Worship (2021) Movie Script

No.1069? Anyone has ticket no.1069?
Follow the van no.42.
No.1077, come forward, the vans are here.
Go ahead.
No.1090? No.1090. Raise your hands.
Walk along, walk along.
No.1092, please take van no.60.
No.1093, van no.62.
No.1098. No.1098.
No.1099. Anyone?
No.1122, please take the van no.86.
No.1123, take the white one.
Are all of you no.1160?
No.1160, right? Please, go ahead.
Come right along. Come right along.
Move right along, please.
Come along.
Go ahead, proceed. The vans will follow.
Move fast.
Go ahead, keep right.
Stay on the right.
Go ahead. Come along.
All you benevolent ones,
get the flowers first. One each.
Then you can pay respect to the holy lord.
Anyone of you not going up?
It's jam-packed there right now.
Buy at the level of your faith.
Write your name at the table.
We rejoice in your merits.
How much did you pay?
100 baht, right?
Anyone who pays more than 100 baht
will get a special bonus.
Put it in the monk's bowl.
You already did?
We rejoice in your merits.
Is this your inauspicious year?
Merits do not expire.
Keep collecting your merits.
These merits will be
the shadow that follows you.
They will accompany you everywhere
to help you when you need it the most.
They will be with you.
They will protect you.
They will lead you to good things.
Even after your body is gone,
the merits will give you happiness.
Buy the gold sheets at the amount
according to your faith
for the power of the Buddha's Holy Trinity
combined with the power
of the magic mirror ball
as well as all the ball's guardian angels,
to cure yourself from all
the maladies and sicknesses,
or for whatever wish you may have.
Anyone who wants to exchange the coins
may do so at the Red Fabric worship spot.
Those who already paid for their blessing,
please proceed upstairs.
If you want to wish for any earthly
desires, work life, material wealth,
or anything else, you can ask upstairs.
You have to write wishes
on the red fabric only.
Newcomers, please stick to the right.
Come and get flowers over here.
If you're asking for luck, fame, children,
husband, wife, son, or daughter,
please ask the god at the green palace.
Those who want to make a wish,
prepare offerings of eggs and meat.
We provide the instructions.
Follow it through for your own success.
For those who want to pour gold
to mold the statue of the Buddha,
come to the Master's palace.
Think of your name and your date of birth,
then focus your thoughts
into the gold sheets for the Buddha.
The Auspicious Year unit is available now.
Those who was born in the years
of Snake, Pig, Monkey and Tiger,
and those who would turn 25 this year,
please sign here and contribute
at the level of your faith.
Get the holy coins
to enhance your luck as well,
and get the amulet to draw you wealth.
You have to worship the lord.
Anyone who did not go over there yet,
before all of you leave, please contribute
and buy rice for the temple.
500 baht per sack, or 200 baht a bucket.
The minimum is 120 baht. Or 140 is better.
The auspicious, wealth-inducing
moment is coming up.
The time is soon up,
only nine minutes left.
Therefore, the next nine minutes
are very important.
Welcome everyone,
those who are sitting here,
or those at the almshouse,
at some corners, or at the parking lots.
Now, only nine precious minutes are left
until the worship ceremony
of the sacred spirits and the masters.
Everyone, focus your mind and pray.
Now the Master Ariyachat Ariyachitto
is praying
to draw the god's light into the fire,
to be the light of wisdom to all of you.
Inviting the power of the three masters
to be instilled right above your hair.
Everyone, please join your hands
above your head
to pay your obeisance
to the three masters.
May the highest power
of the light of wisdom,
the conqueror of evils,
the giver of wealth,
the spirits who guard the place,
the fields, the water,
the forests, the mountains,
the ponds, the seas,
the sky and the oceans,
please come here to rejoice in the merits
of the prayer of northern land,
the Master Ariyachat Ariyachitto.
Now, our master is
sprinkling the holy water
that has been consecrated
to all of you.
When the holy water touches you,
focus and pray,
"Wish me wealth, wish me wealth,
wish me wealth."
No, son. Don't quit the monkhood.
Remain at the temple.
Why would you want to quit
and come back here?
No, I can no longer take it.
I have to quit.
If I can stay, I wouldn't
come back here to beg you.
I can't go on, I need to quit.
And perhaps I'll ordain again later on.
No, it's not good to quit
and then go back.
Better to just stay in the monkhood.
I don't think so.
I already ran out of merit,
so I should just quit.
It's better to leave,
rather than to stay on and commit sins.
No, monks don't commit sins.
Monks earn good merits.
You can't commit sins in the temple.
It's only us mortals who commit sins.
The Holy Mahabuddha Dhevapisek Vessuwan
the gold statuette, weighing 31 grams,
can be purchased for 55,000 baht.
The silver ones are 2,600 baht each.
There are 5,000 bronzes,
900 baht each.
Before starting the holy ceremony today,
I may request the power of all the masters
including our Master
Everyone, concentrate and respect,
pray together, into the force
to make merits
by molding the silver and golden
statues of the Buddha today.
Be lucky! Lucky! Lucky!
Be lucky! Lucky! Lucky!
Be rich! Rich! Rich!
Be rich! Rich! Rich!
Be lucky! Lucky! Lucky!
Be lucky! Lucky! Lucky!
Be rich! Rich! Rich!
Be rich! Rich! Rich!
Be lucky! Lucky! Lucky!
Be lucky! Lucky! Lucky!
Be rich! Rich! Rich!
Be rich! Rich! Rich!
Blessed be.
I beg you, holy spirits, please bless me
with all your powers
to bring good luck and happiness
to my family.
For us to have good life.
I seek the blessing from you,
holy father and mother,
for all my wishes to be granted.
Bless all the novices
who earn good merit for their parents.
It's all good merits.
Let's hear all the names.
Mama Nipa Noiphong from Lamphun
purchased one set
of the silver and gold bells.
Mr. Chaiwat and Mrs. Kade Watmee
Anyone who wants to offer
the Master a fabric
but only have the fabric
without any other offerings,
we have fabric here
which can be used to write your name on
along with the portrait of the Master.
May you get a million this year, brother,
or even 10 million.
Please, put them in.
Purchase the fabric.
You guys can touch it.
Once we're done here,
I will show you the holy pond, students.
1 JUNE 2019
Welcome to all the people
who traveled from many places,
many provinces from all over Thailand,
people from all over the place
who come to worship the goddess
with full faith.
Once you arrive,
purchase the flowers and incenses
according to your faith.
The amounts are not fixed
because we don't sell things here.
We're just preparing for you
to make it more convenient.
You can pay as much as you want.
May the power of the Master Holy Turtle
please bless us with your power.
Radiate the power of luck and fortune,
the power of wealth and happiness
to the people who respect you,
keep them safe from any harms
with the power of the Master Holy Turtle.
Greetings to all the virtuous people
who came from the cities far away
to ask the Speedy Buddha for their wishes.
When you arrive, light up three incenses,
and then, make a wish,
say your name, "My name is
I came to ask the Speedy Buddha for help."
Describe your problems
thoroughly to the Buddha.
After you're done, say, "Please help me
fulfill my wish soon, Speedy Buddha.
Once I succeed, I will donate
at least 50 jasmine garlands."
Tell him the amount as you intended.
Once you finish worshipping
the Speedy Buddha,
do not miss the golden opportunity.
Please hurry and come to worship
the Speedy Buddha amulets
that are made by our temple here.
Once you purchase it, keep it with you
and ask the amulet everyday.
Say, "Today I will do this good deed,
and may I get
this amount of money in return."
Keep asking this every day,
until you succeed.
Therefore, once you purchase the amulet,
you can ask the amulet everyday.
I invite you all to purchase them
at the Sacred Items booth
of the Doi Kham Temple.
After worshiping the Success Candles,
your life will be successful and bright
like the candles that you worship.
Offer the candles here.
Get in the line, please.
I will give the amulet of the Buddha,
one for each of you.
there are plenty of them, see?
Girl, have you got one?
You haven't?
I can't give it for free,
do you have ten baht for worship fee?
I cannot give it to you for free.
You have to pay the worship fee.
This is the Red Buddha amulet.
I might get in trouble
for saying this to you,
but you are very pretty,
like a TV actress.
Put it in, niece.
Twenty baht is okay as well.
Ask and you shall receive.
Here you are.
That is for the worship fee.
Twenty baht, okay?
Collect the money, kiddo.
You want a lottery ticket?
One ticket, 150 baht.
The more you give, the more you get.
You will be a millionaire.
Now the monk is anointing the holy oil
that will cure all the sicknesses
and maladies.
You will find happiness and success.
I invite you all to anoint your face
and put the Master's mask over your head.
May you win the lottery and become rich.
May you be wealthy and be a billionaire
who owns cane fields,
potato fields, and taro fields.
May you have a thousand-acres farm
with cows and buffalos, 10,000 each.
May you have vans and cars.
Prepare the money.
Every baht you give,
you should give them
with happiness and joy.
Fill the monk's bowl until it's full.
Move the bowl a little, that bowl.
Put your money in the monk's bowl,
at least 20 baht per person,
or if you could put in 100,
that would be very nice.
Consider this
as we make merits for our ancestors.
May you get rich as soon as you get home.
May you win the first-prize lottery.
May you win the lottery prize,
then you will stop being poor and sick.
Make merits and good deeds
by putting your money in the monk's bowl.
Soon we will know how much is in the bowl,
whether it's full or not,
which will bring the result to your lives.
Every baht should be put
in the monk's bowl.
Worship the Master,
then you will be free from sorrows.
When we die,
there's nothing we can carry on
after death,
except the merits and good deeds.
Even a pint of rice, a hoe,
a shovel, a car, or a house,
even a single basin,
you can't bring it with you.
Just the merits and good deeds
will follow you.
May you all be rich and win
every round of lottery prize.
Blessed be.
Blessed be.
Blessed be.
Blessed be.
You don't mind if I curse you
to be rich, don't you?
The consecrated amulets
will be given by the Master now.
The big sack costs 500 baht each.
If it's not enough, you can ask him.
He is kind,
he will give it to you now.
Does anyone want a small flag?
There are plenty left,
come here and get it.
Take one for your business to prosper.
Put the bowl here.
Over here, kiddo.
Oh, it's full.
Put this in your house or shop,
and you will receive a lot more.
May your kid be obedient,
may your kid be obedient.
Put the money in the monk's bowl
under his knee.
Anyone? Come here.
This stick of wood would be very nice.
Does anyone want to offer more?
The amulets will run out soon.
Put the money in the bowl.
Welcome you all.
Here comes the host.
Everyone move aside,
the first round is here!
Let's hear some applause
for the first round of the novices!
May I invite all the spirits
who reside in every district.
May I invite all the spirits
who reside in the palace over the sky.
Spirits who guard this place,
the Father Mahatat,
the Father of the Holy Fire Rocket,
all the spirits in northeast.
Today is the Fifteenth Moon
of the Seventh Month.
Your children will offer a dance,
an ancient dance, to show you,
for you to protect us,
to protect us, please.
Blessed be.
Wait a moment.
Let the third one be kindled.
To worship the Buddha's Holy Trinity
in Flower Parade,
please be informed that
to complete the worship ritual,
you must complete the three rounds
and you must prostrate
to the Buddha before you leave
in order to complete
the Flower Parade ceremony.
Be careful, be careful.
Go, go!
You all be filthy rich.
Filthy, filthy rich.
Rich again and again
till you have no place
to keep all your cash
and had to put them in a truck,
or a couple of container ships.
And next time you all come to our town,
go make merit at these five temples.
Blessed be.
If we put into a percentage,
it would be only 1%.
A couple of container ships
would still be only 1%.
I only ask you for this, not that much.
May your fortune be like a plague.
Like a chronic disease
with no cure in sight.
No doctor can ever cure this sickness.
May your wealth be detectable.
Don't be unknowingly rich.
May your rich be accountable.
Don't be rich without a reason,
or else you will be confiscated!
The Anti-Corruption Commission
is watching.
If you would be rich,
be rich with accountability.
And may your fortune be expanded
to fill an intergalactic infinity
with endless wealth.
May your fortune reaches no bound
till you get sick of it.
Blessed be.
Are you sick of it yet?
Tell me!
Not yet?
It means you're still not rich enough!
And so you need to continue amassing it.
Blessed be.