Young Lion of the West (2024) Movie Script

[Tara] Okay, what
about the people?
[Nick] Guys or girls?
[Tara] I don't know... girls.
Okay, now there are three
types of broads in this town.
Let's start at the threes so
this way we can get them out of
the way fast.
I'm sorry, are you
allowed to smoke in here?
It's fine.
Now, threes are nasty.
We're talking the bottom of the
barrel scumbuckets that come
with a guaranteed STD.
I'm sorry, but like, if you're
so desperate for some ass that
you're willing to fuck with
one of these
broads, fucking pray
that nobody ever finds out.
Okay, so, do I even want
to ask about the twos ?
You ever play Russian roulette?
Who the hell actually
plays Russian roulette?
Guys who fuck
twos , that's who!
I'm telling you, there's a
fifty-fifty shot that there's a
bullet in that chamber
every single time you stick
it in one of these hoes.
Oh my God! You're terrible.
Honey, we haven't even
gotten to the ones yet.
Now, the ones ...
These are the ones that appear
more classy and beautiful.
They give you faith
that there might be something
besides the rest of the filthy
trash in the 585,
but underneath there's always
some dark, nasty secrets
that always end up spilling out
and ruining everything.
I mean, come on, think about it,
there's no way a guy would
logically fuck with a three or
a two .
Unless he previously
dealt with a one .
That's an interesting theory.
- So what number am I?
- You're a one .
- Fuck you! I'm a one ?
- Honey, it could be worse!
You could be a two or three !
Okay. All right.
What kind of guy are you, then?
Not a stereotypical meathead
douche bag like the rest of the
guys in this city.
They all talk about how
they're all gonna get out,
which they won't,
and how they're all doing
big things, which they're not.
Okay, so what about you?
Are you going to get
out of this town?
I'm gonna fucking run
this town one day.
So that means you think
you're going to do big things?
Let's put it like this:
I'm not going to end up some
drunk mechanic that peaked in
high school.
Who are you, Nick Donato?
[energetic hip-hop]
That was quick. Was
there a problem?
Actually, honey, yeah, there's
a problem with my bed.
Hey John! Mr. C around?
Look at this handsome
face right here, John!
You know, I keep telling you,
you're gonna work for this guy
one day.
Before I forget, I got a
little something for you.
Little extra in there also.
Thank you.
Hey fucker, remember to call
Joanna's name up there when
you're doing the contest winner.
Yea, yea, yea...
Oh my God, shut the
fuck up. Take this.
Drink like a fish.
Fuck like a dog.
Run shit like a lion, baby.
[energetic hip-hop]
[Nick] Hey yo, Vertex!
Are you fucking ready?
[loud cheering]
I said, Vertex, are you ready?
[cheering continues]
Without further ado, let's bring
out the sexy contestants
in this years best bikini body
in the five-eight-fucking-five!
Jesus Christ.
the winner of this years
best bikini body in the 585...
Let's make some noise for the
lovely, the beautiful, the
fucking sexy,
Miss Rachel Cortese!
Okay, honey, you wait over
there. I'll be with you in a
How would you motherfuckers want
open bar for the rest of the
[enthusiastic applause]
Check it Vertex, Donato here
has got one minute to make
all the snow and all
the liquid disappear.
No hands allowed.
He does it, you get open
bar for the rest of the night.
If he don't, you don't get shit.
And I guess, Nick, here
ain't the young
lion of the jungle.
Here we go, here we go.
[tense music]
[upbeat hip-hop resumes]
It's all gone, oh shit!
[Nick V.O.] This town, people,
It's fucking nasty.
It's rough!
And motherfucker,
you better know
when you step into this
bitch, you're in my house
and I'm the young lion
running this motherfucker!
[trap music]
[Vincent] Be fucking
respectful, all right.
What are you, a
fucking wing nut?
I don't know how much
fucking college cost.
No, no, I don't.
My fucking stugot
son, he dropped out.
So I didn't have to
pay none of that shit.
Jesus fucking Christ! Why
don't you just bend me over
and fuck me up my ass?
I feel like I'm
married all over again.
You do the right thing,
not me.
No, trust me.
Babe, listen, it's gonna mean
much more coming from you...
No, you can't come over tonight.
No, I'm busy.
'Course I miss you.
Oh, you are a very
naughty woman.
I'm gonna be late for
fucking work, I gotta go.
You believe that shit?
She wants me to pay for her
daughters soon to be jizzed on
fucking prom dress.
I don't need this shit.
She's busting my balls every
fucking day about something.
So what are you going to do?
- You gonna be single again? -
Don't you put me to the fucking
'Cause I'll come
swooping in there
and I'll steal all your
little girlfriends.
- Whatever you say, pop.
- And besides, look at you, son.
You look like fucking shit.
You would too, if you had a
fucking night like I did last
[Vincent] You believe
this fucking shit here?
Black. Lives. Matter.
They oughta just round up all
these trouble making niggers and
wipe 'em the fuck out.
You fucking kidding me?
He killed an innocent kid.
Hey, in my day,
those fucking degenerates,
they never would've thought
about stepping a foot in our
fucking neighborhood.
And likewise!
We didn't fuck around
their neighborhoods neither.
All right?
The world was a much better
place, brother, I'll tell you
I got bitches in the
living room, getting it on.
And they aint leavin'
'til six in the morning.
So what you gonna do?
I got a pocket full of rubbers
and my homeboys do to.
Hey, what's up?
It's Mike!
The auto-credit guy
from Joseph Sage!
We're here to shake up the
auto industry in Rochester.
We get everyone financed, no
matter what their credit history
Check me!
We got small cars, we got red
cars, we got cars with moon
We got seven-passenger
vans and SUV's!
We even got imports all
with guaranteed credit!
[male voice] Stop the
camera! Stop the camera!
No, keep it rolling!
Keep it rolling!
Bankruptcy, no
credit, bad credit,
the worst credit, we'll get you
financed! Call Joseph Sage!
After you left last night,
tried to get the kid some pussy.
Yea, well maybe if someone did
what they fuckin' promised...
Oh! Tell me you hit it
with the contest chick?
Ray, you know he's not gonna
tell you the fuckin' truth.
Come on, bro.
All I'm saying is, if you
motherfuckers learned
about respect and privacy
for what you did with women,
someone might get a little bit
more pussy than they do right
Aww, I hate you guys.
Man, fuck all that!
- I spread that shit like the
gospel. - I know you fuckin' do.
[Andrew] You know what?
Fuck that for a second, okay?
Did Ray tell you my plan
to get back at Joanna?
Ah, fuck that. Let's go inside,
I aint dealing with this shit.
Wait, does nobody fucking
love me anymore?
- No, I definitely don't.
- But I will tell you this,
if you want a plan to get back
at Joanna, I got the perfect
fucking plan.
Yeah. Come on, baby.
Give me the goods.
Pick her up in your
mother's minivan.
Bitch is gonna love it.
Okay, you know what?
Keep talking, Donato, okay!
Let me tell you something,
lots of ladies like a
guy who drives a van.
Sends a message.
Says, I'm not too flashy, but
can still show you a good
fucking time.
Okay, you know, don't forget
to bring me up in there!
For the hundredth fucking
time, we told you, we promise.
- That we're gonna think about
it. - [laughing]
Okay, you know what? Don't
fuck me on this, Nick, okay?
I know how you two get.
You're all sitting around
going he-he-he and
nobody's taking care of Andrew!
Andrew still bugging you
to let him in with Colichio?
Not gonna happen, man.
Eventually, you gotta
break it to him.
Well, eventually
ain't today, dawg.
- Andrew, man...
- I know, dawg, I know.
You stupid little fuckers
really did it this time!
Fuck is you talking about, John?
What's the issue, John?
I don't know. Maybe it's because
his most profitable fucking club
had open bar for the
last hour of the night
and you lost all
his fucking money.
Five thousand
fucking dollars, huh?
How the fuck he find out, John?
Maybe you should worry less
about how he found out and worry
more about how the fuck
you're going to get out of this.
Because I ain't covering your
fucking dumb-asses again.
I'm fucking done with you.
- [Raymond] John.
- This is fucked up, man.
Yo, Mr. C...
Fuck you!
Fuck you!
Don't you fucking talk!
After everything I do for you
and then you fuck with my shit
like that!
Fuck you!
Anthony, that's enough!
So let's just talk this through.
You boys look like you were
about to explain to me
how the fuck you were able to
blow through all
this money of mine.
So please
I'm understanding.
One night, like last night
makes your club legendary
for the next ten fucking years.
Ray, go get me the bag.
See this shit? This
is just fucking cash.
Do you have any idea what
we did in credit last night?
I got a tape of you snorting
Scarface amounts of coke
off some bitches naked body,
and then giving a bunch
of shit away for free.
And you're wondering
why I'm upset?
Here, they're not lying.
Look at these numbers.
Hey John, go ahead and
show the boys out, please.
[Colichio] Fucking motherfucker!
You stupid-ass motherfucker!
- [muffled punches]
- [John screams]
- [beating continues]
- Oh shit.
[Colichio] I'll fucking kill
you, right where you stand!
- That's fucked up.
- Wanna go back in there?
Fuck that! Let's get
the fuck outta here!
Dude's out of control, Nick.
We gotta do something.
Nah, just fucking chill.
You know the way he is.
He just wants to be heard
and feel important.
Besides, at the end of the day,
who's the ones running the show?
Are we, Nick?
Just don't say shit in front of
Andrew. We'll talk about this
later, okay?
God, I have a great ass.
Wha... what?
Joanna loves it.
Oh, my God, with
this fucking broad.
Let me see your phone.
What's wrong with your phone?
Come on, let me see it.
You don't think she's fucking
anybody else though, right?
- Mhmm. Yes.
- Definitely.
Dude, she leaves you with a hard
dick in your hand every fucking
What do you think that means?
Yeah, while she's
grinding on your dick
she's looking across
the room at his dick.
What the fuck does
that mean though?
I mean, come on guys, seriously.
Give it to me straight here.
I can't do it with
him anymore. Done.
[cell phone buzzes]
Who just texted me?
No one. No one.
Give me the phone, Andrew.
- No one.
- Give me the fucking phone.
Give me the fucking phone.
Oh, shit.
Alfieri's throwing down tonight.
You know what that means.
- Banger!
- Banger!
Wait, who's that?
[energetic hip hop]
Yo! What up?
[Alfieri] Fuck, you made it!
- What's up? - Still smoking
cigarettes, you nasty bastard?
- I love 'em. Come on.
- Let's get fucking ripped.
[music continues]
Ray, we're up next on
the fucking pong table.
You stay the fuck
away. You're a jinx.
You ain't fucking
with my record though.
- I was supposed to play.
- You got that gimpy elbow, bro.
[Raymond] Yo, yo,
yo, yo, yo, yo.
God damn. Who the fuck is that?
Yo, Donato where...
Where the fuck
did you come from?
Excuse me?
No, I mean... I just.
I just
I saw you... I saw you.
I saw you coming
through the door and...
Are you okay?
I'm smelling a strike out.
There's no way this works.
You want to put a dub on it?
Make it $50.
No, I'm not okay, because
I've never been this
flustered in my life approaching
a beautiful fucking woman.
Normally, I would say that you
gotta buy me a cold one to
make up for it, but since
there ain't no bar here
I'll just let you grab
me one over there.
Oh, is that so?
Make me proud, baby.
Please be a miserable
failure like me.
I'm Nick Donato.
Tara Golden.
- Nah, sweetheart, come here,
I'm a hugger. How you doing? -
Nice to meet you.
All right, let's go
grab you a drink.
- Let's go grab that drink.
- Let's do it.
Let's do it.
Pay up, motherfucker. Come on.
Get my money.
Get my money.
Andrew, don't
fucking play with me.
I'll be right back with it.
Broke motherfucker.
Here you go, sweetheart.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Okay. I have a question for you.
I have an answer for you.
How'd you know I wasn't
from around here?
You don't know who I am.
- That's kind of my mic drop
moment right there. - Yeah?
[phone buzzes]
That's one of my
girlfriends. I have to go.
- Do you really?
- Yeah.
- Come on. Stay for a little
bit. - No.
- Little bit. Are you kidding
me? - No.
All right, I got your number.
- I'mma be fucking calling.
- Okay.
Like, I'm calling.
Dangerous right there.
Fucking dangerous.
- That was a good night, bro.
- Fucking dope night, man.
Do you ever not get pussy?
Don't say, get pussy .
Why the fuck not? You guys
say shit like that all the time.
Yeah, but when you
say it, it sounds vulgar.
Like, filthy.
It's fine. It's fine.
What you think?
Check it.
We put the VIP section at the
top, dance floor in the middle,
bar at the bottom.
What the fuck are
you talking about?
Us doing our own thing.
Becoming partners.
How long you been planning this?
Oh, it's been a while.
I almost cracked, but...
Shit's dope, ain't it?
Ray, please tell me you're not
talking about cutting out
Are you out of
your fucking mind?
Bro, I came from the fucking
projects. Avenue D.
I built shit up with
nothing. With nobody.
For what? To be some flunky
to some fucking asshole?
Man, fuck that shit.
You saw what he did
to my face, Nick.
It's only a matter of time
before he kills one of us.
[Nick] Nah, don't say that.
Colichio would never do that.
He's family.
Yeah, you right.
Yeah, you right.
He'd never do that.
To you.
Place looks like shit.
How the fuck would
you pay for shit?
You got startup money? Fuck
you shit I don't know about?
What's going on?
That's where you come in.
I know you got a boy from the
city that's trying to do his
What guy in the city?
If you let me fucking finish...
Old boy... what's his name?
Trying to move the product.
White boy!
What's good player? You
know who the fuck it is, cuz.
How you doing, man?
- Keep chillin'. I'm good, how's
you, homie? - Good to see you,
You all right?
Fuck no, I'm not all right. It's
hunting season right now, dawg.
Fuck all that.
I know you got your shit with
the club and everything,
but you need to come back
around the way with me,
and start slinging and make
some real paper again.
Leave Ray bitch ass at home,
come make some real bread, bro.
Nah, dawg, I can't do that, man.
- I got a good thing going with
Ray and that club. - [groans]
Besides, man, I'm trying to be
on that adult shit, homie, you
feel me?
Ahh... I feel you.
All right, cuz, I
appreciate that, man.
You already know.
Good seeing you, dawg.
- See you around, alright?
- Alright, you already know.
You still ugly with that
big-ass head though.
[Flagg] I still fuck
more bitches than you.
Yeah... Keep telling
yourself those lies, brah.
Ray, please tell me
you're fucking kidding me?
Nah, nah, that's your plan?
Fuck that, dude.
Nah, I grew up with the kid.
He's a fucking lowlife,
drug dealing piece of shit
who you can't trust for shit.
That's what you
brought me here for?
- Nick, I can't do this shit
without you, bro. - Nah, fuck
Ray, you can call me fucking old
school, but loyalty means
something to me.
Colichio took me under his
fucking wing when I had nothing
and you had nothing.
Remember that.
Get in the fucking
car, let's go.
Get in the fucking
car, let's go.
[pensive music]
All right, hot shot.
Make it quick. Some
of us got a job to do.
I just wanted to ask you
for some advice quick.
And that couldn't wait
'til I got home tonight?
I got work at the club tonight.
I really hope that's
not what this is about.
Kinda is.
All right.
Want my advice?
Want my opinion?
Here you go...
Grow the fuck up
be a man,
- and get a real fucking job.
- Dad, look it
I know you don't like Colichio,
but if you could just hear me
- for one second about this...
- Hey!
You're not getting this through
your thick fucking skull, son,
As long as you're
working for Colichio,
that fucking prick,
- I don't give a fuck what you
do... - But that's it.
Ray wants us to leave, open
up, and run our own place.
Let me ask you's a question.
You have any investors
lined up for this
business venture of yours?
Have you applied for, or do you
have a business permit here of
Do you have any plans
at all to make this
- business a fucking success?
- Yeah.
Okay, what? What is it?
Me and Raymond.
There you go!
Why didn't you say so?
My bad.
You and fucking Raymond.
Raymond, the idiot
fucking moulinyan.
What the fuck could go
wrong with that, right?
Is this a fucking fantasy
business of yours son?
'Cause it sounds like something
you and your fuckin' faggot
dreamed up at your
goddamn summer camp,
jerking each other fucking off!
Not for nothing, we've been the
ones running shit for Colichio
for fucking years now.
And kissing some fucking
criminals ass somehow qualifies
to run a fucking business?
Is that what you're telling me?
Look, I get it.
I fucking get it!
You look down on
me for what I do.
I get it. That's not something
that you can respect.
So fucking be it.
But whatever you think about me,
whatever you say about me,
know this,
I have taken care of my family
by making an honest
living and working
hard every day of
my goddamn life...
[Nick] This again?
Same fucking shit.
Some things never change, man.
Yeah, walk away like
a little fucking faggot.
I'm fucking somebody, okay?
And I'm going to become
so fucking big soon
it'll blow your mind.
While you're right down
there on your fucking knees,
chugging Colichio's
greasy fucking cock.
You want my respect, son?
You want my approval?
Well, you're not gonna
get it. Not for this.
It's time for you to
grow the fuck up, son.
So unless you, uh,
unless you want some more
of my advice,
I got a fucking car to finish.
I'm fucking in!
[Nick] This is it.
This is where you're taking me?
Are you not having a good time?
I didn't say that.
Come on, let's go inside.
I want to show you this place.
I cannot step foot into that
building until I hear something
real come out of
that mouth of yours.
You've been hearing real all
night. What are you talking
No, I've been real. But I
haven't had real from you.
Give me something. What you got?
How real you want
to get right now?
How real can you get?
- Like, for real, for real?
- Yeah.
- We're getting for real, for
real? - Yeah.
All right.
So my father, he's a...
[dramatic music intensifies]
[inaudible dialogue]
[Nick] Yo, Ray, meet Tara.
Tara, meet my boy, Ray.
- Hello.
- Nice to finally meet you.
Andrew, meet Tara...
Oh, my God, Ray, you beautiful
piece of chocolate, you!
Come here!
Get the fuck off me!
Oh, God.
The shit that Joanna
just did to me...
Oh, my God.
You guys don't
even fucking know.
Wait. So what do I do?
What do you mean?
You just said she
fucking wants you?
I don't know what's
going on, man.
She's out of her fucking mind!
Nick, help the kid.
No, you help him.
- I did it the last time!
- One of you guys help me.
Fuck that! Come on!
Give me your fucking phone.
Yes. Do your dirty
Donato tricks. Come on.
- [Tara and Raymond] Oh yea.
- [Andrew] No. No, no, no.
Wait... wait... What's all that?
What are you writing?
Stupid shit...
- [Raymond] You don't even know
how to read that. - I don't have
service in here!
I'm gonna go grab drinks.
You go do that.
I like this place. This is...
This is nice.
Oh, yeah. I'm just house sitting
for a couple weeks.
I'm looking for
a spot of my own.
sweetheart, are you
kidding me right now?
- What?
- Walking in like that with...
Like that, with that...
That smile.
- Yo, stop!
- You're ridiculous.
[Nick] Put it away.
- I can't even look at you right
now. - You're ridiculous.
Honey, sweetheart, seriously,
you need to be a model.
- For real though.
- No.
- Mhmm.
- No.
But you know what?
I actually, I did do beauty
pageants when I was a kid, so...
- No, I did.
- For real?
Yeah, but I.
I know what you're
thinking right now.
What's that?
That we were all just like
a bunch of airheads,
and it was just a
bunch of princess shit.
That's not what I
was thinking at all.
I don't know.
I know it gets a bad rap, but it
kind of helped me find my voice.
But my parents fucking hated it.
Well fuck them.
I think that's awesome.
Thank you.
Wait a minute.
Isn't part of doing
beauty pageants, also
having a talent...
something that you do?
- Yes, it is!
- No.
Tara, I watch Miss
America, though.
I know this shit.
- Come on.
- Okay.
Tell me what your talent was.
You're not going to tell me?
- No. Absolutely not.
- Come on.
All right, you know
what? Fuck this.
I'mma make you a deal right now.
Besides being a
fantastic human being,
I'm also a great actor.
- [nervous laughter] - But don't
let anyone know this.
So, what I'm gonna do is
- I'm gonna get up there...
- Okay.
I'm going to do my classic John
Travolta, Saturday Night Fever
- So...
- Let's see.
- You wanna see it?
- Yeah.
You gonna tell me your talent?
I don't know.
You will after I
do this for you.
- You ready for this shit?
- What you got?
Get my Oscar ready,
sweetheart, I'm ready.
All right.
Cue the Bee Gees.
- Oh, my God.
- How you doin', huh?
Want the De Niro?
I'll hit you with the
De Niro real quick.
Oh, my God.
Does it hurt?
To do that?
Give you the Brando
while I'm at it.
I'm going to just tell
you at this point.
We're good.
All right, give me the
talent now. Come on.
I want it.
I'm all ears.
Okay. It was stand-up comedy.
- Really?
- Yeah. I don't know.
I've just always wanted to
pursue it, but I just never
really had the balls to do it.
Well, I think you should.
Can I kiss you?
Oh, Andrew...
Tell me I'm the
best your ever had.
Oh, you're the best
I've ever had, baby.
Squeeze my ass!
Yeah! Squeeze my ass!
Yeah! Squeeze that ass!
You're totally gonna be
my girlfriend after this.
- Andrew...
- What?
- Andrew!
- What?
[masturbation sounds]
Uh... ah... ah... um...
Are you in there?
I'll be right out.
I'll just be waiting
in your room.
[heavy breathing]
Back in this, yeah.
She's in your fucking room.
[masturbation sounds continue]
[thunder and rain]
Oh wait... oh!
- Ow!
- Oh I'm sorry.
Fuck. The hell are you doing?
You like being teased
like that though, right?
God! Just put...
There. It's in.
Ah... I love you.
You love me?
- Get the fuck off me!
- Wait... what?
No, I...
No! I
I didn't...
Wait, where are you...
Where are you going?
How did I get so desperate
that I let you dupe me
into coming over here?
Desperate? What?
What are you talking
about, desperate?
Fucking blanket!
[thunder clap]
Look, I'm sorry, okay?
I just was nervous and
I just wanted to impress you
I really thought with
you drooling over me
that it would at least
make you a good fuck.
But nope.
You saying you love me?
Like, are you for real insane?
Fucking two pump chump.
No, totally, I...
Look, nobody's going to
find out about this.
I promise!
I fucked the fucking
shit out of her.
All right, I mean I beat
that shit up, like, all night.
Bro! I told you my cousin
be gettin' it in though!
You got that 30 rack though?
- Hi!
- Hi! How are you?
Nice to meet you.
- What's wrong? - There's, like,
a million people here.
I know you said a lot,
but this is, like, a lot, a lot.
Come on, they're gonna love you.
Everybody, this is Tara.
[enthusiastic cheering]
[Colichio] Hey! Hey!
Come here!
Come here, come here, come here!
That's her, right?
- That's her.
- Wow!
Let me ask you something?
What're you doing
with a bum like this?
I don't know, but it is so
nice to finally meet you.
Nick never stops
talking about you.
- You talk about us all the
time? - A little bit.
Just a little bit, huh?
Hey, look, sweetheart, look,
this house is your house.
You make yourself at home.
- Hey, somebody!
- Here!
You're gonna eat good tonight!
[cheerful music]
Don't fucking swear...
[family talking over each other]
Are you Italian?
Are you Italian?
Blonde hair!
I think the family likes her.
What do you think?
Girls are fucking grilling her.
She's getting it right now.
Do you cook, honey?
Nick would not date somebody
who doesn't cook.
Well, he's not dating her,
he's fucking her.
[table erupts]
She's terrible. I'm sorry.
Do we really think he's
gonna marry this girl?
- He might. - You don't have to
say it to her face though.
Well, at least I'm real.
I dont' want him getting
any girl pregnant.
And then having some kid just
living this Earth with a single
You got the hot flashes?
Yes! I do!
So, where are you
from originally?
Don't you think we're all
getting a little too old to
be fucking around the
same way we have been?
But what's the final
conditions on all this shit?
All right, so, check it...
You give me and Ray
the shit, all right?
We'll push that shit
through Vertex ourselves.
We accumulate the paper.
I'm talking long term
goals right now, cuz.
We get our new spot,
that joint's fuckin' ours.
We run the shit.
That point,
you and your boys
come through the door,
you start slinging every
fucking piece of shit you want.
You ain't gotta look over
your back. You're with us.
How 'bout you get your ass off
the street and come hustle that
product at a different level.
Thought I told you to be
a ghost nigga and act like you
wasn't fuckin' here.
And you...
You okay with taking that
kinda risk with your boss?
His father was my fucking boss.
And little Colichio...
Once that motherfucker took
over, everything went to fucking
Fuck that motherfucker, aight?
There's a fast lane
open in this city, cuz.
And you best believe, some
motherfucker's gonna step up and
fill that void.
Fuck it. Let's do this.
- Let's get this bread.
- Let's get that paper.
What's up, buddy?
So what's going on
with you and Joanna?
Are you still
trying to hit that?
I can't get her out
of my head, man.
She's always here dancing
with all these dudes,
like she's trying to make some
point or something. I don't
Look at me.
Fuck her.
You can get any girl you
want inside that fucking club
and you want to know why?
'Cause you're one handsome
motherfucker, and a funny one at
You are.
What about you and Tara?
We're doing great, man.
That's great, man.
Listen, can I talk to
you about something?
Word's obviously out that you
and Ray are pushing shit through
these doors...
Drew, I'm not looking for
a fucking lecture... I want in.
All right, I'll
tell you what, man.
- I'll talk to Raymond, I'll see
what I can... - No.
No. You don't need
to talk to Ray.
Just like you didn't
need to talk to Colichio.
Andrew, he's my fucking partner.
And what
I'm just some guy you
keep around for laughs?
Nick, if you tell him you
want me in, he'll do it.
What the fuck, man?
Where the fuck is
this coming from?
Nowhere, man.
Where the fuck is
this coming from?
I've done everything I can
to fucking help you, man.
Oh, bullshit, Nick.
Come on, you're the
self-proclaimed lion, right?
Dad? Dad!
Dad, come here!
Sit up. Sit up, Dad, come on.
The fuck did you take?
What the fuck did you take?
No, no, no, no. Close your
mouth. Breathe through your
Breathe through
your nose. Come on.
Come on. Breathe
through your nose.
[Nick V. O.] So my father...
He's a... uh...
Dad, stop. Come on.
[V.O.] functioning alcoholic.
All right. Okay.
[V.O.] To the point where
the doctors told him,
you're gonna fucking die
if you don't stop drinking.
And he hasn't.
And they gave him these
pills that'll help him.
And you can't drink
on them. But he does.
So sometimes.
I'll come home and I'll find him
on the floor of
the house, seizing.
And I have to be by
his side all night long
and tell him everything's
gonna be okay.
When, I don't know
if it will be.
Is that real enough for you?
Morning, hot shot.
Coffee there if you want some.
So, what'd you do last night?
Are you fucking kidding me?
What's with the
You would've fucking died
last night if it wasn't for me!
You fucking drunk piece of shit.
Say it again.
Come on, tough guy. Say it.
Come on.
Say it.
You know what?
Go ahead. Do it. Hit me.
'Cause maybe then I'll be able
to feel something fucking real
from you.
You know what, Dad?
At the end of the day, you're no
different, and no better than
the rest of the fucking
junkies I sell
shit to out there.
And you killed, Ma.
- Shut your fucking mouth! You
hear me? - Do it!
- I'll shut it for you!
- Do it! Hit me!
I'm fucking leaving
and I'm never
fucking coming back!
[knocking on door]
I think we should
move in together.
[soulful music]
What are you doing, baby?
You writing jokes?
I feel like they suck though.
No, that's good.
- I like that one.
- Yeah?
I can't wait to see you
up on that fucking stage.
You are going to kill.
Thank you.
I hope so.
What do you say? You want
to go to dinner tonight?
- Yeah.
- Where do you want to go?
Does it still hurt?
Put that shit
behind me years ago.
I meant your face.
- No. He hits like a bitch.
- [loud commotion]
- You never fucking change. -
Blows her outta the fucking
Do you think you're
ever gonna go back?
- [obnoxious drunk] If I had
your life... - No.
Honey, hold one second.
The fucking best tits I've
ever seen in my fucking life...
What's up, buddy?
You got a problem?
Guys, I'm on a date with
my girlfriend here, okay?
- Sorry about that, miss.
- Won't happen again.
I'd keep my mouth shut too if I
had that pussy to put my mouth
Who's fucking pussy
you talkin' about?
Nick, let's go!
- [yelling]
- [Tara] Hey! Let's go!
- The fuck you gonna do?
- Let's go!
Let's go! Let's Go!
Hey! You're taking
that to fucking go too!
Let's go!
I'll kill you! Come
here, motherfucker!
Talking about my
fuckin' girlfriend?
I'll fucking kill
you! Talking now?
Talking now, motherfucker?
Hey, kid. Get your
ass over here.
Thanks for coming, buddy.
So sorry, Mr. C.
- So fucking sorry.
- For what?
Man, I would've beat those
motherfuckers with a fuckin'
As for the charges...
Don't worry about it.
We'll figure it out.
[loud gunshot]
How the fuck can I repay you
for all the shit you do for me?
You see that
building over there?
Look at the size of that joint.
You're a smart kid.
What would you do
with a place like that?
- I don't really know.
- Oh, come on.
'Course you do.
- Maybe uh...
- Or look at that over there.
You know what I should do?
I should call up my real estate
friends, have them look into it
for me.
You know my real
estate friends, right?
Not off the top of my head, no.
Reach under the seat.
- Mr. C., I...
- Reach under the seat.
Go ahead, take it.
I'm not going to tell you twice.
Feel the weight of that thing?
There's a lot of
little fucks out there
they grow up watching movies,
they think this shit's cool.
Then one day, one of those kids
gets his hands on
the real thing,
and in that moment, he realizes
that if he wanted to,
he can play God.
That he can decide
who gets to live
and who gets to die.
Why don't you raise the piece?
Here, like this.
Right there.
You shouldn't be scared. I'm
the one that should be scared.
My life right now
is in your hands.
Fucking Nick.
What part of your stupid,
fucking delusional brain made
you think that I
wouldn't find out that you were
trying to fuck me and step out
on your own?
- It wasn't about hurting you or
lying to you, I swear to God...
- I don't give a fuck.
- I'm sorry.
- Just fucking pull the trigger.
Just get rid of me.
Just do it.
You can make a
name for yourself.
You can embellish the story
however you want to. Add to the
You want to have
me an empty pistol?
See if I got the balls
to pull the trigger?
This way you'll see if I would
really would kill you or not,
[loud ringing]
I think we both know the kind
of man that you really are.
Just took me a little while for
it to actually sink in, you
So, I want you to
hear what I say
really good, because it's the
last thing that I'm ever going
to tell you.
That stuff that you had going
on at Vertex? That shit's done.
You're never setting foot in
any one of my clubs ever again.
As for family?
You're not my fucking blood.
I don't want you
to reach out to me.
Don't call, don't text. Don't
send a goddamn fucking Christmas
I don't want to hear from you.
I want you to disappear.
This place right here...
It's yours.
You better hope that it's the
fucking gold mine that you think
it is.
Because when you fail...
and you will fail...
You're not going to be
able to get a job anywhere.
You're not going to be doing
oil changes like your dad.
And after you've
exhausted all your resources,
all your options, all
the people in your life
no blondie left to
fuck you, no family
you're going to
walk in your room,
take out that gun,
put it in your mouth,
and you're going to live
out your last moment,
just like your mother did.
Please get the
fuck out of my car.
Get the fuck out of my car.
Get the fuck out of my car.
Get the fuck out of my car!
[cell phone ringing]
[voicemail beep]
He knows.
He fucking knows everything.
He knew everything. We're dead.
Do you understand
that? We're dead.
Everything you said, everything
you sold me on, your bullshit
coming from Avenue D.
It just cost us everything.
You fucking retard! You
know what we're gonna do?
We're fucking dead!
We're fucking dead!
[Comedy emcee] One of the most
disheartening things in the
You ever meet an Asian person
and they don't have a weird
And you're, like,
totally thrown off by it.
You meet them and you're like,
this guy's gonna sound like
Master Splinter
from Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles.
And then you shake his hand and
he's like, Hello, I'm David. I
study psychology.
Jesus! What?
And it's crazy.
Yeah, I got a list of all this
stuff that pisses me off.
I could go on all night. We need
to keep the ball rolling here,
Next up, we got a really hot
girl, so she's probably not
gonna to be that funny.
Everybody give it
up for Tara Golden.
[nervous laughter]
Babe, come here.
Don't. Let's go.
- Will you just fucking stop?
- No! Let's go!
Tara, will you please just
stop and wait for one second?
Unlock the door, Nick.
No! Just give me a fucking
minute by myself, okay?
[muffled cell phone ringing]
Come on. Come on, honey.
Get out of the car.
Get out of the car.
- What the fuck, Nick? - Get out
of the car. You gotta get back
- What is going on? - Please,
listen, I'm gonna explain this
to you later.
You're not making fucking sense!
Just get back inside
where it's safe.
Honey, please look at me.
- I love you... - What do you
mean where it's fucking safe?
I'm gonna call you a taxi, okay?
I can just call an Uber,
what is your fucking deal?
- Someone smashed the back end
of the fucking car. - Let me
I got to get it towed to my guy.
- You gotta get back inside,
honey... - What the fuck, Nick?
Please, just listen
to me right now. Please.
Come on.
Oh, we got a big,
big fucking problem.
[Flagg] No fucking shit.
We got a big problem!
How the fuck do you
know about Raymond?
[Flagg] Raymond? Dude,
get your ass down the club, man!
Just want to think about that.
Make sure we're picking the
right person.
[stairs creaking]
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's all right.
It's all right.
You better get your
ass out of here.
I'll take care of this.
Raymond, too.
Is he still in the trunk?
Keys... Give me your keys.
Think it's best you get out
of town for a few days.
You got somewhere to go?
You know what, Nick? I'm done.
Do you hear me? I'm done.
You get arrested and
you don't even call me?
Lord fucking knows
how you got out
because you just mysteriously
show up at my comedy show
when I thought for sure
you were locked up.
And what was that
weird shit with the car, huh?
You left me here for hours
worrying about you
after one of the worst
fucking nights of my life.
And look at you.
You look like death.
Pack up your things.
We're going to stay with
your parents for a while.
[Tara] What's going on?
[Nick] It's all just
so different here.
Nick, come on.
You got to give
me more than that.
What other girlfriend
is going to put up with this?
I'm a bad guy, Tara.
My mother didn't die of cancer.
That's a lie I've
told everybody.
For years.
Why would you lie about that?
One day, my Ma, she...
She was supposed
to pick me up from school,
and she just never showed.
So after about an hour,
I gave up and I made the
couple mile walk home...
But the door was locked.
So, I climbed through my window,
went to my bedroom and played
video games until it got dark.
When I walked into
her bedroom...
My Ma, she was
on the floor.
Surrounded by a pool of blood.
And a handgun next to her body.
If my Mom loved me, Tara,
why would she do that?
If I wanted to kill you
wouldn't be that hard to find.
How'd you find me?
Nick, I told you to get
the hell out of dodge.
I did.
You drove fucking forty
minutes down the road!
Is there somewhere we can talk?
His family can make
all the fucking fuss they want,
they ain't going
to find that body.
Give it to me straight, John.
What do I gotta do?
How far should I move? Move?
I need your ass
back in Rochester.
I want you to run Vertex.
What would be your terms?
You run the inventory,
the events, everything.
I'll sit on the
sidelines in the wings,
I'll sign off on everything.
What about Flagg?
That's your decision.
I don't know, John.
I mean, I was thinking about
moving away.
You know, starting over. I think
that's what I really need to do
right now.
Don't be a fucking fool.
You'll be working in a
fucking bum job for bum pay.
You'd be answering to some fat
cocksucker who's gonna
tell you when to take your
fucking bathroom break.
Come on, kid.
I'm giving you a fucking chance.
Do the right thing.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Where are you going?
Get back to work.
- Fuckin' dishes need to be
washed. - Get back to work?
- Yea.
- Are you serious?
- Wash the fuckin' dishes.
- No! No!
I'm not doing that while you
guys are having fun all the
fuckin' time! No!
You get to have fun too after
you wash all the fuckin' dishes!
You know, dude, fuck
this! Fuck this!
Fuck you!
- Un-fucking-believable.
- Fuck you, dude!
I'm fuckin' out!
[Therapist] Have you talked
to your father lately?
Not lately, nope.
Called and left a message, but
you know.
It's okay to take
things at your own pace.
That's a lot to take in.
He said he was seeing someone.
Jim, I think he said.
He wants me to come by
the house and meet him.
Have you considered going?
[Nick] High school,
junior year, before
I dropped out...
We're at Alfieri's house,
I dove out the fuckin' window,
ripped my goddamn pants, ran to
EV, thinking the cops were
coming, they never fucking came.
But I did have sex
in his mother's bed that night.
That's fucking gross.
That's fucking gross!
It's disrespectful!
I mean...
It was a nice bed.
- It was good times.
- Okay, I have one better.
My dad caught me hooking up
with this guy in high school,
and he...
- He beat me like nobody's
fucking business. - As he should
Hey, I'm just saying, baby
there's a reason that you turned
out to be the sexy fuckin' young
woman that you are today.
Do you even know
what your number is?
I thought you knew.
You were my first.
I swear to God, honey.
Swear to God.
Seriously though, I do.
You want to know
what my number is?
Fuck no.
- Absolutely not. Not going down
that road. - Why?
Because you can't unhear
certain shit once you hear it.
- Know what I'm saying?
- Oh, my God, okay.
In my head, you've been with
three fucking people at the
Me, myself and I.
I'll tell you if
you want to know.
No, absolutely not.
Fuck that.
All right, know what, fuck it,
you're gonna be to be the mother
of my children someday.
- All right, give it to me.
- Ready?
No, no.
All right. Yes, fuck it.
- Just say it.
- Okay.
Come on!
[Sigh of relief]
Thank fucking Christ.
- I want another shot. You want
one? - Yes. Here.
You want that nasty
shit? I got it.
[Raymond] You know, you
and Nick, ya'll cute together.
Welcome to the gang.
The fuck are you doing here?
Thought you fucking quit?
We're not friends no more?
It's exactly what
it fucking means.
You never been cool with Flagg
to begin with, so get the fuck
out of here.
What's going on
with you and Tara?
Something you want
to ask me, Andrew?
No, just...
Maybe Donato's not the
big man he thinks he is.
Yo, what the fuck this
dude talking about?
Tell him.
Tell him why Tara's not showing
her face around here today.
Your friend has to beat
the crap out of his
girl to feel important.
But that's not the
whole story, is it?
Go ahead, Nick.
Tell me why you beat
the shit out of Tara.
Why the fuck did
you make me do this?
Why the fuck did
you make me do this?
[Andrew] No?
It's because she
dated a black dude.
That's a pretty fucked
up thing to say.
That's right.
Your friend here is
a fucking racist.
You mean to tell me
you dated a nasty fucking...
Stop fucking saying that!
[Nick] How could you
fucking do this to me?
You're a fucking dog!
You're nothing!
You fucking bitch, fuck you!
At least my father is not a cock
sucking faggot.
You son of a fucking...
Come on, motherfucker!
The kid's a fucking
racist prick!
You're just gonna sit there?
Get the fuck out,
you fucking loser.
I don't want to fucking see
you. Get the fuck out of here.
Who the fuck are
you to judge me?
Like you're some
fucking hot shot?
Leave this town for two fucking
seconds and you're a fucking
Do you remember how many people
laughed when you got up on that
It was embarrassing to watch you
up there, trying to tell your
fucking jokes.
'Cause, I got new
for you, sweetheart,
at least I know where
I fucking belong.
Do you know what, honey?
I don't need this
Tara Golden, comedian.
Sit down, you fucking pussy.
[Tara] I didn't know
who else to call.
[Nick] He wants to sit back
and about me and Tara.
Let's talk about you and Joanna.
He didn't think I found out
about Mr. Two pump chump.
In two pumps? Damn.
[Nick] I'll tell you
what, motherfucker.
How about a little fucking
test, Andrew, huh?
I'm going to walk
on that fucking dance floor
and I'm going to ride up
on the love of your life,
the sexy, beautiful Miss Joanna.
If after one song.
I can seduce that
nasty fucking bitch.
I'm going to take her out
to your mother's car
and I'm gonna fuck the shit
out of her in the backseat.
If she says, no,
I'll get on that
fucking microphone
in front of the
whole fucking club
and I'll announced to everyone
that I'm a fake fucking pussy,
lying, piece of shit.
And I'll walk out
those fucking doors
and I'll never come back again.
All right.
All right.
- Stop. Stop. Just wait a
minute. - What's wrong?
Hey, fuck face.
Where's the rest of it?
That's all of it, John.
This is fucking Saturday night?
I said, that's all the
fucking money, John.
You fucking don't
seem to understand.
You're fucking done.
I'm done? Fuck you, I'm done.
I don't got time for...
You're fucking done.
Because my numbers haven't
been what they fuckin' were?
You know, what they call
business, things go up and
fuckin' down, John!
I think you'd fuckin' know that.
It's too late.
Too fuckin' late.
Never step a fuckin' foot in
any of my clubs ever again.
I'm the motherfucker who
made Vertex what it is. Me.
That club would be fucking
nothing without me.
It was nothing before me.
And that's why you came back and
you gave me that fucking job.
Let's not get that confused.
You're gonna to go through the
rest of your fucking life
believing all this shit.
Don't do this.
The White Party.
The fuckin' White
Party is tonight!
It's the biggest event
I do all fucking year long.
You know that it's the
biggest moneymaker we got.
You give me tonight and
I will fucking show you
why you gave me this job
to begin with, John.
[John] You better.
'Cause I ain't fucking joking.
[Flagg] Here he is!
What'd I fucking tell you?
What'd I fucking tell you?
You told me, dawg!
We're doing this shit!
Fuck John! He's going to get rid
of me? Fuck him. Look at this
You fucking did this, B. You.
Did. This. Shit.
Look at that fucking club, son!
That shit that happened with
Raymond, dawg? That's fucked up.
It's fucked up. Fuck that shit.
- I want you to get the fuck out
there right now. - Get this
Let these motherfuckers
know who we are.
You understand?
This is our fucking time.
- I love you too! - Get the fuck
out there and let them know.
- You already know, bro. - This
is us, baby. - You already know.
Hurry up! Get the
fuck out the way, son!
Yo, what the fuck
did you do, son?
How the fuck could you
do this to me, Andrew?
How the fuck could
you do this to me?
So that wasn't lying, huh?
What are you doing back
in Rochester, Tara?
This place makes you
feel like you're in danger?
Can we go sit in my car
and talk for a minute?
I tried to find you for a while,
but it was really hard
after everything with Andrew
and the club and,
and I heard you were in jail.
There were so many times I
wanted to call you, but I
I remember what you said.
About staying away.
And I wanted to show you that I
can learn from my mistakes. You
You're the only woman
I ever did that to and it's
Nick, just please
shut up. Please.
Honestly, I debated for a year
if I should even
have this conversation.
And I don't know the
right way to say it. So.
I'm engaged.
That's your fucking mature
way of handling this?
What, you want to fucking come
down here and see me like this?
- No, Nick. No. - So tell me how
fucking happy you are going to
be some jerk
- offs fucking wife, like you
were gonna be mine? - No. No.
Then what, Tara? Are
you fucking kidding me?
I just thought that
you should know that
he got a job in North Carolina
and we're moving there.
Okay, I'm starting a
life there with him.
Congratulations, Tara.
I really hope that
you're fucking happy.
What do you want me to say?
You know what, Nick?
No, it's not about
any of that, okay?
We're going there
to start a life for my son.
Your son.
My son?
What the fuck do
you mean, my son?
Tara, what are
you talking about?
I realized
after I left you,
that I was pregnant.
How could you not tell me this?
You know what, Nick?
I really don't owe you anything
after what you did to me, okay?
But I realize that
at some point,
he's going to have to know
who his father is.
Can I see him?
- No, I don't think that's...
- Tara, he's my son.
Not in this state, Nick. No.
Tara, please, I'm begging you.
Please let me see my son.
[door opening]
The infamous Chris, huh?
Good to meet you,
man. How are you?
Take your bag off.
Where's Tara?
She's upstairs with the baby.
We'll head up there in a sec if
that's cool?
Probably had a
hell of a day, huh?
Yeah, man.
I can imagine.
You want a water or something?
No, I'm fine.
You nervous?
No, I'm fucking fine.
I'm fine.
Good, man.
You want to go, then?
You're okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
Hi, you. Hi, you, come here.
Hi, you, come here. You're okay.
Hi, you.
This is your son, Brexton.
Do you want to hold him?
I don't know how.
I'll show you.
Hold up, man.
You got one of those for me?
I don't want to talk
right now, okay?
Listen, man, before you go.
I had to sell Tara on something
before you came here today,
and I'm glad I did, but
I really think you need to check
this out.
It's a top care facility
in North Carolina.
Where we're moving.
Listen, man, I'm not
trying to judge you,
but I care for you, son.
And I can tell
that you care, too.
And it's his life is
going to be better
by having his real father in
the picture then I want that.
I think you should do.
You're a good guy, Chris.
So what do you
say? You'll do it?
Are you saying that
you're offering to pay
- for me to go into treatment?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I didn't say we could do that.
But the thing is,
if you want to be in his life,
you're going to need to be clean
and sober.
What if I say no?
Then you're never going
to see your son again.
That's the God's honest truth.
All right?
Sleep on it. It was
great to meet you.
I'm gonna be a grandfather.
Look, Nicky.
I know I wasn't the
best father to you.
I know that.
But I did the best I knew how.
At least for a little while.
And then it got,
so hard
after your Mom
after she died, you know?
I just hope you can be
the father that I never was
to you, to your son.
Keys to your mom's car.
I want you to go
to North Carolina.
I wish to go there. And
I want you to be with your boy.
I want to be happy, son.
I love you, Nicky.
I love you so much.
Can we talk?
Stay the fuck away from me.
I'm still your son,
Dad! I love you!
I don't have a fucking son.
I need your help. Please.
Why won't you help me?
I need your help. Dad, please.
How am I ever supposed to be a
man, when you're all I've ever
had to learn from?
You can do this.
You can put together
a plan to get the money.
Fuck that.
I need it now.
If you do what you're thinking
about doing, you're going to get
Then you'll really
never see your son again.
Why? So I can confirm what
she already thinks of me?
I'm just a fucking junkie?
That's not true.
You know it is.
There's no fucking way I'm gonna
let that douche bag, Chris,
raise my fucking son.
What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?
Talk to Tara.
You need help and
she can help you.
Oh, my God, Colichio.
He told me...
He told me he kept
a hidden stash
in the guitar room
in case he ever had
to go on the run.
Oh, my God.
I bet it's still there.
I know it's still there.
I won't even have to break in.
They always leave
the door unlocked.
They always leave
the door unlocked.
What's he gonna do, huh?
What's he gonna fucking do now?
I fucking killed him.
It's what I have to do.
It's what I have to do.
It's what I have to do.
It's what I'm gonna do.
[mumbling incoherently]
[Nick] Stop!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
[Man] Nick?
[heavy breathing]
[Nick] Brexton!
Come on, kid.
I'm giving you a fucking chance.
Do the right thing.
We're going back, aren't we?
- I have to.
- No.
You don't.
Tara, you told me that you
would go anywhere with me.
And I mean it.
But I need to know why.
It's all I know.
Honey, this is who I am.
I love you.
And I love this
place, but, babe,
seriously, how
long can we pretend
that we would fucking
be happy here?
I wish you could see yourself
the way I see you.
See your full potential.
Raymond, Andrew and I,
we used to have this thing,
this motto, we would say
at the beginning of every night.
It was what we fuckin' lived by.
Drink like a fish.
Fuck like a dog.
Run shit like a lion.
But the question is,
do you still want
to be the lion?
Fuck yes, I do.