A Sign of Affection (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Yuki's World

Do people fall in love silently
like this falling snow?
Fluttering from the cloudy sky,
coloring all it touches.
Our breath is white under the blue stars
In the scenery reflected in your eyes
Even if the color is different
In the world you're in
And the world I'm in
There are no such things
As borders anywhere
Our hands shiver in the swirling
Falling snow
But if they touch, our fingertips warm
It's embarrassing but I want this feeling
Of our beating hearts
To remain like this forever
I've been searching for
How to express my love
That confession that
Only the two of us understand
Find me in the world you see
I chant it silently in my heart
I know, right?
I totally get you!
We will soon be arriving
at Hashimoto Station.
The doors on the right will open.
This is my world.
I'm so happy
I got such a cute dress on sale!
Rin-chan posted on her Instagram.
Cute things, friends, college,
and social media
That's more or less my life.
It's pretty nice.
A foreigner!
Why is he
He's asking about that place?
Thank goodness.
He's talking to him for me.
He looks familiar.
Oh, yeah! He's in Rin-chan's club!
They're really hitting it off.
Did he get what he wanted?
I should thank him for helping me.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Right, he probably doesn't understand me.
Can you read lips?
Or not?
He's so close!
Is that so?
That guy. Was fluent. In Japanese.
Oh, really?
He's looking at me
like I'm some rare creature.
I've never met someone like you before.
I knew it!
We go to the same university. I'm friends
with Rin from the international club.
I'm. Getting off. At the. Next stop.
And. You? Are you. Getting off?
He's moving his lips slower
so I can read them.
I'm getting off at the stop after this
See you.
"See. You."
It was our first meeting,
but he never hesitated to say
"See you."
My world has been
a place without the sounds
other people hear.
Only when I got off the train did I notice
that all this throbbing
was actually my heart racing.
Have fun and take care.
What should I pick today?
What's she getting all worked up for?
I was like, so surprised!
Morning, Yuki!
I swear, these lectures
just get denser and denser.
You all right, Yuki?
Rin-chan, I'd like to ask you something
Ask me?
This guy?
I get it.
So Itsuomi-san helped you out?
He was probably on his way back
from Canada
That guy loves backpacking overseas
So that's why
he was carrying such a large bag.
So his name is Itsuomi.
You have a cute look on your face.
Is it love?
I just met him, Rin-chan!
Admiration, then?
Admiration? You think so?
Yep, probably.
I see
So this is admiration.
I have someone I admire, too.
He's the manager
at Itsuomi-san's part-time job.
He's also his cousin.
It's a cafe bar, by the way.
Wanna eat there sometime?
I'm not so sure if I should
But I do want to see him again.
Wait, let's slow down a sec!
I get really nervous
when talking to his cousin!
I can't even ask for his number.
I never knew Rin-chan
had a side like this.
You're cute, Rin-chan!
Have more confidence in yourself!
Maybe if you were with me, Yuki
I think I can pull it off.
You gripped my hand too hard!
But thanks, I'll do my best!
Me too
I'd like to ask Itsuomi-san
for his number
All right, leave it to me!
The ultimate final quest
for Yuki's first year of college!
Let's get those phone numbers!
Where are you off to at this hour?
I'm hanging out with Rin-chan.
I'll be back before my curfew.
It's already dark. Be careful out there.
Here we are.
I-I don't look weird in these, right?
Looking good, too, Yuki!
Don't go falling for the manager now.
I can't compete with your cuteness!
I know! And you're the cute one,
Do people fall in love silently
like this falling snow?
Fluttering from the cloudy sky,
coloring all it touches
Things are looking pretty bad, Bill!
The heck are you talking about?
We've always pulled through together!
We'll get through this one, too!
We've finally reached their camp!
He feels like a different person here.
He looks so cool.
Thanks, Itsuomi-san. For helping Yuki
on the train the other day.
-That you, Rin-chan?
Welcome. It's nice to see you again.
Thanks for stopping by. Friend of yours?
Good evening. Relax and take your time.
I can always tell
when people are talking about me.
Want. A. Drink?
Or not?
That came out of nowhere!
He sure is pushy!
Right, my order.
It's true that he's pushy,
but in a good way, like last time.
I'm still 19,
so I'll just have Oolong
Itsuomi-san! Beer for me, please!
You know, Itsuomi-san is trilingual.
I'll write it down.
He's trilingual,
so he's fluent in three languages.
What languages do you speak?
English and German
That's amazing!
I know a little Chinese too
I'm also studying Spanish
Itsu, can you take their order?
Wait, what? Did she just kiss him?
They don't look Japanese.
Maybe it was a greeting?
Itsuomi-san looks pretty used to this.
He really is used to foreigners.
I'm sure
He's been to places
and seen a lot of worlds.
Worlds I've never known before
Rin-chan? Already?
Let's text each other sometime.
Me too.
I should get Itsuomi-san's number.
I wonder how Rin-chan asked for it.
Writing it down feels
Kind of heavy.
I wonder what language
they're speaking in.
English? German? Japanese?
In the end,
I couldn't do it.
I can ask Itsuomi-san for you,
if you want.
Want me to tell you his LINE ID?
I'm done with work now.
Want me to walk you guys home? Or not?
Of course!
But I live nearby,
so I'll leave Yuki to you!
This is too sudden, Rin-chan!
G-o-o-d l-u-c-k.
He's waiting for me!
He's walking right next to me.
A motorbike?
That scared me.
That was close.
He casually held my hand
without hesitating.
Grabbing it with his big hand.
Amid the snow and the chilling winds,
my once-numb fingertips are now
burning hot with his warmth.
Filled with sensation,
my hand tingles.
I can't tell him, but
I don't want to let him go.
The snow is piling on our hands.
I wish my thoughts would melt
into him like this snow.
If it's okay, can I have your number?
How do I say "sure"
in sign language?
Where's your place?
The station is just over there,
so I'll be fine
Thanks for today.
Can I ask you a question?
Is the world wide?
It's gigantic
The world Itsuomi-san sees
I wonder how wide it is.
Let me into your world, Yuki
These feelings came gushing
into my world out of nowhere.
And I don't want to know how to stop them.
I had a lot of fun today. Thanks
Can I see you at your bar again?
Sure, anytime you like!
Hey, Oushi.
Your eyes have been darting
all over the place.
You looking for someone?
I said it's nothing.
All done. Thanks.
Itsu-kun, you free after this?
Let's grab a bite.
I've got classes in the afternoon,
but I'm free until then.
Okay. Give me a sec.
From your fingertips to mine,
and my fingertips to you.
Here, in the world we see
Every time
Your tenderness touches me
My heart thumps like crazy!
The warmth lingering from your hand
Fills me in every way
I've always been waiting
Shaking more than the fluttering snow
I've never felt this way before
I meet another "you"
A side I've never known before
If I end up liking you even more
I feel like I'm gonna burst!
I meet another "me"
A side I've never known before
When I end up liking you even more
I want you to hear it
Gently through my fingertips
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