Wrapped Up in Love (2021) Movie Script

The Bermuda Triangle,
a notorious area
in the Atlantic
so dangerous and mysterious,
some call it the
Devil's Triangle.
Hundreds of ships, planes,
and their crew
have vanished here.
Some believe the
secrets buried deep within
the Triangle could explain
other bizarre anomalies
around the globe.
Oh man,
that is phenomenal.
This is awesome man!
And tonight we're coming to
you from the coast of Florida.
On this special episode
of The Proof Is Out There:
Bermuda Triangle Edition,
our team of top experts
will investigate some
of the most compelling evidence
of UFOs at the
Triangle and beyond.
I guess now I
can definitively say,
we are not alone.
Were UFOs spying
on astronauts in space,
tracking pilots in mid-air,
and attempting to abduct a
person in broad daylight?
What the
is this?
And then,
pass a verdict.
Wow. Awesome!
The proof starts now.
Good evening
and welcome to
The Proof Is Out There:
Bermuda Triangle Edition,
coming to you from
the Florida coast.
On the Bermuda Triangle:
Into Cursed Waters,
the team looks into a theory
that some planes go missing
in this region because
they are colliding
with UAPs, unidentified
aerial phenomena.
The area is a hotbed
for UAP sightings
and it's not the only place.
In Mexico, a pilot
recently reported a UAP
that literally dropped in.
March 19th, 2020.
We're in the skies
over Monterrey, Mexico
on a cargo plane headed
to Memphis, Tennessee.
About an hour into the flight,
while Captain Eric Delgado
is enjoying his dinner,
something catches his eye.
He pulls out his device
and records this.
Oh man, that
is phenomenal dude.
I'm so glad you saw that.
And you saw it drop
out of the sky,
and, it just, it just stopped?
This is awesome man!
And it's pulsating
too, man. That is nuts.
Delgado says this thing
dropped straight down from above
and hit his plane with
some kind of spotlight.
It looked
like a lighthouse
in some thin fog
as it's turning.
So that really got
my heart going.
No doubt a
UFO shining a light
on your plane would be
a terrifying moment.
Thought that could
have been a safety issue
because initially this
thing is turning into us
and then it decided to park
itself off our left wing tip.
The glowing orb
maintains its position,
pacing the plane. Delgado
says it stayed there
for 25 minutes before
darting off at a sharp angle.
At that point,
the fear was gone
and then it was just,
I was flabbergasted.
It was just wonderment I guess.
And there's more.
This is the part of Mexico
where Delgado saw the UFO.
It's a short flight
from Central Mexico's
Zone of Silence, a weird
place that locals say
blocks radio transmissions
and where UFOs have
been seen for centuries.
I guess now I can definitively
say, we are not alone.
So what's the
story down in Mexico?
We passed Captain
Delgado's video
onto some top aviation
and video analysts
and you need to hear
what they have to say.
We turn back to Marc D'Antonio,
who has spent 15 years doing
image and video analysis.
He first wanted to check
if this orb could actually
be the planet Venus,
which is sometimes
mistaken for a UFO.
Number one, Venus doesn't
move around in the sky
like they saw it.
And this object shone a light
inside the cockpit
of the aircraft.
Planets don't have
spotlights on them.
So could it
have been a meteor
or a piece of space junk?
Fun fact, there are about
130 million pieces of junk
in our orbit.
But look at how this
meteor leaves a long tail
and only for a few seconds.
That's not what this thing does.
Aviation expert, Tim McMillan.
Meteors fly into
the atmosphere,
you know, at a speed
of 25,000 to more.
You don't have something
that's following you
for 30 minutes.
We can scratch
that off the list.
That's not gonna be
a good explanation.
is equally convinced
this was not another plane.
If you'd had another plane
that was flying in the vicinity,
it would be operating the
lights that are on either wing.
So your green and red lights.
Anybody who's looked up in the
sky has seen those blinking.
And so you don't see
anything else but that.
Now, at
576 miles an hour,
we can also rule out drones
'cause there is no
drone that I know of
that goes 576 miles an
hour at 37,000 feet.
And of course,
other aircraft are supposed
to show up on radar.
But look at what happens
when Delgado pans
to the cockpit monitors.
You would see, if there
was another aircraft
in the vicinity where
they're looking,
which is in this region,
you'd see a plane on this.
So we don't see that.
And so there's definitely
not another aircraft.
You now have a case that's
really truly mysterious.
This looks like
there's mystery here.
That was a UFO.
You can look at the footage
and form your own opinions.
I'm not the story, the
footage is the story.
So America, time
for the answer.
Is it proof or not?
Well, it's not a planet.
There are no wings.
And Captain Delgado
said it followed him.
Now we didn't see any evidence
of the spotlight he described,
but our verdict, a UFO.
Which is technically any
unidentified flying object.
The International
Space Station, or ISS,
is a modern marvel
of engineering
and global cooperation.
As astronauts from a host of
nations advanced mankind's
research in space,
some eagle-eyed,
earthbound viewers
believe they've spotted
aliens studying us.
March of 2017, the
International Space Station,
250 miles above the
Earth's surface.
Two astronauts are on
a routine space walk
to perform maintenance.
NASA flight engineer Peggy
Witson films their mission
and in the process captures
something out of this world.
A strange object seems to
be following. Look closer.
It appears to be spinning slowly
as if to get a better view.
It's visible in the background
for almost the entire
seven hour space walk.
Social media blows up.
Many speculate that
this is proof of a UFO
monitoring the ISS.
Author and editor, Brad Olsen,
thinks there's an entire
ET surveillance network.
Some believe the
centerpiece is a mysterious
satellite called the Black
Knight that avoids detection
through a cloaking device.
The Black Knight satellite
flies a very peculiar rotation
around the Earth,
from pole to pole.
So as the earth spins
in that direction,
eventually every continent
will come underneath
where this Black
Knight satellite flies.
In 1899, famed
inventor Nikola Tesla received
a radio transmission
that some believe
was from the Black Knight.
And photos of a strange object
like this one taken from the
ISS add to the speculation
that an alien satellite
is orbiting earth.
But if there are
aliens spying on us,
no one knows exactly what
they'd hope to learn.
What they're using it
for, to monitor the Earth,
is truly one of the greatest
mysteries of our planet.
Now, other footage from the
ISS has reinforced the idea
that strange things are
happening up in orbit.
Check this picture out.
It's from 2015 when
a British astronaut
saw three lights moving
in formation near the ISS.
Now the image is tough to see,
but let's zoom in
and I'll point out
what we're talking about.
It's right here,
and again right here.
Strange, right? But before
we sound the alarm,
let's analyze these
images with our experts.
Marc D'Antonio studies the
space walk footage to see
if the object could be
some kind of satellite.
It actually falls in the
shadow of the Space Station
a few points in the video,
that is something that tells me
that it's actually fairly small
and fairly close to
the Space Station.
So maybe it's one
of the 130 million pieces
of space junk
circling the Earth.
The ISS sometimes
has to maneuver out
of the way to avoid
being hit by that stuff.
If it was space junk,
we'd expect it to be moving
across the surface of the earth
in a different direction.
It looks like it's something
that's paralleling the motion
of the International
Space Station.
Mick West
dismisses the Black Knight
spy satellite theory
for the same reason.
It would follow a completely
different orbit from the ISS.
And after doing
some investigating,
D'Antonio thinks this UFO
is from the ISS itself.
This particular
object was a shield that was
supposed to be installed and
they dropped it by accident.
The shield is made
of two inch thick fabric
that's meant to protect the ISS
from strikes from space junk.
As for those three
streaks of light,
D'Antonio researches that
particular ISS mission
and notes there was an
interesting problem.
There was a leak of a liquid
from the Russian sector of the
International Space Station.
In the final analysis,
it turns out that this is
almost definitely just urine
that leaked out of
the Russian sector
of the International
Space Station.
Our verdict, the UFOs
were really a flyaway shield
and some Russian urine.
Yeah, I said it, but the space
junk problem, that's real.
In fact, NASA is worried
about something called
the Kessler Syndrome
where so many objects
will be in orbit
that a collision could cause
a whole cascade of smash ups
producing so much clutter,
it would make future
launches impossible.
We now head to the
great state of Texas
for the story of an
unexplained phenomenon
which occurred in, of all
places, a suburban kitchen.
March 2017, Erica
Garner is home alone
in her house just
outside Houston.
Her husband has left
for a business trip.
I was outside, I was
playing with my two dogs,
and I noticed something
very strange on my rooftop.
There was black birds
going in a circle.
I had never seen that before.
This feels
like some sort of omen
as Erica goes back inside.
She's giving water to
her dogs when suddenly...
Let's freeze on that
'cause if you blink,
you'll miss it.
A strange blue light
streaking through the room,
leaving Erica stunned and
momentarily at a loss for words.
It was almost like plasma.
Everything in the room
turned completely white
almost like an explosion,
and my eyes started burning.
Even stranger, the
flash only lasts a second,
though Erica says it
felt much longer.
What was that?
It traveled almost like
it was a train coming
across the room, slowly
coming in for a stop.
And this happened for
all about seven seconds.
And that night,
things get downright funky.
I'd had trouble sleeping.
I was having some
strange dreams,
and it definitely impacted me.
Erica's dreams of
pink and purple galaxies
make her feel like she's
been transported through time
and she wonders
if the blue flash
could have been an
extraterrestrial force.
Into my research,
trying to figure out what
possibly a blue beam of light
could come from.
People have said they've
experienced alien abductions
and they might see a
blue beam of light.
One similar
case happened in 1975.
An Arizona logger named
Travis Walton disappeared
after walking toward
an unidentified
beam of light in the forest.
He recalled being transported
to a strange place
surrounded by alien beings.
And when he made it home,
he was shocked to learn he'd
been gone for five days.
There are definitely things
in this world that
we do not understand.
So what is Erica's blue flash?
Well, we know it's not her
security camera malfunctioning
because we can hear her
reacting in real time.
So the first thing we
did was a proper analysis
of the footage.
Photography expert
Andrew McCarthy starts
by examining the
footage frame by frame.
So right after this, the
camera lost several frames.
You see a distinct jump.
Her hair moves, the dogs move.
It's just a significant jump.
She said it was seven seconds.
I'm not sure if it
was seven seconds,
but it was a long time,
long enough that they
significantly shifted positions.
But McCarthy says
there's something else
that's even stranger.
What didn't make sense to me
is nothing here is
casting a shadow.
It seems like the light
source would be coming
behind the camera to cause this,
but you would see
some kind of shadow,
cast on the legs of these
chairs, on the dogs,
we don't see any of that.
It's just bright and
it's uniformly bright.
Forensic investigator
Chase Kloetzke is curious
if the flash could be
something as simple
as a burnt out light bulb.
So she asks the
Garners to run a test.
Erica and her husband
put this light bulb
in and they tapped it.
And if you tap it long
enough, it burned out.
Once you compare when
the light bulb blows out
and that reaction
and you put it next
to the blue flash,
they're not even close.
Okay, so if
it wasn't a blown bulb,
was it possibly a strike
of lightning from outside?
Atmospheric scientist,
Deanna Hence,
reviews the local weather
radar from that day.
What you're seeing is
that a round of fairly
intense thunderstorms went
through the Houston area
but it was about
1:00 in the morning
whereas this video was taken
at 11:30 in the morning.
That really leaves me to think
that lightning is not
responsible for that flash.
Some experts
believe wormholes
in the universe create
paths to move backwards
in time and through
parallel universes.
Perhaps the blue flash
was one such path.
I stand more on the side
of this being a time glitch.
It's an error in our
time space fabric.
So what is it?
The strange jump in
the footage does point
to some kind of time glitch.
But whether it's caused
by an alien force,
a wormhole, or something
else is unclear.
So for now, I'm
prepared to call this
a genuine, unexplained phenomenon.
When local news choppers
cover a breaking story,
you never know what's
going to happen next.
And in our first video,
what the chopper caught
purely by chance became
a story of its own.
Six, this
is checkmate one six.
I'm in the vicinity of
Table Rock Creek at present.
I have three attack, correction,
five attack helicopters.
In the
past five years,
millions of acres of California
have been consumed by wildfires.
And in 2018 with the
massive Woolsey Fire
menacing Northern Los
Angeles County itself,
local news choppers
took to the air
to cover every smokey second.
And then
that provides a great deal
of fuel for these fires.
But when some
viewers saw this footage,
they forgot all
about the flames.
So the helicopter
captures this massive cloud
of smoke billowing
up from the forest,
and then all of a
sudden, out of the cloud
comes this odd, little shape.
It's narrow, almost
looks like a flat saucer
on its side or a cigar shape.
Journalist MJ
Banais covers the unexplained,
and he says the cigar shaped
UFO is a classic type,
right up there with orbs,
Tic Tacs, and triangles.
Cigar shaped UFOs
have been seen
for decades, if not centuries,
and we have lots of
recordings of them.
We have lots of witness
testimony of them.
We have lots of
photographs of them.
So for the UFO community,
seeing a cigar shaped UFO,
it was pretty compelling.
The video
caught fire online.
Was a UFO somehow
drawn to the flames?
There's a belief
that UFOs use clouds
as cover and they
hide behind them.
I've heard stories that
UFOs can actually shapeshift
and look like clouds.
I've also heard that UFOs
enjoy frequenting sites
of great devastation,
forest fires included.
Here's an interesting fact.
More than 80% of US
forest fires are started
by human activity, from
cigarettes to arson.
Could it be that UFOs
are somehow drawn
to these large fires?
Let's break down the
video with our experts.
First off, we know
the video is real.
It was broadcast live
by a news chopper,
and you can see from
the independent motion
of the object that it's not
just a smudge on the lens.
So could it have been an
object from outer space
entering the Earth's atmosphere?
We asked video expert
Marc D'Antonio,
a trained astronomer.
And sometimes
meteors will come in,
and sometimes they
hit the atmosphere
at such a low angle
that they can't crack,
and they just go
skipping off the Earth.
And as they do that,
they start to burn up.
But the California
UFO wasn't burning up,
and science writer Mick West,
who's lived through
plenty of wildfires,
says it couldn't be a plane.
It didn't seem to have any
of the features of a plane.
It had no visible wings
and it seemed to be moving
either too slow or to be
too big to be a plane.
Set on
solving this puzzle,
West starts by
determining precisely
where the news chopper was.
I looked up all
the helicopters
in the Flightradar24
tracking service,
and tried to figure out where
they all were at that time.
Then I went into Google Earth
and I positioned the camera
where these helicopters
were at around that time.
Using some
satellite images of the fire,
West is able to
line up that image
with the chopper's
exact camera angle.
And so I could tell that
the chopper's over here,
we're looking over here.
the eureka moment.
You can see here,
we're looking down.
So it's all ocean.
That's right,
the sky is really
the Pacific Ocean.
And the cigar shaped UFO?
What if it was a boat that's
actually out on the ocean?
West checks the
local shipping lanes,
and sure enough.
15 miles off the
coast is the route
that all the container ships
take when they're going north
and south off the
coast of California.
So what we were looking
at was a container ship.
The moral of the story?
Check your assumptions.
That blue sky might turn
out to be the blue ocean.
And our verdict, that
UFO turned out to be
an unidentified floating
object, a container ship.
If I say Dorothy and Toto,
basketball dynasties and wheat,
lots of wheat, you'd
think Kansas, right?
Well, not everything is what
you'd expect out on the plains.
Check this out.
March 2021, the good
people of Wichita, Kansas,
are going about their business.
Property manager Mike
Marler is one of them.
I was on my lunch break
and I was going back to work,
and I was getting
off on my exit.
Mike glances to his
right and spots this.
What the
is this?
I noticed in the sky there
was something silver.
It was long, it was shiny, it
was moving very, very fast.
So it was very challenging
to get a really good angle.
What is it?
We slow
it down and zoom in,
but even then it seems
to race out of frame.
And then in
a matter of seconds,
it just disappeared.
When Mike posts
the video to social media,
he learns that dozens of
others saw the same object.
UFOs in Kansas are nothing new.
In 1972, one of the world's
most famous UFO encounters
occurred in Delphos, Kansas,
witnessed by 16 year old Ronnie
Johnson on his family farm.
All of a sudden, a
large object descended
and began hovering over his
backyard and then disappeared,
but it left burn
marks on the ground.
mother took a picture
of this strange circle.
We call it a
physical trace case.
We also know that there
was a slight increase
in radiation around the
area where the UFO was,
compared to soil further
away from the site.
Did the people of Wichita
witness something similar?
There were a lot of
eyes on this one.
So unless we're dealing
with a massive hoax,
the video is real.
And given the Sunflower
State's history with UFOs,
it's worth asking our
experts if this is proof
of an extra
terrestrial encounter,
or a case of mistaken identity.
Our aviation analyst,
Tim McMillan,
first tries to
determine where Mike was
when he spotted the object.
As they were filming, they
passed several street signs,
and so that allows you to narrow
down exactly where they are
and what direction
they're facing.
McMillan uses
the location and timestamp
on the video to compare it to
the flight data from that day.
He zeros in on one craft
that is occasionally mistaken
for a UFO over Wichita.
The NASA Super Guppy is
a very odd shaped, wide body
cargo aircraft that can
even be used to transport
the space shuttle.
There was one in
Wichita that day.
The Super
Guppy can carry
up to 26 tons of payload.
It looks like a cross between
a cargo plane and a zeppelin.
NASA itself says it's
often mistaken for a UFO,
especially when it's reflective
metal catches the sun,
and it frequently flies in
and out of Fort McConnell,
right near Wichita.
But when you look at
the flight radar data
from that particular day,
the Super Guppy was actually
several hundred miles away
to the southwest.
So we can say with
absolute certainty,
this was not the Super Guppy
that was being filmed here.
With all the
military bases in the area,
McMillan thinks it might
have been some sort of test.
Could this be some
type of drone testing here,
where we're testing autonomous
drone in-flight refueling?
But McMillan can't be sure,
and Mark D'Antonio thinks
it looks too square
and thin to be a normal plane.
It almost looks
like it's kinda waving
a little bit in the wind.
So the next question is,
could it be one of those
advertising banners that's
towed behind these light planes?
And the answer is that
theory actually matches
this the best.
McMillan disagrees,
and points to his research on
flight data that day as proof.
There isn't anything
in that vicinity
that's showing up
on that flight data.
Whatever aircraft it is, it's
not operating a transponder.
So it's not gonna be
a civilian aircraft,
it's not gonna be a
commercial aircraft.
So, what do we think?
The Guppy, a banner,
a top secret craft,
or none of the above?
Without more evidence, we're
gonna call this a genuine UFO,
but please reach out to us if
you have any more information.
A lot of people ask, where
exactly is the Bermuda Triangle?
Well, technically
it's the area bounded
by Miami, Florida,
Bermuda, and Puerto Rico.
But while those are
the strict boundaries,
strange activity
seems to emanate out
from this triangular zone
for hundreds of miles
in every direction.
Take this recent account of
glowing orbs lighting up the sky
on the Miami corner
of the triangle.
Miami, Florida, in June of 2020,
a man on the balcony
of a downtown high rise
appears to capture
something in the sky
and it's jaw dropping.
Wow, no bull [beep].
Here's the sky.
Got the sky over here, downtown.
My house, my hand.
What the [beep] is
that? Holy [beep].
Let's push in on that.
At first glance,
I'm gonna say it looks
like a triangular craft
rimmed by five lights.
But a closer look reveals
there's a sixth light
and one light is much brighter.
And then...
What is
that? What the [beep]?
The lights fan out
like they are six
different craft.
As the witness continues
his play by play,
they zoom off into
space at warp speed.
Oh, wait, wait. Bye.
Author and
journalist, Alexis Brooks
has written and spoken
extensively about UFOs.
So the question becomes,
could this be a UFO?
There are a lot of people
having a lot of sightings,
particularly in
more recent years.
In fact, it's been known
that a sighting is reported
every eight seconds globally.
The lights remind some
of another weird phenomenon.
For decades, orbs called
the Hessdalen Lights
have been seen over
Norway, sometimes hovering,
sometimes shooting off at speeds
estimated at 20,000
miles per hour.
Always silent, the Hessdalen
lights have been known
to sterilize soil near
where they are sighted.
Explanations include UFOs
or an anomaly caused by gases
released from the Earth.
Yet the Miami footage
is more orderly.
Really like UFOs
flying in formation.
It quickly goes viral.
What is that?
Oh, oh, wait, wait, bye.
Well, [beep], it's
incredible. Wow.
So, what accounts
for the strange lights?
We have two video experts
ready to weigh in.
Forensic video analyst
Michael Primeau
examines video evidence
for court cases.
And he doesn't just focus
on what we're seeing,
but also on what we're hearing.
When we investigate
these types of recordings,
we detect that there is
a human reaction time
where the brain needs
to essentially catch up.
And in this particular case,
we don't see any kind
of reaction time
to a unnatural
phenomenon such as this.
my house, my hand.
It's almost as if the
operator knows exactly
what's gonna happen
when it happens.
He's reacting almost perfectly.
There is no reaction time.
Oh, wait, wait, bye.
Then he instantly
says, okay, bye.
And then he pans away from it.
It's very strange.
I would expect that an operator
doesn't simply move away
after they see
something like that.
They stay focused on it.
Marc D'Antonio,
another video analyst
with a degree in astronomy,
pointed out something else.
Look at how the UFOs move
compared to the background
when the camera shakes.
As we step through
this frame by frame,
the clouds move and the object
doesn't move with the clouds.
The object frame by frame
is changing position
while the clouds are more
gently moving in one direction.
This is evidence of bad
tracking, it's called,
and it's a process by
which we put fake things
into real footage to
make it look real.
And the
biggest red flag of all.
How could a cluster
of UFOs appear
over downtown Miami and
only one guy notice?
Where are the other witnesses?
We had one.
Well, [beep].
The man who says
he made the video
declined our request
for an interview.
Turns out, you can overlay orbs
on video with a
simple smartphone app.
Our verdict is hoax.
One that muddies the water
for people really
trying to study UFOs.
We always call them
out when we see them.
Have you ever seen something
that your mind
rejects as impossible?
Well, you may not
be seeing things.
Some believe
everything around us,
the sky, our homes, our
friends, aren't real.
And could these
videos be the proof?
November 2015, just a typical
day of rush hour traffic
in the Chinese city of Xingtai.
Then, this.
Take a closer look.
Two vans jump in the air
and appear to
suddenly defy gravity.
The van topples over
as it hits the ground
and nobody knows what happened.
It's totally freaky, it
doesn't make any sense.
But it's not
just the laws of gravity
that seem to be bending.
In July 2020, a photo
surfaced on the internet
that shows the impossible.
Now this one really is weird.
One of the girls, her facial
expression in the mirror
is different from her
actual facial expression.
Something like this
can't be real, right?
What is going on here?
Has reality suddenly
gone off the rails?
Physicist, Dr. Michio
Kaku explains
that some believe it's proof
our world is actually an
elaborate computer simulation.
The fundamental premise
of the simulation theory
is that there's a mysterious,
super advanced civilization
that runs computer programs
that simulate reality itself.
They can create a world
that's totally fake.
How would
an alien civilization
be able to generate our
reality with such detail?
Maybe we only need to look
to our own
technological advances.
In the 70s, we were playing
Pong on a black and white TV.
Now we have virtual reality.
If we are capable of this kind
of technological advancement,
then an alien race that's
millions of years ahead of us
could create simulations
that we can't even touch yet.
So when a car
mysteriously jumps in midair
or a mirror shows
a wrong reflection,
simple, it's a glitch in
the alien's computer code.
Not everything you see
is always working the way it
should, the computer's frozen,
and some people
perceive this phenomenon
as proof that this is
a glitch in the matrix.
Now if you believe
we're not alone
and you believe technology
advances exponentially,
it follows that an
alien civilization
may well have
evolved to the point
that they're running
lots of big simulations
and we're living in one of them.
But are these
images proof or not?
We first sent the
bizarre video of the car
to science writer and forensic
video analyst, Mick West.
My first thought was,
perhaps there was some
kind of water main break
and the water was rushing
up underneath this car
and pushing it up into the air.
West zooms
in on the video.
There's clearly no water
seen underneath the cars.
But he does find a clue in
how the van jumps in the air.
It kind of jerks and
then it's suspended.
The only plausible thing
that could hold up
something like that
is a rope or a cable or a chain.
Okay, if we're
looking for a cable or chain,
I don't see anything.
But West says,
take a closer look
at the right hand
side of the screen.
See that large vehicle
between the two cars?
There's a street
sweeper going by
at about the same time that
they get raised up into the air.
West did
some more digging.
Turns out this street sweeper
is the key to the mystery.
What actually happened
was there was a cable
lying on the street,
and this cable got tangled
up in the street sweeper
and it pulled the
cars up into the air,
and because the video
is very low quality,
you can't see this.
So chalk one
up for everyday reality.
But what about the photo
of the girl in the mirror?
We asked our other forensic
video analyst, Michael Primeau,
to take a look.
So I began my investigation
by examining what's referred
to as the metadata information.
This particular image, I
noted several consistencies
with what I would expect
to see as an original.
I noticed no inconsistencies
in the digital information.
Primeau confirms the
file is a camera original,
but could the face
in the reflection
have been digitally manipulated
after the photo was taken?
I look for any kind
of inconsistencies
in directionality of light,
any kind of inconsistencies
in the actual
compression blocks,
which is an X-ray
version of the picture,
which looks for
areas of the image
that have been copied over,
duplicated, cloned, et cetera.
where it gets freaky.
We would expect to see
some sort of pasting
of these two faces,
but I do no detect any evidence
of tampering of any kind.
This is likely what actually
was being documented
in real life.
So it turns out
those cars and vans
can be explained pretty simply.
Our verdict there,
a tangled cable.
But the examination of
that photo is rock solid.
There was no digital trickery.
And who knows, it
could be evidence
that this reality
is not really real.
Our verdict on the photo,
unexplained phenomenon.
Our team is in Florida,
the hotspot for UFO
and UAP sightings.
Earlier tonight, we debunked
this viral UFO video
out of Miami as fake,
in part because there
was only one witness.
the [beep] is that?
Holy [beep].
We'll look again to
the Sunshine State.
This time, we have
lots of witnesses,
and thankfully, one
was a loyal viewer
who sent us his own video.
February 9, 2021,
Southern Florida.
Stuart Eck is on the road
when a flash of light
makes him pull over.
It's not the police, it's this.
Oh my goodness.
Awesome, it's so nice.
A large white plume
unfurls across the sky,
growing larger and larger.
He's not frightened,
but he is amazed.
You see the shockwave go out?
Wow, awesome!
I look over and it was a
giant flame in the sky.
Take another look.
As the light passes over Stuart,
it leaves behind
a massive trail.
It ballooned out
like it was exploding
or something very
different was going on,
and it was one of the
most incredible things
I've ever seen in my life.
Not everyone
Stuart talked to
was as smitten with the object.
It scared a lot of
people to death,
thinking it was
some type of weapon
coming in from outer space.
Florida is a UFO hotspot.
It's actually second
only to California.
There have been 7,000 sightings
of UFOs in Florida since 1998.
But UFOs are
consistently reported
to fly without leaving
visible exhaust or contrails.
And there's another theory, a
very human, high tech weapon
reported to leave a
distinctive exhaust trail.
The Chinese military already
claims to have developed
something called a
hypersonic missile.
As the name suggests,
it travels at five times the
speed of sound at low altitude.
That's a game changer, because
such a weapon could make it
from the Yumen Missile
Silos in central China
to Washington D.C.,
evading radar and existing
air defense systems
until it is already well
over U.S. airspace.
And American nuclear submarines
reportedly now have their
own hypersonic missile,
dubbed the C Dragon.
So that might be what
Stuart witnessed.
Another theory, this is some
new rocket being developed
by a space entrepreneur
like Elon Musk.
Notice how both this
2017 SpaceX launch
and the one in Stuart's
video have glowing contrails,
due to an effect you may have
seen in an earlier episode
about a suspected
Chinese rocket.
While it's dark on the ground,
the rocket and its
contrails are high up enough
to be illuminated by the sun,
even though it's
over the horizon.
But exactly what sort of
rocket, missile, or other craft
could be creating the huge
exhaust trail in Stuart's video
is a mystery.
SpaceX's Falcon Nine has become
the most flown,
operational U.S. rocket,
successfully launching over 63
times in the past two years.
Could this be another
Elon Musk venture,
or is there something else
more troubling going on?
First, astronomer and
video effects designer,
Marc D'Antonio, considers
if this could be a jet
going supersonic.
When a jet approaches
the sound barrier,
you'll see a condensation front
along the front of the jet.
In moist air,
a speeding plane creates
low pressure areas
where water condenses
in a vapor cone.
As the plane speeds up, the
cloud moves down the body.
And when the plane breaks
through the sound barrier,
it outraces the water droplets
and the cone disappears.
What we're seeing
here, though,
is a continuous plume
that's persistent.
So this is definitely
not a supersonic jet.
Our aviation
expert, Tim McMillan,
thinks he can narrow
it down further.
That teardrop shape
and that contrail,
that is characteristic
of some type of rocket
or potentially a missile test.
But when
McMillan checks
the SpaceX launch schedule,
he rules out any Elon
Musk related UFOs.
So could this be a new weapon
system, like the C Dragon?
The U.S. is just now, kind of,
getting into the
hypersonics game and trying
to develop more operational
hypersonic platforms.
D'Antonio digs deeper,
he finds the U.S.
military had tested
submarine launched missiles
in the area that day,
but the military won't say
what exactly was launched.
If it was a missile
test of some kind,
it's probably a missile
that they don't want
you to know about.
Despite the
strange appearance,
we're calling this one a
rocket or missile launch.
But what rocket or
missile, we may never know.
What's clear is that
the US is in a race
to develop unstoppable
hypersonic missiles,
so we may be witnessing one
of the very first tests.
On the Bermuda Triangle:
Into Cursed Waters, the team
continues to investigate
theories such as UAPs,
hoping to provide answers to
all the unexplained phenomena
that occur in this region.
But for now, the
mysterious Bermuda Triangle
continues to cling
to its secrets.
Thank you for watching
this special edition
of The Proof Is Out There.
Please send us any videos you
think we should investigate,
and remember to keep
those cameras rolling.