666 Park Avenue s01e01 Episode Script
Hard to believe it's been ten years, Mr.
Not yet.
I need more time.
I'm generous with a lot of things, my friend, but that is not one of them.
Let me tell you about a violinist I knew.
The hard truth was he just wasn't talented enough.
What do you think he would have given to be the best? Anything.
Not anything.
I'm begging you.
Please, just another year.
You signed a binding contract.
Now it's time to settle up.
Uhh! Uhh! Aah! Oh, dear God, I thank you.
Aah! [ The Rifle's Spiral by The Shins' .]
This is 995.
We're looking for 999 park Avenue.
Oh, there it is.
It's so beautiful.
Oh, my.
Nice digs.
What do you think? God.
I think we couldn't afford to rent a closet in this place.
Oh, my God.
Good afternoon.
Oh, my God.
I know this place.
What? It was in "architectural digest" last spring.
Really? Yeah.
Oh, here we go.
Excuse me.
We're here to see Mr.
Uh, of course.
Of course.
Uh, sign in, please.
and Mrs Uh, we're not married.
He's so busy.
Doran will see you now in the penthouse.
Thank you.
Hope you get the job.
Get a bigger ladder.
It needs to go higher.
Uh, can I help you? Uh, we have an interview.
Henry Martin.
Jane van been.
Oh, of course, for the manager position.
I'm Olivia Doran.
Um, can I get you an espresso? Sparkling water? I-I'm okay.
Thank you, though.
No, thanks.
We're we're good.
Let me tell Gavin you're here.
The resident manager handles the day-to-day running of the Drake apartments managing the books, collecting the rent, general maintenance and upkeep.
It's not full-time.
Most managers keep their day jobs.
Where you living now? Queens.
We have a sublet on a 1-bedroom, but it's it's short-term, though.
We were looking for a new apartment on craigslist, actually, when we saw your ad, and thought, hey, we can do that.
We're responsible and and hardworking, and Handy.
Well, she is.
I see you work for the mayor.
Henry was handpicked by the mayor's chief of staff right out of law school.
Is that right? It wasn't a big deal.
Actually, it kind of was.
How about you, Jane? Are you working? Presently, no.
I mean, I had a job lined up at an architectural firm here in the city Nichols & Rourke but it kind of fell through at the last minute, so Mm.
Well, what can I say? This is New York.
Not everybody gets to make it.
Look, you're not the first people to come to this city with some grand ambition.
It's the essential truth of who we are.
We all want something.
But to be blunt, I'm not in the charity business.
I need people who know what they're doing.
Thanks for coming in.
Thank you for having us.
I was wondering, when did you have the foundation retrofitted? Retrofitted? Why would I do that? Well, the Drake was built in 1923, right? And the mob controlled concrete back then the Morello gang, I believe and they cut corners to skim a profit, like, with steel rebar, for example.
And you know this how? Well oh, she has degrees in architecture and historic preservation.
She's kind of a nut about this stuff.
That's why a lot of New York buildings from that time now reinforce their foundations, just in case.
You know, if the city was ever hit by an earthquake or a hurricane or some other nasty act of God, well, shame on me if I didn't say something.
"Nasty act of God"? Heaven forbid.
Maybe I dismissed you too quickly.
The Drake's got 12 floors, with the Dorans' penthouse on the 13th.
203 apartments full up some renovated, some not.
Total of 388 residents in the house.
I thought every building around here had gone co-op.
We're the last rental building in the neighborhood.
Doran likes to approve every tenant himself.
Obviously, whatever you guys said won him over, you know? I was, uh, sort of lobbying for the job myself, you know.
What are you saying sorry for? Mrs.
Doran's choice, not yours.
Hey, it's not like, uh, you took the job from me.
So a lot of families live here? A few.
Mostly yuppies like you two, some, uh, artsy types, and we got a few working-class folks living under rent control.
The trash chute's clogged again, Tony.
I had to walk three flights.
Oh, I'll get someone right on that, Mr.
Our new resident managers Jane and Henry, meet Brian Leonard, our resident Shakespeare.
Nice to meet you.
Uh, we're up on six me and my wife.
Oh, what do you write? I'm working on a new play.
Broadway? It's more off-Broadway.
Uh, yeah, well, let me get rid of this, but, uh, welcome to the building.
- Nice to meet you.
- All righty.
Here we go.
Apartment 3b.
Oh, my God.
What? Living room, two bedrooms, two full baths, gas fireplaces in both the master bedroom and the living room.
Are are you sure this is our apartment? Yeah.
Yeah, it comes with the job.
Um, what happened to the previous manager? Yeah, why would anybody ever wanna leave this? As I understand it, Mr.
Hartwell moved someplace warmer.
Arizona, I think.
Anyway, I, uh, I gotta get back to the front desk.
Your keys.
Oh, thank you.
Enjoy the place, all right? All right.
This place is definitely not futon-friendly.
Welcome home.
Can you believe this?! The girl seems nice.
I like her spirit.
And she's beautiful.
She's how we get Henry.
I'm back.
Yeah, the 21 millimeter for the wide shots But I'm gonna shoot of lot of it with the 120.
She's gonna be wearing the Marchesa for this.
That's it.
Uh, honey, will you get some soy milk when you go out today and some other things? I made a list.
Yeah, I wasn't planning on going out.
Brian, please.
I don't have time.
Uh, yes, the 2400 ringflash.
You know I work, too, right? I'm sorry, honey.
You're right.
It's just it's it's a short list.
I'll take care of it.
Thank you.
Hey, I met our new managers when I was taking out the trash.
Yeah? Yeah.
A couple, about our age.
Do they have names? Jane, uh And, uh, and s-Steve.
Or or Harry? Steve or Harry? You don't miss much, do you? Okay.
Take the, uh, elevator up and start unloading.
I'll close up.
All right.
I'll have a beer waiting.
Aah! Sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
I-I live here.
It's okay.
Uh, I'm I'm Jane, the new resident manager.
John Barlow.
Excuse me.
I cut my hand.
W-wash that with soap.
Babe, he cut his hand.
It happens.
It was covered in blood, Henry.
I thought you said it was a little bit of blood.
Well It was enough that I noticed.
And then he noticed that I noticed, and he looked guilty.
So he was drenched in blood and looked guilty? What does guilty look like? Yeah.
Do you mind not being a lawyer for a second and parsing every word I say? My point is, you tend to notice if you've cut yourself that bad.
You know, it's a different story when it's not your blood.
You know We're not in Kokomo anymore.
No, definitely not.
This is way better.
God! Uhh! God, please forgive me.
My attorney's drawing up employment contracts for you and Henry.
I'll let you know when I have them.
Tony, last maintenance report? Oh.
Here you go, Mr.
For both you and Jane to come upstairs when you're done.
Let her know we're on our way.
We have some ongoing maintenance issues.
I want you to do a full walk-through, and note any needed repairs.
W-what's wrong with the elevators? They can be a little temperamental.
The Drake is an old building.
Our water is still heated by gas boiler from 1952.
I'll be gutting the basement later this year and a few floors to modernize things.
Let me know if you need any help.
I already have someone, but thank you.
Heading for the park? One of these days, Gavin, I'm gonna make you go for a run with me.
I'm Louise.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, right.
You're the new manager.
I think you met my husband Brian glasses, kinda nerdy-cute.
He's a playwright, and I expect a successful one soon.
Yes, we did meet him.
You should stop by for drinks sometime.
We're up on six.
It's a friendly building.
Actually, I, uh, I met someone last night.
A man named John Barlow? Barlow.
An accountant.
His lovely wife Mary died recently.
I'm sorry.
That's So sad.
Jane, you're here.
I am delighted you and Henry are joining us at the Drake.
What a beautiful necklace.
Oh, thank you.
It was my grandmother's.
Oh, Gavin, darling, the Crawfords they canceled on us.
I thought we could invite Henry and Jane.
Well, that's a good idea.
Tomorrow night, there's a cocktail party for patrons of the symphony and a performance afterwards.
It's black tie.
That sounds amazing.
Uh, Henry and I would love to go.
Thank you.
Hey, babe.
We have a date Saturday night.
We do? With the Dorans.
A-a black tie thing with the symphony.
And I-I said we'd love to go because Well, we'd love to go, right? Yeah.
Of course.
I gotta dust off my tux first.
What are you gonna wear? Hell if I know.
Oh, listen, babe, I gotta roll.
But why don't you just go buy something? Because I have $11 in my checking account right now, Henry.
I okay, well, I have I have $7.
It is yours if you need it.
I will skip lunch.
Uh, look, I'll I'll figure it out.
Okay? All right, I'll call you later.
Oh! God! Sorry.
You you you surprised me.
This place will keep you on your toes.
I'm nona.
Nice to meet you again, nona.
What's with the clipboard? Oh, I'm just noting what needs to be fixed.
Quite a lot, apparently.
Washer number three is leaking.
Anything else I should know? Well, there's a thief in the building.
It's not TV's getting stolen or anything.
Just small stuff.
I'll keep an eye out.
I like your necklace.
Oh, my God.
Jane? In here! Hey.
You wanna hop in? I have some work to yeah, I do.
So I just ran into Gavin in the lobby, and he asked me to go to the range tomorrow and hit golf balls.
What? I found something really cool in the basement today.
Please tell me it was dripping with blood.
So what is this cool thing you found? A mosaic in the floor.
I mean, it it's dirty and covered with clutter.
Obviously nobody's seen it in years.
But from what I could see, it looked like a dragon.
Is it original to the building? Well, "Drake" means "dragon," so it's a good bet.
And it wasn't unusual for architects of that time to choose a motif, so Why would they put it down there? It depends on what that room was used for back then.
In 1923, who knows? I'm gonna hit the library tomorrow and see what I can dig up.
You should tell Gavin.
He kinda shot me down when I offered to help with the renovation.
I I get the sense that he thinks I'm out of my depth.
So you're gonna prove to him that you're not, correct? Maybe.
You know, there are things about the Drake that have been forgotten for years.
Maybe Maybe I can convince him to preserve some of it and not Rip the heart and the soul out of this place.
Okay, just don't get fired for being nosey.
This apartment rocks.
How you doing, John? It's in all the papers.
They're looking for me.
I did what you told me to do, and you said you'd bring my wife back.
We made a deal.
You kept your end, I kept mine.
Check the bedroom.
Mary? You came back to me.
[ I Wanna Run by KI.
Theory feat Maura Davis .]
Did you? Not really.
Hey, look, it's okay.
Look, I just Have a lot going on lately.
You need a 12-step program for that thing.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I can't believe she did this to me.
What's wrong? I don't believe it.
Amy just quit on me, in an e-mail.
That bitch.
It's gonna be fine.
It's not gonna be fine, Brian.
I have my first cover shoot for Vogue on Monday, and my assistant tells me this morning that she's leaving me.
Do you know how hard it was to get this job? I'm screwed.
Lou, you can handle this.
All right, listen, you have time to find somebody else.
And if you can't, I'm happy to help haul a camera case Or change a lens, whatever you need.
You're all right.
After all the crap I give you, how can you be so good to me? 'Cause you're my wife and I love you.
I know I'm not easy to deal with sometimes.
Yeah, I could tell.
I gotta make some calls.
All right.
I bought the Drake in '86, and its doubled in value, what, a dozen times.
My first property.
I was still resident manager then.
That is impressive.
Yeah, not bad for a college dropout, eh? The Drake's come a long way since then.
But then, so have I.
Well, that's a serious swing.
You ever play for money? No.
No, I'm not much of a gambler.
But you moved to New York, got a job in the mayor's office.
That's ambition.
With ambition, there is risk.
So I'm I'm gambling with my life? Always.
What a surprise.
The door was open.
Oh! I thought I locked it.
Let's go.
I am taking you dress shopping.
Oh, and get cleaned up, dear, and Change your shoes.
Yeah, a-actually, I was gonna hit the library first before I am taking you someplace special, Jane.
I only have the morning.
You're in my spot, Doran.
Daniel Stone, meet Henry Martin, a friend of mine.
Nice to meet you.
How you doing, Henry? Hey, I hear you tried to offer $30 mill in a short sale with the bank on my waterfront property.
Well, you were in a pinch, Danny boy.
I was just trying to help.
I don't want your help, Gavin.
I want you to back off and let me work it out.
Work what out? I hear that the city is not budging on the environmental regs.
Now you're over-leveraged and hanging on by your fingertips.
I can help you.
I'd rather go bankrupt than sell to you.
Suit yourself.
You seem like a nice kid, Henry.
You should keep better company.
I'm sorry.
Was he talking about the Greenpoint Towers complex? In Brooklyn.
You know it? Yeah.
Uh, Gavin, I work for city planning.
We're in a legal dispute with that property right now.
It's highly improper, possibly illegal for me to have any contact with Mr.
Well, I didn't realize that.
I'm sorry.
Don't worry about it.
You you didn't know.
She'll try the two Chanels and the other Carlos Miele.
Any others you like, Jane? Um, they're all so, uh, beautiful.
I don't know.
You keep looking at the red one.
The McQueen.
It's the best dress here.
That was Sasha's favorite color.
My daughter.
I didn't know you had a daughter.
She, uh, died a long time ago, in a car accident.
Oh, Olivia, I-I'm so sorry.
I didn't know.
That's all right.
It snuck up on me.
I don't I don't need to try on the red one.
Oh, don't be silly.
See how it looks.
I insist.
Oh! Oh! I'm sorry, Olivia, but these just cost way too much for me.
Oh, please.
I'm buying the dress for you.
You liked the red one, right? No, no, no, no.
Really, I-I can't.
This costs more than my car.
Well, then, I guess I'll let you find something more to your liking.
Oh, no, no, please please don't take offense.
Why would I? I'm gonna be late for my appointment.
You'll find your way back to the Drake? I got that soy milk you wanted, Lou.
Had to go to two different grocery stores to find it.
Hey, honey, come meet my new assistant.
Hey, you found someone? See? I knew you would.
Brian, this is Alexis.
An editor at "Elle" hooked us up.
Can you believe it? She lives in the neighborhood.
Right across the street, actually.
Nice to meet you, Brian.
Mary Barlow.
That cafe's where we had our second date.
Do you remember? You kissed me over dessert.
You were nervous.
I was a wreck.
You said you loved me, and I could see it in your eyes.
No one had ever looked at me that way before.
What's wrong? I feel cold, John.
Let me take you home.
What's happening to me? Mr.
Doran will know what to do.
I can't lose her again.
There's only one way to cheat death.
You mean I I have to hurt someone else? You only said one.
And now I'm saying another.
Look for an envelope under your door.
You're only renting this life, my friend.
Make the payment, or she's not long for this world, and neither are you.
Babe, you got 30 minutes to get ready.
Have you, uh, have you seen my cufflinks? Huh? Is this what you're wearing? Yeah.
It was cheap.
Does it look cheap? - No.
No, it looks nice.
- You're a lousy liar.
Hey, check this out.
It's from 1927.
They were a fraternal brotherhood called the order of the dragon.
Now look closer at the floor.
See the mosaic? That's right here in this building, Henry.
So the basement was a man cave.
See the door in the back wall? Compare that to this photo I took.
Solid concrete wall.
No door.
Why would they seal it up? Well, I'm wondering that myself.
Oh, my God! I've only got 30 minutes to get ready! Why didn't you tell me?! Yeah.
Shoulda mentioned it.
Jane, I'm serious.
Have you seen my cufflinks? Henry? What? What's this? - What's what? - It was sitting in the hall.
Who's it from? Olivia.
Olivia? Oh, boy.
[ Love Play by School of Seven Bells .]
Well done, my dear.
Keep an eye on the clock.
Our reservation's at 8:00.
Yeah, I'm gonna wrap it up in a few.
Sweetie, they're not gonna hold our table if we're late, okay? So how'd you find Alexis? Do you not listen to me, ever? I told you, my friend Maggie at "Elle" magazine gave me her name.
And you're sure she's qualified? Yes.
I checked her out.
She's really got it together.
So why are you so interested in her? 'Cause she's so smokin' hot? No.
You are such a liar, you know that? Uhh! Oh, my God! Lou! Hey! Aah! Hey! Hey! Help! Hey, somebody help! Uhh! Aah! Help! Aah! Aah! Help! What's going on?! Let go! Ambulance is on the way.
[ Symphony No.
7 in A Major by Beethoven .]
I'm sorry.
I I just couldn't Do it again.
It's okay.
I think you have just become A poster child for Upper East Side decadence.
Apparently the, uh, the patrons circle like their cocktails quite strong.
Unzip me? Hey, you okay? What's wrong? I don't know.
I During the concert, Gavin gave me this This look.
It was weird.
I-I don't know.
Oh, baby, you had a few drinks tonight.
It's all right.
Things have been really intense lately moving to New York, getting this job, moving in here, meeting the Dorans.
I mean, it's been wonderful and amazing, too, but It might be a little overwhelming.
Henry? Hmm? Are we gonna be okay here? You disappoint me, John.
How did you get in here? Where's Mary? She's going back where she belongs.
I certainly expected more out of you.
It's not right, what you do.
What I do is fulfill needs.
You wanted to be with your wife.
I made that happen.
I told you what to do to keep her here, but you didn't think the price was worth it.
Your choice.
Now it's time to settle up.
Aah! Aah! Henry? Henry, did you hear that? Hello? Henry?! Somebody?! Hello? Mrs.
Barlow? Mary, please.
Please, please don't.
You shouldn't have come here.
They're never going to let you go.
No! How you feeling? I Like I need coffee.
You okay? I had the strangest dreams all night.
This place seemed so, uh So dark.
That's your guilty conscience telling you there's a light bulb to change somewhere.
So I just went to the lobby to get the paper, and Tony said there was an accident with the elevator last night.
Um, remember that guy we met? Uh, the writer Brian? His wife got hurt.
She's in the hospital.
Louise? Is she okay? I don't know.
I don't know.
Tony said it was pretty bad.
We should go visit her, see if she needs anything.
Oh, and, uh, and Gavin called.
Uh, the contracts from his lawyer are ready for us to sign.
So we should, uh, we should go.
You wanna hop in the shower? Yeah.
All right.
It's fairly boilerplate.
Standard 1-year with an option for another.
The second contract is your residential lease.
So we can quit any time without penalty? Quit or get fired.
All it says it that I don't have to pay you anymore.
I don't think we'll be quitting, sir.
You and Olivia have been very, very generous.
One more thing, Jane.
Henry tells me that you've been studying the history of the Drake.
"Digging deep" were his words.
I may have said something last night after some cocktails.
I've been doing a little research on the side, yeah.
I don't think these new plans preserve enough of the building's style.
I want the Drake restored to its original glory, and I would be interested to hear how you would do it.
Of course.
Gavin, thank you so much.
Um Good.
Now sign the contracts and get out of here.
You got a lot of work to do.
Not yet.
I need more time.
I'm generous with a lot of things, my friend, but that is not one of them.
Let me tell you about a violinist I knew.
The hard truth was he just wasn't talented enough.
What do you think he would have given to be the best? Anything.
Not anything.
I'm begging you.
Please, just another year.
You signed a binding contract.
Now it's time to settle up.
Uhh! Uhh! Aah! Oh, dear God, I thank you.
Aah! [ The Rifle's Spiral by The Shins' .]
This is 995.
We're looking for 999 park Avenue.
Oh, there it is.
It's so beautiful.
Oh, my.
Nice digs.
What do you think? God.
I think we couldn't afford to rent a closet in this place.
Oh, my God.
Good afternoon.
Oh, my God.
I know this place.
What? It was in "architectural digest" last spring.
Really? Yeah.
Oh, here we go.
Excuse me.
We're here to see Mr.
Uh, of course.
Of course.
Uh, sign in, please.
and Mrs Uh, we're not married.
He's so busy.
Doran will see you now in the penthouse.
Thank you.
Hope you get the job.
Get a bigger ladder.
It needs to go higher.
Uh, can I help you? Uh, we have an interview.
Henry Martin.
Jane van been.
Oh, of course, for the manager position.
I'm Olivia Doran.
Um, can I get you an espresso? Sparkling water? I-I'm okay.
Thank you, though.
No, thanks.
We're we're good.
Let me tell Gavin you're here.
The resident manager handles the day-to-day running of the Drake apartments managing the books, collecting the rent, general maintenance and upkeep.
It's not full-time.
Most managers keep their day jobs.
Where you living now? Queens.
We have a sublet on a 1-bedroom, but it's it's short-term, though.
We were looking for a new apartment on craigslist, actually, when we saw your ad, and thought, hey, we can do that.
We're responsible and and hardworking, and Handy.
Well, she is.
I see you work for the mayor.
Henry was handpicked by the mayor's chief of staff right out of law school.
Is that right? It wasn't a big deal.
Actually, it kind of was.
How about you, Jane? Are you working? Presently, no.
I mean, I had a job lined up at an architectural firm here in the city Nichols & Rourke but it kind of fell through at the last minute, so Mm.
Well, what can I say? This is New York.
Not everybody gets to make it.
Look, you're not the first people to come to this city with some grand ambition.
It's the essential truth of who we are.
We all want something.
But to be blunt, I'm not in the charity business.
I need people who know what they're doing.
Thanks for coming in.
Thank you for having us.
I was wondering, when did you have the foundation retrofitted? Retrofitted? Why would I do that? Well, the Drake was built in 1923, right? And the mob controlled concrete back then the Morello gang, I believe and they cut corners to skim a profit, like, with steel rebar, for example.
And you know this how? Well oh, she has degrees in architecture and historic preservation.
She's kind of a nut about this stuff.
That's why a lot of New York buildings from that time now reinforce their foundations, just in case.
You know, if the city was ever hit by an earthquake or a hurricane or some other nasty act of God, well, shame on me if I didn't say something.
"Nasty act of God"? Heaven forbid.
Maybe I dismissed you too quickly.
The Drake's got 12 floors, with the Dorans' penthouse on the 13th.
203 apartments full up some renovated, some not.
Total of 388 residents in the house.
I thought every building around here had gone co-op.
We're the last rental building in the neighborhood.
Doran likes to approve every tenant himself.
Obviously, whatever you guys said won him over, you know? I was, uh, sort of lobbying for the job myself, you know.
What are you saying sorry for? Mrs.
Doran's choice, not yours.
Hey, it's not like, uh, you took the job from me.
So a lot of families live here? A few.
Mostly yuppies like you two, some, uh, artsy types, and we got a few working-class folks living under rent control.
The trash chute's clogged again, Tony.
I had to walk three flights.
Oh, I'll get someone right on that, Mr.
Our new resident managers Jane and Henry, meet Brian Leonard, our resident Shakespeare.
Nice to meet you.
Uh, we're up on six me and my wife.
Oh, what do you write? I'm working on a new play.
Broadway? It's more off-Broadway.
Uh, yeah, well, let me get rid of this, but, uh, welcome to the building.
- Nice to meet you.
- All righty.
Here we go.
Apartment 3b.
Oh, my God.
What? Living room, two bedrooms, two full baths, gas fireplaces in both the master bedroom and the living room.
Are are you sure this is our apartment? Yeah.
Yeah, it comes with the job.
Um, what happened to the previous manager? Yeah, why would anybody ever wanna leave this? As I understand it, Mr.
Hartwell moved someplace warmer.
Arizona, I think.
Anyway, I, uh, I gotta get back to the front desk.
Your keys.
Oh, thank you.
Enjoy the place, all right? All right.
This place is definitely not futon-friendly.
Welcome home.
Can you believe this?! The girl seems nice.
I like her spirit.
And she's beautiful.
She's how we get Henry.
I'm back.
Yeah, the 21 millimeter for the wide shots But I'm gonna shoot of lot of it with the 120.
She's gonna be wearing the Marchesa for this.
That's it.
Uh, honey, will you get some soy milk when you go out today and some other things? I made a list.
Yeah, I wasn't planning on going out.
Brian, please.
I don't have time.
Uh, yes, the 2400 ringflash.
You know I work, too, right? I'm sorry, honey.
You're right.
It's just it's it's a short list.
I'll take care of it.
Thank you.
Hey, I met our new managers when I was taking out the trash.
Yeah? Yeah.
A couple, about our age.
Do they have names? Jane, uh And, uh, and s-Steve.
Or or Harry? Steve or Harry? You don't miss much, do you? Okay.
Take the, uh, elevator up and start unloading.
I'll close up.
All right.
I'll have a beer waiting.
Aah! Sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
I-I live here.
It's okay.
Uh, I'm I'm Jane, the new resident manager.
John Barlow.
Excuse me.
I cut my hand.
W-wash that with soap.
Babe, he cut his hand.
It happens.
It was covered in blood, Henry.
I thought you said it was a little bit of blood.
Well It was enough that I noticed.
And then he noticed that I noticed, and he looked guilty.
So he was drenched in blood and looked guilty? What does guilty look like? Yeah.
Do you mind not being a lawyer for a second and parsing every word I say? My point is, you tend to notice if you've cut yourself that bad.
You know, it's a different story when it's not your blood.
You know We're not in Kokomo anymore.
No, definitely not.
This is way better.
God! Uhh! God, please forgive me.
My attorney's drawing up employment contracts for you and Henry.
I'll let you know when I have them.
Tony, last maintenance report? Oh.
Here you go, Mr.
For both you and Jane to come upstairs when you're done.
Let her know we're on our way.
We have some ongoing maintenance issues.
I want you to do a full walk-through, and note any needed repairs.
W-what's wrong with the elevators? They can be a little temperamental.
The Drake is an old building.
Our water is still heated by gas boiler from 1952.
I'll be gutting the basement later this year and a few floors to modernize things.
Let me know if you need any help.
I already have someone, but thank you.
Heading for the park? One of these days, Gavin, I'm gonna make you go for a run with me.
I'm Louise.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, right.
You're the new manager.
I think you met my husband Brian glasses, kinda nerdy-cute.
He's a playwright, and I expect a successful one soon.
Yes, we did meet him.
You should stop by for drinks sometime.
We're up on six.
It's a friendly building.
Actually, I, uh, I met someone last night.
A man named John Barlow? Barlow.
An accountant.
His lovely wife Mary died recently.
I'm sorry.
That's So sad.
Jane, you're here.
I am delighted you and Henry are joining us at the Drake.
What a beautiful necklace.
Oh, thank you.
It was my grandmother's.
Oh, Gavin, darling, the Crawfords they canceled on us.
I thought we could invite Henry and Jane.
Well, that's a good idea.
Tomorrow night, there's a cocktail party for patrons of the symphony and a performance afterwards.
It's black tie.
That sounds amazing.
Uh, Henry and I would love to go.
Thank you.
Hey, babe.
We have a date Saturday night.
We do? With the Dorans.
A-a black tie thing with the symphony.
And I-I said we'd love to go because Well, we'd love to go, right? Yeah.
Of course.
I gotta dust off my tux first.
What are you gonna wear? Hell if I know.
Oh, listen, babe, I gotta roll.
But why don't you just go buy something? Because I have $11 in my checking account right now, Henry.
I okay, well, I have I have $7.
It is yours if you need it.
I will skip lunch.
Uh, look, I'll I'll figure it out.
Okay? All right, I'll call you later.
Oh! God! Sorry.
You you you surprised me.
This place will keep you on your toes.
I'm nona.
Nice to meet you again, nona.
What's with the clipboard? Oh, I'm just noting what needs to be fixed.
Quite a lot, apparently.
Washer number three is leaking.
Anything else I should know? Well, there's a thief in the building.
It's not TV's getting stolen or anything.
Just small stuff.
I'll keep an eye out.
I like your necklace.
Oh, my God.
Jane? In here! Hey.
You wanna hop in? I have some work to yeah, I do.
So I just ran into Gavin in the lobby, and he asked me to go to the range tomorrow and hit golf balls.
What? I found something really cool in the basement today.
Please tell me it was dripping with blood.
So what is this cool thing you found? A mosaic in the floor.
I mean, it it's dirty and covered with clutter.
Obviously nobody's seen it in years.
But from what I could see, it looked like a dragon.
Is it original to the building? Well, "Drake" means "dragon," so it's a good bet.
And it wasn't unusual for architects of that time to choose a motif, so Why would they put it down there? It depends on what that room was used for back then.
In 1923, who knows? I'm gonna hit the library tomorrow and see what I can dig up.
You should tell Gavin.
He kinda shot me down when I offered to help with the renovation.
I I get the sense that he thinks I'm out of my depth.
So you're gonna prove to him that you're not, correct? Maybe.
You know, there are things about the Drake that have been forgotten for years.
Maybe Maybe I can convince him to preserve some of it and not Rip the heart and the soul out of this place.
Okay, just don't get fired for being nosey.
This apartment rocks.
How you doing, John? It's in all the papers.
They're looking for me.
I did what you told me to do, and you said you'd bring my wife back.
We made a deal.
You kept your end, I kept mine.
Check the bedroom.
Mary? You came back to me.
[ I Wanna Run by KI.
Theory feat Maura Davis .]
Did you? Not really.
Hey, look, it's okay.
Look, I just Have a lot going on lately.
You need a 12-step program for that thing.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I can't believe she did this to me.
What's wrong? I don't believe it.
Amy just quit on me, in an e-mail.
That bitch.
It's gonna be fine.
It's not gonna be fine, Brian.
I have my first cover shoot for Vogue on Monday, and my assistant tells me this morning that she's leaving me.
Do you know how hard it was to get this job? I'm screwed.
Lou, you can handle this.
All right, listen, you have time to find somebody else.
And if you can't, I'm happy to help haul a camera case Or change a lens, whatever you need.
You're all right.
After all the crap I give you, how can you be so good to me? 'Cause you're my wife and I love you.
I know I'm not easy to deal with sometimes.
Yeah, I could tell.
I gotta make some calls.
All right.
I bought the Drake in '86, and its doubled in value, what, a dozen times.
My first property.
I was still resident manager then.
That is impressive.
Yeah, not bad for a college dropout, eh? The Drake's come a long way since then.
But then, so have I.
Well, that's a serious swing.
You ever play for money? No.
No, I'm not much of a gambler.
But you moved to New York, got a job in the mayor's office.
That's ambition.
With ambition, there is risk.
So I'm I'm gambling with my life? Always.
What a surprise.
The door was open.
Oh! I thought I locked it.
Let's go.
I am taking you dress shopping.
Oh, and get cleaned up, dear, and Change your shoes.
Yeah, a-actually, I was gonna hit the library first before I am taking you someplace special, Jane.
I only have the morning.
You're in my spot, Doran.
Daniel Stone, meet Henry Martin, a friend of mine.
Nice to meet you.
How you doing, Henry? Hey, I hear you tried to offer $30 mill in a short sale with the bank on my waterfront property.
Well, you were in a pinch, Danny boy.
I was just trying to help.
I don't want your help, Gavin.
I want you to back off and let me work it out.
Work what out? I hear that the city is not budging on the environmental regs.
Now you're over-leveraged and hanging on by your fingertips.
I can help you.
I'd rather go bankrupt than sell to you.
Suit yourself.
You seem like a nice kid, Henry.
You should keep better company.
I'm sorry.
Was he talking about the Greenpoint Towers complex? In Brooklyn.
You know it? Yeah.
Uh, Gavin, I work for city planning.
We're in a legal dispute with that property right now.
It's highly improper, possibly illegal for me to have any contact with Mr.
Well, I didn't realize that.
I'm sorry.
Don't worry about it.
You you didn't know.
She'll try the two Chanels and the other Carlos Miele.
Any others you like, Jane? Um, they're all so, uh, beautiful.
I don't know.
You keep looking at the red one.
The McQueen.
It's the best dress here.
That was Sasha's favorite color.
My daughter.
I didn't know you had a daughter.
She, uh, died a long time ago, in a car accident.
Oh, Olivia, I-I'm so sorry.
I didn't know.
That's all right.
It snuck up on me.
I don't I don't need to try on the red one.
Oh, don't be silly.
See how it looks.
I insist.
Oh! Oh! I'm sorry, Olivia, but these just cost way too much for me.
Oh, please.
I'm buying the dress for you.
You liked the red one, right? No, no, no, no.
Really, I-I can't.
This costs more than my car.
Well, then, I guess I'll let you find something more to your liking.
Oh, no, no, please please don't take offense.
Why would I? I'm gonna be late for my appointment.
You'll find your way back to the Drake? I got that soy milk you wanted, Lou.
Had to go to two different grocery stores to find it.
Hey, honey, come meet my new assistant.
Hey, you found someone? See? I knew you would.
Brian, this is Alexis.
An editor at "Elle" hooked us up.
Can you believe it? She lives in the neighborhood.
Right across the street, actually.
Nice to meet you, Brian.
Mary Barlow.
That cafe's where we had our second date.
Do you remember? You kissed me over dessert.
You were nervous.
I was a wreck.
You said you loved me, and I could see it in your eyes.
No one had ever looked at me that way before.
What's wrong? I feel cold, John.
Let me take you home.
What's happening to me? Mr.
Doran will know what to do.
I can't lose her again.
There's only one way to cheat death.
You mean I I have to hurt someone else? You only said one.
And now I'm saying another.
Look for an envelope under your door.
You're only renting this life, my friend.
Make the payment, or she's not long for this world, and neither are you.
Babe, you got 30 minutes to get ready.
Have you, uh, have you seen my cufflinks? Huh? Is this what you're wearing? Yeah.
It was cheap.
Does it look cheap? - No.
No, it looks nice.
- You're a lousy liar.
Hey, check this out.
It's from 1927.
They were a fraternal brotherhood called the order of the dragon.
Now look closer at the floor.
See the mosaic? That's right here in this building, Henry.
So the basement was a man cave.
See the door in the back wall? Compare that to this photo I took.
Solid concrete wall.
No door.
Why would they seal it up? Well, I'm wondering that myself.
Oh, my God! I've only got 30 minutes to get ready! Why didn't you tell me?! Yeah.
Shoulda mentioned it.
Jane, I'm serious.
Have you seen my cufflinks? Henry? What? What's this? - What's what? - It was sitting in the hall.
Who's it from? Olivia.
Olivia? Oh, boy.
[ Love Play by School of Seven Bells .]
Well done, my dear.
Keep an eye on the clock.
Our reservation's at 8:00.
Yeah, I'm gonna wrap it up in a few.
Sweetie, they're not gonna hold our table if we're late, okay? So how'd you find Alexis? Do you not listen to me, ever? I told you, my friend Maggie at "Elle" magazine gave me her name.
And you're sure she's qualified? Yes.
I checked her out.
She's really got it together.
So why are you so interested in her? 'Cause she's so smokin' hot? No.
You are such a liar, you know that? Uhh! Oh, my God! Lou! Hey! Aah! Hey! Hey! Help! Hey, somebody help! Uhh! Aah! Help! Aah! Aah! Help! What's going on?! Let go! Ambulance is on the way.
[ Symphony No.
7 in A Major by Beethoven .]
I'm sorry.
I I just couldn't Do it again.
It's okay.
I think you have just become A poster child for Upper East Side decadence.
Apparently the, uh, the patrons circle like their cocktails quite strong.
Unzip me? Hey, you okay? What's wrong? I don't know.
I During the concert, Gavin gave me this This look.
It was weird.
I-I don't know.
Oh, baby, you had a few drinks tonight.
It's all right.
Things have been really intense lately moving to New York, getting this job, moving in here, meeting the Dorans.
I mean, it's been wonderful and amazing, too, but It might be a little overwhelming.
Henry? Hmm? Are we gonna be okay here? You disappoint me, John.
How did you get in here? Where's Mary? She's going back where she belongs.
I certainly expected more out of you.
It's not right, what you do.
What I do is fulfill needs.
You wanted to be with your wife.
I made that happen.
I told you what to do to keep her here, but you didn't think the price was worth it.
Your choice.
Now it's time to settle up.
Aah! Aah! Henry? Henry, did you hear that? Hello? Henry?! Somebody?! Hello? Mrs.
Barlow? Mary, please.
Please, please don't.
You shouldn't have come here.
They're never going to let you go.
No! How you feeling? I Like I need coffee.
You okay? I had the strangest dreams all night.
This place seemed so, uh So dark.
That's your guilty conscience telling you there's a light bulb to change somewhere.
So I just went to the lobby to get the paper, and Tony said there was an accident with the elevator last night.
Um, remember that guy we met? Uh, the writer Brian? His wife got hurt.
She's in the hospital.
Louise? Is she okay? I don't know.
I don't know.
Tony said it was pretty bad.
We should go visit her, see if she needs anything.
Oh, and, uh, and Gavin called.
Uh, the contracts from his lawyer are ready for us to sign.
So we should, uh, we should go.
You wanna hop in the shower? Yeah.
All right.
It's fairly boilerplate.
Standard 1-year with an option for another.
The second contract is your residential lease.
So we can quit any time without penalty? Quit or get fired.
All it says it that I don't have to pay you anymore.
I don't think we'll be quitting, sir.
You and Olivia have been very, very generous.
One more thing, Jane.
Henry tells me that you've been studying the history of the Drake.
"Digging deep" were his words.
I may have said something last night after some cocktails.
I've been doing a little research on the side, yeah.
I don't think these new plans preserve enough of the building's style.
I want the Drake restored to its original glory, and I would be interested to hear how you would do it.
Of course.
Gavin, thank you so much.
Um Good.
Now sign the contracts and get out of here.
You got a lot of work to do.