You, Me and Christmas Makes Three (2024) Movie Script

(Female Announcer)
It's a winter wonderland
celebrating the holidays.
How can anybody be unhappy
during this
wonderful time of the year?
(Male Announcer) Oh, Lisa, I totally agree.
I mean, it's just...
it's so wonderful to know
that people are at
home with their families,
just enjoying the
holiday, enjoying Christmas.
How can anybody be
unhappy on this day?
Impossible, it really is impossible.
(Female announcer) It's gonna be a hot
Christmas, lemme tell you!
(Male Announcer) Love the hugs and
- just knowing
- the family.
It's just getting together.
It really is about
the family, isn't it?
It really is amazing that
no matter what's going on
in your life, your family's always
there for Christmas.
(Female Announcer) Absolutely.
(Male announcer) Tell me about
Christmas in your home.
(Female announcer) Oh,
it is just like a white
Christmas every year.
Our families get together.
We all get along.
We love being together.
Oh, the presents.
We have so many presents to give out
with all the
children and their children.
Merry frickin' Christmas
from a bunch of nerds
nerds that are selling you
expensive crap,
that will never - ha-make you rich.
Wouldn't that be hilarious?
You know who else
can't be in a bad mood.
Who's that?
Calvin Daly.
We're going live to
Hollywood, California,
where he's celebrating a warm
Christmas, California style.
Thank you, Max.
We're here live on the Sunset Strip.
And as you can see, this
isn't what you think of
when it typically
comes to Christmas.
It's warm and sun-
Oh, what do we have here?
You think it's okay to interrupt
me while I'm working this-
You little-
great shot of you guys.
Jolly Christmas!
I'm sorry.
(Cameraman) Calvin.
We're clear, right?
No, this is unacceptable.
We're live?
- Who let this human trash near me?
- (Girl) We're live?
(Man) Oooh! Easy, Guy!
(Calvin) Where's security?
Do I interrupt your jobs...
Flipping burgers!
That's not even
what I do for a living.
(Man) Say it, don't spray it, pal!
(Man) I want the news, not the weather!
(Calvin) I'll get you fired!
Turn the cam-
Turn the camera off.
I'm turning this into TMZ.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No. No. No.
It's just four shares.
It's no big deal. It's okay.
It's just four shares.
Cheers, Calvin.
Well, Mom, it's not like
I wanna move back, okay?
But I don't have a choice.
Oh, it's just temporary, okay?
I'm not gonna be in your way at all.
I just need-
I'm just saying, if
you had a husband,
you wouldn't have to leave.
Willa, am I on speaker phone?
You know I hate that.
Take me off speaker ph-
Okay, well, speakerphone or no husband,
which do you hate more?
Willa, do not speak to me like that.
Do I seriously have to listen to
this now of all times?
Look, I am not gonna
have this conversation
when you're behaving like that.
But Mom-
I will see you when you get here.
All right, bye.
Love you too.
Please, please, please, please.
Mom, I'm sorry, I just really-
This is Marcus, your driver.
You ready to go to SeaTac?
I'll be right down.
(Announcer) Tech giant KoolMyne
files for bankruptcy
nearly one year after a sarcastic
Christmas day post
prompted an investigation into the
company's practices.
Sources from within the firm have
begun to speak out
about questionable
practices that may have...
Any word?
Oh, you're next?
Henry Lynch.
I've been here the
past two days and
I've spoken to you each time.
You saying I don't
stand out at all to you?
Sir, see a lot of-
Large tattooed men
looking for a pink suitcase.
I told you the
airline would contact you...
When they found the pink suitcase.
The one that's sitting right there.
Do you have your
confirmation or ticket numb-
Are you kidding me?
It's a strange suitcase.
It's my granddaughters.
- Okay.
- You done?
Hey, aren't you?
You're nobody.
You know who I am.
Oh, m-
Come on in.
[Debbie coughing]
You okay?
Yeah, why?
I don't know.
You just look um...
Well, that's what happens
when you don't visit for five years.
Actually, it's been sev...
(Debbie) Hmm.
Yeah, it has.
But you're here now
and you're all mine.
- I'm just gonna go to my room
- So why don't you go to your room
and I'll make
dinner in about an hour.
Okay, cool.
Oh, you have got to be kidding me.
Who checks stuff like this?
(Debbie) Hey, I was wondering if...
Willa, do you really
think you should be going
on a shopping spree right now?
It's not mine.
I must have grabbed the
wrong bag off the carousel.
Oh, and it took me
like an hour to get here
and now I have to go back.
Now, just wait a minute.
Why don't we get
something to eat before you go?
Wait a couple hours,
traffic will die down
and you can just take my car.
Yeah. Are you okay?
Macaroni and cheese
still your favorite?
Mom, I'm 32.
I'm an adult.
So with bacon.
You liked it.
Do you want some wine?
No, ever since
that Now Feed post
I kinda stopped drinking.
Oh yeah, that. Hmm. Right.
Besides you have some
driving to do tonight.
Though I suppose I can go...
I mean, no point in
wasting tomorrow too.
You're right.
I just need, uhh... yeah.
All right.
Cheerio, mum.
Yeah, cheerio.
(Brandon) At least we got our bags back.
Let's just go to mom's
- and forget all about this.
- Oh, sorry, excuse me.
I just heard you got your bags back.
Where's the last baggage?
Oh yeah, it's just past that
carousel to the left.
Yeah, and lots of luck to you.
Why's that?
Let's just say he's challenging.
Very rude.
Almost no help at all.
We saw our own bags and we had to
make him get them.
(Willa) Hmm.
Sounds charming.
Thank you.
Hey! What are you doing?
Were you just
about to steal from me?
No reason to give me
that kind of attitude.
You were about to steal from me.
If I see you again, I'm
gonna kick your skull in.
(Thief) Ooh.
And you still have
Mr. Baggage to deal with.
(Willa) Yeah.
Good luck.
Wait, wait.
Sorry you have to come back tomorrow.
No. This will just take a minute.
We are closed for the day.
Listen, you're here
and you're helping me.
I am not asking.
You don't tell me what to do.
Yes, I do.
I did not spend two
hours driving home and back
so you could leave when
you could clearly help me.
Make me!
In about two seconds, I'm gonna...
Yeah, what are you gonna do?
I dare you, Mr. C. Daly.
Try to get it back.
See! See what's gonna happen!
All right, all right.
Let me boot up my computer.
Earth to C. Daly.
I know your phone is down there
but you probably
shouldn't stare at me like that.
My face is up here.
What is wrong with you?
Okay! What's the problem?
Did you get any bags like
this get checked in here
because I grabbed the wrong one.
So I'm pretty sure the
owner of this one has mine.
Are you sure that's not your bag?
Yes, I would know my stuff.
Oh, I am begging you to give me
- attitude right now.
- I'm not trying to give you...
I mean, who goes to the airport
pretending their bag is missing?
There's not a bag that's missing
that resembles that one.
But I'll go check the back.
There's nothing back
there that looks like this.
I'll tell you what.
Write down your information and...
I'll see what I can do, yeah?
Will you?
I promise.
All right.
So you wanna leave
wanna leave that bag?
Are you high?
I'm not letting this one out of my
sight until I have mine.
Miss, miss.
Miss, Miss Rhoades.
Aren't you forgetting something?
What are you doing?
Oh, no, no, I, it's not...
My phone. My phone.
I'll stay in touch.
Don't even think about it.
Try me.
Whatevs, Lady-splainer!
(Willa) And then he actually
had the nerve to
ask me if it wasn't my stuff.
It was unbelievable.
Yeah, hard to believe people
actually act that way.
Although, in all fairness...
(Willa) Yeah I know...
Everybody hates me.
No, no.
Not everybody hates you.
They just don't
really like you is all.
Just because I don't
take people's crap?
Willa, everybody has crap.
Why must you constantly
point it out to everyone?
No, no, no, no, no.
You are so quick to
point everyone's flaws
and problems out,
but oh, heaven forbid
that anybody points out yours.
I'm going for a drive.
Yes, I'm dying to
hear what you have to say
and how you're going to...
I'm sorry.
I don't know why I did that.
Me either.
Just... go take your drive.
Need anything while I'm out?
(Theresa) Oh, I'm s-
Wow, it's been a while.
Almost a year, yeah.
You weren't in there, were you?
No, I mean, yeah.
How have things been for you?
Oh, you haven't seen?
Seen what?
I'm the main LA correspondent now.
You know, your old job.
Great, that's really happy for you.
What are you doing here?
They sent me to cover the big story.
You know the one about the mayor?
I don't watch much news.
Oh, it is great.
Embezzlement, city funds for
hookers and drugs,
it's got it all.
Oh, that's...
Yeah, my ride's
here, so I'm just gonna...
He's right there, okay, bye.
Okay, yeah, that's, oh, that is
great seeing you.
You are never gonna
believe who I just saw.
Yeah, he was leaving
this horrible cafe.
He just looked kinda dirty.
Got your job, Calvin! Meh! The mayor.
You know what?
(Recording) The person
you're trying to reach
is not accepting calls right now.
(Recording) The person
you're trying to reach
is not accepting calls right now.
They're blocking me!
[phone ringing]
Hey, hey, it's Calvin.
The baggage guy.
Kevin the who? The...
C. Daly!
What's going on?
I really needed...
Yes, you needed...
You know what?
We havn't found your baggage.
But we're still looking for it,
and I just thought you
really needed to know that.
Sure, that's awesome.
You called me to tell
me nothing happened.
(Debbie's voice) Not everybody hates you,
they just don't
really like you at all.
What I meant to say was,
thank you for keeping me updated.
I really appreciate
you keeping me up to date.
Are you okay?
Yes, why?
You sound like you
have a gun to your head.
If you need some ransom money, or...
if you can't talk
just stomp twice.
All right, you made your point.
That's better.
I just, I'm trying to be
the nicer, kinder Willa.
That's all.
Don't hurt yourself.
You know what?
I actually like you better this way.
Oh, you like me, huh?
(stammering) No, it's not
that I don't like you.
I mean, I do, but
not in, I don't know.
You know,
It's okay,
you're off the hook,
I know what you mean.
Anything else?
Oh, okay.
Well, let me know if you
found out anything else.
[call ended tone]
Yeah! That's a great idea!
[indistinct background chatter]
[Calvin's ringtone]
As I live and breathe!
Shayna Mason, how's the best agent
in all of Hollywood?
Yeah. Calvin. Hi, been a while.
Yeah, what can I do for you?
As you know, the Mason
Agency has been going
in a new direction lately.
No, no, I didn't know that.
And as a result, we've been
reviewing our roster,
making sure our
talent reflects the future
of the Mason Agency.
The future is talent that reflects
the changing media landscape.
Unfortunately, we no longer feel you
reflect our new image.
Shayna, you sound like a recording.
We wish you all the best
in your future endeavors.
Shayna, we've known
each other for years. This...
It's a slump! It's a slump!
Thank you for chooseing the
Mason Agency.
[phone alert]
What now?
Fancy running into you here.
Shouldn't you be
scouring the streets for me
instead of stuffing your face?
I mean, you could at least...
Hey, I'm just messing around.
I know, I just, it's not you.
My talent agent
called and dropped me.
Baggage handlers need talent agents?
Wow! Only in California.
Oh, so you're an actor or something?
Or something.
That's cool.
Have you been in
anything that I might have...
O, M, F-ing, G!
C, Daly!
Calvin Daly, now I remember.
Yep, that's me.
Disgraced correspondant.
Oh my God, you don't
even know about half of it.
You practically got me fired.
How did I get you fired?
Because I was working
when you did what you did.
And I accidentally
sent a sarcastic post
that eventually led to the end of
the company I worked for.
And that's my fault?
What, no, not exactly.
But, but, but...
Not at all.
Okay, sorry.
I'm... really sorry.
I didn't mean anything by it.
That really sucks.
Okay, go right ahead.
- That is awful, what...
- Yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, awful, right?
Yeah, I know.
All right, help yourself.
Oh, sorry, that was an emergency.
I forgive you.
So, what do you ask this?
So if you just got fired,
do you think it's the best idea
to go on a shopping spree?
It's not my choice, if you remember.
But I do have my credit cards,
so I say just blow them up
now and deal with it later.
It is almost Christmas.
Nothing says Christmas like
going into debt, right?
Ho! Ho! Ho! I still have
my credit card.
Yeah, at least you have that luxury.
You see what I'm eating.
Okay well come on then.
Come on, let's go.
Go where?
If I'm taking you out to dinner,
you are not going dressed like that.
And clearly neither one of us is
- eating those nasty tacos.
- Okay...
Yeah, I'm not eating this,
but I can't go with you.
Come on, the Vista Fashion Mall is
like 10 minutes away.
I'll buy you something nice to wear
and treat us to an edible dinner.
No, no.
Why not?
Hmm? It's not like I'm
going to pay for any of it,
at least not for a very long time.
Come on, my car is
right across the street.
If I have to take
your phone hostage
again, I will.
All right, all right, fine.
Clearly you never heard the word no.
No, here.
Carry these.
(Willa) Come on let's go.
You already bought the whole mall.
We don't even need to go.
Hey Mrs. Claus, this one's for you
Tell me sweet mama,
what's a guy to do
I'm tired of pretending
this is who I am
Come on, Mrs. Claus
Let me be your man
I could shave and
wear a cap in my head
Buy matching robes all shiny and red
I'm begging you please,
I'll do all that I can
Come on, Mrs. Claus
let me be your man
Ever since I was a little boy
I never cared much
for all those toys
You've always been the one for me
A beautiful angel
on top of the tree
Christmas Eve, if
you're feeling alone
Go right ahead and pick up the phone
Give me a call
I'll come quick as I can
Oh, come on, Mrs. Claus
Let me be your man
You might as well
lick the plate,
there's nothing on it.
(Server) Can I get you anything else?
Just the check, please.
Thank you.
I so needed a night out.
Thank you for joining me.
And this way at least
we're not out by ourselves
like some losers.
Even though we totally are.
Well, nobody needs to know.
(Server) No rush, guys.
No rush, right.
I was assumed I was code for
please leave immediately.
I think you're right.
She was... She was nice.
You don't think so?
Are you sure I can't
help you with something?
I got it.
How many times are you gonna ask?
Besides, I don't do
nice things often,
so don't question it.
Come on, let's go.
That was a good meal.
- Best I've had in awhile!
- Dare I say it...
I think we had fun.
People might start
thinking we like each other.
I know they might even think
we're nice people.
Ha! Yeah, right.
I don't think that'll be a problem.
(Valet) Thank you.
So what are you doing tomorrow?
The bagage thing.
Guess I might as well
accept that's what I do now.
Still better than my job.
Well, or rather my non-job.
So what are you...
NOT doing tomorrow?
Mooching off mom.
Maybe arguing with her a little.
Sounds exciting.
Wish I was doing that.
What are you...
Sorry, I...
I paid for the date, so
I make the first move.
Here's us.
What, are you walking home?
Uhh... huh?
This car. It go places.
Yes, yes, yes.
Are you coming?
Here's your ahemcar, ma'am.
Is my car not good
enough for you, Mr. Valet?
(Calvin) Let him know.
(Valet) No, ma'am, I mean...
Tips are for good service.
You tell him.
Why don't you buy yourself
some manners?
(Valet) Very sorry.
Good night.
Where did you find my house?
That's not important.
What's important is I've never met
anyone like you before.
But our lives are such a mess.
Then we can rebuild them together.
We can be anything.
What do you want?
(Debbie) What do you want?
What do you want?
What do I... you're in my room!
For the 100th time,
I'm going to the store.
What do you want?
Oh, gee whiz!
My daughter's cracking up?
I tell you what, I gotta take care
of a crazy person now?
(Calvin) Yes, yes, absolutely.
This is gonna make someone happy.
Okay, great, I will
coordinate that with her
and I will be in touch.
Yes, Merry Christmas.
Uh-huh, all right, bye.
Oh, hey, how can I help you?
I got rerouted here.
I was supposed to be
in San Francisco,
but they were fogged in
and I don't know if my bag
made it on the flight.
Oh no, let's see if we
can get that resolved.
You said your final destination
was San Francisco?
No, it was
supposed to be Portland.
The change was made in Chicago.
Okay, we'll start there.
Thank you, you're very helpful.
What, did I say something wrong?
No, not at all.
Oh, he's thinking of me too.
Wait, that's it?
Wait, oh my God, yay, it's awesome!
They found my bag.
Hey, yes, this is Calvin Daly.
Yeah, oh, she's here actually.
Okay, we are in San Diego,
but she will be headed to Portland
in about an hour.
Can we get her bag sent there?
Okay, that's all.
Taken care of.
Oh my God, I can't
believe it was that easy.
Oh, I can't, no.
Please take it, buy something nice
for your girlfriend?
I don't have a... girlfriend.
Besides, I heard the
guy that works here
is a total nightmare.
I wanna know who that was.
They must have fired him
and gotten you instead.
Anyways, thank you very
much, you're very kind.
Thank you.
Hey there.
You won't believe this.
Someone just called me kind.
Why, was she stoned or something?
I don't think so.
She even left me a tip.
Wow, don't tell me
you're going soft on me,
I'm not sure I can handle that.
Okay, so anyway, I'm about to get
out of here about 3:00.
Okay, I know it's out of your way.
Yeah, yes, no, I'll pick you up
before I can go to the other.
It's a d...
I'm sorry, what was that?
Did you just use the "D" word?
You mean date?
I'm waiting.
And unless you're
talking about the fruit,
I think you'll like my answer.
Okay, well go get your bag and then
we'll go on a...
It's not actually a bad word.
We'll go on a-
Yes, yes, yes, okay, I'm not gonna
make you say it twice,
I don't want you
to have an aneurysm.
(Calvin laughs)
Aneurysm, okay.
I'll see you around 3:00.
What am I gonna wear?
(Woman) Sir?
- Dang it!
- SIR?
How can I help you?
My name is
Susana Belen Sepulveda Garcia Diaz
Can you tell me how
can I find my bag?
Hey honey, I was just wondering...
You look amazing.
Yeah, the guy at the
airport found my bag
so we're gonna go
make the exchange now.
Looking like that?
Looking like what?
No, that's not what I mean.
I mean, you look nice, that's all.
There's nothing wrong
with wanting to look nice.
No, I know.
You just, you look...
You look stunning.
Thank you.
So, you're going to get your bag?
Yeah, the lost
baggage guy found my bag
so we're gonna go make
the exchange together.
Hmm, got it.
What, there's nothing to get?
Are you sure you're okay?
Yes, honey, I am fine.
Have fun!
(Cop) Hey, lady.
Lose the phone, get moving.
I'm waiting.
No standing there, move.
Lady, I said move.
I'm trying.
I have to go around
a very rude traffic cop
is making me move.
[metal scraping]
(Susana) You see, the whole
thing was a mistake, really.
My bags, you know,
the ones that wound up
in Winnipeg of all places.
You know, I got those
from the TV, you know?
They were advertising them.
You would have think that
luggage as unusual as this
would have stood out enough that
they would have paid
a little more
attention to where it's going.
But I guess that you can't.
Perdar? No se puede.
No se puede para nada.
Wait, no!
No, I didn't wanna send that.
I was gonna think I wanna see him.
I mean, I do wanna see him,
but does he wanna see me?
I don't know.
Does he like me the way I like him?
Or-or-or are we just gonna get a bag?
You know. Does he wanna see me that way?
Why do I have to send that?
(Susana) You can clearly see
why it's really important
that this be given the
utmost of your attention.
I'm really not the kind
of person who believes
she's above anyone else
or should get
preferential treatment.
But surely you will
agree that in this case, huh?
[speaking Spanish]
Ma'am, would you get to some point?
Any point.
My luggage never
showed up from Vancouver.
(Willa) Great, now he thinks
I'm a crazy person.
Stop it.
Stop it!
Knock it off!
You, voice phone!
(Phone) I was only trying to help.
Send a text to C. Daly.
a text...
to C...
Pinnipeds, commonly known as seals,
are a diverse
group of marine mammals
which include the walrus,
sea lions and fur seals.
(Susana) No!
No comprende?
Yeah, yeah.
Maleta, maleta.
Yeah, yeah.
Suitcase! Ahora! Ahora!
No comprende.
No comprende...
Yeah, yeah, maleta.
Ma'am, okay, I got your
flight, your info, contact...
Your baggage is no more important
than anyone else's.
Yes, but you know...
Actually, you made me very,
very late to
something important, okay?
So I'm gonna go.
No, no, seriously, you can do this.
You stay here!
Make me.
(Cop) Lady, you need to keep moving!
(Calvin) Willa!
(Willa) There he is!
Right there.
Leave her alone, Merle.
Yeah, Merle.
(Both) What happened to you?
My goodness.
Oh, um. Hello.
This must be about the bag.
Are you two okay?
It's been a complicated day.
May we?
Oh, of course, yes, please come in.
I'm Kaura.
I'm Katrina Lawson's assistant.
Oh, okay.
Just stand...
stay right there.
I'll get your luggage.
This is Katrina Lawson's home.
Who's Katrina Lawson?
Big, exec. Huge.
Nothing in LA media
happens without her blessing.
That her?
Yeah, yeah, so what?
So what?
She's someone who, I don't know,
could pull some strings
and maybe get you back in?
Just forget about it.
What's the worst that can happen.
Drop it!
(Kaura) Okay, everything seems good.
Is there anything
else I can do for you?
No, no, that's it.
Actually, would it be
possible to meet Miss Lawson
for just a minute?
What are you doing?
Miss Lawson is very busy.
Is there a problem?
No, no, it's all good.
No problem.
No, we'd just like to ask
her about something else.
I could get a message to her.
It will really just take a minute.
Miss Lawson?
What are you doing?
This will just take a minute.
(Kaura) I'm so sorry.
It's okay, Kaura.
Is there something
wrong with the bag?
I'm sorry, we're good.
Actually, this has
nothing to do with the bag.
This is about him.
See, he was one of the hottest...
Trust me, I know who he is.
Well, um...
I know it's a huge imposition,
but is there any way you can help?
I'm sorry, I didn't put
her up to this, I promise.
It's fine, really.
I just don't know
what you think I can do.
Make a recommendation or...
Look, he is still toxic.
I'm sorry, honey, but it's true.
You need a severe image change
or no one is gonna come
within 10 feet of you.
See, I told you, come on.
Let's not waste her time.
How do you do that?
Change his image, how
do we go about that?
Okay, so is she your agent now?
- No, she's my...
- Girlfriend...
- I didn't...
- Maybe. I don't know.
- You're my girlfrind now?
- It's still working itself...
- I said maybe.
- Look, you guys,
my daughter is getting
pretty decent traction in her
social media with videos.
You might wanna start there if you
wanna change your image.
Show the people that you're more
than just one mistake.
Yeah, we can do that.
Great, thank you so much.
Great, now if you'll
excuse me, I just had coffee
and I was on my way to the loo.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Yeah, thank you.
It's no problem, thank you.
Now, can I poop?
Okay, I will show you out.
I'm sorry I did that,
but I had to take a shot.
I appreciate it, I really do,
but there's not a lot of second
chances in this industry.
You don't think I'm
facing the same thing?
No one's willing
to come near me now.
I made my mistake on
live national television.
It's different.
Oh, you think?
The girl that sent a
post that bankrupted
a multi-billion dollar company
doesn't just get another job.
Come on, you're exaggerating.
Wait, you never heard of KoolMyne?
You're the KoolMyne poster?
Wait you didn't know that?
Yeah, that's...
that's bad.
It is.
[Calvin laughing]
It's not funny.
[phone alert]
Oh my God, look.
What is it?
I can't beleive this.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, right?
She is right, you know.
I mean, think about it.
The Christmas Cluster
and the KoolMyne poster.
What about us?
Let people know that we're more than
just one mistake.
Worst case scenario, we're right
back where we started,
but at least we tried.
Look, between my marketing skills
and your broadcasting skills,
we can get some really
good stuff out there.
Stuff that reminds
people of what we can do,
that we actually
have something to offer.
Yeah, you're right.
What do we have to lose?
Just your dignity and respect.
That rocket's already exploded, babe.
Oh, I'm a baby now.
Yeah, since you're my girlfriend.
I said girlfriend, maybe.
Keep telling yourself that.
Good night, mom.
What are you doing?
You're smoking!
You're smoking too!
I'm an adult.
Um, also an adult!
Why are you hiding it from me?
And why did you
spray me with a hose?
Because you scared
the crap out of me.
I thought you were an intruder.
And what are you doing
with that thing anyway?
Thought the same thing.
Look at us, look at you.
Can I bum one of yours
until these dry out?
Honey, I am so sorry.
Honest mistake.
No, no, no, not about that.
I just figured out
why every conversation
turns into a fight.
We're both in nicotine withdrawal.
Come on,
let's get you warmed up.
Guess that explains your cough.
Finally, common ground.
What's that?
Finally, the one
thing we have in common.
Girl, you are all me.
Don't kid yourself.
You think I'm like you.
Oh, yeah.
Smart, stubborn, confident, loner,
can't tell you anything.
Sound familiar?
I think about
the only thing missing is
30 years and a smoker's cough,
but don't worry, that'll come.
Well, at least you
had dad by my age.
Hmm, not for long.
What do you mean, I thought he was
the love of your life?
Mmmm. Nah.
I mean...
we loved each other
and we hated each other.
We fought like cats and dogs.
Honestly, if he hadn't...
It's okay, you can say it.
I know that.
If he hadn't...
he probably would've left me.
I didn't want you to know that.
I mean, you were so
young when he passed.
And I just wanted you to know that
he was a good man
and he was a good father.
But I never could
keep my mouth shut.
Everything had to be a fight.
I loved him, but I love being right
about everything more.
Don't make that same mistake.
Mom, there's no one
to make that mistake on.
Oh, really?
The baggage guy?
Don't... that's not...
that... no that's...
How did you know?
Oh, honey, you don't get dolled up
to go get baggage.
And every time he texts
you or you talk about him,
I don't know, there's
some certain energy.
Wow, I didn't even know you knew.
Honey, moms know.
It's kind of like how moms know
when their kids are
sick before they know.
Moms know when
their kids are in love.
I do want you to be happy, honey.
Don't become a lonely old woman
sneaking cigarettes
in her own house.
Well, I'm already
doing that last part.
Actually, you're sneaking
cigarettes in my house.
What do you think?
Oh! (Sighs)
Wait, where do you put yours?
I put them in Mrs. Stahl's
rose bushes!
No, have you seen her roses?
They're like
fertilizer or something.
(Willa) Rolling!
Yes, yes.
Today, we are in
glorious East San Diego,
nearly one year after
I committed my murder.
Someday, I'll return to
the scene of the crime.
The murder of my own career.
Today, Euclid Avenue.
Tomorrow, Hollywood.
What are you laughing at?
- Let's see...
- No!
Come here, let's
see how you like it.
Come here.
And nearly...
while I was
committing my murder.
(Willa) Stop.
This girl, the one right
here behind the camera,
she was cutting off her own nose to
smite her own face.
Give that back!
So stay tuned
because it's about to get
all kinds of wrong in here.
It's about to get...
ALL kinds of wrong in here.
I actually like that.
I think that's a good tagline.
Yeah, it just popped out.
What do we do now?
Well, we post and see.
The slow climb of the disgraced.
Yeah, I like it.
Wait, how slow?
I don't want to take too long.
All right, enough, I'm ready.
Scared me.
Enough what?
Enough of this.
I know we've only
just said it jokingly,
but I think it's time that we have a
real conversation
about what this is.
Okay, good.
What is this?
What is this?
Where are you go...
Listen, I'll tell you what.
I live about a block from here.
I think that'll be a better place
to have...
THIS conversation, yeah?
Don't make that face.
(Calvin) Forgot my coffee
in the car.
It'll be alright.
Yeah! What'cha think?
This is...
my casa!
Okay, well, I guess
you don't like it, but...
Okay, so what is...
I think this is what
people who don't suck
at interpersonal
skills call a relationship.
Are we in a...
It's sure headed that way.
Yeah, I thought so.
Willa! Will you sit down?
Wow, we really do suck at this.
And we're alone.
Well, no more.
I mean...
we obviously
rub people the wrong way,
but we get along.
So maybe all this time alone
and all this time
pushing people away
was just so we could
find that one person
who could stand us...
just the way we are.
I'm sorry, I'm not trying to...
You made us sound like used cars.
That's exactly what we are.
Dents and dings and who
knows what's under the hood,
but you buy it as is.
My beautiful '96 Tercel...
I will buy you as is.
And Calvin, my
dented AMC Pacer,
I will buy you if
you let me paint you.
Paint away.
No, seriously, you need a severe
wardrobe makeover.
I mean, it's...
My God, I can't stop.
Stop what?
This is what I do.
You tell me that you'll buy me as is
and the first thing I do
is I start making changes.
It's fine!
- No, it's not fine.
- It IS fine!
We don't know what we're doing with
the relationship thing.
I suck at it.
You suck at it.
Let's just suck at it together
and then we can get
good at it together.
And hey.
37 likes so far.
Oh yeah.
Wow, I have a girlfriend.
Oh, Willa has a boyfriend.
Shut up.
You sound like an idiot.
But yes, as a matter of fact, I do.
Tell me about him.
Tell me about him!
Knock it off!
Tell me about him!
- Stop.
- Make me!
- Make me.
- Make you?
Oh, all right.
You got lucky.
Okay, let me up.
Make me.
- You win.
- Yeah.
You gotta be kidding me.
Let me shut it off.
No, no, get it.
Might be important.
Yes, this is Willa Rhoades.
You do?
What is it?
Yes, yes.
Oh, okay, yeah.
Can you give me 45 minutes?
Okay, great.
Thank you.
I have to go.
This was a guy who
wants to do an interview
about a job in Seattle.
That's... great.
I have to go.
Oh. Don't forget your...
Your computer.
If this works out, you and I can
not suck at this in Seattle.
You want me to go with you?
(Willa) Mom, Mom, I have some good news.
Well, I could turn into good news,
but I have to jump on a call.
(Debbie) I'm in the bathroom.
I'm just getting
ready to take a shower.
We'll pop outside when you're done.
It's our thing, apparently.
Hi, good afternoon.
Thanks so much for
getting in touch with me.
Thank you for being so flexible.
We've been scouring the earth
just to find the right person.
We feel like you might be her.
Oh, that's so great to hear.
Wait, you do know who I am, right?
I just want to be completely honest
in case it's a problem.
Miss Rhoades, there isn't a tech
company in the world
who doesn't know who you are.
It's been a year.
It will be fine.
(Willa) I just didn't want to mislead you.
Somehow jewelry
doesn't seem right.
(Interviewer) And can
you be in Seattle at the
beginning of January?
Yeah, yeah, that's not a problem.
Great, we'll send you over the
relevant documents,
call if you have any questions,
and we'll see you in
Seattle in January.
I can't wait to meet you in prison.
Yes, me too.
Thanks! Speak to you soon.
Mom, I'm ready for a secret now.
Mom, answer me.
Mom, Mom.
(Operator) 911. What's the
nature of your emergency?
Hi, yes, it's my mother.
She's in the shower
and she's not responding.
Okay, I might just...
Yes, but I can't feel one.
Is there anything else I should do?
Come on, Mom.
Come on, don't do...
please wake up!
Mom, Mom, please, wake up.
Don't do this now, please.
(Debbie) Yeah, you kicked their butts.
Hey, did you remember that?
You were so loud.
(Willa) I'll come visit all
the time, I promise.
I'm sorry I couldn't
keep my promise.
Please don't do this.
Oh no, I was just getting to know you!
Mom, wake up.
Not now!
I'm having a go at it
with the baggage guy.
You were right!
You're Willa, right?
Uh-huh, yeah.
Thought so.
I can see the resemblance.
Okay, and you are?
Dr. Chambers.
Your mom's been
seeing me for years.
Her oncologist called me...
What is in...
Cancer. Yes.
Oh, oh, you didn't know.
Your mom had stage
three lung cancer.
The paramedics found her card while
looking for your mom's ID
and told me to come over.
May I?
I didn't know she
never said anything.
Not to sound cold
but also not surprising.
I told her to
quit those damn things.
What's so funny?
I didn't even know she
smoked until a few days ago.
Turns out it was one of the few
things we had in common.
Well, that's a family tradition you
might wanna break, hon.
But, this is not a time for a lecture.
I'll call you in a few days with any
more information.
Hey, baby, it's okay, baby.
I'm right here.
I'm here.
I'm right here.
You're still here.
Of course I'm still here.
Having someone here for me,
it's kind of a new thing.
Do you need anything?
Are you hungry?
Oh, maybe some water?
Yeah, baby, stay here, I got you.
Sorry, I'm not used to
having anyone do stuff for me.
Get used to it.
I was just getting to know her.
We were never really that close,
and now I'm finding out I'm almost
exactly like her.
If only there had been more time.
There's never enough time.
No matter how much time you think
you have, it's never enough.
Now, that I think about it,
It's probably why...
Why what?
It's okay, you can tell me.
I just don't want to
make this about me.
I'm asking.
I was married.
About six years ago, when I got my
first good gig in LA,
she was a makeup artist.
For about three months
we were inseparable.
And, uh...
one night at 3 a.m. on a whim
we drove to Vegas,
got married.
After three months.
Yeah. Can you believe that?
Given the past couple
of weeks, I kind of can.
Go on.
My parents got
divorced when I was four.
And I spent time
with my uncles and aunts
and at my friends houses,
more than I did
with my own parents.
that was her name, Sarah.
Sarah was the only
person who really loved me.
She was not the only,
she was maybe the first.
About a month before Christmas,
THE Christmas,
I got a phone call in the
middle of the night.
Hit and run on the 405.
She was...
It's okay.
I told myself, I said,
I'm never letting anyone get
this close to me again.
I was never gonna let
myself hurt like that again.
Not until about
a couple of weeks ago.
Sorry, hold on.
Hey, what's in London?
No. Bull!
It's not nothing, tell me.
Now, it's not the time.
Now is absolutely the
right time, so tell me now.
You remember Katrina,
the one who had your luggage?
Yeah, of course.
Yeah, I sent her the video we made
and she sent it to a friend and
there's this job opportunity.
I would be an American correspondant
for a news channel in London.
And because I haven't made a name
for myself like that
in the UK, they're
willing to give me a chance.
That's amazing, why would you...
(Calvin) Yeah, oh.
In London, right.
Okay, and were you just not gonna
tell me any of this?
No, I, may...
I can't go.
What do you mean you can't go?
You said so yourself, this industry
doesn't give out second chances.
This is your second chance.
You're my second chance.
I'd rather stay here
and be happy with you.
No, you can't not go, you'll hate me
forever if you don't.
Speaking of which, how did
your interview go?
Really great, unfortunately.
We can go to Seattle
and problem solved.
No, problem not solved.
Willa, are you serious?
How do you know my passcode?
We'd like to announce
your addition to the team,
what our Christmas
special, what the t-
This is your starting salary?
Why are you gonna tell me this?
Never, because I'm not going.
You have to go.
It's not your decision to make.
Yeah, how about that?
Not my decision?
All right, fine.
I think you need to leave.
Okay, Willa...
Come on, calm down.
No, no, no, no.
I love you, I love you.
No, well, I don't love you!
And I don't think you need to
come to Seattle with me.
Yeah, besides I have, I have a...
boyfriend up there
and we're talking about maybe
getting back together.
A boyfriend, Willa?
Boyfriend named...
Right, right.
You know what? Well.
I wish you and Carl the best.
And here..
Hope you like it.
I love it!
Thinking of the fallout
lt leaves me numb
But it's something that might
never come
So I'll be waiting
Here in your arms
Are you Willa?
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
I'll be waiting
Bye, mom!
I love you!
I wish I said that more often.
(Debbie) This is why people don't like you.
Terminal two, please.
You got it, where
are you traveling to?
I'm going um...
Thinking of the fallout
lt leaves me numb
But something might never come
So I'll be waiting
Here in your arms
I'll be waiting
Here in your arms
I'll be waiting
Here in your arms
Security is
everyone's responsibility.
Please do not leave your bags
unattended at any time.
(Loudspeaker) This is Notting Hill Gate.
Change for the Central Line.
This is a Circle Line train
via High Street,
Kensington, and Victoria.
Lady, you wanna move it?
Oh my God, some people,
it's like you've never
been in an airport before.
Seriously, oh my God.
Oh my God, I sound so rude.
I didn't mean to, I just, oh,
Christmas just makes me
go really crazy, you know?
And like, I didn't think
I'd be that crazy person.
I just, here I was,
and there you were,
and then now I'm, now
you're running away from me,
and I feel like I just
sort of wanna apologize,
but you're not gonna listen to me,
and now everyone else is listening
but whatever.
Okay, I'm just gonna
announce it for the whole world.
Anyway, I'm sorry,
lady, I'm really sorry.
...we got to go
Our bags are packed
So what we waiting for
There's no point in delaying
What we both already know
Escape this town with me
Escape this town with me
We could rent a room
And watch the stars
dance around the moon
Fall asleep to the sounds of the sea
With you right by my side
lt's such a sweet life
Escape this town with me
Escape this town with me
Nowhere else to be
Escape this town with me
(Alan) We're here on the River Thames
for our annual Christmas Special.
And special,
it is indeed.
We're also pleased to
announce the newest member
of our team all the
way from Hollywood,
Mr. Calvin Daly.
Hello, Calvin, welcome to the team.
Thanks, Alan.
Happy to be here.
There's something odd about a warm
and sunny Christmas,
but here, it really
feels like Christmas.
I mean, look at that river.
(Alan) No palm trees here, that's for sure.
Yes, and what you lack of palm
trees, you have in lights.
Wonderful, well,
welcome to the team, Calvin.
We do hope that you'll
be happy here in London.
I'm sure I will.
Let's head back over
to Samantha Collins,
who's in Greenwich, where the
largest ice skating ring
in Europe is in operation.
(Cameraman) Clear!
Great job, mate, great job.
- Seriously. Welcome.
- Thank you.
Welcome to the team.
It really is beautiful.
First time in London?
Yeah, actually.
But I'm sure I'll like it here.
I'm sure you will.
Well, listen, if you
excuse me, I'm freezing,
so I'm gonna shoot off.
You're free...
You're freezing?
I'm still used to California.
Seriously, welcome
to the team, Calvin.
- See you soon.
- Thank you so much.
I'll see you.
Hey, you.
Oh yeah, what's that?
(Willa) The one you put on my finger
when you ask me to marry you.
Are you...
Aren't you supposed to be in Seattle?
What are you doing here?
Aren't you gonna buy me a drink?
Can't buy you a drink.
What, I just flew all the way to
London to see you.
Well then...
you know what would
be romantic?
A walk around the Thames?
Wow, you have gone soft on me.
It's okay, apparently I have to.
Willa, I love you.
I love you too.
You like the broadcast?
Oh, it was absolutely
abysmal, totally cheesy.
- Okay, okay, that alright.
- It's okay.
You're out of practice.
You just have to
like, practice again.
Oh, so nice to see you, you really
made this Christmas special.
Listen, you are here
and you're helping me,
so I am not asking.
(Travis) All right.
(Travis) Reset.
Oh my God, I'm losing, I'm
completely losing it.
I'll stay in touch.
(Travis) Cut!
I just figured out
why every time we fight,
(Travis) Nope!
I just figured out why every
conversation, blah, blah, blah,
I just figured out why every
conversation turns into a fight.
We're both in nicotine withdrawal.
(Mitch) Yeah, there's a
monitor back there, yep.
(Lara) Guys.
(Mitch) It's funny, in this movie,
there's a film crew right
behind her at all times.
(Louise) WHAT!!?
(Travis) No, no, no, no, it's not you, it's
not you, it's you.
(James) OW!
Sorry, sorry James.
(James) It's okay.
Love you James.
- That's not...
- How'd...
(Travis) Google Maps dude.
You gave him your address at the airport!
(Travis) All right, reset.
Ooh, ah.
Stop, you're gonna turn yourself red.
Okay, all right, I'm good.
Wow, it's been a while.
(Travis) Reset!
(Travis) Is it locked?
(Christopher) Yeah.
(Christopher) Willa did it.
(Mitch) I lost the keys to my house.
(Christopher) How did it end up locked?
(Lara) I don't know.
(Lara) I didn't do it,
I'm outside with you.
I had a boyfriend.
You have a boyfriend.
Oh, okay.
I was saying most of my
Uber drivers are really cold
and they don't look at me.
- Oh yeah.
- All right.
Got your job Calvin, the mayor.
You know what?
(Travis) Led to the end of the company.
That led.
I accidentally sent a sarcastic post
that eventually led to the end of
the company I work for.
We missed a line.
Oh, confirmation or ticket.
Are you serious?
That's where I lean in on it.
Sorry, I was too busy
trying to make it funny, sorry.
Wasn't funny Chris.
Wasn't funny at all.
You lost a line.
(Travis) Reset.
(Azucena) Jerk!
(Azucena) Oop!
(Travis) Cut!