Wrongful Death (2023) Movie Script

None of these hopeless people
deserve to breathe the same air as me.
Maybe I was hurt too much
maybe I was desperate
when I made that
unforgivable deal with Him.
Your life should be filled with sadness,
Shame and darkness envelop.
Something so terrible
can neither forget,
still to be awarded.
They will pay for their actions!
Ten years ago I made a vow.
I made a promise
and now it will finally come true.
Not now!
Uh, I just wanted to say that um,
that I checked everything, sir.
The time has come.
Were my instructions followed?
Of course, you have mine
Word, sir, everything is perfect.
(whispers) Is this a joke?!
Good God!
Is anyone there?!
What the hell is going on here?
Am I dreaming or?
This isn't real, this isn't real.
(screams hysterically) Help! Help help
Who are you?
Hey you!
Anyone home?
You see, I am here.
Don't you see me?
Who are they?
Are you asking the questions now?
without answering mine?
Why should I?
That was rude. Sorry!
I should have introduced myself.
My mistake.
So, I'm...
(stuttering) Ah...
(stuttering) I am...
(stuttering) I am...
God, what the hell
is going on here?
Spit it out, it
can't be that hard.
(stuttering) I, I, I want to, but
I don't remember my name.
(laughing desperately) Okay, well played,
but you can't fool me I swear I don't know.
C-come on, tell me your name.
Ah, easy peasy um ready?
My name is...
My name is...
(laughing) What's going on?
Did you swallow your tongue?
God damn it!
Do you see? Hm?
Do you see that?
That's what I meant.
(scared) What have
they done to me?
Like what I did to you?
What are you talking about? Me,
I'm just as stuck here as you are.
You, you must be
crazy if you think that.
Ummm, maybe that's
me. But only because...
because they drugged me.
(horrified) Whatever!
(screams hysterically)
Please! Finally let me go!
Oh, are we playing
guessing games now?
(reads out) Salvation
lies in the knot?
What in the holy ass of Jesus
is that supposed to mean?
I guess it's part of your plan
to keep me in this damn place.
(screams angrily) I'm
not keeping us here! OK?
We...we...we're screwed!
(imitates her crying) Stop
whining like a little puppy, okay?!
Let me out, you bastard!
I know you drugged me and
dragged me here and abused me.
Another figment of your childish
imagination Okay, just stop.
Okay... then tell me, How
to get out of here, hmm?
You behave like
this as if you knew.
I know this is all your fault!
My fault?
My fault?
Do you know that you are completely
crazy? Are you checking that?
(laughing) And what's
the point now, huh?
I've already seen you naked.
(whispering) Strange...
I can't remember my face.
What are you saying?
What kind of drug
did you give me?
Be honest. I don't
want to hurt you.
(laughing, sarcastically)
Are you hurting me?
You? Seriously?
(laughing) Oh my God, leave me alone and
open the damn door so we can get out, okay?
What a show!
Stop it!
You're driving me crazy!
Stop it!
Suppose I gave you drugs.
Then why am I knocked out?
Explain it to me!
Maybe you're just
pretending Go to hell
Here we are, you asshole!
Sometimes it takes
ten years, but we
get what we deserve.
What do you want?
ummm Can I call it a day, sir?
Yes! Get lost!
And don't just come in here like that.
Good night, sir
So far so good.
We have a telephone here?
I didn't even notice that before.
I was probably too dizzy!
The woman?
Yes, yes, about 1.75 m, yes... Ah, with long
brown hair, yes, yes... No, she's not here,
about 1.75 m,
yes Ah, with long brown hair, yes,
Yes Yes Yes...
No, she's not here.
Who 's there?
It's Santa Claus. The fat
guy in the red suit, Hohohoho.
It has no connection.
Are you ready...
for the truth?
(whispering) Are you ready for the truth?
A guessing game?
Do you see?
I have nothing to do with it
That doesn't have to mean anything.
You might have an
accomplice out there.
Oh come on, don't talk nonsense.
Wait a minute
What if you're behind it? Hm?
Maybe that's me.
You can't prove it!
You're not going to let anyone assume anything, huh?
Let's just stop arguing.
I can't remember anything.
(quietly) Yes, okay
(whispers) The rope
the letters.
(whisper) The letters and the rope.
What are you mumbling about?
Keep your mouth shut!
I'm trying to think.
(sarcastically) Oh, that must be hard.
Please don't strain your brain!
Because of sh!t!
Who do you think you are?
Master Yoda, the green
goblin with his jedi shit?
I say what I want.
I don't care.
But I have a question
Ask something intelligent!
See all the weird stuff here?
Well, I'm not blind, okay?
What do you think that means?
I told you
just intelligent questions
You're so hot
Do you know that?
(laughing) Yes, sometimes I really am.
Here's your phone joker for that
Game that will immerse you in your memories
If you're lucky and really honest,
you'll be able to go home soon
Who is this motherfucker?
Why don't you ask him?
With each task it becomes
harder and more personal
You will be surprised at how little you
know or pretend to know about yourself
But first
First what?
We have to determine that
your life is worth living at all.
In five minutes the clock will start ticking
I, I don't want to
play this stupid game!
I never wanted to be here!
I don't know what this is about, but I
don't want to be there, you sick bastard!
Do you want to be free?
This game is the only way out.
Otherwise you'll
both rot in these walls!
What a goddamn idiot!
What do we do now?
What's all this about?
I don't know, I, I
swear I wish I knew.
I'm going to polish this
cowardly asshole's fucking
face (laughing desperately) Oh yeah, okay, all right
(reads slowly) Fill it with the
one thing that keeps you alive.
No no no! No, it's not real!
No, (screams) What do you want from us?
The countdown begins...
Do you want to live?
What kind of stupid question is this? Of course I
want to live. But I don't know if I can trust you
You don't have to, okay?
The main thing is
that we don't trust him!
We finally agree.
And now?
We do the following
Okay, I'm listening.
We'll play along for now.
The way you say it makes it sound quite simple.
(reads) Fill it with the one
Thing that keeps you alive
What is that supposed to be, damn it?
I can't think straight anymore!
Are you actually just pretending
or are you really stupid?
Okay, stop! You
don't even know me!
I know the answer.
What? What is it?
Read between the lines
The one thing that keeps you alive
I mean, what could that possibly be? It
definitely has nothing to do with magic, right?
I don't know it
Oh, Jesus it's blood!
OK? This shit
We should fill this thing with our blood!
You don't have to do this alone.
Do it like before.
Help each other!
No no!
I'm not doing this shit! No!
Go to hell, you bastard!
Do you see my lips?! Fuck you, fuck you
(laughs, smiles) Twenty more minutes
Okay, okay, you know what?
Then we just die.
Me, I'm just going to call
my mom and tell her goodbye.
Hi Mom, it was nice
meeting you. I'm dying now!
(whines) No, no, no,
I can't, I can't.
Hey, we have to do this. Listen.
We have no choice
Please, please calm down.
Just calm down.
Calm down.
Listen. It...
I'm really sorry for being
such an asshole, okay? I...
But... you... but you're
not alone here, okay?
I promise, I promise you,
we'll get through this together.
We'll get through this
together, you're not alone, okay?
Everything will be fine
Look carefully at what we need to do.
Do you see? It's not bad at all
I don't think I can do that.
I know, but we have to.
Take the knife and help me.
hmm mm phew
(with a weakening voice)
Hey oh no, I can't do this anymore.
Just a little more.
You can do it.
Time is up.
One of the lights just turned green.
(Whispering) Curse!
Are you ready?
Raise your hand
You didn't want to
I felt obligated.
To live?
I can't let you die.
It's green.
We should check.
(laughing amused) Ooh,
that doesn't look like your size,
Sir, the German is here.
Send him in.
Sorry for the delay, sir.
My last job took an
unexpectedly long time.
But, I got here as
quickly as possible.
So they call her the
German Thats me.
And I assure you, that I will
take care of your problem.
I just need some
more information.
You get everything you need.
I just need you to answer
a very confidential question.
Is my daughter still alive?
Well, sir
I don't want to lie to you
or pretend everything is fine.
I have regarding
Your daughter has no clues.
That's my job!
And what I do.
About eighty percent of
my orders are successful.
But we must not forget
one important detail.
A detail? And that is?
Almost four days have passed
since her disappearance.
Get to the point! How are they standing?
Chances of you finding my daughter?
Well, from a professional
point of view I would say
(whispering) Fifty-fifty! Can
Can you assure me of that?
Yes, sir
And I guarantee you,
that I will do everything to find her
Sir? My daughter's file
The file?
My daughter's nudes!
Yes sir.
And what are you still doing here?
Get started!
Time is up.
Hey, woow..Who knows
who is behind the mirror.
Good God.
I told you he was playing with us!
The woman you see
here played just like you.
She was hiding something
which she shouldn't have done.
Her brain cells have
pushed that moment to the
back of her mind and
she has forgotten it.
She wasn't honest and now
she has to pay for her sins.
Are you sure?
Look at her, she lied!
In this way, she destroyed the life of
an entire family just with her silence!
(mouth bandaged) I.. I want out of here!
Open your eyes!
Nothing but LIES!
Wake up! Wake up!
Wake up, LITTLE ONE! Wake up
Where... Where is he?!
He's gone
And it was just a game
A game?
Is taking someone's
life a game for you?
N-n-of course not.
But unfortunately we are part of it.
A memory game.
Don't you know anymore?
Oh shit, there's another green light!
This must mean that we
are getting closer to freedom
Yes, that makes sense
W-wait a second, was that real?
Wow, you must have
hit your head really bad
I didn't hit my head! And I'm not
crazy either! I know what I saw!
I saw it too, and I'm
telling you, it wasn't real!
Your eyes...
They were so familiar.
As if I knew her from somewhere.
I don't know what to say to you,
except that I don't know her,
or maybe it's part of the amnesia.
O-or maybe you know more
than me and don't want to tell me
Hey you.. Are you okay?
Not really
Yes, it's all part
of this shitty game.
I just don't get it.
What should I confess?
I am not aware of any guilt. I'm sure
I have nothing to do with this crap.
We are both prisoners
I have to get out of here. There has to be a way
I wish you good luck, sweetie.
I wish you good luck, sweetie?!
There is always a way.
If there is one, we'll find it, okay?
Do you know what I'm not into?
head wants, this is "follow the point"
Follow the point...I mean, what
does that mean? Follow the point.
Pay attention to the walls.
And finds in the letter maze,
that you see, the words that you don't see.
Okay, well, you know what, let's get with this
Keep up the Mercury Rising puzzle shit.
Again? This time I'm out
Fine, then I'll do it.
(laughs) I can do it.
You have to know that when I was ten...
was my school's crossword puzzle champion.
(sarcastically) Well then,
good luck, you champion
You know.
I can't find anything at all
What? Where?
Here, do you see this? Benjamin
I don't know why, but
something rings a bell for me
No idea. Maybe you were popular at school
and Benjamin had a crush on you or something
I really don't know
Maybe I cheated on him
I don't remember
(mocking) That was clear!
This name has no meaning for you,
but to other people he means the world
What is he talking about?
I never know what he's talking about... phew
Why are you doing this to me?
The phone works?
W-w-who was that?
This voice
Wh-what voice? Haven't you
heard enough voices in here?
No no
That was someone I know
or used to know
I'm sure
This must be a coincidence.
Let's finish this damn game.
Come on!
I don't know why, but this one
Benjamin, I can't get it out of my head.
Maybe he's the one you used
And now the remorse is
eating you up from the inside out.
I give up. I can't
decipher anything here
You are actually blind! I
even see two words. Yes
What, where?
Love and pain
Such nonsense! I mean,
We play here like little children.
Okay, okay, I'll try again!
Force! Yes, violence.
Violence is my word!
Ok, get the piece of paper out of the drawer
and write it down before you forget it again
All right, boss!
One more thing!.. One more word!
Suicide is my word!
What are you doing?
I change my perspective
Okay, you smartass. I'm
excited to see what you find next
Is this supposed to be a test?
No, I'm just saying
Do you see?
I guess I'm a smartass after all
Yes, well... I'm afraid I
have to admit that it is you
(mumbles) Confession
What should I confess?
I didn't do anything wrong. And if you
do, then someone certainly deserves it
Stop lying! Finally
confess your sin!
I will. If you tell me
what the damn sin is
You alone have to remember.
Nobody else can do that.
Nobody can help you
Help yourself and
search your memories
What the fuck?
It's time
for the truth
Welcome back
Why am I here?
Why do you think so?
Wow, just say you had one of these
"Man in Black" - Blackout - moments?
But you definitely watch too many movies
(whispering) I know who I am. I know what
I did. I know who I am. I know what I did
Are you doing well?
I don't know it.
I don't think so. There's something in my head.
Do these words have no meaning for you?
Yes, yes
I think I saw a movie once
(sighing and drawing out) Oooh.. Jake!
Wow, wow, what did you call me?
T-that's your name! Jake Mills!
How do you know my name?
You knew him all along, right?
No. The details are all gone.
But the memory came back the
moment we found the name: Benjamin
I don't know who he is
or what happened to him
W-Wait a minute,
maybe this is his voice
Incorrect! False speculation!
Wait, wait! Okay, okay, you remembered
who I am, what my name is. Maybe you know
My name?
Sophia! Ah, my name is Sophia McElroy!
I was one of the popular ones at school
and you, you were the city reporter!
Oh, damn, yes, yes, I remember.
I wrote articles about your school
Yes, yes. There were four of us
um.. Two girls, I know theirs
No more names and then
Maria and me
Maria?! Mary! That was that bitch
that the whole school hated, right?
She wasn't a bitch
She she was my best
Girlfriend and my idol
I think she still is, but I
haven't seen her in a while
I always wanted to be just like her..
have fun with boys and just use them
Wow, wow.. Maybe
you used Benjamin
You were a bitch and
I hope you changed.
Yes, I have.
You are one step closer to your salvation,
Sophia. Now it's time for your confession
(desperately) But I don't remember anything.
Please tell me, what should I confess now?
Here's a little
food for thought.
You had to make a decision
and you chose wrong.
Your decision has been great
for me causes pain. It's that simple.
And you, Jake!
You thought your passion for the camera and
journalism would bring you fame and fortune,
but instead she
brought you to ruin.
Remember and confess
NOW your sin!
Benjamin.. What am
I fucking doing here?
Does that help you? Does it make everything worse?
How can I trust this being?
Remember what you're doing this for, man.
The time of truth has come
(sighing:) That idiot again!
I'm so tired of listening to him.
Why can't you just shut up?
Oh boy, I will...
Once you confessed
(weakly) I can't do this
anymore. When will it finally end?
It says here that we should...
Find secret object
As if there weren't enough already
Secrets in this shithole
Yes, you say it
Something is hidden here.
This one little thing can
open your eyes, Jake.
But you have to be the one to discover them.
That's your job
Now where are we
looking for this damn object?
No worries. You will know it
immediately when HE finds it
Oh... can I get a tip? A hint?
(laughs) No!
(annoyed and frustrated) And
where should we look for this shit now?
(disappointed) And still nothing
Jake, what is that?
Who is that?
Um, does that sound familiar?
(speaks at length) Not really
I wonder what happened to him
Hopefully he's not the one
who wants revenge on us
What do you mean?
What the hell do you want?
Are you still angry about that?
Do you know who I am?
My dad is a US Senator and you have no idea
what he'll do to you if you don't let me go...
How about this?
This is what you get from me
You're wrong again. You should have yours
Confess sins before it's too late girl
Does he believe me?
Uh, you know what?
It's slowly enough!
Yes, me too. And what do we do now?
What can we do? There's
nothing else left but to play along.
You're probably right
Oh! And on we go
On to the next game
(screams) Finally act like a real one
Man, let these shitty children's games be a thing of the past!
We will meet face to face
to meet face to face, but only
if you are lucky enough and able to
Unleash your brains potential
Sophia, look inside
No, I can't
This could be the way out
Who knows what or
who is hiding in there.
Look at them! See her body
writhing in pain. Feel it under your skin.
Are you ready?
This could be your beginning or your end.
I knew it wasn't over,
but who is there in this accursed thing?
Who could be hiding in the dark?
- I don't know it.
(laughing) I'm really a lucky guy!
The rooster in the basket!
- Really now?
Hey! Hey you!
What the hell are you doing in there?
Stop it! You'll wake her up!
So what?
Wake up, woman! Wake up!
Is that her?
W-who is she?
I think it's Maria.
Mary? Oh come on, that can't be right.
Look! I think it's her.
Oh Mary
Where the hell have you ended up now?
(moans) I'll never drink again.
this time...
you really overdid it.
Help me
You're right. It's her.
But she looks different
There's no way I'm going to sleep with you
Maria what is it?
- I mean,
there isn't enough alcohol in the world,
to drink that face nicely.
Yes, that's Maria
and she's still a bitch.
What's that supposed to mean?
Enough now!
Who kidnapped you?
(smiling) What do you mean kidnapped?
What's up?
What kind of perverted game is this, huh?
Where are my clothes, my things,
my bag, and everything? I don't get it
Some fucker with too much time on
his hands watched the Saw movies
and does an incredibly stupid thing,
fucked up game with us!
Which films? - The Saw films.
What are you talking about?
The Saw films! You know: falling,
Blood, severed heads, all right?
I'd like to know who has the time to
think all this shit up and write it down.
Uh, pretty hot in here.
Get me out! Get me out!
The damn thing doesn't want to break!
(screams) Do you feel that?
The water is coming!
- What are you talking about?
There's no water here. Of course not,
you fucker. Asshole, you're not in here.
What's next,
damned? Hm? Piranhas?
Do something. - Maybe an anaconda
Haha, funny!
- Jake, stop that crap and finally do something!
What should I do then? Unfortunately
I forgot the jackhammer at home!
Get me out of here!
Please, Sophie
Don't let me die in here
Not like that please
What's going on here?
Every action has an equal
and an opposite reaction.
There is only one way to free her
It depends on you whether she lives or dies.
Confess your sin and set it free
(screams) I'm here, you son of a bitch!
Leave her alone! Take me! Take me!
(hysterical) Take her,
take her! Please, take her! please
(screams) I'm ready!
Take me, damn it!
I will take you all!
Not yet. You're not ready yet
What does this mean? Not ready yet?
Oh I swear to God Jason! If that's you,
you shithead, hijo se puta, despradado.
I mean, if you're doing this to me because I
didn't give you a blowjob in the car that night,
Then I swear to God I swear to God
that I'm going to come out of here and kill you!
Your life is in your hands.
What the hell do you want from us?
If you want to kill us, do
it now and end this crap!
Absolutely identical. A
Mirror image, but younger.
You are my girlfriend
We have to do something!
What should I do then?
I don't know what to do!
Hang in there, Mary! Hold on!
- Get me out of here, please.
Time is running out.
What did I do to deserve this?
Soph... I'm so sorry. I'm
so sorry if I wronged you.
Please forgive me...
Please (crying) No, no
What are you talking about?
You are my girlfriend.
No.. I'm not. A
real girlfriend would
never force you to
be exactly like her.
The time is almost up.
(tearful) Please,
confess your sins, please
Confess NOW!
Sophia help me please help
Sophia...Sophia Aydame!
You can't die
God, why her?
You dirty pig!
You coward!
Show me your face!
I said show me your face.
You heard the madman
you just have to confess
(breathless) Yes. But what?
We know goddamn Benjamin is
behind this game, he's so pathetic.
You have made my life miserable.
You and your idiot friends are
playing with other people's feelings.
But you ALL treated him like trash
and let him suffer in silence. I hope
that YOU can feel it for yourself now
(quietly) But we didn't want to hurt you.
- But you have!
You have that! You have given me a
deep cut and my wound will never heal!
Come on! Just a sip!
Honey, you know I can't.
It certainly won't kill you.
- Ahmm
Did you hear that?
That on TV
Three long days have now passed,
since my daughter,
the star of my lonely life,
disappeared without a trace.
The police advise me to keep calm
they had everything under control,
but nothing seems to happen
And now I'm begging you
(voice trembling) The McElroys
Do you know her?
Back in high school I took
part in a student exchange.
Uncle Will and his wife Susan took
me in during the three-month program.
And what happened to them?
Your daughter is missing.
Oh God
I was good friends with her, but we
hadn't been in touch for over a year
Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie.
I'm sorry
Not-not now
I-I need a moment.
- What?
Please help me find
my beloved daughter.
She's being held somewhere,
freezing, hungry
certainly under torture.
I'll pay whatever it takes
to see her alive and well.
whoever you are
please.. give it back to me
please, sir...just
one last thing
Are you still here? What do you want?
I told you you can't just come in here
I told you you can't
just come in here.
I know, sir
Finally talk!
You must have yours
Reconsider your decision, sir
I mean, you
You can't turn back time.
I don't like you
Your opinion asked!
Get lost!
Let's stop this shit.
Listen, I'm sorry about your girlfriend.
But my family needs me and I
don't want to die in this shithole.
What's next?
What is it?
What is it?!
Kill them!
Kill them! Now!
So it wasn't you after all.
Where do we start?
OK, OK, wait a minute, wait a minute
What's certain is that this has something to
do with this little fat Benjamin... Right?
Damn Benjamin
I swear to God
M-M-Wait, your dad is
the US Senator, right?
Senator McElroy? He-he-he would do
anything for his little princess. Correct?
So, why don't we
ask him for help?
(exasperated) What the hell is he supposed to do?
Hm? Tell me The damn phone is broken.
I don't know what to do next!
What should I do then?
What's new?
Yes, sir.. The trail of yours
Daughter gets lost in Europe
In Europe? Where?
Beli Manastir in Croatia
Then what are we waiting for?
Let's go
Your salvation is hers
Doom. Find your knot!
Kill her or the
truth will come out.
and your beloved wife and daughter will
find out what a shithead you really are!
What are you hiding there?
This must be a joke, I would never
I was drugged too
I can't remember anything.
What have you done to this Benjamin?
What do you mean? You
wrote the article about him.
Obviously this is about you.
Okay, you did
something to him.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I don't believe you.
Why don't you confess?
Why don't you shut up?
So you did something to him.
One day it'll be over, man.
No no. This isn't my fault.
What are you hiding?
She'll fucking
know, she'll know.
And then she leaves me and
takes mine Daughter gone.
I'll never see her again.
What are you doing?
The decision is yours.
I'm sorry, Sophia
Either you or me
Shit! I.. I knew it!
I told you I had nothing to
do with this fucking game
Jake.. You don't have to do this
I just want my life back
I just want my life back.
Okay...I just want to be free again
Wait, wait
Are you killing me now?
Answer me!
- I have no damn choice!
oh oh ahhh
Do you see what you
got me into?! Look here!
Are you happy now?
It was me.
I was kidding you!
I tortured you
and you danced to my tune.
And you know what?
I would do it again and again.
Do you hear me, Benjamin Moore?
I would take all of this with me
Repeat pleasure again!
He can't hear
you or talk to you.
And now it's my turn, or what?
I designed everything here,
so that you suffer,
so that you pay!
Who are you?
You don't know me
We never had the opportunity
to get to know us
My name is David Moore
Benjamin Moore was my son.
You don't need that.
I won't kill you
just like the others.
So I would like to
tell you a little story.
I did everything, I confessed.
Ten years ago
an innocent fell in love
Boy hopelessly in love with a girl
She knew about his feelings
and enjoyed playing with him
And even though he knew
that he had no chance with her,
it was important to him
to go to her and confess
his undying love to her.
But her and her fucking friends
thought they could play with him
insult him
torment and ridicule
And finally they
put him in a dress.
They put my son in a dress in front of the
whole school, in front of the whole world
and then they laughed
And drove him to
a terribly dark place.
The depression lasted a year
A girl like you would
never understand how
much that could hurt his father
to watch day after day,
how my own son feels sorry for himself and
Despair spiraled, to the stage of catatonia.
One morning
the father went into his
son's room and found him.
He had hanged himself from the rafters!
I'm so sorry
So sorry
The boy from this one
Story, it was Benjamin Moore,
My son!
And the girl from this story is now on
her knees in front of me! Immediately!
Okay, okay.
What do you want?
There's just one last piece of the puzzle missing
Forgive me, I'm so sorry
Please.. I'm so sorry!
I was still a child
I am so sorry
for Ben
I'm so sorry for
Your son, please... Please!
Beg, bitch!
If you kill me
it won't bring him back
It won't bring him back
Do it! do it now!
Run! Run before I change my mind
I did it
(laughing) I made a fool of him
Sorry, Jake
you were right
it was you or me
And I prefer me!
I changed my mind,
you miserable bitch!
Oh... what have I done?
So much pain and so much violence, David
You don't like it, but you do it.
(laughter) Oh David, what do you want to do?
Now I won't do it anymore!
Shoot right here in the heart
Oh, my mistake, I forgot.
I don't have a heart at all
David, business is business.
Eighteen remain.
Oh boy,
I forgot,
this is just the beginning.
(in Croatian accent) Get ready
Here they come
Hello sir
Forgive me
Have you seen this girl?
She is my daughter.
You too, look closely.
Her face...
You look so familiar to me
have we ever met?
I don't believe.
I think so.
No no no.
Sir, we have to go.
Keep it.
I know him.
Is there anything I can do to help you, sir?
Wait in the parking lot.
Really a shame.
Wake up.
Do you want to live?
Where the hell have you been?
Don't touch me! Don't touch me!
Allah... prays in Turkish
Azir business is business.
Only four more.
Another... four?
Then you're done.
Hey fuck hey!
Cataleya? please wake up.
What's going on here?