A Little Princess (1986) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

(dramatic music)
(gentle downbeat music)
- [Captain Crewe] Carrisford.
- [John] My dear boy, how are you?
- [Captain Crewe] In the pink.
As you can see,
India's not been treating me too badly.
- It must be 20 years
and you still look like
a mischievous schoolboy.
What's the secret, eh?
- Indian magic.
- Must be pretty potent stuff.
Perhaps I should try it.
( both laughing)
- [Captain Crewe] You must be
parched after your journey.
Fancy a (speaking in a foreign language)?
- [John] If that's something
long and cool, lead me to it.
- Sahib, (speaking in a foreign language).
I bet they have magic in Africa too?
- Oh no, no, no, not that sort.
African magic lies underground.
- Ah yes, I got your letter.
All, true is it?
- Every word.
- Splendid.
- Is that your wife?
- Yes.
- Beautiful woman.
How old was she when she died?
- 26.
- Ever thought of marrying again?
- No.
Now, look, about this scheme of yours,
I still don't understand why you need me.
- Well, I haven't got the resources.
Not for something as big as this.
- Yes, but, I mean, if it's
such a cast-iron investment,
I mean, why not go to the bank?
- I want you to have a
share in my good fortune.
You see, I've never forgotten
our school days, Crewe,
when you took a friendless
new boy under your wing,
invited him to stay with your
people during the holidays.
And now I've got a chance to
repay you for your kindness.
- Sure you don't want me
to lend you the money?
- Oh no, I'm quite sure.
I want you to have a share in the profits.
Which, according to the geologist report,
should be beyond our wildest dreams.
- All right.
There you are.
- What's this?
- A banker's draft for 100,000.
That was the sum you
mentioned in your letter.
- But I said that was
half the development cost.
I didn't expect
Are you sure you can afford it?
- I can't afford to lose it.
But stocks and shares bore me.
I'd much rather invest in an old friend
whose judgment I trust.
- Well, thank you.
To old friends then.
- Old friend.
(glasses clinking)
- Are you going on leave then?
- Yes, I'm taking my little
soldier on a tour of Europe.
- Your little soldier?
- My daughter, Sara.
- Ah.
- Yes, she's going to boarding school.
(horse hooves clopping)
(gentle music)
- [Mr. Barrow] Then I
may inform Captain Crewe,
you will be expecting his
daughter early in the new year.
- Captain Crewe?
- Don't be under any
misapprehension madam,
my client may be of junior rank
but I'll wager he's wealthier
than all those other
officers put together.
- Crewe?
I seem to remember from
the obituary column
an industrialist of that name.
A Hampshire gentleman.
- The captain is Sir Gerald's son
and the sole beneficiary of
his considerable fortune.
- Indeed.
- Here is a note drawn on his London bank.
If you would be good enough
to fill in the amount
of the first term's fees.
As far as the girl's comfort is concerned
money is no object.
She has to have her own sitting room,
her own pony and carriage
and her own maid.
- Her own maid?
I'm sorry Mr. Barrow,
that is quite impossible.
It would only cause resentment
among my other girls.
- Then I'm sorry too.
It seems I must look elsewhere.
- But, of course, if that
is the captain's wish
then she shall have her maid.
- A French maid.
He was very insistent on that point.
Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
- Money, no object, sister.
Think of that.
- Yes, Amelia.
Perhaps it's time we raised our fees.
- You.
- But I don't want to
learn how to be a lady.
I wanna stay here with you.
- What's this?
You know how we deal with
mutineers, don't you?
- Yes, Papa.
- Up against the wall then.
Want a blindfold?
- No, thank you, I do not fear death.
- Very well then.
Firing party.
Present, aim.
- Oh, excuse me, Captain Sahib.
- What is it?
- I think perhaps the
prisoner has a last request.
- Yes, I have.
I want to take my books to England.
- Well, you won't need
books when you're dead.
- Oh please, Papa.
I'm not play-acting now.
- Oh, I'll buy you books, lots of them.
French, German, Italian,
all first editions.
- But aren't first editions expensive.
- Oh, hang the expense.
We're gonna be very, very rich.
- We're rich already.
- Yes, and now we are
going to be millionaires.
I have just bought a half
share in a diamond mine.
- A diamond mine?
- Yes, so you see, you
can leave all your books
and clothes behind.
I'll buy you a whole
new wardrobe in Europe
and a whole new library.
- Oh, Papa.
I shall miss you though.
The books and clothes in the
world won't make up for that.
I shall miss you terribly.
- For the first few days perhaps.
Then you'll make new friends,
forget all about me.
- Never.
- Promise me one thing, little soldier.
- What?
- Well, don't spend all your time reading.
Girls of your age should
be enjoying themselves.
Playing with dolls or something.
- Oh, I'm too old for dolls.
Except perhaps.
- Go on.
- A very special one.
A friend I can talk to
when you're not there.
- Right then, we'll go shopping in London.
See if we can find a very special one.
- Oh, I'm sure we shall find her.
She'll be there waiting for us.
And her name will be Emily.
(horse hooves clopping)
(gentle music)
(people chattering)
- [Captain Crewe] Are you
sure she's what you want?
- Oh, yeah, this is Emily all right.
She recognized me before I saw her.
- She doesn't seem very talkative.
- She doesn't talk, she thinks.
And only I know what she's thinking.
(gentle music)
- Spare a penny, governor?
For a pauper, I ain't got no home.
- Please, miss?
- All right then.
Here you are.
- Oh thanks, Miss
- Thank you, governor,
you're a real gent.
- You're a real gentleman.
(horse hooves clopping)
(somber music)
- [Sara] I've got
butterflies in my stomach.
Do all soldiers feel like
this when they go into battle?
- [Captain Crewe] Oh, all
of them, even the bravest.
(rain pattering)
(gentle music)
- [Henrietta] Captain Crewe, Ma'am.
- My dear Captain Crewe,
what a pleasure it is to meet you at last.
And it must be Sara.
What a beautiful child.
It will be a privilege
to have charge of her.
- I'm not beautiful, Miss Minchin.
- Oh, you don't think so?
- No.
- Well, at least she's not vain.
Do come in.
- [Captain Crewe] Thank you.
- Please be seated.
I have hired a French
maid as you requested.
Would you care to see her references?
- Oh no, no, no.
That won't be necessary.
I'm sure she'll do very well.
- I've also hired a pony and carriage
and Sara will have the
prettiest rooms in the house.
They are on the first floor
with a lovely view of the square.
- Thank you, Miss Minchin.
Emily thanks you too.
- Emily?
- My doll.
She'll be my intimate
friend when Papa has gone.
- What an adorable
creature she is to be sure.
- Yes, Miss Minchin.
You'll take good care of my little soldier
for me, won't you?
She's all I have in the world.
- Set your mind at rest, Captain.
My sister and I cherish these girls
as if they were our own daughters.
Would you care to see your rooms, my dear?
- Yes, please.
- Mariette is looking
forward to meeting you.
Your papa and I have a
few things to discuss,
after which he will come
and take his leave of you.
Henrietta, will you show
Miss Crewe her rooms, please?
- Yes, ma'am.
(door knocking)
Mariette, this is Miss Crewe.
(speaking in a foreign language).
Thank you, Henrietta.
(Mariette speaking in a foreign language)
(Sara speaking in a foreign language)
- So you speak French?
- My mother was French.
I never knew her but I
think that's why I found it
so easy to learn.
(Mariette speaking in a foreign language)
- I'm called Mariette.
- Yes, I know.
- I've been unpacking your clothes.
What wonderful trimmings
and fine petticoats.
(Mariette speaking in foreign language)
- Would you like me to help you?
- Oh no, my petite.
Ladies do not unpack their own suitcases.
That is my task.
- Oh, what a lovely room.
Don't you think so Emily?
We should be happy here.
- Good.
- Thank you.
- I shouldn't like Emily to be homesick.
- This is your papa?
- Yes.
- Then I will leave you alone together.
Excuse me, monsieur.
(somber music)
- Well, little soldier,
I'm afraid the time has come.
- Yes.
Try not to be lonely, Papa.
- You too.
- Oh, I should be all right.
As you say, I'll soon make new friends.
- Such a stare.
You look as if you're
learning me by heart.
- I don't have to learn
you, you're inside my heart.
- And you're inside mine too.
You'll be inside it even
when you're 3,000 miles away.
Never forget that, little soldier.
- You'd better go.
You don't want me to see you cry, do you?
- No.
Mustn't cry in front of the men.
Frightfully bad form.
(gentle solemn music)
(carriage door slams)
(horse hooves clopping)
(bell ringing)
- [Jessie] She's got the
seven petticoats, Lavinia.
I happened to pass her room
while her maid was hanging them up.
I counted at least seven.
- [Lavinia] Ridiculous.
Who does she think she is?
- [Jessie] And at least 10 pairs of shoes
that were absolutely tiny.
She must have very small feet.
- [Lavinia] Oh, don't be so naive Jessie.
It's the way they're made.
Any clever shoemaker can
make big feet look small.
- [Jessie] Have you seen her yet?
- [Lavinia] From a distance?
She isn't even pretty.
- [Jessie] No, but she's
got an interesting face.
- [Lavinia] What's interesting about it?
- Her eyes I think.
They seem to go right through you.
As if, well as if she was summing you up.
- New girls have no business
to be summing anyone up.
It's us who should be summing her up.
(gentle music)
(girls whispering)
- She's got one of
those petticoats on now.
I saw it as she sat down.
- Oh, don't stare!
We'll make her think she's
the center of attention.
- Silk stockings too.
And she has got small feet.
- Oh, for heaven's sake, Jessie!
I'm sick and tired of
hearing about her feet.
It's the most boring subject in the world.
- Good morning, young ladies.
- [Girls] Good morning, Miss Minchin.
- Be seated.
First of all, I wish to introduce
to you your new companion.
Sara, come here.
This is Sara Crewe,
who has come to us from
a very great distance.
From India, in fact.
- [Girls] India?
- Quiet.
(chalk scraping)
As soon as lessons are over
you must make each other's acquaintance.
Now, Sara, let us talk
about your curriculum.
Do you know what a curriculum is?
- Yes, Miss Minchin.
- Oh.
I assume that since your papa
wished me to engage a French maid
he wishes you to study
the French language.
- I think he asked you to engage her
because he thought it would please me.
- Please you?
I'm afraid you've been a
very spoilt little girl,
haven't you?
You mustn't imagine
that everything is done
for your pleasure.
- I don't imagine that.
- Well brought up young
ladies do not interrupt, Sara.
My impression is that your
Papa wishes you to learn French
and so that is what you will do.
Monsieur Dufarge will be here directly.
Take this book of elementary
grammar and study it
until he arrives.
- But I can-
- No buts!
Sit down, please.
At once!
And don't sulk, it is not at all becoming.
- I wasn't sulking Miss Minchin.
- You were looking cross,
which is much the same thing!
You must learn to do as you
are told with good grace.
( Monsieur Dufarge speaking
in a foreign language)
(Girls speaking foreign language)
(Monsieur Dufarge speaking
in a foreign language)
- Madame, you have a
new pupil for me I see.
- Yes, Monsieur Dufarge,
her name is Sara Crewe.
Stand up, Sara.
Her father is very anxious
she should begin to learn
your beautiful language,
but she seems to have taken
rather a childish prejudice against it.
- Indeed, mademoiselle?
Then I hope I may be able
to change your opinion.
I'm sure that after we
have studied together
for a few weeks-
- Monsieur Dufarge,
( Sara speaking in a foreign language)
(girls whispering)
- There seems to have been
a misunderstanding, madame.
- Silence!
(gentle music)
- Blimey.
- [Cook] Ah, there you are at last then.
Where on earth have you been?
- Filling the scuttles, cook.
- Oh, it doesn't talk half an hour
to fill the coal scuttles.
- The coal bucket is that
heavy with all them stairs.
- Don't give me none of your lip
or I'll box your ears for ya.
Get those hands washed.
Start peeling these potatoes.
- I haven't had no breakfast.
- Oh, you're too late for that.
If she doesn't get a move on,
she'll be too late for lunch and all.
(knife slams)
(cook laughs)
- Your turn, mademoiselle.
(Ermengarde speaking
in a foreign language).
(Monsieur Dufarge
speaking foreign language)
(Ermengarde speaking foreign language)
- No, no, no, no, mademoiselle.
( Monsieur Dufarge speaking
in foreign language).
(Ermengarde speaking in foreign language)
(girls laughing)
Please, please, young ladies.
Such an accent is not
a matter of amusement.
- We can't help it Monsieur
Dufarge, she's so stupid.
- Nevertheless, we must persevere.
Translate please, mademoiselle.
(Monsieur Dufarge speaking
in a foreign language).
- Good day Mr
(Monsieur Dufarge speaking
in a foreign language)
- Have you,
(girls laughing)
- Silence.
How many times must I tell you
( Monsieur Dufarge speaking
in a foreign language)
Before we meet again you
will write it out 100 times.
- Yes, monsieur.
(Monsieur Dufarge speaking
in a foreign language)
(bell ringing)
- Ah!
It is 11 o'clock.
The lesson is terminated.
(Monsieur Dufarge speaking
in a foreign language)
( Girls speaking foreign language)
(bell ringing)
- What's your name?
- Ermengarde.
- Mine's Sara.
- Yes.
- I'm interested in names so
I looked mine up in a book.
Did you know the first
Sara was Abraham's wife?
Originally she was called
Sarai, the quarrelsome.
But it was changed by divine
decree to Sara, the princess.
- Is it true that you have
a bay room to yourself?
- Yes.
Would you like to see it?
- Oh, may I?
- Of course, come on.
(Ermengarde gasps)
- Isn't she beautiful.
Oh, may I?
- Not before you've been introduced.
Wouldn't be proper.
Emily, this is Ermengarde,
Ermengarde, Emily.
- She's beautiful.
- Papa gave her to me
as a going-away present.
(gentle music)
Do you love your father, Ermengarde?
More than anyone else in the world?
- Not really.
I'd like to, but he thinks I'm stupid.
And if people don't like you,
you can't really love them, can you?
- Well, I love mine.
But we're gonna be apart for so long.
- [Ermengarde] Have a good
cry then, I won't tell.
- Soldiers don't cry.
Papa's a soldier, you see,
and he taught me to
bare my wounds bravely.
- I cried the whole of my first term.
Even though I wasn't a bit homesick.
Silly wasn't it?
- Expect it was shock.
- Yes.
- You soon get over it though, don't you?
Once you've made some friends.
- I haven't got any friends.
- No friends?
How long have you been here?
- A year.
- But that's terrible.
- I'm stupid, you see, and fat.
People don't want friends like that.
- I do.
- You really mean that?
You're not just saying it
because you feel sorry for me?
- It's myself I feel sorry for.
I need a friend too.
- But you're so clever and I'm so boring.
- I don't find you at all boring.
And I'll tell you what, Ermengarde,
if you'll keep Emily and
company when we're lonely,
we'll help you with your lessons.
(thunder crashing)
- [Anna] I have been so worried about you.
- Carriage lost a wheel.
The driver and I had to spend
last night by the roadside
with no protection from the storm.
I believe caught the chill.
- Well, then you must get warm.
I've lit a fire in your study room.
- Thank you, Anna.
- And the Missy Sahib?
- She'll be all right.
Fine school.
(Anna speaking in a foreign language)
(thunder crashing)
- [Anna] The house has
been so quiet without her.
- Yes.
(gentle music)
Yes, to tell you the
truth I've been dreading
these first few days back home.
- You English, I'll never understand.
- What?
- Why you have to send your children away.
- Teaches them to stand
on their own two feet.
- Yes, but childhood is so short.
When she returns she
will be a young woman.
- Oh, for heaven's sake,
Anna, I'm miserable enough
without you nagging at me.
Let's agree not to
- Something the matter, Captain Sahib?
- A touch of fever I think.
My head's swimming.
- I will bring you a hot drink.
(Mariette singing in a foreign language)
(door knocking)
(Mariette humming)
(door clunking)
- [Becky] Excuse me,
miss, any shoes to clean?
- Oh, yes.
- They'll be outside the
door, miss, in the morning.
- [Sara] Thank you.
Who is that girl?
- Oh, it's only Becky the scullery maid.
- But she looked so thin and tired.
- Yes they do not treat
her well downstairs.
- Really?
It must be awful to be poor.
- Oh, do not concern
yourself, petite mademoiselle.
Fortunately, it is a condition
that we'll never, ever experience.
(thunder rumbling)
- [John] My dear Crewe,
I don't know how to soften the
terrible news I have to tell,
so I must come straight out with it.
The geologist was wrong,
there are no diamonds
and we have both lost everything.
My own grief means nothing to me,
but when I think of the injury
I've done to you, old
fellow, I want to die.
Several times I've taken out my revolver
and put it to my head but
that is the coward's way.
My punishment must be to live on,
to face my shame, and your anger.
Consequently, as soon
as I can raise the fare
I will come to India and
beg your forgiveness.
Your humble servant,
for you will no longer
consider me your friend,
John Carrisford.
(somber music)
- Sara.
My poor darling.
(both laughing)
(Mariette speaking in a foreign language)
- It's just luck though, isn't it?
I mean, that little girl,
we're about the same age.
It's just luck that I'm
not her and she isn't me.
- Not luck, it is the will of God.
- You mean God wants
some people to be poor?
- Perhaps.
- But why?
- As a trial, to strengthen
their characters.
(Mariette speaking in a foreign language)
(Sara speaking in a foreign language)
(Mariette speaking in a foreign language)
(insects chirping)
(rain pattering)
(thunder rumbling)
(tray clattering)
- Sahib?
Captain Sahib?
(dramatic music)
(thunder rumbles)
(gentle downbeat music)
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