You Are Not Me (2023) Movie Script
[ominous music playing]
[luggage belt rattling]
[PA alert playing]
[PA announcement indistinct]
[in Spanish]
Where's our luggage?
I don't think it arrived.
I'll file a claim
and you get the car keys, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- [baby fusses]
[singing in Portuguese] The cockroach
says it has velvet slippers
But it's a lie
from the cockroach
Because it has hairy feet
Ha ha ha, hi hi hi
It has hairy feet
Ha ha ha, hi hi hi...
[in Spanish]
What a lying cockroach...
Are you nervous?
What I am is exhausted.
There was so much turbulence,
I hardly slept.
You should have called.
And miss Saul's face? Tsk.
You'll see how happy they'll be.
[resumes singing in Portuguese]The cockroach says
It has seven skirts
of fine silk
And it's a lie
Because the cockroach
has only one
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho ho
It has only one...
Ha ha ha, hi hi hi
- [thud]
- [gasps]
- [tires squealing]
- [brakes screeching]
[baby crying]
[breathing heavily]
[in Spanish]
Are you okay?
What the hell was that?
- [belt clicks]
- I don't know...
Don't go out!
[door alarm dinging]
[phone dings]
[branch cracks]
[suspenseful music playing]
[in Spanish]
You won't believe it.
- [suspenseful music continues]
- [snorting]
[engine cuts off]
- [in Catalan] Merry Christmas, Mom.
- [Dori] Aitana!
You're calling early this year, no?
Any later, the line collapses
and it's a hassle.
Of course, very well.
How is my little Joao?
He's a glutton,
getting bigger every day.
Oh, I can't wait to hug him.
We would love
to be there with you.
Oh, yes, yes.
It's Joao's first Christmas.
Yes, that would be wonderful.
- But we'll see you New Year's Eve, right?
- Of course.
Bring warm clothes,
it's cold.
Here in Sao Paulo it doesn't get
below 30 degrees.
- Oh, I envy you...
- [giggles]
- Enjoy the good weather.
- [doorbell rings]
Okay, Mom.
See you in a week.
Looking forward to seeing you.
- Merry Christmas!
- Bye, kisses.
I'm hanging up,
someone is ringing the doorbell.
[door buzzes]
[in Spanish]
You'll see the look on their faces!
Is Dori home?
Yes, of course, and who is it?
Aitana, her daughter.
And you are...
Oh, Aitana!
But weren't you due
to arrive in a few days?
Yes, yes, but we wanted
to surprise them.
I see.
[baby fussing]
- Where is my mother?
- She's inside,
preparing for dinner.
As she wasn't expecting you,
she sent me to open the door.
Well, I'm Pepita, your parents' friend.
I am Gabi, and he is Joao.
Oh! [chuckles]
Are you tired?
[Gabi] It has been a very long journey.
We are also very tired.
How cute!
Pepita, it's very cold.
Joao is going to freeze.
Excuse me, don't just
stand here at the door.
[in Spanish] Look
what I found at the gate!
- [Dori] Aitana!
- [chuckles]
We were passing by
and saw the light on.
- Aitana!
- [Justo] How are you?
[in Catalan] But weren't you
going to spend Christmas Eve in Brazil?
- Why didn't you tell us?
- [Saul] Dad,
you haven't seen your daughter
in three years.
Yes, but just showing up like this...
Don't hold it against him.
You know your father
doesn't like the unexpected.
You should have told us.
It was supposed to be a surprise.
[singing in Spanish]Aitana returns for Christmas...
[in Spanish]
Gabi, we're finally meeting you.
But we already know her from Zoom.
[in Catalan] How's it going,
sister-in-law- ?
Very well, handsome.
Happy holidays and happy new year.
- [all chuckling]
- [Saul] Wow, very good!
[in Spanish]
Hello Gabi, welcome.
Sorry, dear, I'm still recovering
from the surprise.
Thank goodness you came early,
I thought I was going to die
of boredom this evening.
Wow, what a responsibility.
Well, we haven't slept
in over 20 hours,
so I don't know if we'll last long.
Would you like to hold him?
No, no, don't even think about it.
Let's not make any trouble.
Right now I don't have
much strength in my arms.
I don't know if it's a good idea.
[Pepita] Let's see,
give him to me.
Come here...
Oh, my goodness,
he's heavy!
How old is he?
Six months.
Dori, here, you take him.
He's so cute!
He's like a bonbon.
You're a bonbon...
a chocolate bonbon!
[Joao fussing]
[in Spanish] Oh, he wants
to go to mommy.
Well, what a joy.
There's nothing better
than spending Christmas
with the family.
Right, Dori?
Of course, of course.
I have to clean
the baby.
Let's go to the bathroom and then
I will show you my room.
Mom, you still have
my toys, don't you?
I would like them for Joao.
Wait, why don't you
sit down a while?
Don't you want to have
a warm drink?
Later, Mom.
- Okay, I'll go with you.
- Mom, I know the way.
You didn't tell her,
did you?
My parents are a bit uptight,
they can't help it.
- [bells ringing]
- But you'll see
when you meet
my aunt and uncle.
They're such lovely people.
Saul was so happy
when he saw us.
Yes, he is a sweetheart.
Here's the bathroom.
[Pepita in Catalan]
Your grandson is beautiful.
- And he looks very much like his...
- He's adopted.
He came from an orphanage.
I would never guess it.
- [Spanish] Do you want to take a shower?
- [in Portuguese] Later.
Okay, I'm going to get us
some clothes to change into.
All my clothes are still in the closet.
- Any preferences?
- [in Portuguese] I trust your good taste.
[clattering, thudding]
[suspenseful music playing]
[heavy breathing]
[in Catalan] I don't understand it.
What a blow she gave me, fuck!
You just scared her.
Of course, that's why
she stayed in bed.
So, who is she?
Her name is Nadia.
[in Spanish] She's very nice,
you'll love her.
[in Catalan] And she helps
your parents a lot.
Oh, you've hired a housekeeper.
Why is she in my bedroom?
Isn't there any other place?
Where are my things, Mom?
Where are my clothes?
- [in Spanish] Did something happen?
- Don't worry, Nadia.
It's Aitana,
she's come unannounced...
- Dad, that was a surprise.
- Of course, of course.
[in Spanish, then Portuguese]
Hi, I'm Gabi. Nice to meet you.
[continues in Spanish] Hi.
And who are you, little guy?
Hey, girl. You're Justo
and Dori's daughter, no?
Fuck, you scared the shit out of me.
Did I hurt you?
I used to have pajamas
like this, didn't I, Mom?
Oh, really?
Dori gifted them to me.
[in Catalan]
Well, where do we sleep?
[in Spanish] Listen,
I'll leave the room if you want.
[Dori] No, honey,
that's not necessary.
[in Catalan] We put her there because
it's the warmest room.
You haven't used it in a long time
and the poor thing is always cold.
And there's only room
for one person.
No problem.
We can sleep in the guest room.
I don't think aunt and uncle will mind
sleeping at their place tonight.
Aunt and uncle are not coming tonight.
Why? We always spend
Christmas Eve together.
They had another engagement.
Anyway, the guest room is occupied.
Oriol and Pepita
have come from far away
to spend Christmas with us.
So what do we do?
Do we sleep in the turret?
[in Spanish] Ugh, the turret
is full of junk.
Listen, it's all right,
I'll get my things and air the room out.
No, don't worry, Nadia.
No, my child,
it's not necessary.
[in Catalan]
There's a good hotel nearby.
I'll take you there right away.
A hotel?
Of course, you're exhausted.
You can rest
and we'll see you tomorrow.
But today is Christmas Eve.
[in Spanish]
And can we see the tu-rret?
Sending us to a hotel...
If it were up to my parents,
I'd still be in the closet.
Your parents want us
to be comfortable.
[in Portuguese]
They are doing it for our own good.
This is so big.
[Aitana in Spanish]
I'll show you tomorrow.
[in Portuguese]
Are you okay?
[in Spanish]
I imagined it so different.
I don't know. I thought everyone
would be happy to see us.
That it would be
a usual Christmas Eve,
and look, we ended up
in this junk room.
[Joao fussing]
[in Spanish]
It's not so bad here.
- [Gabi humming]
- [sighs]
How did he look to you?
He's worse than I thought.
Where is Joao's toiletry bag?
I don't know.
You must have left it in the bathroom.
I'll go look.
[distant laughter]
[Dori in Spanish]
Well, Nadia,
we should get changed for dinner.
You know you have to dress nicely.
What are you going to wear?
[Nadia] Hmmm... I don't know,
I don't have anything cool.
Then we'll have to do
something to fix that.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Nadia] Holy shit, this is so cool.
It must have cost you a fortune.
Thank you very much.
[Dori] I'm glad you like it.
This dress means a lot to me.
Come on, go try it on,
my daughter.
[Nadia] Okay, but first
I will take a shower.
[Pepita in Catalan] By the way,
we'll have to think about
where Aitana and her friend will sit,
and rearrange the table.
[Dori] Yes, I don't know how she'd even
think of showing up unannounced.
She couldn't have been
more inopportune.
[in Catalan] Excuse me,
have you seen Joao's toiletry bag?
[in Spanish] Hey, girl,
do you see how pretty this is?
[in Portuguese] Aitana,
I don't recognize you.
You're acting like a child.
[in Spanish] It's just too much,
my wedding dress.
Are you sure about that?
Well, they've shortened it
and cut off the train,
but yes, it's my wedding dress.
My fucking wedding dress!
I didn't know that dress
was so important to you.
You never wore it!
You never wanted
to get married!
It's not the dress.
It's how my parents
are treating her.
Really? You're jealous
of the housekeeper?
Gabi, I come home and find
a total stranger
sleeping in my bed,
wearing my pajamas,
smelling of my cologne,
and on top of that she gets
my wedding dress as a present.
I bet she's even
wearing my panties.
Do you think it's normal?
And we are here,
in this pigsty.
They don't even want us
here tonight.
[in Portuguese]
What are you talking about?
[in Spanish]
This place is a mess.
These aren't conditions for a baby.
We're leaving.
[wind blowing]
[in Spanish]
You're making a mistake.
No way.
The mistake was to come here.
Did you see the look on their faces
when we arrived?
It's normal,
we arrived unannounced.
Yes, it's just that
I'm very "inopportune."
We're leaving.
[engine turns over]
Just like that,
without telling them?
[in Portuguese]
Are you going to do it again?
[in Spanish] Aitana,
we have crossed the planet
to spend tonight as a family.
And we're going
to spend it as a family.
My aunt and uncle love surprises.
[phone dings]
If they answer me, we go.
If they don't, we stay.
[in Spanish] Hello,
Aunt Agatha, it's Aitana.
[in Catalan]
I just arrived from Brazil.
I have been told
that you're not coming tonight.
I'll be here for a few days,
I'd like to see you.
I'll call you later.
- [in Spanish] The answering machine.
- [Joao fussing]
You'll see how the night
will turn out.
Everything happens for a reason.
[engine cuts off]
Bottle time.
Your turn.
[Saul in in Catalan] Don't you like them
in the shape of a heart?
[in Spanish]
No, it's not cheesy.
These are Belgian.
[in Catalan]
And why would we buy your favorites,
if you can't eat them anymore?
- No, there are not too many.
- [wheelchair whirs]
Because there will be many of us.
I don't know, many.
Sal, what are you doing?
Who are you talking to?
[suspenseful music playing]
To Grandpa.
- To Grandpa?
- Hm.
Is Grandpa here now?
No, he's already gone.
Grandpa wanted to know
if the chocolates
have liquor inside.
Saul, you know that Grandpa
died a few years ago, right?
[in Spanish]
Of course I know that.
[in Catalan] Grandpa
got fed up with everything
and killed himself.
No, Grandpa was diabetic
and died of a sugar spike.
That's what you all think,
but Grandpa was fed up,
went to his favorite bakery
and decided to end it all.
No, Saul, Grandpa
had a sweet tooth.
We always had to hide candy
from him, remember?
His death was an accident.
No, it wasn't.
Grandpa told me what happened.
Dad didn't believe me at first either.
- [microwave beeping]
- Do Mom and Dad know you talk to Grandpa?
- [light hissing]
- Of course.
Can I talk to him?
No, he just wants to talk to me.
- [in Spanish] And how are you doing?
- Fine.
[in Catalan]
A bit tired, but fine.
Now I do rehab
with Nadia every day.
Nadia helps you?
Well, she does
what she can, poor thing.
She helps me get dressed,
she gives me my medication...
And why didn't you tell me?
Mom and Dad told me
not to tell you,
that you'd find out.
Grandpa likes her very much.
He says she's good for me.
[clock ticking loudly]
[in Spanish]
Is something wrong?
Are you angry?
No, no.
It's just jet lag.
I need to sleep,
I'm exhausted.
It shows. You look bad.
- [goofy laugh]
- Mm.
[in Catalan] I'm going
to give Joao his dinner.
[in Spanish]
What's up?
[kettle whistling]
[in Catalan] I am very happy
that you came...
and that I met my nephew.
[kettle continues whistling]
[dramatic music playing]
[in Spanish]
Saul, what's wrong?
Dad, help!
Help, please! Saul!
Dad! Dad!
[sighs, then in Catalan]
I don't understand it.
It's been a long time
since his last attack.
Did you have an argument?
[in Spanish]
No, no, not at all.
[in Catalan] Perhaps he was perturbed
by your surprise visit.
- I didn't think...
- You are exhausted.
You should get some sleep.
Do you need a sleeping pill?
[in Portuguese]
Can I help?
[in Spanish] Sure, dear.
You can place the plates.
What about the baby?
[in Spanish] He is so tired
that he has fallen asleep
without taking his bottle.
Your daughter is with him.
[Joao fussing]
[wind blowing]
[Nadia humming]
[in Spanish]
What are you doing?
Give me my child.
[whispering indistinct]
What the fuck
are you laughing about?
Move away from there.
[Aitana breathing shakily]
Give me back my son.
[gasps, pants]
[Joao crying]
[crying stops]
[in Catalan]
Do you want your bottle? Yes?
[shower running]
[Nadia humming]
[soft music playing]
[contents rattling]
[Nadia in Spanish]
What are you doing?
I was looking for some pictures
and my clothes.
Dori will know about that.
I think she put
all your stuff in a box.
I'm going to ask her.
Hey, hey, wait.
You missed this.
[Dori in Spanish]
[Gabi in Portuguese]
Thank you.
How is Aitana feeling?
[in Spanish]
These days of relaxation with the family
will do her good.
She needed this holiday.
She has been a bit strange
since she arrived.
[in Portuguese] Oh, yes.
In the favelas where she works
there is a lot of violence.
She is under a lot of stress.
[in Spanish]
She didn't stop taking her medication?
[in Portuguese]
Mm, I don't understand.
[in Spanish] The pills.
She's been taking them
since the crisis.
Hasn't she told you
about her crisis?
[Dori] We'd never seen her
like that before.
She was in treatment
and did well.
She even seemed happy.
Then she disappeared
without warning.
I didn't know, I thought...
If she hasn't mentioned it,
I haven't told you anything, okay?
Anyway, Oriol and Pepita
here with us,
and you sit here.
No, dear, that space is for Saul.
Oh, that's right, sorry.
No, it's all right.
Sometimes I also forget
that he can no longer walk.
[in Portuguese]
I am very sorry.
[in Spanish] It's unfair.
And it's going so fast...
In Houston they are experimenting
with new therapies.
Houston, Munich...
We have tried everything
and spent all our money.
We have nothing left to mortgage.
But this family won't give up
without fighting.
[Pepita in Spanish]
And we'll be there to help you.
As my grandmother used to say,
"Love is repaid with love."
[soft music playing]
[distant conversation]
[Oriol in English]
Yes, okay.
Safe trip.
Kisses to both of you.
[in Catalan] Well,
it is already underway.
You're not happy?
I've been thinking about it
and perhaps it's better
if we cancel
and wait a few weeks.
Cancel at this point?
No, man, not with what it has cost
to get everyone together.
We didn't count on Aitana.
What do we do with her?
Don't worry.
- She won't fit in.
- Justo, don't worry.
These people are not that
conservative in private.
They are very open-minded
and don't care if your daughter
is a lesbian.
- I know, but...
- Take it easy.
I have everything under control.
[Aitana] Dad!
Excuse me,
can I talk to you for a moment?
Sure, Aitana.
I wanted to talk to you too.
Go on!
I'm going to sneak a cigarette.
Pepita doesn't let me!
How is Saul?
Well, the Clobazam has taken effect
and he's resting now.
I heard him talking to Grandpa.
Ah, does that seem normal to you?
He was talking to Grandpa
who's been dead for five years.
I guess in his situation
there are a lot of things
going through his head.
Dad, Saul is raving.
No maybe.
It's crystal clear!
He's talking
to his dead grandfather!
It could be the medication,
it could be the disease...
But who's to say that
the Grandpa thing isn't true?
Grandpa may be preparing him for...
What are you saying?
Do you hear yourself?
You've never believed in those things.
Are we going crazy?
It's possible, Aitana,
I don't know.
But Saul told me
Grandpa's secrets that only I knew.
Damn it, Dad.
Don't be so inflexible!
Maybe the housekeeper's
making a mistake
with the doses of the medication.
Look, Aitana,
Nadia is reliable
and you don't know
how much she is helping this family.
But you don't know this girl....
Everything we do is
for the good of your brother!
And I take this opportunity
to ask you, please,
don't embarrass me tonight
in front of my guests.
It wouldn't be the first time
you've done it.
[Pepita in Catalan]
Have you seen how elegant Nadia looks?
[in Spanish] You look gorgeous.
You look like an angel.
Or a bride.
What an exaggeration,
I look like a merengue pie.
And you, girl,
what are you going to wear?
Well, they've lost my luggage,
so they've decided for me.
If you want,
I can lend you something.
No, thank you.
I prefer to find my own clothes.
[suspenseful music playing]
[in Spanish]
What's this?
[in Catalan] I thought it'd be a Christmas
dinner as usual, with the family...
This year some
of Pepi's friends are coming
and it'll be a bit fancier.
Well, we'll have to change
our clothes, won't we?
Where are my clothes, Mom?
I donated them to charity.
So what do we do?
Can we borrow something of yours?
Or look, I'd better ask Nadia
for my wedding dress.
But you've never
wanted to wear it.
[in Spanish]
Joao hasn't had his dinner.
[in Catalan]
What about this?
Can you explain it to me?
At what point did you decide
to remove me from this family?
Aitana, please,
now is not the time.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Oh, no? Well, I think now is the time.
And someone should offer an explanation.
Are you asking me for an explanation,
you who've always done whatever
you wanted without giving any?
Tell me, did you give us
any explanation
when you disappeared
from the job at your father's clinic?
Or when you disappeared three weeks
before the wedding without warning?
I'd been giving you and Dad
signs for years
- that you didn't want to see.
- I don't know...
Did you really not realize?
Aitana, you should have told us.
Anything better than what you did,
running away like that.
Alright, now you're getting
dramatic, no?
We didn't hear from you
for almost a year
until you felt like calling us.
You even didn't come
when your brother got sick.
And what do you think
I could've done?
Do you think that my coming
would have cured him?
No, but for once you would have
faced the problems
instead of running away.
And you would have
shown him you care.
Saul knows how much I care about him.
We talk every week.
Besides, I told you
we were in a pandemic
and I had to work.
I was saving lives.
Saving lives...
The social justice warrior is here.
Any stranger is more important
than your brother.
And any stranger is more important
than your daughter?
I don't know, Mom.
We'd better go to a hotel.
Anyway, you've already
found a replacement for me.
[Saul in Catalan]
What's wrong? Why are you shouting?
We are leaving.
We are not welcome here.
What are you
talking about? Mom!
Your sister is very stubborn.
It's better if they go to a hotel.
We'll talk tomorrow if we have to.
If they leave,
I'm going with them. Aitana!
Sal! Sal!
Aitana, please!
Come back immediately!
Sit down.
We found Nadia nine months ago.
She was at our front door,
shivering from the cold and starving.
She offered to take care of the garden
in exchange for sleeping on the porch.
And your father let her
sleep in the shed.
After a month,
seeing that she was good,
we let her sleep in the house.
You brought home a beggar? You?
[in Spanish]
Nadia is not a beggar,
- she's a refugee.
- [in Catalan] What are you saying?
You're always repulsed
by those people!
But Nadia is different.
She's very good with your brother
and helps us at home
in exchange for food and lodging.
What's the problem?
You work helping the poor,
you should understand the situation.
That's precisely why.
You shouldn't bring
a stranger into the house.
She could be a criminal.
Or a serial killer.
Aitana, are you going to be
the xenophobe?
She has always been
a suspicious one.
- Me, suspicious?
- Give her a chance!
Besides, any day she'll be gone,
just like she came.
Mom, you are blind.
I found Grandma's earrings
in her room.
The ruby ones
I loved so much as a child.
Damn it, Mom,
she's stealing from us!
Did you think that...?
No, woman, no.
Nadia is not a thief.
Your father gave them to her as a gift,
so she could
wear them tonight.
Well, since they are hers,
give them back to her!
[Saul] Aitana!
[in Catalan] Aitana,
I'm coming with you!
- You can't come.
- Then stay.
See you tomorrow.
No, you won't come back.
Aitana, please...
Aitana, please
don't go again, please.
- [Saul cries]
- [smooches]
[Gabi in Spanish]
A beggar?
No, not a beggar.
A refugee.
Maybe all this
is a bad dream too.
Maybe I'm still on the plane
and I'm going to wake up
with turbulence.
You're awake now.
I was afraid of that.
And was there something wrong
with Joao this time too?
She was with him and dropped him.
It was so real...
It used to happen
to me too as a child.
I had a lot of nightmares.
- Nightmares?
- Yes.
And one day I told
my teacher about it.
And she told me
that I should count to three,
repeat that it was a dream
and face the monster.
So when I dreamed
of the monster again,
I counted to three:
"one, two, three"
and that was it.
Gabriecinha, the warrior.
"The terror of monsters."
That's me.
If only it were that easy
to take down the real monsters.
[phone vibrating]
I got a call from my aunt.
- [phone dings]
- Shitty coverage...
[Pepita] Girls, we're going
to serve an aperitif.
Are you coming down?
[man on TV in Spanish]The whole city should join
our "Share Your Table
With The Poor" campaign.
Let us all be brothers
for one night.
Let the uncaring be generous
for one night.
Let the poor dine for one night.
[light chuckling]
- Have you rested yet, my pretties?
- [Gabi] Mm-hmm.
Is my chocolate bonbon sleeping?
Yes, we have been very lucky.
He spends most of his time sleeping.
[Justo] Nadia,
my child, can you come?
Sure, coming.
Come, you two, try the herbal liqueur
my wife has prepared.
Whet your appetite.
[in Portuguese] Of course,
a little liquor is good.
Thank you.
Don't you drink?
[in Spanish]
Oh, I've already had a couple.
Are you also a doctor, Gabi?
No, I'm a teacher,
but we both work for the same
NGO in Sao Paulo.
[in Catalan] The best thing about this job
is that we get paid to help people.
Hmm. How interesting.
Well, you could say
that I help people too.
To increase their income.
- [chuckles]
- Oriol worked in finance for 40 years
and still works at it from time to time.
I would love to travel to Brazil.
[in Spanish] Do you practice
Santeria there, Gabi?
In Brazil it's called candombl,
but I don't believe in it,
and I don't dance samba either.
Today's young people
are all atheists, Pepi.
[Gabi in Portuguese]
Thank you.
Well, I think we're all energy.
[Pepita in Spanish] Exactly.
We all share the same energy
that gives us life.
[in Catalan] And what do you
believe in, Oriol?
Me? I only believe in what I see.
And at my age, I've seen it all!
And how did you meet my parents?
[Oriol] We became friends
about three years ago.
On a cruise to the Greek islands.
How wonderful.
[Oriol] We had dinner the first night
at the same table,
and you know: "Valencians
and Catalans, first cousins."
And it was fortunate that we met.
If your parents hadn't crossed our path,
I probably wouldn't be here.
What a thing to say, Pepi.
Pepita choked on a piece of meat.
By the time I realized it,
she was turning purple.
Don't remind me, Oriol.
It was horrible.
I was screaming in desperation
and nobody was doing anything.
And suddenly, your father
came along and did this...
- What's it called?
- Oh...
[in Spanish] Heimlich.
Heimlich maneuver.
[Pepita in Catalan]
That's right!
[switching to Spanish]
Blessed Heimlich!
Everything happens for a reason.
[Gabi in Spanish]
And what happened to your hand?
Someone read the lines
on her hand
and Pepita didn't like
what they said,
so Pepita... wham!
- Oh, come on. Really?
- [Pepita] Of course!
I changed my fate forever.
Here, Gabi, there is none
of this in your country.
Don't tell me
you're a vegetarian?
Well, yes.
I don't eat meat.
Now it is fashionable.
You're not animalists, are you?
Like those who have freed the pigs.
Ah, you haven't heard.
A truck was robbed nearby.
A mess...
it was even on the news.
Oh, I think we ran over
one on the road.
[Pepita] Really?
What a pity about the ham. Mm...
[in Catalan]
By the way, Justo,
I have to take you to Penyeta Rotja
to pick your "little spotted one."
[in Spanish]
And what is that?
Hm. [in Spanish]
Hasn't he explained it to you?
The spotted white leg of Penyeta Rotja,
in the Alt Empord.
[in Catalan]
They have it very well organized.
You spend the weekend there
and choose a newborn piglet.
You can even name it.
[both chuckling]
[in Spanish]
Look, look...
The piglet lives
in the field like a king.
They send you pictures
every week.
You can visit it whenever you want.
All organic.
They have the best acorns,
- they have music for their well-being...
- [laughing]
They even give them
massages with olive oil!
Do they get massages?
It's amazing how much the pig enjoys it!
It lives like God for a year, then...
And they send the sausages
to your house.
That's horrible!
Do you think it's horrible
to honor an animal
that is going to be sacrificed
for your pleasure?
[in Catalan] Oh, Oriol,
I felt a little sorry for our little pig.
[phone vibrating]
[in Spanish]
Is he crying?
No, I don't think so,
I'll go check.
[Nadia singing indistinct]
[Gabi in Spanish]
What are you doing?
He is very handsome.
You shouldn't leave the window open.
He might catch a cold.
We didn't open that window.
- Sometimes I'd like...
- [Joao fussing] go back to being a baby,
but knowing everything I know now.
It would be nice, wouldn't it?
Yes, I guess so.
You see them,
so tiny, so innocent,
not knowing what's coming next.
Yeah, and what's next for them?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Aitana in Spanish]
My uncle swinging me
and me saying "Harder, harder!"
And I thought,
"What will happen if I let go?"
So, I flew up there...
and I broke my collarbone.
- [in Portuguese] You were a wild child.
- [chuckles]
[in Spanish]
No way! Look...
I was so cute.
What a beauty!
Tomorrow we'll look for more.
Shall we go back?
It's cold.
You go, I'll go later.
[Joao babbling]
[wind blowing]
Don't let go!
[neighbor 1] Nadia!
Damn it, come here!
Do you still have Tramadol?
[neighbor 2]
Girl, this morphine is the shit.
Do you have any more left?
What the fuck is this?
- Who the hell are you?
- Dude, let's go.
[in Catalan]
Get out!
- Fuck, let's go!
- Wait, damn it!
If you come back, I'll call the police
and they'll explain it to you.
Holy shit. Let's get
the fuck out of here!
What a bitch!
[neighbor 2]
Come on, dude! I m leaving!
[neighbor 1] Tell Nadia
to give me back my money
or she'll regret it.
Nobody fools me!
[Aitana in Spanish]
Looking for something?
You scared me!
I just came out
to have a cigarette.
I'm getting overwhelmed
with so many old people.
Actually they are all
very nice to me,
but Pepita is very crazy.
All the time
with her damned liquor.
You want some?
No, I don't smoke.
Come on, girl,
it's Christmas!
I said no.
You help my brother.
You take care of his medications,
don't you?
And the crisis he had today,
do you know why it happened?
I don't know, maybe you're giving him
too little tramadol.
Look, girl, that's enough.
You have it out for me!
Excuse me?
Yeah, you think you're cool
but you're a racist, you know?
You do nothing
but fuck with me.
You left and sent everything to hell,
now what do you want?
Look, I don't know
how you fooled my parents,
but you can't fool me,
and you're going
to run out of luck.
Ah, you're here.
Come into the house, dear.
[in Catalan] No, I was telling Nadia,
but if you want to come....
Mom, I need to talk to you.
It's very important.
Now is not the right time.
[horn honking]
[engine idling]
[soft choral music playing]
[sniffs, sighs]
[phone dinging]
[in Spanish] Gabi, Gabi,
please come up.
[in Italian]
Nice to meet you, Justo.
[in Spanish] I've heard
very good things about you.
Please come in.
Is my dear rascal Oriol around?
He's coming,
he's just cleaning up.
Take them to the dressing room.
How are you?
- [in English] Hello, my dear.
- [Pepita in Spanish] Welcome.
- Thank you so much. You look gorgeous!
- [chuckling]
[handle rattles]
- [breathing heavily]
- [suspenseful music playing]
[phone dinging]
- [soft music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Pepita chuckling]
[Pepita in Spanish] Excuse me.
How was the bath, dear?
[in Portuguese]
Very good.
- [in Spanish] And thanks for the sweater.
- [both chuckling]
Have you seen Aitana?
No. I don't know
where Nadia is either.
[door rattling]
[yelling in Spanish]
Gabi! Help!
[yelling] Help!
Is anyone there?
- [party hum]
- [indistinct chatter]
[in Spanish]
You look very handsome.
You too.
Where is Aitana?
That's what I'd like to know.
She must be wandering
around the house,
looking for her childhood toys.
Gabi! I'm upstairs, I'm locked in!
I need you to come upstairs
and let me out!
Gabi, please! We're leaving!
Do you hear me?
[in Spanish] I'm going
to give you some drinks.
Liquor whets the appetite,
you'll see.
- This one's for you.
- Thank you.
And this one for Saul.
Thank you.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
[all chuckle]
Well done.
I'm serving you one more.
[Aitana screaming] Help!
[apprehensive music playing]
[in Portuguese]
Do you know these people?
[in Spanish]
What a "funny" Christmas Eve
we're in for, sister-in-law.
[Saul giggling]
[breathing heavily]
[indistinct chatter]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [thud]
- [all exclaiming]
[in Spanish]
What's going on?
What are you doing,
[in Catalan] I've been locked
in the turret!
What do you mean?
- Who did it?
- And you can't think of anything better
than climbing out of the window?
You could have killed yourself!
[in Portuguese] You left Joao
with the window open!
[in Spanish] You probably
slammed the door.
[Aitana] No, it wasn't me.
I was locked up!
- [snaps fingers at baby monitor]
- [phone buzzes]
I swear it didn't work!
[Gabi] And this?
Look, Aitana, I don't know
what's wrong with you,
[in Portuguese]
but you're not well.
[in Spanish]
Come on, get Joao and let's go.
Now you want to go?
Do you see yourself?
You think what you're doing is normal?
I'm freaking out,
you could have killed yourself!
Gabi, something weird
is happening here.
Yes, you've been doing
some very weird things
since you entered this house.
Maybe you're having
another crisis,
like the one you had
three years ago.
What are you talking about?
My mother told you,
didn't she?
- Fuck.
- She cares about you...
No, my mother is a schemer.
You don't know her.
I don't know you either.
Why didn't you tell me?
Come on, let's go.
[in Portuguese]
That's what you wanted, isn't it?
[in Spanish]
Well, you got it. You got your way.
What are you doing?
Look, if you want to go
to a hotel, it's up to you.
But I'm not paranoid.
I'm going to find out
what's going on in this madhouse
and who locked me in.
[indistinct chatter]
Thank you for staying.
I didn't leave out of respect
for your family.
[soft music playing]
[in heavily accented English]
Dear guests, welcome to our humble home.
- I hope that everything...
- [speaks indistinct]
- ...will be to your delight...
- [in Catalan] Dad in English...
- [laughing]
- [Justo] Oriol,
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank you for all your efforts
so that we can all be here today.
I give the floor.
[in English]
It's been a pleasure, dear Justo and Dori.
Nothing happens by chance,
and our friendship is the proof of it.
I also want to thank you,
dear friends,
for your presence.
Some of you have come
from far away
just to join us tonight.
I especially want to express my gratitude
to our oldest member, Nicols,
or, as we his friends like to call him,
Old Nick.
It is an honor
to have you here, Father.
May your energy enlighten us.
- To the family!
- To the family!
- To Old Nick!
- To Old Nick!
[in Catalan]
What is this all about?
[in Spanish] There's still time
to go to the hotel
and have our own party there, eh?
But we are here now, right, Aitana?
Per la famiglia.
[Aitana and Saul laughing]
[indistinct chatter]
[soft music playing]
[in Catalan] Aitana,
can I talk to you for a moment?
[water running on fountain]
Aitana, I just wanted to ask you
to support your family tonight.
You are a mother and I hope
you never go through the pain
your parents are going through.
But if...
The people I've invited
have come to help your parents.
So I ask you
to treat them with respect.
I know you're a smart girl
and you understand the situation, right?
After all,
you were not invited.
[ominous music playing]
Back to dinner?
[Pepita in Spanish]
Here you are, my dear.
- You haven't had a bite to eat.
- You shouldn't have bothered.
It's no bother.
We are all carnivores here,
but we respect everyone.
See what you think of the dressing
I've prepared for you.
[in Catalan] Pepita,
who are these people?
Let's say, a club of lifelong friends.
[in Spanish]
A very exclusive club, isn't it?
No, I don't think so.
They used to be closed,
but they have modernized.
Here are just a few of them,
but for some years now
they have accepted colored people,
Asians and even Jews.
[Aitana] That man...
what's his name, Nicols?
- [Pepita] Yes.
- Nicols, what else?
Nicols, just Nicols.
[phone vibrating]
Excuse me.
These people make me sick
to my stomach.
Don't talk like that,
they are your parents' guests.
[in Catalan] Little brother,
the chocolate bonbon has left us.
She's joined the team of the mummies.
They'll hear you!
[snort laughs]
[in Portuguese]
You are an idiot.
[all exclaiming]
[man in German]
It looks great.
[in English] Thank you!
[in Spanish] But Pepita
is the artist, I only helped.
[in Spanish with French accent]
It is sure to melt in your mouth.
[in Spanish] Father Nicols,
do us the honors.
[sharpening knife]
- [woman] Oh!
- [polite laughs]
[in Spanish]
Are you going to eat it?
Don't you see it's like a baby?
[Polish guest in Spanish]
That's why it's so tender.
[French guest] C'est dlicieux!
[in Spanish]
If you don't want it, give it to me.
Don't look at me like that,
I haven't killed anyone.
I'm going to check on Joao.
Enjoy your dinner.
[soft music continues playing]
[quiet conversation indistinct]
[in Spanish] What do you need, my dear?
Come, let's go to the kitchen.
I just wanted to come down
for a little while with Joao.
No, this is no place for a baby.
Let's go upstairs!
Why? He's very quiet,
he won't disturb anyone.
No, it's not that...
[Polish guest]
But look how sweet he is...
Dori, what secrets you've kept!
- Can I take him?
- [in English] Me too, don't be selfish.
[all cooing]
[German guest]
Oh, he's so fat. He's so fat.
[women cooing]
Look, how cute!
[Dori] I'd better
take him with me,
he's been coughing since he arrived.
You don't want
to catch the flu, do you?
I'll put him to bed.
[Oriol claps hands]
[in English] Ladies and gentlemen,
who wants seconds?
[soft music resumes]
[in Spanish] Dear,
will you pass me the salt?
Oh, what bad luck this is.
Girls, do the same.
Okay, okay. I don't believe
in these things.
No? What do you believe in?
A nice plate of food and a hot shower.
Excellent answer.
How much we can learn
from these people!
Remember ours?
Yes, years ago we picked up
a child from the street.
Just like you.
His name was Thimbo.
And what happened?
What happened is,
one day he flew away,
like a little bird.
Your baby is
a street child too, right?
[glass tinkling]
[clears throat]
[in English] Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here tonight
to welcome to our great family
Dori and Justo,
and acknowledge
their extraordinary generosity.
[cell phone buzzing]
[Nick] Nine months ago they took
into their home someone...
[Aitana in Catalan]
Merry Christmas, Aunt Agatha.
Merry Christmas, my dear.
Are you okay?
Why didn't you come to dinner?
Your mother told me months ago
she wasn't going to celebrate Christmas.
Just the opposite,
you should see the party
they've organized
at the house.
Ah, well...
they didn't tell us anything.
what do you think of
the newest member of the family?
My dear, I don't know
what you are talking about.
Oh, you don't know Nadia?
The beggar they've adopted.
No idea, we haven't been
to your parents' house in months.
I can't believe it.
Yes, dear,
we are very worried.
Why don't you come
and have a drink?
No way, we're not going
to show up uninvited.
I see.
Remember the Christmas dinners
we used to have?
Of course I remember,
my dear.
Come by the house tomorrow,
we're excited to meet Gabi and Joao.
Very well.
I'll call you tomorrow. Kisses.
Kisses, sweetheart.
Merry Christmas.
- [distant chatter]
- [glasses clinking]
[suspenseful music playing]
[woman moaning]
[moaning continues]
[Nadia in Spanish]
How is the little guy doing?
Sleepy, look.
Wow! What great things
they invent, huh?
Hey, sorry about earlier.
I didn't mean to scare you.
What have you done?
Nothing, don't worry.
I just don't know
how to act sometimes, you know?
I spent a lot of time on the street alone
and sometimes I forget
what normal people are like.
How did you end up like that?
The usual.
My mother abandoned me
and I grew up with my grandparents.
I was a bit of maniac
and when I was sixteen
they threw me out.
Because I sold the TV
to buy drugs.
But... that's over now, isn't it?
Of course, my dear.
I am clean.
Your parents saved my life.
I've been very lucky.
Oh, excuse me,
I'm so tired.
It's Pepita's liqueur.
[woman moaning]
[lock clicks]
[in Catalan]
[muffled music playing]
[indistinct chatter and laughter]
["Shchedryk" by Buscemi
playing at normal volume]
[in Spanish]
Have you seen Dad?
Or Mom?
No. I haven't seen them
for a while now.
[in Spanish] Hello!
How are you?
[in Catalan] Mom!
I have to talk to you.
[in Spanish] Excuse me.
I'll be right back.
- [in Catalan] What do you want?
- It's Nadia. I've discovered...
Are you still at it?
I don't want to know anything about it.
Mom, that girl is--
That's enough, Aitana!
I don't want to hear about it.
I don't want you to spoil my party!
["Shchedryk" by Buscemi continues]
[sound gets distorted]
[in Spanish]
Are you okay, my child?
[gasps, pants]
[in Spanish]
What happened to your hand?
I broke a glass.
Go on without me.
I'm exhausted.
Tomorrow I'll tell you
about Nadia, you'll freak out.
[music, party hum continue]
[in Spanish]
To the family!
[music playing distantly]
[raucous laughter]
[dance music playing]
[in Catalan] I don't think
I'm going to last long.
I've had too much to drink.
It's Pepita's liqueur.
It's very strong.
[in Catalan]
I'm pretty drunk.
[both laughing]
Look, look at Nadia.
She's almost dead.
[Saul laughing]
Saul, this bitch has to go.
Are you at it again?
She's stealing from you.
[Saul snort-laughs]
Don't talk trash.
[in Spanish] Aitana,
little Aitana,
I can hear you. [giggles]
[Justo] Dear daughter,
can you come here for a moment?
I'm coming...
No, not you.
Nadia, will you come with me?
[music volume lowers]
[hitting glass]
[in English] Dear daughter,
you will never know how much hope
you have given to this family.
[in Spanish] Nadia,
thank you for all
that you have given us
and will give us.
And thank all of you,
dear ones,
for sharing in our joy.
[in English]
Thank you, Nadia.
Thank you, everyone!
- [in Polish] Let Nadia speak!
- [in English] Come on, Nadia!
[in Spanish] Let her speak,
yes, yes. Let her "espeak!"
[in German] Let her "espeak"!
[all encouraging Nadia in Spanish]
[clears throat]
[in Spanish] So... mmm...
I don't quite know what to say.
[all chuckling]
Poor thing, she's having
such a hard time.
[Nadia] Okay.
Thank you for being
the family I never had.
[all] Aww!
[Aitana] Wait! Wait!
Dear friends...
I also want to thank you.
You all understand me, right?
Justo, Dori,
thank you for opening my eyes.
Now I know that you'll never accept me
and that you'll never forgive me
for letting you down
with that stupid wedding...
and for abandoning
your ideal son-in-law.
You already have
the daughter you want.
What are you, crazy?
Oh, and thank you for throwing
this absurd party
to please your new guests.
I don't know how you managed
to gather so many motherfuckers
in such a small place--
[in Catalan] That's enough.
You're drunk.
Go to sleep, Aitana.
Yes, I'm drunk.
But you're blind!
[switching to Spanish]
"Nadia, the poor refugee."
Here it says
"Nicoleta Petrescu."
Who the hell is she,
if you don't even know her real name?
How dare you?
That's not yours!
- "Refugee", she says.
- [Dori] Don't listen to her.
This girl is a jerk who's robbing you.
She's dealing Saul's morphine!
Wow, what bad luck you have
with your daughters.
All your girls turn out badly for you.
[in Catalan]
How can you be so despicable?
How dare you come to my house
and disrespect us all?
But did you hear me?
This bitch is stealing from you!
She's dealing Saul's morphine!
Not another word about Nadia!
Shame on you.
- But...
- Shut your mouth!
And let us enjoy the party in peace.
Get out.
Get out!
[Justo in English] Friends,
I apologize for this incident.
[in Catalan] You had
to put on a show after all.
Mom, why don't you love me?
Don't talk nonsense.
Go sleep it off.
Tomorrow will be another day.
[in Spanish] That's it,
get lost, asshole!
And learn to respect
what's not yours!
I'm going to kill you, bitch!
[Dori in Catalan]
What are you doing? Stop!
Stop it!
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Dori in Catalan] Stop it! Stop it!
Aitana, please! Stop this!
[Justo in Catalan]
You're crazy! Aitana!
What are you doing?
Separate them,
for God's sake! Dorita!
[breathing heavily]
[in English] This situation's
made me thirsty. [chuckles]
Anyone else want some wine?
[all in agreement, indistinct]
[in Catalan]
Bitch. Fucking imposter.
[bells ringing]
[breathing heavily]
[door creaks]
- [music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Joao crying]
[crying continues]
[Joao fussing]
[door rattles]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [faucet squeaks]
- [water running]
[microwave door opens]
- [door closes]
- [beeping]
[faucet running]
[suspenseful music playing]
[breathing raggedly]
[Aitana in Spanish]
What the hell are you doing?
You're stealing!
[crying] No, no, no!
[speaking Romanian]
[in Spanish]
You're stealing!
- [in Romanian] No, call the police!
- [in Spanish] I knew it!
[Nadia continues in Romanian]
[Aitana in Spanish]
Here is your thief!
- [Nadia in Romanian] Please let me go...
- [Aitana in Spanish] Fuck!
[Nadia sobbing]
- [male voice] Nadia...
- [gasps]
[speaking Romanian]
[male voice]Nadia.
[closet door squeaks]
[male voice whispering]Nadia.
[suspenseful music playing]
[man in English]
Fucking bitch!
I gave her enough
to knock out a bloody horse!
- [microwave beeping]
- [door opens]
[man in English]
Is that a baby bottle?
[bells ringing]
- [footsteps]
- [breathing heavily]
[dramatic music playing]
- [Nadia panting]
- [Aitana in Spanish] Nadia, who are they?
Why do they want to hurt you?
[praying in Romanian]
[Nadia gasps]
[footsteps approaching]
[man in English]
It's all fixed. Let's go.
[footsteps departing]
[door closes]
[in Spanish]
Let's go!
Get out of there!
Come on!
- [speaking Romanian]
- [in Spanish] Nadia, let's go!
[Nadia crying]
[distant voices]
- Gabi, wake up, we're leaving!
- [mumbles]
Fuck, the cell phones!
- [Joao crying in the distance]
- Joao...
Gabi! Gabi!
Please wake up! Gabi!
Wake up!
[ominous music playing]
[breathing heavily]
- [Joao crying]
- Joao?
- [crying continues]
- [breathing heavily]
[louder crying]
[breathing heavily]
[in Spanish]
Where is Nadia?
What the fuck is this?
[Nicols speaking]
Tell us where she is.
Do it for your brother.
What are you going to do?
We are going to help him.
And we need Nadia.
[in Catalan]
Dad, Dad, stop this shit!
[in Spanish]
Why are you protecting her?
Nadia is nobody!
But we can use her to save your brother,
don't you understand?
You're fucking crazy!
- Mom, Mom, Mom!
- Aitana!
[in Catalan]
Aitana, please!
You are monsters!
[in Spanish] No, no, no...
Your parents are wonderful.
They have taken care
of that filthy sow
and loved her like a daughter.
- Why?
- Why?
Because a beloved child
is the only offering
worthy of a god.
What the fuck?
If you don't give us Nadia,
we'll have to look
for another option.
- [Joao crying]
- Joao?
Joao, no, please don't!
He's just a baby!
Please, no!
- Nadia.
- [muttering]
No, no. Not that way.
- [Joao crying]
- [Aitana pleading in Spanish]
I don't like it either,
but Baal demands a son.
We need to finish this.
The child is not
to blame for anything.
[Aitana crying hysterically]
Aitana decides.
Right, Aitana?
[ominous choral music playing]
[Aitana crying]
[Aitana] Joao, no!
Joao, my child...
Please, he's just a baby...
No, what are you doing?!
You bastards!
Don't touch him...
[Joao crying]
In my pocket.
[in Catalan]
My bedroom closet.
[Oriol in Spanish]
Good girl.
It won't be long now.
Everything happens
for a reason.
[Joao crying]
- [Joao continues crying]
- [Aitana sobbing]
[ominous music playing]
[in Persian] Oh, great Baal,
lord of darkness!
Prince of pain and tears!
Oh, great Baal!
Receive your servants...
who come to honor and celebrate
your immense glory...
and accept this girl
from the street
that we offer you on your night.
Oh, great Baal...
god of rain,
thunder and fertility...
through her sacrifice,
grant us health...
grant us power...
prosperity and love.
And wrap your servants
in your bosom.
Oh, great Baal!
Give us the strength
and the spirit
to be able
to spread your word...
so that your kingdom
may have no end.
Eternal life to Baal!
[all chanting in Persian]
Oh, Great Baal!
Oh, great Baal!
Oh, great Baal!
Oh, great Baal!
Oh, great Baal!
[chanting continues]
[in Spanish] Dad?
[in Catalan] It's all a dream
and I'm going to wake up...
It's all a dream...
- Three!
- [gasps]
[indistinct conversation, distantly]
[bells ringing]
[Dori in Spanish]
He's precious,
and also very clever, Gabi, really.
- [soft music playing]
- [Pepita] What is it, Joao?
Hey, you look very handsome
dressed as Santa Claus!
[Saul in Catalan]
This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy had roast beef.
This little piggy had none.
This little piggy cried
all the way home.
Aitana, daughter,
would you like coffee?
[Saul] Give her two aspirin too,
can't you see she's hungover?
[in Catalan]
Joao, you are so cute.
Dear, I think your father needs help.
Are you up for it?
Aitana, honey,
how about giving your dad a hand?
[Pepita in Spanish]
He is so pretty.
[piano music playing]
[in Catalan]
Come on, lazybones!
There is a lot of work to do!
Daughter, will you make the paella?
I guess you remember
how to make it, don't you?
Today we will make it vegetarian,
so that Gabi can also eat it.
But first...
- The appetizer!
- [sizzling]
Sorry, I'm not feeling well.
[choral music playing]
[bird cawing]
[Dori chuckling, in Spanish]
This is Uncle Saul...
And I am Grandma Dori...
[Joao giggles]
[Dori in Spanish indistinct]
[in Spanish] Have you heard
about Nadia?
Last night,
while everyone was asleep,
she stole everything she could and left.
[in Portuguese]
It's unbelievable.
[in Spanish]
You were right in the end.
Your parents are dying of shame.
[choral music playing softly]
["Szczedryk" choral version playing]
[choral music playing]
[music ends]
[luggage belt rattling]
[PA alert playing]
[PA announcement indistinct]
[in Spanish]
Where's our luggage?
I don't think it arrived.
I'll file a claim
and you get the car keys, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
- [baby fusses]
[singing in Portuguese] The cockroach
says it has velvet slippers
But it's a lie
from the cockroach
Because it has hairy feet
Ha ha ha, hi hi hi
It has hairy feet
Ha ha ha, hi hi hi...
[in Spanish]
What a lying cockroach...
Are you nervous?
What I am is exhausted.
There was so much turbulence,
I hardly slept.
You should have called.
And miss Saul's face? Tsk.
You'll see how happy they'll be.
[resumes singing in Portuguese]The cockroach says
It has seven skirts
of fine silk
And it's a lie
Because the cockroach
has only one
Ha ha ha, ho ho ho ho
It has only one...
Ha ha ha, hi hi hi
- [thud]
- [gasps]
- [tires squealing]
- [brakes screeching]
[baby crying]
[breathing heavily]
[in Spanish]
Are you okay?
What the hell was that?
- [belt clicks]
- I don't know...
Don't go out!
[door alarm dinging]
[phone dings]
[branch cracks]
[suspenseful music playing]
[in Spanish]
You won't believe it.
- [suspenseful music continues]
- [snorting]
[engine cuts off]
- [in Catalan] Merry Christmas, Mom.
- [Dori] Aitana!
You're calling early this year, no?
Any later, the line collapses
and it's a hassle.
Of course, very well.
How is my little Joao?
He's a glutton,
getting bigger every day.
Oh, I can't wait to hug him.
We would love
to be there with you.
Oh, yes, yes.
It's Joao's first Christmas.
Yes, that would be wonderful.
- But we'll see you New Year's Eve, right?
- Of course.
Bring warm clothes,
it's cold.
Here in Sao Paulo it doesn't get
below 30 degrees.
- Oh, I envy you...
- [giggles]
- Enjoy the good weather.
- [doorbell rings]
Okay, Mom.
See you in a week.
Looking forward to seeing you.
- Merry Christmas!
- Bye, kisses.
I'm hanging up,
someone is ringing the doorbell.
[door buzzes]
[in Spanish]
You'll see the look on their faces!
Is Dori home?
Yes, of course, and who is it?
Aitana, her daughter.
And you are...
Oh, Aitana!
But weren't you due
to arrive in a few days?
Yes, yes, but we wanted
to surprise them.
I see.
[baby fussing]
- Where is my mother?
- She's inside,
preparing for dinner.
As she wasn't expecting you,
she sent me to open the door.
Well, I'm Pepita, your parents' friend.
I am Gabi, and he is Joao.
Oh! [chuckles]
Are you tired?
[Gabi] It has been a very long journey.
We are also very tired.
How cute!
Pepita, it's very cold.
Joao is going to freeze.
Excuse me, don't just
stand here at the door.
[in Spanish] Look
what I found at the gate!
- [Dori] Aitana!
- [chuckles]
We were passing by
and saw the light on.
- Aitana!
- [Justo] How are you?
[in Catalan] But weren't you
going to spend Christmas Eve in Brazil?
- Why didn't you tell us?
- [Saul] Dad,
you haven't seen your daughter
in three years.
Yes, but just showing up like this...
Don't hold it against him.
You know your father
doesn't like the unexpected.
You should have told us.
It was supposed to be a surprise.
[singing in Spanish]Aitana returns for Christmas...
[in Spanish]
Gabi, we're finally meeting you.
But we already know her from Zoom.
[in Catalan] How's it going,
sister-in-law- ?
Very well, handsome.
Happy holidays and happy new year.
- [all chuckling]
- [Saul] Wow, very good!
[in Spanish]
Hello Gabi, welcome.
Sorry, dear, I'm still recovering
from the surprise.
Thank goodness you came early,
I thought I was going to die
of boredom this evening.
Wow, what a responsibility.
Well, we haven't slept
in over 20 hours,
so I don't know if we'll last long.
Would you like to hold him?
No, no, don't even think about it.
Let's not make any trouble.
Right now I don't have
much strength in my arms.
I don't know if it's a good idea.
[Pepita] Let's see,
give him to me.
Come here...
Oh, my goodness,
he's heavy!
How old is he?
Six months.
Dori, here, you take him.
He's so cute!
He's like a bonbon.
You're a bonbon...
a chocolate bonbon!
[Joao fussing]
[in Spanish] Oh, he wants
to go to mommy.
Well, what a joy.
There's nothing better
than spending Christmas
with the family.
Right, Dori?
Of course, of course.
I have to clean
the baby.
Let's go to the bathroom and then
I will show you my room.
Mom, you still have
my toys, don't you?
I would like them for Joao.
Wait, why don't you
sit down a while?
Don't you want to have
a warm drink?
Later, Mom.
- Okay, I'll go with you.
- Mom, I know the way.
You didn't tell her,
did you?
My parents are a bit uptight,
they can't help it.
- [bells ringing]
- But you'll see
when you meet
my aunt and uncle.
They're such lovely people.
Saul was so happy
when he saw us.
Yes, he is a sweetheart.
Here's the bathroom.
[Pepita in Catalan]
Your grandson is beautiful.
- And he looks very much like his...
- He's adopted.
He came from an orphanage.
I would never guess it.
- [Spanish] Do you want to take a shower?
- [in Portuguese] Later.
Okay, I'm going to get us
some clothes to change into.
All my clothes are still in the closet.
- Any preferences?
- [in Portuguese] I trust your good taste.
[clattering, thudding]
[suspenseful music playing]
[heavy breathing]
[in Catalan] I don't understand it.
What a blow she gave me, fuck!
You just scared her.
Of course, that's why
she stayed in bed.
So, who is she?
Her name is Nadia.
[in Spanish] She's very nice,
you'll love her.
[in Catalan] And she helps
your parents a lot.
Oh, you've hired a housekeeper.
Why is she in my bedroom?
Isn't there any other place?
Where are my things, Mom?
Where are my clothes?
- [in Spanish] Did something happen?
- Don't worry, Nadia.
It's Aitana,
she's come unannounced...
- Dad, that was a surprise.
- Of course, of course.
[in Spanish, then Portuguese]
Hi, I'm Gabi. Nice to meet you.
[continues in Spanish] Hi.
And who are you, little guy?
Hey, girl. You're Justo
and Dori's daughter, no?
Fuck, you scared the shit out of me.
Did I hurt you?
I used to have pajamas
like this, didn't I, Mom?
Oh, really?
Dori gifted them to me.
[in Catalan]
Well, where do we sleep?
[in Spanish] Listen,
I'll leave the room if you want.
[Dori] No, honey,
that's not necessary.
[in Catalan] We put her there because
it's the warmest room.
You haven't used it in a long time
and the poor thing is always cold.
And there's only room
for one person.
No problem.
We can sleep in the guest room.
I don't think aunt and uncle will mind
sleeping at their place tonight.
Aunt and uncle are not coming tonight.
Why? We always spend
Christmas Eve together.
They had another engagement.
Anyway, the guest room is occupied.
Oriol and Pepita
have come from far away
to spend Christmas with us.
So what do we do?
Do we sleep in the turret?
[in Spanish] Ugh, the turret
is full of junk.
Listen, it's all right,
I'll get my things and air the room out.
No, don't worry, Nadia.
No, my child,
it's not necessary.
[in Catalan]
There's a good hotel nearby.
I'll take you there right away.
A hotel?
Of course, you're exhausted.
You can rest
and we'll see you tomorrow.
But today is Christmas Eve.
[in Spanish]
And can we see the tu-rret?
Sending us to a hotel...
If it were up to my parents,
I'd still be in the closet.
Your parents want us
to be comfortable.
[in Portuguese]
They are doing it for our own good.
This is so big.
[Aitana in Spanish]
I'll show you tomorrow.
[in Portuguese]
Are you okay?
[in Spanish]
I imagined it so different.
I don't know. I thought everyone
would be happy to see us.
That it would be
a usual Christmas Eve,
and look, we ended up
in this junk room.
[Joao fussing]
[in Spanish]
It's not so bad here.
- [Gabi humming]
- [sighs]
How did he look to you?
He's worse than I thought.
Where is Joao's toiletry bag?
I don't know.
You must have left it in the bathroom.
I'll go look.
[distant laughter]
[Dori in Spanish]
Well, Nadia,
we should get changed for dinner.
You know you have to dress nicely.
What are you going to wear?
[Nadia] Hmmm... I don't know,
I don't have anything cool.
Then we'll have to do
something to fix that.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Nadia] Holy shit, this is so cool.
It must have cost you a fortune.
Thank you very much.
[Dori] I'm glad you like it.
This dress means a lot to me.
Come on, go try it on,
my daughter.
[Nadia] Okay, but first
I will take a shower.
[Pepita in Catalan] By the way,
we'll have to think about
where Aitana and her friend will sit,
and rearrange the table.
[Dori] Yes, I don't know how she'd even
think of showing up unannounced.
She couldn't have been
more inopportune.
[in Catalan] Excuse me,
have you seen Joao's toiletry bag?
[in Spanish] Hey, girl,
do you see how pretty this is?
[in Portuguese] Aitana,
I don't recognize you.
You're acting like a child.
[in Spanish] It's just too much,
my wedding dress.
Are you sure about that?
Well, they've shortened it
and cut off the train,
but yes, it's my wedding dress.
My fucking wedding dress!
I didn't know that dress
was so important to you.
You never wore it!
You never wanted
to get married!
It's not the dress.
It's how my parents
are treating her.
Really? You're jealous
of the housekeeper?
Gabi, I come home and find
a total stranger
sleeping in my bed,
wearing my pajamas,
smelling of my cologne,
and on top of that she gets
my wedding dress as a present.
I bet she's even
wearing my panties.
Do you think it's normal?
And we are here,
in this pigsty.
They don't even want us
here tonight.
[in Portuguese]
What are you talking about?
[in Spanish]
This place is a mess.
These aren't conditions for a baby.
We're leaving.
[wind blowing]
[in Spanish]
You're making a mistake.
No way.
The mistake was to come here.
Did you see the look on their faces
when we arrived?
It's normal,
we arrived unannounced.
Yes, it's just that
I'm very "inopportune."
We're leaving.
[engine turns over]
Just like that,
without telling them?
[in Portuguese]
Are you going to do it again?
[in Spanish] Aitana,
we have crossed the planet
to spend tonight as a family.
And we're going
to spend it as a family.
My aunt and uncle love surprises.
[phone dings]
If they answer me, we go.
If they don't, we stay.
[in Spanish] Hello,
Aunt Agatha, it's Aitana.
[in Catalan]
I just arrived from Brazil.
I have been told
that you're not coming tonight.
I'll be here for a few days,
I'd like to see you.
I'll call you later.
- [in Spanish] The answering machine.
- [Joao fussing]
You'll see how the night
will turn out.
Everything happens for a reason.
[engine cuts off]
Bottle time.
Your turn.
[Saul in in Catalan] Don't you like them
in the shape of a heart?
[in Spanish]
No, it's not cheesy.
These are Belgian.
[in Catalan]
And why would we buy your favorites,
if you can't eat them anymore?
- No, there are not too many.
- [wheelchair whirs]
Because there will be many of us.
I don't know, many.
Sal, what are you doing?
Who are you talking to?
[suspenseful music playing]
To Grandpa.
- To Grandpa?
- Hm.
Is Grandpa here now?
No, he's already gone.
Grandpa wanted to know
if the chocolates
have liquor inside.
Saul, you know that Grandpa
died a few years ago, right?
[in Spanish]
Of course I know that.
[in Catalan] Grandpa
got fed up with everything
and killed himself.
No, Grandpa was diabetic
and died of a sugar spike.
That's what you all think,
but Grandpa was fed up,
went to his favorite bakery
and decided to end it all.
No, Saul, Grandpa
had a sweet tooth.
We always had to hide candy
from him, remember?
His death was an accident.
No, it wasn't.
Grandpa told me what happened.
Dad didn't believe me at first either.
- [microwave beeping]
- Do Mom and Dad know you talk to Grandpa?
- [light hissing]
- Of course.
Can I talk to him?
No, he just wants to talk to me.
- [in Spanish] And how are you doing?
- Fine.
[in Catalan]
A bit tired, but fine.
Now I do rehab
with Nadia every day.
Nadia helps you?
Well, she does
what she can, poor thing.
She helps me get dressed,
she gives me my medication...
And why didn't you tell me?
Mom and Dad told me
not to tell you,
that you'd find out.
Grandpa likes her very much.
He says she's good for me.
[clock ticking loudly]
[in Spanish]
Is something wrong?
Are you angry?
No, no.
It's just jet lag.
I need to sleep,
I'm exhausted.
It shows. You look bad.
- [goofy laugh]
- Mm.
[in Catalan] I'm going
to give Joao his dinner.
[in Spanish]
What's up?
[kettle whistling]
[in Catalan] I am very happy
that you came...
and that I met my nephew.
[kettle continues whistling]
[dramatic music playing]
[in Spanish]
Saul, what's wrong?
Dad, help!
Help, please! Saul!
Dad! Dad!
[sighs, then in Catalan]
I don't understand it.
It's been a long time
since his last attack.
Did you have an argument?
[in Spanish]
No, no, not at all.
[in Catalan] Perhaps he was perturbed
by your surprise visit.
- I didn't think...
- You are exhausted.
You should get some sleep.
Do you need a sleeping pill?
[in Portuguese]
Can I help?
[in Spanish] Sure, dear.
You can place the plates.
What about the baby?
[in Spanish] He is so tired
that he has fallen asleep
without taking his bottle.
Your daughter is with him.
[Joao fussing]
[wind blowing]
[Nadia humming]
[in Spanish]
What are you doing?
Give me my child.
[whispering indistinct]
What the fuck
are you laughing about?
Move away from there.
[Aitana breathing shakily]
Give me back my son.
[gasps, pants]
[Joao crying]
[crying stops]
[in Catalan]
Do you want your bottle? Yes?
[shower running]
[Nadia humming]
[soft music playing]
[contents rattling]
[Nadia in Spanish]
What are you doing?
I was looking for some pictures
and my clothes.
Dori will know about that.
I think she put
all your stuff in a box.
I'm going to ask her.
Hey, hey, wait.
You missed this.
[Dori in Spanish]
[Gabi in Portuguese]
Thank you.
How is Aitana feeling?
[in Spanish]
These days of relaxation with the family
will do her good.
She needed this holiday.
She has been a bit strange
since she arrived.
[in Portuguese] Oh, yes.
In the favelas where she works
there is a lot of violence.
She is under a lot of stress.
[in Spanish]
She didn't stop taking her medication?
[in Portuguese]
Mm, I don't understand.
[in Spanish] The pills.
She's been taking them
since the crisis.
Hasn't she told you
about her crisis?
[Dori] We'd never seen her
like that before.
She was in treatment
and did well.
She even seemed happy.
Then she disappeared
without warning.
I didn't know, I thought...
If she hasn't mentioned it,
I haven't told you anything, okay?
Anyway, Oriol and Pepita
here with us,
and you sit here.
No, dear, that space is for Saul.
Oh, that's right, sorry.
No, it's all right.
Sometimes I also forget
that he can no longer walk.
[in Portuguese]
I am very sorry.
[in Spanish] It's unfair.
And it's going so fast...
In Houston they are experimenting
with new therapies.
Houston, Munich...
We have tried everything
and spent all our money.
We have nothing left to mortgage.
But this family won't give up
without fighting.
[Pepita in Spanish]
And we'll be there to help you.
As my grandmother used to say,
"Love is repaid with love."
[soft music playing]
[distant conversation]
[Oriol in English]
Yes, okay.
Safe trip.
Kisses to both of you.
[in Catalan] Well,
it is already underway.
You're not happy?
I've been thinking about it
and perhaps it's better
if we cancel
and wait a few weeks.
Cancel at this point?
No, man, not with what it has cost
to get everyone together.
We didn't count on Aitana.
What do we do with her?
Don't worry.
- She won't fit in.
- Justo, don't worry.
These people are not that
conservative in private.
They are very open-minded
and don't care if your daughter
is a lesbian.
- I know, but...
- Take it easy.
I have everything under control.
[Aitana] Dad!
Excuse me,
can I talk to you for a moment?
Sure, Aitana.
I wanted to talk to you too.
Go on!
I'm going to sneak a cigarette.
Pepita doesn't let me!
How is Saul?
Well, the Clobazam has taken effect
and he's resting now.
I heard him talking to Grandpa.
Ah, does that seem normal to you?
He was talking to Grandpa
who's been dead for five years.
I guess in his situation
there are a lot of things
going through his head.
Dad, Saul is raving.
No maybe.
It's crystal clear!
He's talking
to his dead grandfather!
It could be the medication,
it could be the disease...
But who's to say that
the Grandpa thing isn't true?
Grandpa may be preparing him for...
What are you saying?
Do you hear yourself?
You've never believed in those things.
Are we going crazy?
It's possible, Aitana,
I don't know.
But Saul told me
Grandpa's secrets that only I knew.
Damn it, Dad.
Don't be so inflexible!
Maybe the housekeeper's
making a mistake
with the doses of the medication.
Look, Aitana,
Nadia is reliable
and you don't know
how much she is helping this family.
But you don't know this girl....
Everything we do is
for the good of your brother!
And I take this opportunity
to ask you, please,
don't embarrass me tonight
in front of my guests.
It wouldn't be the first time
you've done it.
[Pepita in Catalan]
Have you seen how elegant Nadia looks?
[in Spanish] You look gorgeous.
You look like an angel.
Or a bride.
What an exaggeration,
I look like a merengue pie.
And you, girl,
what are you going to wear?
Well, they've lost my luggage,
so they've decided for me.
If you want,
I can lend you something.
No, thank you.
I prefer to find my own clothes.
[suspenseful music playing]
[in Spanish]
What's this?
[in Catalan] I thought it'd be a Christmas
dinner as usual, with the family...
This year some
of Pepi's friends are coming
and it'll be a bit fancier.
Well, we'll have to change
our clothes, won't we?
Where are my clothes, Mom?
I donated them to charity.
So what do we do?
Can we borrow something of yours?
Or look, I'd better ask Nadia
for my wedding dress.
But you've never
wanted to wear it.
[in Spanish]
Joao hasn't had his dinner.
[in Catalan]
What about this?
Can you explain it to me?
At what point did you decide
to remove me from this family?
Aitana, please,
now is not the time.
We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Oh, no? Well, I think now is the time.
And someone should offer an explanation.
Are you asking me for an explanation,
you who've always done whatever
you wanted without giving any?
Tell me, did you give us
any explanation
when you disappeared
from the job at your father's clinic?
Or when you disappeared three weeks
before the wedding without warning?
I'd been giving you and Dad
signs for years
- that you didn't want to see.
- I don't know...
Did you really not realize?
Aitana, you should have told us.
Anything better than what you did,
running away like that.
Alright, now you're getting
dramatic, no?
We didn't hear from you
for almost a year
until you felt like calling us.
You even didn't come
when your brother got sick.
And what do you think
I could've done?
Do you think that my coming
would have cured him?
No, but for once you would have
faced the problems
instead of running away.
And you would have
shown him you care.
Saul knows how much I care about him.
We talk every week.
Besides, I told you
we were in a pandemic
and I had to work.
I was saving lives.
Saving lives...
The social justice warrior is here.
Any stranger is more important
than your brother.
And any stranger is more important
than your daughter?
I don't know, Mom.
We'd better go to a hotel.
Anyway, you've already
found a replacement for me.
[Saul in Catalan]
What's wrong? Why are you shouting?
We are leaving.
We are not welcome here.
What are you
talking about? Mom!
Your sister is very stubborn.
It's better if they go to a hotel.
We'll talk tomorrow if we have to.
If they leave,
I'm going with them. Aitana!
Sal! Sal!
Aitana, please!
Come back immediately!
Sit down.
We found Nadia nine months ago.
She was at our front door,
shivering from the cold and starving.
She offered to take care of the garden
in exchange for sleeping on the porch.
And your father let her
sleep in the shed.
After a month,
seeing that she was good,
we let her sleep in the house.
You brought home a beggar? You?
[in Spanish]
Nadia is not a beggar,
- she's a refugee.
- [in Catalan] What are you saying?
You're always repulsed
by those people!
But Nadia is different.
She's very good with your brother
and helps us at home
in exchange for food and lodging.
What's the problem?
You work helping the poor,
you should understand the situation.
That's precisely why.
You shouldn't bring
a stranger into the house.
She could be a criminal.
Or a serial killer.
Aitana, are you going to be
the xenophobe?
She has always been
a suspicious one.
- Me, suspicious?
- Give her a chance!
Besides, any day she'll be gone,
just like she came.
Mom, you are blind.
I found Grandma's earrings
in her room.
The ruby ones
I loved so much as a child.
Damn it, Mom,
she's stealing from us!
Did you think that...?
No, woman, no.
Nadia is not a thief.
Your father gave them to her as a gift,
so she could
wear them tonight.
Well, since they are hers,
give them back to her!
[Saul] Aitana!
[in Catalan] Aitana,
I'm coming with you!
- You can't come.
- Then stay.
See you tomorrow.
No, you won't come back.
Aitana, please...
Aitana, please
don't go again, please.
- [Saul cries]
- [smooches]
[Gabi in Spanish]
A beggar?
No, not a beggar.
A refugee.
Maybe all this
is a bad dream too.
Maybe I'm still on the plane
and I'm going to wake up
with turbulence.
You're awake now.
I was afraid of that.
And was there something wrong
with Joao this time too?
She was with him and dropped him.
It was so real...
It used to happen
to me too as a child.
I had a lot of nightmares.
- Nightmares?
- Yes.
And one day I told
my teacher about it.
And she told me
that I should count to three,
repeat that it was a dream
and face the monster.
So when I dreamed
of the monster again,
I counted to three:
"one, two, three"
and that was it.
Gabriecinha, the warrior.
"The terror of monsters."
That's me.
If only it were that easy
to take down the real monsters.
[phone vibrating]
I got a call from my aunt.
- [phone dings]
- Shitty coverage...
[Pepita] Girls, we're going
to serve an aperitif.
Are you coming down?
[man on TV in Spanish]The whole city should join
our "Share Your Table
With The Poor" campaign.
Let us all be brothers
for one night.
Let the uncaring be generous
for one night.
Let the poor dine for one night.
[light chuckling]
- Have you rested yet, my pretties?
- [Gabi] Mm-hmm.
Is my chocolate bonbon sleeping?
Yes, we have been very lucky.
He spends most of his time sleeping.
[Justo] Nadia,
my child, can you come?
Sure, coming.
Come, you two, try the herbal liqueur
my wife has prepared.
Whet your appetite.
[in Portuguese] Of course,
a little liquor is good.
Thank you.
Don't you drink?
[in Spanish]
Oh, I've already had a couple.
Are you also a doctor, Gabi?
No, I'm a teacher,
but we both work for the same
NGO in Sao Paulo.
[in Catalan] The best thing about this job
is that we get paid to help people.
Hmm. How interesting.
Well, you could say
that I help people too.
To increase their income.
- [chuckles]
- Oriol worked in finance for 40 years
and still works at it from time to time.
I would love to travel to Brazil.
[in Spanish] Do you practice
Santeria there, Gabi?
In Brazil it's called candombl,
but I don't believe in it,
and I don't dance samba either.
Today's young people
are all atheists, Pepi.
[Gabi in Portuguese]
Thank you.
Well, I think we're all energy.
[Pepita in Spanish] Exactly.
We all share the same energy
that gives us life.
[in Catalan] And what do you
believe in, Oriol?
Me? I only believe in what I see.
And at my age, I've seen it all!
And how did you meet my parents?
[Oriol] We became friends
about three years ago.
On a cruise to the Greek islands.
How wonderful.
[Oriol] We had dinner the first night
at the same table,
and you know: "Valencians
and Catalans, first cousins."
And it was fortunate that we met.
If your parents hadn't crossed our path,
I probably wouldn't be here.
What a thing to say, Pepi.
Pepita choked on a piece of meat.
By the time I realized it,
she was turning purple.
Don't remind me, Oriol.
It was horrible.
I was screaming in desperation
and nobody was doing anything.
And suddenly, your father
came along and did this...
- What's it called?
- Oh...
[in Spanish] Heimlich.
Heimlich maneuver.
[Pepita in Catalan]
That's right!
[switching to Spanish]
Blessed Heimlich!
Everything happens for a reason.
[Gabi in Spanish]
And what happened to your hand?
Someone read the lines
on her hand
and Pepita didn't like
what they said,
so Pepita... wham!
- Oh, come on. Really?
- [Pepita] Of course!
I changed my fate forever.
Here, Gabi, there is none
of this in your country.
Don't tell me
you're a vegetarian?
Well, yes.
I don't eat meat.
Now it is fashionable.
You're not animalists, are you?
Like those who have freed the pigs.
Ah, you haven't heard.
A truck was robbed nearby.
A mess...
it was even on the news.
Oh, I think we ran over
one on the road.
[Pepita] Really?
What a pity about the ham. Mm...
[in Catalan]
By the way, Justo,
I have to take you to Penyeta Rotja
to pick your "little spotted one."
[in Spanish]
And what is that?
Hm. [in Spanish]
Hasn't he explained it to you?
The spotted white leg of Penyeta Rotja,
in the Alt Empord.
[in Catalan]
They have it very well organized.
You spend the weekend there
and choose a newborn piglet.
You can even name it.
[both chuckling]
[in Spanish]
Look, look...
The piglet lives
in the field like a king.
They send you pictures
every week.
You can visit it whenever you want.
All organic.
They have the best acorns,
- they have music for their well-being...
- [laughing]
They even give them
massages with olive oil!
Do they get massages?
It's amazing how much the pig enjoys it!
It lives like God for a year, then...
And they send the sausages
to your house.
That's horrible!
Do you think it's horrible
to honor an animal
that is going to be sacrificed
for your pleasure?
[in Catalan] Oh, Oriol,
I felt a little sorry for our little pig.
[phone vibrating]
[in Spanish]
Is he crying?
No, I don't think so,
I'll go check.
[Nadia singing indistinct]
[Gabi in Spanish]
What are you doing?
He is very handsome.
You shouldn't leave the window open.
He might catch a cold.
We didn't open that window.
- Sometimes I'd like...
- [Joao fussing] go back to being a baby,
but knowing everything I know now.
It would be nice, wouldn't it?
Yes, I guess so.
You see them,
so tiny, so innocent,
not knowing what's coming next.
Yeah, and what's next for them?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Aitana in Spanish]
My uncle swinging me
and me saying "Harder, harder!"
And I thought,
"What will happen if I let go?"
So, I flew up there...
and I broke my collarbone.
- [in Portuguese] You were a wild child.
- [chuckles]
[in Spanish]
No way! Look...
I was so cute.
What a beauty!
Tomorrow we'll look for more.
Shall we go back?
It's cold.
You go, I'll go later.
[Joao babbling]
[wind blowing]
Don't let go!
[neighbor 1] Nadia!
Damn it, come here!
Do you still have Tramadol?
[neighbor 2]
Girl, this morphine is the shit.
Do you have any more left?
What the fuck is this?
- Who the hell are you?
- Dude, let's go.
[in Catalan]
Get out!
- Fuck, let's go!
- Wait, damn it!
If you come back, I'll call the police
and they'll explain it to you.
Holy shit. Let's get
the fuck out of here!
What a bitch!
[neighbor 2]
Come on, dude! I m leaving!
[neighbor 1] Tell Nadia
to give me back my money
or she'll regret it.
Nobody fools me!
[Aitana in Spanish]
Looking for something?
You scared me!
I just came out
to have a cigarette.
I'm getting overwhelmed
with so many old people.
Actually they are all
very nice to me,
but Pepita is very crazy.
All the time
with her damned liquor.
You want some?
No, I don't smoke.
Come on, girl,
it's Christmas!
I said no.
You help my brother.
You take care of his medications,
don't you?
And the crisis he had today,
do you know why it happened?
I don't know, maybe you're giving him
too little tramadol.
Look, girl, that's enough.
You have it out for me!
Excuse me?
Yeah, you think you're cool
but you're a racist, you know?
You do nothing
but fuck with me.
You left and sent everything to hell,
now what do you want?
Look, I don't know
how you fooled my parents,
but you can't fool me,
and you're going
to run out of luck.
Ah, you're here.
Come into the house, dear.
[in Catalan] No, I was telling Nadia,
but if you want to come....
Mom, I need to talk to you.
It's very important.
Now is not the right time.
[horn honking]
[engine idling]
[soft choral music playing]
[sniffs, sighs]
[phone dinging]
[in Spanish] Gabi, Gabi,
please come up.
[in Italian]
Nice to meet you, Justo.
[in Spanish] I've heard
very good things about you.
Please come in.
Is my dear rascal Oriol around?
He's coming,
he's just cleaning up.
Take them to the dressing room.
How are you?
- [in English] Hello, my dear.
- [Pepita in Spanish] Welcome.
- Thank you so much. You look gorgeous!
- [chuckling]
[handle rattles]
- [breathing heavily]
- [suspenseful music playing]
[phone dinging]
- [soft music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Pepita chuckling]
[Pepita in Spanish] Excuse me.
How was the bath, dear?
[in Portuguese]
Very good.
- [in Spanish] And thanks for the sweater.
- [both chuckling]
Have you seen Aitana?
No. I don't know
where Nadia is either.
[door rattling]
[yelling in Spanish]
Gabi! Help!
[yelling] Help!
Is anyone there?
- [party hum]
- [indistinct chatter]
[in Spanish]
You look very handsome.
You too.
Where is Aitana?
That's what I'd like to know.
She must be wandering
around the house,
looking for her childhood toys.
Gabi! I'm upstairs, I'm locked in!
I need you to come upstairs
and let me out!
Gabi, please! We're leaving!
Do you hear me?
[in Spanish] I'm going
to give you some drinks.
Liquor whets the appetite,
you'll see.
- This one's for you.
- Thank you.
And this one for Saul.
Thank you.
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
[all chuckle]
Well done.
I'm serving you one more.
[Aitana screaming] Help!
[apprehensive music playing]
[in Portuguese]
Do you know these people?
[in Spanish]
What a "funny" Christmas Eve
we're in for, sister-in-law.
[Saul giggling]
[breathing heavily]
[indistinct chatter]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [thud]
- [all exclaiming]
[in Spanish]
What's going on?
What are you doing,
[in Catalan] I've been locked
in the turret!
What do you mean?
- Who did it?
- And you can't think of anything better
than climbing out of the window?
You could have killed yourself!
[in Portuguese] You left Joao
with the window open!
[in Spanish] You probably
slammed the door.
[Aitana] No, it wasn't me.
I was locked up!
- [snaps fingers at baby monitor]
- [phone buzzes]
I swear it didn't work!
[Gabi] And this?
Look, Aitana, I don't know
what's wrong with you,
[in Portuguese]
but you're not well.
[in Spanish]
Come on, get Joao and let's go.
Now you want to go?
Do you see yourself?
You think what you're doing is normal?
I'm freaking out,
you could have killed yourself!
Gabi, something weird
is happening here.
Yes, you've been doing
some very weird things
since you entered this house.
Maybe you're having
another crisis,
like the one you had
three years ago.
What are you talking about?
My mother told you,
didn't she?
- Fuck.
- She cares about you...
No, my mother is a schemer.
You don't know her.
I don't know you either.
Why didn't you tell me?
Come on, let's go.
[in Portuguese]
That's what you wanted, isn't it?
[in Spanish]
Well, you got it. You got your way.
What are you doing?
Look, if you want to go
to a hotel, it's up to you.
But I'm not paranoid.
I'm going to find out
what's going on in this madhouse
and who locked me in.
[indistinct chatter]
Thank you for staying.
I didn't leave out of respect
for your family.
[soft music playing]
[in heavily accented English]
Dear guests, welcome to our humble home.
- I hope that everything...
- [speaks indistinct]
- ...will be to your delight...
- [in Catalan] Dad in English...
- [laughing]
- [Justo] Oriol,
I would like to take this opportunity
to thank you for all your efforts
so that we can all be here today.
I give the floor.
[in English]
It's been a pleasure, dear Justo and Dori.
Nothing happens by chance,
and our friendship is the proof of it.
I also want to thank you,
dear friends,
for your presence.
Some of you have come
from far away
just to join us tonight.
I especially want to express my gratitude
to our oldest member, Nicols,
or, as we his friends like to call him,
Old Nick.
It is an honor
to have you here, Father.
May your energy enlighten us.
- To the family!
- To the family!
- To Old Nick!
- To Old Nick!
[in Catalan]
What is this all about?
[in Spanish] There's still time
to go to the hotel
and have our own party there, eh?
But we are here now, right, Aitana?
Per la famiglia.
[Aitana and Saul laughing]
[indistinct chatter]
[soft music playing]
[in Catalan] Aitana,
can I talk to you for a moment?
[water running on fountain]
Aitana, I just wanted to ask you
to support your family tonight.
You are a mother and I hope
you never go through the pain
your parents are going through.
But if...
The people I've invited
have come to help your parents.
So I ask you
to treat them with respect.
I know you're a smart girl
and you understand the situation, right?
After all,
you were not invited.
[ominous music playing]
Back to dinner?
[Pepita in Spanish]
Here you are, my dear.
- You haven't had a bite to eat.
- You shouldn't have bothered.
It's no bother.
We are all carnivores here,
but we respect everyone.
See what you think of the dressing
I've prepared for you.
[in Catalan] Pepita,
who are these people?
Let's say, a club of lifelong friends.
[in Spanish]
A very exclusive club, isn't it?
No, I don't think so.
They used to be closed,
but they have modernized.
Here are just a few of them,
but for some years now
they have accepted colored people,
Asians and even Jews.
[Aitana] That man...
what's his name, Nicols?
- [Pepita] Yes.
- Nicols, what else?
Nicols, just Nicols.
[phone vibrating]
Excuse me.
These people make me sick
to my stomach.
Don't talk like that,
they are your parents' guests.
[in Catalan] Little brother,
the chocolate bonbon has left us.
She's joined the team of the mummies.
They'll hear you!
[snort laughs]
[in Portuguese]
You are an idiot.
[all exclaiming]
[man in German]
It looks great.
[in English] Thank you!
[in Spanish] But Pepita
is the artist, I only helped.
[in Spanish with French accent]
It is sure to melt in your mouth.
[in Spanish] Father Nicols,
do us the honors.
[sharpening knife]
- [woman] Oh!
- [polite laughs]
[in Spanish]
Are you going to eat it?
Don't you see it's like a baby?
[Polish guest in Spanish]
That's why it's so tender.
[French guest] C'est dlicieux!
[in Spanish]
If you don't want it, give it to me.
Don't look at me like that,
I haven't killed anyone.
I'm going to check on Joao.
Enjoy your dinner.
[soft music continues playing]
[quiet conversation indistinct]
[in Spanish] What do you need, my dear?
Come, let's go to the kitchen.
I just wanted to come down
for a little while with Joao.
No, this is no place for a baby.
Let's go upstairs!
Why? He's very quiet,
he won't disturb anyone.
No, it's not that...
[Polish guest]
But look how sweet he is...
Dori, what secrets you've kept!
- Can I take him?
- [in English] Me too, don't be selfish.
[all cooing]
[German guest]
Oh, he's so fat. He's so fat.
[women cooing]
Look, how cute!
[Dori] I'd better
take him with me,
he's been coughing since he arrived.
You don't want
to catch the flu, do you?
I'll put him to bed.
[Oriol claps hands]
[in English] Ladies and gentlemen,
who wants seconds?
[soft music resumes]
[in Spanish] Dear,
will you pass me the salt?
Oh, what bad luck this is.
Girls, do the same.
Okay, okay. I don't believe
in these things.
No? What do you believe in?
A nice plate of food and a hot shower.
Excellent answer.
How much we can learn
from these people!
Remember ours?
Yes, years ago we picked up
a child from the street.
Just like you.
His name was Thimbo.
And what happened?
What happened is,
one day he flew away,
like a little bird.
Your baby is
a street child too, right?
[glass tinkling]
[clears throat]
[in English] Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here tonight
to welcome to our great family
Dori and Justo,
and acknowledge
their extraordinary generosity.
[cell phone buzzing]
[Nick] Nine months ago they took
into their home someone...
[Aitana in Catalan]
Merry Christmas, Aunt Agatha.
Merry Christmas, my dear.
Are you okay?
Why didn't you come to dinner?
Your mother told me months ago
she wasn't going to celebrate Christmas.
Just the opposite,
you should see the party
they've organized
at the house.
Ah, well...
they didn't tell us anything.
what do you think of
the newest member of the family?
My dear, I don't know
what you are talking about.
Oh, you don't know Nadia?
The beggar they've adopted.
No idea, we haven't been
to your parents' house in months.
I can't believe it.
Yes, dear,
we are very worried.
Why don't you come
and have a drink?
No way, we're not going
to show up uninvited.
I see.
Remember the Christmas dinners
we used to have?
Of course I remember,
my dear.
Come by the house tomorrow,
we're excited to meet Gabi and Joao.
Very well.
I'll call you tomorrow. Kisses.
Kisses, sweetheart.
Merry Christmas.
- [distant chatter]
- [glasses clinking]
[suspenseful music playing]
[woman moaning]
[moaning continues]
[Nadia in Spanish]
How is the little guy doing?
Sleepy, look.
Wow! What great things
they invent, huh?
Hey, sorry about earlier.
I didn't mean to scare you.
What have you done?
Nothing, don't worry.
I just don't know
how to act sometimes, you know?
I spent a lot of time on the street alone
and sometimes I forget
what normal people are like.
How did you end up like that?
The usual.
My mother abandoned me
and I grew up with my grandparents.
I was a bit of maniac
and when I was sixteen
they threw me out.
Because I sold the TV
to buy drugs.
But... that's over now, isn't it?
Of course, my dear.
I am clean.
Your parents saved my life.
I've been very lucky.
Oh, excuse me,
I'm so tired.
It's Pepita's liqueur.
[woman moaning]
[lock clicks]
[in Catalan]
[muffled music playing]
[indistinct chatter and laughter]
["Shchedryk" by Buscemi
playing at normal volume]
[in Spanish]
Have you seen Dad?
Or Mom?
No. I haven't seen them
for a while now.
[in Spanish] Hello!
How are you?
[in Catalan] Mom!
I have to talk to you.
[in Spanish] Excuse me.
I'll be right back.
- [in Catalan] What do you want?
- It's Nadia. I've discovered...
Are you still at it?
I don't want to know anything about it.
Mom, that girl is--
That's enough, Aitana!
I don't want to hear about it.
I don't want you to spoil my party!
["Shchedryk" by Buscemi continues]
[sound gets distorted]
[in Spanish]
Are you okay, my child?
[gasps, pants]
[in Spanish]
What happened to your hand?
I broke a glass.
Go on without me.
I'm exhausted.
Tomorrow I'll tell you
about Nadia, you'll freak out.
[music, party hum continue]
[in Spanish]
To the family!
[music playing distantly]
[raucous laughter]
[dance music playing]
[in Catalan] I don't think
I'm going to last long.
I've had too much to drink.
It's Pepita's liqueur.
It's very strong.
[in Catalan]
I'm pretty drunk.
[both laughing]
Look, look at Nadia.
She's almost dead.
[Saul laughing]
Saul, this bitch has to go.
Are you at it again?
She's stealing from you.
[Saul snort-laughs]
Don't talk trash.
[in Spanish] Aitana,
little Aitana,
I can hear you. [giggles]
[Justo] Dear daughter,
can you come here for a moment?
I'm coming...
No, not you.
Nadia, will you come with me?
[music volume lowers]
[hitting glass]
[in English] Dear daughter,
you will never know how much hope
you have given to this family.
[in Spanish] Nadia,
thank you for all
that you have given us
and will give us.
And thank all of you,
dear ones,
for sharing in our joy.
[in English]
Thank you, Nadia.
Thank you, everyone!
- [in Polish] Let Nadia speak!
- [in English] Come on, Nadia!
[in Spanish] Let her speak,
yes, yes. Let her "espeak!"
[in German] Let her "espeak"!
[all encouraging Nadia in Spanish]
[clears throat]
[in Spanish] So... mmm...
I don't quite know what to say.
[all chuckling]
Poor thing, she's having
such a hard time.
[Nadia] Okay.
Thank you for being
the family I never had.
[all] Aww!
[Aitana] Wait! Wait!
Dear friends...
I also want to thank you.
You all understand me, right?
Justo, Dori,
thank you for opening my eyes.
Now I know that you'll never accept me
and that you'll never forgive me
for letting you down
with that stupid wedding...
and for abandoning
your ideal son-in-law.
You already have
the daughter you want.
What are you, crazy?
Oh, and thank you for throwing
this absurd party
to please your new guests.
I don't know how you managed
to gather so many motherfuckers
in such a small place--
[in Catalan] That's enough.
You're drunk.
Go to sleep, Aitana.
Yes, I'm drunk.
But you're blind!
[switching to Spanish]
"Nadia, the poor refugee."
Here it says
"Nicoleta Petrescu."
Who the hell is she,
if you don't even know her real name?
How dare you?
That's not yours!
- "Refugee", she says.
- [Dori] Don't listen to her.
This girl is a jerk who's robbing you.
She's dealing Saul's morphine!
Wow, what bad luck you have
with your daughters.
All your girls turn out badly for you.
[in Catalan]
How can you be so despicable?
How dare you come to my house
and disrespect us all?
But did you hear me?
This bitch is stealing from you!
She's dealing Saul's morphine!
Not another word about Nadia!
Shame on you.
- But...
- Shut your mouth!
And let us enjoy the party in peace.
Get out.
Get out!
[Justo in English] Friends,
I apologize for this incident.
[in Catalan] You had
to put on a show after all.
Mom, why don't you love me?
Don't talk nonsense.
Go sleep it off.
Tomorrow will be another day.
[in Spanish] That's it,
get lost, asshole!
And learn to respect
what's not yours!
I'm going to kill you, bitch!
[Dori in Catalan]
What are you doing? Stop!
Stop it!
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Dori in Catalan] Stop it! Stop it!
Aitana, please! Stop this!
[Justo in Catalan]
You're crazy! Aitana!
What are you doing?
Separate them,
for God's sake! Dorita!
[breathing heavily]
[in English] This situation's
made me thirsty. [chuckles]
Anyone else want some wine?
[all in agreement, indistinct]
[in Catalan]
Bitch. Fucking imposter.
[bells ringing]
[breathing heavily]
[door creaks]
- [music playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
[Joao crying]
[crying continues]
[Joao fussing]
[door rattles]
[suspenseful music playing]
- [faucet squeaks]
- [water running]
[microwave door opens]
- [door closes]
- [beeping]
[faucet running]
[suspenseful music playing]
[breathing raggedly]
[Aitana in Spanish]
What the hell are you doing?
You're stealing!
[crying] No, no, no!
[speaking Romanian]
[in Spanish]
You're stealing!
- [in Romanian] No, call the police!
- [in Spanish] I knew it!
[Nadia continues in Romanian]
[Aitana in Spanish]
Here is your thief!
- [Nadia in Romanian] Please let me go...
- [Aitana in Spanish] Fuck!
[Nadia sobbing]
- [male voice] Nadia...
- [gasps]
[speaking Romanian]
[male voice]Nadia.
[closet door squeaks]
[male voice whispering]Nadia.
[suspenseful music playing]
[man in English]
Fucking bitch!
I gave her enough
to knock out a bloody horse!
- [microwave beeping]
- [door opens]
[man in English]
Is that a baby bottle?
[bells ringing]
- [footsteps]
- [breathing heavily]
[dramatic music playing]
- [Nadia panting]
- [Aitana in Spanish] Nadia, who are they?
Why do they want to hurt you?
[praying in Romanian]
[Nadia gasps]
[footsteps approaching]
[man in English]
It's all fixed. Let's go.
[footsteps departing]
[door closes]
[in Spanish]
Let's go!
Get out of there!
Come on!
- [speaking Romanian]
- [in Spanish] Nadia, let's go!
[Nadia crying]
[distant voices]
- Gabi, wake up, we're leaving!
- [mumbles]
Fuck, the cell phones!
- [Joao crying in the distance]
- Joao...
Gabi! Gabi!
Please wake up! Gabi!
Wake up!
[ominous music playing]
[breathing heavily]
- [Joao crying]
- Joao?
- [crying continues]
- [breathing heavily]
[louder crying]
[breathing heavily]
[in Spanish]
Where is Nadia?
What the fuck is this?
[Nicols speaking]
Tell us where she is.
Do it for your brother.
What are you going to do?
We are going to help him.
And we need Nadia.
[in Catalan]
Dad, Dad, stop this shit!
[in Spanish]
Why are you protecting her?
Nadia is nobody!
But we can use her to save your brother,
don't you understand?
You're fucking crazy!
- Mom, Mom, Mom!
- Aitana!
[in Catalan]
Aitana, please!
You are monsters!
[in Spanish] No, no, no...
Your parents are wonderful.
They have taken care
of that filthy sow
and loved her like a daughter.
- Why?
- Why?
Because a beloved child
is the only offering
worthy of a god.
What the fuck?
If you don't give us Nadia,
we'll have to look
for another option.
- [Joao crying]
- Joao?
Joao, no, please don't!
He's just a baby!
Please, no!
- Nadia.
- [muttering]
No, no. Not that way.
- [Joao crying]
- [Aitana pleading in Spanish]
I don't like it either,
but Baal demands a son.
We need to finish this.
The child is not
to blame for anything.
[Aitana crying hysterically]
Aitana decides.
Right, Aitana?
[ominous choral music playing]
[Aitana crying]
[Aitana] Joao, no!
Joao, my child...
Please, he's just a baby...
No, what are you doing?!
You bastards!
Don't touch him...
[Joao crying]
In my pocket.
[in Catalan]
My bedroom closet.
[Oriol in Spanish]
Good girl.
It won't be long now.
Everything happens
for a reason.
[Joao crying]
- [Joao continues crying]
- [Aitana sobbing]
[ominous music playing]
[in Persian] Oh, great Baal,
lord of darkness!
Prince of pain and tears!
Oh, great Baal!
Receive your servants...
who come to honor and celebrate
your immense glory...
and accept this girl
from the street
that we offer you on your night.
Oh, great Baal...
god of rain,
thunder and fertility...
through her sacrifice,
grant us health...
grant us power...
prosperity and love.
And wrap your servants
in your bosom.
Oh, great Baal!
Give us the strength
and the spirit
to be able
to spread your word...
so that your kingdom
may have no end.
Eternal life to Baal!
[all chanting in Persian]
Oh, Great Baal!
Oh, great Baal!
Oh, great Baal!
Oh, great Baal!
Oh, great Baal!
[chanting continues]
[in Spanish] Dad?
[in Catalan] It's all a dream
and I'm going to wake up...
It's all a dream...
- Three!
- [gasps]
[indistinct conversation, distantly]
[bells ringing]
[Dori in Spanish]
He's precious,
and also very clever, Gabi, really.
- [soft music playing]
- [Pepita] What is it, Joao?
Hey, you look very handsome
dressed as Santa Claus!
[Saul in Catalan]
This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy had roast beef.
This little piggy had none.
This little piggy cried
all the way home.
Aitana, daughter,
would you like coffee?
[Saul] Give her two aspirin too,
can't you see she's hungover?
[in Catalan]
Joao, you are so cute.
Dear, I think your father needs help.
Are you up for it?
Aitana, honey,
how about giving your dad a hand?
[Pepita in Spanish]
He is so pretty.
[piano music playing]
[in Catalan]
Come on, lazybones!
There is a lot of work to do!
Daughter, will you make the paella?
I guess you remember
how to make it, don't you?
Today we will make it vegetarian,
so that Gabi can also eat it.
But first...
- The appetizer!
- [sizzling]
Sorry, I'm not feeling well.
[choral music playing]
[bird cawing]
[Dori chuckling, in Spanish]
This is Uncle Saul...
And I am Grandma Dori...
[Joao giggles]
[Dori in Spanish indistinct]
[in Spanish] Have you heard
about Nadia?
Last night,
while everyone was asleep,
she stole everything she could and left.
[in Portuguese]
It's unbelievable.
[in Spanish]
You were right in the end.
Your parents are dying of shame.
[choral music playing softly]
["Szczedryk" choral version playing]
[choral music playing]
[music ends]