A Love So Beautiful (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Love Letter

Hey, Heon.
We're at the same school again
and in the same class!
One might say
that fate brought us together.
The thing is…
What is it?
I like you.
I don't like you.
Then, I'll figure out a way.
What are you doing here?
-We're late for class.
Run to the classroom!
My name is Shin Sol-i.
What meant the most to 17-year-old me…
The most important thing to me right now…
is him.
Heon, let's go together.
It feels like I've always
followed Cha Heon around.
Cha Heon!
-Shin Sol-i.
No matter what mistakes I make,
Heon never gets angry at me.
The only problem is
my legs are extremely short
while his are extremely long,
so I always lag behind him.
However, it's more than all right.
Because I believe
he's waiting for me to catch up.
There's a man
A man who loves you dearly
There's a man
One who can't confess his love
Jin-hwan, this is the 121st time
you've sung that song today.
No way.
That's all?
I should keep going then
since practice makes perfect.
There's a man
A man who loves you dearly
That's not singing, Jin-hwan.
You're just being annoyingly loud.
You'll make us all go deaf.
Sol-i, I'm hurt.
How could you not recognize
the true talent of this future superstar?
Maybe I should clean your ears.
I'll collect the math homework.
Wait. Just a second.
Sol-i, you're copying his again?
This week's math homework
was super easy. Right, Su-jin?
Mi-nyeo, wasn't the math homework
super easy?
The answers just popped out.
I'm sure you know why you're here.
Getting a good score is important,
but so is trying your best.
There were many questions
you didn't even bother answering.
I'm sorry.
Let's cut school and go singing.
Heon, are you free right now?
What is it?
Look at you, Hui-ji.
Are you interested in him?
You can fool the Devil, but not me.
You like him, don't you?
Is our class getting an official couple?
I didn't understand
the math formula we learned today.
Could you explain it to me?
Between Hui-ji and me,
who has a smaller face?
Seriously? Of course, it's Hui-ji.
It wasn't even worth asking.
Even at a glance…
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine.
Her head-to-height ratio is one to nine.
You don't stand a chance.
I made this myself.
You made this yourself?
I've never met someone quite like you.
Gosh. This is nothing.
You don't need to be so moved.
Sol-i, out of all the women I know,
you're the best.
The size of your face
isn't a deal-breaker for me.
Written by Hwang Jin-i.
"I will cut out the middle
of this long winter night,
coil it up in a blanket
warm as a spring breeze.
The night my beloved comes
I will slowly unwind it."
This poem by Hwang Jin-i
depicts how one deeply yearns
for their loved one.
Today we would call it a love letter.
I know this
since I've received a lot of them myself…
Okay, fine. I've written a lot, all right?
What matters the most is
how sincere the writer is.
That is why a love letter
written from the heart
can win someone over.
That's what you should remember.
Let's read the poem once again.
"I will cut out the middle
of this long winter night…"
"…coil it up in a blanket
warm as a spring breeze.
The night my beloved comes…"
What are you writing?
Darn it…
Mind your business.
Are you writing a love letter?
Consider yourself lucky.
Why? What do you mean?
Just like Hong Sung-dae
wrote a book on mastering math,
I can tutor you in mastering love letters.
Back in middle school,
-a thousand love letters--
-You got 1,000 letters?
-You idiot.
Don't you know who Hong Sung-dae is?
He wrote The Art of Mathematics.
I've written so many,
I'm the Hong Sung-dae of love letters!
That is just as impressive.
And I'm stuck on my first one.
Let me see.
You want me to deliver these?
I couldn't just keep
receiving the letters,
so I wrote some back to be polite.
They're my replies.
So what will it be? Want me to tutor you?
Yes. Gosh--
-Turn it off.
What are you doing?
-Hold on. I'm sorry.
-Turn it off.
Teach me how to write it.
For the first line,
I'll write "Hi, Heon." What do you think?
That's so boring and tacky.
Sol-i, come on.
You need to start it off with a bang.
-Got it.
-Have some courage
-and come to me.
-"Come to me…"
-You could
-"You could…"
have me to yourself.
Isn't that a bit too forward?
It's all about the push and pull.
-Come to me.
-"Come to me."
-It's okay
-"It's okay"
hold me now.
You're a genius!
That's amazing.
Like I said, I'm experienced.
Hey, Cha Heon
I fell for you at first sight
From head to toe, you are perfect
You're totally my type
Go steady with me
I won't take no for an answer
No way
If you say no to me
Wait, what if he says no?
No, that can't happen.
If you say no, I'll break your leg
And chew on the bone!
You'll chew on the bone?
That's kind of scary.
Who knew this school was so scary?
Must one be ready to offer up a leg?
That's right. This school is the scariest
and so am I.
So stop eavesdropping and go away.
This prospective rapper looks so fierce.
Okay. I'll consider you
a brother from now on.
Just so you know, I wasn't eavesdropping.
Anyone around here could hear you.
Have some courage and come to me.
You could have me to yourself.
My gosh, Jin-hwan.
"You could have me to yourself"?
But we're still only in high school!
Let me see.
Shin Sol-i, write the sentence
Ha-young just read.
Yes, ma'am?
-Come on out.
This one.
-Who's he?
-Beats me.
-He's super handsome.
-Oh, I know.
It's that dude. The transfer student
who went to training camp.
-Look how handsome he is!
Quiet, everyone.
why don't you introduce yourself?
Sorry for the belated introduction.
I'm Woo Dae-sung, a student swimmer.
Nice to meet everyone.
You can both take a seat.
We're classmates.
Look. Saved by my t-shirt, right?
Right, I guess.
Do you two know each other?
This is for you.
It's from Jeong Jin-hwan in class 1-7.
Oh, I see.
Let's take a look.
What are you doing?
No way. Who knew handwritten letters
were still a thing?
Give it back.
"Jeong Jin-hwan, freshman year."
"There's a man.
A man who loves you dearly."
I'm already barfing.
Who wrote this? I need to see his face.
Give it back!
-Give it back!
-Tell me who it is.
-Let's go.
What's the rush? Let's read a little more.
"At a distance where you can reach me."
Guys, you won't believe this!
Sol-i and Jin-hwan
got into it with some seniors.
-There's a fight?
-Come on!
Where? Wait for me!
Are you scared?
Do we scare you?
-What's going on?
-Who the hell are you?
I'm their classmate.
And that wasn't for you to see.
Who says I can't?
Anyone decent.
Try putting yourself in his shoes.
Wouldn't you feel violated too?
Feel violated?
Come on. Is this really necessary?
Use your words instead.
Let go while I'm still asking nicely.
-Let go!
-Damn prick.
It's Mr. Cho.
You brats, stop right there.
Let's go.
Stop right there. Stop, you brats!
Come back here!
Why are you fooling around
when you're supposed to study?
Stand up.
What the hell is this?
"I'm sorry
for being crazy in love with you
when I'm not worthy."
Jeez. That's the sound
of a lovesick heart, isn't it?
Mr. Cho.
Why are you still here?
You should be training.
Get going.
"I wait for you.
Despite not being worthy,
I still pine for you.
I wander around the world--"
What is it this time?
It's not against school rules
to write love letters in class.
You're violating her human rights.
What did you just say?
According to the Student Rights Act 2-4,
students must be treated
with respect and dignity--
Shut it, will you?
Being top of the class
doesn't get you a free pass.
Cheeky brat.
Stand in the back.
Right now!
You little brat.
So where was I?
"I wander around the world
and search with my eyes wide open
only to realize that you are irreplaceable
which makes me want you even more.
-Give me your love
Don't bring tears to my eyes
These words
Can be said more easily than breathing
-Yet I can't say them confidently
-Yet I can't say them confidently
-All I do is hide
-All I do is hide
-Like a coward
-Like a coward
Quiet, you brats.
My love
-Growing little by little
-Growing little by little
What the hell?
-Once in a while
-Seeps out before I realize it
-Seeps out before I realize it
-Like a lost child
-You two.
Are you out of your minds? Get back!
You kids…
What the hell?
Get back here!
Guys, have a good one then.
"Abusing the authority as a teacher
and reading a personal letter of a student
was not only a violation
of the student's civil rights
but was also highly inappropriate."
This isn't how you write an apology.
You don't sound apologetic at all.
This is my specialty, so let me help you.
I just wanted to say, Ha-young,
that you were incredible earlier today.
Why did you let him walk over you?
You should've punched the guy.
She's right.
Anyway, Mr. Jeong Jin-hwan,
the so-called master of love letters.
What you had me write were lyrics!
I'm sorry. To make it up to you,
karaoke's on me.
-Are you all in?
-I'm busy.
-Same here.
Me, too. I take my cue from my brother.
Oh, no. Heon probably
went to school already.
-Aren't you coming?
-What? Right.
Of course. I'm coming.
Why do you keep smiling?
Because I'm so thrilled
to go to school with you.
Although he never
received a love letter from me,
I felt like he realized my feelings.
Heon, this is for you.
What do you want others to do for you
when you're sad?
-Can't I come with you?
-Don't follow me.
Wouldn't it mean the most
to just keep that person company?
-I'm sorry.
-Dae-sung, good job!
You're the best!
It's okay. You're here, Brother.
I'm really okay, so just go.
Can't you just ask for help?
Subtitle translation by: Hye-lim Park
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