Yume No Ginga (Labyrinth Of Dreams) (1997) Movie Script

Produced by
KSS Inc.
Executive Producer
Kazuo Suzaki
Yasuhiro Ito & Satoshi Kanno
At 9:09 pm that night...
...a crowded special up-train, bound for the capital...
...sped through the dark.
Moderate rain had turned to a downpour.
Visibility was extremely poor.
A bus, speeding through the rain, approached a crossing.
The special up-train approached that same crossing at full speed.
The bus stopped before the crossing.
Strangely, the bus started to once more move towards the crossing.
The train was travelling at approximately 25 metres per second.
The gap between the bus and the crossing was 10 metres.
If both held their courses...
...then they would collide in 9 seconds...
...and catastrophe would be inevitable.
Rena Komine
Tadanobu Asano
Based on an original story by
Kyusaku Yumeno
also starring
Kotomi Kyono
Kirina Mano
Tomoko Kurotani
Reiko Matsuo
Kyusaka Shimada
On a spring night I ponder, leaning on a telephone pole...
...the truth hidden in the heart of a murderer
Chong Wi Shing
Takeshi Ikeda
"Bus accident or double suicide?"
"Driver dead. Conductor wounded"
Written and directed by
Sogo Ishii
All clear.
At first, I envied them...
The female bus conductors...
...looked so heroic in their uniforms.
I dreamed of becoming a bus conductor.
Director of Photography
Norimichi Kasamatsu
Meicho Tomiyama
Art director
Toshihiro Isomi
Music by
Hiroyuki Onogawa
Rear all clear.
Sorry we kept you waiting.
This bus is bound for Mitokedoni.
Please board in order.
All clear.
If you are standing, please hold onto the straps.
Thank you very much.
Recording by
Masakatsu Shiobara
Please watch your step.
Thank you very much.
In order, please.
Editing by
Kan Suzuki
Thank you very much.
In order, please.
All clear.
All clear. All clear.
Please notify me of your stop.
Yes sir. We're stopping there next.
Thank you very much.
Please don't do that.
Thank you very much.
Atsuyuki Shimoda & Kenichi Kamata
The female bus conductor only looks good on the surface.
We must obey the driver's orders...
...put up with all displeasure...
...and work like a slave.
Chieko, I warn you...
...don't ever become a bus conductor.
It's the crossing.
"To Chieko Yamashita"
"From Tomiko Tomonari"
I'm sorry.
You want to go off to the city...
I know that all too well.
...I truly care for you.
I must tell you the truth.
Please don't be angry...
You must never, ever become a bus conductor.
"Female bus conductor dies in accident"
You've come a long way.
I'm sure Tsuyako is happy, too.
I can only think that it was her fate...
...but it was just before her wedding day.
It breaks my heart.
It must also be hard for Niitaka, her fianc.
The accident happened when he was driving the bus.
Niitaka, the man engaged to her...
It wasn't his fault.
But he couldn't bear the grief.
He quit the company and went away.
I heard a strange thing from my colleagues a while ago.
I wanted to tell Tsuyako, but...
...she died before I could.
A driver of the Blue Bus company in Tokyo,
had relationships with many women.
And when he got tired of them...
...he'd kill them one after another.
He was so clever that...
...he's never been suspected.
They say he's so mysterious but absolutely evil.
The police in Tokyo are coming down hard recently...
...so he quit Blue Bus and went away to the country.
I think such a rumour...
...is circulating only amongst us bus conductors.
Do you mean?
Does he look like him?
When I saw the picture...
...the descriptions I had heard fit so well.
Such a person joined her bus company...
...and became her fianc.
Isn't it horrifying?
That man was taciturn...
...but a very hard worker.
So the company had a good opinion of him.
None thought him to be a criminal.
With our suspicions based on a rumour
spreading amongst us bus conductors...
...no-one would take it seriously.
Excuse me.
"To Tomiko Tomonari"
This letter just arrived for you.
"From Tsuyako Tsukikawa"
Isn't Tsuyako the one who died?
You went to give your condolences.
Before the accident...
Your attention please.
I want to introduce you all to someone.
Our company has just hired...
...a driver. A new driver that we've waited so long for.
A bit better looking than me... perhaps.
This is Niitaka.
Tatsuo Niitaka.
I'm Tatsuo Niitaka. How'd you do?
Are you OK?
You're so clumsy.
Nothing serious.
"From Tsuyako Tsukikawa"
What happened?
Oh my!
Love at first sight?
You're blushing all over, Tomiko.
I see... dazzled by pretty boy.
Your legs got tangled?
Have some breath freshener and calm down.
Take it easy. From tomorrow, you and pretty boy will be a team.
My God. Don't make it so obvious.
It's work. Not a date.
Good luck.
He's got some nice things for you all. Imported.
I'd like some too. But I'll take a rain check today.
No-one stopping me?
I'll stick to my breath freshener.
Some sweets for the ladies.
Help yourself.
Thank you very much.
And some cigars for the gents.
Go ahead.
Hey, bring some booze.
Just a drink.
Sorry for this abrupt letter...
Please don't be shocked.
I have a feeling that my fianc is going to kill me.
Unfortunately, I found out that he was using a false name.
Then, I remembered the rumour going around amongst us.
I didn't want to tell anyone about this, but...
...I wanted you to know about it.
Then if I die, I want you...
...to remember me.
But if Niitaka is not the man in the rumour...
...and truly loves me...
...then don't laugh if we end up having a happy family.
In that case, please forget this letter...
...and come visit us.
If you are getting off, please notify us.
No need to get off.
The 12:50 down-train just went.
And the next train is 1:10.
Watch the left from there.
I'll watch the right.
All clear.
Cheiko, I have great news.
Don't be alarmed.
It's about...
...that serial killer, Niitaka.
...I've become his next target.
But do not worry...
...going to kill me.
Because, I know of...
...all his deepest secrets.
I will...
...catch him by the hips.
And I promise...
I will avenge Tsuyako.
It's time.
I'll take care of it.
I'll do the rest.
No, I'll do it.
You mind?
I baked some cookies.
In return for the chocolates you gave us.
Please take them.
They're shaped like a bus.
They're delicious.
I hope they're to your liking.
These are Mitoke berries.
Not sweet yet.
Are you from around here?
Yes, something like that.
What about you?
Where are you from?
There's nothing around here. You must be bored.
If you go downtown, you'll find an English pub.
You can have drinks there, and also play cards.
Do you play cards?
Me too! What a coincidence.
Will you go out with me tonight?
It'll be on me.
How about it?
No need to worry about money.
We're going out tonight.
Why not join us?
I see.
Tomiko won't go.
She doesn't drink and she doesn't go out.
She really doesn't.
It's the crossing.
Just because pretty boy's absent...
I had some business near here.
Everyone's worried about you.
Sorry about that.
I've been under the weather since pay day.
"Shuttle bus to Mitakedani"
I know well...
...I am...
...being totally rash.
But I...
...really don't care anymore.
In my boring life, a chance for adventure...
...has finally arrived.
I, of course...
...know what I am in for.
This is truly...
...a fatal romance.
Please purchase your tickets.
Were you worried?
I'm sorry.
I was so worried that I couldn't sleep properly.
I'm still alive...
As you can see.
Nothing wrong?
Are you sure?
It's amazing...
You've become more active.
Could it be my fault?
Niitaka is...
...so good to me, you know.
He's really sweet.
If only...
...he was a normal person.
If I keep my mouth shut, what will happen?
I think about such things...
...I am truly worried about you.
You're not yourself anymore, Tomiko.
All clear.
It may be none of my business...
But if I were to ask an acquaintance of mine...
...to send a clipping from a Tokyo newspaper...
"Bus accident or double suicide?"
"From Tsuyako Tsukikawa"
Did you know, Niikata...
They say that a ghost has been seen around here recently.
A ghost of a young woman...
...deceived and murdered by her lover.
I suddenly remembered about it.
Haven't you heard of this story?
...her soul cannot rest.
That's just superstition.
Well, I believe it.
Let's play chicken.
Poison in one drink.
If you drink it you'll die. Like going to sleep forever.
You're kidding.
The chances are 50/50.
Shall I go first?
Let's toast.
Good bye.
I was just joking.
I'm sorry.
I didn't intend to hurt you.
Shall we get married?
...I think...
...I am too much in love with Niitaka.
I'm completely confused.
I think I'm losing my mind.
But there is...
...no turning back for me.
It was my own decision to...
...take part in this adventure.
...to put an end to it all by myself.
Excuse me...
Is Tomiko here?
She works as...
...a bus conductor.
She's on that bus.
...if I am to die.
You alone will know the truth.
...please do not forget me.
My life was miserable, and I was lonely...
But remember me as the one who wrestled her fate at the end.
...never, ever...
...follow in my footsteps of foolishness.
Why the flowers?
They were my best friend's favourites.
All clear.
That was close.
I'm sorry.
The lights.
That ghost story...
...didn't you make it up?
I know it all.
All about you...
What are you getting at?
Let's go home early...
...and talk things over.
Tomiko, the crossing.
If I get off...
Will you run me over?
Are you tired of me?
Just like Tsuyako.
How dare you...
Concerning Tsuyako...
Take a look from there.
The up-train already went.
The down-train won't come for a while yet.
You watch the left from there.
All clear.
Are you OK?
"Bus accident or double suicide?
Driver dead. Conductor wounded"
"Unnatural coincidence"
"Lady killer meets his doom?"
It's too unnatural to be a coincidence.
Two double suicides and one accident.
Each time one died, but the other survived.
But, post-investigations on the cases Niitaka was involved in...
...dug up no evidence...
...to indicate that the victims were murdered.
Did you know anything other than the rumour?
Isn't Tomiko a habitual liar...
...always telling lies?
As far as I know, she never told a lie.
Detectives are so persistent.
They're pretty smart. Don't let their appearances fool you.
They said that there's no evidence that Niitaka was the murderer.
It's ridiculous.
They haven't a clue about the truth.
Does it hurt?
...he didn't intend to kill anyone.
When he died...
...he didn't doubt me at all.
You'll make God angry.
Remember: God saved your life.
Is it kicking?