Wrath: A Seven Deadly Sins Story (2022) Movie Script

If it pleases the court...
In front of you is an email
from you to Mr. Brooks,
dated August 16th of last year.
Could you read it aloud, sir?
I don't have my reading glasses.
That's all right.
"Tim, if you think
you're going to get
one more penny out of me
for the Bixacorn hard drives,
after I've already laid out
two expletive million dollars,
you are expletive dreaming.
Push this any further
and you'll be explaining
to the expletive cops
how you managed to steal them
in the first place."
Now, I've omitted
a few choice words,
but those are your words, sir?
Think clearly before you answer.
I'd like to remind you
that you are under oath.
I'd toot my own horn, too,
if it wasn't such a slam dunk.
A first-year law student
would've got a settlement.
Not for 147 million!
200 would have been better.
Chastity, you're awesome,
and we are hitting
the clubs tomorrow night
to celebrate...
on you.
Yeah, right.
I have a huge deposition
to prepare for.
You know I have to be flawless,
you're gonna flame out
if you keep up this pace.
You need a drink or two in you,
and a dirty dance
with a hot guy.
But I already have
a man in my life.
I'm about to go pick him up now.
And there he is!
There's my little guy.
Thank you.
We will see you tomorrow.
You're welcome.
Have a good one.
Come on.
Roxanne, sweetheart.
Would you let me by?
Roxanne, don't you think
this is a little bit
of an overreaction?
I just got upset.
- You know that's not me.
- What's not you?
That, right there?
Did your fist do that
right next to my head,
or am I remembering incorrectly?
I hurt myself, not you.
You know I would never hurt you.
Listen, baby,
we're gonna get married,
we're engaged.
What, are you gonna throw that
away for one bad night?
If it were one bad night...
Don't do that.
But we both know
it's not just that.
Hey, man.
What are you doing in my office?
Just checking in.
We still on for racquetball?
Uh, yeah. Yeah.
I guess, yeah.
Buddy, I mean, you gotta
treat it like she's dead
and move on.
It's just hard, man.
The best thing to do
is get back on the horse.
Nothing makes you
forget about a woman
better than another woman.
I guess.
Let's dance!
I gotta go.
Oh, there you go.
Bet he'd bang your gavel.
Oh, Melanie, you gotta stop.
I told you I'd only come out
for one drink.
I'm having one drink.
What happened to you?
You used to be the one
dragging me out to the club!
Melanie, nothing happened,
but the road to partner
isn't paved with club-hopping.
Well, I went through med school
and started a practice,
and still had time for this.
What happened to the modern
woman who wanted it all?
Melanie, I still want it all,
it's just
that the only name change I need
is my name
on that door at the office.
Okay. Okay!
But, uh...
I can open doors for you, too.
Watch this. Trust me!
Don't do that!
Hi there!
- Hi. Let me ask you something.
- Hi.
Um, isn't my friend here
uncommonly beautiful?
I'd actually say
that you were, um...
underestimating things.
She's brilliant, too.
Big-time lawyer.
Oh? Well, I'm a lawyer, too.
For real?
Yeah. Yeah,
I'm with Steyer and Smith.
I don't know about "big-time,"
Yeah, that's big-time.
Well, then...
I'll leave you two
to cross-examine.
My gosh,
I can't take her anymore.
Yeah, I'm so sorry.
Oh, don't be. Don't be.
I wouldn't have had the nerve
to come up and talk to you.
What firm are you with?
Um, I'm with Garvey Lobel,
but I won't be there long
if I don't get...
"Get back to my desk".
Let me guess...
How did you know that?
I didn't,
but I know what it's like
trying to get
everything perfect.
It's tough measuring up
when the bar is so high.
You have a tough time
measuring up?
I find that hard to believe.
Well, why don't you
give me some time,
and maybe I can convince you
beyond a reasonable doubt.
I'm here to have one drink
with an old friend.
Now you got a new friend.
let's have one more drink, huh,
and maybe I can make my case?
All right.
Can we get, uh...
Can I get you
a drink for last call?
- Oh, my gosh!
- That is so lame.
All jokes about lawyers
are lame...
Lame and mean,
if you tell 'em right.
Okay, you're next, go ahead.
How does a defense attorney
sleep at night?
Oh, I remember hearing this one!
How is it, again?
They lie on their left side...
And they lie on the right...!
And they lie
on their right side.
Oh, my gosh.
Okay, well, listen,
I've got to get going.
Did... Did you know
it's after one a.m.?
Well, I knew that,
but I wasn't about to tell you.
I gotta get going.
All right,
you knew this was coming.
Give me your number.
Xavier, it was wonderful
meeting you and...
Don't tell me that. No.
No, seriously, seriously.
I'm just not into
the dating thing.
- Oh, come on.
- I'm so swamped at work.
It's just really hard right now.
How about this...
I'll take your number.
I'll put it in my phone.
And I will try to call you
no more than three times.
If I get voicemail,
I promise, I'll delete you.
But at least, this way,
you won't have any regrets.
I'm a lawyer.
I should know better.
But okay.
Oh, my baby girl!
Hi, Mama.
I'm so glad you're here.
Oh, Mama.
You're early!
I know.
I made good time.
I thought you were coming
on the 6:00 ferry.
maybe I was driving
a little fast.
I'm making your favorite.
I'm excited.
Where's the birthday boy?
He is in the living room.
Okay, I'll be right in there.
Come on, Duncan.
Let's go see him.
Happy birthday, Dad.
- Hey-hey!
- Hey!
There she is!
- Oh, good to see you.
- Good to see you, too.
I brought you
a little something.
You didn't have to do that.
Oh, open it.
A Brown Estate Special
Selection Cab?
That must have put you back
a pretty penny.
Well, I won a big case
the other day,
so I wanted to splurge.
Well, that kind of law
certainly does pay, doesn't it?
Most law does.
Just thought you'd like it.
I do. Thank you, sweetheart.
I'm gonna put Duncan downstairs.
Before you say anything,
you know he didn't mean it.
Yes, he did, Mama.
He just couldn't resist.
You know, your dad
respects what you do.
It's just that, sometimes,
it feels like
you want your life to be...
I want my life to be what, Mom?
Well, maybe the opposite
of what he does.
It's like he thinks
he walks on water...
The noble defense attorney,
advocating for the downtrodden.
He gets paid, too,
and very well,
so I don't understand
why he thinks
my law is less virtuous
than his.
In his defense,
he's always cared more
about justice
than two big corporations
fighting it out.
Geez, Mom.
You sound like him.
I just want to explain
his thought process.
I've been with that man
for many years now.
Maybe you could help
expand his thought process,
get him to see that when I help
corporations settle disputes,
that's justice, too.
Well, he's right there
in the living room.
Why don't you
go tell him yourself?
Mom, I came to celebrate
his birthday,
not argue with a brick wall.
You need to read your Bible.
"Honor thy father
and mother."
This is still
your father's house.
I know.
I read that part
of the scripture too, Mom.
You know it also says,
"And, ye fathers,
provoke your children
not to wrath."
I think mine would
fit better on a coffee mug.
Yes, ma'am.
Let me take this call?
I'll be right back.
Hello. Welcome to King's Pizza.
How can I help you?
Wow. You answered,
and after only one call.
I gave you such an easy out.
You know what this means, right?
It means that you called
at the right time,
to rescue me from my parents.
I guess it means
I have great timing.
I'm taking you
to dinner tonight.
Well, I'm actually out of town,
so you're gonna
have to dine alone.
All right.
Well, I'm taking you
to dinner...
tomorrow night.
Well, we can go
for a drink... one...
On Friday night.
That's only because you called
at the right time.
Chastity, this is
your local police.
We've traced the call.
It's coming
from inside your house.
You better
get out of there, now.
My gosh, Xavier,
you're so corny.
I gotta go, but we good?
We good.
All right,
I'll talk to you later.
That is not a dress.
That is a lawsuit.
Stop it.
Hey, so, uh, I was thinking,
maybe we can track down
that food truck later...
Sushi Wham?
If you haven't had it,
let me tell you,
it is...
Xavier, I said one drink.
I just thought
maybe you'd be hungry later.
Mm, I bet I know
what else you thought.
Think again, friend.
- Oh...
- Whoo!
What is your secret?
I exfoliate...
five to six times a week,
but then I do
this avocado facial peel
that's incredible.
We're not talking
about complexion, are we?
No, I'm not.
It's just that I don't...
I don't... do this.
I won't tell anyone
if you won't.
You'd better not.
Hey. What's this?
You heading back to the club?
No, it's...
it's getting late.
Listen, if you think
I was in this
just for a quick roll,
that's not my style.
Of course, I didn't assume that.
I like you.
I want to keep seeing you.
You wouldn't be
one of those nice guys
I've heard tales about?
The legends are true.
And if you let
this one get away,
you can't go crying
to your friends in ten years,
saying all the good ones
are taken.
I got to go.
That's so good.
Wait, wait.
You're trying to get me drunk.
Well, I guess
whatever does the trick, right?
What is that look?
It's just that...
you-you did all of this...
you went this far
to celebrate.
I haven't celebrated
a one-month anniversary
since I was a freshman
in high school.
Are you kidding me?
You don't celebrate
one-month anniversaries?
What's that?
Huh? Who does that?
I celebrate
every special occasion,
and that certainly is
one of 'em.
When's your birthday?
December 15th.
Come on.
No. It's December 15th.
You're not gonna believe this.
I've gotta show you.
If we are not meant to be
in the book of fate...
December 15th...
Both lawyers...
Same birthday.
And it appears
the angels are on board.
If that isn't a sign
from up above...
I mean, actually.
Hey, what's up?
Can I get you some food?
Bring you down something?
No, I'm good.
I'm just kind of under the gun.
They pushed the court date
of the W.G.I. case.
We lost a witness,
so we're scrambling.
maybe two lawyers
are better than one, huh?
Do you have any extra work
you want to source out?
I'm happy to help.
Really, that's
much appreciated, Xavier,
but I'm gonna be non-existent
for the next week.
You're gonna
have to live without me.
You there?
Yeah, I'm here.
is, uh, there
anything else wrong?
No, no, it's just
that I'm insanely busy.
Listen, I'll call you
when I'm out of the weeds. Okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
I'll talk to you later.
You're crazy if you don't think
that belongs in a frame
on my wall.
- No!
- Let me see it.
- Uh-uh.
- Look at this.
It's amazing!
It's the first time
I ever painted something
in my life.
That's the first thing
you ever...
Okay, it's definitely gonna
go on my refrigerator.
I'm telling you that right now.
Well, great, you can have it.
- Oh...
- Oh.
Let's go...
dance in the park.
Uh, that's probably
the wine talking.
Yes. And it's
the wine telling me
that we need to dance in...
...the park!
- Okay!
- Let's go dance!
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
I have on heels.
All right. Have a seat.
Okay. Oh.
Oh, what the hell?
I'm going for it.
Uh, what's happening here?
Marry me.
Yeah. Sure. Yeah.
I'm serious.
Let's get married.
No, you're not.
What if I told you I was?
Oh, my gosh.
Look, Chastity, I just never
connected with anyone
like I have with you.
That's really sweet, but...
You don't have
to answer me right away.
Just think about it.
You know...
we could stay engaged
for as long as we want,
and we don't have to get
married right away, obviously,
but I know what I got here.
I know, after only eight days
of being away from you...
the real mistake
would be letting you go.
And the answer to all this
is getting married?
When did this occur to you?
What if I told you I've been
thinking about it for a week?
I'd say you need
to get your head examined.
Well, I mean, I clearly
just came up with it now...
but it doesn't mean
I'm not serious.
This is epically romantic...
but no more wine for you.
All right, at least
I let you know how I felt.
I'm so glad you did.
And I'm-I'm glad
you're in my life.
- Right.
- Okay.
Will you call me
when you get home?
Okay. Bye.
You wouldn't know
a guy by the name
of Roger Thompkins, would you?
He just skipped out
on his check.
Oh, my god!
What're you doing here?
Hey, I'm not a total rube.
I get to the big city
every now and then.
Okay, sit! Sit. Talk to me.
Chaz, Chaz... Wow.
Look at you,
looking like a zillion bucks.
Oh, thank you.
I can't believe I'm seeing you.
I mean, what has it been...
Seven or eight years?
Actually, I run into your folks
a lot back at home.
I hear you're doing really well.
I'm doing all right.
What have you been up to?
Don't answer that.
Mom told me
that you're in business
for yourself.
I am. Businessman.
That's so, so good.
I'm happy for you.
I don't know why I put anything
in this purse.
It takes me three years
to find anything...
Whew... mm, oh.
So you wouldn't need
that pepper spray
if you stuck with the karate,
young lady.
Well, have you seen
what my neighborhood
has turned into, young man?
Please, give me
your phone and email.
And email?
- Absolutely, absolutely.
- Okay.
Date of birth, height, weight...
- Need my social, too?
- Absolutely.
- I do background checks...
- Some things don't change.
- Oh, Xavier!
- Hey.
I would love for you to meet
an old friend of mine.
How're you doing?
- Roger Thompkins.
- Hi.
We grew up together,
home in Wave Crest.
- Ah.
- Yeah.
You know what?
I gotta go, but keep in touch.
I will! And please, send me
pictures of the new place.
Nice seeing you, Chaz.
So good to see you.
- You too.
- All right.
Oh, my gosh!
I'm sorry, I didn't mean
to spoil the reunion.
- Oh, no.
- Chaz.
Stop it, Xavier.
You're right on time.
I'm starving!
Listen, I was thinking...
Maybe later
we could go check out
that museum
you were talking about.
What do you think?
I was kind of thinking
something different.
You gotta give me
a little bit more warning
next time you get
so enthusiastic.
I'm gonna have to up
my cardio regime in the morning.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I needed a stress-reliever,
Oh, no,
I am more than happy to oblige.
Thank you.
Sorry I was late earlier.
I'd sent
this accidental email at work
and I had to do
some fancy footwork
to get out of it.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I fixed it,
but it could've been bad.
The unforgiving "send" button.
Hmm! That's right.
You at least had
your buddy there
to keep you company, though.
Yeah. I was so surprised.
What does he do, anyway?
What's his name again? R...
- "Roger."
- Roger.
- Mm-hmm.
- Roger, right.
He owns a karate dojo,
and in fact, that's how we met
when we were kids.
We took the same karate class.
You took karate?
- Yes.
- Oh.
I did.
I am a green belt.
So, if anybody should be
bullying you or bothering you,
call me.
Yes, there is one,
uh, it's a guy in accounting
he keeps on stealing
my juice box.
Well, karate was
the extracurricular activity
my father insisted on.
But it didn't stick.
Roger kept going,
and we stayed friends.
Just friends?
Or... maybe a little bit more?
Okay, well, maybe we dated
for a year in high school...
He's a small-town guy
and I'm a big-city girl.
It wasn't gonna last.
What if the circumstances
were different?
What if you never
left the small town,
or he was in the big city,
then what?
Then, of course, we'd...
We'd be married with ten kids.
I know
you're not the jealous type.
Well, I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous at all.
It's just that I could tell
he's still into you.
Oh, no, no, you could not.
- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, no, he's not.
I'm telling you.
- I could see it.
- Whatever.
It's all right there
in the eyes.
What, are you psychic now?
No. I'm not psychic.
People don't realize
how much they give away
with their eyes
and their facial expressions,
that's all.
what are my eyes saying now?
That you want round two.
You do have a gift.
No, no, no.
That was the perfect ending
to that movie.
Oh, no. It was...
It was depressing.
Yeah, but it was real.
If she got on that train,
it would have been a cheat.
No, you don't...
The ending was okay, but...
something about the priest
not being able to, you know,
see anything or...
what was he, blind?
He didn't know anything
about it.
Oh, speaking of priests...
Did you get the invite
to Joanne's baby's christening?
Oh, I did, and I'm dreading it,
'cause I know it's gonna be
a big production.
You know, my family,
we just kind of
do the family thing,
and we just move on.
Well, you know, to me,
it's not a christening
unless you smash a champagne
bottle over something.
Oh, well, babies' heads
are too soft for that, darling.
Well, obviously, we'd...
We'd put a helmet on them.
Y'all are definitely
made for each other.
This is true.
Can I have a piece of cake?
Are you religious, Xavier?
Can I ask?
Yeah. You can ask.
Um, I'm of
the "undecided" denomination.
Are you an atheist?
Well, agnostic.
I'm gonna need
a little bit more evidence
before I take it to the jury.
How about you, Chastity?
I'm not the big churchgoer
that I once was,
but I still believe
the broad strokes.
The Ten Commandments,
the Seven Deadly Sins...
Well, you all can keep
your Ten Commandments.
I'm gonna go
with the Deadly Sins.
They sound more fun. Right?
Well, here is to Gluttony.
Cheers to that!
An agnostic?
Your parents
are gonna love that.
Oh, let 'em think
what they want.
Not everybody
was raised in the church.
Are we at
the meet-the-parents stage yet?
Am I nuts,
but is he a great catch?
He ticks off every box
I can see.
Again, not to get
ahead of ourselves,
but do you think
he's the marrying type?
If anyone is...
he is.
Did I tell you he proposed
a few weeks ago?
No! You most certainly did not.
He got on one knee, girl.
Okay. He was...
He was drunk.
It was cute, but he was drunk.
Okay, is it just me,
or is that crazy-cuckoo?
It was impulsive...
He's a romantic.
He's so embarrassed by it still.
I don't even bring it up.
Oh, my Lordy-Lord.
I don't know.
I don't exactly know
what happened, but...
oh, I sent the email,
and then I realized
that I forgot
to take her off "cc" s.
I realized it was
an idiotic mistake,
and I tried to fix it.
Trying to "fix it"
was the idiotic mistake.
You should have
come to us first.
But you were more concerned
with covering your own ass
than following protocol,
and now we have this huge mess.
You're right.
You're absolutely right,
and I'm sorry.
I, uh, I won't do it again.
Not with this client.
You're off the case.
No. W-Whoa.
That's... That's too far.
You can't be serious.
You know, we bear
some of the responsibility
ourselves on this.
You just weren't ready
for something this delicate.
If it comes between losing
this client and losing you...
we are not losing this client.
You have anything else
you want to say for yourself?
How about we start that again?
I'm sorry, baby.
I'm... I'm just having a day.
Oh, I'm sorry. It's okay.
You know, you can
tell me anything.
No. It'll just upset me
all over again.
Well, would
a home-cooked meal help?
I'll order up some Thai.
See you soon.
You like that?
So what do you think?
Oh, my gosh, Roger,
your new place looks amazing.
I can't wait to come visit.
I'm so proud of you.
I'm just getting started.
Listen, Xavier's here,
so I've got to go,
but we'll talk soon.
you're quite tense.
Yeah, I told you,
I had a rough day.
Chastity, why... why is it
that I'm always finding you
yukking it up with your ex?
What do you mean, "always"?
Come on, it's only been, like,
two times.
You're telling me
you only talked to him
these last two times?
Let's set an early relationship
rule, here.
We're not gonna take out
our office problems
on each other.
"Office problems"?
I'm not talking about
office problems.
I'm talking about you
striking up again with your ex.
You're not actually jealous?
Do not talk to me that way.
It's a perfectly reasonable
Yeah, but I wouldn't
take that away
if I walked in on you
talking to somebody
that you said you dated
for a second in high school.
A second?
Yeah, I mean...
- Oh, my God.
- A second?
You said you dated him
for, like, a year or something.
Listen, you're obviously
not in the state of mind
to have a rational conversation.
Man, I hate that.
Hate what?
That I want you to be rational?
I hate that you assume
that I'm not,
just because I'm upset.
You're upset
about something irrational.
Why don't we just
call this a night
where you can go home
and get some sleep
and have some distance
from the day...
Don't dismiss me.
You are the one
that invited me over here.
That was before you accused me
of running around on you.
So what are you gonna do?
Kick me out?
I'm going to ask you to leave.
That's a good idea, actually.
I-I think so.
I'm gonna get out of your hair.
Why don't...
let you do me a favor...
call your best friend,
Roger, back.
Talk to him all damn night.
Good luck.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
You should really be proud
of the work you have done.
I mean, we really
came through with this one.
- Excuse me, miss?
- Yes.
This is from the gentleman
at the bar.
Excuse me for a moment.
How did you even know
I was here?
Lucky guess.
I appreciate the gesture,
but I'll replace the phone.
Look, about the other night,
I just wanted to, uh...
Listen, it's okay,
I know you didn't mean it.
All is forgiven, but...
I think we should
leave things the way they are
and let's just go
our separate ways.
I'm a survivor of child abuse.
That's not meant
to be an excuse, by any means,
but just to let you know that...
why, sometimes,
I behave irrationally.
I've avoided therapy
my entire life,
but after the other night,
I realized
that I'm gonna need some
if I'm gonna get any better.
Having you in my life
as a friend
wouldn't be so bad either.
Tell me.
So my mom had me
when she was very young
and she just couldn't handle
keeping a job
and raising a young son.
So she abused you?
No. No, no. I loved my mom.
But, um...
she had to leave town for a bit
to get herself set up better,
and she left me with my grandma.
She was a very angry person,
my grandma,
and then, my mother died.
For years,
I had to put up with that...
that monster.
I'm telling you,
that does things to you.
I eventually got away.
I, um...
buried myself in the books.
That got me scholarships,
put me through college,
and eventually law school,
so, my brain's good...
it's just my soul that's broken.
I understand.
That's all
that I was hoping for.
But you do need therapy.
Yeah. I know.
And you can't ever let yourself
get the way you did
the other night.
I won't stick around for that.
So, does this mean you're...
keeping the phone?
For now.
But I don't give third chances.
I mean it.
I know.
It's okay.
It feels good to finally
be the hero over here
after such a long time
in the doghouse.
Oh, you saved the day, baby.
They just merely
underestimated my greatness,
is all.
Lewis wants to see you
in his office.
Okay, just give me one minute.
He said "right now".
All right.
Okay, babe, I got to go.
I gotta call you back.
"Junior partner".
Mm! That's me. Say it again.
Junior partner,
on her way to "senior partner".
Mm, now, that sounds so good.
Ten more years,
you're gonna
be running the joint.
Oh, right, how am I gonna
do that at the White House?
I don't know how
you're gonna get enough votes
for the White House,
carrying around
that ratty-assed briefcase.
"Ratty-assed briefcase"?
Now, that was a gift
from my father.
For what, your fifth birthday?
Come on!
You've got to trade it in
for something better.
What, you or the briefcase?
Why would you say
a thing like that?
Have I not been
the perfect yin to your yang?
Yes, you have, I'll admit.
Try this.
- Hmm?
- Mm!
Now we're talking.
- Can I cook?
- Mm-hmm! You can.
You know, I was...
I was wondering if you would
like to have dinner
with me and my father?
He's coming into town next week.
I was thinking that...
it's time.
Don't you?
I do.
I mean, Chastity never told me
that her father
was the Victor Jeffries.
Oh, I never told you that?
I thought I did.
Come on now.
It's not like
I'm Thurgood Marshall over here.
I can't believe
that I didn't put it together
when we were first introduced.
Ah, there's more than
one attorney
named Victor Jeffries, I'm sure.
None with your reputation,
I mean,
you smashed through boundaries
where they were
never broken before.
I studied many of your cases
in law school.
Hopefully the ones I won.
Are there any other kind?
Enough, sadly.
All right, I think
you've inflated Dad's ego
enough for one night.
Yes, I'd like to be able
to fit my head through the door
on my way out.
My apologies.
Didn't mean to pour it on.
Would you both excuse me
for a moment?
Of course.
do we like him?
He's very nice.
He's a very...
smart young man.
Why does there
have to be a "but?"
we are getting pretty serious
and I could see us
being together for...
well, a long time.
you're a grown woman.
Yeah, I know that.
I was just asking
your genuine opinion of him.
I know he's a nice guy.
I know he's a smart guy.
Come on, Dad.
Chastity, you're my daughter.
I love you very much.
And I think...
you'd be smart
to move on from this man.
Go on. Please.
He strikes me
as a man of great style,
but very little substance.
You know, I'm curious, Dad.
Have there been any choices
that I have ever made
that have measured up
- to your standards?
- This again.
Yes, "this again".
When I was
just learning to stand,
you thought
I should already be walking.
I starting walking,
you thought I should
already be running marathons.
You know better
than to exaggerate
when you're trying
to make a case, Chastity.
We're not in a courtroom, Dad!
No, we're not.
We're in the real world.
You're my daughter.
I knew you'd have to be
better equipped
than your competitors,
so I tried to give you
the equipment.
And I also knew
that, for you to succeed,
you'd have to work
twice as hard,
and be twice as good,
so I pushed you hard.
And to whom much is given,
much is required...
So forgive me,
Ms. Junior Partner...
but it seems to have worked out
pretty damn good.
Clearly, it's something.
I mean, your mood went from
a ten to a two out of nowhere.
It's my father.
But just, please, let's drop it.
Okay, I would...
but it feels like
you're taking it out on me.
How am I taking it out on you?
I just don't want
to talk about it.
This obviously has
something to do with me,
so it makes it at least
partly my business.
It's nothing new,
but I was just seeking approval
from my father,
and I didn't get it.
End of story!
Approval of what? Me?
Yes, Xavier, but please
don't take it personal.
He's never approved
of anything I've done.
Well, it's clear his approval
means something to you.
I mean, look,
if he doesn't like me, fine.
You know, I wish he did,
but I'll live with it.
But why does
what he thinks about me
matter to you so much?
You know, his reputation
isn't exactly spotless,
for all the polish.
I thought you were trying
to make a name for yourself.
Listen, his approval
does not matter to me.
You haven't said two words to me
since we left the restaurant.
I'm angry at my father!
I don't want to talk to anybody.
This... this is
your problem, Chastity.
This, right here, is the key
to all of your problems.
- Oh, here we go.
- No, no, no. It all comes down
to Daddy, doesn't it?
Excu... Xavier, you're walking
close to the edge!
I'm walking close to the edge?
Yes, you are.
I think you are willing
to sabotage what we have
over your father's approval
for just one second,
and that's why you focus
so much on your career
over your personal life.
So tell me, how's that going
for you so far, Chastity?
I don't need you to be
my armchair psychiatrist, okay?
How about you worry about
your mommy issues
before you worry about
me and my daddy issues?
Hey, listen, you don't
talk about it like that.
- Excuse me? Xavier...
- Do you understand me?
- Get your hands off me!
- Stop pulling away from me.
Let me go!
You okay...
You okay?
All right, I bear gifts
from the all-night shop.
there were only two choices...
So, not a lot...
And you are definitely not
the "World's Greatest Grandpa".
What do you think?
this is supposed to fix things?
Chastity, it was an accident.
You shoved me into the street
and a car almost hit me.
You fell off the curb.
This is just not going to work.
Listen to me, Chastity...
I understand
where your rage comes from,
and I'm very sympathetic
to that,
but you cannot direct it at me.
But that's why
I started therapy.
- If you would give it...
- I told you
I am not giving you
a third chance.
So, what...
Because of this rule
you set for yourself,
you're gonna throw
every other damn thing away?
I mean, a couple of hours ago,
you were taking me
to meet your-your dad,
and now you're here,
you're willing to... to break up,
for what, one lousy argument?
What is the matter with you?
Look at you.
Look at how furious
you are getting.
And it is more than anger.
When you boil over,
it turns into pure wrath.
And that can't be my burden.
I cannot let that be.
Chastity, please.
This just happened,
so everything is raw.
I'm gonna give you
whatever time you need
to gain perspective on this.
You have to know I love you.
Yeah. I know.
But that's not enough.
Don't do this, Chastity.
It's over.
I'm sorry.
Oh, God.
And how about you?
How are things?
I've been killing it
at work lately.
You know, I-I thought...
Thought everything
was back to normal.
But those guys, I'm telling you,
they just...
They don't let me live down
that one stupid mistake.
I'm starting to think
that I need to look
for another job
at a different firm.
I don't know.
Do you equate their treatment
of you as abandonment?
Really? Is there
any other way to look at it?
Of course, it's abandonment!
I'm just saying maybe it's not a
very good fit for you there.
Not every bad thing that happens
should be a confirmation
of your fears.
That's incredible.
- Okay, what about, um...
- Using "shrink language" on me?
How about Chastity?
Have you stopped trying
to get in touch with her?
I only get voicemail.
She doesn't return
my calls or my texts.
Which is absolutely ridiculous,
because I think
she at least owes me
a damn conversation
after what happened!
Doesn't she?
I didn't mean to hurt her.
I think you need to take stock
of where this obsession with her
has gotten you.
I'm not obsessed with her!
I am in love with her!
Okay. Maybe so.
But, Xavier,
she's not in love with you.
Look, you have to understand,
it's her decision.
She has every right
to end things with you.
And the healthiest thing
you can do
is to accept that and move on.
We're done here.
And I just had to say no.
I'm a plastic surgeon
who draws the line.
I'm not about to make her face
look like it's vacuum-sealed.
Well, that kind of thing,
it kind of sounds like
a mental disorder,
if you ask me.
Too true, too true.
what about you?
Oh, girl, I'm good.
I'm all right.
Is he still trying to call?
Oh, my gosh, all the time.
I am on your side,
but I do feel sorry for him.
Me too, but that's the way
it's gotta be.
Do you still miss him?
Oh, of course I do.
But I'm not about to be a woman
in an abusive relationship.
I'm sorry.
Should I not have
brought him up?
It's okay.
You know, it's my mistake,
but I've learned from it.
if there's anything you need,
I'm right here for you.
Oh! Oh...
Look, girl, I gotta go.
Oh, no.
He was right about one thing...
That I do need a new briefcase.
I've got a package for you.
Wow, what is this box?
I don't know.
A messenger delivered it.
Okay, thank you.
You're welcome!
I guess you got it?
Yes, I got it.
What is this about?
I just wanted
to get your attention.
Anyone could send
flowers, right?
No. No.
What is the briefcase about?
What'd you do, bug my apartment?
What are you talking about?
I mean, I spilled wine
on my briefcase last night,
and, by coincidence,
this shows up.
Maybe it's a coincidence
when it showed up,
but we both know you were
in need of a briefcase.
We talked about this,
No, no, no. Some...
Something's going on.
Xavier, I swear,
if you did something like that,
- then I'm gon...
- I missed you, all right?
I thought the gesture
would get you to talk to me,
maybe you'd agree to let me
take you to dinner, that's all.
Xavier, it's over! Move on!
And I'm asking you,
do not call me again.
So, yeah... you have definitely
got spyware all over this thing.
How could spyware be on this?
I have this with me
all the time.
Yeah, it could've been
a bunch of things.
You download a file,
something attached to an email.
Also, nobody has their computer
with them all the time.
Somebody could've slipped
a thumb drive into it.
It takes, like,
a couple seconds.
Okay, well,
well, what would a person
like this have access to?
All of it.
Everything on the computer.
What if I did a video call?
If it happens on your screen,
they'd be able to see it.
How can we prove who did it?
Can we trace them?
How could we get pee
out of a pool?
No, look, this could've happened
in the next office over
or literally any boiler room
on planet Earth.
I would recommend you just
wipe this thing totally clean.
Yeah. Okay, all right. Thanks.
I'm gonna see if he's home.
Well, look who it is.
Hey, Roger.
'Kay, I have a question.
Why do you think I have
such bad judgment in men?
Is this a trick question?
Because I'm somewhere
on that list.
Well, that was in high school.
High school's
where it all begins, right?
If I'm being honest,
I feel all your troubles began
when you let me go.
You broke up with me!
Oh, I broke up with you?
Who was the one who said,
I'm going to Seattle,
you're staying here.
Things aren't gonna work out."
And after I said that,
you broke up with me.
You're such a lawyer.
What's bothering you, Chaz?
I won't bore you with it.
'Cause I live
a very exciting life, huh?
Please, bore me.
What're you talking about?
See? You don't even know.
Your dad loved me!
- No, he didn't.
- He did!
He told me himself.
My dad told you he loved you?
Well, no.
But you know how your dad is,
he didn't say those exact words,
but he pulled me to the side
one day, and he was, like...
"Roger. You're a good guy.
But you hurt my little girl,
I'm gonna kill you."
Oh, my gosh!
No, he did not.
I don't think
he sounded like that,
but, shortly after,
you dumped me.
I never took it personal.
I always assumed
his seal of approval
was what did me in.
Had I known he liked you,
that probably
would've been enough.
Roger, you are a good man.
And you even came all this way
just to hear me complain.
Well, next time,
you come to the island
and return the favor.
I will.
I'd better get going.
Until next time.
I'll see you again.
Thank you, Roger.
I'm here to pick up
my little friend.
Oh, he was already here.
Who was already here?
Your friend.
Picked up Duncan,
like, an hour ago.
No. What're you talking about?
Yeah, you texted me.
Did you forget?
Wait. No! Tha...
"Hello. I can't
make it in today.
Please allow my friend..."
Xavier, what are you doing?
Just what it looks like.
I picked up your dog for you.
Give him to me!
Just one second.
No, I've already
called the police.
Aww, Chastity,
you're making this bigger
than what it is.
Y-You're right, but...
I just want you to talk to me.
I stayed away, all right?
I proved to you that I'm not
some clinging lunatic.
Okay. Xavier...
w-we're talking.
You haven't been fair
to me, Chastity.
Yeah, sure, I did a bad thing...
but I don't think
I deserve this.
We can't have
a real conversation
with you holding Duncan
like that.
The fact
that I'm holding him like this
is the only reason
why you're talking to me.
Xavier, I promise you,
you just give Duncan to me,
we can sit awhile,
we can talk about this.
We can work this out.
Just like I was saying to you...
A person's eyes...
I know you're lying.
That hurts me...
and that makes me
want to hurt you.
I've missed you.
I've missed you so much.
...zing grace
How sweet
The sound
That saved
A wretch
I made you some tea, baby.
Thanks, Mom.
It's so nice
to have you home, Chastity,
despite the circumstances.
How long do you plan on
keeping what happened
from your father, though?
I just don't want to give him
another win right now,
on top of everything else.
Chastity, he's your father.
He wants to know
that you're safe.
Mom, I told you.
Xavier was arrested
and charged with battery.
I don't think he wants
to throw his life away on me.
He's out on bail, though.
We don't know
what he's going to do.
Well, that's why I got
a restraining order.
It's just
a piece of paper, baby.
Mom, what else
do you want me to do?
Xavier, he doesn't know
I'm here, so...
I thought I could just...
Just recharge and reassess
everything's that's happened,
and Melanie's gonna take
good care of my dog
till I get back.
Well, why don't you go
to church with me tomorrow?
We haven't done that in a while.
I'm so angry at God right now.
He's all-powerful.
Why does he allow
things like this to happen?
Why does God allow you
to be such
a successful attorney?
When the good things happen,
do you always stop
and thank God?
Well, then if you don't
thank him for the good things,
then maybe don't blame him
for the bad things.
We have a choice whether
we want to be good or bad.
Some folks decide
that they want to be bad.
I blame them, not God.
I won't blame God, but...
I think he could've
thought through things
a little better.
Front kick.
- Hyah!
- Side kick.
- Hyah!
- Roundhouse.
- Hyah!
- Alicia, great job!
You're a real, live beast.
What do you say when a beautiful
woman is approaching?
We make like logs and split!
Class dismissed.
Great job today.
Aw, that's so sweet.
So is that how
you win all the girls over?
Just some wisdom from my sensei,
and his sensei before him.
All right, Kung Fool.
Where are you taking me to eat?
Before we go eat,
I need you to do something
for me first.
Punch me.
With everything you got.
I've been waiting
for this moment.
I'm serious.
Punch me.
Roger, I don't want to do that.
Try again.
Yeah, just what I thought.
You're gonna need some work.
Oh, yeah, right.
I put up my belt
a long time ago.
Well, you better
get the dust off of it.
Look, I'd rather you be prepared
in case Romeo pop up
again, okay?
Listen, the problems
that I have with Xavier
will not be solved
through a karate fight.
A wise philosopher once said,
it's better to know.
If you need to use it,
you can use it.
If you don't, then don't.
It's muscle memory.
You know that.
Too late for your pepper spray.
What you gonna do?
Oh! Mm!
- I'm so sorry.
- No, that was... that was good.
So, are you
coming over to Mom's?
All right, Miss Sarah.
I think that's enough cans
for these boxes.
I don't want it too heavy.
What? You're supposed
to be a strong karate man.
You can't carry a box?
I can put it in the truck,
but somebody scrawny like you
has to take it off
at the church.
You two!
I'm just having a deja-vu
about when you were teens
and you used to take jabs
at each other
to cover how sweet you were
on each other.
And then I'd catch you
out back in a lip-lock.
That'll do, Mom!
That's enough.
Y'all thought I didn't know
what was going on, huh?
You know what?
Imma finish loading
the truck. Okay?
I didn't hear none of that.
Thanks, Mom.
I know what I did wrong.
She just needed more time
to think things through,
that's all.
You put your hands on her.
You broke into her house.
That's the kind of crap
crazy people do.
You're in big trouble,
all right?
You were arrested.
You're on forced leave
from the firm.
You're lucky
if they don't fire your ass,
not to mention
maybe losing your law license.
Get your head out of your ass.
All right? It's over.
She doesn't want you.
And if that's the way it is,
I'm cool with that.
Just don't call me crazy.
My serve.
There we go.
Come on.
- There we go.
- Okay.
There we go.
Just like riding a bike.
Yeah, but I didn't land
any of those hits
I was trying to throw.
I'm a fifth-degree black belt.
Nobody's landing those.
An ordinary Joe
could be in big trouble, though.
But that was fun.
That... I won't be too hard
on myself, it was fun.
You should have stuck with it.
Yeah, I agree.
Maybe you should've
stuck with me, too.
I... I agree.
Well, with that being said,
maybe you should practice law
over here at the island,
move back over,
we'll pick back up
where we left off.
How about you move to the city
and open up a dojo there?
I like it here.
I like it there.
I'm here now.
Oh, really?
Well, get over here.
Come on.
Got you some VIP tickets.
Front of the row.
That's so sweet.
You can be real sweet.
I love this.
Look at that.
- What?
- Xavier's here.
- Who?
- Xavier! He's right there.
Come on. Come on!
Hey! Hey!
My fault, man.
I... I thought
you were somebody I knew.
Drink up.
We don't have a long break.
Even as a kid,
I just never liked cilantro.
You're not
gonna taste the cilantro.
See? That's the point!
Then why put it in there?
Listen, can you get my gloves
for me in the car?
- Right now?
- Please.
I love to see you walk.
Only because you said that.
I'm gonna let you
enjoy the view.
It's a great one.
Hi, Chastity.
Xavier, what the hell
are you doing here?
I was just in the neighborhood,
visiting some clients,
although, I thought
I might run into you.
You don't have any clients
in this neighborhood!
Let's just agree
to disagree on that, huh?
You look nice, however.
It's nice to see you.
I have a restraining order
against you,
and you are well within
100 feet of me.
I'm not supposed to be
anywhere near you,
I know that,
and you're probably
afraid of me,
but I'm just here to tell you
that you don't need to be.
All right? If you'd just give me
ten minutes of your time,
- I'm sure you'll...
- Xavier.
Your time ran out
a long time ago.
I thought you were
supposed to be Christian?
I thought you were supposed
to be the one that's...
supposed to forgive?
Look, if you'd just allow me
10 minutes,
that's all I'm asking for,
and you understood
the pain that...
Is there a problem over here?
Oh, great, of course,
Roger's with you.
Why don't you mind
your own business, pal?
- I'm making this my business.
- Oh, really?
She obviously
doesn't want to talk to you.
Let me tell you this, okay?
You keep things pleasant,
there'll be no need
for things to get unpleasant.
- Help!
- Listen to me, okay?
If you want to live
a long, fruitful life,
I advise you to never
contact Chastity again.
Let go of me!
- Do you understand?
- Get the hell off me!
I have a restraining order
against him.
I'll take that as a yes.
Out of here.
You know I love you.
Why are you doing this to me?
You know...
you could have told me before.
You should have.
I know. I...
I just didn't w...
It... It's over.
I hope so.
But you were right about him.
Once again,
you knew better than I did.
I am not trying to be
in a contest with you.
Why don't you just believe
that I just want
the best for you?
Ever since
you were a little girl,
that's all I wanted.
I pushed too hard
for excellence,
because I knew
life would push you harder.
But you were right.
You were.
I just wanted to tell you.
It's not about me being right.
Since the day you were born,
you had me beat.
I'm going to bed.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
No. No, no, no, no.
I-It was him.
Who else would do
such a sick thing?
An animal heart?
He definitely did it.
But that's not all that he did.
What do you mean?
Roger, what else did he do?
I'm coming to get you.
Oh, Roger!
Your new place.
Watch your step.
There's glass over here.
I'm sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.
Why did you let him go?
He made bail.
He was just arrested last night.
Wasn't there
going to be an arraignment?
This isn't the city.
The judge that's out here, he...
well, he went fishing.
Anyway, we haven't found
any prints so far,
but guys who do things like this
always leave something behind.
He's not gonna leave
any prints behind.
He's a lawyer.
He knows exactly
what you guys look for.
You have no idea
where he might be?
Well, he could be anywhere,
I mean, what good
is that gonna do
if he didn't leave any proof
that he did this?
Something's gonna
come up, Chastity.
Okay? We're still
collecting evidence.
But one thing we know for sure
is that he's still out there...
and you can't help me.
There we go. Good job.
Good kick.
But you're using too much
of your lower body, okay?
More balance.
You got arms, right?
Use 'em, young lady.
But you said "Good kick."
But I'm anticipating kicks,
'cause that's all you're doing,
All right, I need a break.
All right, so, tomorrow,
Imma teach you how to rip out
a man's heart and show it to him
before he dies,
- like the movies, okay?
- No, please.
I've seen enough hearts
lately, thanks.
Roger, I-I do have
to get back to the city.
I have to get back to my life.
Think that makes the most sense?
I mean, maybe you should wait
until the cops pick him up.
Well, the cops'll pick him up,
lock him up,
and then he'll make bail.
I can't hide forever.
Chastity, this man's dangerous.
Yeah, but if
he wanted to kill me,
he would've done it
the other night
when he was in my room.
A man with a mind like that,
who thinks like that...
I think you need to take him
more serious.
Are you suggesting that
I'm not taking this seriously?
I'm suggesting
that you stay smart, stay aware.
Why do you think you'll be
safer in the city anyways?
And I'm safe here?
Roger, I've got to clean
this mess up myself.
I brought this here.
I brought this to you,
I brought this to my parents.
You don't need
to worry about me.
And you don't need
to worry about me.
I can handle myself.
A woman
with a psychopath stalker?
Of course,
I will worry about you.
Roger, I just got out of
a controlling relationship.
I'm not trying to control you.
You know that.
I'm trying to help protect you.
But that's the problem.
You can't.
And the presumption that I need
a knight on a horse?
You know it's not like that.
I gotta pack.
Chastity, come on.
Are you seriously gonna
leave things like this?
What do you mean by things? Us?
Yes. Us.
Roger, I thought
we both understood.
You like things here.
I like things there. Remember?
Roger, I'm not upset.
I'll call you before I leave.
- Hi.
- Hey, Mama.
Oh, girl, I wish
you didn't have to go.
I know, but it's time.
I'm still gonna worry.
Listen, I've had
about $7,000-worth
of security equipment
installed in my apartment.
I'll be okay.
Well, one more piece
of security won't hurt.
I got you a going-away present.
Mama! That's not even wrapped!
Just take it, baby, please?
You can't just give me a gun.
That's not legal!
Since when do you
have a gun, anyway?
Girl, everybody on this island
has at least one gun.
How many cops you think we have?
Oh, come...
Just put it in your nightstand.
And if it doesn't give you
some comfort,
it's certainly gonna
give me some.
Mom, you know they're gonna
trace my life of crime
back to this moment.
Hey. I'm sorry we argued.
Yeah, me too.
I know you're just concerned about me.
I know you don't need
a big, strong man
to take care of you.
I just can't help it
that I'm a big, strong man.
You know, no matter what,
I always enjoy talking to you.
Yeah, right.
I do!
I'm about to get ready
for my night run.
So, run on
over here and see me off.
You're leaving tonight?
Well, how can I convince you
to stay another day?
What was that?
Hey! Are you okay?
Call an ambulance!
- Excuse me?
- I'm sorry,
but I'm a friend of his.
You can come in.
He's stable for now.
"For now"?
Um, how bad is he?
He's going to make it.
You can put your mind at ease
about that, miss, okay?
Thank God.
But he did sustain
a lot of injuries.
is there anything permanent?
Will he walk again?
There's no reason to think
he won't make a full recovery.
But he is gonna be here
for a while.
Okay. Thank you.
Just take your time.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
I'm so, so sorry.
Ohh. Mm. What a day.
You must be exhausted.
Oh, I don't even have the words.
Thank you, Detective.
I think I have it from here.
All right.
Get some rest, Chastity.
Thank you so much.
I'll try.
Thank you.
"I'm leaving the hospital now.
I'll be home soon."
I didn't leave it open.
What the heck?
Get in the car!
Where's your boy, Roger, now?
Ow. Ow!
Your leg's broken.
I mean, it looks broken.
Another way to put it
is you broke my leg.
It didn't have to come
to this, Chastity.
It didn't "come to this".
You brought it to this.
And what choice did you give me?
You just shut it all down.
I love you.
Then why are you hurting me?
You hurt me.
Yeah, I did some bad things,
I know,
but I'm a good person.
You didn't even
give me a chance.
What are you gonna do?
Shoot me?
I don't know.
Maybe I should.
I just have this...
this anger inside me...
I don't know what to do with.
You know, I was better
when I was with you.
Do you know that?
I want to help you.
I do.
Well, that's sweet,
but it's a little late
for that now, Chastity.
You did this.
You brought out this wrath.
And now you're gonna pay.
She's still not here?
What time is it?
She should have
been here two hours ago.
I don't know why
she hasn't called me.
She knows I worry.
Let's call her again.
And call the detective.
I said I'm sorry.
Don't you have to forgive me?
Why do I have to forgive you
for something you did
to someone else?
Where do you get your rules?
"The Agnostic's Guide
to Christianity"?
She is not late because
she's visiting a friend.
I know. I just have
to explore all possibilities.
Nobody's seen her, Sam.
We've called everybody we know.
Is it possible
she changed her mind
and made the last ferry,
drove herself back to the city?
She told me she was coming
straight home from the hospital.
Okay. I don't want
the two of you
to work yourselves up too much.
We have patrol cars
out there, looking.
We'll find her.
I'm trying to be
the guy you wanted me to be.
People can change, you know.
I know.
I'd like to think
that you're not
beyond redemption.
this has to stop now.
You are not
at the point of no return.
You see that, Chastity?
That's all that I wanted.
I just wanted you to talk to me.
And to listen.
Am I crazy to think
that there might still
be something between us?
You're not crazy to think that.
How can I believe that?
We'll find her.
I know.
- I know.
- We will.
You gotta go back to therapy.
I would do that.
And I have to be a part of it.
I can't take your word for it
that you're making progress.
Of course.
The only problem is...
I don't believe you.
you don't believe that
I sincerely want to help you?
I think you're telling me
what you think I want to hear.
I mean, look at where we are.
How do I know you're not
just trying to manipulate me?
By looking directly
into my eyes.
The eyes always tell.
You'll know if I'm lying.
I love you.
I love you.
Come here!
Let me go!
I've got wrath, too.
Lucky for you...
I also got mercy.
I love you!
Oh, my God.
We were worried
out of our minds.
I'm okay,
it's just a broken leg, Dad.
Your mother's gonna
meet us at the hospital.
I'm coming with you, all right?
I love you.
I obviously missed something.
Visiting hours here
are too short,
so I came up with this.
Smart woman.
Gamin' the system, huh?
You know it.
Did they get him?
I got him.
Are you okay?
Only six more deadly sins
to conquer.
I can't believe you're here.
That makes two of us,
and everyone else I know.
I'm really glad to see you.
How have you been?
That's not why I'm here, Xavier.
Why are you here?
I came for one thing...
To forget what's behind me
and reach to what's ahead.
I think
it'd do my soul some good.
I'm sorry
for everything
that I did to you.
Xavier, your anger
destroyed your life
and I was not about
to let it destroy mine.
You're right.
I did what I came to do.
Hang on, hang...
You know, Chastity,
I've got, um, parole coming up
in a couple of years.
Maybe you could
put in a good word?
Xavier, how does it always
turn right around to you?
How is that?
You know...
you did forgive me.
I don't think
you will ever get it.
Do you understand
you put me in prison first?
I mean, there were no bars,
but I still couldn't get out.
I was always wondering
if you were gonna be lurking
around every dark corner.
My forgiveness
is not a gift to you.
I forgive you
so that I can forget.
I forgive you
so that I can move on.
I forgive you
to purge my own wrath.
Am I stupid to think
that you'll come visit me again?
I'm never coming back.
But I will pray for you.
I can do that.
You wanna come back in?
You leadin' the witness?
old habits die hard.
How's that leg?
The worst part
about it is the itch.
It's torture.
The worst part is what
could've happened to you.
But it didn't.
I'm okay.
But we're not okay, sweetheart.
What if I lost you?
I'd be the stubborn old man
who didn't take the chance
when he had it
to set things right
with his daughter.
You're no more stubborn
than I am.
I have treated you
too much like
some extension of myself.
But you're your own woman,
and you've done real well.
And you handled this whole thing
better than
anyone I know would have.
I can't tell you
how proud it makes me.
Thanks, Dad.
I really appreciate that.
I was just so worried.
Yeah, but it's okay.
Things worked out.
Always been proud of you,
I'm sorry
I haven't said it enough.
It would've been nice.
I'm so glad that you pushed me
the way you did.
Oh, so...
so maybe now you'll admit
you should've stuck
with karate, like I wanted?
See, Dad, there you go.
You had to throw a jab in.
It's a lovable quirk of mine.