Yolo (2024) Movie Script

Your rival is a pro.
If it's too hard for you, I'll stop it.
We can end it at any time.
It's not a shame.
Come here.
Let's warm up.
Come on.
Come on.
Nice fight. We're ready to go.
All right, let's go.
Come catch me.
I got you.
Welcome to Xiangjiang Boxing Club.
Live show of
boxing championship challenge.
Okay, thank you.
Well tonight,
there are three contestants
for the fierce battle.
First and foremost,
guess you are pretty familiar with her,
lightweight defending champion
Liu Hongxia.
One second.
Another contestant,
is the challenger in this match...
- You may go.
- ...making her debut,
is Du Leying,
Let us invite them to the stage
with warm applause.
See? That's how
my sister spends her days,
just lying there,
doing absolutely nothing.
Well, if she sleeps at this hour,
can she still sleep at night?
You know, she's really good at this.
Yes, she can sleep.
Oh, she's awake.
She's not.
It's just the sun.
That movement she made
is pretty much her daily exercise.
I'll put it here.
Don't put it there!
You really need to
look out for your cousin's job.
Don't worry, Auntie.
Our show is tailored
for people like my cousin.
Our boss truly likes her story.
In a way, she is doing me a favor.
If she can play it smoothly and land a job
then I can finally pass my probation.
kind reminder, though.
Her laziness is unlike others.
She's so lazy that you can
- call her a diligent slug.
- It's fine.
However lazy she is, it's fine.
There was this guy
weighing over 150 kg,
and couldn't even walk.
We helped him find a good job.
For such a fat person,
having trouble walking,
what kind of job
did you find for him?
In the park in Beishan.
Taking photos with people.
He can earn two
to three hundred yuan a day.
Well, that's nice.
Earning two to three hundred
a day isn't bad.
But you may want to
put a bra on your sister,
or else, sitting there topless
doesn't look good for her.
The thing is, she won't agree
with that anyway.
Sitting like that will wear her out.
She needs to lean against something.
What're you talking about?
I'm just giving you an example.
There will be someone
to give her the right job.
- Dinner...
- We'll have pork ribs.
This is the interview scene of
the job-seeking show, Find Yourself.
We're in the job-seeker's home right now.
Sitting here with me
is the job-seeker, Miss Du,
and her mother, Mrs. Du.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Well, Miss Du.
I heard that after college
you worked for a while.
Well, she looks fatter.
Okay, look here.
In these ten years, have you ever
considered leaving home and finding a job?
I'll go first.
Now that she is like this,
her father and I are somehow responsible.
Back then, we were young
and caught up in our business.
We didn't have time for the kids.
Thinking about it now, I just...
I just...
Mrs. Du sobbed.
She thought about how her business
had hindered her daughter's education,
plunging into deep self-reproach.
I thought that those who
did business with us at the time,
they all made money.
But us, we are still struggling.
In the end, I neither made money,
nor raised my daughter well.
My life is a total failure.
Mom, I'm quitting.
Where are you going?
- Elsewhere.
- Oh, this is...
- How can you quit just like that?
- I just wanna quit, Mom.
- We tried so hard to get on this. Be good.
- I'll quit.
Du Leying.
Please, don't be so ungrateful, okay?
There are some things
Mom and Dad won't say, but I would.
How old are you now?
You're already 32, do you still
wanna live with your parents?
Don't you think
what you've been doing is disgusting?
Are you insane?
I am insane.
Dealing with an older sister like you
has taken a toll on my sanity.
- Mom, did you hear what she said?
- Miss Du. Miss Du.
- Hello, this is Dueros.
- Sweetie, listen to Mom, okay?
Got it.
Playing "Listen To Mom" by Jay Chou.
- Dining out again?
- Ah.
Aren't we having
stewed ribs for dinner?
- Where's Leying?
- She's out.
Are we having pork ribs for dinner?
I think you look like a pork rib!
What're you having for dinner?
Pack me some.
How was your day?
It's hard to do business these days.
Doing all this crap at this age
ain't getting you a job in the future.
Instead of nagging me,
why don't you talk to your eldest?
Where are you?
I'm sleeping.
I'll send you a location.
Come and meet me.
What's up?
Where are you?
I'm at home.
I'll send you a location.
Hurry over, now.
What's up? What's the matter?
Come first, then we'll talk.
What's going on?
Do you think she knows
that we're together?
I've no idea.
I can tell she's pretty angry.
I think she knows it already.
What should we do now?
It's not your fault.
Just tell her that I started it,
and I'll take the blame.
I'll talk to her and make things clear.
You are such a macho man
when you talk like that.
You want me to do
that "macho" thing with you again?
What are you talking about?
Stop it!
- Babe...
- Mmm?
...you are cute when you try to hit me.
But be gentle next time,
otherwise, sometimes my instinct tells me
to hit back.
Are you all right?
What should we do?
Leying's my bestie.
We grew up together,
went to school together,
and got bullied by classmates together.
We went through
our toughest times together.
How can I face her in the future?
Just face her the way it should be.
You can't hide it from her forever.
You can't cancel the wedding
and abort our child.
If it weren't for
your sense of responsibility,
I wouldn't be with a Leo.
I knew you were a keeper.
So, you mean,
your distant cousin, that journalist,
visited your home, and your mom
didn't even give you a heads-up?
And then,
when you wanted to leave,
your sister made a fuss by the side?
I have to say, you toned down a lot.
If I were you, I wouldn't leave.
I'd give her a good beating before I go.
I'll go to the restroom.
It's not about us.
I kinda freaked out.
Even if it's about us, it's okay.
I'm here.
Tsk! She'll see us.
She won't be back anytime soon.
How do you know that?
She took this thick stack
of toilet paper
with her.
Since she doesn't know about us,
should we tell her?
Of course.
Later, you leave first.
I'll talk to her.
Just don't mess it up.
- We need her at our wedding.
- I know.
After all, you've known
each other for 15 years.
It's not that.
Everyone knows we're besties.
Now that I'm marrying her boyfriend,
if she doesn't show up,
they'll all know
that I am the other woman.
I have a reputation to uphold!
Give her a hand!
Ah. Come here,
Oh. It's heavy. Let me help.
I got it.
There's something
I wanna talk to you about.
All right, then.
You two go ahead.
I'll leave now.
You don't have to.
Is there anything
we can't say in front of you?
It's all right.
You guys have a good chat,
I won't hold you up here.
Come on, it's fine.
I'm not in a good mood anyway.
Just stay here
and keep me company.
All right.
So, since I'm staying,
how about we have the talk
on another day?
Then which day do you reckon?
Let's make it today.
I wanna break up with you.
I wanna break up with you.
I feel like we're not a good match.
- Why?
- All these years,
you're getting more and more peculiar,
and hard to communicate with.
- Who's that woman?
- Who?
I don't know.
- Let me see.
- Leying.
Leying, stop doing that.
Just bring it over and show her.
- Just stop it.
- Let's not fight.
Let her see it. Look, Leying.
All right, take it then.
I'm sorry.
I know there's nothing I can say
to undo the damage,
but my rising sign is Capricorn,
what can I do?
If nothing else, then I'm off.
Leying. Leying.
We're getting married
on the 8th of next month.
Can you be my maid of honor?
If you don't come,
they'll call me a homewrecker.
Cotton candy, cotton candy.
Tasty cotton candy.
Child, what color do you want?
How about this,
big or small?
One second.
How does it taste,
is it good?
I'll give you one more,
it'll make you taller.
If you can, do it nicely.
If you can't, then get lost.
Boss, don't worry.
I'll surely make myself
- irreplaceable in my position.
- Go prepare the skewers!
I'll pick these numbers.
Buy me 500 yuan worth.
That's a good combination.
It'll surely win.
Nice handwriting.
Now, come a bit closer to the camera.
- Why are you snatching my business?
- What're you doing?
Stop stealing my idea.
Don't touch me,
otherwise I'll hit you.
Master, when can I get rich?
You, like me,
will get rich afterwards.
no rush.
Look at me,
I'm 88 now.
Why do my eyes look uneven?
Why is that?
Wake your aunt up.
It's almost lunchtime.
How does my sister like her wings?
Since you know you are
asking her for help today,
why didn't you treat her
nicer yesterday?
Oh, come on, Mom.
For a little favor,
do I have to send her
an official email notice?
You ask her to transfer
her apartment to you,
you need to prepare her a bit, right?
I do it so my daughter
can go to school.
I'll give it back once I'm done.
How can she ever refuse me?
She's my sister after all.
She's your sister, so what?
My lawsuit with your aunt
is going to trial next month.
And we are sisters too.
Mom, I called Aunt, but she's not eating.
Can I go downstairs
and ask Grandpa for another drink?
- Hmm.
- Sure.
Mom, what should I do?
I don't own the place,
so Zhuzi can't go to a public school.
If it wasn't for Zhuzi,
I really wouldn't bother
with this.
So, what's your plan?
- Look.
- What's this?
Power of Attorney.
Just ask Leying to sign here.
Nothing else.
I'll take care of it.
I have never seen you care
about anything this much.
Sweetie, get up. Time for lunch.
Your sister brought chicken wings.
How do you want it?
Any way's fine.
Look at how lazy you are.
It's late and you're still sleeping.
Come on now, get up.
Look at how messy your room is.
You're just sipping half of these colas.
It's a waste to dump them.
Hurry, get up!
Get up now!
You dare throw cigarette butts in the cans
and I'll punch you.
The braised cola chicken wings
are ruined!
Take this downstairs for your grandpa.
- Sure.
- Mind your step.
There is something
I wanna talk to you about.
Mom, don't start.
It's a "no."
I already made it pretty clear yesterday.
I am not going to Doudou's show.
Just don't try to persuade me.
Wait, I haven't finished yet.
Also, what's up with you?
Every time I say something,
you never agree.
Other things may be fine,
but this one, no way.
Talking about other things...
Now, here's one.
Your sister got divorced. Her ex-husband
isn't providing any financial support,
so Zhuzi can't go
to private schools.
If she attends a public school,
your sister has no property.
So I was wondering
if you can transfer
your grandma's apartment
to Ledan
so that Zhuzi can go to school.
It's for Zhuzi's schooling.
How can I say no?
Your sister
didn't want to trouble you too much,
so she prepared this in advance.
Just sign here,
and she'll take care of the rest,
so you don't have to bother.
Your sister had a tough life
ending up with a guy like that.
After the divorce, he's not
giving anything to your sister,
and he doesn't take care
of the child.
How's your sister
gonna live in the future?
Actually, his actions are understandable.
Ledan cheated during her marriage,
so what do you expect him to offer her?
And the child isn't even his,
so there's no way
he can take care of the child.
Du Leying.
Now you've finally got a chance,
haven't you?
I'm just asking for
a small favor, why so mean.
What did I say?
I cheated, huh?
Why bring this up now?
Well, I don't understand this.
For Zhuzi's schooling,
can't you just bleed some cash
for her like Aunt Flo?
Oh, gosh. Mind your words.
Can't you speak nicely
when asking for a favor?
Isn't that apartment of yours
also inherited from Grandma?
Grandma left it to me,
I don't have to give you, okay?
It's not okay!
What contributions have you made
to our family these years?
You are over 30
and you still rely on your parents!
You don't do house chores
and turn down all jobs found for you.
What do you want?
You can rely on your parents now,
but what about when you're older?
You have no kids, no husband,
you have to rely on me
to visit you in a nursing home!
How interesting. You bring up my affairs
as if it's a big deal.
I cheated because I can.
Can you?
A woman like you...
Shanzi'll dump you
sooner or later.
Enough with that.
Who're you doing this at?
Did I throw it at you?
Ledan, what're you doing?
Stop hitting your sister.
Stop hitting your sister.
- Ledan, stop it.
- Let go.
Stop hitting your sister.
Stop hitting your sister, you silly girl!
Leying, don't hit Ledan.
Enough, enough!
Stop it!
One more move,
and you're both out of my house!
Leave her be.
I'll go.
It was Ledan's fault this time,
but I really wish you could go out
and experience more.
Take these 2,000 yuan with you,
just ask me for more if it's not enough.
There we are.
The fridge, microwave,
TV and washing machine
are ready to use once plugged in.
This apartment is really nice,
just hasn't been lived in
by anyone for a while.
A little fresh air
and it'll be fine.
It has windows on both
the north and south sides.
The rent is 1,000,
and the deposit is 800.
That's so expensive.
Utilities and heating are all included.
Can you make it cheaper?
I can make the rent 800,
and the deposit 1,000.
Anyway, I just urgently need this 1,800,
I don't care how.
CAN I...
Hey, I'm talking to you.
Can you do it or not?
If not, then just get lost!
Hey, who're you staring at?
This job's easy.
You get 2,500 a month,
and we cover lunch and dinner.
You okay with that?
Xizi. Go get her a uniform.
All right.
Why's your hand so dry?
You didn't put on any lotion?
Well, yeah.
The salary is so low,
I don't have money for it.
Your name tag is tilted.
Let me adjust it for you.
Come on, not again!
We always do this.
Promoting a good vibe for work.
Let me help you change your clothes.
No, thanks.
Just kidding.
Look how scared you got.
You can't work like this.
You have to blend in, you know?
Don't listen to him.
He's just being a prick.
But if you keep ignoring him,
he'll make actual moves.
Let me introduce myself.
I'm Zhang Chen Ruo Xi.
They call me Xizi,
so just call me Xizi.
Hi, I'm Leying.
Add me on WeChat.
Have you blocked me?
I never post Moments.
Well, you should sometimes,
to share the joy of life.
If you need anything,
just let me know.
- Here is your beer.
- Thanks.
How to turn on this stove?
I'll do it.
Ruoxi, which one is Table 3?
- Give it to me.
- A dozen beers for Table 1.
You handle the outside,
and I'll handle this.
Here are your dishes.
Where should I place this?
Over here, for our table.
- Waitress, two dozen beers here.
- Coming.
Try mine.
Not my type.
- Leying...
- Ah.
Get into my car,
open the passenger seat's glovebox
and grab the thin cigarettes for me.
Got it.
Let's drink.
Which one is it?
Oh, gosh.
I was just here to pee.
Why did you flash me?
Did I splash your car?
If the gym restroom is clogged,
then I wouldn't have to pee here.
It was not classy, I know.
Flashing me while I'm peeing
is rude, right?
I think being rude is way worse
than being not classy.
Now what? You wanna burn it dry
with the light?
Sorry, I didn't mean to.
I was grabbing something,
then I accidentally bumped into it,
and now it won't turn off.
Could you help me turn it off?
Go ask the car owner to handle this.
Such a lazybones.
Hello, dear.
What can I do for you?
I'm looking for Wu Kun.
Coach Wu.
I see. One moment, please.
Well, uh... Attention:
Coach Kun, please come
to the front desk.
Coach Kun.
Someone's looking for you.
Dear, I've called him for you.
Who's it?
Is someone looking for me?
It's that Coach Kun.
- Haokun?
- Ah.
Then just call Haokun.
Why "Coach Kun"?
Oh, it's "Hao."
You left these behind yesterday.
I thought I had lost them.
Do you like boxing?
Dear, if you are interested in boxing,
we've got a promotion
going on right now.
It's 300 yuan for one session,
you gotta grab
at least ten sessions.
One semester has fifty sessions.
With each semester,
we'll throw in
three extra sessions for free. Ah.
This promotion is absolutely generous.
I'll think about it.
Ah. Okay, then.
Let's connect on WeChat.
Later, I'll add Haokun
to the group chat,
and he'll come up with
a detailed plan for you.
If there's anything you don't understand,
just tag me in the group chat any time.
All right.
- I'm leaving.
- Ah.
- Ah. You're leaving?
- Ah.
- Have a good day, dear.
- Ah.
- Let's catch up on WeChat.
- Ah.
All right.
You need to be
more talkative with clients.
You can't be like this all the time.
Well, any solutions?
You wanna coach them?
Oh my god!
You're quite masculine.
Session sales this month
still aren't doing well.
Tianfu's still our top sales performer.
How about the others?
you, the nob-head giant banging
the sandbag all day with zero sales.
What's the point?
If you can't sell any memberships,
then out of the gym.
Feels like you're going to a gym here,
not working in one.
The main issue is...
I don't know how to do it.
You don't know how to do it?
Do I have to feed you with a silver spoon?
Sell memberships the way they do
in KTVs, that's your strategy.
You have a pretty good image,
but you don't know how to make use of it.
Bro. Client calling.
Go ahead.
Hi, Ms. Zhang.
Yeah, go ahead.
Don't worry.
Give the phone to your husband,
I'll explain to him.
Hi, bro. It's not like that.
Don't listen to the kid.
Look at Tianfu.
Great at managing client relationships.
See? He knows
that couple very well.
Now, I want to repeat:
Tomorrow's celebration event,
I've spent a lot of money on it.
I've done what I should,
and now it's up to you coaches
and membership consultants.
It is very easy.
Call out all potential clients
out for me tomorrow!
Tomorrow I'll supervise on-site
for one goal: sell memberships.
Speaking of membership...
My pitch was so slippery,
even snowboarders switched to skis!
What are you mumbling about, eh?
Nothing, it's just...
I said, after the sales,
I'll go roller skating.
Go rolling in Harbin?
If you can't sell any memberships tomorrow
I might just buy you a one-way ticket
for you to roll back to Harbin!
Is he from the boxing gym next door?
- Well.
- Oh, no.
He invited you to get you
to sign up for a membership.
"Really, really"?
Just wait and see if what I say
turns out to be true.
I know this kind of routine too well.
Back when I was at the barber,
washing men's hair,
if I wanted a guy to sign up for
a membership, I would invite him out.
And then?
No one ever went out with me.
I just don't know why.
I've just met him,
and on our first meeting,
he's already asking me to sign up?
When a guy in sales
asks you out early on,
it means one of the two things:
either he's selling a membership,
or looking to sleep with you.
Whoever invites us out
is definitely for the membership.
Team, get into your fresh uniforms
and gear up for tomorrow's event
with a renewed and energetic spirit!
I feel that
tomorrow does not look good.
Most people will be here just for fun.
Economy is going down,
no one wants a membership.
He Kun.
Are you confident for tomorrow?
Yes! Massive sign-ups guaranteed!
Very good.
When you work,
sometimes you have to do this.
Do you like pink clothes?
If I liked pink clothes,
why didn't I take one just now?
what should we write
as the promotional slogan on the leaflet?
Just search for
some inspirational quotes online
and tweak them a bit.
Got it.
are there only pink shirts left?
Yeah. What's wrong?
You don't wanna wear it?
It's not that.
A man wearing pink...
It's too flashy.
So what?
Quit then!
You can't sell a membership,
and you are still picky
about clothes and stuff.
If you were the top sales performer,
I'd get you a shirt in gold.
Selling no membership
didn't embarrass you,
but wearing that pink shirt did.
You must wear it tomorrow.
I wanna see how embarrassed you look.
I practiced
Kungfu in the mountains for decades,
but it's not as effective
as learning boxing
for a week at Xinli Fitness.
If you want to lose weight,
or reduce body fat...
...then you can't miss
the Xinli Fitness!
DJ, drop the beat.
Everyone, a song
"A Hard Scripture To Read" for you.
This is the star
our boss invited for this event.
I wanted to bring you over
for a look.
He was that
Demi-Gods And Semi-Devils drama star?
He played Jiumozhi.
Master Jiu.
Many say that Master Jiu is a villain,
but I truly admire
his dedication to martial arts.
- Well...
- Today my friend said
that you brought me here
for a membership.
Now that's a slap in the face.
I'll get you a bottle of water.
They're all working over there.
Is it okay that you don't join them?
Well, I don't care, I'll just quit then.
I hate selling memberships.
I work here to do boxing,
and they ask me to pull people
in for membership sales.
I don't like this.
Selling membership is one thing,
boxing is another.
How can talking and boxing skills
be the same?
need dreams
and should strive for their own dreams,
You won't take it off
without my eyes on you?
Very smooth!
I kinda like boxing.
Keep your focus.
Don't reach too far forward.
Don't... Keep your balance.
Your left jab has power.
Good. One, two.
One, two. Fifty-nine.
Is this your limit?
Don't waste all the hard work
you have put in. Come on, come on.
Come on, come on,
Are you trying hard?
Sure I am!
One more.
The last one.
Bring it back quickly,
or else your face will be exposed.
Don't ruin Ms. Zhang's cute face.
Use your steps.
Bring down the jaw.
Here comes the right punch.
After exercising,
relaxation is crucial.
Is it sore?
Don't you have a massage gun?
It is useless.
Just buy one.
Pivot and punch hard.
Ms. Zhang, you need to turn your hips.
Turn your hips like this.
Wear gloves to punch sandbags.
Use mine.
Bro! Bro, I'm her fitness coach.
I was her coach, too!
Sweetie, this is all proper coaching.
- I need to use the restroom.
- Ah.
Look at that.
Look at Tianfu's abs.
You silly.
Haokun's biceps
are the ones worth looking at.
Hit him.
Keep it up.
He's so handsome.
Come on!
It's so exciting and thrilling.
If this is your first time
watching a boxing match,
I can only say
your starting point
is set too high.
You two have given us a fantastic match.
I believe whoever wins
is qualified to represent Xinli Fitness
in the provincial game.
Now, the tense and exciting moment
is about to arrive.
I'm going to announce the winner.
Honestly, I favored Tianfu
to easily defeat Haokun
before the match.
I must admit,
I didn't expect Haokun's
outstanding performance today.
It truly exceeded my expectations.
So, I declare
that Tianfu has narrowly won
against Haokun
by just a few points.
It didn't turn out to be
the completely one-sided situation
I envisioned before the match.
Congratulations, Tianfu!
Keep up the good work.
Represent our gym,
and achieve great results
in the provincial game.
Keep up the good work!
Is the bullfrog spicy?
Pretty much.
Bullfrog isn't tasty without spice.
Do you like it?
- Yes.
- That's good.
Let's order some bullfrog.
Does it hurt?
Your brow ridge.
It hurts now.
I didn't feel it during the match.
Is it because you were
too focused in the ring?
Seeing someone fully focused
on one thing is really cool.
Not at all.
I think it's pretty cool.
I haven't done anything
serious for a long time,
but I trained a lot for this match.
In life, you have to give it your all
at least once.
Actually, I didn't think about anything.
I just wanted to win.
After winning, the pain goes away.
But still, I lost.
Leying, the kitchen utensils
need to be cleaned.
- There's a lot piled up.
- Bro,
can you give her a break today
and let her join me
for a couple of drinks?
Of course, you don't have to ask me.
- Take care of him.
- Bring me another dozen beers.
Sure thing.
Actually, I think
you should be the winner today.
Ah. Let's not talk about that.
Losing is losing. Bringing it up again
won't change anything.
Tianfu performed well today.
He's my good friend,
I'm happy for him
to represent the gym in the game.
she brought a friend
so she doesn't need to work?
He's had twelve beers already.
If you can bring friends
who spend that much here,
you can take a break, too.
How can I lose to Zhu Tianfu?
Does he even know how to box?
If we go a few more rounds,
I'll definitely knock him down.
The boss was intentional.
Sending Tianfu to the game
can attract more students,
and sell more gym memberships.
That is not fair.
What's even more ridiculous
is that Tianfu doesn't even want to go
because he's afraid of getting beaten up.
He goes because
just by participating,
he can get a 5,000-yuan bonus.
Do you know that?
Don't drink too much.
Then, why do they bother with boxing?
Why not get into scams
and make money?
Is making money everything in life?
Isn't life about striving and working hard
for things you love?
I need to take a leak.
Hello. Doudou.
Leying, I showed your VCR to my boss.
He was very satisfied. He hoped
you could come for a live recording.
I'm sure the turnout will be excellent.
Just consider it, as helping me out.
Plus, you can find a good job.
Doudou, I really don't want
to go to the show.
Leying, just hear me out.
- If you have any...
- Leying,
take your friend home quickly.
He's too drunk.
He dug out the soccer ball
from the urinal just now,
saying he wants to play.
I need to hang up.
Sit down here.
I'll get some water for you.
Don't go.
You're awake?
Have some!
Let's skip training for today.
I don't want to continue working there.
I'll tell the membership advisor
to transfer your classes to another coach.
You are being a bit impulsive.
More impulsive than last night?
Well then, I'm off to work.
When you leave,
just close the door.
leave me the key.
I'll swing by my dorm in the afternoon
to pick up my toothbrush and other stuff.
What brings you here?
I heard
you might not be
too keen on the game.
Can you let Haokun take this opportunity?
Can I touch your forehead?
Are you sick
or just simply out of your mind?
I have 5,000 yuan here
that I can transfer to you.
This way, you can
not only get a 5,000-yuan prize,
but also avoid getting beaten up,
which is very embarrassing.
Okay. That does make sense.
I'm a person who values face.
Let's not go with the 5,000.
Make three transfers of 1,314, for love,
two transfers of 520, saying I love you,
and transfer the remaining
to my WeChat.
I read that transferring
an amount represents affection,
is considered a gift,
while whole numbers
are considered loans.
Let's avoid unnecessary trouble,
in case we have any disputes.
- Ah.
- Mmm.
You really know some stuff.
I learned from experience.
Can you heat these up for us?
They've cooled down.
I've got good news.
The boss might have seen that I'm about
to quit, so he softened up with me.
He said Tianfu isn't going
to the game
and suggested I go instead.
Let's celebrate tonight
with some good dishes.
I need to cut weight for the game.
Controlled diet.
- I'll get you healthy meals?
- What about our skewers?
Here you go.
What are you doing?
It's chaotic back there.
I'll go.
Don't worry.
can I get an advance
on next month's salary,
and then I won't take
any pay next month?
if I give you next month's
salary in advance,
of course you can't
take pay next month.
You make it sound like
you're quite generous.
Second, I have already provided an advance
on your salary last month.
Are you gonna do extra work next month?
Hand these out.
Take one, please. Check this out.
Check this out.
- Lose some weight.
- You're not very convincing.
You want one?
I don't smoke.
Let's go.
Do you want some water?
Seems not.
Here is your delivery.
Thank you.
Can you help me throw the trash away?
You're back.
The food is ready.
I've reached my weight goal!
I did it!
Here is the money.
Sorry kid.
No need to feel sorry, sir.
A few days ago,
Wenqiang's dad came to me,
the match was important for his son.
he'd give me thirty thousand yuan
if I let his son win.
If I refused,
he would bribe the referee
to rule against me.
I thought,
why let the referee earn the money?
It's a way to make money,
while also helping someone
achieve his dream.
I just...
I just feel like,
it's a meaningful thing to do.
Isn't boxing your dream?
What do you mean?
Don't you want to win for once?
I can pick another time to win.
Why insist on winning this time
especially when it involves money?
It's thirty thousand yuan.
I've never seen that much money
in my entire career.
Tell me,
thirty thousand yuan
or winning once,
which one is more important?
Winning once.
Stop being a poser!
This is my last match.
After this, I'll retire.
How can I live without money?
Being a laborer
working on a construction site?
If you want to win,
you can be the No. 1 laborer.
Are you the only one with dreams?
How will you make a living?
Tell me, waitress.
Don't get angry.
Let's talk later at home.
At home? Who do you think you are?
Why should I go home with you?
Go away.
Now entering the ring
is Wenqiang from Quanli Boxing Gym.
And Haokun from Xinli Fitness.
No hitting the back of the head.
No clinching.
My dad told me everything.
Thank you, bro.
I'll go down in the fourth round.
But I'll take you on
in the first three rounds.
I don't need to bribe him at all.
Why are you back so late?
Didn't you say it would
only take a little while?
Sorry, something came up.
Come here.
Join me for a drink.
Why can you drink with others
but not with me?
What can he do for you?
Can he give you paid time off?
You seem pretty shy most of the time.
But you become quite a slut
after having some drinks.
How did he hold you the other day?
- Like this?
- What are you doing?
Touching your neck.
Don't touch me.
The more you resist,
the more I want to have you.
Let me hold you a bit.
Come here.
Why are you suddenly shy?
Your ID.
Please sign here.
Next time, if there's any issue, report it
to the police first, and we'll handle it.
Got it.
- You are free to leave now.
- Thank you.
Leying, let's go.
He was a scum!
You know what,
if I brought a camera,
I would record everything he did
and report him.
But Leying,
what you did was really cool today.
When someone bullies you,
you've got to hit back.
as for the call,
I couldn't pick them up
because I was at work.
No worries.
Auntie told me everything.
You've moved out now.
You have no other choice
but to call me when you need help.
We've walked past it,
my electric scooter is right here.
Your boss didn't
give you a hard time, did he?
He just extended my probation
for a few more months.
Anyway, sooner or later, doesn't matter.
It'll be fine
if I find the next candidate.
I'll ask that guy from my high school
who has a rabbit tattooed on his face.
Seems he's having a tough time
finding a job.
I'll look into it later.
Talk to you later.
I've got work, sorry I won't
be able to give you a ride.
Take this umbrella.
I don't need it for the ride.
What's wrong?
The battery is probably too old.
It was fully charged at home,
and now it's out of power.
Don't worry, you go home.
I'll charge it here.
It's okay.
You don't need to bother.
Leave it here.
- Doudou...
- Huh?
...for your show,
I just don't know
what to say on stage.
For this,
you don't need to worry at all.
We usually provide guests
with an earpiece,
and there will be guidance
from backstage.
We'll instruct them word by word.
They can just read it accordingly.
Is it too late if I join now?
Of course not.
You're not late at all.
My boss is impressed by your story.
Leying, if you come,
you will definitely find a job,
and I can become an official employee.
No wonder people say
that you can always
count on your family.
Let's go.
Where are we going?
Get some food.
Shall we?
What about your scooter?
Forget about it.
To tell you the truth,
there's actually no classmate
in my class with a rabbit tattoo.
Hello, everyone.
Welcome to the job-seeking show,
Find Yourself,
exclusively sponsored by
JinMaiLang Food.
I'm your host, Xiaotao. Welcome!
Leying, don't watch.
It would only make you more nervous.
Let's welcome the famous
professor and psychologist,
Ms. Ma Chunli.
To find a job, you should find
where your heart belongs to first.
Hello, my friends.
I'm Ma Chunli,
a psychologist.
Welcome, Ms. Ma.
And the famous poet, writer,
and scholar back from Europe,
Mr. Wei Dongfeng.
He who travels far
knows much.
He who listens to my advice
becomes wiser.
Hi, everyone,
I'm Wei, a scholar.
The experts and the host are very nice.
They won't make it difficult for you.
Come on, Leying.
Wear this earpiece.
If you don't know what to say,
just repeat what I say.
Is it okay to repeat what you say?
Of course, it is.
Don't be so tense, Leying.
Let your mind relax.
Look at how beautifully
I've dressed you today. Right?
Let's get you to the waiting area.
All right, everyone.
Let's give it up for our first job-seeker,
Du Leying.
This way, please.
Hi there.
Say hello to the audience.
Leying, relax. You're doing great.
Hello, my name is Du Leying.
It's okay, Leying. Take it easy.
Let's start with some simple questions.
I've just introduced you to the audience.
After college,
you had a job for a while.
Then you've been staying at home
most of the time for ten years.
So how do you feel about that
in the last ten years?
I feel that I can keep doing that
for a few more years.
I'm not lying, am I?
It's not that horrible,
and you're calm, right?
Why didn't you get a job?
I'm not good at talking to people.
Can you be more specific?
Tell us more about it.
It's just...
I think I have been nice to everyone.
I always got hurt.
Then I became less and less talkative.
That sounds like a problem.
Hey, girl.
This doesn't sound logical.
I'm a psychologist.
Don't lie to a psychologist.
All right, let me ask you again.
Why didn't you get a job?
Look into my eyes
and answer me.
Be honest.
It's okay, Leying.
Just tell her
you tried hard
to get a job after college.
I tried hard to get a job after college.
But those jobs were boring.
So I was in a wait-and-see state.
That's it.
That's the true reason.
It's not good.
Not good, darling.
We can't have our heads in the cloud.
We need to be more realistic.
Xiaotao, I feel she has
no problem communicating.
She just barely goes out.
She should see
more of the world.
I can't agree with Mr. Wei.
From a psychological perspective,
Leying is being
overly defensive.
She needs professional
guidance and intervention.
Look, we'll do a simple test.
A banana, an apple
and a dragon fruit,
which do you prefer
among the three?
Tell her,
is not my choice.
As for apple and dragon fruit,
I would like to hear your opinions.
is not my...
I knew you'd choose banana.
You are a typical...
- banana person.
- I didn't mean to say banana.
What is a banana like?
A banana is wrapped
in a thick layer of skin.
It looks tough.
However, when you
carefully peel off its skin,
and bare its inside,
you'll find it's white
Without the skin,
what's so different
about bananas and dragon fruits?
Oh, they're quite different.
Dragon fruits have many seeds.
It's quite complicated inside.
Based on what I know,
our girl Leying
has already found a new job. Right?
I'm waitressing
at a barbecue restaurant.
So why did you come to this show?
I want to find a job that pays more.
Because I've been learning boxing lately.
That costs a lot of money.
I want to know
why you chose to learn boxing.
Just tell her you want
to see the boxing coach.
It's okay, Leying. Trust me.
It's just a joke.
Just say that
you want to see the boxing coach.
I want to get close to the boxing coach.
are born to be a slave to hormones
and a servant to dopamine.
There is nothing to be ashamed of.
I get you.
But, darling,
I just can't agree with your high hopes
for the new job. I think...
Professor Wei, I disagree with you.
It's okay, Leying.
Look in my eyes.
This is a typical banana person.
What is a banana like?
Inside it is...
Cut your banana and mango nonsense.
I don't understand.
Why did you go against me
every time I raised a doubt?
Sorry, Mr. Wei.
I don't mean to sing a different tune.
But you've been standing for
the antithesis of the mainstream values.
Don't give me that.
Mainstream? Values?
Where did you learn these terms?
Have you ever eaten any fruit
that costs more than 50 yuan?
You know only apples, bananas and pears.
Cherries? Custard apple?
- Do you know?
- Don't push it.
Listen, the best thing I've ever done
in my life is divorcing you.
The best thing I've ever done
is accept it.
- What are you doing? Are you insane?
- Ms. Ma, Mr. Wei!
Stop it!
You're crazy!
Give me the shoe.
Ma'am, sir,
we're recording.
Excuse us. This is between us.
If this program is not live,
edit this part out.
Yeah, we can do that.
Start with me.
I think
Ms. Ma has made a great point.
But I'm going to stick to my guns. Ah.
It's okay, Professor Wei.
This is a big world
that welcomes different voices.
Both Mr. Wei
and Ms. Ma mentioned family.
Well, we happen to have a short video.
Play the VCR, please.
We're in the job-seeker's
home right now.
Sitting here with me
are the job-seeker, Miss Du,
and her mother, Mrs. Du.
Mom, I'm quitting.
Where are you going?
How can you quit just like that?
Are you insane?
Sweetie, how can you quit this?
We tried so hard to get on this.
Be a good girl.
Listen to Mom, okay?
It wasn't my...
It wasn't like that.
You're for sure a banana person,
only that you're a rotten one.
Young lady,
I don't think it's traveling
that you need.
I don't understand.
How could a daughter
talk to her mom like that?
What's this?
Call the director over to take a look.
What's going on?
Who found this candidate?
I want to fight in a boxing match.
To lose weight?
No. I just want to fight
in a boxing match.
Tsk. You'll need to pass
the qualifications.
Judging by what you got,
it won't happen soon.
Besides, real boxing competitions
can be dangerous.
I know.
I want to fight.
All right.
Get a membership
and go to Coach He Kun.
Kids nowadays,
always act on a whim.
She won't last long.
And she seems rather old.
Ah. That's even worse, then!
Then why did you tell her
to get a membership?
It's no different than a scam.
Tell them to give her a discount.
Lead hand!
Lead hand!
Punch harder! Harder!
Withdraw fast!
Now the rear hand.
One. Two.
Get the speed up.
One. Two. Go.
One. Two. Go.
Hang in there.
Left. Right.
Left. Right. Punch.
Left. Right.
She's got no chance.
Yeah, right?
It'll take her years of training
to get in the ring.
Raise your hand
when you're ready.
I'm not sick.
Boxing has made me thin.
When your mom was moving the goods,
she sprained her back.
The doctor said she should rest
for at least a month.
I need to take care of the delivery.
Your sister can't manage
the grocery store on her own.
Can you go home
and help her out when you're free?
If I go home,
my sister and I will
get into another fight.
Mmm. Your sister can't beat you now.
Try new things while you're young.
That's great.
I'm not getting any younger.
It must have been difficult
living alone out here.
I'm okay
and happy.
You've changed.
I've lost more than 50 kg.
I'm not talking about that.
You're different.
You feel like a whole new person.
can I ask you something?
If you have two apples,
a big one and a small one,
and your friends want one,
which one would you give them?
My friends want one?
The big one.
What about you?
I'll give them both.
My daughter
must have a lot of friends.
No, I don't.
My friends think I don't like apples.
So now you don't give them any?
it depends on my mood.
I didn't know so many people
watch boxing now.
The winning lottery
number for today's session is...
Put the new ones in the back
and those nearly expired ones in front.
Where should we put the extra ones?
Put them in the storage room back there.
your sister has been
practicing boxing recently.
Your sister has been
practicing boxing recently.
To lose weight.
It apparently works.
It's not that.
She said she wanted to win once.
To win once?
She's thin now.
Marry a good man
and I'll consider she wins for once.
Watch your posture.
A boxer
in the upcoming match is injured.
There's a spot open.
I signed her up.
It's great. Tell her to train harder.
This is a professional competition.
She won't be able to finish it.
I don't see any problem here.
Her left jab is very impressive.
All right.
Then train her right jab.
Maybe you can win.
Then you can pay up your gym fee.
Thank you.
Keep practicing.
Beers from the Third Grocery.
- Do you have any cold drinks?
- Yeah.
I got a free bottle.
Don't run.
Why are you running away?
Stop running.
Don't run.
Why are you running away?
Stop running.
Listen to me.
Why are you running away?
I quit.
You have a new job?
How much weight have you lost?
About 100 pounds.
That's 50 kg.
The weight of a bag of cement.
That thing is so heavy.
I'll fight in a boxing match
next Sunday.
Do you wanna come and watch it?
No, I don't.
I hate people who have dreams.
They won't come true.
It's annoying.
Why do you box?
I just...
want to win once.
Boxing is interesting.
The rivals punch each other
so hard in the match.
In the end, they hug.
That's good.
Big Head,
roll call.
I have to go.
Focus on your core.
Use your abs.
Hang in there.
Hold on.
Last set.
Come on.
Hang in there. Stay strong.
Keep it going!
This girl looks so familiar.
I bet every hot girl
looks familiar to you.
I wonder if we should
also go for a jog.
Jogging is not good
for your knee.
Focus on your movements.
I've got enough.
Are you insane?
How can you quit?
We tried so hard to get on this.
I don't understand.
How could a daughter...
Talking to your mom like this?
I'll go for a run.
Kids, go play over there
and be careful.
Your rival is a pro.
If it's too hard for you, I'll stop it.
We can end it at any time.
It's not a shame.
Come here.
Let's warm up.
Come on.
Nice fight. We're ready to go.
All right, let's go.
One second.
Good luck.
All right.
Come and step in the talcum.
Have some water.
Time for our first match today,
women's boxing, lightweight.
Firstly, in the red corner
is Du Leying,
weighing in at 56 kg
and making her debut.
She's from Xinli Fitness.
In the blue corner is Liu Hongxia,
a ten-time winner and no defeats.
She knocked out her rivals eight times
and won four women's
lightweight tournaments.
She's from Feiyue Boxing Club.
You're just a substitute.
We can throw in the towel
at any time.
Let the match begin.
Boxers, no clinching,
no head-butting,
and no striking with the inside
of the glove. Understood?
Open your mouth.
Corner teams, clear the ring.
Come on, go for it.
- Box!
- Come on!
Remember to take defense.
- Not bad, not bad.
- Good.
- Stop.
- I told you. Boxing isn't that simple.
It's okay. On your feet, quickly.
And try not to bounce around.
Don't bounce around.
Punch her in the belly.
Pay attention to the pace.
Get some distance.
- Defense!
- Don't get pressured.
- Defense!
- Circle out!
- Guard, keep your guard up.
- Circle out!
Hang in there.
Hang in there.
Watch your steps.
Don't let your hands down.
Guard. Don't let her corner you.
Circle out! Get out of there!
- Get out of there!
- Fight back!
Get out of there!
- Circle out!
- Clinch!
Stop. Stop.
Hands. Breathe.
Don't let your guard down.
Keep your hands up!
Ten seconds to go.
Hang in there!
Time's up.
That's good.
Come on, take a break.
Her punches are heavier than yours.
But you're more agile than she is.
Next round.
Give her a towel.
Wipe it.
All right, drink.
There is a difference
between a pro and an amateur.
Let's throw in the towel
and end it.
It's already an achievement you're here.
- There is no shame in stopping it early.
- I can do it.
Okay, take a deep breath.
If you can still fight,
try to punch back more often.
If you don't engage actively, the referee
- will stop the fight.
- Okay.
Don't let him count to eight.
All right, just breathe.
- I'll throw in the towel if I have to.
- Corner teams, clear the ring.
I can do this.
Throw a punch!
Hold your hands up.
Stop. Stop! Break!
All right.
Punch her.
Get up!
The ref is counting to eight!
Fight! Nice!
Come on, let's keep it up.
Push her off, push her off.
Come on, come on.
Hurry up!
She's going to collapse. Come on!
Keep it up.
Take a break.
Nice try,
I can't believe you could last this long.
Sit down.
Is she mad?
She can't win.
Why doesn't she stop?
- Should we end the fight?
- I don't quit.
Okay, relax.
- Have some water.
- Let's throw in the towel.
I can finish it.
Let me finish it.
You have fought long enough.
- You're not on the same level with her.
- I can finish it.
Come on!
Breathe! Breathe!
All right.
You wanna fight?
Your left jab is quite good.
Show her your left jab.
- Right.
- Whenever you can,
- use your left jab.
- Okay.
If you fall, get up fast!
Don't let the ref count to eight again.
Come on!
Don't let your guard down!
Don't give her time to rest.
Keep your guard up!
Ledan, stop hitting your sister.
Stop it!
You ought to sign it!
Look, Leying.
I'm sorry.
I know there's nothing I can say
to undo the damage
I have caused to you.
we're getting married
on the 8th of next month.
Can you be my maid of honor?
If you don't come,
they'll call me a homewrecker.
Thank you for coming.
But she can't drink today.
She's pregnant.
Well, look,
let's take a photo together.
Come on.
Get over here.
Leying, come!
Counting to one. Say cheese.
Three, two, one.
What's up, man?
Did you fight with your girlfriend?
She's not my girlfriend, just a trainee.
It's not your first time, is it?
My boss is impressed
by your story.
I can become an official employee.
You can always count
on your family.
It wasn't my...
It wasn't like that.
It's okay, Leying.
You don't have to explain.
These are all malicious edits.
We'll edit this part out later.
Um, Leying, can you please
do me another favor?
Can you pretend to pass out now?
We need it to be dramatic.
Please, Leying.
If you do that,
I can become a regular employee.
Please help me, Leying.
Camera 3, get closer.
- Who found this candidate?
- Take her face.
Get a face shot!
Get closer! Closer!
Is she crying?
Why isn't she crying?
It's okay.
- Is she a relative of yours?
- Hell no,
if she didn't have a story,
I wouldn't have gone to her.
Never mind.
Get a full front shot.
It hurts.
Let me die!
It won't hurt after I die.
It hurts.
It hurts.
Why am I not hurt at all?
Let me finish it.
I can finish it.
It's over. It's over.
The fight is over. It's over.
I can do it.
You did it. You came through to the end.
You did it.
We'll announce
the results of the competition.
The winner of this match is
the blue fighter,
Liu Hongxia.
You fought well.
Look what a mess you are.
You should have let me
end it earlier.
But for what it's worth,
this is the most impressive match
I've ever watched.
Good night.
Go home and rest.
I saw your WeChat post.
Does it hurt?
Like hell.
This is the way things are in boxing.
You did well.
Your rival is professional.
You're so close to winning.
I've already won.
Never mind.
Well, let me take you out for dinner.
We'll eat bullfrogs.
I don't like bullfrogs.
Well, we can eat something else.
Rain check?
Right, you...
You had a tough day.
So when can you go out?
We'll see.
Gotta go.
I specially styled the cute
boxing braids for a boxing match.
But I'm going against
a pro athlete.
I would be singing the victory song
if I could land a solid punch.
Later, we'll duplicate
that one punch into multiple,
making it look like
she took a really good beating.
Here we go!
I can't hold on for five seconds.
MARCH 2023
Ling, if you lose 50 kg,
what's the first thing you want to do?
I'd like to
get a perm with big waves,
and wear an evening gown.
April, 2023
MAY 2023
These sketches
are not perfectly square for now.
with dedication and practice,
I believe they will get better
and more like
a square over time.
Why did you start
to learn drawing, Ling?
No particular reason.
I just want to become
a better version of myself.
JUNE 2023
I'm awesome!
Did I land a hit?
Yes, you did!
I did it!
It's a wrap!
Director, have a piece of cake.
Director, I love you.