Wrong Numbers (2024) Movie Script

That was the Rosebud in Indiana.
I didn't know you had
a Rosebud in Indiana.
That sounds like
a business trip.
That's not supposed to.
No, I love it. What are you
thinking that we would do this?
We will want you to be there in
September. September.
And I'm glad that
you came in for this.
Oh, yeah. It's an honor.
I'm going to wrap this
up. Get the check.
No, no, no. I got it.
I got this. This is
my treat. This has
been a wonderful treat.
Thank you for the wine
recommendation, by
the way. It's fantastic.
I hate blind dates.
Excuse me?
Oh, I said I hate blind dates.
I'm sorry to hear
that didn't go well.
That is an understatement.
That's too bad. You two
look like you're having fun.
You were watching us?
Not in a creepy way.
That's what you say.
I want to give you
a break. I wasn't
exactly engaged here.
It was a business dinner,
and my mind may have wandered.
Well, I'm glad that
we could entertain you.
Oh, God, you weren't
listening to us, too, were you?
No, no, no. I couldn't hear
you at all, unfortunately.
So what happened?
You didn't like him?
No, I did like him. I mean,
I liked him a lot, actually.
So what's the problem?
Oh, no. He didn't like me.
Come on, I find that
hard to believe.
Well, that's because
you don't have a
list of about 100
boys who have rejected you.
A hundred boys? Really?
You kept the list?
Well, it may not be
like 100 exactly, but
yeah, it's getting pretty close.
Well, how'd you two meet?
We didn't meet. I told you
that. It was a blind date.
God, no.
Sorry. You didn't
mean to offend you.
I just thought that's
how you meet nowadays.
Nowadays? Oh, God, what
are you, a hundred years old?
No. My roommate
set us up. Well, my
roommate's boyfriend, actually.
I mean, that's what
makes us so humiliating.
And what do you mean?
They're probably
laughing about it right now.
I mean, he probably
called them on his
way to the restaurant.
I think that's a little
paranoid, don't you think?
It's not paranoid if it's true.
God, I want something
sweet. Have you seen our waiter?
Um, you know what? It's
probably getting
ready to go home.
Do you think I can still
order dessert and Irish coffee?
Um, probably. I mean,
it's probably worth a try.
Did you think our
waiter was gay? I mean,
incidentally, because I
totally got that vibe.
I, I, maybe so.
Okay. I'm gonna go drag him
down. Did you want anything?
No, thanks.
Okay. Be right back.
Do not go anywhere.
Wow. That was quick.
Yeah, he was on the phone
with his boyfriend, I think.
I didn't want him
to, like, you know,
hang up on him or anything.
He was sweet about
it, though. He said he
could put it on the same charge.
So, do you want
anything? You sure?
Because it's on me.
I mean, well, him.
No, no, thanks.
God, we should order,
like, 50 desserts.
I like your style.
It's the least he
can do, don't you
think? I mean, buy me
dessert and Irish coffee?
Can I ask you something?
Sure. Go ahead.
How do I look?
What do you mean?
I mean, you know,
the way that I'm
dressed, like, do I look good?
What? What's the matter?
I'm not really sure what to say.
Just be honest.
You look amazing.
Oh, God.
I know, right?
I mean, when I got
dressed tonight, I
thought, "My God,
this is it," you know?
Like, I look better
than I've ever looked
and I'm ever going
to look again.
I mean, everybody must
have a night like that, right?
A night where you
reach the absolute apex
of your physical appearance.
You know, and so I
thought, if this is
true, if this is the
summit of my youthful beauty,
then this night must
mean something, you know?
It must be a magical
night, like, filled
with destiny, and then
maybe this blind date,
this boy would be
someone special.
I mean, maybe even
the person that I'd
marry and with whom I'd have
extraordinary children with.
What? You think I jinxed it?
It's a lot for a
first date, you know?
You didn't say
all that, did you?
God, no. I'm not stupid.
God, where is my
dessert? I'll be right back.
I mean, look at this thing.
You've got to help me with this.
Oh, wow.
Here, I got you a fork.
That does look good.
All right, just a taste.
Oh, wow. That's really good.
Do you think I'm
an ego maniac for
thinking that I'm
so beautiful and
tonight must be a
night of destiny?
Come on, don't be so smug.
I think you're a romantic.
And you. And there's
nothing wrong with that, but...
When you get to be
my age, fewer and
fewer nights are
remarkable and...
destiny is only
discernible in retrospect.
I don't know what
the hell that means.
Neither do I.
Hey, this is supposed to be
your key lime pie. Come on.
I guess I am romantic.
I mean, if we
don't invest meaning in our
relationships, we're
no different than dogs.
Oh, I'm Emma,
incidentally. I don't even
think I know your name.
I'm Jack.
But I'm not silly
about it, you know. I
mean, romance. I mean,
not more than most
girls. I have my
fantasies, of course.
But, I mean, Andrew,
for instance, he
worked as an auditor for
an accounting firm downtown.
Now, does that
occupation stir my loins?
No, not exactly,
but I still like to
know. I still wanted
to see him again.
Well, maybe he sensed that.
He sensed what?
That your loins weren't stirred.
Uh, but I liked him,
though. I liked him a lot.
So, what did you
guys talk about?
Um, college mostly.
He went to IU, and I
had a bunch of friends who
went there. Well, not so much.
Friends of people who
hated my guts in high school.
So, why did they hate your guts?
I don't know. You'd
have to ask them.
Maybe because I'm so
beautiful, smart, and sexy.
You're an egomaniac.
I know. But, truly, It's the
coffee talking. I
mean, I love this drink
because I can drink
so much of it, and I
get drunk, you know.
But I don't feel like a
lush because it's just coffee.
Oh, okay, that's true. So,
where did you go to school?
Oh, God, what? I
mean, people here Yale
and they think I'm some
kind of snob, alright
It's just college, okay? You
should hear Matthew
go on about it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who's Matthew?
My roommate's
boyfriend. He's a barely
functioning moron, incidentally.
Well, then why'd
you agree to go out?
Because I'm lonely?
God, I mean, you
ever been lonely?
Of course.
Yeah, and they're
always together. It's
just Matthew and
Stephanie, and oh, my
God, our walls are
so thin, so all the
time it's like, ah, ah, ah.
Okay, that sounds bad.
Oh, really.
Oh, God, yeah, you
know. And I just want
someone for myself,
you know. I mean, not
necessarily for that,
but just someone
that I can, like, talk
to and hang out with.
I just, I feel like
this neglected baby
who's been left to
cry alone in her crib
every day for five or six
hours for months on end.
I mean, do you know
what happens to
babies like that, who
are neglected like
that? They turn into
sociopaths because
they've never been
comforted or touched.
Can I say something?
Only if you change the subject.
I can't believe
there isn't a line of
boys lined up around
the block to ask you out.
Do you see such a
line? I mean, "File
into an orderly queue, gents."
Well, maybe you're
giving off some kind of vibe.
Oh, my God, blame the victim.
No, I don't think
you're anybody's
victim. I just think
that, I think boys
your age are a little
intimidated, that's all.
Oh, intimidated?
That's a good one.
Because you're
beautiful, smart, and sexy.
Shut up.
No, seriously, so
what makes you think
this boy doesn't like you?
Because he basically said so.
You did?
Yeah. He went into
the bathroom for like
10 minutes, I'm sure
just screw up his
courage. And then he comes
out and he's like, "Uh-uh."
Listen, I don't want
to waste your time,
but I don't think this is
working for either one of us.
He did? He said that?
For either one of us?
I think that was his
version of being nice.
You're going to have a thousand
boyfriends before your through.
But I don't want a thousand
boyfriends. I just want one.
It's going to
happen, believe me.
How can you be so sure?
Well, I mean, a girl like
you will not go unnoticed.
How can you possibly know that?
I mean, I'm noticing
you right now.
I'm sorry.
Uh-uh. You're fine.
No. No, I shouldn't
have said that.
No, it's very
flattering, I guess.
I know, but I'm not that guy.
No, I know that.
Uh-huh. You know,
I'm a very good judge
of character, believe it or not.
So how long have you
been married? Excuse me?
I said how long have you
been married? I'm just curious.
Um, 13, well 14, next May.
Wow. That's a long time.
Yeah, it is.
Are you happy?
Yeah, most of the time.
Have you ever cheated?
You don't have to
answer that. I'm just nosy.
No. No.
I've never cheated.
Boy, you are just...
you don't have a filter do you?
I'm a journalist.
Well, a blogger
anyway. I interview
people. Does that count?
What kind of people?
Just random people.
You'll think I'm weird.
Okay, why would you say that?
Wrong numbers.
That's the name of my
blog. I call people
and I ask for Harry Rich.
Who's Harry Rich?
It's just a name I
made up. They'll tell
me that I have the
wrong number and then
I just... I start
asking them questions.
What kind of questions?
I don't know. Just
random stuff, you
know, until we're
comfortable. Like, "Oh,
what's on the TV?
What's the weather like?"
And then...
Have you ever cheated?
No. They'd hang up
on me for sure. No, I
just... I'd go where
the conversation leads.
Yeah, but you asked
me if I cheated.
Oh, I guess I should feel
special about that, huh?
Yes. You are very easy
to talk to. Of course.
I probably have this
to blame a little bit.
My father cheated.
I guess that's why I
think about it so much.
Is your parents divorced?
Yeah, eventually. I
moved in with my mom
and my dad got an apartment.
I would see him like
twice a month, you
know, father-daughter time
and... God, it was awful.
I'm sorry.
Do you have any siblings?
Uh-uh. It's just me.
And I was the one
who caught him too,
so I always felt like
he betrayed me more than my mom.
How'd you catch him?
Like Nancy frickin fuckin Drew.
I suspected that
something was going on
because he was so
distracted at home and
I don't think my mom
wanted to know or
she pretended not to notice.
So what'd you do?
Well, nothing until
I got my license and
then I started
following him around.
Yeah, I got pretty
good at it too. Me and
one of my girlfriends
would go and we'd
follow him around,
you know, we'd smoke
cigarettes in the
car, like cops on the
stakeout, sitting
there all cool.
And then what?
Yeah, and then one
day he was having
lunch downtown and I
followed him to the
Embassy's Suites.
Yeah, and I got there
and I didn't know
what to do, so I just
sat there and I had
my homework, so I
started reading Sense
and Sensibility.
And then finally a
security guard came up.
What'd he say?
He asked me what I
was doing there and I
said, "My father is
inside fucking his mistress."
And he looked at me
like I was crazy.
And then my dad heard
our voices, so he
came out in the hall
and he went through
seven stages of grief
in like 22 seconds.
I mean, first he
denied that there was
anything going on with
this woman who was
sitting there in her
literal underpants.
Oh, jeez.
And then he blamed me...
Like somehow I had
betrayed him instead
of the other way
around. And then he
started bargaining.
He said he'd send me
to Europe for the
summer, which is
something that I'd
been asking for.
So what'd you do?
I didn't do anything.
I just, I just, I
let him send me to
Europe. You know, I
just, I was just so
mad and I don't think
my mom wanted to know. I
just wanted to get away, so.
I left and I went to
Paris and Italy and
then I started hooking
up with all these
guys, which is a
whole nother story.
Wait, what kind of guys?
I'm not going to tell
you that. I mean,
I'm not, I'm not
embarrassed of myself or
anything. It was just
a, it was a really
weird time in my life.
I really gotta stop
drinking this stuff.
My parents have been
married for 53 years
and they still go to
the movies and hold hands.
Well, that's sweet. Is that
the kind of marriage you have?
Most of the time.
Not always?
Well, I mean, we have
a six year old son,
so we can't go around
holding hands all
the time, but before
Charlie was born, we
used to be, we
were really close.
Can I say something? I
don't want to offend you.
Yeah, go ahead.
You seem pretty lonely.
Are you kidding?
That's a good one.
Yeah, just I have a lot of
responsibility. That's all
my job and what about it?
Well, I mean, I
mean, my phone never
stops ringing. I've got at
least five meetings a day.
I go home. My wife
has got a list of
chores for me to do
or some dinner party.
We have to attend or, you
know, she just wants to talk.
And then my son, he's.
You know, he wants my
well, he demands my attention.
That's not what
I'm talking about.
What are you talking about?
You can be lonely in
a room full of people.
I think God, have
you ever felt that I
feel that all the time?
What are you smiling about?
I just want to be
the most important
person in someone's life.
You know, I want to
be the person that
they're thinking about
when I'm thinking about them.
You probably need to
call her, right? Your wife?
No, no, she's asleep.
She doesn't wait up for you?
No. Charlie wakes
up at five a.m. So.
Oh, my God. I would
be a terrible mother.
I'd be like, you
know, go back to bed,
you filthy little brat.
We've done that a
couple of times.
Well, you probably
need to get going,
right? I mean, you
probably got a long
drive home to your
house and suburbs.
Yeah, but I'm not
going to go home tonight.
You're not?
No, we keep an
apartment downtown for,
you know, what I work
late like tonight,
especially when I've had
a couple of drinks so...
Oh, God. This has
been good. Almost made
me forget that I will
die alone and unloved.
You need to ride home?
I thought you'd been drinking.
No, we'll get a cab.
Where do you live?
Oh, no, I don't think
I'm going home either.
You're not?
No, I can't. I can't
possibly face them
tonight. I mean,
they'll be fresh from
their first round of
sex and full of this
condescending something.
Oh, sweetie, what happened?
Well, what are you going to do?
I have a friend who lives
nearby. I'll probably call her.
Is that your phone?
Hold on a sec.
Hey, hi.
No, I thought I
thought you were sleeping.
Yeah, it went well.
Yeah, Max says hi.
So what'd you guys do
tonight? Did you have pizza?
All right. I'll see
you in the morning then.
All right. Good
night. I love you.
Sorry about that.
What's her name?
Where'd you guys meet?
She used to work
for me, actually. In
marketing, we used
to sneak around for
like the first six
months, you know, to avoid HR.
What happened then?
What do you mean?
Like after the six
months, did she quit?
Did she give up her career?
Yeah. Yeah, pretty much.
Trying to imagine her.
Do you have a picture?
She's beautiful.
Yeah, she is.
Well, I should probably
call my friend.
She might be just sleeping.
Let's see.
[phone ringing]
Hey, Jen, it's me. Um...
No, were you sleeping?
Oh, no, I just was
wondering if I'm... Hello?
I think she was sleeping.
Sounds like it.
She's a very... heavy sleeper.
So what are you gonna do?
Um... I don't know. I can't
possibly, uh... go home.
Okay, listen, I'm gonna suggest
something, and you
can totally say no.
Okay. Alright, now I'm scared.
Just... can I crash
with you tonight? I
mean, you won't
even know I'm there.
Like, I'll sleep on
the floor or whatever.
Come on, I just...
please. I really can't
face him tonight.
I mean, we can keep
talking. This has been so fun.
Yeah, I... uh... I don't
think that's a good idea.
Oh, come on. I'm not
gonna jump your bones.
No, I know. I know.
No, listen, if you're,
like, scared or
whatever, it's totally
fine. I'll figure something out.
This place is gorgeous.
Watch your step.
Thank you.
Thank you for doing this.
You're welcome.
That is amazing!
Oh my God.
This is unbelievable.
You should see my place.
Oh, I'm sure it's lovely.
I'm sure it will go with that.
Oh, gosh. If I lived here...
Yeah, I don't use it
that much, actually.
Getting late and
then I take off right
after breakfast, you
know, isn't enough time.
Oh, poor thing.
It's terrible, I know.
You should see the
roof, though. There's
a pool up there, a
couple of nice cabanas.
When we lived here
full-time, we used to
lounge around all
afternoon, you know?
Seems like a million years ago.
When I was a little
girl, my barbie used
to live in a highway
department, just like this one.
And she'd jump off
a balcony into a
swimming pool, 40 stories below.
Yeah, in retrospect,
it's probably kind
of dangerous, but she was a
little bit of a slut anyway.
She'd sleep with any Ken
she could get her hands on.
So did you move out
after your baby was born?
It was not easy, you
know? I love this place.
I had this before I
was married, you know.
This was my first real estate.
So this was like your
bachelor's pad, huh?
Yeah, I guess you
could say that. But, uh...
I wasn't much of a
ladies' man, if that's
what you're thinking.
No. Not nothing.
Just pretty smooth for
someone who isn't a ladies' man.
All right, if you
think I'm smooth, you
still have Irish whiskey
coursing through your veins.
I'm actually pretty shy.
Well, you haven't
been shy tonight.
Well, you've held up your
end of the conversation.
I never shut up
is what you mean.
Now, I'd love to see
the roof sometime.
Yeah, actually it's
closed now, unfortunately.
Has anyone ever
jumped off the roof?
Nothing I'm aware of.
Well, have you ever
thought about it? I
mean, you know, what
do it feel like?
Because I think about
it sometimes. But
of course I'd never do it
because I'm a total coward.
I mean, I'm afraid
that I'd change my mind.
Like, what if I was
all depressed in
something and then I
could jump off some
balcony and then
halfway down I remember
something wonderful.
Life can change on
a dime, you know.
Like, one minute you're
all depressed and everything.
And then the next
you meet someone new
and everything changes.
Do you want something to drink?
I don't have any whiskey.
But I think we got some wine.
Are you going to have some?
Yeah, I'll have a glass.
You look so young here.
Yeah. Fatherhood ages you.
Huh. Oh, what a cute baby.
It's good, huh?
What are you, like,
a connoisseur? Are
you vastly knowledgeable
about wine?
Yeah, that's me all
right. No, my wife
got this. She's in
this suburban wine
club and they have
these wine tastings,
you know, a couple
times a month.
So anyway, she
brought home a case of
this stuff and I
swiped a cup of bottles
for my late nights alone.
But I'm actually
really a beer and
pretzel guy myself,
but I like this stuff
at night, you know.
It's really good.
Yeah. No, this is perfect.
Good. Hey, do you
want to sit down?
Oh, pretty.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh. Oh, my God. This
has been so comfy.
God, you should see
my place. You die.
I'm sure it's lovely.
No, seriously, it's
a pit. Like, we got
all our furniture
from the Salvation Army.
Doesn't your dad help you out?
Oh, no. That's a
whole nother story.
Oh, there's nothing wrong
with a little youthful poverty.
Yeah, but youthful
wealth is even better.
That'll be Stephanie.
Oh, crap.
You want me to take it?
Oh, God, no. Now
she'd call the cops.
That'd be kind of funny, though.
No, she'd think I'm
such a slut, you
know, to have dinner with
one guy, go home with another.
Something I've
never done, anyway.
I'll just, uh, I'll
send her a text.
What are you going to say?
Mmm. Overnight with Jen, I
will see you in the morning.
Oh, gosh. This feels
like high school,
you know, like, like
lying to my dad.
I mean, not that we really care.
Hey, you know what
you should do? You
should let me move in here.
Yeah, I could be like
a full-time house
sitter, and you
wouldn't even have to pay me.
Thank you. Thank
you. Actually, Patty
wants to sell this
place, but I think
your idea is much
more practical.
What? No, God, that's
a terrible idea.
She says that we could
pay for Charlie's
college with the
money that we're going
to save on private taxes.
Oh, that's just silly.
I mean, college is
so overrated. You
know, look at me.
Like, I've got an
Ivy League education,
and I'm barely employable.
God, I can't believe
she wants to sell.
Mmm, she's probably trying
to erase your past, right?
No, it's not like that.
Well, are you sure?
Because I've got
girlfriends who
do that, you know.
They just get a
boyfriend, and then they
scrub, and they
scrub, and they scrub
until he's all shiny and new.
God, I erase the history.
Yeah. Patty and I
have been married for
14 years. She is my history.
Oh my God. Is this your dad?
He looked just like him. Do
people tell you that a lot?
Oh my gosh. Were
you in the army?
Yeah, that's just
outside of Baghdad.
Whoa. That's so cool.
What's cool about it?
I don't know. It's
just cool, that's all.
Oh, are these your sisters?
Yeah. That's
Catherine and Janie.
Are they older or younger?
Well, can you tell?
I don't think
they're in trouble.
Go ahead.
Well, I'm terrible at
this, but I'm going
to say that they are older.
Hmm. Good answer.
Wrong, but that was
very nicely played.
Say you're a big brother.
I could have totally
guessed that you'd
totally give off this
big brother vibe.
What does that mean?
Oh, it's nothing
bad. I mean, it just
means you're protected.
God, I'm embarrassing myself.
Who are these two?
Those are my nieces.
Those are Janie's girls.
They're in middle school.
They stay with me in
the summer sometimes.
Since their father
left, I like to give
Janie a break, you know?
That's nice.
Yeah. They're having
some trouble, though.
They're a drift, I
guess you could say.
They don't recognize
their own potential,
and they're kind of
angry all the time.
I try to help them.
I may try to tell them that
they can be whatever they want.
If you apply yourself
and you work really hard,
there's no limits
to what you can
achieve, but I think,
I don't know, I
kind of sound corny, you know?
But they're really
sweet with Charlie,
and they're very maternal.
You got a look on your face.
Can I see your hand?
Your hand.
This way.
What are you going
to read in my palm?
I learned this at college.
They taught you
palmistry at Yale?
No, okay. I had a friend
whose mom did this for a living.
No, quiet. You're
distracting me.
This hand shows all the
qualities that you
were born with,
and this hand shows
all the qualities
that you've
throughout your life.
And for girls, it's
the other way around.
And this is your heart line,
and this is your fate line.
Not everybody has this.
Do you believe in destiny?
I don't know.
I do.
And your fate line is deep.
Which means that
you are strongly
controlled by destiny.
You're that again.
Why you just did.
It's getting late.
Let me grab you some linens.
Jack, I didn't mean to
make you uncomfortable.
Emma, it's late, and
I've had a few drinks.
Yeah, no, I understand.
So, those should fit.
You can go ahead and
put them on in the
bathroom and I'll
make up the sofa.
(door opens)
(door closes)
These are very nice.
I had bought those for Patty,
but she hasn't worn them yet.
Oh, well, they are very comfy.
Okay, so can I get
you anything else?
No, I think I'm
finally getting sleepy.
Yeah, me too.
Hey, thanks for doing this.
It's been a really fun night.
You're welcome.
Yeah, I knew that this night
was gonna be special
after all, so.
Thank you.
Yeah, I'll see you
in the morning.
Hey, Jack?
I don't wanna bug you.
Oh, it's okay.
It's just, I'm a little chilly,
and I didn't know if I
could get an extra blanket.
Yeah, of course.
I'm so sorry, I should
have checked to make sure.
Oh, no, it's fine.
Can I ask you a question?
Yeah, go ahead.
Uh, well, it's not
too much a question.
I'm really attracted to you.
Aren't you gonna say anything?
Like what?
I don't know.
I know that nothing can happen.
I just, I really,
I really like you.
(dramatic music)
You're such a good man.
Can we just kiss one time?
(dramatic music)
Oh, okay.
Your so beautiful.
Did you feel that?
(dramatic music)
Your up early.
Yeah, I gotta get going.
Listen, um...
Oh, look, you don't
need to be uncomfortable.
I know, I just, I
owe you an apology.
Um, no, this isn't,
this isn't a tragedy.
I know, it's, listen,
I shouldn't have let
it happen last night,
and I messed up.
Well, it's fine, okay,
and it's not your fault.
I mean, we were both
there, and look,
we didn't, like,
murder somebody, you know?
We're human beings,
he made a mistake.
Emma, I love my
wife, and my son,
he's the most important
person to me in
the entire world.
Okay, do you understand?
I mean, I'm not
just saying this.
You seem like a
really, really nice person.
Well, can we just,
can we get some breakfast?
Okay, you mean you
must be hungry?
You know, we don't
have anything here.
Well, that's all
right, we can go out.
I really have to go.
Come on, you must be starving.
Charlie, he's got
swimming today,
and I just, I have
to do drop off,
and I gotta do pick up, so.
I'm sorry.
No, listen, it's fine,
it's what I'm trying
to tell you, okay?
Like, I'm not one of those girls
who just, like, expect
something, right?
Like, we had a fun
night together,
and that's that, like,
whatever life goes on.
I know.
Is my dress in the bathroom?
Um, yeah.
Oh, your phone's ringing.
(phone ringing)
Is that your wife?
I'll call her later.
Hey, can I at least
give you a ride home?
No, I'll just take the bus.
It's no big deal.
Your in a hurry.
Will you just relax, okay?
Your wife's never
gonna find out,
and I'm perfectly
fine, so no harm done.
You'll probably think
about me every night
for the rest of your life.
That's your punishment.
Here are your pajamas.
All right, can I at least just,
can I get you a cab for...
No, God, that'd be weird.
I take the bus all the time.
Seriously, it's good.
Hey, listen, you wouldn't
want my phone number, would you?
Oh my God, I'm a fucking idiot.
You don't have to walk me out.
I'll just, I'll find my way.
(phone ringing)
Hi, sweetie.
Yeah, it's me.
No, I'm fine.
I was in the shower.
All right, I'm coming home.
(phone ringing)
Hi, is this Harry Rich?
Oh, well, I'm calling
for Harry Rich.
Sorry, I think you
have the wrong number.
Is your house warm or cold?
Why do you ask?
I don't know, you
sound like someone
who would keep their
house pretty cold.
I could be wrong, but
that's just kind of the vibe
I get from my voice.
I do actually like cold.
Do you?
What temperature
do you keep it at?
68 is like the
coldest when I'm sleeping.
Oh my gosh, you're a psychopath.
Who keeps it at 68?
I keep mine at 72.
You sound like a 72.
Have you ever cheated?
Hi, thank you.
Oh my God.
Oh, I can't believe this.
What are you doing here?
I'm having a cup of coffee.
Yeah, no, I mean,
obviously it's just...
Oh God, it's so
weird to see you.
What has it been, 10 months?
Yeah, something like that.
I was gonna call you one time,
just to apologize, don't worry.
Apologize for what?
Oh, come on.
I mean, I was in such a
weird place that night.
I probably should have
been on something like,
Zoloft or whatever.
Are you on something now?
No, why?
Am I acting weird?
No, I probably am,
I'm such a basket.
No, no, no, no, no, you're fine.
I found your number online.
I mean, I never did
call, obviously.
I thought it might be
kind of weird, like,
I don't know, what if
your wife answered, right?
You know, it would
have been okay.
Yeah, I mean, I
get a lot of calls
and I work with a
lot of women, so.
I didn't know that.
But thank you for
being discreet.
And if these things happen,
it's better to just chop
it off right at its head,
you know, so nobody gets hurt.
Anyway, I should
probably get going.
It was really good to see you.
Me too.
You have to head
back to work, huh?
No, actually, going
home, I just need to bunch out.
It's been a long day.
Hey, what are you
doing in the city anyway?
It's Saturday.
Are you supposed
to be out, like,
mowing your lawn or whatever?
Yeah, I know, that's
what we do on Saturdays.
No, I had to come
into town and, you know,
take care of some
stuff, that's all, so.
Well, it was good
to see you, Jack.
It was really good
to see you too, Emma.
Hey, listen.
Can I buy you a cup of coffee?
Yeah, I mean, if you're
busy, that's totally fine.
No, I have a few minutes.
You really wanna have coffee?
Yeah, why not?
Well, yeah, I guess.
I'm just gonna go punch
out and I'll be right back.
Here I am.
Get coffee for free here, so.
Pretty cheap date,
you know, living large.
Oh my God, I'm so rude.
I didn't even ask.
Did you want me to get you more?
No, no, no, I'm fine.
Thank you.
This is my favorite
part of the day,
just relaxing after
a nice long shift.
So how long have
you worked here?
Like two or three
months, I guess.
Not very long.
It's a pretty good gig.
So how's your roommate doing?
My roommate.
Yeah, it was
Stephanie, wasn't it?
Wow, you got a good memory.
She moved out, actually.
She's getting married
in the spring.
Now you gotta be a bridesmaid,
which is a total trip.
I mean, believe me,
you should see these
hideous dresses.
So you're living alone now?
No, actually, my
boyfriend moved in.
Your what?
I know.
My boyfriend, God, it
sounds so weird to say.
When did this happen?
About four months ago.
So how's it going?
It's going pretty great.
I don't want to jinx it.
What's his name?
This is embarrassing.
Why is it embarrassing?
His name is Bill.
But I call him William.
His mother and I call him that.
Oh, his mother does too?
That's interesting.
Okay, don't make fun.
No, I'm not.
So how old is he?
He's 25.
He just turned 25 last week.
Oh, he sounds like
a fine young man.
Shut up.
I'm just teasing.
So what's he do for a living?
God, can we talk about
something else, please?
He's a consultant.
What kind of consultant?
Yeah, he actually
makes a lot of money.
I mean, at least compared to me.
And he travels a lot too.
He's been to China
like six times.
And he also speaks
a little Chinese,
which is amazing to
me because I mean,
who the hell speaks Chinese?
About 1.3 billion people.
You know what I mean.
So where did you two meet?
This is just so weird.
We met in cooking class.
We met in cooking
class preparing pastas.
What's wrong with that?
There's nothing wrong with that.
You're laughing.
I am not laughing.
All right, well, it
was a good class.
And we just, we started talking
and then started
having each other over
for dinner sometimes.
And then you moved in together.
Oh, yeah.
Does your father approve?
Hmm, come on, it's
none of his business.
I mean, they did
meet once though.
William called him
when they both had
layovers in Atlanta.
God, can you believe that?
Believe what?
I think that William
would call him.
It's just, he's so nice.
You know, he's way nicer than me
and he just wants
everybody to get along.
It's not that he's a
pushover or anything though.
He gets mad sometimes.
What's he get mad about?
Oh, nothing, just normal stuff.
You know, he was on TV once.
He was coming home
from a basketball game
and there was this
big fight and this guy,
he got stabbed and
then they interviewed
him on Channel Nine.
He was like a big celebrity.
We recorded the interview
and had all our friends over
from cooking class.
We had different pastas, wines.
God, it was such a blast.
Well, that sounds like fun.
That's so, what
happened to the guy?
What guy?
The one that got stabbed.
Oh, yeah, he died.
I mean, William sent his
family money, you know,
in the Google of Flowers.
It was nice.
So, so are you guys
gonna get married?
Oh, I don't know.
We haven't talked about that.
Why, is that weird?
Oh, I mean, you lived together.
I mean, the subject
hasn't even come up.
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't remember.
I guess that is a
little weird, huh?
I mean, I don't know.
Well, we haven't really
known each other that long.
That's true.
I don't wanna be the one
who, you know, brings it up.
What do you mean by that?
It obviously meant something.
Well, I mean, you
clearly wanna get married,
which is fine.
I mean, there's nothing
wrong with that.
But you don't
think that he does?
Well, I don't know.
Well, I think he does.
It's just, it's complicated.
That's all.
Well, you know what,
it's non of my business.
Parents don't like me.
Why did you say that?
Because they don't, trust me.
Oh, hmm.
I'd like to meet him sometime.
I'm sorry, what are
you talking about?
No, your boyfriend.
I would like, I'd
like to meet him.
Yeah, no, that's
not gonna happen.
Why not?
I mean, I'm an old friend.
Well, you're old anyway.
I'm teasing.
Do you have a picture?
What for?
So I can see what he looks like.
Let me find a good one.
Oh, sure, that was funny.
Here's a good one.
Here you go.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, he's pretty tall.
How tall is he?
He's huge, he's
like six foot three.
Oh, fraternity boy?
What difference does it make?
Oh, just, I'm just curious.
So, what school did he go to?
Wisconsin, he played football.
And God, what are
you writing a novel?
(laughs) Hey, what
are you doing?
Give me that.
I was just being nosy.
Well, you shouldn't go
through people's pictures
without asking.
Hey, how's wrong numbers?
That's the name of
your blog, right?
I can't believe
you remember that.
You haven't posted much lately.
Wait, seriously,
you've been reading my blog?
Yeah, yeah, I love it.
I mean, you're so talented.
You know, the one about the guy
who thought you were his sister.
Oh my God, wasn't that crazy?
They must have such
a weird relationship.
When you know that conversation,
everything was
practically verbatim.
Like I just wrote down
exactly what he said.
Even the part about the dog?
When he said that, I was like,
oh my God, this is wonderful.
I can't wait to get this online.
So what'd you do after?
Did you like, did you call him?
No, that wouldn't
be a wrong number.
I have my principles, you know.
God, I can't believe
you've been reading my blog.
That's so cool.
Yeah, but what have
you been doing?
You haven't posted
in like two months.
Oh, yeah, I don't know.
I've just been busy, that's all.
What, pouring coffee?
Amongst other things.
You know, blogging isn't
exactly a lucrative gig.
Yeah, but I mean, you love it.
Well, I guess so.
So what does William think?
What does William
think about what?
About your blog.
Oh, I don't know.
We don't really talk about it.
Yeah, I'm getting kind
of bored of it anyway.
Oh, come on, no, you're not.
God, don't be such
a know-it-all.
Yeah, it's just the same
thing over and over again.
Is that what William says?
I don't know, we
don't talk about it.
What's the big deal anyway?
Just asking.
William is very conservative,
so we talk about
lots of other things.
I just, I don't
think he gets it.
Yeah, I don't know
what there is to get.
I should talk about
something else, please.
So what are you gonna do?
What do you mean?
Well, I mean, for
a career, you know,
like you need to
make money, right?
I'm professional barista.
What's wrong with that?
Don't be such a snob.
Well, about that, I'm
just, you're so talented.
No, please.
No, I'm serious.
I think you'll be
very, very successful.
Doing what?
Just about anything.
Maybe I'll run for Congress.
You would have my vote.
I'm serious.
You know what, I have
something for you.
You should come in
for an interview.
Sorry, what are
you talking about?
Yeah, I mean, we
have a couple openings.
What would I be,
like a secretary?
We don't have secretaries.
What are you, 100 years old?
What would I be doing then?
You'd be an account executive.
What's that?
Well, I mean, you
take care of clients,
you overlook
arrange appointments.
You go to lunches and dinners,
sometimes the
theater or ballgame.
You'd have an expense account.
You travel a little bit.
That doesn't sound
like a real job.
It is.
I'd go to lunch.
I love going to lunch.
You see?
You'd be perfect.
Yeah, I doubt that.
But, you know, it's
mostly hand-holding.
Come on, are you joking?
What would I be
reading their palms?
Probably not.
God you...
You're so full of shit.
What, I'd work for you?
You'd be my boss, I guess?
I mean, maybe with
some clients, but no.
I mean.
Where is this coming from?
It's not coming from anywhere.
Come on, offering me
a job out of the blue?
No, it's not out of the blue.
It's been almost a year.
I know, but I mean,
I've been thinking about you.
What do you mean?
I've been thinking about you.
Like what, do you have
like a guilty conscience
or something?
Do you think our one night
together ruined me forever?
Well, good, because
I'm doing great.
I can tell.
I have a boyfriend
who loves me, I'm happy,
and you know, I
love working here.
I do.
I love the smell and
I love the feeling
of a warm cup on a cold day.
I don't need to be rescued.
Yeah, I know that.
I understand.
You know, the truth is,
I know what I want to do
besides blogging.
You do?
Mm-hmm, but I'm
not gonna tell you
because you'll laugh at me.
I will not.
What'd you promise?
I'm not, come on.
Okay, I want to
open a restaurant.
Just something small,
just pastas and salads
and desserts and
some good wines.
You see, I'm not laughing.
Yeah, William and I, we
talk about it all the time.
He'll handle the
business side of things
and I'll cook.
We even have this place
picked out over in Armitage
and there's a
bookstore next door
and then a little
bakery across the street.
I mean, that's where
we'll get our bread.
Mm-hmm, that sounds
really great.
Yeah, of course, you
know, we don't have the money
because rents are unbelievable
and, you know, I don't
know if I'm ready yet,
but I have a couple good dishes,
but I think I need like
seven or eight, you know,
things you can't
get anywhere else,
like really good ones.
I don't want to be
one of those restaurants
that are boring.
And William says that we
need at least 25 tables
to break even, but I just,
I think that's way too much.
I mean, don't you?
Because I have like
places that are
really, really intimate
and I want to be one of
those chefs that comes out
and talks to all
of her customers.
Because when I'm cooking,
I just feel so maternal.
I can't believe I said that.
I say the dumbest
things when you are around.
I mean, William says
that I have no filter,
which of course is totally true.
I think it's bad
at me sometimes,
but at least this
time I'm sober.
It's about a hundred
times worse when I'm drinking.
As you know.
Well, I should really get going.
I think I'm gonna cook.
I need to get some groceries.
I really hope that
you'd think about, you know,
coming in for an interview.
You know, you could
make some money
to pay for the restaurant.
Well, let me give you a card.
Fancy schmancy.
All right, well,
it was good to see you again.
It was good to see you too.
Yeah, I guess I'll
see you around.
I don't know. - Yeah.
All right, bye.
So, hey Emma, you said
that you were gonna cook.
What are you cooking?
Um, scampi probably.
Yeah, William does like seafood,
so I like to make it
when he's out of town.
William's out of town?
Yeah, he is in New
Mexico, that's just true.
Oh, the land of enchantment.
That is right.
Hey, I just thought
of something.
I know these people,
they're investors actually,
they're in a couple
restaurants downtown
and they love
investing in small businesses.
So, they've done
really, really well.
If you'd like, I
can introduce you.
I was like, wait,
are you being serious?
Yeah, yeah, but you
have to have a business plan.
No, yeah, of course,
I think William
has already done all that.
I mean, he's got all these
front sheets and everything.
Wait, do you really think
that they'd invest in us?
Yeah, yeah, but they're
always looking
for opportunities.
Oh my God, no, that
would be amazing.
Oh God, I have all
these ideas, you know,
and I get all these
restaurant catalogs,
it's just like
pornography for me, you know?
It's because it's such
a fantasy, it's amazing.
What, what are you smiling at?
No, that's great, it's awesome.
I mean, you're just,
you're so energized.
Well, I can't
believe you do this.
Come on, I mean, we
barely know each other.
You've never even tasted my
cooking, it could be blah.
Listen, no, I'm cooking,
you know, are you hungry?
I don't know if you
have anywhere to be,
but if you don't
and you're hungry.
Yeah, I could eat,
that's for sure.
Okay, great, I need to
talk to the grocery store.
Yeah, and you like
seafood, right?
I love seafood.
Oh, I should probably
get a bottle of wine too.
Okay, I'll bring it.
(dramatic music)
All right, watch your step.
These stairs are deadly.
All right, here we
are, sorry for the mess.
Oh, come on, it's fine.
This is how the
other half lives.
Anyway, sorry, I
gotta just lock the door.
We had a break in
a few months ago,
so we're a little paranoid now.
Oh my God, was anybody home?
No, luckily nobody was home.
They did trash the place
though, and they
stole Williams TV.
He went out and bought
a gun right after,
which of course it
totally freaks me out
because, well, I'm
pretty sure he'd use it
if they ever came back.
Did you want a glass of wine?
Okay, sure.
Not that I blame
them though particularly,
because I mean, when it all
happened, I was pretty scared.
But then I just got
furious, you know?
It's just, God, it's
such a violation.
And I don't know, I
just wanna see them dead.
And I've never felt
that way about anybody.
Hey, I'm gonna save that bottle
that you bought
for dinner, okay?
Yeah, sure, whatever you want.
Here's the chef.
Here you go.
Thank you.
You're not gonna have any?
Eh, probably not.
Probably have some when we eat.
Wow, okay.
Well, it's probably for
the best, don't you think?
Yeah, maybe so.
Oh God, you know,
it's embarrassing how
much I love to cook.
I mean, my mother never
cooked much when I was a child.
Like, we'd go out to eat
or got to take out
pretty much every
night of my childhood.
And sometimes she'd
get two or three meals
just so that we'd have leftovers
and she wouldn't have to cook.
God, I guess that was
just the way she was wired.
Not me though, you know?
To me, nothing feels
more safe than coming home
and cooking a nice,
warm, comfortable meal.
I like your place.
Oh, come on, you do not.
No, I do, really, it's cozy.
You're gonna look back in
this fondly one day, believe me.
One, oh.
Oh, (laughs)
granted, you're gonna look
back at some things more...
Oh God.
More fondly than others.
Thank you.
Oh God.
Like, how humiliating, right?
You're probably second
guessing yourself,
oh, dinner in this dump,
what have I gotten myself into?
Not at all.
I'm gonna start the salad.
So how well do you
know these guys?
What guys?
The investors.
Oh, they're former
clients of mine.
It's a long story, so.
Wow, you're good with the knife.
Don't try anything.
Dooley noted.
Wait, how old are they?
I'm assuming that they're guys.
Yeah, yeah, they're guys.
I think they're about my
age, I guess, approximately.
So they're old.
Hm, teasing.
Are they married?
Yeah, one of them is married
and I think one of
them's getting a divorce,
but I don't know, what
difference does it make?
I don't know, I'm
just curious, that's all.
You know, I just, I feel
like I wanna be prepared,
you know, like I wanna
know as much as I can.
I mean, maybe this
is the reason we met.
What do you mean?
So you can introduce
me to these guys.
I know that nothing
is guaranteed,
like maybe they won't like me,
maybe they won't
like my cooking, but.
I just, I have such a
good feeling about this.
And everything
happens for a reason, right?
Oh my God, I'm so rude.
I haven't even asked about you.
How are you?
How is your family?
They're fine.
That's it?
Well, what?
Oh, come on, you
were gonna say something.
No, they're fine.
Spit it out.
Emma um...
My wife and I, we got separated.
Oh my God, are you serious?
For how long?
Yeah, it's been a
couple of weeks.
Oh my God.
What happened?
You know, it wasn't
just one thing.
I just, I can't believe this.
I mean, you said
that you were happy.
You said you were
happily married.
It's not that simple though.
Why not?
It's because,
everything's happened.
Things change.
This isn't some tragedy.
I mean, marriages end every day.
I'm actually doing really well.
Are you crying?
What about your son?
What about him?
He must be so frightened.
Oh, he's doing fine.
He's doing really well.
He's a strong kid.
I think this is a
blessing, to tell you the truth.
I mean, I think for all of us,
I mean, we're all
still young enough
to get on with our lives.
Was this her idea?
With separation?
Then I doubt that
it's a blessing.
Emma there comes a
point in your life
when you think,
is this it?
Is this all there is?
Oh my God, I mean,
what else do you want?
You have everything.
I know that it appears
that way, but...
What else is there?
I wanna be happy,
like everybody else.
You think everybody
else is happy?
No, no, that's not what I meant.
Then want did you mean.
I meant that we all
wanna be happy, you know?
I mean, isn't that
why we do what we do?
Isn't that what motivates us?
Oh please.
I mean, you have
Look, I wanna be happy.
I'm no different
than anyone else.
I'm no different than you.
Why am I supposed
to apologize again?
I've already done that.
I wanna be honest
with you about something.
Running into you today was
not entirely coincidental.
I'm sorry, what are you saying?
I'm saying that I
knew that you were
gonna be there today.
I just wanted to see you.
I just wanted to
talk to you again.
What for?
I've thought about you
every night since we met.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
The day after we met,
you said that...
i woulld think about
you every night
for the rest of my life.
That was my punishment.
I don't remember saying that.
Well, you did.
I was pretty drunk, remember?
You were right.
Have you tried counseling?
Marital counseling.
You and your wife,
have you tried it?
What, why are you
smiling about that?
Listen, you didn't,
you didn't tell her, did you?
Yeah, I did.
My God, why would you do that?
She knew, she knew that um
she knew something had happened.
But my God, why
would you do that?
It was one night, it
was over, it was nothing.
Is that what it was for you?
Well, that's not
what it was for me.
Listen you don't have to say
anything at all, okay...
I just wish, I wish
that you could see yourself
through my eyes.
What are you talking about?
You are the most
exquisite person I have ever met
in my entire life.
I mean, you're beautiful,
you're smart, you're funny.
Okay, Jack.
I just want you to
know how I feel.
I'm just trying to process this.
What are you doing?
I have a boyfriend.
I'm finally happy,
and he loves me.
Do you love him?
God, of course I do.
You think I'm just
this neurotic girl?
Okay, well, I'm
finally happy, okay?
I finally have a
boyfriend who loves me,
and he's not crazy,
and he's not married.
He never buys me
flowers or jewelry
or takes me to
expensive dinners,
and he spends half of his
time playing video games,
and he forgets my birthday.
These are good things?
Because he's just normal.
He is just a regular guy.
He doesn't come in here and
offer me jobs or investors.
I mean, are those guys
even real, by the way,
or is that just
something that you made up?
Emma, come on, you
know that I'm not like that.
Oh, I do?
How the hell do I know that?
I barely know you.
Emma, let me ask you something.
When you saw me this
afternoon at the coffee shop,
how did you feel?
I was excited.
About what?
I was excited to see you
because I'm a fucking idiot.
Oh, no.
No, it's true.
I'm a fucking idiot.
I mean, I put myself
in these situations,
and I just, I ruin everything.
Listen to me.
Get out.
Emma, we need to talk.
God, what is there
to talk about?
Why are you doing this?
Doing what?
Ruining my fucking life!
I mean, can't you
see that I'm happy?
You do not look happy.
Well, I'm fucking trying.
I just, I just wanna
have fucking normal life.
I can give you that.
Are you, are you fucking insane?
You are married.
You have a wife,
you have a child,
you're twice my age, I mean,
God, you're just like my father.
Do not say that.
I'm fucking dreaming,
I want you out of here.
Emma, don't be ridiculous.
Get out now.
Close the door.
Get out now.
Close the fucking door.
You fucking insane?
Get out now.
Get your hands off me.
Hey, you gotta calm down, okay?
We need to talk this through.
Right now! What the fuck
is there to talk about?
What is there to talk, I
just left my fucking wife.
I left my son, alright.
You owe me at least
a couple of minutes.
I owe you.
Now I know that you
are fucking insane.
Listen to me, you started this.
I tell you what?
I would have never, ever
spoken to you at the restaurant.
I look over, you're a beautiful,
beautiful young girl.
I was minding my own business.
No, no, no, you said
that you were watching me.
You said so yourself.
You were wearing a dress.
It wasn't for you,
I was on a date.
I know, but I was there.
I was there.
Well, I'm fucking sorry.
Why'd you do it?
Do what?
Why did you talk to me, hmm?
Why did you invite
yourself to my apartment?
Why did you knock
on my bedroom door?
No, no, no, no, no.
I said that I was sorry.
I know that, I know, but
I know you felt
something that night
You know what, I
always feel something.
It's my fucking literal problem.
You feel something right now?
Please, please stop.
I asked you a question.
What do you want me
to say, just stop.
Just, just be honest.
I feel something.
(dramatic music)
Oh, God.
Okay, if we do this, you
have to promise me one thing.
After this, you'll go away.
Afterwards, you'll go away
and you won't come back.
Oh my God.
I said, I'll fuck you.
Afterwards, you have to go away.
Oh, fuck.
Look, I'm sorry, Jack.
I said, I'm sorry.
I know you think
this is about sex for me?
All my life, I have
done the right thing.
I have been a good
husband, I've been a good son,
I have been a good brother.
I fought for my country.
I came back.
I worked my way
up to the top of a
multinational corporation.
I am the definition
of success by every
definition of the word.
Until I met you.
I had no idea.
Of who I was, none at all.
How could I be a father to a son
who has never once, not
once, seen me happy.
Do you really, do you think
that you're doing your son
a favor by just by
walking away from your family,
by walking away from him?
I mean, when are you
gonna see him, Jack?
Once a week, every
other weekend?
I know we've worked
that out, okay?
We've worked that out,
I've spoken with him.
He understands.
Yeah, he understands what?
He wants me to be happy.
Oh no, Jack.
He wants you to be there.
He's a little boy, okay?
If you do this, I promise you
that he's never
gonna forgive you.
Please don't talk
to me about things
that you do not understand.
I'm not the one doing that.
What about you?
What about me?
She thinks it's
gonna make you happy, huh?
This kind of life?
No, what's wrong
with this kind of life?
Come on, Emma, you are
not like the other girls.
You are special. - Oh my God,
don't fucking say that!
Are you fucking happy?
You know what?
Maybe happiness doesn't
come all at once.
You know, maybe we just,
we piece it together
like a jigsaw puzzle.
Emma, come on.
Just stop!
Don't you understand?
I want a husband
and I want babies
and I want a little
house in the suburbs.
I mean, I want all of the
things that you just threw away.
I know, but Emma, I can
do any one of those things.
No, stop!
Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
God damn it.
Oh my God, um, okay,
I got a first aid kit.
Okay, shit.
Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Jack.
God damn it.
Oh, oh God, okay,
um, right here.
Let me see your hand.
- I'm fine.
I really am sorry, Jack.
Emma, you know what?
I'm gonna, I'll give you the
phone number of those investors
and they can just...
Oh God, no, please,
please, please.
Please don't bother with that.
Well, you said this
is what you wanted
more than anything
else, it's fine.
Just because I want
something doesn't mean
I'm entitled to it.
Okay, let me see
your hand again.
- I'll be all right.
- I'll be all right.
I got it, it's all
right, it's all right.
Got it.
Can I open it for you?
- Yeah. - Thank you.
Was that my phone?
I think so.
Oh, it's William.
I better take this. - Okay.
Hey, no, I was just watching TV.
Oh my God, seriously?
No, no, no, no, you're
not calling a cab.
I'm gonna pick up.
Aah, oh my god,
how exciting, ok.
No, no, no, I will see you soon.
All right, I love you too.
Ok, Bye.
That was William.
I heard.
Yeah, he's getting back early.
That's great.
I'm gonna go pick
him up at the airport.
So, um, you're gonna
have to leave now.
Can I just stay here
for just a little bit?
I just...
Um, okay, I guess we'll just
go get my things together.
Oh God, you know, it's
like the stupidest thing,
but I just, I love picking
him up at the airport, you know?
We have this, it's the
whole like stupid ritual,
but it just, I love it.
And you know, I mean,
the airport sucks, right?
Who loves the airport?
But I don't know, I
just, I love it at night
and I love picking him up.
So, all right, well,
I really should go.
So are you ready?
Emma I'll let myself out.
Oh, excuse me?
I'll let myself out.
I just, I need to sit
here for a little bit and...
Well I can't just
leave you here.
Are you afraid I'm
gonna steal something?
No, I mean, obviously not.
There's nothing here to steal.
Okay, do you promise?
I promise.
Because you can't
be here when William
gets back, all right.
I have no clue what he'd do.
I will be long gone
by the time you get back.
I promise.
He's a big guy, all right.
And you know, he's got a temper
and he's kind of fucking gun.
I'll be gone.
I promise.
Well, look, I really
am sorry, Jack.
Me too.
And I hope you find
what makes you really happy.
Thank you.
You too.
Um, make sure that you lock
the door on your way out, okay?
Yeah, I will.
(door opens)
(door closes)
Hey, buddy.
Yeah, it's Daddy.
How you doing?
No, I can't come there.
But you can come to my place
next weekend.
Oh, no, no, we,
buddy, we will have so
much fun, I promise.
I promise.
You're giving, I'm giving
you a big hug right now.
Well, I'm giving you a big hug.
I love you too.
Okay, I'll see you,
I'll see you next week.
(upbeat music)
I love you, buddy.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)