Working Girls 2 (1987) Movie Script

You can't kiss me not until
you become a lieutenant.
But my little campupot,
just one kiss
What kiss? There. Kiss that one.
Sleep out of the mosquito net
and don't come near me.
Until you become a
lieutenant, stay there!
French kiss. Be good.
I need to get up early tomorrow.
I still don't know which company
I'll be appointed as the OIC.
I need to be really early,
I have to drop by Malacaang.
You know Cory,
she's always on time.
By the way, where are you going
tomorrow, in case I'm free for lunch.
Where else? Where the
poor and abused mass is.
Where we should
fight for freedom.
Where the call of justice is.
Where I
I should go now,
I might not be able to leave.
That's one of the
heinous examples
how men use us women
as past time like toys!
Someday, women
will boycott you men.
It's just going to be us.
Why? What happened to you?
What's this?
Why are they terminating you?
You've been here for five months!
One more month and you'll
be working here permanently.
You're really a rookie.
That's how things go here.
Nothing's permanent.
Trainee for three months,
your salary is 54 pesos a day.
Then probationary for three months.
You'll still get 54 pesos salary.
Then before you'll get hired permanently,
on the fifth month, you'll get terminated.
Clean, right?
Why is it like that?
So they won't have to give you
the benefits stated under the law.
Maternity leave, sick leave,
vacation leave and your bonus.
Oh no, that might
also happen to me.
It looks like it'll
also happen to you.
- What?
- Miss, do you have this bra?
What size?
Like this.
38 B. Hold on.
- Smile.
- Good morning.
You, too. Smile.
Can I see the black one?
- Good morning.
- Good morning, what do you need?
Carry on.
Stupid. What do you mean with what
do you need and good morning?
- Why?
- Don't you know who that is?
That's the son of the owner.
He's the vice president here.
- What?
- Mr. Conrado del Prado.
You're so stupid.
He's calling you. He wants
to talk to you in his office.
But don't think of some
other reason for that.
It's an SOP here.
He calls me some 15
times in his office a day.
- What size was it again, sir?
- Like this.
Like that?
It was deeper a while ago.
Isn't it like this?
You know, Ms. Swazo,
You shouldn't be
afraid of anyone here.
Is there anything to be
afraid of here? Nothing.
Miss Lalaine Fox,
didn't I tell you before to knock
first, before showing your face?
You're going to give me
a heart attack.
By the way.
Please type Cynthia's term paper.
Just change some lines so
it won't look like it's copied.
Yes, Sir.
My brown shoes are in my car,
make those shine.
Yes, Sir.
Where was I?
Ah, yes!
As I was saying Miss Swazo
It's Mrs.
Is your husband here?
I'm kidding.
Please sit down.
Okay, I won't call
you Miss anymore.
Don't call me Sir either.
Conrad. Just Conrad.
More casual. Just like friends.
But Sir.
I should've known you'll agree.
If you'll be like that, you're
going to go far in this office.
You called me, Sir?
Miss Palacios, no one called you
so you shouldn't come here, okay.
Okay, thank you.
Yes, okay, go on.
Thank you. Good bye.
Where were we?
Sir, Norma was crying.
You axed her from work before
she got hired permanently.
You're doing that so she
wouldn't get her benefits.
Poor her, maybe we
could go out for dinner.
Sir, what if that also happens
to me after a few months?
I'll pick you up on
Friday. Let's go out.
Sir, how could they
do that to Norma?
Maybe she isn't attractive
enough to go on a dinner date.
- Sir, what if I
- Maya
Thank you Miss
Palacios. Thank you!
Sir, it's break time.
Maya has to return to her
post so others could eat.
Then you take her post so
that others could eat!
And don't eat since you
can't even fit through the door.
Yes, Sir.
Don't come near me, Sir.
My husband is a soldier!
Do we need an OIC here?
Kick out the new OIC!
Kick him out!
Do you want to kick
out the new OIC?
Kick out the new OIC!
Auntie, auntie, come here.
Why? What's the
problem with our new OIC?
That stupid OIC? He doesn't know
how to pay the SSS, that moron.
And he wouldn't compensate you if you
couldn't use your sick or vacation days.
Here's more. That moron hires
blacklegs when employees are on strike.
That Cordova is a pestilence
in Philippine tourism today.
- What if our OIC is handsome?
- Shut up!
Here comes the evil OIC!
Block his way! Block his way!
Leni! Oh my
That's my cousin.
Lomi! Wait! Wait!
Go away.
Pull back. Pull back.
Wait. Wait. Get out of
my way. Wait. Excuse me.
Ouch, ouch.
Lomi, Lomi! What
are you doing there?
What happened?
I was stoned and fell off.
I came all the way from Davao.
I even brought something for you.
You brought something for me?
Thank you. Where is it? Where?
Over there!
Gabriela, you've been on the bottom
in our monthly sales for a year now.
Oscar is even better than you.
Oscar is deaf and can't speak well. He
doubled up his sales for this month!
I will not work hard for a very
small salary that has been stuck.
In one thousand five hundred pesos
in a month for four long years!
Second, the oppression of
women's high social status.
During the time of Spaniards
is still present in this office.
These are the two causes
of the disgusting destiny
of women in this society.
- Can you say that again?
- No.
I didn't understand.
Because we're no
match in this battle.
Yes, that's enough. Enough.
I can't understand your words.
Please, reduce your attendance at
rallies, I can't vouch for you anymore.
Did you know what
the management told me?
Bribe you to work
with our competitor.
There, there. That's the
belief fed by those foreigners!
Friends, we thank KILL
or "Kasamahan ng mga Inaaping Laban
sa Lahat" for supporting us today.
And that's through Ka Igme's
leadership. Long live KIL!
Long live Ka Igme!
Long live!
Also, with us today is SAKAMA workers sect
or the Organization of Patriotic Women.
Through the leadership of Riel.
Long live Riel!
Long live!
One of the religious groups are
also here today to support us.
The Christian for Workers Liberation is
here through Brother Salvi's leadership.
Long live Brother Salvi!
Long live!
Sol, what are you doing
there, you look stupid.
Come back.
- Don't be afraid.
- Come back.
Don't fight with each other.
We're brothers here.
My foot. My foot!
Don't be noisy. This'll be quick.
My foot.
Ouch, my foot!
Adio, don't move too much!
What's that?
Hot water.
Adio, don't move.
What's that?
I'm removing the bullet.
No, no, no!
What's that this time?
Okay, that's good.
Come here, come here
Sit down, cousin!
Come. Sit down. Get some ice!
Hurry up.
Fight, let's fight!
You keep on asking me to go here,
look what happened. I'm wounded.
Look what happened to me. I've been into
accidents since I got here in Manila.
Tomorrow I'll go back to Davao.
It's better in Davao,
I'm safer there!
The ice?
Ice. There's no ice.
You've been treating me bad.
Stay here.
What happened to you?
I was hit by a bat.
You've got to get some treatment.
My sister Leni got some medicine.
What's your name?
I'm Adio.
I'm glad to meet you, Adio.
I'm glad to meet you, too, Lomi.
You're a soldier?
Yes, I worked with
Gringo in EDSA.
EDSA revolution,
that was a miracle.
Thanks to Virgin Mary really.
Water, water!
And Cory is a very
good president.
Oh, I agree.
What are you doing here?
I am the OIC here.
You? You are the OIC here?
You look down at these people.
Why are you speaking like that,
you are not related to them.
Hold on, Mr. Cordova!
Fool Capitalists.
The day will come when
history will judge you.
The Filipino mass will succeed.
You are just new in Manila,
yet you've had a lot of tragedy.
Ouch, ouch. Enough, enough.
- Here.
- Enough.
Lumpia wrapper.
Why? Why? What are
you going to do with that?
I can't see any plaster inside.
Hold on, hold on. Why are you going
to make fresh lumpia out of me?
I'm Leo Cordova. I'm
this restaurant's OIC.
And you know Cory's the greatest
president of the Philippines.
Oh really?
You know I don't
understand politics.
I don't like politics, you know.
Hello, Mr. Cordova, thank God you're
still here. I'm Jessica Gaspar of SS3.
News on Channel 3.
Let me interview you,
let's talk there.
Here's your mic. I'll just ask you
about military brutality, that's all.
Okay, Wilson, breast shot.
Okay, ready roll VTR!
Let's have a snack.
Revolution is
unkind, Brother Salvi.
There's no time
for non-social issue.
You're right. But I had chicken
pox during last week's revolution.
I wasn't able to join. I even
missed stopping the tanks.
Can we watch a movie?
We'll succeed Brother Salvi
but we always have to
hold each other's arms.
That's what I want
with the revolution,
we're always holding
each other's arms.
Can you grip my arm?
When we watch a movie
in a dark cold love section?
And spend our hard-earned money
on an American movie
about imperialism?
Then let's watch Sharon.
Who is a neo-colonial?
You're hard to court.
Why? You're a servant of God.
A slave of love.
Besides, I'm just a secular.
I've got broader
freedom than scholastics.
I have no other objective
than to solve social problems.
Then let's solve it together.
Hi, Gabriela.
Hi, Doc. Hold on.
I've got new medicines. Medicines made
by the Filipinos for Filipino illness.
That's good.
Here, Doc. Here.
How's the revolution, Gabriela?
Complicated but successful.
When are we going out for dinner?
What's with you men?
Our country is starving
yet you're thinking
nothing but lust!
Thank you, Sir.
Go ahead.
It's you, Adio.
You know that your job is
dangerous, you are not cautious.
What if you couldn't block the striker's
gun? You might have gotten worse.
My little dahlia, don't worry about
your Adio, because I am alert.
What do they dub me
for as "Adio Gubat"?
Sergeant Gubat.
Doc, I am not Adiong Gubat,
I am Adio the vegetable.
Adio, where are you going?
Adio! Adio your foot. Adio!
I am not Adiong Gubat,
I am Adio the vegetable.
Adio, it's just an
injection. Adio.
Go ahead, prick him.
Hello, Maya.
I always make it a point
to visit my sick employees.
You need a foot specialist?
No, thanks, Sir.
Maya, don't worry.
I'll take care of you.
I'll take care of the funeral.
Maya, Maya, you have to
be prepared for anything.
Especially of death.
Adio, don't leave me.
Adio, please don't leave me!
Adio, don't leave me.
Adio, please don't leave me!
Let's have dinner
at Philippine Plaza.
No, Sir. Thanks anyway.
Maya, Maya.
To cheer you up,
I recommended you to be
the model of our new RTW line.
An advertising campaign.
I scheduled a
photography next week.
Model? I can't, Sir. No.
Maya, Maya. There's an extra pay.
Yes, I can do that Sir!
Good girl.
- Ouch, ouch, ouch.
- You've got crush on that soldier?
That's good if he's a captain, major
or general. He's just a sergeant!
I went to Manila to
You need a helmet
for crashing. Come here!
My head aches.
That's because
you don't pray often.
I went to Manila to bump
with someone rich.
I want someone
gentle, romantic, humble.
Oh my god!
Oh my god, come here!
What did you do Leni?
You're so stupid. Come here.
Come here.
What? I'm turning around. Ouch.
What did you do again?
Don't believe those men!
They are all scammers.
They'll just use you.
Come here. I'll get alcohol.
I remember Warren.
Who's Warren?
My boyfriend in Davao.
He left me for Kuwait.
He's like Adio. Long nose,
long legs, long body
What else is long?
That's all.
My cousin, you're really stupid.
You've got long list of
your debt for house rental.
And your furniture debts.
You shop as if you're rich!
Pull out everything.
You have to pay now..
My sister's tired taking care
of me so I sent her home.
Too bad, I want to meet her.
Next time.
Adio, my dream
will come true now.
Dream? What dream?
Yes. To serve humanity.
I'm a waitress in a
restaurant where Leni works.
We're the same.
Huh? You're a waitress, too?
Oh no. I want to
serve humanity too.
Painful? Adio?
Painful, my love?
Where is it painful?
Here, painful?
Why painful?
Oh, pee..
You want to pee, okay, wait..
Slowly, slowly.
Help me. This is
very heavy. Help me.
Okay. One, two, three!
How did you make the operation
of this restaurant so normal?
Simple. Very simple, Jessica.
You know, it is how
you carry things.
Others who would want to be a manager
doesn't know how, not like me.
To tell you the truth,
I have eleven.
Eleven restaurants of my own.
That's why you have
to believe what I say.
Yes, yes of course I believe you.
Yes. That's impressive!
Hey, where's my soup?
I've been sitting here for ten
years waiting for that stupid soup!
If you're in a hurry to get
your soup, go to Ma Mon Luk!
This is what I'm saying,
We shouldn't have
agreed to take off that picket
until they give what that
animal Cordova promised.
Here's more.
Did you know where that 20 percent
increase goes? Where? None.
That promised increase was bogus.
I also told them that all employees
will get a profit sharing plan.
Oh that's really something,
how nice. Cut, Wilson.
Hey, hey you!
Where is the soup?
Miss, the soup is in the kitchen,
because the cook is
waiting for the chicken!
Moreover, in terms
of profit sharing
He thought I didn't know
that in his restaurants,
was there ever a
profit sharing? None!
How can there be profit sharing.
His accountants are
doing magic on profit.
Do you think that if I
wasn't pitiful on all of you,
I would have gone
back to this restaurant.
I'm sure you're more interested
whether Kris will be an artist.
Isn't she going to be one
since all of them are in showbiz?
Wilson, edit that one.
I feel so real. I
feel so real. I feel
Hypnotized by a
strange affection.
Lomi, I'll do that.
I'll do it.
I don't know. I'm wondering why
Here's your soup.
Thank you.
Hey, go out and eat. Bring
this mic with you and go!
Yes, Ma'am. May I
offer you an thing? Water?
Okay, yes ma'am.
For a while ma'am.
Lomi, clean this up.
You imbecile!
Those idiot employees!
They were easily fooled.
They believed easily to that OIC!
That moron keeps on promising.
Capitalists are all the same.
Leo Cordova!
Leo Cordova!
Leo Cordova!
The nation's emotion
burns with hatred
because of fascists like you!
It bears the flag of twisted
abusive big time capitalists.
We're not going to stop
not until the dawn of Filipino
workers' salvation come!
Let's leave this place.
There's a more important issue
waiting for us in a factory in Pasig.
We're on strike.
Strike, strike, strike!
- We're on a strike!
- Thank you for coming.
We're ready to support
our worker brothers.
By the way, this is "Ka Igme".
For the workers,
we're ready to die.
Thank you very much.
This is Brother Salvi.
Maybe we could have a prayer
meeting later for them. I'll lead.
That's great. Thank
you very much.
Let's go, we need
that. Right, guys?
We've got companies
here to support us.
Ka Riel of SAKAMA, Brother
Salvi of Religious Group.
"Ka Igme" of KILL.
Brother Max.
Brother Igme.
Are you affiliated with
the national organizations?
No. We don't need that.
We just join the
workers movement.
Brother Igme.
Mr. Guada, this factory earns
millions and millions every year.
But how much are you
giving us? Just loose change!
Many of us are
working for two years.
But until now, they're casuals.
The strength of workers
like us runs the machine.
To give foreign
owners their interest.
When we pee, they'll hang a sign
board on you that says I'll urinate.
Supervisor will then count how long
you will last inside the comfort room.
Most of all, they
should raise our salary.
We've been stuck up
with thirty pesos a day,
Implement the minimum wage law.
Recognize the organized union.
You're a spy of the company?
You are a back leg!
Ka Igme, we don't need violence!
Ka Igme, hot heads
can't resolve that!
Stop me or I'll kill them!
Check what seems
to be the problem!
So, Gabriela Silang. If you keep going
to those rallies, we'll lose business.
The company may be forced
to sell it to a larger multinational
eager to oppress, restrain, and abuse us.
The nation is weak,
the business is in trouble,
But through our battle,
we were able to plant
the seeds of patriotism.
Don't worry.
If the Americans tried to
get hold of our own business,
Me and my group will
lead the fight against them.
Don't you have an
English translation for that?
My god, my saint.
It was during Marcos regime
when we started to fight the
abolition of BB 130 and BB 227.
That suppress the workers'
union and right to hold strike.
We need to fight to make
our business prosper, right?
Those grandmothers
and grandfathers in Tondo,
Those who are homeless,
those with nothing to eat,
who are jobless!
They know the law
against the poor.
Those stupid blacklegs.
Those stronger than a carabao, they
let those capitalists use them!
Capitalists who are chock-full
of wealth and power, isn't it?
Yes, but it's loud.
We need to speak loud!
We've been quiet
for twenty years.
Would I keep quiet now? Would
I endure the sufferings now.
Hold on, drink coffee.
I'll get to meet those blacklegs.
If I'll come across with them,
they'll know who I am.
They'll know who I am.
Ka Igme, please calm down.
Sit down and let's have coffee.
It's unpleasant. Look
at this, it's see-through.
What? What are you
saying that it's unpleasant?
Maya, no one will see you but you
and those whom you
will be sleeping with.
I thought you'll shoot
pictures of me wearing this?
Of course, it's needed.
If not, how can the customers
see the merchandise?
Adio might get mad.
What? You woman!
You are so fussy.
Don't you understand that every day dozens
of girls queue up to buy my creation?
You're too much. I don't like this
anymore. I don't like that woman!
This is too much.
This is too much, Mr. Del Prado.
Why are you like that?
I was just late twice, you
suspended me without pay.
When we work overtime for
an hour or two, do you pay us?
My husband got sick that's
why I was late this morning.
I made our breakfast and lunch first
and wash clothes before going to work.
This is just for the meantime
while my husband is sick.
And besides, I informed
that I'll be late.
Then I'll be suspended
for two months without pay.
You don't know how to
empathize to your employees.
I've been casual
here for three years.
You're so inconsiderate!
Thank you.
Sir, aren't you going
to help that woman?
Maya, just like what
I've told you before,
I want you to model my garments
because you are beautiful.
And I want to see your
I want to give you a good break.
I don't want to be
a famous model.
I just want to help my husband
so we could be at least well off.
Just like that woman.
I have a wide
connection in the military.
One of them is the commanding
office of your husband's unit.
Colonel Dimatalo
I got a grasp on his
neck of that two-faced.
I know a lot about him because
we've got lots of business before.
You mean, you can help my Adio?
I can help anyone.
In Colonel Dimatalo's unit.
Hey, you can't do that!
Where are we selling
that, that calendar?
To grade one, grade two
or Hospicio de San Jose?
That won't earn anything.
You should do this. More daring!
Watch me.
Oh my god!
There you go.
You can't be, go away.
You're too fat and disgusting.
Look at your thighs!
You're acting as if you
know, but you can't be!
You can't be a model. Go away!
Wait, wait. Let's
put this down a bit.
Put it down a bit.
Just one, come on.
Come on.
Like this.
Excuse me.
How did you pose a while ago?
Like this?
Let's put it up a bit.
Just a little so it can be seen.
Sir, what the?
It's like this. There.
You imbeciles,
you're so bad to me.
Hold on. There, Maya.
Brod, hold on there.
There so it would be seen.
Maya, we need that to
show your body's shape.
For art's sake.
Sir, that's enough!
Take it off instead.
No, Sir.
Ouch, ouch. Enough!
Very good. That's beautiful.
Good evening to all of
you, brothers and sisters.
We dedicate this song to our beloved
president and to our beloved Eddie.
Hi! Fight!
Oh my god!
Oh my. Fight! Fight! Fight!
This is a loyalist party.
Colonel Dimatalo!
How are you?
So that was your group out there.
I'll entertain you.
Sing me Feelings.
For you.
How are you? I'm at PICC.
I'd like you to meet Len.
My customer relations.
How many customers are
you having relations with?
Friend, don't say that.
Enrile escaped, my friend.
And they did a
high-tech cheating.
The CIA was on it, my
friend, that's why it's heavy.
Excuse me, Leo.
I'd like you to meet
Conrad of DOT, my friend!
Nice to meet you, Leo Cordova.
He is the OIC of the
chain of restaurants.
Friend, don't say that.
By the way, this is Mayor
Porfirio Tagumpalad of Pagudpud.
Mayor Pudpod.
By the way, Conrad,
I'd like you to meet Leo.
I'd like you to meet Len, she's
the guest relations officer
I mean customer
relationship officer of our OIC.
Mayor, by the way
How are you?
Here, all yellow.
No problem, I go
for whatever color.
Even if the color is
like that of malay apple.
Ma cop a taste good especially
if it's juicy and salty.
Hey, Conrad, my friend!
I've been a loyalist for a
long time in good time.
The one wearing
black, she's beautiful!
I know this, my friend.
I know what kind
of politics is this.
Sexual politics.
Well, well, well, Mr. OIC.
Fancy meeting you here.
What shall I call
you? Let me think.
Reverse turncoat?
You know Jessica,
we're in politics,
we need to have good relationship
with all of them, right Mayor?
Jessica, I'd like
you to meet Conrad.
Conrad del Prado.
Ah of DOD of course.
In the flesh.
Oh colonel.
Here is your request.
Oh my god.
Still Marcos, right?
Still Marcos
Still Marcos, right?
Colonel. Excuse me, Colonel.
I have an important announcement.
Yesterday, Apo Lacay said that they'll be
coming home. They're coming next month.
Long live Apo Lacay! Long live.
Long live.
Marcos still!
Help me.
When I run for mayor,
campaign for me, yes?
Of course,
I will campaign for you
because when you become a mayor,
I will become the first lady.
And when I become the first lady,
I will have visions for my people
to become peaceful and beautiful.
- Plural so it would mean a lot.
- Good. Approve.
Don't cry for me Metro Manila,
The truth is I never left you.
Into my wild days,
my mad existence
Come on, we'll spend
two day in Tagaytay.
Saturday, Sunday. We'll
back by Sunday evening.
You should see my place.
The view is seductive.
I'm not scared of that turncoat.
My boyfriend is Jer.
Oh my boyfriend, Jer.
Have you decided?
By the way,
I wasn't able to tell you
that I have a water
bed and Jacuzzi.
- Really?
- Yes.
Waiter, one more.
Mr. Del Prado,
if you may please.
Don't sequester our
customer relations.
It's embarrassing
to other customers.
You are more
embarrassing, turncoat!
Ginger lily. Chayote!
Politician rice.
Capitalist moron!
Opportunist crocodile.
White milk fish.
Athlete's foot.
Don't! Don't!
That's enough. Hey! Stop!
Hello, Colonel Dimatalo?
My friend.
I need your help.
You know, I have a new sales
girl here that is super sexy.
I heard her sergeant husband
was assigned in your unit.
I got challenged, my friend.
Her husband is a sergeant there.
In short, you want
me to kick him out?
As always. That's a very
good thinking, my friend.
Let's send him to
Kalinga, Apayao.
Very good.
What's the name?
Sergeant, Adio Swazo.
Thank you, Dimatalo.
The commissioner
is on the line, Sir.
Thank you.
Department of Local Governments.
Commissioner Sta. Maria?
I just want to inform you
that you have an OIC
who's a spy of the loyalists.
His name is
What does it mean?
That means,
he's going to be terminated
as the OIC of this restaurant.
Poor Mr. Cordova.
I'll miss him. He's
good to me you know.
Good morning, sir.
Get out of there!
Here's your order. French fries.
You told the local government
something about me?
- Yes.
- Hey, don't butt in!
Remember this,
if I became the Mayor of San Fabian,
I won't give you working permits.
You'll be jobless for
the rest of your life
Mark my words!
Did you know that Kalinga Apayao,
Is the hottest spot in the Philippines
when it comes to revolution.
And do you know how many
soldiers get ambushed there?
- Every week, everyday do you know?
- No!
How many flies are being
swat by meat vendors?
That's how many. Thousands.
Why are you talking that way?
Maybe they wouldn't send you there if
you can't do it. I know you can do it.
And maybe this is the last test
before they promote you to Colonel,
Captain, Lieutenant,
Chief of Staff.
- See?
- Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff?
Right. Chief of Staff. Promotion.
What will I do with promotion
if Sergeant Adio is dead?
Dead already.
My love, come home, yes?
I'll wait for you.
You'll wait for me?
You, you, you, you
Boko, boko, boko.
You, my love.
Boko, boko, boko.
You, you, you, you
Goodbye, Adio.
Be careful.
You take care, Adio.
I thought we could
have dinner here tonight
because I know you're sad.
You're sad because your
husband is in Kalinga, Apayao.
And I know how someone
who's in-love like that feels
Far from
Yes. But you said that your mom
will join us for dinner tonight?
It seems no one is here.
Not even your
maid, I don't see one.
Maya, Maya, Maya.
Mama took all our maids to
Kidapawan, North Cotabato.
That's far.
Yes. We'll build a
five star hotel there.
Taste the wine.
- I don't drink.
- Just one glass.
Come on, just a little.
I'll have water.
I don't drink water. You
know me. I grew up in Europe.
Never mind. I'll get it myself.
Please, please be my guest.
Sit here so we could
be a bit intimate.
I'll stay here.
I'll just reach for the steak.
No. You can eat later.
I've been wanting
to talk to you, Maya.
That's what I like in you.
You're sensitive.
That tickles me. Don't.
If you want to get
ahead in your work
I know I can get
that by pleading.
Come on, Maya.
Maya, let's fix it. Come on
I told the maid to
make it medium rare.
I told you, Sir, we're going
to eat. So we better eat now.
Maya, we're eating.
You're too aloof.
Come on, Maya. Don't be shy.
Sir, you're too naughty
Maya, hold on
I'm here to inform you that my co-workers
are unhappy with your management.
Like Yolly. She got pregnant yet you
didn't grant her maternity leave.
My little calachuchi.
Adio, what happened to you?
Don't tell me you've immediately went
to fight that's why you're like that.
Don't worry, my love,
someday you'll become a hero.
Do you recall the story of the meat
dealers swatting flies every day?
They squished you like a fly?
No. The bus that I'm riding with. It
went straight to Bonifacio monument.
That's why your leg
was broken? Hold on.
No. It was able to avoid it. It bump
the taho vendor on the sidewalk.
The taho vendor got mad at
you that's why he beat you up?
He was beaten.
You beat the taho vendor?
No. He was beaten
by the juicy fruit vendor.
Hold it, hold it.
What the connection of Bonifacio's
monument, juicy fruit and that taho vendor?
It's simple. It's simple.
My leg was stuck
with the juicy fruit.
You weren't able to take it off
that's why you were run by a bus?
No, no.
There is no connection between
my broken leg and juicy fruit.
What really happened to you?
This morning, my leg was pressed
against the comfort room's door.
Who wouldn't go
insane in that restaurant?
During Marcos'
time, my salary is two.
During Cory, two - one.
When the OIC came,
it became two two.
Then the OIC was replaced,
it became two three.
It's good that my progress
takes one step at a time.
That's why I'm thankful that I've
met you here in loyalist party.
You might want to
give me a job here.
Well, you know, this
department store is big enough,
I won't have a hard
time to look for a hole
Ms. Palacios, this
is Ms. Leni Makulili.
And she's interested
in working with us.
Mr. Conrad, you know well
that we don't have a vacancy.
And my god, thousands come here to apply,
unless of course we have a vacancy.
What do you mean?
Ms. Maya Swazo,
imagine that she's late for
2 minutes and 27 seconds.
Ms. Palacios, it's Maya's I
mean, Ms. Swazo, maybe we could
You know it's hard to
find sales girls these days.
Sales girl? You're going to
make me a sales girl here?
Oh my god, with my beauty,
I should be an executive!
I can't believe you're
going to make me a sales
Sales girl.
This is ridiculous. I don't
think I deserve this crap.
There is no vacancy in the executive
level, where I am assigned.
I haven't heard anyone
resigning or will be terminated.
Conrad, I'll return
to my spot now,
because without me, this
retail shop loses millions.
Bye Mr. Conrad,
visit me next time.
I think I have a place for you.
So dinner?
Eight o' clock?
Yes, yes.
I'll pick you up.
Yes, yes.
I'll prepare something
special for you.
Yes what the..
Oh my god, you are not
looking to where you're going.
How clumsy you are.
What is this crap again.
Ms. Lalaine Fox, come on in.
Yes sir?
Ms. Lalaine Fox, after your
work, before you go home,
Drop by Cash and Carry.
Buy me
French wine, Texas roses, Kobe beef,
georgy peanuts and Danish cookies.
English muffins, Swiss cheese
and my car
Yes sir?
Make it shine.
Yes sir.
Wow, you've got a
nice house, Conrad.
It looks so sexy.
Okay, that's nothing.
Okay, come on.
It's okay.
How can you say
that this house is sexy?
I mean the owner is sexy.
Len, that's too much.
I feel, feel good.
Len, would you like some cherry,
white wine or some champagne?
That's two!
Don't you have a maid here?
I have, I'll ask her
to clean it tomorrow.
Okay, it's just an antique.
Where are we?
Would you like some..
Some cherry, white wine
or some champagne?
Yes again.
I meant, yes, what do you want?
- Now.
- Len, I am not included in the menu.
Don't be shy.
You're so gentle.
- You know what?
- No.
It's good that I've
met you in the party.
Because if I didn't meet you,
I wouldn't have a job after
my work in the restaurant.
It's good that you're getting me
to work in your department store.
It's okay.
Let's celebrate Let's celebrate!
Cheers! Cheers!
Let's make a toast.
That's three!
No, no, it's okay.
I have a lot of that.
Be careful with
the broken glasses.
I am embarrassed.
It's okay, really okay.
I have more here.
What are you doing there?
Stop this already! Enough!
Don't touch me. Have pity.
Okay, okay.
What's going to happen with our
night if you're there and I am here.
Okay, I'll go down now.
Oh my god, thank god you're safe.
Hold it, hold it, hold it!
Let's start from the beginning.
Sit down.
Not there.
Over here.
You know Len,
the reason why I want
to get you in my office,
Is because if you
consider how Jaime Ongpin
has restructured
our external debt.
With the internal
national monetary fund
and the world bank.
Contrary to Molito Monsod's
concept of selective repudiation.
And not following Mexico's
methodical structure.
How boring.
Not that, not that, not that.
I give up, I give up!
- I give up, don't come near me!
- Do I have bad breath?
Not that, not that!
Am I too tall?
That's beautiful.
Am I too thin?
You don't look
good if you're fat.
Why are you going away from me?
Come here.
I am not going away from you.
Why are you going
away, I am beautiful.
I give up, I give up!
I give up.
Conrad, come here.
Conrad, what's the problem?
Leni, the problem is
I don't like being chased.
I'm the man.
I prefer to chase.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
What the
Come here, damn it!
Get back to me!
Come here.
Igme, what is this?
Good Friday?
I thought you're gonna
have a revolution?
The management doesn't
give attention to this strike.
You know what you need?
Media exposure.
You should come out
on TV on national dailies.
How will this be noticed,
it's like a rice revolution.
People here doesn't do anything
but talk, type and negotiate.
What I need is a radical step.
It should be rough!
You know what? I have
an idea. Come here.
That's what we're
going to do, okay?
Wilson, Albert, let's go!
Ka Igme, hotheadedness
is not required in this group.
Impulsiveness isn't
always the answer.
Ka Max called my
attention a while ago.
He said, I'm too aggressive.
My heart rules over my brain.
I admit it.
My father,
was murdered by blacklegs
in Pasig back in 1978.
My sibling,
is still missing.
They said, he was salvaged.
We indigent individuals,
We always don't
have anything to eat.
Us, who were always criticized.
They think were all lazy.
But we gave all to the rich.
Everything was
deprived for us poor.
They've got all the good stuff.
We've got all the bad.
We make their houses,
but we don't have
any place to live with.
This is how time goes.
I'll take a rest for now.
Hey, sister.
Hi! Hello Brother Salvi.
How are you?
Sister Jessica, you're
all ready. Got scoop?
Oh nothing's happening in
Malacaang, that's why I'm here.
- Hey get out of here.
- Get out of here!
Hold it, hold it, we're on
strike. Can't you be one of us?
Wilson, Albert,
let's go! Come on!
Here, hurry. Okay.
Good morning ladies and
gentlemen, this is Jessica Gaspar,
and right now you are witnessing
a riot here at the factory site.
I'm sure you're dying to hear
what the strike is all about,
And right now I'm
going to call somebody
Miss, hold it.
What's really happening here? Can
you tell that to our televiewers?
Let's not lose hope!
- Don't fight each other. Peace.
- Let's not allow blacklegs to defeat us.
How long have you been on strike?
Wilson, shoot this.
This is evidence.
Wilson, close it
up. This is evidence!
We're all at peace.
Let's not forget EDSA!
Hey woman, you started this all!
What? You should
be thankful to me.
If not for me, you wouldn't be on
TV, you wouldn't have media exposure!
We don't do this to
be a slave of media.
We're doing this
to help the workers!
Hold it, hold it, hold it.
Oh my god, Brother Salvi fainted!
Brother, Salvi!
Why am I here?
What am I doing here?
I'm sorry Brother
Salvi, it's my fault.
I hit you with a
microphone a while ago.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay, Ms. Jessica.
Thank you very much,
but I might be needed by Ka Max
and Sister Riel in the picket.
I'll go ahead.
Brother Salvi.
Brother Salvi, I've been
waiting for this chance.
This will be an expos,
a first on Philippine television.
Please allow me to have an
interview with you, Brother Salvi.
I'll just make a documentary
about sexual escapades.
Yes, sexual
escapades of religious,
come on, you will be
my main interviewee.
Come on, Brother Salvi, I'm
willing to give you anything.
Anything you desire
for this interview,
just agree, I'll do
everything for you.
I can't, Sister Jessica.
Why not?
- I'm for peace!
- Then let's have peace!
- For reconciliation.
- Let's reconcile.
- For the organization.
- Let's organize.
That's just it.
Come on, what ever
it is, I can do that.
Brother Salvi!
Brother Salvi, I don't believe
you. You're also human.
- Yes.
- You're a man.
- Yes.
- I'm a woman.
If I stick up with you.
I'm hot, you'll get hot also.
I'm yours for the
taking, Brother Salvi.
No one will know.
- Really?
- Just the two of us.
No one will know?
Promise, promise.
Just the two of us?
Just the two of us.
I just want your statements
about your sexual escapades.
About your superior
sexual escapades.
The churches' sexual escapade.
Come on, Brother Salvi,
for my career.
I want to be like June Keithley.
Come on Brother Salvi.
Wow, what a career!
Brother Salvi!
America has been hoarding the
Philippine business for a long time.
The multinational have long suppressed
the growth of the Filipino industry.
That's why we remain
slaves in our own country.
Big people with small shadows.
People who are always hungry,
broke and who
always borrow money.
That's enough, that's too much.
Bring back the land to the poor.
Bring back the
industry to the Filipinos.
I am not new in the art of love.
But for the first time
my heart waves,
With a new glory
that enriches my soul.
Ouch, ouch. My hair!
Revolution tastes good.
I'll go with you
in the picket line.
If you're on a mission, I'll go.
We haven't seen each
other for a long time, my love.
You pick me up later.
Wait for me at the
corner at four o'clock.
Don't forget.
Anyway, the management is new
so they wouldn't get mad at me.
Your wish is my every command.
Bye, Lomi.
I love you, my love.
Bye Adio.
You take care.
I'll see you there.
Oh my goodness, my love
My dodong, my dodong!
Sir, is that true?
You're moving me up, sir?
Starting tomorrow, you'll
be reporting at the 7th floor.
Sir that's our storage room.
Well, I want you to move
up as soon as possible
so Ms. Leni could
get to work right away.
Ms. Leni Makulili
will replace me?
Ms. Leni Makulili?
The clumsy woman!
Right, Ms. Palacios.
Sir you've been taking
me for granted.
My kindness,
loyalty and chastity.
My promotion was due back
in 1984, but what did you do?
You promoted your niece.
In 1985, you promoted your closest buddy
from your class reunion in Kowloon.
You marketed that daring starlet
looking girl in 1986 to get publicity.
You're too much!
Beautiful performance,
Ms. Palacios.
You have no mercy.
I've been feeding a
lot, supporting school,
And our neighbor who
always borrow rice from us.
Ms. Palacios.
Yes Sir?
Close the door, please.
Sir, who's coming back?
I bet we'll succeed now because a
civilian leader of this project will come.
He's pretending to be a Corista.
If that Corista comes,
they'll broadcast immediately.
We'll invade Channel 3.
He'll broadcast nationwide.
Like what Butch Aquino did.
Then it's our turn
to do people power.
If we need to get the
sympathy of People's Power,
maybe we need one
casualty like Ninoy.
Sir, Mr. Leo Cordova.
How's you wife?
Wife is fine. Hold on.
Come here you two.
The leader of project
return, Mr. Leo Cordova.
Lieutenant Kapal.
Lieutenant Kapal.
Lieutenant Apog.
Lieutenant Apog.
Marcos, Marcos, Marcos still
Marcos, Marcos, Marcos still!
Did you know that there's a new
release order from the personnel.
That those who are scheduled
to be hired permanently
next month will be
terminated again.
Am I one of those?
Not just that, we'll have
another new uniform.
What? We're not yet through paying this,
then here comes another salary deduction.
Then there's one pregnant sales girl
whom they didn't give maternity leave.
Management is acting too much!
That's why if I were
you, I'll make a move.
I'll fight against Conrad.
I'll fight against
that Mr. Del Prado.
Bye. And think about that.
Ka Max.
This is Maya.
Maya this si Ka Max.
He's the one I've been
telling you who can help us.
How are you? Come. Sit down.
What's the problem?
We want you to
help us build a union.
No one's organizing for us.
Everyone, build a line!
We have a mission order.
What mission order?
Strikers might start chaos.
What is it to you if
they create chaos.
We'll catch them.
Catch the strikers.
You'll catch the strikers,
I'm one of the strikers!
My love
Who's this woman?
My cousin, my mother
Your father, your mother?
Your cousin?
Ouch, ouch, ouch.
Is that what you're proud of?
I am not scared of them!
Charge, my brothers and sisters!
There's action!
Pull back, pull back. Retreat!
Wilson, we have
to shoot this. Hurry!
Hurry, hurry up. Give me the
microphone. Give it to me, hurry!
Brother Salvi.
Hello Brother Salvi. It's
so nice to see you here.
You'll grant me an interview
today, yes? Oh, you. Please?
My crew is here.
Hey! You covet even
the servant of God?
I'm jealous of you.
Oh my god, I don't understand
this lady. What's naninibugho?
You don't understand
what jealous means?
Ouch, ouch!
Let me
That's enough!
Painful, Adiong? Where?
Hold it!
That's enough! What's with you?
You don't want to stop?
There. You don't want to listen!
You've been saying
love is blind, love is blind!
God! Now you got tripped!
It's good if that love is blind,
love is blind but you're stupid!
I didn't know he's married.
He didn't tell me.
Did you ask?
Adio is cute.
- He's got big
- What's big?
His nose.
Lomi, I don't want you
to see him anymore!
Lomi, what will you do with love
if you don't have money
for movie or for motel?
That's enough. I'll take you
to my new job.
I can't leave you
in that restaurant.
You'll be fooled by
whoever bastard goes there.
I still believe in love.
Even if my heart breaks.
Why? If not for love,
would there be peace?
If there's no peace,
how will we have jobs,
how will our country prosper?
Who will invest
here? Tell me, tell me!
What are you saying invest? You
can't even pay the house rental.
I'll cut your electricity.
Come here. Get it. You
haven't paid for 6 months.
My lampshade. You cut it!
God, you will pay me for this!
I'll sue you all!
My little petimini,
open this and let me in.
I'll explain to you.
Come on, give me
one more chance.
Not until you rot out there!
Until you prove that
you can be great.
Rather than swirling and flirting
around with girls from somewhere
Where will I sleep?
Here? Who will I sleep with?
You again?
Okay, I'm used to this.
You've had a lot of training.
Okay, you know what to do.
You know where's my spot.
French kiss first.
You're too fast.
Records are complete.
Records of employees who are terminated
before they became permanent.
Employees who were
demoted because of tardiness.
Sales girls who filed complaints,
Because they were
molested by their supervisors
and abused by the management.
What? Let's build a union!
A lot of people tried that
already and gave up eventually.
Some got frightened and
some are being battered.
Some were being bribed
so they won't build a union,
that's what they
do with the leaders.
I'll take care of it.
I know a union organizer.
They'll help us.
Ms. Palacios, where
is Mrs. Swazo?
Sir, Mrs. Swazo is not here.
What's this I heard
about strikes?
It's true. You know Mrs. Maya Swazo
meets up with the sales girls.
Sir, I'm telling the truth.
She left yesterday to talk with her
husband about their plan to strike.
What? Her soldier husband?
Still alive?
Still alive, Sir.
She wouldn't talk
to him if he's dead.
Sir, you know how
faithful I am to you.
Ms. Lalaine Fox,
call Colonel Dimatalo!
Leni, what is it?
Reporting for duty, sir.
And I brought along my cousin.
We call her Lomi, because
she loves to eat miki noodles.
You might want to give
her a job, a sales girl will do.
Because you will
make me an executive.
Are you okay?
Okay, leave me
alone, we'll talk later.
I thought you'll give me a job?
Yes, okay, okay. Later!
Hold it, boss. Hold
it, boss. My job?
Later, girl. Okay.
Promise, promise.
Sorry, okay. Check it up
later. Okay. Thank you!
Dimatalo, Adio is still alive.
You told me he's dead?
I know!
I'll give Sergeant Adio an assignment
so he could say adios patria adorada.
Del Prado, we're united!
We know now our rights
and you can't fool us anymore!
Workers in this shop are awake,
and your foolishness with
sales girls won't work anymore!
Long live, sales ladies!
Long live!
Long live employees association!
Long live!
The future of our country is
in your hands Sergeant Adio.
Yes sir.
You and your men should
invade channel 3 station.
Yes sir, channel 4.
Channel 3, moron!
Yes sir.
And you need to
protect it at all cost.
Yes sir, you can count on me sir!
No sir.
What will happen if we're
able to invade them, sir?
We'll get there and the civilian
leader of the new government.
And you will become a new hero.
Yes, sir. Hero, sir!
That's why Adio,
you're already a hero!
I'll become a hero?
Hey, hey, wake up, idiot!
Stand up Sergeant Swazo!
Adio, Adio. What the
Your men are waiting for you.
Yes sir.
Go ahead.
Just remember channel 3.
Yes sir channel 4 sir.
No, channel 3, idiot.
Yes sir.
The one in front of the
big department store.
Yes sir.
Okay, good luck Captain Swazo.
Thank you, sir, captain, sir.
Captain? I'll become a captain?
I'll go ahead Sir.
I'm impressed with you Colonel.
I think tomorrow, after this,
you'll become a general.
Of course.
You know, what we need is one
casualty, and it should be a captain.
The impact is heavier
if our casualty is a captain
rather than a common
sergeant or private.
Right, colonel?
Sir, line one, sir.
Dimatalo, send your soldiers.
My employees are on strike.
Soldiers? Where
will I get soldiers?
We have an important
Hello, Conrad, Conrad!
I don't understand
those strikers.
Poor them, they stand
outside for the whole night.
You know, they don't ask
anything that I didn't give.
Maybe because
What was that, it's embarrassing!
Excuse me you're in camera.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
Maybe I am too good to them.
There's channel 3.
There, hurry, hurry, hurry!
I don't want to. The strikers
might chase us.
Sir, sir, move!
There are a lot of soldiers.
I know, sir. 10 million soldiers!
Everywhere, left
right, top, bottom.
- Soldiers outside?
- Yes sir.
Let's go!
Let's get out of here!
Quickly, let's get out of here!
Colonel Dimatalo sent you?
Yes, why?
- Never mind.
- Charge!
Yes, I'll take care of it!
It's against the law to use military
forces, fifty meters from picket line
We should be in channel 3, right?
What's wrong with you?
Adio, what are you doing beside that
capitalist? You should be protecting us.
- Him?
- That?
I treat you like my kids.
Mr. Del Prado, how you insult me
There, come on!
Hold on, people. Let's be calm!
Let's not be impulsive!
Colonel, it's okay now.
We have channel 3.
Colonel Dimagiba!
Correction, Dimatalo.
Yes Dimatalo, you and
your men are under arrest!
We received an intelligence report that
you and your men have plans of coup!
And take over channel 3!
It is useless, because you and
your men are being surrounded.
And you men are dead.
We've got good contestants today.
What coup? Colonel
won't have coup here.
He'll join the singing contest.
- Colonel, you'll sing right?
- Me?
Yes, you're on the list colonel.
And now for our next contestant
Colonel Dimatalo!
Here is colonel.
Come here, please.
Hold it there.
- Wait.
- You're not on the list.
You're not on our list.
Colonel, take a deep breath.
Relax, you'll surely win.
How's this?
Feelings, that's Feelings!
Colonel, good luck.
Raise our flag! Okay?
Okay, they agreed.
Colonel Dimatalo, right?
Good luck then.
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome
Colonel Dimatalo with the song Feelings.
After chorus, arrest him.
Please let's talk about this.
What's up with you, where have
you been again. You're late again.
There'd been a chaos here and
you two were nowhere to be found.
Don't mind her Leni.
Let's not let those
capitalists win over us!
There, there. Shoot that!
I am not a communist!
There's no communist here!
It's a big irregularity to a communist
to defend the rights of the workers!
Right, right!
Long live!
Come here!
Go ahead, punch her!
Let me go!
Wait, wait.
Time out.
Okay, game.
Mr. Del Prado, we'll read the
complaints regarding your management.
What complaints?
First and foremost,
abuse of women!
Especially to me!
Mr. Del Prado is not abusive,
he's just sweet!
There it goes.
It's not in my blood
to abuse women!
I didn't take advantage of
any one for my whole life.
- Did I take advantage of any one of you?
- Yes!
What are you? You
keep on saying peace!
Hold it!
You are accusing me
of things I have not done.
Who among you have I taken
advantage with? Speak up!
Come on, speak up!
Where is the CR? I need to pee.
Sergeant Swazo!
Wait, wait. Ouch!
Coming, Sir!
Reporting for duty sir!
This is Major Kabutihan.
Sergeant Swazo, surrender.
You are surrounded.
Let's go up stairs!
Wait, they're
still talking to me.
Silence, silence!
Surrender or you
will make my day.
Come on, surrender!
Listen to the two of us!
This is just created
by the fascists!
They want to stop the flow of our
progressive battle, we should quiet down!
What will I do? What will I do?
- Pray.
- Quiet.
Let's not pray. Let's not pray.
Hold it.
Whatever happens, think of me.
Think of your promotion!
Be a hero!
Ouch, I need to pee and
you're stepping on me!
I can be a hero!
Wake up, wake up Adio!
Sergeant Swazo surrender!
We're not going to surrender.
We're not going to surrender.
Not there, stupid. There!
Ah there, we'll not surrender!
Not us, we. We'll
not surrender, say it!
We will not surrender!
We will not surrender!
Sergeant Swazo, I'll
give you 15 minutes!
20 minutes!
- Not 20 minutes!
- 25?
Till death!
We'll fight til death.
What death?
Major, relax. If you want, I'll do
the negotiation with Sergeant Swazo.
I know him.
He might listen to me.
Can I trust you?
Major, as if we were
not together in EDSA.
You started the
coup in channel 3.
You joke a lot, major.
I was just hooked up there.
Come on, major. Give me
a chance to prove myself.
I have a weak emotion.
You know, we're the
same in that matter.
I also have weak emotions.
You know, I've been broken
hearted here in Manila.
I was thinking, I will
just go home to Davao.
Come on, just tell me the stories I
want to hear, just a few things only.
God, what is this?
What is that?
Hey, come here,
I've got news for you.
The girl you're
with is such a flirt!
Shoot it, in betamax.
I'll take care of you!
You should be in Channel 3,
what are you doing here?
I was just dragged
here by the man?
The visayan girl dragged you?
No, I just saw you went
inside so I followed you.
Whatever happens,
don't surrender!
- Don't surrender?
- No!
We'll fight!
- Fight?
- Yes.
- Who?
- You.
- Why me?
- Adio!
There, there, there!
Sergeant Swazo!
This is Leo Cordova!
The friend of Colonel Dimatalo!
I want to go there
and negotiate with you.
So this mess would end.
Adio, Adio, don't
listen to that turncoat.
Marcos before
then turned to Cory.
Adio, Adio!
Turncoat star fruit!
- What will I do?
- Okay!
- Don't!
- I've said it already.
I really need to pee!
Adio, don't run!
Let's split up. You stay at the
back, be the back up, I'll stay here!
Be a hero!
- Come here!
- I'm ready!
Don't fall off, we'll talk!
Adio, it's revolution already!
Wake him up, wake him up!
Adio, it's revolution already.
Where are the military, Adio!
- You're touching me!
- No I'm not!
What do you meanno?
I saw you touching me!
Move, move!
Wilson, give me the microphone.
Give it to me, hurry!
Come. Hurry, Wilson!
Build the line. Don't be afraid!
Who, whom? How? Why
did this big mess start?
Adio, soldiers!
Don't bump me. This is pee!
Don't bump me!
Peace everyone. We're
all friends. Don't be afraid!
Charge don't be afraid!
Hide me, hide me!
Hold on, hold on, wait
Adio, fight, Adio, charge!
Adio, what did I do wrong?
That's just smoke.
You're dead, Adio!
You murderer! Murderer!
I'm so happy!
I thought you've cheated on me!
Long live the workers!
Long live the union!
Captain Swazo is hereby
awarded his medal of merit,
By Chief of Staff of the Arm
Forces of the Philippines.
The Chief of Staff's representative
General Juan Borromeo.
Will present the award
to Captain Swazo.
And now, for his invaluable share in the
efforts to negotiate with the plotters,
And avoid bloodshed, this citation
is awarded to Mr. Leo Cordova.
Duly appointed officer in charge,
Of the department store in which
the coup plotters where apprehended.
Mr. Cordova
Mr. Cordova congratulations.
Excuse me, hold it
Fellowmen, I'd like to inform all of
you, that your servant, an honest,
Humane and God-fearing,
Was appointed to be a candidate
for Mayor of San Fabian!
So don't forget,
Write in your
ballot, Leo Cordova.
Leo Cordova
Hi, Mr. Del Prado.
Guess who's here
The ever faithful Minnie Palacio.
I brought your favorite. Here
Mocha cake. And this, your favorite,
Caesar salad, dinuguan and sweet coco jam.
And what else do I have here
Lysol. Here's an air freshner,
So your jail would smell good.
You don't fit here.
You're too handsome.
And most of all, the surprise!
I brought you my
pictures. Here. Look.
So you'd remember me even
if we don't see each other.
But don't worry, I'll visit
you everyday. Right?
How are you Brother Salvi?
Why? Why?
- Guess where I was shot?
- Where?
Oh my
Poor you. Why
Oh my goodness, don't
tell me it's no longer there.
Come when I get ordained.
Huh? You mean, you've
decided to become a priest?
What shall I do?
I don't have a bullet.
No more? No more. None.
Now on news on 3, we'd like to show some
on the spot scene from the late edition.
I don't understand
those strikers, poor them.
They're staying out til night.
They're asking for
something I can't give.
Maybe because of money?
What is that?
Oh my god!
Why are we showing that,
my god. It's so embarrassing!
That's what you get!
Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!
Hey, wait. I'm going
home. You left me!
I don't want to
stay here in Manila.
I'm going home.
Hey, why did you leave?
What is your problem,
Maya? You're sad.
It's because of Adio.
He's been promoted
yet his salary is still small.
And his life is always
in danger.
He even joined a coup.
Tell him to resign.
Now, now that he
received a gold medal?
What gold? Say bronze.
Ka Igme is here.
Ka Igme.
What news are going to tell
me that we have to meet here?
Our strike at DOD was successful.
Very successful!
That's good. Women lead
the fight for the workers.
That's why we meet you here to ask
for your help in our next battle.
The company where I work at,
Mabuhay Pharmaceuticals.
American multi-nationals
are trying to buy it.
Those imperialists.
Ka Igme, can we count on you?
Ka Igme, we need your
long experience in unionism.
From now one, we'll be
together with our battle.
Days of violence is over.
Long live Ka Igme!
Long live!
Long live Filipino workers!
Long live!
What's that?
That's a jungle bolo!
Deadly weapon!
That's prohibited.
Oh my gosh!
You broke my cane!
Come on!