23.5 (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Remember this, Ongsa.
There is only one tip
that will let you get a motorbike taxi.
What tip, Alpha?
Your fingertip.
The usual place?
Yes, sir.
Good luck, human.
It's literally your fingertip?
Yes, it literally is!
- Sir, where are you going?
- Wait a bit.
- All the bikes are out.
- What?
What do I do?
I'm gonna be late.
Are you going to S-Tar?
Hop on.
You don't want to be late
on your first day.
Hop on.
Senior, slow down.
You wanna be late or what?
I don't, but…
We've arrived.
You're hugging me so tight.
I'm sorry, senior.
And thank you for the ride, senior.
You don't have to call me "senior."
Just call me by my name.
You're in Grade 10?
I am.
You must be new.
I'm in Grade 10 too.
My name is Sun. What's yours?
I… name… my name…
What is it?
My name is Ongsa.
Nice to meet you, Ongsa.
Has it ever happened to you?
You recognize someone because
you see them every day on social media.
You see their every move.
You know what goes on in their life.
It's like… you're close.
She is cute in photos.
But in person, her cuteness is lethal.
Where have you been?
Why didn't you answer my calls?
What are you looking at?
Ongsa, are you okay?
Ongsa. Do you know where
the Grade 10 building is?
Do you know which class you're in?
You're absent-minded.
My name is Ongsa.
I'm an up-country girl
who moved to Bangkok.
Here comes the last box.
- Mom and Dad told me…
- Are you sure it's the last?
…that it was just traveling
from one city to another.
- Where's Latte now?
- Where do you want to sleep?
But to me, it's more like
traveling to a different universe.
I'm moving to a universe I don't know.
In this universe,
I must start over from scratch.
Let's lie down.
- New house, new life, and a new school.
- Heavy?
She's Sun.
The Sun of the universe.
Should I follow her?
Hmm, Latte?
Go downstairs to eat
once you're done talking to the dog.
Go get Aylin for me.
I don't want to communicate with her.
Did she just say "communicate"?
"Press the button to call."
What is it, human?
Alpha says it's time to eat.
Okay, human.
Here comes the hot soup.
How are you doing, Ongsa?
You and Aylin are in Grade 10 this year.
You guys must study really hard.
Especially you, Ongsa.
If you feel like you're falling behind,
you can ask Alpha for help.
Ask me anytime.
Yes, Alpha.
Eat up.
Alpha, you're my hope.
Yes, Mom.
Now that you're in Bangkok, try to adjust.
Don't let it be like it was in Phuket.
Try to make lots of new friends.
Can you do that?
I will try, Dad.
Eat up.
Eat some veggies too.
Mom, look at her.
Eat some vegetables too.
Your mom told me to make sure of it.
If you don't eat them, I'll tell her.
Tell her, Mom.
Aylin thinks she's an alien.
But aliens don't eat crispy pork.
It's weird here, Latte.
You're no better than her.
She's an alien and you talk to dogs.
All I can hope for
is that my life in this new universe
runs smoothly.
But the universe
might have missed my prayer.
It seems like this universe is more
difficult to live in than I thought.
It's filled with predators.
Come on in. Hey!
- Hey!
- Look. It's like this.
One, two, three, four.
One… One, two, three.
Let's jump as well.
One, two, three, four.
- Run.
- Yes. From the top.
One, two, three.
Well, let's see.
Two million. Well, I…
Hi, guys. You're back with me,
Tin, once again.
I got up so early.
It's such a beautiful morning.
What are you all doing?
- Araham sammā-sambuddho bhagavā…
- Come on. Smile at the camera.
Buddham bhagavantam abhivādemi.
Svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo…
- Is this seat taken?
- Dhammam namassāmi.
Supatipanno bhagavato sāvakasańgho,
Sańgham namāmi.
The ecosystem here is cruel.
It's almost unlivable.
Just dance.
Hi, kiddo.
This is…
a hi-touch.
Is she dead?
I think we might need some help
from Luangpu Sek's holy water.
She's awake.
How are you feeling?
Are you okay?
She's still pretty.
Pretty, no, I mean… I'm pretty unlucky.
But I heard you say she was pretty.
Well, I guess I'm a little lightheaded
and I said it wrong.
So, why am I here?
You suddenly fainted, so we put you here.
Slow down, will you?
Take it easy, Ongsa,
or you might faint again.
My glasses.
Are you all right?
I'm scared.
Did I scare you?
You're so cute that I…
You're so cute that I hiccup.
Oh God! What should I do?
What did you just do?
This is a new school.
Why is everything still the same?
Ongsa! Why are you such a loser?
Damn it!
Girl, are you okay in there?
Hi, ma'am.
Are you all right? I heard you scream.
Are you sick or something?
I'm all right.
Please excuse me. I'm going back to class.
What's your name?
I need your first and last name,
date of birth, class, and student ID.
What do you want with those, ma'am?
To tell your fortune.
Tell me. I'm going to check it for you.
My name is Nunnapat Ampornsopon,
I'm in Class 6, Grade 10.
I was born on July 31, 2007.
My student ID is 406235.
You got number 8.
It's truly a misfortune.
Am I going to die?
If you skip class
on your first day like this,
there's a very high chance
that you will perish.
It's so good. Unbelievable.
What? I don't even know when it will be.
Hello to you all
on the first day of the new term.
Welcome to the first step
of entering Grade 10.
My name is Nida.
I'm your English teacher.
You all know that already.
But this year, English isn't
the only responsibility of mine.
That's because I will also be
your homeroom teacher.
I believe you all know each other well
because you've been classmates
since middle school.
But this term, you have a new friend.
Let's not waste more study time.
New student, please stand
and introduce yourself.
- You.
- You.
That's you.
Uh, I…
Sit down, please. It's okay.
Give your new friend a big clap.
It's the first day of school.
She must be nervous.
Come to me if you need help, Nunnapat.
Yes, Teacher.
So, what language
are we speaking, exactly?
English is fine.
Be quiet.
You guys.
She's your classmate.
You should take care of her,
not laugh at her.
I'm thinking of enrolling Ongsa in math
at the same cram school Alpha attends.
It's an excellent institution.
Even Alpha admires
this tutor's teaching skills.
I don't think her education
is what you should worry about.
You should worry about her social skills.
Social skills?
What's the problem?
If you look closely,
you'll see that Latte is
the only one Ongsa talks to.
Hello, Aylin. Where are you?
I'm on the bench in front of Building 3.
Hello. Can you hear me?
I don't talk to humankind.
What the heck? Hello?
All right, guys.
We're going to hit on S-Tar girls today.
Let's see how hot they are.
Come on.
What's up, girl?
What are you doing all alone?
Aren't you lonely?
If you're lonely sitting here,
you can sit in my heart instead.
Damn. That was dope.
Of course, man.
I, ah…
So? What do you say?
I'd like to go home. Goodbye.
Not so fast. Let me take you home.
That's okay. I'll be going now.
- Come on. Don't go just yet.
- What are you doing?
- Let me take you home.
- What are you doing?
Don't be scared.
We're good people.
We don't want you to get lost…
unless you get lost in my heart.
Ooh! That's a good one.
Record it.
Excuse me.
I don't think so. I'll take you home.
Stop! What the heck are you doing?
Let her go.
If you don't stop, I'll tell the teachers.
Did you hear that?
Look, guys. The student vice president
wants to be a hero.
Come here, hero. You wanna be a hero, huh?
- You wanna be a hero, huh?
- Senior, let him go.
- Stay out of it, girl.
- Go!
- Holy shit!
- Whoa!
Nice shot.
Let me see.
Let me see.
Oh, that's cool. Record every bit of it.
I'm gonna edit it real nice.
- Keep filming.
- Stop it.
That's enough.
Get closer.
- Don't film me. I don't like it.
- Enough already.
Get closer.
Ongsa, hop on.
- Go, girl.
- Ongsa, now. Quick.
- Hop on, Ongsa.
- Go, girl.
Go, girl.
Keep rolling.
That's enough. Stop recording.
Buzz off!
Teacher Nida will hear about this.
Don't follow me.
Follow him. Go.
- I said don't follow me.
- You're dead!
Teacher, huh?
Is this you, Ongsa?
Let me help.
Thank you.
Hey, Ongsa!
Don't use your hand. It'll get messy.
Okay. It's gone.
Thank you.
I'll wash it.
Tough day today.
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about school.
I don't want you to feel discouraged.
I get you.
Moving to a new school,
meeting new friends,
and adjusting to a new society
is difficult.
I was like you in middle school.
I felt like school was not for me.
It was like I was in the wrong place.
But I'm telling you, you will get past it.
Even on the toughest day,
something good can happen to you.
It depends on how you look at it.
Like the sky today.
Beautiful, isn't it?
I'm gonna go now. See you at school.
Thanks for the ride home.
Get home safe, Sun.
Bye. See you around.
So, how was the first day of school?
Teacher Nida is
our homeroom teacher this year.
I'm also in the same class as Dear,
Vi, and Kongkwan.
Aha, Vi.
That's all the gang.
Don't chat too much in class.
Come on, Mom. I pay attention.
Don't worry.
I'm even more concerned after
hearing you talk like that.
I agree.
Our daughter here is sassy.
Oh please, Mom.
Oh, we have a new friend
joining us this year.
Is that so? Did you guys talk?
We did more than talk.
I gave that friend a ride home.
That's my girl. I'm so proud.
Like father, like daughter.
Isn't it the trait
that made you fall in love with me?
Not just me.
Many girls fell for that.
Let's just eat.
This restaurant has great food.
You just changed the subject
Hey! Latte!
Latte, look at that!
The moon is smiling at us.
Something good actually happened.
Pretty, right?
Let's post it.
Hey! The smiling moon!
"Your heart got me hooked."
That's creative.
Latte, I don't wanna do homework.
Sun is following me.
Sun followed me. Look.
She's following me.
What should I do?
If I send her a greeting message,
that should be okay, right?
Is that weird?
What are you doing?
Is that nosy?
Are you doing fine?
She looked fine.
Sun read it.
What should I do?
Please don't think I'm weird.
I'm nobody.
Someone like Sun won't reply to me.
Hey. She's famous now.
We've been looking for you.
What's going on?
Have you seen the video?
What video?
Show it to her.
She didn't realize.
- It's okay, Ongsa.
- Ongsa, calm down.
- Ongsa, where are you going?
- Ongsa!
Ongsa, calm down.
What should we do?
I don't know.
Once again, I'm a joke in people's eyes.
It really sucks.
Why am I always cursed like this?
This is not fair at all.
You're invading my territory.
What are you doing?
Searching for aliens.
What are you doing here?
I've got a problem.
Just don't care if human high schoolers
like you or not.
Be yourself.
Don't give a rat's ass about anyone.
What if those friends don't like who I am?
What should I do?
They're not friends.
Human beings are mean.
Don't be friends with them.
You can be friends with aliens.
Have you seen them, Aylin?
Aliens, I mean.
No. I'm trying to search for them.
Human high schoolers don't get it.
They call me Alien.
How can you put up with
being viewed as a joke by everyone?
I'm being myself.
I'm not a joke.
I'm fine.
I don't care.
You two dared to bully my little sister?!
You had no right to do that!
- I…
- Go apologize to her.
I didn't know she was your sister.
I'm sorry.
You have no right to do that to anyone,
regardless of if they're my sister or not!
I get that you two have no brains,
but at least have a conscience.
How could you do that?
You had no right to bully her!
- You bullied your classmate's sister.
- We're sorry.
- We didn't know.
- You didn't know, huh?
Guys, please calm down.
How can I calm down?
We can take this to Teacher Nida.
Didn't you see the video?
He bullied my little sister.
Phone out!
Delete that video
or I'll punch you in the face.
Let me.
Where's the other phone?
- That's all I have.
- Liar!
- We don't have another.
- Give the phone to me.
- Give it up.
- We used only one phone to record.
- I'm not lying.
- Of course you have it.
Let me see.
She isn't here yet.
Right. What are we gonna do?
Class is about to start.
Hey, will you stop watching that?
So entertaining, huh?
Ongsa, where have you been?
Are you okay, Ongsa?
Let's just go.
Ongsa, are you all right?
Are you sure?
Ongsa, don't pay attention
to those assholes.
Right. I asked everyone
to help report that video.
It should be deleted soon.
Ongsa, I will deal with them…
Everybody, take your seat.
I'd like to have a word.
About what happened yesterday,
your seniors would like to say something
to you, Ongsa.
I am sorry.
We truly are sorry.
Sorry I was mean to you.
I won't do it again.
I'm really sorry.
I know that shooting photos or videos for
social media content is common these days.
However, you have no right to film those
who refuse to grant consent.
That's a violation of their rights
regardless of gender.
Remember, manners are more important
than content.
Do you understand?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Yes, ma'am.
I ordered them to have the video deleted.
If there are any more problems,
you can come to me, Ongsa.
Yes, ma'am.
Sun was right.
You two, follow me.
Even on the worst day…
You okay?
…something good can happen to us.
Peach? That's a good one.
That's the only word you know?
Well, then…
sweet dreams.
Are you messing with me?
It's late.
I don't want to keep you up.
It's not that late. It's only eight.
My family members go to bed at eight.
Super healthy.
Where are you from?
Hey! I've been to Phuket before.
I loved it.
We've been talking for so long,
yet I still don't know your name.
I'm Sun.
Just call me Earth.
Your name is Earth?
why do you want me to call you Earth?
Well, the Earth is the Earth.
It revolves around the Sun.
Are you flirting with me?
I'm kidding.
You're a shy guy.
A shy guy?
Nice to know you, Earth.
Can the world just explode right now?
I've decided to reopen the Astronomy Club.
Ongsa, do you want to check out
the Astronomy Club?
Are you Aylin?
I'm wondering if you want to join
the Astronomy Club.
We joined this club together.
You can't leave me.
Ongsa, you're funny.
Am I funny?
Next Episode