Wrong Side Of Town (2010) Movie Script

Please please.
What's this all about?
Oh, I think you know
what this is about, Nick.
Nicky man.
What up?
What up? What up?
Surely you knew this was
gonna happen, right?
- Seth--
- Shut up.
What, did you think
you could rat out
a guy like me to the cops
and get away with it?
Is that what you thought?
Seth, it's not
like that, man.
- Shut up, rat.
- I'm telling you--
- Shut up.
- I wouldn't--
I busted my ass to get to the top
of the food chain for what?
To let a little prick
like you tear it down?
Seth, I would never
rat you out, man.
It's gotta be some kind
of a mistake.
- A mistake?
- A mistake.
A mistake?
Yeah, Nick, it was a mistake.
Tell me, was this
also a mistake?
Hey, Briggs,
it's me, Nicky Wilcox.
Listen, I just heard
Seth Bordas took delivery
of 200 lbs of China white.
He had it stashed
in his club.
That's worth something,
No no no no, Seth.
Seth, it's not
like that, man.
It's that fucking Briggs.
He's a snake, man.
He's trying to set you up.
I was trying to help you.
Of course you were, Nick.
Of course you were.
Of course you were,
you stupid prick fuck!
I trusted you!
I got your sorry ass
a job,
and this is how you
repay me?
Nicky, Nicky,
Briggs, you motherfucker!
Hey, nothing personal,
Just business.
Don't get up.
Seth, please, man.
Seth, listen.
I look up to you, man.
I look up to you.
Look, I'll leave town.
I got a wife. I got two kids.
I want to see them grow up.
I want to see my babies grow up.
- Just please--
- Shh shh.
- Seth.
- Shh.
Nick, I read
in a newspaper--
bull sharks,
big bull sharks.
They swim up the Mississippi
from the Gulf
searching for food.
It's absolutely amazing
what an animal will do
to survive.
Please, Seth, one more chance.
Just please.
Cement blocks--
old school.
I love it.
you should have taken
the hard time.
Seth, you got it
all wrong. Seth.
Please, Seth.
It was a mistake.
Seth, no!
No, Seth!
Bobby, Bobby,
it's Brianna!
Oh my God.
Oh my God, breathe.
Not cool,
young lady.
I was just practicing
for my drama class.
I guess I did
pretty good, huh?
You scared the crap
out of your mother and me.
You should have seen
your faces.
That little stunt just got you one month
grounded, young lady.
A month?
That's so unreasonable.
A month is
a little long, honey.
- Fine, two weeks.
- Deal.
- Daddy.
- Honey, quit while you're ahead.
Oh my God.
- It's your daughter.
- That's your daughter.
Daddy, there's some guy
at the front door.
Hi there. I'm your new neighbor
Clay Freeman.
I just moved in
next door.
Hi, it's nice
to meet you.
I'm Dawn Kalinowski.
This is my husband Bobby.
Nice to meet you.
And our drama queen
daughter Brianna.
- Hi, neighbor.
- Hello.
Hey, Bri,
put some clothes on.
Hey, welcome to the neighborhood.
Clay, right?
Yes, thanks.
Hey, could I possibly
trouble you for your hammer?
I can't find mine.
My wife insists
that I hang the wedding photos
before I do anything else.
Yeah, I can help you
with that,
providing you've got a driver's license
and a major credit card.
I don't understand.
No, he's kidding. Bobby.
This work for you?
Oh, yeah.
Glad I could help.
I got this great spot that
I do business with downtown--
the best Szechwan
in the city.
Me and the wife are
heading there tonight.
You guys want
to come with?
I'm really not much
for going out, Clay,
especially to the city.
Oh, come on.
It'll be fun.
What do you say?
Let me run it by the boss.
I'll get back to you.
We'd love to.
Remember that one night?
So you guys ever been
to the Mayan?
The ruins?
No, silly, the club.
Haven't been there.
The owner's one of Clay's
biggest clients.
and I kid you not,
the Mayan is
so happening.
And we're going to be there,
so we're happening.
Oh, awesome.
Honey, I'm driving.
Hey, guys, I'd be happy
to take the wheel
if you want
the back seat.
You're so bad.
Look at you.
Cool, huh?
Way cool.
There you go.
No, don't do it like that.
I'm tired of you
telling me.
No, I'm not--
I know how to do it,
okay, honey?
Let me show you.
You put it in between--
I know that. You told me
a million times.
But you look like
a tourist.
You're nitpicking
all the time.
Forget it.
I'm out of here.
No no, wait.
Look, just sit down.
Hey, do you think
we should say something?
Like what--
"Unhand that woman"?
Go on if you want to, Clay,
but not me.
So is there
a problem here?
Seth, hey,
how are you doing?
Clay, good to see you.
Seth is the guy
I was telling you about.
He owns the club.
Well, me and the banks.
- Hello, Elise.
- Hi, Seth.
- A pleasure to see you.
- You too.
Seth, these are my new
neighbors-- Kalinowskis.
This is Bobby.
This is Dawn.
Kalinowski-- that's
a fine Polish name.
I got that from my dad.
Well, listen, I would love
to stay and chat.
Please forgive me,
but my empire calls.
Waiter, this table's all
on the arm, a full comp.
Thanks, Seth.
My pleasure.
Enjoy yourselves.
I'll call you on Monday
with the wine order, okay?
Sure thing.
Isn't that great?
Totally on the arm, totally free.
From my experience, Clay,
there is no totally free.
You end up paying
one way or another.
Ethan, good.
I gotta go do something.
I need you to watch
the joint while I'm gone.
You think you can
handle that?
Yeah, man, you know you can
count on your little bro.
Go handle your shit.
And no screwing around,
you hear me?
This is a business.
It is not your own
personal dating service.
Keep your hands
off the customers.
I got you.
Hands off the customers.
I got you.
I can't help it
if I'm a young man
with a lot of testosterone.
Have a little faith, okay?
I got this.
I love you, you idiot.
I love you.
I know.
I just need to know
I can count on you.
You can.
I'll see you in an hour.
See you in an hour.
What do you think, huh?
This place is not too shabby.
It has everything.
Oh, yeah, drunks,
loudmouths and assholes.
What more could
you ask for?
Come on, you're like
an old fart.
You're still young.
Have some fun.
Believe me,
once we had our daughter,
a night without being
puked on
or changing diapers
is a good night.
Babies puke on you?
Oh, yeah.
You're gonna love
changing diapers.
I didn't think
about that.
Are you okay?
Oh, God.
I'm fine.
That sushi did a number
on my stomach.
Oh, well,
I'll see you
back at the table.
- Oh, sorry.
- Oh, my bad.
Damn, girl, you are
the most beautiful woman
I have ever seen,
and I've seen some honeys
up in here, let me tell you.
Oh, thank you.
I'm Ethan.
I own this club.
It's nice to meet you,
I just met someone upstairs
named Seth.
He says that he owns
the Mayan.
Yeah, well,
that's my brother.
We own it together.
I let him
handle the food
and I take care of
all the hospitality.
Well, it's nice
meeting you, Ethan.
Hey, baby, where are you going?
You're in my club,
so I know you're looking
to have a good time.
How about you come
check out my office?
Actually, I can't.
I have to get back
to my husband.
Hey, baby, come on.
I'm just trying to be friendly.
Come on.
You like to slide
the ropes?
- What?
- I got some great shit.
What? No,
I don't do drugs.
Baby, come on.
Fucking asshole!
I like it rough,
the aggressive ones.
Get off.
Come on, bitch.
Come on.
Where's Dawn?
I don't know. She left the ladies' room
before I did.
She should have been back
by now.
Come on, baby.
- Get the fuck off me!
- Come on, bitch.
Fucking get off!
Dawn, are you in here?
No no no!
Fucking get off!
What the fuck?
Oh my God.
You're fucking dead,
you motherfucker.
Bobby, look out!
Get up, motherfucker.
Come on, asshole.
Oh my God.
Oh, shit.
We have a big problem.
He had it coming.
No, you don't
understand, Bobby.
That's Ethan.
That's Seth's brother.
This is not good.
This is not good.
Looks like you had
a good day, huh, Briggs?
So what do I need
to know?
everything's good
right now,
but you need to
screen your boys
a little more carefully.
You got lucky today.
I was able to intervene.
You might not be so lucky
next time.
Yeah, right.
Rat bastards.
Can't trust anybody
nowadays, can you, Briggs?
Jesus fucking Christ,
what did he do now?
Look, I gotta roll.
It's my little brother again.
The little bastard can't keep his prick
in his pants.
Just remember
what I said, Seth.
You can count on it.
Let's roll.
I need you to calm down
and tell me what happened.
- Can't come in here, sir.
- The hell I can't.
I'm Seth Bordas.
This is my club.
Sir, please please.
- What happened?
- Are you Seth Bordas?
That's right.
What happened?
I'm sorry, Mr. Bordas.
Your brother's dead.
Ethan! Ethan!
Get out of here.
Who did this?
Who did this?
You menace!
He asked me
if I wanted
to go to his office
and do some coke,
and I said no.
Dawn left the ladies' room
before me.
And when I got back
to the table
she wasn't there.
Bobby got worried,
so he went
to look for her.
- Why stab him?
- What are you talking about?
I didn't stab him.
He came at me with the knife.
So it was his knife?
Yeah, of course
it was his knife.
How did his knife
end up in his chest?
How did that happen?
I stepped to the side.
He tripped and
fell on it, I guess.
This guy was
out of his mind.
I was just
defending myself.
Can you be a little
more specific?
What do you want me
to say,
that he tried
to rape me?
Suppose I told you
I had a witness
who says you did
stab him?
I'd say you and your witness
are full of shit.
So are you charging me with something
or am I out of here?
Just sit tight.
Can I get you anything--
a water, a coffee?
My wife.
I want to see my wife.
Where is she?
You're gonna see her.
So what do you think?
The stories match.
He hasn't lawyered up.
I think it's just like
he's saying-- self-defense.
Bordas was
a train wreck anyway.
This was another one.
Ain't that the truth?
If old Ethan was found
dead in a ditch,
we wouldn't have
the personnel
to interview all
the likely suspects.
What about fingerprints?
The only fingerprints on that knife
belonged to Ethan Bordas.
Okay, cut him loose.
Talk to me.
What did you find out?
It looks like
Look, you know Ethan
better than anybody.
I want that rat bastard's
head on a stake.
You hear me, Briggs?
You hold on to him
until you fucking
hear from me.
Too late.
We just released him.
God damn it!
Listen, Seth.
Don't do
anything stupid.
If anything happens
to this guy,
cops will be
all over you
and there won't be a damn thing
I can do about it.
Son of a bitch!
Looks like I gotta
take care of this myself.
Want us to go
pick him up?
It's too late
for that.
That idiot Briggs
let him go.
All right,
I want you to put
a word out on the street--
who brings me
Bobby Kalinowski.
This city is officially
on lockdown.
What about your friend
the booze guy?
He brought death
into my house.
If he gets in the way,
kill him.
But I want
Bobby Kalinowski alive.
Now get out of here.
Y'all down?
For 100 grand I'd get
Seth Bordas my mom.
- For 100 grand?
- Yeah.
- Let's get this paper, man.
- Let's do that.
All right then.
Y'all down?
Sounds good.
What the hell
is going on?
Come on, asshole.
- Oh, shit.
- Get us out of here, Clay.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit.
Clay, get us
out of here.
- But I might hit someone.
- Clay, go now.
Oh, shit.
- Clay.
- Okay.
Pull into that
parking garage.
- Dawn, call 911.
- I'm not getting any service.
Right there, Clay.
Back it in by those cars.
Bobby, what are you
doing, man?
I'll distract them.
Clay, get the girls out of here.
- Take them to the police station.
- I'm not gonna leave you.
- Dawn, please.
- Forget it.
Okay, listen, I'll meet you
at 7th and Oak in 10 minutes.
Don't wait
one second longer.
Oh my God, Bobby.
What's this guy, a freakin'
human spider or what?
Aim for the legs.
Seth wants him alive.
Cops. Shit!
It's been 10 minutes.
We're not leaving him,
Oh my God, Bobby.
- Oh my God, are you hurt?
- It's nothing.
Come on, baby, I've hurt
myself worse shaving.
Relax relax relax.
We gotta go.
- Clay, Elise, out of the car.
- Okay.
I'm not leaving my car
in this neighborhood.
They know this car.
Come on, man.
I'm sorry.
Leave it. Let's go.
Come on.
I'm fine.
I'm fine.
We gotta go back
to the police station.
So how do you know
he was dead
if you didn't
check him?
He fell off
the side of a building
and splattered
like a bug.
Briggs, what did you
find out?
Let me know
when you find him.
Nobody-- but nobody
could have survived
that fall.
You stupid
fucking moron.
I tell you
I want him alive
and you try
to kill him.
Now I find out
you can't even do that.
you both don't know
the difference
between dead or alive.
It's really not
that difficult.
We'll get him,
I swear!
Say, Chris, let me see
that GPS, nigga.
No, man, I ain't
giving you my GPS.
I just got this
jump-off, man.
Man, give me the GPS.
Quit bullshitting, man.
We don't need no GPS.
These motherfuckers
is on foot,
with some bitches.
They can't be no further
than a couple of blocks
north of Washington.
Oh, so you're
a compass now?
Look, man,
let's do this the "G" way.
Let's hit these streets.
Feel me?
Ask a few people.
That's straight, boss.
Let's bounce, man.
Damn right,
that's straight.
Let's roll,
my nigga.
Shit, still no signal.
Okay, the police station
is two blocks that way.
I think if we cut
through here,
we won't be seen.
Damn it, Clay, get back here.
You'll get spotted.
I think I'm getting
a signal.
Don't even think
about moving.
Put your fucking hands
up in the air, stupid.
Hey, D, call T.
Let him know we got him.
Make sure he got
that cash A.S.A.P.
Got you, my nigga.
Make sure we get paid.
Hey, man, what are you
doing out here, black,
huh, hanging out
with these cats?
Don't you know you could get
six feet deep for that?
You're hanging out with
"America's Most Wanted."
You're a dead man
walking, homie.
D, what's up with T, man?
He got that cheese?
Yeah, that's right.
I have money.
I have $500 cash.
That man right there
is worth 100 grand.
But since you're feeling
so generous and all,
you want
to give me $500,
as a matter of fact
I'll take that,
and your watch
and your ring.
Give me all that shit.
That's a polo jacket, huh?
Oh, yeah yeah, give me
all of that shit.
Andale andale, nigga.
You two, muscle-man.
I want your shit too.
Let's go.
The credit cards--
all of it.
Give me that shit.
What the fuck are you
laughing at, man?
I bet it won't be
so funny
if I put this gun
in your mouth, boy.
So what the fuck
are you laughing at?
That's right, bitch.
Your ass is worth 100 grand
on the streets right now.
So what you think
about that?
You guys like working
for minimum wage?
I should pop your ass
right now.
Shoot me-- you lose
the 100K and the diamonds.
Diamonds? What you talking about--
diamonds, man?
We don't know nothing
about no diamonds, man.
The diamonds that are
stuffed in my sock.
What do you think
this is about?
You think we're stupid?
No, you're a genius.
Here, see for yourself.
Hey hey hey,
don't move, boy.
You almost got shot
right now.
Don't be moving.
Chris man, you think he's serious
about these diamonds, man?
I mean, that just don't
make no sense to me.
He's in this neighborhood
at this time
with a whole bunch of diamonds?
What do you think, dawg?
Maybe that's what Bordas
wanted him for--
the diamonds.
Diamonds could be a lot more green
than Seth's paying.
What you think
about that?
I don't know.
Check it out.
- All right, you got me?
- I got you.
All right.
Keep your
hands up, man.
Clay, get in the car.
Let's go, ladies.
Where did you learn
to fight like that?
I watched a lot
of Jackie Chan movies.
Get in the car.
What are you doing?
I'm taking my cheese
and my watch.
We've come a long way
from slavery to Obama.
You need to stop using
the "N" word.
It's disrespectful.
Excuse me, we need to see
someone in charge.
That'd be me.
Can I help you?
- Yeah, I'm Bobby Kalinowski.
- Kalinowski?
- That's right.
- Come with me.
Wait, we were just
Ma'am, please just
follow me.
Okay, you want to tell me
what's going on?
Seth Bordas
is trying to kill us.
Trying to kill you?
He paid 100,000
to have us killed.
And you have proof
of that?
The guys who attacked us said
they were hired by Bordas.
- Attacked you?
- We were held at gunpoint.
Listen, I'm gonna get some detectives
in here to take your statements.
You know what?
How about this--
no more detectives,
no more statements.
- Let's go home.
- I cannot help you
unless you're willing
to file charges.
That's okay.
I don't need your help.
Special Services.
Why didn't you say something
in the first place?
Didn't think
it was necessary.
Okay, look, I will personally
look into your story
and I'll get back to you as soon
as I find out something, okay?
At least let me
get you a ride home.
Come on.
- Here you go.
- A cab?
Aren't you gonna take us home
in a police car?
Sorry, department policy.
But don't worry.
The city will pick up the tab.
My cell number's
on the back of this.
If you need anything,
give me a call.
Thank you, Detective.
Look at you.
A rough night, eh?
Are you sure you know
where you're going?
Yes, ma'am, I know it well.
Not a lot of people go to the 'burbs.
I go over the bridge, take
the back road, Sycamore--
Hey, you mind keeping
your eyes on the road?
Oh, yes, sir.
I hope my car is okay.
Must be the wife.
You're not taking
the freeway?
No. Yes, sir.
I have to go to a gas station.
I have to relieve myself
real quick.
You couldn't have done that
before you picked us up?
nature calls
when nature calls, okay?
Make it quick.
Yes, sir, I will.
Just make it fast.
I will, I promise.
I'll be very quick.
Sure you don't want to grab a sandwich
while you're at it?
No, thank you.
I already have eaten.
Oh, we got company.
Lock the door.
I'm not a fan
of downtown.
Bobby, what are
you doing?
Stay in the car.
Going someplace, buddy?
I'm actually just
on my way home.
You guys seem to have
accidentally blocked me in.
Would you mind moving?
You're a real
funny guy, huh?
But you're coming
with us, man.
You know,
I am really not having
a good night tonight.
Up until now I think
I've done a pretty good job
of keeping
my sense of humor.
But I feel like
I'm starting to lose it.
So how about this?
How about you take your
gang of goofballs here
and you get out of my way
before you find out
what happens when I lose
my sense of humor?
Maybe you really need
to take that up
with Animal
over here.
You must be Animal.
Animal's a big dude.
Yeah, real big.
I bet you can help me
get all these fellows out of my way.
Tell you what, Animal--
I got another idea.
Pick a hand.
Why don't we just
fuck your ass up?
Go get him, you big ape.
Come on.
Back the fuck up.
Let him go.
Back the fuck up.
Hang on.
Hey, what are you doing?
We gotta separate.
It's only me they're after.
- Wait, Bobby, no.
- Clay, I need you to take the wheel.
I don't think this is a good idea, Bobby.
Please don't leave me.
Come on, man, listen to your wife.
You should stay with us.
What? I don't--
Clay, I need you to get
in the front seat now.
Bobby, this is
absolutely crazy.
Honey, listen,
I'll be fine.
I need you to just go home
and wait for me, okay?
I'll see you there
Clay, get them
out of here.
Don't stop for anything.
Don't trust anyone.
- I'm counting on you.
- What are you gonna do?
Call in an old debt.
Where's BR?
He's over there.
What the fuck is it
that you don't understand?
You were short two cases
of vodka in my last order.
I want my booze
or I want my fucking
money back by Friday.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I must look like some asshole
that everybody wants to fuck.
What's up, BR?
Bobby fucking K
at my place.
I know this is
gonna be good.
I need to talk
to you, bro,
Can you believe
this guy?
I haven't seen him
in 100 years
and he comes in here
barking orders.
We're not in the navy
And you're not
in charge here.
This is my place.
What's the matter?
Don't like girls?
That's all right,
go ahead.
How about a dance?
No, thank you.
Your loss.
What are you doing on this
side of town anyway, Bobby?
I thought you were
a family man now.
I don't want to be
down here.
A neighbor invited
Dawn and I to a club
and I got into
some trouble.
What kind of trouble?
You know this guy Seth?
- Bordas?
- Yeah, that's him.
He put 100 grand
on my head.
You're the guy
that killed Ethan.
I didn't kill him.
Look, Bobby man,
anybody but
Seth fucking Bordas.
I can't help you, bro.
I'm sorry.
BR, maybe you got
a short-term memory,
but you owe me.
Look, man, you heard of
"Three strikes and you're out"?
I've got four.
I'm sorry.
Maybe you don't remember,
but you wouldn't be alive
to get those strikes
if it wasn't for me.
Yeah, I remember.
You don't remember.
Where have you been
all these years?
You got a wife now,
a daughter, right?
Have I ever met them?
Hell no.
When was the last time
you popped your head in here
and said, "Hey, Big Ronnie,
want to come over for dinner?"
How about never?
So don't walk in here
like we're family.
You know what? Why don't you just
get the fuck out of here
before I collect
that bounty myself?
Do you want us to come in
and wait with you?
No no no.
I'm gonna be
all right.
We're right next door
if you need anything.
Please let us know the minute you hear
from Bobby, okay?
Okay, I will.
You gotta stop
tearing up the town, Seth.
Let it go.
I can't let it go.
I want to know where
Bobby Kalinowski lives.
I'm sorry, Seth,
I can't do that.
Oh, so what do we
got here?
A crooked cop
with a conscience?
Is that what you're
telling me?
Look, I have
some new information
on this Kalinowski.
He was Department of Defense
for 10 years.
So he served in the military.
What do I care about that?
No, I checked his service records.
He was a Navy SEAL.
I don't give a flying fuck
who or what he is.
He killed my brother,
and for that he's gonna pay.
Seth, I don't think
you understand
the level of training
and skill
that it takes
to be a SEAL.
As far as killers go,
this guy is the elite of the elite.
I've handled
trained killers before.
No, not like this,
you haven't.
Look, I'm not gonna go
back and forth with you
on this, all right?
I want you to give me
his address,
or I'm gonna go public
with your second income.
You understand me?
You do that--
you go down with me.
So be it.
Now you stay
out of my way.
change of plans.
Nowhere to run now, huh?
You're not gonna be able
to fight your way out of this one,
Mr. Badass.
This does not look good
for me, does it?
Who are you
kidding, man?
You don't know how
to shoot that thing.
What did you say,
All right.
Hold him up.
What the fuck, man?
That's enough.
Bordas wants him alive.
Sorry, Bobby.
a lot of money.
The club ain't doing
too good these days.
Are you fucking kidding me?
You set me up?
Hey, guys, hold him down.
He may not look like much,
but this guy is
a trained killer.
You piece of shit,
I took a bullet for you.
Whatever, hero.
Look, this ain't
personal, man,
just business.
You fucking
piece of shit.
I should have let you
die out there.
You know,
you really need to stop
living in the past.
See you, Bobby.
Hey, what happened to
"No man left behind"?
Over here, tough guy.
I took a bullet
for you!
Stop making this
hard on yourself.
This ain't nothing compared to
what Seth will do to you.
Let him go.
I changed my mind.
Let him go.
What the fuck is wrong
with you, man?
I said, I changed my mind.
Let him go.
Let him go.
- Go fuck yourself.
- Go fuck myself?
- Yeah, I'm taking him in.
- You're taking him in?
- I'm fucking taking him in.
- You're taking him in?
He's worth $100 fucking thousand.
I'm taking him in.
- Am I not speaking English?
- I don't give a fuck
what you're speaking,
you big goofy motherfucker.
I said
I'm taking him--
Telling me to go
fuck myself?
I thought
we were friends.
What? What?
You're sorry?
Apology not
fucking accepted.
Fucking piece of shit.
All right.
Who wants to die first?
Just like
old times, huh?
Go ahead, man.
Get out of here.
These guys aren't
going anywhere.
Thanks, man.
Hey, this wasn't a favor.
We're even.
I'm worried about Bobby
out there all alone.
I should have done more
to help him.
Damn it.
Baby, Clay, try and get
some sleep, okay?
I feel
like a coward.
I didn't do anything
to help.
Baby, yes, you did.
You got us home safely.
Did you see the way he
took on some of those guys?
There's more to him
than what it appears to be.
What do you mean?
He's no landscape architect.
That guy is
a trained killer.
Bobby, Bobby,
I'm so glad to see you.
What happened, man?
Hey, man, how's Dawn?
She's inside. She's fine.
I got us here okay.
Thank you, buddy.
Where did you get
the bike, man?
Go back to bed,
all right, buddy?
I promise I'll tell you all about it
in the morning, okay?
Okay, we'll catch up
in the morning.
I want to know everything,
the whole story.
Good night, man.
Wow, you're the man.
Oh my God.
Bobby, thank God.
- They took Brianna.
- Who did?
- Those two guys from the Mayan.
- Bordas's men?
They said that they were
gonna kill her
- if you didn't come and rescue her.
- Where did they go?
The abandoned pier by the bridge.
Bobby, please.
I'm gonna kill
that motherfucker.
No, wait, Bobby, wait.
No no, just wait a minute.
Bobby, wait.
Bobby, what are
you doing?
No, Bobby, I'm begging you,
please don't do this.
Bobby, just call
the police.
Why don't you call
Detective Briggs,
see if he can help?
Honey, I need you to go
back in the house.
- I know what I'm doing.
- You know what, Bobby?
I don't think that you do
know what you're doing.
Dawn, I'm not asking you.
I'm telling you.
Go back in the house.
- Briggs.
- Detective Briggs,
Seth Bordas's men
broke into our house
and took our daughter.
Mrs. Kalinowski?
All right, listen,
calm down.
Tell me
everything you know.
When my dad gets here,
he's gonna kick your ass,
Not likely.
It's not nice to talk
to people like that, kid.
Didn't your daddy
teach you anything?
And I'm not a meathead.
I went to community college.
Did you graduate?
Put that down.
Watch out.
Hello, sweetheart.
My name is Seth.
I'm a friend
of your father's.
I gotta pee.
I'm sorry, dear,
that just isn't
gonna happen.
Fine, then I'll just
go right here.
Deacon, take her.
This way.
Move it.
Is everybody in position?
Yes, sir.
Right here.
Hey, look over there.
Yeah, right.
- Oh my gosh.
- What?
That's something
my dad taught me.
Who's the meathead now?
Come on.
What the hell
happened to you?
The little bitch
kicked me in the balls,
and then she
took off running.
Let me tell you
something, Deacon--
you let her
get away again,
and you're gonna be wearing
your balls for earrings.
You get me?
You big moron.
Stop. Ow.
You're hurting me.
Shut up.
Would you do something
about her?
Let her go.
Ah, Officer Briggs.
Welcome to the party.
I said
let the kid go.
I don't take orders
from you.
It's none of
your business.
Why don't you do
what you do best--
look the other way?
Are you out of your
fucking mind--
grabbing a kid,
What the fuck
are you thinking?
Would you look
at this?
A crooked cop
with a conscience--
how heroic.
Seth, looking the other way
on a drug deal is one thing.
Grabbing a kid--
you're over the line.
Oh, am l?
Because of that kid's
father, Ethan's dead.
The universe
has to balance.
That girl's father
is a war hero.
Your brother's
a world-class asshole.
Where's the balance
in that?
Don't you fucking call
my brother an asshole.
Oh, come on, man.
Your brother's
a smartass coke freak
that pisses people off
for a living, you included.
Stop it.
Who do you think told
Nicky Wilcox
what's on that
tape, huh?
I'll tell you who.
It was Ethan.
Ethan's popping off
to Nicky
and, dumb luck for you,
the junkie calls me.
You shut the fuck up
now, Briggs.
Ethan Bordas
always wanted to be
big brother Seth,
always wanted
to be you,
resenting the fact
that he would never be
anything than your
little brother.
Truth is, that kid
was so sick of being
in your shadow
that he had to get
himself killed
to craw out
from under it.
Seth, your brother--
Shut up!
Ethan wasn't
my brother.
He wasn't my brother.
He was my son--
my son.
You hear me?
My son.
When I was 16
I was fooling around
with the girl upstairs
and she got pregnant.
Her parents wanted her
to get rid of the kid,
but my mother
wouldn't have it.
So when Ethan was born
we took him in
and she told everybody
that he was hers.
So you see, Briggs,
me grabbing the kid
of the guy
that killed my kid
makes perfect sense.
Seth, it's not gonna
bring your son back.
Now I can fix this.
It's not too late
if you just
give me the girl.
And we go back to doing
what we do best--
making money.
All right.
All right.
Take her.
It's okay, sweetie.
It's over.
You'll be home soon.
I lied, cop.
I never like that
piece-of-shit cop anyway.
Bordas, if my daughter isn't
released in five seconds,
this next shot
goes through your head.
Don't move, Kalinowski,
or I'll kill your daughter.
Go ahead.
I said go ahead.
Then I'm gonna shoot your boss
right between his eyes.
Let her go, Deacon.
Do what he says.
I knew you'd come
and save me.
- You okay, Bri?
- I am now.
So what now, war hero?
Are you gonna shoot me?
Well, that's up to you.
I don't want to, but if you
keep coming after me,
what choice do I have?
You win.
Call your men off.
It's over.
Bobby Kalinowski's
free to go.
Let's go, baby.
Go after them.
Come here.
Bri, listen to me.
We need to hide you
for a little while.
- Oh.
- I know, baby. I'm sorry.
You'll be safe in here.
- I love you, baby.
- I love you too, Daddy.
Go kick their asses.
All I want to know is,
did you get him yet?
Almost. We got him cornered
down at the new pier.
No sign of the girl,
What if I almost put
my foot up your ass?
Yes, sir.
Come on, Kalinowski,
get up.
Not really.
Hello again, sweetheart.
- Big Ronnie.
- Hey.
I'm glad to see you.
What took you so long?
A strong current.
Hey, go get your daughter, man.
I got this.
Are you sure?
What do you think he weighs,
about a buck fifty?
Yeah, you got him.
You really need that?
I was thinking
the same thing.
Come here.
Shut up.
Oh, yeah, big trouble.
Let her go, Seth.
- No.
- Let her go.
No, you took my child.
I'm gonna take yours.
No, Bordas,
Ethan took his own life
when he decided
to attack my wife.
Shut up, shut up.
All right, your move,
big man.
What are you
gonna do now,
kill us both?
Just you.
You okay, baby?
meet Big Ronnie.
Ronnie, Brianna.
It's a pleasure
to meet you finally.
Hey, man,
thank you.
All right.
I guess this makes us
even, huh?
No, we're not even.
I saved your ass,
like, three times.
You only saved me once.
I saved you
in the park.
I saved you from those
two fat guys.
I saved you
from ninja boy.
Save me, like
two more times
before we're even.
Wait, the park?
You set me up in the park.
Yeah yeah yeah.
You still owe me.
Who's he?
An old war buddy, baby.
Well, he's cool.
Yeah, he's cool.
But you're cooler.
But his tattoos were awesome.
I want one.
- No, no tattoos.
- Please, Daddy, come on.
We're not gonna talk
about this, Bri.
Just one,
one little one.