Blackadder s00e03 Episode Script

The Queen's Jubilee

Her majesty the queen requests and commands that to celebrate her golden jubilee she'll be hosting a classical music concert and a rock concert here at Buckingham Palace.
Entry will be open to everyone and will be entirely free.
Now, absolutely not.
I think this is a terrible idea.
We don't want thousands of people wondering around here willy-nilly, leaving orange peel in the petunias and frightening the corgis.
On June the first and third the queen is opening the gardens of Buckingham Palace for two spectacular concerts with a champagne picnic for everyone.
- I said to her, I said, You are the queen, not Fatboy Slim.
There are twenty four thousand places.
- I mean it would just be an absolute scrum.
Phone now for your chance to be there.
- If I have my way then it won't be happening.
O nine hundred, nineteen fifty two, two thousand and two
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