefferson Yap,
have you gotten it
from Joey's office?
Yes. Suzanne delivered it here.
The audited statements you
asked for are not yet there.
So I called the office
of their comptroller.
They will send us copies
later during lunch.
- Very good, Isabel, thank you!
- You're welcome, ma'am.
You still keep getting roses?
How's your
relationship with Raul?
Isabel, Raul has been asking me
about you for a while now.
And I know his style,
he's extravagant.
Isabel, be careful.
You're a very nice girl
and a very good secretary.
I'm sorry to bring this up,
but I'm concerned for you, okay?
Thank you, Ms. Asuncion.
Is it included in our contract
the success seminar series
for our managers?
Yes, but that's for the second part
of our management training program.
I see, and the program will last
for three months?
But after, we'll still be offering
free consultation for the clients.
So actually, the program
is not limited to the lectures.
Well, so, where do I sign?
Just right here.
Edgar, ready?
Remember, love, your
first payment is on the 15th.
- That's three hundred.
- Okay!
- Alright.
- Bye.
This calls for a celebration.
Of course, what do you want?
Dinner, tonight?
Dinner? We can, but I'm
thinking of a more fabulous one.
Like maybe, a trip to the moon.
Why don't we be realistic?
Aren't you going
to Jefferson Yap's cocktail?
I'll see you there
and then we'll see.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
Good morning, ma'am.
Ouch! That hurts.
You know, Amanda,
our executives really need those.
- Well, we do all the best training.
- It's all clear.
- I don't think so. It's all about
- Well, after you.
Thank you.
- Nimfa, did you bring some?
- I have here.
Hey! Is this the same one
you brought last week?
No, this is new,
I came from the distributor.
Nimfa, I want the
Sto. Nio pendant.
I don't have that now.
I'll bring one next week.
Can we move on
to the next account?
And make it fast,
I still have another appointment.
Okay, I'll do that, sir.
You all have your files on the
Jefferson Yap Group of Companies,
and they're asking for a total
loan package of 50 million.
These are for seven companies,
and they're in construction,
trading, textile, agriculture,
- and insurance.
- Joey.
How much does the Jefferson
Yap group owe the banks?
Well, you know.
In my estimate, close to
800 million, if not, more.
How much is their
paid up capital?
I know what you're trying
to get at, Carla, but.
Maybe they keep on expanding,
because it's not their money.
Carla, there's no company
who is expanding with no debts.
I know that, Raul,
but their growth is quite fast.
It's quite doubtful.
Aren't they doing tricks
on their books to look good?
What's your basis
for saying that, Carla?
Sound financial analysis,
or a woman's intuition?
And I also heard,
he's a high roller gambler.
And when he loses, he pays
up using company cheques.
Carla, can we continue this
some other time?
We don't have to decide today.
As they say, "Marry in
haste repent at leisure."
Now, before we adjourn.
I would like to make
a short announcement.
At the next board meeting...
a new Senior Vice-President
will be appointed already.
Aside from our own people,
I am considering some outsiders.
- Any questions?
- No, question.
- Good! Thank you and good day.
- Okay!
Hey, Isabel, you think your boss will
be the next Senior Vice-President?
I don't know, it's hard to guess.
They're betting on Raul Leuterio
and Carla Asuncion.
But I think Carla
will win this one.
When we talk about money
market operations,
Carla can match
Leuterio for sure.
For sure! And do you know the
rumours circling around Leuterio?
There's a secretary here
that he is eyeing.
- Who?
- Who else? But that flirty Suzanne.
She's the only one here who
is more flirty than those gays.
- Hey, sister!
- Hi, Khris.
That's beautiful, black and
yellow, so in this season.
Yes, it is nice,
but I don't have money to buy it.
Oh, goodness.
Rose, I want you
to meet my children.
- Rose, this is Margie and this is Tina.
- Hello.
- Hi, there.
- Margie works in the bank.
And she's an insurance
underwriter in her dreams.
Go and buy that one,
you have a credit card, right?
It's too expensive,
then when my due date comes,
- I don't know how to pay for it.
- What a shame!
Girls, she's the one I'm
telling you, she is Rose...
beautiful but poor.
But look at her
beauty, first class.
Are you going to
kill us in suspense?
- Are you going to buy it or not?
- Look at this, so beautiful.
Are you going to buy it or not?
Go and get it.
Buy it already, use
your credit card.
- Buy!
- Go!
And so...
our seminars motivate
the employee to work harder,
achieve more, therefore succeed.
How many people are you going
to enter in this seminar?
- Depends.
- Depends on what?
If someone else will handle
the seminar, many.
All our officers
in the Philippines.
But if you will handle the seminar,
I'll attend alone. All by myself.
Mr. Gonzales.
Anne, I know we've talked
about this so many times.
I'm really persistent,
because it's important to me.
I'm in a hurry because I only
have little time left.
I'm already 45 years old.
My three children are all
teenagers, and I'm a widow.
While me, I'm married.
Anne, I like you.
Mr. Gonzales, I'm sorry.
You're a charming, gentle person.
I like you, but I love my family.
You are really good
in handling people.
You hit them hard, then gently,
hard, then gently.
Okay, subject matter closed for
the meantime.
- What else do you want to order?
- Coffee, please.
Rose, you look loaded today,
will you pay your debt?
I'm sorry, Marilen.
I don't have any cash now.
My goodness.
Hello, Professional Management.
Hold on, please.
Hello, Sweetheart. It's for
your boss, it's Mr. Ricarte.
You can't pay your debt, yet
you have money for new clothes.
You told me last week,
you'll give it to me today.
Forgive me, Marilen. I didn't
find money to pay to you.
And I used my credit
card for buying this.
Don't you worry, on our
next payday, I'll pay you first.
But it's unacceptable,
I need the money now.
Oh, my gosh, Anne, I'm
getting tired of these clients.
Sometimes, they're fun but
you also run into these DOM's,
those types of bachelors,
but moves like a dirty old man.
I don't pay attention to them,
but some of them are charming.
Oh, Anne, please do
discuss this to Ms. Kalaw.
I have to call up my dad, because
he's leaving for the States.
That's why, whenever the moment
the client is yucky,
I lose interest in the client,
in the job, in life.
- Who needs the hassle, anyway?
- Who needs the hassle is right for you
but some of us poor
souls have to work.
Okay, Anne.
Ms. Kalaw.
Yes, Anne?
Amanda just signed this contract
this morning.
It's a Premium Bank
that needs our seminars
for their branches in Central
Luzon, Tarlac, Pampanga, Pangasinan.
March-April, are you available?
March-April, I thought
I'm in Bicol at that time?
Miss Castillo can handle that,
Premium Bank is so demanding
and their program
is more extensive.
- Okay, no problem!
- Okay, thank you.
You're welcome!
So where were we?
Ah, yes so therefore,
success is a choice
that's deliberately made.
It's not an accident,
if we want to be successful,
we must plan to be successful.
We must intend to be successful.
Yeng, can you lend me 300 pesos?
I promise to pay
you on our payday.
Marilen keeps on bugging me.
Oh my, Rose.
I have extra money by then,
I'll pay you for sure.
If you don't pay up, I'll go
tell the personnel officer.
- Hey, Anne, your husband called.
- Thank you.
I think he's mad.
Marilen, here you go.
- I'm done.
- Thank you.
My debt is cleared.
- Hello?
- Honey, you called?
I had lunch.
Is it still lunch? It's almost
three in the afternoon.
Why did you call?
Nothing. Why?
Is it wrong to call you? Don't you
want to let me know where you are?
It's not like that.
So, did the promotions come out?
- Not yet.
- So, when will they announce it?
I don't know, alright,
I have to go to work.
Oh, Mr. Yap, thank
you for inviting me.
No, no, that's not
Mr. Yap, he's a waiter.
There's Mr. Yap.
- Raul!
- Hi!
We should stop
drinking in public.
I know, we should
drink more in private.
- Enjoy yourself.
- Thank you very much.
- See you later.
- Okay.
As I was saying, the dollars rate
is now 22 pesos.
More than a 100% increase
and it will continue to rise.
So now, it's better
to invest in dollars
than in jewelries, antiques,
or even A la bang.
- Good evening, Mr. Yap.
- Good evening.
Mr. Yap, I'd like you
to meet Amanda De Luna
Amanda, Jefferson Yap,
the Yap Group of Companies.
- Pleased to meet you, Mr. Yap.
- Pleasure is mine.
I thought I'm just
in a cocktails?
What do you mean?
You're here, so
this must be heaven.
And you must be Noel Deputado.
At your service.
Those dollar earners
are really lucky today.
Like you know, our
labourers from Saudi.
The PX foods is wiped out.
But even the local corned
beef now is 34 pesos.
- That's right.
- I don't know how people are getting by.
Look, I'm telling you, Tony,
it's disgraceful.
Where can you find a 40
to 50% interest per annum?
No business is
going to survive this.
- I'm telling you
- Danny!
- Hello.
- Good to see you.
I'd like you to meet my friend,
Ms. Suzanne Galang.
Suzanne, Danny Brando
ofMakati City Finance.
Bless me, Mother.
- God bless you.
- I brought some noodles.
Bless me, Father.
- Hi, Mommy!
- How's my beautiful daughter?
You smell good,
you already took a shower.
- Yes, Mommy.
- Did you miss me today?
- Yes, Mommy.
- I missed you too.
It's already late,
go to bed already.
Kiss Daddy good night.
- Linda.
- I'll go to sleep, Daddy. Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night, Mommy!
- Where's Nicole?
- Asleep already.
But she cried before sleeping.
Why did she cry?
She's like that, because her
mother is always not around.
Have you eaten?
You came home late again?
I came from Jefferson Yap cocktails,
I told you about that last night.
Are you not going to sleep yet?
My goodness, Suzanne, why
aren't you using your glasses?
I don't need those glasses,
I can still see.
That's why you're
always causing accidents.
In the cocktail a while ago,
you broke two glasses.
I don't care,
I'm still beautiful.
I heard they're going to appoint
a new Senior Vice-President.
I wonder if it's you?
I hope so, but there are guys there
who's more senior than me, like Raul.
Why not you? I
thought you're good.
- Do you want me to do you good again?
- No, Joey, I'm serious.
The reason head office brought you here
from Visayas is because you're good.
Why are you so worried? Look
at me, I'm not worried at all.
I'm still young.
Well, if it's not you, then who?
Maybe Raul or Carla,
maybe they're better than me.
It's not always
about their ability.
You can always do it
by using PR and politics.
If you just use your
charm with J.B. Guerrero,
you could probably be the one
who'll be appointed.
Come on, Suzanne,
it's not as simple as that!
It's as simple as that!
The problem with you
is you don't have any ambition.
If you will not be
the next Senior Vice-President,
let's just split up.
I'll just go take a shower.
Looks like, you're
not in the mood.
Maybe it's just the tension
in the office, I'm sorry.
Your mind is wandering elsewhere.
When is your poetry reading?
End of the month,
you're changing the topic.
Am I changing it?
What are we talking about again?
About us!
Oh, Roy, what is
there to talk about?
You're here, I'm here,
and we're both enjoying.
We've been together
for ten years...
I've loved you
ever since college.
I do love you, too.
Usually after a while, those
who are in love get married.
- Oh, Roy.
- "Oh, Roy!"
Roy, let's plan some other time
I can feel now that
my career is moving
and I don't want
that to be wasted.
I'll sleep now, I'm tired.
I won't sleep here.
I'll go home.
I still have to write.
- Arnel.
- Mom.
Hurry up and have breakfast,
you might get late.
Bobby, hurry up! You're so slow!
- Good morning, Mom.
- Good morning.
Wait for the sausage, Isabel.
I can't wait for it,
Mom, I won't eat.
I'll just have coffee, plus, I
don't have any appetite now.
Can you solve this, big sister?
Oh, my! What's that?
Arnel should be
the one doing that.
I did that already last night,
I think he just lost the answers.
Besides, I'm leaving now.
I'm done, Mommy.
- You're not leaving.
- Come on, Mom.
Finish your milk, young man.
- Two, 20, 23...
- Why are you losing your appetite?
- Do you have any problem?
- No, Mom, I don't have any problem.
She doesn't have any problem,
in fact, she's happy.
Every night, she's going home
in a Mercedes Benz.
- Maybe dancing too in a disco.
- Oh, you!
- Ouch!
- You, stop!
And why are you going home late
every night?
No, Dad, I'm doing some overtime.
I told you to look jobs in Cubao.
You keep on insisting
to work there in Makati.
Dad, Makati is different.
Oh, 812 dollars.
Alright, Mom, I'll dress up now.
Wait a minute.
Isabel, I'm your mom.
If you do have problem,
you can trust me.
Nothing, Mom, I'm just doing
a lot of things at the office.
I'll dress up first.
Mommy, will you hurry that up?
I'm already hungry.
Where's my oatmeal?
My bacon and my oatmeal.
- Just a minute.
- Hurry up, Mom, I'm hungry.
Linda, hand me the pot holder.
Mommy, I'm hungry.
Hurry up! Mommy!
- You do the milk.
- Mommy, my bacon and my oatmeal!
What's that noise over there?
You're just adding to the ruckus.
Will that still take long?
I'm running late.
Tricia, help Linda
with the milk, okay?
What are you being upset about?
I'm upset because you're making
your family your sideline
and your full time is your work.
Tony, you know that it's not
the real reason.
You're mad because...
Oh, here it is.
Thank you.
Car do, Turing!
Good morning, Miss Nimfa!
Car do, how's your child?
Fine, Miss Nimfa.
- I just got out from the hospital.
- I see.
And if I wasn't able
to borrow from you,
who knows what might
happen to my child.
That's nothing.
Don't you worry, Miss Nimfa, someday
I'll give it all back to you.
Don't you worry about that.
Oh my, Turing! Look at this guy.
Will you wash your face? You look
like you're going to scare people.
- I'll go ahead now.
- Is your wife here?
- She's there.
- Oh, okay. Bye!
Nimfa, what is
Mrs. Santos saying?
You've been seen with a Vice-President
of a bank several times.
Are you having a
secret love affair?
This is perfect for a secretary.
You must be
kidding, Mrs. Tori bio.
As a matter of fact, you might be
mistaking me for someone else.
I don't think any Makati Executive
will be interested in me.
This is beautiful,
you do what you want,
have any understanding,
don't forget me, Godmother.
This is cute.
That won't be any
time soon, Mrs. Tori bio.
This is all I'm going to take,
how much for all of these?
Seven hundred.
I'll let him in? Oh, okay.
Please come in,
the third table from the right.
Thank you.
Hi, Rose! How are you today?
I hope you're fine.
- So, can I have the payment now?
- Oh, Ms. Nimfa.
In fact, you told me last week,
you'd pay today.
Ms. Nimfa, can I
pay you next week?
You're one month overdue.
You're unbelievable.
As a matter of fact, even a few will
do, just to be able to make it move.
I really don't have any money now,
next week, I will make sure of it.
Oh, my goodness,
you always put me on hold.
I'll put interest
on that, alright?
I promise, next week!
What can I do?
- Hi!
- Hi!
Darling, this is my specialty,
just for today.
Can I see?
This one, it's new.
- How much for this?
- Let me see.
I thought, it's
prohibited to sell here
especially during office hours?
My God, what's this? Avenida?
- Yes? Sure.
- Can you take a look at this?
Can I talk to you later?
Okay, just give me
a minute, I'm busy.
I'll have to go over
it more thoroughly.
- Bring the papers over, okay?
- Yes, sir.
Hello? This is Amanda De Luna.
Is Raul in?
What do you mean, he's busy?
Never mind, put him through.
- Hello.
- Hi!
- Guess who?
- Amanda!
Dinner? When? Sure!
I'll be there. Bye!
Hello, Marie! Amanda!
Hey! Come to the
house for dinner, okay?
You bring Grace and Alma.
I'm introducing you to somebody
who's absolutely exciting,
fascinating, and eligible.
He's a widower.
No, no, he has no children.
Raul, I'm pregnant.
Are you sure?
I'm two months delayed,
and I've been vomiting for days.
Two months? Why didn't
you tell me on our last date?
Because I'm usually
like that, irregular.
Sometimes it's been three months
and I still don't have my period.
But now, I've been
puking more often.
I thought you're on pills?
Oh, shit!
How can I? It's quite embarrassing
to ask people about those things.
And my mom might
know I'm taking pills.
So, what's the plan?
Does anyone know?
Raul, what are we going to do?
What else?
We'll abort it.
It'll just be quick, I'll
handle it, and pay for it.
Raul, this is our
child, this is life.
Look, Isabel, let's face it.
You just can't have the baby.
Don't worry, that's
not a problem.
Isabel, nobody can know about it.
Don't worry, I'll
give you a cheque.
Ten thousand.
What do you think of me?
Twenty thousand?
Mr. Leuterio, please!
This is so hard, this might fall.
That Amanda, because of her,
we got a memo from our boss.
Hey, that suits you, that's
18 karats, very affordable.
Is it true that De
Luna is strict?
It's really annoying,
especially now that her boyfriend
is that womanizer Vice-President
from Premium Bank.
When she's talking to other people,
her eyebrows are always up high.
But when she's talking to
Mr. Leuterio, "Hello, Raul! Darling!"
"Can we go out tonight? Because
I'm having the hots for you."
And she's being fetched at
her aerobics class.
- Oh? In aerobics?
- Yes!
Girls, I remember,
I have an appointment for lunch.
- I'll go back later.
- Hey!
Why are you crying again?
We might be flooded here.
This carpet might stink.
- Evelyn!
- Hey!
It's a miracle, nobody is here.
There's a sale in Shoemart,
the girls are there
and so are the boys,
watching the fashion show.
- Come on.
- There's something I wanted to ask you.
- What is that?
- But I'm shy.
- Go ahead.
- About your...
- Your boss.
- What do you want to know about my boss?
- And to Ms. De Luna.
- True!
Do you know that flirt always wants
to be fetched by her boyfriend?
She is calling here, every
time she wanted to be picked up
from her aerobics,
every Wednesday and Friday.
- Really?
- Yes!
But, where is that aerobics?
Because I think, I need it too.
Oh, it's just there, near
Capezio in Legazpi Village.
I see.
- That's close by.
- Yes!
Hey, you look problematic again.
It's really embarrassing, I think
I'm in debt to the people I know.
Why don't you just listen
to me and take my advice?
Just use your natural resources.
You're so beautiful,
it'll just go to waste.
- Dude!
- Look at that man.
He got hit for staring at you.
Oh, there, taxi! Taxi!
Darling, do you remember
Tina and Margie?
The two ladies I
introduced to you?
They're business girls now.
What do you say?
They earn more in their one night
work than their one month salary.
But Khris, you told me
that the one is working in a bank
and the other in insurance?
Those are only appearances.
Imagine, Margie is
now driving her own car.
And she has her own apartment.
And most of all,
she doesn't have any debts.
You mean when they
shop, they use cash?
You got that right.
I mean, why not?
They have a lot of cash.
All their earnings are tax free.
And no withholding tax.
Just holding.
I envy them, they don't
have any problems.
I'm even ashamed to you.
My debts are high now.
Khris, what should I do?
Oh my! You already
know the answer.
It's just your pride,
that's keeping you on doing it.
My God! It's already 1984,
and you're in Makati now.
You're not in Kidapawan,
Cotabato anymore.
And besides, it's like,
you're with your boyfriend.
The difference is,
they're all different boyfriends.
This is also exciting
and enjoyable.
And we don't force girls here.
If you like the man, go!
If you don't like
the man, then don't.
And we don't have any fuss here.
If you like the man,
the price is clear.
And also here,
there's no receipts.
And here, you will
not think of anything,
I'll do all the work.
By the way, Rose, are you
going to do anything tonight?
Then, go shine your dancing shoes,
and iron your Cinderella gown
and we'll be going
to the disco tonight.
Oh my, domestic problems.
Anne, there's so
many women out there.
They can handle marriage
and career at the same time.
Why can't you do it?
Why do you have to resign?
My family is...
It's getting tough
around the house.
I know you want to
save your marriage.
But Anne, can you really stay
inside the house for a whole day?
Then why'd you go to college?
Master of Business
Administration, right?
Anne, I'm one of the
pioneers of Makati.
I've been here for 25 years.
I know career women like you...
You need to express yourself.
You need the drive
the competition!
The vitality that Makati offers.
Admit it, Anne. You're too good
to be a household mom.
I know, but.
If you want, we can reduce
your working hours
and your late night cocktails,
let's just give it to Amanda.
Well, she really
is enjoying there.
And I think,
you're up for promotion.
Yeah! You're getting a raise
of 30% on your salary.
Mr. Dalmacio, how about
my letter of resignation?
This? No problem.
The reason that I'm here, is because
I don't have a love life now.
I told Joey, to go back to
their town where he came from.
- Bye, Suzanne!
- Bye!
Mister, let's go there,
follow that Mercedes Benz.
Hurry up!
- Hello, Mom.
- Hello, my dear.
Mom, this is Raul Leuterio.
Nice to meet you, I've heard
so much about you, Mr. Leuterio.
- Pleased to meet you, ma'am.
- Amanda, Marie is already there.
Oh, excuse me.
Alright, Mom, I'll change first,
entertain Raul please.
And please don't torture him.
I'm just going to ask him
a few questions.
Good luck!
- Please sit down, Mr. Leuterio.
- Thank you.
Leuterioare you from Basilan?
No, ma'am, I'm from Bulacan.
- So there's Leuterios from Bulacan.
- That's us.
So, you're not related
to the Leuterios in Basilan?
The one with all that lumber.
No, I'm not.
I don't think you know my family.
- My father is a self-made man.
- Oh...
- What do you think?
- He's cute.
And old.
That Raul, ever since
he became a widower.
He courted all the
ladies in Makati.
But he never proposes marriage.
- But he will propose marriage to me.
- How sure are you?
He's here in our house,
that's the first base, right?
Amanda, if he will
pass your mom's test.
If his ancestors didn't come in
the Philippines with Magellan,
he won't pass your mom's test.
I know your mother,
he will give Raul a blood test.
Even if he doesn't pass
my mom's blood test,
he still has the qualities.
Raul is up for promotion.
He is going to be the next Senior
Vice-President of Premium Bank.
Vice-President of an
eatery in Pasong Tamo.
Hey! Mister! Oh!
Who's waking me up?
Hey! Why did you wake
the award-winning security guard
- in the middle of the night?
- No, sir, I didn't.
I'm so sorry, sir.
- What do you want?
- Nothing.
I remembered, I need something.
- Is this where Amanda De Luna lives?
- Yes.
- Here.
- That's corruption.
Yes! As a matter of fact.
Is there a party inside?
- Yes, there is.
- Get inside there.
Listen to what they are talking
about, then relay it to me, alright?
I'll wait for you.
Hey! Wait!
Even if I spy inside,
I won't understand them
because they're
speaking in Spanish.
Adidas? This is leather!
Hi! Hey, Edgar! Can you see
that one in black and white?
That's Margie.
Oh, that's for you,
she's beautiful.
Tony, the one in
pink, that's Tina.
She's pretty, right?
Let's go!
They're already here.
Margie, this is Edgar.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Tina, this is Tony.
- Hello.
- Hi!
- Oh, Margie, this is Edgar.
- Hey!
- Hi, Margie.
- Tony.
- Hi, Margie.
This is my friend, Rose.
- Rose, this is Edgar.
- Hello, Rose.
And this is Tony. Tony, this
is Rose. Rose, this is Tony.
Rose is more beautiful.
- Why?
- Khris, can't I have Rose?
She's a newbie, but wait,
I'll try to talk to her.
The one sitting
beside me likes you.
Crazy! That's a manager.
Then, why did you
come here with me?
She doesn't want to, she's still a
newbie, I'm just breaking her in.
Let's dance.
Holy mackarel!
This Aerobics is hard.
And it hurts.
- Aida!
- Yes!
Hurry up and buy me
seven kilos of Salonpas.
- Yes!
- Hurry!
Bobby, my son! We have a problem.
There's someone who is
blocking out our mission.
For you to have a
Makati Executive Daddy.
A society girl that
speaks Spanish.
But, we will not be defeated.
What is the rate of exchange for
the dollar today?
Crap! Where could
that woman be again?
Hello, ma'am?
Yes, ma'am.
I'm sorry, ma'am,
I was in the ladies' room.
Have you made me an appointment to
the comptroller of Jefferson Yap?
Yes, ma'am, 6:30 tonight, at
the lobby of the Peninsula Hotel.
And next time, Isabel.
If you'll be gone, ask one of
the girls to answer the intercom.
So I don't have to call repeatedly,
because no one is answering.
Hello, office of Ms. Asuncion?
Good morning.
Kindly hold on.
- Hello?
- Hello, ma'am, Mr. Castro is on line one.
Hello, Roy?
Just a reminder,
my poetry reading is tonight.
Is that tonight already?
- I'll try.
- You'll try?
Does this mean, you're not sure?
There's so many
things I have to do.
I have to meet with
this man, Deputado.
I'll just try, okay?
Yes, ma'am?
Coming, ma'am.
Ms. Asuncion?
Ms. Rosales,
haven't I just told you?
If you are going to be out of
your desk, ask one of the girls
to watch over the intercom.
Is that hard to understand?
Isabel, I'm sorry.
I'm just having a bad day.
Do you have a problem?
Come here, sit down.
Isabel, I know you, and I know
when you have a problem.
What's that?
It's hard to tell.
Is it Raul? Are you not...
My God, you're pregnant.
Does he know? What did he say?
He told me to abort the child.
That bastard.
- What's your plan?
- I don't know yet.
But I won't bother him.
He offered me money.
He's afraid that
anybody would know.
And me, I have no one to turn to.
I tried doing Aerobics,
hoping to have a miscarriage.
But it didn't work.
Ms. Asuncion, I'm afraid
my mom would know.
Okay, okay, don't
worry. But first...
Be sure of what you want to do.
If you want to keep the baby,
you have to be strong.
But if you want to abort the child,
you have to live with your conscience.
Now, tell me what
your decision is.
Then we'll see what we
have to do about it, okay?
I know, I should
not court you, Anne.
You have a husband.
But it's really hard to look
for someone like you.
Beautiful and intelligent.
I had a good
marriage with Cynthia.
That's why, I want
to give it another try.
I'm not only in love with you.
I'm crazy about you.
Anne, I can give you a good life.
Eddie, it's all very flattering.
You're so... You're so sweet.
I only wish my husband...
I only wish your husband
was not your husband.
Then you're free.
Eddie, I think we should
stop talking about this, right?
I'm sorry, Anne.
I have a confession to make.
Actually, I've been convinced by
your training programs already.
But, it's kind of
embarrassing to say.
I was really hoping...
that maybe there's an exchange.
Anne, make me a contract.
I'll take your program
for my managers.
Can we start this next week?
I really need it.
All alone, waiting.
And the only pinnacle
is to be granted or to fail.
It came like the wind.
Came from nothing.
Nowhere to go.
A feeling that can't be measured.
Just like a red water.
As beautiful, as shiny...
as fragile.
An imagination that's conceived
from its seed of wander.
A heart that is rich in greed...
is also its absence.
Hi! Congratulations!
- Is it done already?
- Not yet.
After Ricky, I'll read
two more poems.
Oh, I'm sorry, I can't stay.
I have this appointment
with Deputado, I'm sorry.
Congratulations again.
I'm sorry, I'm
late, Mr. Deputado.
Carla, just call me Noel.
- What do you want to drink?
- Double scotch, please.
Two double scotch.
- You know.
- Yes?
Ever since I met you
from the cocktails,
I really wanted to
talk to you again.
Talk about business, talk
about your boss, Jefferson Yap.
I heard your boss is
a high roller gambler.
Five hundreds of thousands.
And when losing,
he is paying company checks.
Look, Carla, that's
I'm sorry, I'm just fascinated
by men with money and power.
- Like you!
- Oh, come on!
Let's have a toast?
Okay, toast!
- Sir!
- What?
You have a visitor.
- Alright, I'll be there in a second.
- Yes, sir.
If you'd like, I'll tell you
all about Jefferson Yap.
But not here, upstairs.
Oh, Noel, you're such a
smooth talker, and you move fast.
We should talk first,
before I consider going up.
But remember.
This is just between
the two of us.
Then in a while,
it's just the two of us.
Of course, this is just
between the two of us.
But tell me first, the system of
your books and your trade secrets.
It's like this...
- Ma'am!
- Oh, goodness!
- Ouch!
- Oh my God.
I'm sorry, ma'am,
I didn't know you're like that.
Oh, Noel, your
style is interesting.
So now, can we go upstairs?
Wait here, I'll
just get us a room.
Hi, Raul!
Your pad is really beautiful.
Nimfa, how did you find my home?
I just asked it from your office.
It's your fault,
you haven't called me in a while.
I've just been busy.
Well, that's how it is,
when you have a new girlfriend.
Girlfriend? What girlfriend?
I don't have any girlfriend.
Oh, Raul, you're
such a sweet talker.
Sweetheart, you could have just
told me before
that you're already
getting tired of me.
Don't be melodramatic.
Don't be melodramatic,
what don't you like about me?
It's not like that,
I do still like you.
Really? Show me.
Hold on a second! Wait!
Oh, my God! Why
are you doing that?
It's so disgusting!
My God, please forgive them.
Yes, ma'am?
Has Mr. Leuterio called yet?
Not yet, ma'am.
Tell the driver we'll be leaving.
- Raul!
- Oh, my goodness.
Well, Anne, what did I tell you?
You've got Eddie Gonzales to
sign, now he's our biggest client.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
You'll get your promotion next week,
you're an Assistant Manager now.
Of course, it comes
with many privileges.
And you'll be
leaving your old desk.
You'll be having your own room,
as Assistant Manager.
And of course, car financing
and increase in your salary.
Why? Do you have a problem?
Nothing. Thank you, Mr. Dalmacio.
Tony, guess what? I got promoted,
I'm an Assistant Manager.
Tony, are you there?
We might be able
to buy our own car.
I can't do anything
more, Ms. Buenaflor.
There's just too much reports
about your debts.
You're giving the
company a bad image
and you're a bad example
to other employees.
I think you have no
choice, Ms. Buenaflor.
You should settle
all your obligations immediately.
- If not
- If not?
As Personal Manager, I'll
be forced to ask you to resign
or fire you!
Why? What's your problem?
Khris, I might lose my job
because of all my debts.
Maybe you can hook me up,
just this one time.
That's not a problem, I got you.
I'll arrange everything,
I'll give you a good customer.
I'll just call you, alright?
The warrant should be submitted within
90 days from the date of this letter.
Otherwise, we shall consider your request,
as said known, closed for lack of interest.
Very truly yours...
Oh, Isabel, have you decided yet?
Yes, ma'am.
I've already told
my parents about it.
I'm going to keep the
baby. Come what may.
How about Raul?
Nothing, I didn't even mentioned
his name to my parents.
The child will be
carrying my name.
I won't ask anything from him,
nor receive anything.
He might say something about me.
Isabel, that's not fair.
If you don't want to announce that he's
the father of your child, that's alright.
If you don't want the child to
carry his name, that's fine too.
But you cannot let him get away
completely free, just like that!
What he did to you is not a joke.
That bastard!
Maybe he thought, he could
do that to all the women.
But, ma'am, he wanted
this to be aborted.
I don't want any scandal,
that's too embarrassing.
No, Isabel, you've been abused
before, don't be abused again.
He must not get away with it.
He should be happy that
you're not going to squeal him.
That bastard!
If you don't want
to, I'll talk to him.
- But, ma'am
- Don't worry, I can handle this.
I know what to do.
Yes. Yes. Okay, thank you.
- Oh, Carla, sit down, have a sit.
- I don't want to sit.
Have you heard?
We have a new
Senior Vice-President.
An outsider, Farmer's Bank
Bernie Cordero.
Well, Ms. Asuncion, to what do
I owe the pleasure of this visit?
To my secretaryIsabel.
And, Raul, I assure you, it
will not be a pleasure for you.
Oh my, we're a war freak now,
what seems to be the problem?
The problem is you, Mr. Leuterio.
Raul, stop this game,
I know everything.
Isabel is pregnant
and you want to abort the child
but she has decided
to keep the baby.
Carla. How dare you?
Sit down!
Now listen to me, lover boy.
It is your child that
Isabel is carrying.
You should be thankful,
Isabel is a good girl.
She won't tell that you're
the father of the child.
It is your obligation
to support both of them.
But Isabel won't be using
your name for the child.
A wise decision, believe me.
But if you don't want to face
your obligations,
it's okay!
But don't think you can be saved.
And what is the
meaning of that, Carla?
I want you to sign a document
that you will support them.
Don't worry, no one will know about
this, just you, me, and the attorneys.
Carla, this is blackmail!
No, Raul, this is justice!
Good day!
- Oh, Isabel.
- Ma'am?
I've fixed it already.
He'll sign the document,
and he'll support you.
But next time, Isabel,
learn to fight your own battles.
Don't be beaten by
men, you should fight.
Thank you, ma'am!
Okay, it's okay.
Thank you, ma'am!
- Hey, Suzanne, did you know?
- What?
There'll been a new appointed
Senior Vice-President.
- And the news, it's an outsider.
- Really?
- Yes!
- And who is it?
That's what I don't know yet.
Haven't you got any news?
I'll ask around.
Oh my God!
Hey, don't forget
to relay it on me, alright?
- Yes!
- Alright, go quickly!
Don't forget to relay it to me.
Yes, Ms. Galang?
What's the matter, Ms. Galang?
Why are you so formal?
Are you still mad at me?
Oh, come on,
you're the one who's mad at me.
- What is really the problem?
- Nothing.
I just heard that there's already a
new appointed Senior Vice-President.
Yeah, there is, he's from Farmer's
Bank, and his name is Bernie Cordero.
Bernie Cordero? Sounds cute!
Cute! Oh my God!
He's an old fart.
He's over 40 now.
Much better, he's experienced.
Bye-bye, Joey. See you!
Hello, good afternoon,
can I talk to Mr. Bernie Cordero?
Are you his secretary?
This is Suzanne Galang, from
Premium Bank, can I speak with him?
Okay, thank you, I'll wait.
Mr. Cordero? Good afternoon, sir.
I would like to see you, sir.
This is Suzanne Galang,
from Premium Bank.
Whenever you're free, sir.
Well, why don't you
drop by my bedroom...
I mean, my office?
Okay, sir, I'll be
there in ten minutes.
I'll just cross Ayala, okay, bye.
Are you the secretary
of Mr. Cordero?
- Yes.
- I have an appointment with him.
- Who are they?
- Suzanne Galang.
Mr. Cordero, Ms.
Galang is here to see you.
- You may go inside now.
- Thank you.
She's ugly.
Come in!
Mr. Cordero.
Ms. Galang.
You look so young, sir.
I thought, those who are becoming
Senior Vice-President
are only the old ones.
I came here because, I have a
problem on the bank I'm working at.
I'm the Secretary of Joey
Barredo, Vice-President for loans.
But now, sir,
we don't get along so well.
His girlfriend is jealous
because of me.
So, I was wondering.
- Yes?
- If I could be your secretary?
- Yes!
- I type.
- Yes?
- I take dictations.
I even accompany my boss to
dinners, with clients or without.
Look, Amanda, what can I do?
She barged into my office.
I was about to
call security guard.
But threatened to make a scene, she
told me, she'll take off her clothes.
Raul, she's just a jeweller.
She's like a mouse, hiding
in the corners of the office,
selling fake jewelries,
and you made out with her.
- We didn't make out, she raped me.
- And you let her!
What should I do?
She's stronger than me.
- This is ridiculous.
- It's absurd!
- What will you do now?
- I'll marry you.
Anytime. Next year?
How sweet.
Raul, I love you!
I love you, I love you!
What's the matter?
What's going on around here?
He proposed to me!
I'm getting married!
- What?
- I'm getting married!
Oh my little girl,
my poor little girl.
Are you sure of
everything? Are you sure?
Mom! Of course, I'm sure!
I'm really sick of waiting
for you to be successful.
I'm tired of balancing our careers
so that your ego won't be hurt.
You're so slow.
You just got promoted, and now,
you're acting like
you're the President of Makati.
You're just a clerk
before from Cubao.
Tony, it is not important
where someone came from.
The important thing
is the destination.
And where are you going?
I don't know, but
I'm sure, I'll get there.
Go on your journey alone.
It is not my fault that I got
promoted, because I worked for that.
You worked for it,
or seduced for it?
How many executives
did you accompany?
How many times did you fool me?
How many?
This is crazy.
Do you know what's
your problem, Tony?
You're underestimating yourself.
If you want to be promoted,
then you work hard for it.
Instead of just drinking beers
and complaining all the time.
- Hi, Jun!
- Hi!
- Did I keep you waiting?
- Not really.
- Jun, this is
- Tess.
- Hello.
- Tess, this is Jun.
Hey, he's nice.
So, I'll go ahead,
I still need to go somewhere.
- Want a drink?
- No, thank you.
Shall we go?
Wait a minute. Wait!
You're so good!
You're such a sweet talker.
No. I never had so much fun
with anyone in bed before.
And this includes my wife.
I'm ticklish over there.
And my former
secretary. Also there.
But it's all you, you're so good.
I wished you were my secretary,
even before.
Wait a minute,
how many times did we go out?
I don't think,
I'll get tired of it.
You men always
say the same things.
But after all, the
ending is all the same
when you find someone younger.
Goodbye, kid.
Oh, come on, I'm different,
I'll proveit to you.
I just need that loan of Jefferson
Yap to be approved, then you'll see.
I'll give you a condominium,
and it's all yours.
So, we can have a
permanent meeting place.
Why can't Jefferson Yap's loan
can't be approved?
It seems that Ms.
Asuncion's intuition.
Ms. Asuncion, Jefferson Yap
is a personal friend of mine.
Mr. Cordero,
I can only speak professionally.
That gambling habit
of Jefferson Yap...
Carla, it's all just rumours.
Ms. Asuncion, if Jefferson Yap
gambles, that's his private business.
If you're really
concerned about it,
maybe we could
recommend a smaller amount.
Let's say 14 million?
That's not even one-half
of the line I gave him
when I was at Farmer's Bank.
Sounds reasonable. I'm sure
that's okay with Carla now.
- Mr. Cordero!
- Any objections, Caloy?
- You, Joey?
- No objections.
So you're the only problem.
- But my point is
- Ms. Asuncion!
My dear, we are all here
to make money for the bank!
Now, if we don't approve
these kind of loans
because of your
feminine intuition,
- we won't profit.
Since we have a
clear majority anyway.
- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah!
We don't have any problems.
Joey, can you prepare
a recognition for the board?
- Yes.
- Let's move on to the next account.
Anne, congratulations!
Assistant Manager.
- Mrs. Concio, congratulations.
- Thank you.
All the phone calls will be
transferred to your new office.
- Yes, please.
- Your new local is 06.
Thank you, Rose.
Yeng, I'll pay my debts now.
I'm sorry it took a while,
I just got money now.
After ten years.
- Hi, Rose.
- Good day!
Hi, Miss Nimfa, I'll pay now.
Really? Oh, you look like
you have a lot of cash now.
Wait, I'll just look
into your accounts.
There, 856.
Miss Nimfa, do you accept cheque?
Hello, Anne, I've heard you've
been promoted, congratulations.
Ed, did you just sign the
contract to help me out?
No, I bought because you were
a very good sales person.
I'm sure the other
clients did also.
Let's have a celebration later.
So what? Dinner! Tonight!
Then afterwards, let's see.
What time are you
going to pick me up?
- 8:00 p.m.?
- Fine!
- Okay, see you tonight.
- Bye.
That's why I called.
To tell you that
you're my bridesmaid.
Is it okay? Okay!
Please do tell Grace. Okay, bye.
Anne, congratulations
on your promotion.
But you have to
congratulate me too.
Oh, why?
I'm getting married!
Amanda, are you kidding me?
No! I'm not kidding.
And who's the lucky man?
Raul Leuterio!
Vice President of Premium Bank.
You've already met him
at the cocktail party, remember?
He's dark, he
dresses beautifully!
It's just that when we're
together, I feel happy.
Nice legs.
Alright, next time, I
have to leave now.
- Oh, why?
- Next week! Tomorrow!
I'm going crazy
with preparations.
Where's the seminar?
Down the corridor,
last door to your right.
Excuse me.
- I'm Max, what's your name?
- Rose.
- What's your waistline?
- Twenty-three.
Perfect! I'll be back.
I'm sorry.
I can't.
It's like...
taking advantage of my...
Mind a, the kids?
They were vomiting a while ago.
Alright, I'll be going home now.
Car do! Hurry up, help me!
I have a problem.
Turing, that scary face you have,
I badly need it, alright?
What's the matter, Miss Nimfa?
Someone's bothering you?
No! Come here.
Someone didn't pay
their debts to you?
No, not that.
Come here, the three of you.
My good record would be wasted.
- Good morning, ma'am.
- Good morning, Ms. Asuncion.
Hello, ma'am, there's an emergency
meeting to all the officers
at the boardroom.
It was called by Mr. J.B.
As you all know, the entire banking
system is in a serious crisis.
The Farmer's Bank, which granted
the biggest loans to the group
of Jefferson Yap might capsize.
They're asking emergency
assistance to the Central Bank.
We also have the possibility
to be in that situation too.
Unless we act quickly
to regain the trust and
confidence of our depositors.
This morning, you
will be given pointers
on how best to
deal with this crisis.
Let's implement them immediately.
So, I cannot stay long.
There's an emergency meeting
at theBankers Association.
But before I go,
please be informed
that our Senior Vice-President,
Mr. Bernie Cordero, has resigned.
Roy, why are you here?
Oh, it's such a nice day.
I'd like to ask you to marry me.
Roy, are we going to
talk about this again?
I'm very busy, haven't you heard?
So you don't have
time for me now?
Can't you see?
Aren't you seeing this?
Do you know what this means?
Will you stop?
Yes, Oscar, are the
withdrawals strong?
Look, tell your traders
not to panic, okay?
The small investors,
a hundred thousand or less, pay
them quickly, if they are insisting.
But the big ones,
tell them to hold on.
I'll join you in a
short while, okay?
So, it's like that
in the business.
Fooling people around.
Don't tell me,
that's more important than me.
Today, right now,
at this very moment, it is.
It's whatever you say it is,
but that's just the way life is.
Life is not a poem, Roy,
it's a race and I intend to win.
That's why I don't
like to be bothered.
Hello, Isabel, are
the rumours true?
My boss, Bernie
Cordero just resigned?
Yes! The news is all over now.
That's why he's absent,
I thoughthe's just sick.
Oh my, I don't have
any boss again.
Yes. That's why you
better find a new one.
Alright, Suzanne,
I have a lot of things to do.
Alright, bye!
Suzanne, have you heard the news?
The Senior Vice-President
has resigned.
I already know that, that's
why I'm going to fix my life now.
Come in.
Good morning, Mr. Barredo.
Suzanne, what a pleasant visit,
what can I do for you?
Joey, how are you? Joey?
Fine, you?
Good, you still don't have
a secretary, would it be nice
if I would be your
secretary again?
Oh, come on, what games
are you playing now?
You just transferred to
the Senior Vice-President.
Then, you want to comeback
to a Vice-President only?
Joey, I know it's my mistake.
But can I be your
secretary again, please?
I'm sorry, Suzanne,
I can't handle you anymore.
You're too much for me,
I'm not enough for you.
If you want, you can just wait
they might appoint a new
Senior Vice-President again.
Hello, good morning.
May I speak with
Mr. Danny Prado, please?
This is Suzanne Galang
from Premium Bank.
Thank you.
Yes, hello?
Hello, Mr. Danny Prado?
This is Suzanne Galang
from Premium Bank.
Do you still remember,
we've met at the cocktail?
You don't remember
anymore? But I do.
Remember you told me that if I would
need a job, I'll just call you.
I'm in need now of one, sir.
Can I visit you tomorrow?
Alright, drop by here tomorrow.
Really, sir? You won't regret it,
I'll be very good secretary.
Excuse me, are you
Mr. Raul Leuterio?
Yes, why?
Mr. Leuterio, I'm
Car do, Nimfa's uncle.
And he's Turing, Nimfa's cousin.
Turing, shake his hand.
Can I just call you Raul? Since
we're like a family, almost.
Raul, Nimfa has a
problem, she's pregnant.
She told us that you know about
that, a womanhood is sacred to us.
It's quite embarrassing,
because of our old fashion ways.
But we can't do anything, that's
how things work in our town.
As you know, Raul,
Nimfa is not a virgin anymore
but we still have
a problem, right?
I pity her,
but I'm glad that we've met
and had this little chat.
And I know, you're an hon our able
man, and you will not neglect Nimfa.
Right, Turing?
- Turing!
- Of course!
So, we'll go ahead now.
But we'll visit you again, if not
here, maybe at your house. Okay?
Sir, you have a visitor.
Hi, Raul, good day, I'm early.
- Raul, I went here early.
- Will you stay there?
Because I don't want to
bother you in your office.
Raul? How are you?
What are you doing here?
Sweetheart, I have a problem, us.
- Raul, I'm pregnant.
- That's what your uncle told me.
What? That's what
I've been saying.
His name is Car do.
And your cousin, Turing.
My God, I'm sorry.
Please forgive them.
Those two are really hot-headed.
Because Car do was jailed
for three years in Muntinglupa.
You can never blame them.
Every morning,
they see me puking.
So there, they got mad.
Sweetheart, what
are we going to do?
We have no choice,
let's abort that.
You're unbelievable,
what do you think of me?
- A clam shell that you'll remove its meat?
- What do you want to happen, Nimfa?
You will be having a child
without a father?
Of course, you're the father
of this stomach.
Sweetheart, don't tell me
that there's no other choice.
Anyway, we can get married.
Sweetheart, you can
be proud of me now.
I'm a Makati girl now.
As a matter of fact,
I can speak English already.
Well Carla, it looks like
our problem is over now.
Our ship has weathered the storm.
That's right, sir.
The money market's
back to normal.
The people's trust is
back again, I guess.
It's all because
of your objections.
We didn't give a big amount
to Jefferson Yap.
If not, we may be closed now.
Which brings me to why I'm here.
- Yes, sir?
- You know, Carla,
I have good news for you.
Wow, Isabel, your
maternity dress really fits you.
How about me?
When will I wear one?
Come on, Suzanne, they're
already gossiping about me.
Will you stop listening
to those gossips?
Wow! Your tummy is like a bank.
But I think, what's
deposited there is quite big.
Can I withdraw there?
Same to you!
Why don't you fight back?
Punch them hard for once,
so they'll learn their lesson.
- But
- Whatever.
Oh well, I'll go ahead.
- I'm going to transfer to City Finance.
- Really?
My new boss is so cute.
Alright, I'll just call you. Bye!
Good afternoon,
ladies and gentlemen.
- May I have your attention, please?
- Good afternoon, sir.
I'd like to introduce
our new Senior Vice-President.
Ms. Carla Asuncion.
Congratulations, Carla.
- Thank you, sir.
- You deserve it.
- Thank you.
- Ma'am, don't forget to treat us!
Thank goodness, our Senior
Vice-President is a lady.
Ms. Asuncion is a star now.
So, you'll transfer
now to the second floor
at the office of Suzanne.
Good morning, sir.
Today's newspaper
with yesterday's headlines.
The letter you asked me to type.
And your coffee, sir.
- Thank you.
- Careful, it's sizzling hot.
Is there anything else, sir?
No, that will be all
Ms. Galang, thank you.
Okay, sir, I'll go now.
Oh, I'm sorry!
I'm sorry. Ouch!
I'm sorry, sir.
I'll get you another
cup of coffee, sir.
Ms. Galang, when
did Mr. Deogracias die?
Died? Why?
Then, why did you put here,
"Dead Sir"?
My mistake.
That should be, "Dear Sir".
Ms. Galang, your letter
has only five sentences.
But you have 355 mistakes.
Sir, someone came here a while
ago, I think, he's your uncle.
He wanted you to have this.
Thank you.
This is what will happen to you
if you don't marry Nimfa!
I love you! I want to marry you.
- When have you decided that?
- Just now.
Max, don't joke around.
I might believe you.
Believe me!
Next week, I'll introduce you
to my dad, and to my siblings.
So, they can meet their in-law.
My dad is a bit strict, but for
sure, he'll give his approval.
Wait, I think there's
something missing.
You didn't even ask
me yet if I want to.
For sure, you'll agree.
- How come?
- I'm irresistible.
I need one last date,
I need a new wardrobe and shoes.
You know, to
impress Max's family.
- Are you sure you're going to retire?
- That's what I've told you before, right?
So, I could get
money, then I'll retire.
Besides, I'm in love.
Alright, I'll arrange
that last date.
I'll just call you.
Oh my, Isabel, I'm really
pissed off at my new boss.
I think, he's gay.
I'm really throwing
my body to him.
But he keeps on ignoring me.
Oh my, I think that's
a bad sign, Suzanne.
For sure! This is my first time
to be rejected by a man.
My former bosses, they
can't take their eyes off me.
But this one, he's different.
He'll see, I won't
give him attention too.
Oh! Hold on.
- Yes, boss?
- Please come in.
Oh! Okay, boss.
Isabel, I'll call you again.
You called, sir?
Yes, Ms. Galang.
Has Mr. Pacheco confirmed our dinner
appointment for tomorrow evening?
Yes, sir, 7:00 p.m., sir.
That's all!
Ms. Galang, are you free
for dinner tomorrow evening?
Yes, sir. I'm free, sir.
Good!Perhaps, maybe you can join
Mr. Pacheco and me.
It's a business dinner, I hope
you're not forced, because.
No, sir! I mean, it's
okay, sir, I'm free.
Thank you, Ms. Galang.
Thank you.
By the way, Mr. Pacheco has
a rather conservative girlfriend.
Maybe, you could dress a little...
You know, not too much...
I understand, sir.
Thank you, Ms. Galang.
Okay, bye, sir!
Jefferson Yap is not our only problem,
because the crisis is not yet over.
Good evening,
sir! May I help you?
Yes! Reservations for Mr. Prado.
Mr. Prado, this way.
You know what, sir, we have
a problem in our filing system.
You know, even if America recovers
from the worldwide recession,
we're not going
to follow instantly.
It takes six months,
before we can follow.
A lot there are
also not qualified.
Oh, my God!
- Hi, sir!
- Oh, Suzanne, where have you been?
Nowhere, sir.
There's a possibility that a
lot of companies will capsize.
It's possible, the thing now
is to stay liquid.
Where you have a lot of cash, that
you can use in case of emergency.
You know our situation now
with just a little rumour,
everybody goes crazy.
That's why in City Finance,
we're currently handling
short term loans now.
We're trudging down
a safe path in loans.
Thank you, you
know. It's really hard.
You two are so sweet,
and you suit each other.
George, don't get the wrong impression.
SuzanneI mean, Ms. Galang is just my...
I'm just his secretary, just an
maid, which he's constantly ignoring.
Oh, no, Suzanne,
that's not what I meant.
You hardly give me attention in
the office.
You only see my wrong doings.
You two are too obvious.
Come on, let's eat.
After this, let's go
to the disco, alright?
Okay, it's been a while
since I went to a disco.
Thank you, sir,
and good night, sir.
Thank you, Suzanne,
and good night.
Bye-bye, sir!
Goodbye, Suzanne!
Oh, gosh! Hurry up!
- I love you.
- I love you.
- Are you happy?
- Very happy.
Oh, there they are, there's Dad.
Excuse me, Dad! I'd
like you to meet Rose.
Oh, yes.
Good evening, sir.
- What's the matter?
- Come here, let's talk.
- Why?
- Come here.
Just a while. Why, Dad?
- What's happening to you?
- What are you doing?
You're going to marry a whore?
Go ahead, call your brother,
and let's go home already.
- John, Dad is calling us.
- Why?
- We should go.
- Let's go.
Come on!
Anne, why don't you live with me?
You and the kids get along well.
And I like your children...
and the house is too big.
And I'm sure about
my feelings for you
and if you're sure about me...
That's not it.
I think...
I'm not yet ready.
My mess with Tony,
I don't think that's over.
Of course, you know,
it still hurts, it's still there.
So, just give me a little
more time, and let's just relax.
Let's just enjoy each
other's company.
I knew it, there's nothing good
happening here.
You don't care about me anymore.
Why? Because you
have a new boyfriend?
- Let's stop this.
- Him? This one? See? It's all true!
Tony! Will you keep your voice down?
There's too many people here in the office.
Dude, will you stop bothering her?
She doesn't want you any more.
Tony, no!
Ed! Please!
Tony, that's enough. Enough!
Ed, please.
That's enough, that's
enough, it's okay.
Just leave, I'll just
call you. Just leave.
What's this, Anne?
Another resignation letter?
Why don't you take
a leave of absence first?
No, no, Mr. Dalmacio.
I have decided now.
The thing that happened
to Tony and Eddie sort of...
sort of unbalanced me.
I felt like...
I lost control of my life.
want to be alone for a while.
I want to find that...
that will give me the power to...
get a hold of myself.
Control is very important to me.
You see, Mr. Dalmacio...
my problem was...
I wanted to be a good wife.
But I also wanted
success, now what?
I feel, it's more important
to be a good person first.
Mrs. Concio's office,
good afternoon.
Hello, may I speak
with Mrs. Concio?
Hold on, please.
Mrs. Concio, Mr. Eddie Gonzales.
Tell him, I left already.
Sorry, sir, she just left.
Oh my, Suzanne, don't tell me,
this is true love.
I think, this is really it.
I think I'm in love
to that Prado.
He's the only guy
who made me act like a lady.
Isabel, this must be love!
Ms. Galang, after your chitchat,
would you please
step in to my office?
Yes, sir.
Who were you
talking to, Ms. Galang?
My friend, sir.
Is it true, Ms. Galang?
Which is true, sir?
What you told your friend.
Yes, sir.
Ms. Galang, please
take this dictation.
Dear Ms. Galang,
further to the events
of the past few days
and hoping it will not interfere
with the basic professional nature...
of our relationship.
I wish to inform you,
that I have fallen desperately...
in love with you.
I cannot marry you, Nimfa. First
of all, Amanda and I are engaged.
Raul, they told me.
Second, I don't know
if you are really pregnant.
Raul, what do you think of me?
My goodness, Nimfa, if I
told you what I think of you,
it would kill you,
since I don't want to kill you.
I'll just give you ten thousand.
Ten thousand?
How much is a kilo of pork now?
It's 45 pesos.
Fifteen thousand?
One hundred pieces of
calamansi now is worth 15 pesos.
Twenty thousand?
My child will be
enrolling in Montessori
as a matter of fact, 3,500 per
semester, excluding materials.
Twenty-five thousand?
Of course not, how much?
- Twenty-five thousand?
- It's a deal!
Hi, Tess!
- Hi!
- Do you have an appointment?
- None.
- Me too, come!
In my opinion dude,
that girl is a nasty one.
What the hell are
you talking about?
Just because her breasts are big,
does that mean she loves sex?
Would a single woman be pregnant
if she doesn't love sex?
And I think, Isabel can
even handle the four of us.
All at the same time!
What the hell!
- Here comes Carla now.
- Good day, gentlemen.
- Hi, Carla.
- Shall we begin this meeting?
Yes, of course.
Is there anything
you want to say, sir?
Oh, it's nothing really.
I just wanted to be
here to welcome you
to your first loan committee
meeting as chairman.
Or should I say, chairwoman.
Thank you sir. Joey, let's start.