6Degrees (2012) s01e01 Episode Script
Episode 1
1 No, Dad, I haven't seen the university yet.
Straight on, or left? Left, then right? No, no, don't put her on now, I'll talk to Hi, Mum.
Jess, a minute ago you said right.
No, lectures don't start till tomorrow.
- CARS HONK - Right, I can hear you! No.
It looks very safe here.
Of course.
SATNAV: 'Keep left, keep left, keep left.
' Can't we just ask someone for directions?! Give me a minute, it's rebooting.
Oi! Jack, thank you for doing this.
It's fine, love.
Cos we're going to make this work, right? Yeah.
Course we are.
C'mon! I said I'd help you move in, not do it for you! I know.
We can do it later.
We should eat something first.
- Jess, we've got to unpack your stuff.
You've got classes tomorrow.
- Lectures! Whatever! You need to get settled.
What if they all think I'm an English dickhead? Stop worrying! I'll grab one of your 17 boxes of books.
Come on.
Leech! That's my dressing gown! There's no towels in there! I'll never be able to wear it again.
- Wind your neck in, you won't catch anything! I dusted my furry bits with talc.
- My talc?! Hi.
Chris Leech.
Um, I'm Jess.
This is Jack.
Oh, yeah.
Our new roommate.
Hi! I'm Sandie.
Leech, this isn't over! Aw, Leech! I'll get the rest of the stuff.
Eva, this is Jess, our new neighbour.
- All right? - Hi.
Um, I thought I was in there.
Room J06.
I don't think so.
OK Hey! Get off! - My God! Jack! - Whoa!, it's all right! Calm down.
- What are you doing here? - No-one's in this room.
- Er, yeah, someone is! The last person hasn't turned up yet, so - It's you, isn't it? - Yeah.
- I'm leaving, OK? OK.
- Could you turn around first? - What? - My clothes are under the bed.
- God.
I'm eh Danny, by the way, from next door.
- What? You live here!? - Whoa! Whoa! Why are you here if you live next door? I had a bit of an accident with my mattress.
You might have seen it outside there? Oh, yeah? I'm guessing you were totally sober? 100%.
All right? Anyways.
See yas.
What was that all about? Enjoy this.
It's beans and toast from now on! I can cook, you know.
Well, I can learn! Maybe you should get that Sandie to teach you.
She seems friendly(!) Oh, yeah? You can't force someone to be part of a cleaning rota! - That's communism.
- I'm not cleaning up your filth! Ah, you sound like my ma! - Are you using my toothbrush? - No.
- The blue one, that one's yours? - Uh-huh.
- Oh, never mind then.
Hey, you two, the taxi's on its way.
- Where you off to? - Club in town.
Yous coming? - Um, we'll chill here.
- Last year a girl got off her box on Sambuca, climbed on top of the bar and got her baps out.
- Ah, your hole.
- Seriously, saw it online.
Flopping about the place.
Jess, you have to come.
It's the last freshers' night out and you've missed the others.
I know, but it's our last night together, so think we'll stay here.
- You sure? - Yeah, thanks though.
Maybe next time.
CLUB MUSIC You sure you're OK with this? Yeah.
You've got to get on with these people.
Go on.
I'll bring 'em over.
Nice to see you with your clothes on.
Oh, yeah, sorry about that.
I'm not much of a drinker.
Really? Keep the change, man.
You get the train and mummy and daddy can take us there, no problem.
You'll love it.
And then Nightmare up there.
ALL: Cheers! What? All right? I said, all right?! Have I done you before? Cos you look kind of familiar from the back.
Yeah, no, that's cool.
- All right? I'm Conor.
What's the - Sorry, not interested.
Wait a second.
I was just Yeah, look, it's very flattering, but actually, I'm with someone so Well, you're not really my type either.
But there's a whole football team over there, right? And if you don't get off with me, then they'll be lining up pestering you all night long.
- Are you kidding me? - No.
So you might as well save yourself a lot of bother and just kiss me now.
- Oh, my God.
- Never mind him, Jess.
He's full of it.
- Who's your friend, Sandie? - Our new flatmate.
Looks like I'll be going home with you after all, eh? Yep.
Oh, my God! - I know! - What, we live with him? I don't get it.
What do we need a cleaning rota for anyway? - Cleaning, boy! That's what humans do.
- I am sweating like a bastard! - Classy.
- Don't worry about cleaning.
- What we need to do is sort out a party.
- What party? - A house warming for tomorrow night! Now everyone's here.
- Sounds good! - If we have a party, we need a cleaning rota.
- You coming, big man? - Won't be here.
- Why? Where do you study? I don't.
Jack's a joiner.
- Wanna start my own business.
- Check you out! Don't slag.
He'll be the only one of us who has a job in three years! Danny, dance floor.
Girls, let's go.
Come on! - What can I get you? - Lemonade.
- Again? - 'Scuse me? - That's like the third time you've ordered that.
- And? It's just a little weird.
I keep giving you soft drinks, - and you come back more hammered.
- What you trying to say? Nothing.
Maybe someone's spiking your drink? I'd like to see them try.
I used to go out with a girl like you.
I wanted a drink, not your life story.
- Where's the accent from? - Derry.
What about you? - Tyrone.
- That makes sense.
- Aye? - I used to go out with a twat from there.
I'm Ed.
Good for you.
Yes, what can I get ya? It's shite out there, man! Better clunge back in my old school, and it was all fellas.
Maybe you're not getting anywhere with the girls - cos everything you tell them is a massive lie.
- Works for me.
I think Sandie's up for it, though.
And that English bird.
English has got a boyfriend.
Aye, for now.
What's he going to do anyway? Fly to Belfast every weekend for a ride? Or try and scare off every lad she talks to? What's it to you, anyway? I already called her.
And Sandie.
You two can double team Eva.
That's only because she told you she'd snap your cock off if you came anywhere near her.
Do you need a piss? No.
- Then why you here? - Cos we were talking.
What? What? Jack! Here, we were only slagging.
Yeah! Come on! Oh.
Wait, wait, wait.
There you are! C'mon! - I think we should go.
- What? - You've got to get your stuff unpacked.
I thought you wanted to come here? I just want to get back.
Spend some time together.
Oh, I know.
Me too.
But we're having good craic.
Oh, Jack.
What's wrong? Nothing.
I just want to get back.
It's been a long day, I'm shattered.
- I know, but nothing a Jaegerbomb won't sort out.
- Jess, I'm tired.
- C'mon, yous two! - See you back there.
- Jack?! Come on! Sorry.
Hi, babe, it's me.
Look, can you call me, please? So, where to now? I'm not going home till I get my spuds drained! No sign of him, pet? - Oi! Where yous two going? - You're not invited.
- House party!? - Whose party is it?! - It's mine.
They're not invited.
They're grand.
- Yeah, well, you're paying for the taxi.
- We'll split it.
- Aw, whatever! Jess! Give us two seconds, lads.
Jess, are you coming? Argh.
It's not like him to do this He might have overheard Leech say some stuff.
What kind of stuff? I don't know, it was, it was just What kind of stuff? About how it was weird that you'd brought your boyfriend with you and how it was going to work.
You kidding me? How is that any of his business? - It's not! We were just talking shite.
- You as well?! God, no wonder he left! Danny! You coming or what? Hi, Vinny.
Here, don't mind him, he started a bit early on the Bucky.
Right, make yourself at home.
OK? Follow me.
King's lad, is it? Do not leave me on my own.
Taxi! Taxi! You can't just flag them down.
Yeah, well in the real world, that's how taxis work.
A year of this to look forward to.
- Why is everyone here so sarcastic all the time? - I'm trying to help.
- You've done enough.
- What is your problem?! I'm sure Jack's fine.
- We broke up, all right? - What? The first time I applied here, Jack finished with me.
But we got back in the summer because I convinced him we could make it work.
And here I am.
Great start.
I never should have come here.
Danny? Danny? Nice room.
Do you like Snow Patrol? Seriously? Yeah, me neither.
- How does he do it, eh? - Never mind him.
It's the whole sports angle.
I'm going to join a gym tomorrow.
If you want a girl, I can sort you out.
Oh, serious? No, not like that! I mean, like, tips.
What, you mean, like, you know, lots about pulling girls, do you? I know that if you want to get anywhere, all you have to do is ask questions.
- Girls like that.
- That's your advice? Ask questions? Trust me.
As long as you actually listen and convince them you're interested in what they're saying, you're home free.
- Leech! - I'm listening.
I'm listening.
Danny? What are you doing? Will you shush? I'll take you back after this.
Danny? Where are you? It isn't funny.
- Hiya.
- All right? - Having a good night? - Aye.
So tell me, what do you study? How'd you even know about this place? I used to work here.
Helping out with the stalls after school.
You know the best thing about it? The complete lack of security? - Makes all your problems go away.
- Yeah, right.
I'm telling you.
When you're on a ride, it's impossible to worry about a thing.
So if you're from Belfast, how come you live in halls? Long story.
What you doing? Trust me.
Danny?! Danny, I can't - What are you Danny?! - Don't worry, you can trust me! Danny, please! Danny, stop it! What did you say your name is again? Ah, shit.
SCREAMING Make it stop! What? I can't hear you.
Stop! Faster? It doesn't go any faster.
Ah, come on, Jess, don't tell me you're not enjoying it.
Hold on tight, Jess! SHE SCREAMS So, how long did you work here for? Just during sixth year.
The extra money came in handy.
- For the drinking fund? - Nah, just for helping out at home.
- Proper mummy's boy, then? - Not as much as she would like.
I know the feeling.
I loved working in this place.
Except for the time I boked everywhere.
Like threw my ring.
I vomited.
Oh! Lovely(!) I think it was in that seat actually.
Aw, gross! - What do you think? - Is that what I think it is? What? You never tried it? Ah.
Are you for real? Seriously.
Try it.
I've never had any complaints.
I'll see ya.
What are you doin'? Come on Please.
Open the door.
You can trust me.
I said, open it.
Or what? What'll you do? I said no.
Where you off to? Halls.
There's not much going on here really.
Not now Leech's got off with your woman? - My woman?! - Looked like that from where I was standing.
- You keeping an eye on me, Sandie? - Get over yourself.
- Look, if you've got a problem with me getting off - No, I don't.
Really? Well, why are you following me around then? Look a bit like a stalker.
Hey, Eva.
Bit of privacy, please.
Who the hell do you think you are? You really think you're God's gift, don't you? You know what? I couldn't be bothered with this.
Oh, yeah.
That's right, run away.
You're pathetic.
You don't know anything about me.
I know that girl with Leech got off lucky.
Really? Cos I suppose a girl like you would never be seen dead with a guy like me? Never.
I didn't think so.
Yous coming? Yeah, yeah.
We're heading back to halls.
What happened to your head? Ah, nothing.
I'm grand.
Seriously? Yeah, that's how I spent my gap year.
Not travelling or anything fun.
Just working in a petrol station, studying to re-sit my A-levels.
Sounds like mad craic.
What? A year living off reheated sausage rolls? What made you want to study here in the first place? Don't know.
That big stretch of water between me and my parents? Also my sisters all went to uni back home.
So there are fewer comparisons this way.
Like the further you are away from home, then the easier it is to pretend you're someone else? - Sounds stupid.
- I'm the one who thought moving up the road to halls would change my life.
Well, maybe it will.
That girl, in the club, the one I was What? Hiding from? Yeah.
"Burnt Mattress" lady.
I got a bit out of my depth.
So I can relate.
That's the thing about Belfast.
You're never that far away from someone who knows the person you're trying not to be.
Danny, thanks for this.
It's OK.
I should - What are you doing? - Sorry, I I've got a boyfriend! I know! I'm sorry.
Jess! Jess, I'm sorry! Shit.
I thought you were comin' to mine? No, you're too drunk.
I'm fine.
Come on.
Maybe some other time.
She's paying.
I'll make toast, if you want some.
No, you're all right.
Maybe later.
Thanks though.
- You have fun last night? - Ah, you know.
It was all right.
- Thanks for unpacking my stuff.
- Don't worry about it.
- Jack, I'm sorry about - Like I said.
Don't worry about it.
- Call me when you get back, yeah? - Yeah.
And I'll, um, I'll book my flights when my loan comes through.
Or you can come here first, if you want.
- Jess.
- About what the boys said last night.
This isn't about last night.
- This is the start of something for you.
- Jack, don't We've both moved on.
You know that.
It's for the best.
- Hey.
- Mornin'.
Don't have those online yet? I wish.
This one cost £50.
Does it at least have the answers at the back? - What, for Law? - Are you doing Law? So's Eva.
Eva!? Yeah, I know.
About last night Danny It was just that, with all the lights, and the music It was confusing and after a few beers, I got swept up in it all.
It was a stupid mistake.
- We can still be friends.
- Yeah.
I was going to go for a coffee, if you want to Um, thanks, but I don't want to be late on the first day.
Did you find Jack OK? Yeah.
He left this morning.
It's over.
I'm sorry.
There's no way you brought your woman back last night.
She was out of it! I did.
I got back home this morning! Leech, I really hope you didn't.
She was way too drunk.
Course I did.
You just don't tell a wolf not to feed.
- You're sick in the head.
- House party was good craic, then? - Nah.
- You didn't miss much.
- Ours will be better tonight, eh? - Another party? Seriously? - Oh, it was your idea! - Oh, aye, a wee do for Jess.
- Ah, he's nice really.
- Maybe your woman'll come.
- Gagging for some Leech.
Yeah, doesn't seem right, does it? - So everyone's slagging me now? - No! - Ach, man up, would ye? - Aw.
Don't yous two start.
- She won't shut her beak! - That's cos you're lying! PHONE RINGS - I'm telling you, I smashed her back doors in! - Disgusting.
- I'm sure you did, Leechy boy.
- I did, boy.
I'm telling ya.
I gave it to her.
- Mum? What are you doin' here? - I came to see where you live.
You brought strangers back and one stole my laptop! Mum? Are you there? If you're there please just pick up the phone.
You know anything about stolen laptops? Sorry, can't help you, big man.
- He's got our gear.
- And we'll get it back.
How are you going to do that? What is that? Come on, guys.
I'm tired of excuses.
Straight on, or left? Left, then right? No, no, don't put her on now, I'll talk to Hi, Mum.
Jess, a minute ago you said right.
No, lectures don't start till tomorrow.
- CARS HONK - Right, I can hear you! No.
It looks very safe here.
Of course.
SATNAV: 'Keep left, keep left, keep left.
' Can't we just ask someone for directions?! Give me a minute, it's rebooting.
Oi! Jack, thank you for doing this.
It's fine, love.
Cos we're going to make this work, right? Yeah.
Course we are.
C'mon! I said I'd help you move in, not do it for you! I know.
We can do it later.
We should eat something first.
- Jess, we've got to unpack your stuff.
You've got classes tomorrow.
- Lectures! Whatever! You need to get settled.
What if they all think I'm an English dickhead? Stop worrying! I'll grab one of your 17 boxes of books.
Come on.
Leech! That's my dressing gown! There's no towels in there! I'll never be able to wear it again.
- Wind your neck in, you won't catch anything! I dusted my furry bits with talc.
- My talc?! Hi.
Chris Leech.
Um, I'm Jess.
This is Jack.
Oh, yeah.
Our new roommate.
Hi! I'm Sandie.
Leech, this isn't over! Aw, Leech! I'll get the rest of the stuff.
Eva, this is Jess, our new neighbour.
- All right? - Hi.
Um, I thought I was in there.
Room J06.
I don't think so.
OK Hey! Get off! - My God! Jack! - Whoa!, it's all right! Calm down.
- What are you doing here? - No-one's in this room.
- Er, yeah, someone is! The last person hasn't turned up yet, so - It's you, isn't it? - Yeah.
- I'm leaving, OK? OK.
- Could you turn around first? - What? - My clothes are under the bed.
- God.
I'm eh Danny, by the way, from next door.
- What? You live here!? - Whoa! Whoa! Why are you here if you live next door? I had a bit of an accident with my mattress.
You might have seen it outside there? Oh, yeah? I'm guessing you were totally sober? 100%.
All right? Anyways.
See yas.
What was that all about? Enjoy this.
It's beans and toast from now on! I can cook, you know.
Well, I can learn! Maybe you should get that Sandie to teach you.
She seems friendly(!) Oh, yeah? You can't force someone to be part of a cleaning rota! - That's communism.
- I'm not cleaning up your filth! Ah, you sound like my ma! - Are you using my toothbrush? - No.
- The blue one, that one's yours? - Uh-huh.
- Oh, never mind then.
Hey, you two, the taxi's on its way.
- Where you off to? - Club in town.
Yous coming? - Um, we'll chill here.
- Last year a girl got off her box on Sambuca, climbed on top of the bar and got her baps out.
- Ah, your hole.
- Seriously, saw it online.
Flopping about the place.
Jess, you have to come.
It's the last freshers' night out and you've missed the others.
I know, but it's our last night together, so think we'll stay here.
- You sure? - Yeah, thanks though.
Maybe next time.
CLUB MUSIC You sure you're OK with this? Yeah.
You've got to get on with these people.
Go on.
I'll bring 'em over.
Nice to see you with your clothes on.
Oh, yeah, sorry about that.
I'm not much of a drinker.
Really? Keep the change, man.
You get the train and mummy and daddy can take us there, no problem.
You'll love it.
And then Nightmare up there.
ALL: Cheers! What? All right? I said, all right?! Have I done you before? Cos you look kind of familiar from the back.
Yeah, no, that's cool.
- All right? I'm Conor.
What's the - Sorry, not interested.
Wait a second.
I was just Yeah, look, it's very flattering, but actually, I'm with someone so Well, you're not really my type either.
But there's a whole football team over there, right? And if you don't get off with me, then they'll be lining up pestering you all night long.
- Are you kidding me? - No.
So you might as well save yourself a lot of bother and just kiss me now.
- Oh, my God.
- Never mind him, Jess.
He's full of it.
- Who's your friend, Sandie? - Our new flatmate.
Looks like I'll be going home with you after all, eh? Yep.
Oh, my God! - I know! - What, we live with him? I don't get it.
What do we need a cleaning rota for anyway? - Cleaning, boy! That's what humans do.
- I am sweating like a bastard! - Classy.
- Don't worry about cleaning.
- What we need to do is sort out a party.
- What party? - A house warming for tomorrow night! Now everyone's here.
- Sounds good! - If we have a party, we need a cleaning rota.
- You coming, big man? - Won't be here.
- Why? Where do you study? I don't.
Jack's a joiner.
- Wanna start my own business.
- Check you out! Don't slag.
He'll be the only one of us who has a job in three years! Danny, dance floor.
Girls, let's go.
Come on! - What can I get you? - Lemonade.
- Again? - 'Scuse me? - That's like the third time you've ordered that.
- And? It's just a little weird.
I keep giving you soft drinks, - and you come back more hammered.
- What you trying to say? Nothing.
Maybe someone's spiking your drink? I'd like to see them try.
I used to go out with a girl like you.
I wanted a drink, not your life story.
- Where's the accent from? - Derry.
What about you? - Tyrone.
- That makes sense.
- Aye? - I used to go out with a twat from there.
I'm Ed.
Good for you.
Yes, what can I get ya? It's shite out there, man! Better clunge back in my old school, and it was all fellas.
Maybe you're not getting anywhere with the girls - cos everything you tell them is a massive lie.
- Works for me.
I think Sandie's up for it, though.
And that English bird.
English has got a boyfriend.
Aye, for now.
What's he going to do anyway? Fly to Belfast every weekend for a ride? Or try and scare off every lad she talks to? What's it to you, anyway? I already called her.
And Sandie.
You two can double team Eva.
That's only because she told you she'd snap your cock off if you came anywhere near her.
Do you need a piss? No.
- Then why you here? - Cos we were talking.
What? What? Jack! Here, we were only slagging.
Yeah! Come on! Oh.
Wait, wait, wait.
There you are! C'mon! - I think we should go.
- What? - You've got to get your stuff unpacked.
I thought you wanted to come here? I just want to get back.
Spend some time together.
Oh, I know.
Me too.
But we're having good craic.
Oh, Jack.
What's wrong? Nothing.
I just want to get back.
It's been a long day, I'm shattered.
- I know, but nothing a Jaegerbomb won't sort out.
- Jess, I'm tired.
- C'mon, yous two! - See you back there.
- Jack?! Come on! Sorry.
Hi, babe, it's me.
Look, can you call me, please? So, where to now? I'm not going home till I get my spuds drained! No sign of him, pet? - Oi! Where yous two going? - You're not invited.
- House party!? - Whose party is it?! - It's mine.
They're not invited.
They're grand.
- Yeah, well, you're paying for the taxi.
- We'll split it.
- Aw, whatever! Jess! Give us two seconds, lads.
Jess, are you coming? Argh.
It's not like him to do this He might have overheard Leech say some stuff.
What kind of stuff? I don't know, it was, it was just What kind of stuff? About how it was weird that you'd brought your boyfriend with you and how it was going to work.
You kidding me? How is that any of his business? - It's not! We were just talking shite.
- You as well?! God, no wonder he left! Danny! You coming or what? Hi, Vinny.
Here, don't mind him, he started a bit early on the Bucky.
Right, make yourself at home.
OK? Follow me.
King's lad, is it? Do not leave me on my own.
Taxi! Taxi! You can't just flag them down.
Yeah, well in the real world, that's how taxis work.
A year of this to look forward to.
- Why is everyone here so sarcastic all the time? - I'm trying to help.
- You've done enough.
- What is your problem?! I'm sure Jack's fine.
- We broke up, all right? - What? The first time I applied here, Jack finished with me.
But we got back in the summer because I convinced him we could make it work.
And here I am.
Great start.
I never should have come here.
Danny? Danny? Nice room.
Do you like Snow Patrol? Seriously? Yeah, me neither.
- How does he do it, eh? - Never mind him.
It's the whole sports angle.
I'm going to join a gym tomorrow.
If you want a girl, I can sort you out.
Oh, serious? No, not like that! I mean, like, tips.
What, you mean, like, you know, lots about pulling girls, do you? I know that if you want to get anywhere, all you have to do is ask questions.
- Girls like that.
- That's your advice? Ask questions? Trust me.
As long as you actually listen and convince them you're interested in what they're saying, you're home free.
- Leech! - I'm listening.
I'm listening.
Danny? What are you doing? Will you shush? I'll take you back after this.
Danny? Where are you? It isn't funny.
- Hiya.
- All right? - Having a good night? - Aye.
So tell me, what do you study? How'd you even know about this place? I used to work here.
Helping out with the stalls after school.
You know the best thing about it? The complete lack of security? - Makes all your problems go away.
- Yeah, right.
I'm telling you.
When you're on a ride, it's impossible to worry about a thing.
So if you're from Belfast, how come you live in halls? Long story.
What you doing? Trust me.
Danny?! Danny, I can't - What are you Danny?! - Don't worry, you can trust me! Danny, please! Danny, stop it! What did you say your name is again? Ah, shit.
SCREAMING Make it stop! What? I can't hear you.
Stop! Faster? It doesn't go any faster.
Ah, come on, Jess, don't tell me you're not enjoying it.
Hold on tight, Jess! SHE SCREAMS So, how long did you work here for? Just during sixth year.
The extra money came in handy.
- For the drinking fund? - Nah, just for helping out at home.
- Proper mummy's boy, then? - Not as much as she would like.
I know the feeling.
I loved working in this place.
Except for the time I boked everywhere.
Like threw my ring.
I vomited.
Oh! Lovely(!) I think it was in that seat actually.
Aw, gross! - What do you think? - Is that what I think it is? What? You never tried it? Ah.
Are you for real? Seriously.
Try it.
I've never had any complaints.
I'll see ya.
What are you doin'? Come on Please.
Open the door.
You can trust me.
I said, open it.
Or what? What'll you do? I said no.
Where you off to? Halls.
There's not much going on here really.
Not now Leech's got off with your woman? - My woman?! - Looked like that from where I was standing.
- You keeping an eye on me, Sandie? - Get over yourself.
- Look, if you've got a problem with me getting off - No, I don't.
Really? Well, why are you following me around then? Look a bit like a stalker.
Hey, Eva.
Bit of privacy, please.
Who the hell do you think you are? You really think you're God's gift, don't you? You know what? I couldn't be bothered with this.
Oh, yeah.
That's right, run away.
You're pathetic.
You don't know anything about me.
I know that girl with Leech got off lucky.
Really? Cos I suppose a girl like you would never be seen dead with a guy like me? Never.
I didn't think so.
Yous coming? Yeah, yeah.
We're heading back to halls.
What happened to your head? Ah, nothing.
I'm grand.
Seriously? Yeah, that's how I spent my gap year.
Not travelling or anything fun.
Just working in a petrol station, studying to re-sit my A-levels.
Sounds like mad craic.
What? A year living off reheated sausage rolls? What made you want to study here in the first place? Don't know.
That big stretch of water between me and my parents? Also my sisters all went to uni back home.
So there are fewer comparisons this way.
Like the further you are away from home, then the easier it is to pretend you're someone else? - Sounds stupid.
- I'm the one who thought moving up the road to halls would change my life.
Well, maybe it will.
That girl, in the club, the one I was What? Hiding from? Yeah.
"Burnt Mattress" lady.
I got a bit out of my depth.
So I can relate.
That's the thing about Belfast.
You're never that far away from someone who knows the person you're trying not to be.
Danny, thanks for this.
It's OK.
I should - What are you doing? - Sorry, I I've got a boyfriend! I know! I'm sorry.
Jess! Jess, I'm sorry! Shit.
I thought you were comin' to mine? No, you're too drunk.
I'm fine.
Come on.
Maybe some other time.
She's paying.
I'll make toast, if you want some.
No, you're all right.
Maybe later.
Thanks though.
- You have fun last night? - Ah, you know.
It was all right.
- Thanks for unpacking my stuff.
- Don't worry about it.
- Jack, I'm sorry about - Like I said.
Don't worry about it.
- Call me when you get back, yeah? - Yeah.
And I'll, um, I'll book my flights when my loan comes through.
Or you can come here first, if you want.
- Jess.
- About what the boys said last night.
This isn't about last night.
- This is the start of something for you.
- Jack, don't We've both moved on.
You know that.
It's for the best.
- Hey.
- Mornin'.
Don't have those online yet? I wish.
This one cost £50.
Does it at least have the answers at the back? - What, for Law? - Are you doing Law? So's Eva.
Eva!? Yeah, I know.
About last night Danny It was just that, with all the lights, and the music It was confusing and after a few beers, I got swept up in it all.
It was a stupid mistake.
- We can still be friends.
- Yeah.
I was going to go for a coffee, if you want to Um, thanks, but I don't want to be late on the first day.
Did you find Jack OK? Yeah.
He left this morning.
It's over.
I'm sorry.
There's no way you brought your woman back last night.
She was out of it! I did.
I got back home this morning! Leech, I really hope you didn't.
She was way too drunk.
Course I did.
You just don't tell a wolf not to feed.
- You're sick in the head.
- House party was good craic, then? - Nah.
- You didn't miss much.
- Ours will be better tonight, eh? - Another party? Seriously? - Oh, it was your idea! - Oh, aye, a wee do for Jess.
- Ah, he's nice really.
- Maybe your woman'll come.
- Gagging for some Leech.
Yeah, doesn't seem right, does it? - So everyone's slagging me now? - No! - Ach, man up, would ye? - Aw.
Don't yous two start.
- She won't shut her beak! - That's cos you're lying! PHONE RINGS - I'm telling you, I smashed her back doors in! - Disgusting.
- I'm sure you did, Leechy boy.
- I did, boy.
I'm telling ya.
I gave it to her.
- Mum? What are you doin' here? - I came to see where you live.
You brought strangers back and one stole my laptop! Mum? Are you there? If you're there please just pick up the phone.
You know anything about stolen laptops? Sorry, can't help you, big man.
- He's got our gear.
- And we'll get it back.
How are you going to do that? What is that? Come on, guys.
I'm tired of excuses.