You Can Never Go Home Again (2021) Movie Script

Better watch out, it's hot.
Thank you.
This is my favorite
thing in the world,
tea with my daughter as she
critiques my latest work.
Well your work
is always amazing.
You don't need my opinion.
No, I do.
I crave it.
And you, Izzy.
You are my most
important critic.
And you brought me gardenias.
I know you fell
in love with them
on your trip to Madagascar
where you met dad while he was
backpacking around the world.
You can tell all my
stories to my biographer.
Come on, enough stalling.
What do you think?
It's not your strongest work.
It's a little lazy.
It's like you've not
decided on your perspective.
Well I have cancer.
I am weak.
I know it takes effort.
No, creating is what I do,
gives me a reason
to get out of bed.
My perspective can
never be weak ever.
Mom, you're sick.
No excuses.
Are you okay?
Never better.
You're right.
I wasn't focused.
I didn't know what
I wanted to say
with this when I started it.
I still don't.
It's a May Malcolm.
It's good.
Could be better.
You have such a good eye.
That's what I told the faculty.
They've agreed to let you finish
teaching my classes this year.
Only until you
start feeling better.
Which might not happen.
Mom, you'll be
back in a few months.
I know that you're doing
wonderful things with pottery,
but I want you to get
back to your painting.
It's just tough.
Jack's never home.
I have Taylor.
And you're taking care of me.
I'm doing the best I can.
Oh, sweetie.
I don't push you because
you're my daughter.
I push you because
I see your talent.
You could be great.
You ready?
Yeah, change'll do us good.
Did you know that Mississippi
has a lotta forests?
I do.
Dad, that's because
you're from here.
That's like cheating.
I love the woods.
My mom loved the woods.
City girl Taylor
love the woods too?
I do.
They are beautiful.
Hey Fletcher girls, look.
Going into our new hometown.
You happy to be back?
Yeah, I can't
believe it's been 20 years.
I left to go play in
a band in Seattle.
Now I'm back with
a good job, house.
A family.
Yeah, a beautiful family.
Who knew?
You went to school
here too, daddy?
I did.
Clinton Park
Elementary, same as you.
I wonder what
teacher you'll get.
Not Mrs. Lukey,
she was the worst.
She smelled like
mothballs and feet.
Mothballs, Jack?
You are petrified.
Okay, mostly feet.
She was a nightmare.
I hope you don't get her.
I hope that I don't get her too.
I used to be so cool.
Now I got the minivan.
Dad got a good deal.
All right.
The door.
Excuse me.
You okay?
I am so sorry.
It's all right.
It's okay.
I know this is a lot.
Thank you.
We're married.
'Til death do us part.
Hey, that's our room.
We need our room.
Jack, we still have a lot to do.
You're right.
Like you said,
"Change can be helpful
especially when you're goin'
through somethin' hard."
I just miss her.
I know you do.
I love you.
Yeah, I love you too.
Rockstar moves home, starts
business with local nerd.
Kyle, it's so good to see you.
I see your husband on
Zoom calls every day.
He's not photogenic.
Like you're a GQ model.
Hey, you can tease
him all you want
as long as you're here
to help us unpack.
Oh no, I came here
to play dolls or trucks
with my goddaughter Taylor.
Where's she at?
Upstairs tryin'
to steal our room.
Ooh, I'm gonna
take this for later.
What's up, man?
Good to see you.
Good to have you back.
Yeah, it's good to be back.
It's a nice place.
Yeah, it's not bad.
Do you remember where
you packed the toaster?
No, I do not.
I askd you to label the boxes.
I've just been focused
on this client, sorry.
Look what I found.
That's a good one.
She's really proud
of that painting.
She would've been 60 next week.
I know.
You okay?
Just when I'm starting
to feel a little better,
then a wave hits me.
Hey, it's only
been three months.
It's your mom.
It's okay to let
it wash over you.
Just saps my energy.
- Good morning.
- I wish she was here.
Well good morning, Miss Taylor.
You ready for your
first day of school?
No, but I'll go.
Mommy loved teaching
at grandma's school,
but we had to move
closer to dad's parents.
All right.
I got an idea.
How 'bout we list
all of the things
we can be excited about today?
Okay, one: mommy, what
are we doin' for lunch?
I totally spaced.
I can do peanut
butter sandwiches.
Or how 'bout we do
school lunch today?
Okay, I'll get you situated
after I meet your new teacher.
What is her name?
Mrs. Lukey?
Mrs. Smellsoffeet?
No, Ms. Sanders.
Ms. Sanders, that's right.
Why don't you go wait
in the car, sweetheart?
I'll be out in a sec.
Have a good day
at school, sweetie.
I love you to the moon back.
Love you.
I'm failing at everything.
Stop it.
You are amazing, truly.
Listen, you want me to
make it an early day?
I can be here if you need me.
No. No, it's okay.
Just gonna put some music
on, unpack my studio.
Yeah, get your mojo back.
Missing my mojo.
Here is your hot lunch ticket.
All right, put that
in a safe place, okay?
Here are your new
parent materials
and right here is the school
calendar for the semester.
Now remember we will have
a parent/teacher conference
in a couple of weeks.
Ah, here is your new
teacher, Ms. Sanders.
Thank you, Mr. Carlson.
And hello to the Fletchers.
You must be my new
student, Taylor.
And you just moved
here from San Francisco?
Palo Alto.
Oh, Stanford.
Nice neighborhood.
And I'm Mr. Fletcher
or Jack AKA dad.
Emma Sanders.
You are not Mrs. Lukey.
Uh, sorry?
Sorry. It was another
teacher back in the day.
Nice to meet you.
You too.
I grew up here, so I
went to this exact school
and I had a teacher that
was very different than you.
She seemed old then, so she's
probably dead now or retired.
Hmm. Well I just
started here too.
I moved here about a month ago.
Taylor, you and I can be
the new kids around here.
So you're new too?
Okay. Okay.
Well like I said I grew
up here, so welcome.
And if you need any
scoops on the locals,
actually those locals are
probably long gone now.
Such a long time.
Anyway, I wanted to
get Taylor situated
before I head to work.
Oh, a first day for you too.
Good guess.
I'm over at Mobile Creative.
We're an app
development company.
So you know, it's my first day.
I'm sure your job is dynamic,
but let's not bore Tay here.
Tay, that's what
my parents call me.
See? I'm cool
just like they are.
Well let's get you to class.
Don't worry, Jack.
She's in great hands.
The hell was that, Jack?
Hello sweetie.
I made you an easel.
Come paint with me.
It's gorgeous out today.
Grab the world, go after your
dreams and never give up.
Carpe diem.
Go on.
I'm your neighbor.
I'm Izzy, Izzy Fletcher.
I'm Natalie Jensen.
I brought wine and well cookies
'cause I can't cook
worth a damn.
Actually, scratch that.
I refuse to cook.
Well thank you for the welcome.
Do you wanna come in?
- You sure?
- Yeah.
All right.
Mmm, pumpkin spice
fluffy waffles.
Are you kiddin' me?
I never would've made somethin'
like this for my kids.
Thank god they're with
their dad this month.
Screw him.
I went to cooking school,
so you learn a lot of tricks.
So a potter on
top of bein' a chef
and a wife and a mother.
I'm jealous.
I lost myself when
I got married.
I'm not a chef, just
one of many passions.
Started with fashion and then
cooking and then martial arts.
And then I got pregnant
and I started doing pottery
and I would really like
to get back to painting.
Annoying is more like it.
I don't know Jack
puts up with me.
I should be a better wife.
I really love this song.
Who is it?
The Jackals.
No, I don't think
I've heard of them.
It's Jack's band.
It's probably the
last CD in existence.
They started in Seattle.
I actually met him when he
was on tour in LA at a club.
You people are cool.
Jack's the rockstar.
I'm still figuring things out.
Seriously, do it.
This is a quiet town.
You can find yourself.
We could do it together.
We could form our own band.
I could play the kazoo.
Well Jack really
lived it up, you know?
And then he got into Silicon
Valley and those 18-hour days.
It's not great for family time.
So you're ready for quiet?
Yes, definitely.
Oh, hi sweetie.
See you tomorrow.
I love that smile.
Did you have a good day?
Look what I got.
Oh wow.
Is that your teacher?
Yeah, Ms. Sanders.
She's the best.
Oh, the best?
Well that is high praise.
Mmm, mom. That was delicious.
Well I'm just glad
to have family to feed
because your brother
doesn't visit.
So I hope you guys never
move back to California.
Yeah, amen to that.
Remember from now on,
this is your second home.
That's right.
Can I sleep over sometime?
Tay, we don't invite ourselves.
That's fine, Izzy.
She absolutely can and
must sleep over any time.
Taylor also loves
her new teacher.
None of yours, Jack?
No, no, no, no, no.
She's new, young, real friendly.
Yeah, I met her when
I dropped Taylor off.
It's important to
appreciate our teachers.
Have you guys checked out
any of Izzy's new works?
She's selling a lotta pottery.
Not a lot, just some.
Well we love Izzy's work
because it's all so beautiful.
That's right.
It's always beautiful
because she's talented.
That she is.
- Like her mom.
- Mm-hmm.
My mom was brilliant.
She was brilliant.
What are you gonna do
with her paintings?
They're in storage until
I figure some things out.
Well movin' is tough.
So Taylor, what's
it gonna be this year?
Is it gonna be soccer or T-ball?
It's goin' to be
skateboarding and trampoline.
Oh, I'ma build
you that trampoline.
Son, how's
Izzy doin' with the move
on top of her mom's passing?
Izzy's strong.
It's definitely been tough.
I think she's been doin' a good
job of keepin' it together.
She seems sad and distant.
Oh, they had a very
special relationship.
Well she took care
of her for a year.
But Izzy'll be all right.
No everyday job, no parents,
no siblings, no friends here.
No, there's Kyle.
He's your high school
friend, Jack, not her friend.
She's a quiet artist,
so different from you
and your loud brother.
Maybe I'll take her shopping.
Shopping. Yeah,
that'll solve everything.
We can just do things together.
Like maybe do a class together.
I'm stuffed.
Can I help clean?
No, no, no, no,
baby. We got this.
Go relax.
Yes, go rest those
legs, Ms. Izzy.
I'm taking you to that
new mall next week.
We can get our steps in.
This part, is that
what you're sayin'?
Oh okay, okay, okay.
Okay, I like that.
Yeah, it's good.
- I like that.
- Okay.
Okay, so and like this.
Jack, Triple Americano?
Thank you.
Flat white,
extra shot for Emily.
It's Emma.
Thank you.
Oh hey, Taylor's teacher.
Ms. Sanders, Emma.
You're Taylor's dad, right?
Sorry, Ms. Sanders.
My brain is mush.
I've been cramming for
a investor's meeting.
Surprised I didn't forget to
put on underwear this morning.
That got TMI.
That was a bit much.
You know, that's my
wife's drink too.
Flat white, extra shot.
Packs a punch.
She has great taste.
Yeah, she's unique like that.
You know, it's funny.
My laptop was right over there.
You must've walked right
past me when you came in.
Well you were very absorbed.
Got a super juicy text chat?
Yeah, my wife.
She's tryin' to decide which
rug to put in the living room.
It's very hush-hush.
I'm sure your
wife loves her rugs.
She does.
Shouldn't you be at school?
Well it's 4:30
and I'm meeting a friend
nearby for a drink.
I don't where this work, Jack.
Right, right.
So you're gonna
meet your boyfriend?
Oh no, no.
I don't have one of those.
Just teachers, friends,
acquaintances, coworkers, whatever.
I'm tryin' to fit
in too, remember?
God, did you say 4:30?
Musta lost track of time.
Still got hours of work to do.
Stressful, huh?
New job, new rugs.
Yeah, our rhythm is
just off, you know?
I'm used to intense
work environment.
It's just hard to
self-motivate at times.
Most creative people say that.
Not feelin' it.
You moved here from
Silicon Valley, right?
Yeah, a small
fish in a big pond.
I don't think they appreciated
what a creative talent you were.
Another hour.
If we go sit at the bar now,
people are gonna think I'm
either desperate or an alcoholic.
Yeah, those
rumors could get nasty
for an elementary teacher.
I know, right?
Do you mind if I join you?
Yeah, sure.
I was gonna ask.
Yes. Hi, it's Izzy Fletcher.
I got a notification that
a package was delivered.
Well it wasn't.
Do you have any idea how
important that package is to me?
So I was visiting museums
and galleries in Tokyo,
then Bali and Croatia,
Barcelona, then Dublin,
Paris then Amsterdam.
No, actually it was
Amsterdam then Paris.
I haven't done
anything like that.
I mean a few cities with my
band, Italy with my folks.
Honeymoon, Mexico and
that is embarrassingly it.
You're in a band?
In another life, yeah.
The Jackals.
We were three of us outta
Seattle, had a little popularity.
I actually met Izzy after a
concert we had in Los Angeles.
What a cool story.
That was a different me.
Now I'm safe, centered, boring.
You've so much
to offer the world.
Carpe diem, seize the day.
Eat exotic foods.
Be adventuresome.
Life is short.
Yeah, life is short.
Izzy's mom passed last fall.
She been heartbroken.
I heard.
Taylor shared.
I can understand what
she's going through.
I lost my parents
at a young age too.
I feel lucky.
My parents are still
right on Crescent Lane.
We all have our journeys.
What's yours goin' to be?
I'm developing a new app.
It's called 24-hour nurse.
It's gonna save time and money.
New healthcare approach.
That is important.
Mmm, espresso.
I'm spoiled comin' over here.
Hey, where's Taylor at?
She's at her grandparents.
Hey, what's wrong?
I was already
having a rough day.
You know that package
that was lost?
It was full of my
mom's sketchbooks
from the university
that she taught at.
Oh, wow.
Look, I know they seem lost now.
But trust me, they'll be found.
You're gonna get those
sketchbooks back.
It's all good.
Oh, uh-oh.
Okay, come here.
You need a hug.
Mm-hmm, I can tell.
I'm sorry.
I know we just met.
It is okay.
We're new friends.
Just when you think that
you can't miss someone more,
a new wave hits.
I just keep picturing
when she's sick.
Hey, did you ever drink
that wine I brought over?
Oh no, no, no.
Wait, lemme tell you.
So I'm textin' him.
Everything he ever
did to drive me crazy
and to break my heart and
his poor attempts at sex.
Okay, it was bad.
And his awful hygiene.
This man could not put his
dirty clothes in the hamper
to save his life.
So you were actually
texting his mom?
Uh-huh, so I'm just this
silly, sad divorcee.
It was so bad.
Feels good to laugh.
Yeah, well it was
two years ago, I think.
So I'm fine.
You can laugh at
me all you want.
You know, I lost
both my parents too.
Mama when I was 12
and my daddy about
eight years ago.
I'm sorry.
Life sucks.
Well it's a different
way of livin' in the world,
but I know that loneliness.
Does Jack know all that
you're goin' through?
I don't think he does.
I think he's so focused
on the new company.
Just feel like I'm going
through this alone.
Well you got me now.
More wine?
More wine.
I sound like a real wild
man saving money on bills.
You know when I get stressed,
I like to walk the local trails.
That's my big macho
experience, day hikes.
You're like one of the only
alpha males I've met lately.
I mean you're the
man of the house.
You're saving the
world with your tech.
You're a strong
husband and father.
That's not grabbing
life like you, you know?
Like I want to do.
It seems like havin' a kid,
starting a new business.
Feel like I've slowed way down.
The need is strong within you.
You want to get
out, take a chance.
Maybe comin' back here
wasn't the right choice.
Feels safe.
No, it was all
part of your journey.
You needed to hear
that voice telling you
it was okay to grab the
world, take a chance.
See, Izzy doesn't
understand these things.
And if you didn't come here,
you wouldn't have met me
and I wouldn't have been
able to help inspire you.
It's true.
I do feel inspired.
I mean life's too short, too
unpredictable, too delicious.
Don't tease me.
To not be bold, to not
take risks, not be foolish.
It's richer.
Hell, it's
to just go for things.
I don't feel like anything
I've done lately has been sexy.
Oh my god, Jack.
If Izzy hasn't told
you, she should.
'Cause you
are very
sexy, man.
That is definitely a
compliment comin' from you.
I should get back to work.
Hello, hello,
hello, hello, hello.
How are you, baby girl?
Mac and cheese.
Ooh, exotic.
I was thinking of goin' to
the local gallery tomorrow
to get some inspiration.
Can you take Tay?
Actually, no.
I need to be in the
office with Kyle.
What about mom and dad?
I'm making your exotic dinner.
Sorry to disrupt.
If we're tryin' to sell
'em on the ease of the app,
then why mention
privacy in this meeting?
It's not sexy.
Because they're gonna
ask about it, all right?
And if we don't
mention it early,
they're gonna think
we aren't prepared.
We need to be bold
right off the bat.
Confidence sells.
We got all the bells and
whistles and it's practical.
All right, definitely.
But we're gonna wow 'em
with the tech, okay?
We need a 360 approach
to this thing, man.
We're more than just tech heads.
We got to show 'em that
we're good businessmen.
I hate to cut the short,
but I got a reservation
at Sushi Go.
There's this fine
new waitress there.
What, you have reservations
to hit on a waitress?
Have you been on Tinder lately?
The women on there, it's
like a cult of vampires
literally suckin' the
life force outta me.
The reason why it's
not working though
is because I need my wingman.
I think you'll be fine without.
I gotta clear my head.
I get it, man.
I do.
Movin' back home, startin'
a business with your BFF.
Taylor's startin' a new school.
Izzy's mom.
I know it's gotta
be hard on her.
Izzy's really.
I'm missin' the city.
It's like nothing
I do is ever right.
I read a lotta Cosmo, all right?
And what I've learned is that
you need to man up, Jack.
She's fragile, okay?
She needs you right now
and you both need me to bring
over a whole lot more wine.
Let's plan a night.
Got it.
All right, wish me luck.
I'm fishin' for a new wife.
Good luck, stalker.
'Kay, so we have-
- Sam?
You're kidding me.
Mrs. Fletcher, one of
my favorite professors.
Izzy please.
I'm so happy to see you.
I needed this.
I know, it's probably been hard.
I am so sorry about your mom.
She was an absolute
great artist and teacher.
She loved your talent.
Is this a small world or what?
Yeah, after my mom passed,
we decided to move back
to Jack's hometown.
I know, he mentioned that at
the funeral and on Instagram.
It hasn't been easy.
So why did you leave California?
I graduated and figured I
could live with my parents
and work at one
of their galleries
while I work on my projects.
So this is their gallery.
- It kinda rings a
bell: you, Mississippi.
It's one of their galleries.
They're the biggest art snobs.
I think I have a long way to go
before I can establish my brand.
Well I disagree.
I think you're very talented.
Probably need to get
back to painting myself.
It's just I've been
really preoccupied.
I know you moved close.
I'm sorry.
I follow you online.
You're just so interesting.
The things you share.
I probably share too much.
It's fun.
In class, you were this
intelligent, quiet woman
and yet you come
alive on the Internet.
I love your new home studio.
Thank you.
Well I know I share too much.
You just never know
about the creeps.
Can I buy you a coffee
so I can pick your brain?
Coffee sounds
great, but I'm buying.
You've already
lifted my spirits.
Okay, hold on one sec.
Let's go.
So excited.
I have not seen you in forever.
Oh, sorry.
No worries.
Ms. Sanders.
Wow, hi.
Are you stalking me?
No, 'course not.
No, I'm just out here
clearin' my head.
You know, I work
right up the street.
I'm teasing you.
You don't seem like
the stalking type.
Too bad.
Well I noticed you were havin'
another alone time moment.
Relationships are hard.
Am I that easy to read?
Well not many people go
walkin' on a secluded trail
just to clear their thoughts
'cause of work, Jack.
It's okay to be vulnerable.
You're having some issues in
your marriage and that's okay.
I'm here for you when you
need a shoulder to cry on.
We can help each other through
these difficult life moments.
Well hey, you're out here
in this lonely place too.
What's your excuse?
Well I live a few
minutes from here.
It's my favorite spot to run.
I need to work on
my thighs and butt.
C'mon, you're in great shape.
Are you flattering me, Jack?
You are in great shape.
Oh, you think so?
So tongue tied, Jack.
You're the big wig in town.
Clever tech genius.
I should be flattering you.
I don't feel like
a clever genius.
Actually I feel kinda lost.
No, you're right
where you need to be.
Things happen for a reason.
You are present.
You give to others.
You're such a kind
and caring man.
The world needs to
give back to you.
Your needs are valuable.
I can help you meet
your needs, Jack.
Be open.
There's nothing that
you can do or say
that would push me away.
The breeze, the cold,
So good.
It's like a poem.
Dance with me.
- Come on.
- Come on.
You know, I could
use another friend.
Actually, I have to go.
I'm really late for a meeting.
I just remembered.
You need me to give you a ride?
- Really?
- Yeah.
You're a lifesaver.
Your mom was an
absolute great artist.
You really take after her.
Thank you.
Yeah, she was somethin'.
She was this hip
California artist.
Like mother, like daughter.
It's nice to hear
someone flatter her,
to really remember her.
People remember her.
What are you gonna do
with her paintings?
Couple galleries
have reached out.
They're in storage
until I can figure out
what to do with them.
I should have them sent here.
I do have an in with some
big-time gallery owners.
Yeah, that'd be amazing.
I don't know if I'm ready
for something like that yet.
I see you're in a pottery phase.
Ah, yes.
Put on music, I cry.
I don't paint.
I cry some more.
I'm pretty sure that my
family can't stand me anymore.
Your mom was a force of nature.
And this is a hard
thing to say but true:
your mom died way too young.
Now this is the time
to celebrate her.
You use these emotions,
make things paint things.
It'll make your mom proud
knowin' that you turned this
hard time into something good.
You are wise beyond your years.
I can't believe
you're mentoring me.
I had to grow up fast.
Lots of family issues.
And I remember your mom always
saying carpe diem to me,
seize the day.
It helped shape me.
Yeah, she did say that.
She also used to sign
her paintings like that.
She was the best and
you are her daughter.
That is a great legacy.
I know the other students
were jealous of you,
Sam, thank you.
I really appreciate it.
Thanks for the ride.
Of course.
Do you have to go back to work?
You wanna come in?
No, I should go.
It's all right, Jack.
Carpe diem, remember?
You seized it.
I wanna see you again.
What'd you do, Jack?
- Hey.
- Hey.
How's work on a Saturday?
I shoulda known.
Good news.
Taylor is with your
parents tonight.
So I thought it would be fun
to do a pizza and
scary movie night.
No kids allowed.
Sounds good.
I'ma take a quick shower
and you order the pizza.
I've been tracking my cycle
and I thought it would be a
good time to try for a baby.
I know it's outta the blue,
but Taylor needs a sibling.
I got too much
goin' on right now,
the move and this new client.
I can't even process
somethin' like that, okay?
I know it's important to
talk about these things.
I was feeling spontaneous.
About havin' another baby?
Well it's what I want.
I gotta take a shower.
This app will
revolutionized urgent care
and save money on medical bills.
Now imagine injuring
yourself at the hiking place.
Hiking place.
C'mon, Jack. Focus.
I'm in the office.
Tay and I going for a
walk down to the park.
Do you wanna come?
I can't. I'm swamped.
Oh okay.
You know, sometimes I worry.
Feels like we never
left Palo Alto.
You're working really hard.
I know.
It's just these new clients.
Once we get them locked
in, get this deal done,
things'll slow down.
I promise.
You can do this.
Thanks. I appreciate
the support.
I'm sorry, 'kay?
We shouldn't have done that.
I should not have done that.
I'm so sorry.
Hey, you there?
We don't need to make
a big thing about this.
Oh yeah, exactly.
Exactly. We don't.
We were curious
about each other.
I've been thinkin' about you.
Had you been thinking about me?
Yeah, but I have a family.
And sometimes you need a break.
Listen, you're beautiful.
You're bold, easy to talk to.
I'm jealous your spirit.
But this has to end right now.
We can't ever talk about
this again to anyone.
Can you promise me that?
No, Jack.
I can't.
We are really excited
to work together.
The proposal is impressive
and the app is a winner.
- Well thank you.
- Yeah.
We knew we were aimin' high,
but we think we can deliver.
Yeah, Jack's
workin' on no sleep.
You know, we don't
think we can deliver.
We know we will deliver.
You can bank on that.
We're gonna do a
lotta good together.
You and your team
should be proud.
We're excited.
Well no one will work as
hard as we will, all right?
We're focused.
Oh, very focused. All right?
We are on it.
We're gonna deliver.
Talk's cheap.
Now that we've seen what
you and your team can do,
we're gonna go
draw up the papers.
Oh man, we are in.
I feel good, you?
Yeah, of course.
What was your deal there, man?
My deal?
You have too much coffee,
you kickin' on adrenaline?
Like you were a chatty
Cathy aching for validation.
But we got the money.
Deal's not signed.
Money's not wired.
Until it's done, we've
got nothin', all right?
We need to be cool and
that's usually you.
Sorry, just uptight.
No more excuses, man.
I mean we need you at the
top of your game right now.
I'll pull it together.
Everything okay?
Just distracted.
No more distractions, all right?
We're countin' on you, Jack.
Got it.
I got it.
"I'm sorry, but I need to
be here for my family."
"Sent you a present
in your email"?
What now?
Scared me.
I scare you?
No, just focused in my head.
What's goin' on? Am
I late for dinner?
Somethin' wrong with Taylor?
No, don't say anything.
I have a surprise for you.
I said don't say anything.
All right.
You comin'?
This is a nice surprise.
I just thought it would be good
to have some time
just the two of us.
So I have to talk to
you about something.
So you remember when they said
that they delivered
my mom's sketchbooks?
- Mm-hmm.
- Well they're lost.
I called the storage unit
where they were being kept
and they said that
I called last week
and had them delivered
to an address here.
Did you?
No, of course not.
Wait, so all your
mom's paintings.
You don't seem that upset.
Just things were
starting to get better
with work and the move and us.
I don't wanna spend
my days angry.
Well you definitely
seem different.
Last week, all your
mom's sketchbooks
and paintings have been lost?
You'd be a mess.
Well they're trying, so so am I.
Okay, well thank you for this.
I definitely needed the break.
Oh, remember.
Parent/teacher night is
tonight at the school.
That's tonight?
You know, I'm busy.
Look, I don't even
think we need to go.
I don't need to go.
We definitely need to go.
We're new here in town and
it'll mean a lot to Taylor.
You're right.
It's definitely
important to Taylor.
I'll make it work.
Thank you.
Olivia, thank you so much
for the clothing that
you got for Taylor.
She's gonna be ecstatic.
That's what nanas are for.
I also wanna buy
you some clothes.
Ooh, I'm not really a mall girl.
Well then you can take me
to one of those used clothes
retro stores you like to go to.
How are you adapting?
Jack said it's been tough.
Your mom.
I miss her.
As you should.
She was wonderful, an
amazing artist and person.
I'm actually a
little more concerned
about Jack these days.
He seems very unfocused.
Well I knew that
might be comin'.
When Jack grew up,
he dreamed so big
of leavin' this town,
makin' his music
and never lookin' back
at his humble hometown.
Well I know he loves the city.
He feels the boxed-in here.
Big fish in a small town.
But he'll find this place,
he got you and Taylor.
You'll help him see the light.
Well I know he loves our family.
Of course he does.
And as soon as he
get over this fear
of bein' back in a small town,
he'll love you both well.
So what you're saying
is to be patient.
You don't have to do that, baby.
Just be yourself.
And soon he'll realize that
his dreams are in your house.
I love putting
faces to the parents
of these wonderful children
I get the pleasure and
privilege of teaching.
Some of them are so
above grade level,
it's impressive and
you should be proud.
Ms. Fletcher.
I've seen Jack a couple times,
but I've been dying to meet you.
I love that dress by the way.
Oh, thank you.
I love yours too.
I didn't realize that
you'd met Jack a few times.
Oh yeah.
The first time when
I dropped off Taylor.
And I said, "You're
not Ms. Lukey."
I didn't get it.
I still don't.
And the other time was at the
coffee shop near the office.
That's right.
Hardly memorable.
You look really familiar.
Have you spent any
time in the Bay area?
Oh my god, it's so embarrassing.
You make pottery.
Isabelle Fletcher.
Yeah, how did you know?
I follow you online.
You've got a few
selfies on there.
But wow, in real life,
you're beautiful.
Thanks. I hate social media.
It's kind of a necessary
evil at this point.
I actually own a
couple of your pieces.
You own some of my work?
I have a mug and a
bowl and a picture.
Oh my gosh, I'm so flattered.
I have to admit something.
I'm the biggest fan of
your wife.
Thank you. I really
needed this ego boost.
You're so modest, another
thing I adore about you.
I remember this boy.
Ms. Gowler, how are you?
You look great.
Izzy, this is my music teacher.
Ms. Gowler, my wife Izzy.
Hi, it's so nice to meet you.
Her husband Mark gave
me my first guitar lessons
and she taught me how to sing.
They both inspire me.
Well and your daughter
Taylor is quite the singer.
No stage fright there.
Oh, she's a
rockstar like her dad.
She does not get that from me.
Yes and there's
a picture of Jack
at the high school
in his first band.
- Wow.
- Oh my gosh.
Tell me he's wearing
his leather jacket
and his Gumby hairstyle.
No, I hate that photo.
Well I guess we have
you guys to thank.
I actually met Jack at
one of his concerts in LA.
That's how we fell in love.
Oh, that makes me so happy.
I love their story.
Well speakin' of Mark,
I have a photo of his guitar
collection in my room.
Oh my gosh, I'd
love to see that.
Oh my gosh, Joy.
Mark would go crazy if he
found out Jack Fletcher,
the Jack Fletcher saw
his guitar collection.
Yeah, you want to?
- Yeah.
- Let's do it.
Oh wait, may I talk
to you for a minute?
Um, sure.
- Sure?
- Yeah, it's fine.
I can't tell you how
impressive you are in person.
You have an eyelash.
Do you mind if I get it?
- No, it's fine.
- 'Kay, don't move.
Hey, you okay?
Are you okay?
I'm sorry.
I know I haven't been
present for you or Taylor.
I love you.
I know.
Taylor, we're gonna be late.
You tell me, Jack.
You've been sittin' in
your car for the last hour.
You okay?
I cheated on Izzy.
That was not expected.
God, that's not good, Jack.
That's not good.
How did I let this happen?
Do you love her?
The other woman.
You gotta tell Izzy, man.
Look, there's no other way.
I know.
All right.
Hey, d'you forget something?
What's wrong?
I cheated on you.
You need to leave.
With who?
- It was only one time.
- With who?
Tell me.
Emma Sanders, Taylor's teacher.
Her teacher?
You have five minutes
to pack your stuff and go.
Nothin' I say is gonna.
I was lonely.
Missed you.
You've been so
distant ever since-
- Ever since what?
Your mom died.
So because my mom died,
that gives you an excuse?
Get out!
Get out!
Izzy, I'm sorry
and I love you.
I can't do it.
Well I couldn't either at first.
But look, I learned.
Try again.
It's okay, Tay.
Keep trying.
I did it!
Good job, babe.
Now mommy disappeared.
You have one new voice message.
Hey Izzy?
Baby, I'm so sorry and I'm
so disappointed in Jack.
I don't know why he would
do this to his family.
I don't understand it.
Izzy, just know that we're
here for you and Taylor always.
And baby if you need to talk,
I'll make sure that
Jack is not here.
Call me as soon as you can.
Take care.
Hi Olivia, it's me.
I don't wanna talk tonight,
but I do need to talk to Chuck.
Oh no, no, no. Absolutely.
I understand.
All right. Hold on, baby.
It's Izzy.
- Hey Izzy.
- Chuck?
There's a car outside
that keeps stalking me.
I don't know.
I'm getting a really
bad feeling about this.
Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
All right, all right.
Don't worry.
I'll call the station.
I'll ask 'em to send patrols
over by your house, okay?
Thank you, Chuck.
All right, just don't worry.
We'll check in with you later.
I'll try.
What was that about?
Someone's like stalking
her house or somethin'.
Call for you.
Who is it?
I don't know, a woman.
Is it her?
I don't even know
you anymore, Jack.
We are so upset about this.
Look what you're
doin' to your family.
You need to fix it.
- Mama.
- Fix it!
Mama, I got it.
Fix it.
Hey Jack.
Miss me?
How did you find me?
I'm good at guessing games.
This is not a game.
I can't believe you didn't
tell me the good news.
What good news?
Your separation.
The new us.
Listen to me.
There is no us.
I told Izzy what I
did and it gutted her,
but I told her
because I love her
and you will not
come between us.
She must be pretty angry.
Maybe I should have a
friendly chat with her.
Listen, you stay
away from my wife.
You stay away from my family.
Hey sweetie, mom and
dad are busy today.
So you're gonna stay
with Ms. Natalie
instead of goin' to school.
Come give mommy a hug.
Miss Taylor, we are gonna
have so much fun today,
all right?
Its gonna be okay, I promise.
I appreciate your help.
Hey, we'll do anything for you.
I hope you know that.
C'mon inside.
Thank you.
So when you called last night,
you told me that she was
staking out your house.
I called a friend of mine,
a detective with the squad.
I asked him to run
the name Emma Sanders.
Thank you, Chuck.
Oh, don't worry about it.
Here, sit down. Sit down.
So it came back right away
and it you know,
looked pretty clean.
It was too clean.
Look at this.
High school, college,
no tickets, no debts.
That's a red flag.
We decided to look through
all the sales of your website
for the last year, right?
And we found
Emily Sanderson.
Little too close, right?
So we dug a little further,
same IP address as Emma Sanders.
She screwed up that night.
She went to the same university
that my mom taught at.
That's right and it gets worse.
Here's her college ID.
And then we ran her transcripts.
She got an A in May Malcolm's
Advanced Watercolor 133 class.
She got an A and May Malcolm's
Advanced Color Theory 431.
I was a teacher's
assistant in this class.
Do you remember this woman?
Her face.
We had small groups.
I don't think she was in mine.
I don't know.
Yeah, well we ran
her medical records.
She was hospitalized twice
during that time
for panic attacks.
Does that ring a bell?
I remember my mom talking
about one of her students
having really bad anxiety.
I can't believe she knew my mom.
She knew me.
It's probably when all
this obsession started.
But why?
That's a good question.
I mean she was brought up
in the foster care system.
Both her parents died when
she was really young on drugs.
Maybe she was so
desperate to have a family
and then she saw you,
a beautiful young lady.
Your mother's a
world-famous artist.
You're a great artist.
You have a beautiful family,
a beautiful marriage.
I mean I'm just speculating.
Does she have a history
of stuff like this?
Not on record.
But this is really strange.
We found racy emails from the
principal of Taylor's school,
Mr. Carlson to Emma Sanders.
Do you think she
was blackmailing him
to become Taylor's teacher?
I don't know.
But those are questions my
associates are gonna be asking
this Mr. Carlson really soon.
Okay, so what do we do now?
There's one other thing
and I think you'll
find this interesting.
We're tracking a
very large shipment
that got delivered to your
place a couple days ago
from San Francisco.
Oh my god, these could
be my mom's paintings.
I called the
storage unit last week
and they said that I called
and had them delivered to
an address here in town.
It's unbelievable.
This is fraud.
This is mail theft.
Look, I have enough right now
to get a search
warrant from a judge.
I'm sure.
Chuck, I have to
get inside that house.
How you doin', Martin?
Hey Chief.
Thank you, Martin.
Great to see you back in action.
I wish.
I'm just helpin' my family.
This is my daughter-in-law Izzy.
He's a good friend of mine,
Detective Martin Belson.
He got us all the information.
Thank you so much.
The uniforms were here earlier.
She's not home, not at school.
I'm sure Mrs. Fletcher'll find
Ms. Sanderson's
decorating interesting.
You sure you really
wanna do this?
I threw this away last night.
It was a gift from
her to Taylor.
This is one-of-a-kind.
She was in my house.
So she was in your and
Jack's home for sure.
Oh my god.
My mom's paintings.
They're all here.
She's Photoshopped
herself onto these photos.
She's obsessed.
She sure is.
Are you 100% sure that these
are your mom's paintings?
- Yeah.
- All right.
We got her on mail
fraud and theft.
Pull a warrant.
She's been Googling
tranquilizer drugs.
I think you're blowing
things way outta proportion.
Is this Emma or
should I call you Emily?
I didn't think you'd
remember me from that class.
You are so self-absorbed.
I had a group that
kept me plenty busy.
I didn't teach anybody
outside of the group.
I'm not chastising you.
I admit I was jealous.
A world-famous
artist as a mother,
an almost-rockstar husband
and a beautiful
charming daughter.
I hate to say it.
But girl, you had it all.
I still have it all.
Not really.
Your mother's dead.
Your husband last slept
with a woman who isn't you
and your beautiful daughter-
- She's not a part of this.
You're right, she isn't
as long as you and I are besties
and you don't say anything
to those two cops in
my house with you.
Don't you touch her.
I know your
father-in-law's not a real cop.
He's retired.
But once a cop, always a cop.
My point?
You and I are gonna
have a little chat.
I'll do whatever you want.
But please don't hurt Taylor.
As long as you're
willing to meet with me.
I am.
I'll send you a text
telling you where to meet me.
Leave those two
cops in my house.
Maybe I'll show you
some of my new art.
Can you take care
of my mom's artwork?
Forgot I have to pick Taylor up.
You know what?
That's a great idea.
Pick her up and bring
her to our house.
You two should
sleep over tonight.
Yeah, maybe.
No, it's important.
I think until we
apprehend this woman,
you should not be alone, okay?
So bring her over.
Natalie, pick up.
Pick up.
Natalie, pick up. Come on.
Are you okay?
I've been calling
for 15 minutes.
Where's Taylor?
I'm so sorry, Izzy.
She's gone.
I don't know where she is.
They took my phone.
Oh my god, I have to call Jack.
Call Jack's cell.
Calling Jack Fletcher cell.
We have registered nurses.
The unions-
- I'm sorry.
It's my wife.
Oh, that's the true boss.
You can always take time for-
- Hey.
- Jack,
Emma Sanders took Taylor.
- What?
- She took Taylor.
- What?
- She took her
and I don't know where she went.
Where are you?
I'm driving.
Where would she take Taylor?
The hiking trail.
Yeah, yeah. I'll
text the directions.
Meet me there.
Yeah, I'm at the park.
I'ma go look for her.
I'm gonna go find our daughter.
Daddy's comin'!
Daddy's comin'!
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Ms. Sanders said
we're playin' a game,
but then she disappeared
and I got scared.
I'm sorry I got scared.
No, no, no.
- Daddy, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry, okay?
You'll never have
to play that game.
Hi Jack.
Bye Jack.
- Mommy?
- Taylor?
Oh my god.
Are you okay?
Daddy tried to untie me,
but Ms. Sanders poked him
with a doctor's needle.
She's not gonna
hurt daddy, okay?
Why is she being so mean?
Ms. Sanders is disturbed.
She said to stay at home.
We don't need them.
Ms. Sanders said
she'll see me at home.
I don't like this game.
I don't wanna play anymore.
You don't have
to play this game.
I need you to go inside
and go find Papa, okay?
But I want you to come with me.
I need you to be a big girl
and go inside and find Papa.
I love you to the
moon and back, okay?
Love you too.
Can you please go bring
her inside and find Chuck?
I love your dress.
Oh my god, Jack.
- Are you okay?
- Izzy.
Where's Taylor?
She's safe.
I'm so sorry.
I got us into this.
This is my fault.
Yeah and I'm
getting us out of it.
Where is she?
She's here.
How do I look?
Oh, your biggest fan.
You look great, Emily.
It's Isabel.
My friends and family call
me Izzy for short.
Izzy, you look great.
I should paint.
I should, but I've been too
busy making pottery.
Oh, Jack.
So sorry, Jack.
I didn't know you'd
pass out so fast.
He's such a great guy.
He's always doing everything
he can to make me feel better.
I haven't been great
at accepting it though.
He is a great guy.
He's made a couple of mistakes,
but he is always there for me.
For us.
He's always there for us.
We met in a club.
Jack was in a rock band.
Oh my gosh, we were so young.
That club in LA?
I post about it on my
social media all the time.
That night changed my life.
He saw me from up on stage.
He picked me from the crowd.
He sang for me.
You were beautiful.
I was.
I was the daughter of May
Malcolm, world-famous painter.
And with you Jack
and our family,
I didn't have time
to focus on my art.
Emma, stop this.
You had your chance: a
beautiful family, a legacy,
a mother who loved you.
You didn't appreciate
it like I would.
I'm not crazy, Izzy.
I loved my mother.
She was magical.
And you had this glow.
You were so in love
with Jack and Taylor.
It seemed so perfect,
what I always wanted.
It is beautiful.
But it's my life, not yours.
Hmm, I'll be mine soon.
No, it won't.
Taylor loves me.
Jack will fall in love with me
and soon you'll be
outta the picture.
Nice try, missy.
We've gotta go.
This is Detective Belson of
the Clinton Police Department.
Comin' out. Don't shoot.
Oh, son.
God, son. I'm
glad you're okay.
Thanks dad.
Come on.
Stop right there.
Keep your hands
where I can see them.
Your mom would
be so proud of you.
We're proud of you.
My wife is amazing.
So is my husband.
I have a surprise
for all of you.
My mom used to say, "Carpe
diem, seize the day."
And so when I started
painting again,
I thought to myself what
makes me seize the day?
What inspires me?
So I painted this.
Love it.
Our family.
'Til death do us part.