A Simple Murder (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Sanyog Ka Tadka

'Yes, sir.'
'She has tarnished our reputation
in the community.'
'Finish her off
and pin it on the boy.'
'Don't worry, sir. It will be done.'
'Pandit, she shouldn't get away.'
'Om Shanti.'
What the hell?
Manish, get up.
Why didn't you call the plumber?
I told you a week ago
'Here's the most interesting
character of my story, Manish.'
'He is one of those select people'
'whose lives are always full
of interesting events.'
'They never lose their childishness'
'and always lack patience.'
'Such great characters make sure
that I am always entertained.'
Why couldn't you say
that the house is waterlogged?
Crazy woman!
This is our future.
And it was about to get washed away.
All of these would
Fucking moron
Why don't you wear such trendy outfits
when we go out together?
At that time, you cover yourself
from head to toe.
Don't you have any shame?
The only place you take me to
is the vegetable market.
And you take me along
only because you want me to pay.
Hey, let's not argue over who pays.
It's all our money.
You call this hovel your home?
Water leakage, useless boxes and what not!
Look, I consider us equals.
These boxes are yours
as much as they are mine.
We are a team.
There is no more room
for fuck-ups in this relationship.
Honey, listen to me.
Honey, why do you do this?
These boxes will decide our future, right?
After that, things will be on track.
Imagine, if we manage
to sell all the boxes,
we'll make so much money.
Then we can go to the US.
I am on my period.
What about the bank instalment?
That baldy could walk in at any moment
and seize this house.
If he comes here, I'll tell him
I am not scared of him!
- Scared
And how can you have periods
for six months?
Are you out of your mind?
I am your husband.
I studied in the US for three years.
I should have settled down
with somebody there.
But no, I chose to marry this moron!
Honey, listen.
Alright. I will get rid
of the boxes by evening.
I will get rid of all the boxes.
I will clean up the house.
Can we have sex after that?
You need to grow a pair
and become responsible in life.
Only then you'll get sex.
I'll be late in the evening.
Keep dinner ready.
And clean up this mess.
Even you want to live here!
Why don't you screw me over as well?
Sir, Manish here. I had talked to you
about investing in my start-up.
Hello, sir. No, sir For once, just
Sir, if we could have one meeting,
I could explain in detail.
Hello, sir. Sir, sir
Just let me complete, sir.
'Who was that?'
Get lost, you cunt!
Manish, open the door!
- Fuck!
Where the hell are you? Open the door.
Your instal
- Wait, I'm on a call.
What the hell!
- Yes, sir. Ten million?
No, sir. Ten million is very less.
Alright. I'll give it to you
for ten million. No, sir.
I don't do sloppy work.
I have my own principles.
I value quality over quantity.
Just try Dhairya Jeet once.
'Enough of the drama, you cunt!'
You owe the bank a lot of money,
and you are dealing in millions here.
Who are you fooling, me or him?
- Where's the instalment?
You can come and collect it tomorrow.
- Stop lying. Give me the instalment!
Tomorrow! I promise.
- Really?
Yes, I don't want to delay it further.
- Are you sure?
Okay. I will come back tomorrow.
Keep the instalment ready.
Otherwise, I have a 10-point plan
to throw you out of the house.
This is what you do! Threaten me.
- Why don't you answer my calls?
When will you give me my instalments?
You have been fucking me over!
I will come with the police.
Close the door after you!
- Damn you.
Oh, no!
Hello, baby.
Who is it?
- The rat-catcher, sir.
'All parties will be required
to reveal this information.'
'Indian National Party's leader
Ved Prakash believes'
'that the unusual solidarity between
political parties and media channels'
'needs to be investigated.'
'He believes that a few news channels
are very clear'
The flour
What do you want?
- Can I get some flour?
'But it is their duty'
'to report opinions and
counter-opinions without any bias.'
'So that the public can
make up their own mind.'
'The ruling party has
media channels in their pockets'
'and dictates their editorial policy.'
'And the issues
that need to be addressed'
'are being ignored by the media.'
'Ved Prakash's proclamation has
shaken up the political stage.'
'Sources claim that
not only the government'
'but his own party members are
upset by this statement.'
'Because his statement targets some
of the big names from his own party.'
'It remains to be seen
how this statement from Ved Prakash'
'will affect the upcoming elections.'
'This year, Indian National Party
has pinned their hopes on Ved Prakash.'
'In such a situation, his statement
raises many questions'
'on the higher-ups of the party.'
'In this tense political climate'
So, I have completed my job.
I'll leave now.
- Keep the doors and windows shut.
Otherwise, the rats will return
to the house and create chaos.
This is a multi-player game.
Why are you doing this alone?
I don't have anyone else to play with.
- Oh, shit!
Want to see a game you can play alone?
- Yes.
Place it like this.
Okay? It's good?
Go and show it to your grandfather.
And don't forget to keep the doors shut!
'Introducing yet another character
of my story.'
'He is someone'
'who has achieved so much success
in his profession'
'that he is bored with it.'
The windows at the back are open.
The mice will enter again, right?
Go and shut the windows quickly.
'He's a contract killer by profession
but a romantic at heart.'
'Do you see the expression
of contentment on his face?'
'It's because he is retiring today.'
Grandpa, look, I have learnt a new trick.
Who gave her the matchbox? Take it away!
Stop, my dear!
'Yes, sir.'
Pandit, the job is done.
Transfer the money.
It's time for me to leave.
Good morning, sir.
- Good morning.
Good morning, sir.
- Good morning.
Good. This should be delivered
today itself.
Good job. Keep it up.
- Good morning, sir.
Imran, the background looks like shit.
- Yes, sir.
Change the background, man.
- Okay, sir.
Use this background.
- Sure, sir.
Good morning, sir.
How do I look?
What's that word?
- Someone might see us.
Who is the boss here?
- You are.
Yes, my love.
How are you?
Sir, I have been in Delhi
for 17 years now.
I came from my village with the hope
of making it big here.
I wish I can go home once a year
and send my kids to a good school.
What more would
an honest man like me want?
I won't lie. I never make money through
wrong means. I can't stomach it.
These people come here at night.
They buy booze illegally.
They pay the guys here
a tip of up to 2000 rupees.
Increase the volume.
- A tip of 2000 rupees
Increase the TV's volume, not yours!
- Yes, sir.
'Pran Davas might get
Hoshiarpur's ticket.'
'He was my political guru.'
'He is the one who taught me
the nitty-gritty.'
'I don't know
who will guide the party now.'
'The police believes'
If you exploit the poor,
this is bound to happen!
They are fattening up
Oh, mister! You remind me of my wife.
Sir, I know I am charming.
Sir, this phone
- Shut up!
Yes, sir.
Yes, I was looking for an investor.
Yes, sir.
Akash Investors.
Yes, sir. I know the address.
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Twenty rupees.
- Put it on my tab.
I have been struggling for 17 years.
'Akash Investors'
'My only source of entertainment.'
'Little did Manish know'
'that a coincidence was about
to change his life forever.'
'Akash Investors'
- Tell me.
Well, you need to tell me.
I got a call from here.
No, the caller didn't tell me his name.
Your name.
- Oh, I am Manish.
Mr Pandit, some Ma
Oh, okay.
The last cabin.
'Try again in five minutes.'
'This is Pawankumar Shah the bank.'
'I'd like to inform you
that your card has been blocked.'
'Would you like to unblock it?'
'Sir, you will see a 12-digit number
on your card.'
- Just tell me that.
Sir, can you tell me your ATM pin?
Three small 'pindas'.
One big 'pinda'.
So, mister,
these three 'pindas' represent
your grandfather, great-grandfather
and great-great-grandfather
Slice the big 'pinda' in
three equal parts.
Done? Very good.
Then join the three parts with
the three smaller 'pindas'.
The left with the left 'pinda',
the right with the right 'pinda',
and the middle with the middle 'pinda'.
Your father's spirit has joined
the spirits of your grandfather,
and great-great-grandfather.
They are together now.
The father's spirit has joined
the forefathers.
Dear, I am really happy
that in these thirteen days,
whatever you have done to help
your father's spirit attain salvation
Half a million.
The kind of devotion, patience
and dedication you have shown
has made me happy. Count it!
I have removed the obstacle.
Now, your family will prosper.
Please clear my dues
before sunset tomorrow.
Om Shanti. God bless you.
You will get the other half
after you finish the job
and return the weapon.
- We
It's automatic. Made in
'Sage' Republic.
That's Czech!
- Cash.
Czech Republic.
- Pick it up.
Yes, mister.
Mister, stop calling me repeatedly.
You don't have to worry.
Stop panicking!
Your target.
The address is on the back.
She will be alone at her house
tomorrow afternoon.
Don't miss the target.
- No.
I had called you to
- Hush!
'Just do your duty. You may
or may not get the reward for it.'
Come on! Pick it up!
Have faith.
And listen! Once the job is done,
what will you say to me
if we ever cross paths?
Greetings, Mr Pandit!
- No, you moron!
Once the job is done, the two of us
will never meet or talk again.
Okay? Wish you all the success.
Sir, he is the defaulter.
He had gone to Kanyakumari
with all the money and the weapon.
Don't miss the target.
Because I don't spare the ones
who miss their targets.
Aren't you scared?
No, your old man I mean, your dad
might be bursting with anger.
And you're getting dolled up here.
I am not getting dolled up.
I am changing my identity.
- I see.
And why are you panicking?
Aren't you trusting Pandit way too much?
I don't like that man one bit,
to be honest.
It's a matter of just a few days.
Mr Pandit will convince dad.
My dad trusts Mr Pandit a lot.
To this day, he has never said no to him.
And why should I believe you?
Trust me.
Now, move. You're ruining my hair.
So, you love your hair more?
Get me one more.
One more bottle of scotch?
You aren't paying for it.
Just go and get one bottle.
Get me a plate of chicken chilli as well.
- Chicken chilli?
Okay, I'll get it.
'Parth, your target.'
'I want a bed of currency notes.
- Pick it up.'
'She will be alone at her house
tomorrow afternoon.'
'I want a bed of currency notes.
- Half a million.'
'I want to wear a garland
of currency notes.'
'You need to make a sacrifice.
- Become responsible in life.'
'Don't miss the target.'
'Because I don't spare the ones
who miss their targets.'
Take these peanuts away.
Oh God! A rat!
'Are you blind, you fucker?'
'Where were you looking?
- I stepped on a rat. '
'What could I do?'
'Watch where you are going.
- It's just peanuts. Not alcohol.'
Hail India.
Sir! Sir, you
Sir, have you ever killed?
I mean, a murder!
Who are you planning to kill?
- Hey, no! No, man!
I had read in the newspaper
that for one million rupees,
a man killed a young woman.
She had curly hair.
How did he pull it off?
It's simple.
While shooting someone,
you don't look into the eyes.
Otherwise, those eyes will
haunt you all your life.
You will never be able
to sleep peacefully.
And if you ever want to get over it,
you will have to perform 'pinda daan'
for the victim in Haridwar.
Hey, listen.
You came?
Fuck all!
My head was hitting the roof continuously.
There might probably be a dent.
Chill, baby.
For you, I will buy a big SUV.
So, we will have to always
do it in the car?
Rahul, I want to get out of all this.
I want to get rid of Manish,
the marriage - Chill.
I have a plan.
- Manish also had one.
Look, in a few days, I am going
to come into a lot of money.
Trust me.
'It's simple. While shooting someone,'
'you don't look into the eyes.'
Shall I kill you?
- Are you fucking crazy?
Hey, Pandit doesn't know who you are.
That was Rahul, right?
Who are you? How did you get in?
Where did you get the money for all that?
Tried some new scam?
New jacket, new shoes.
Don't change the topic. Be honest with me.
That was Rahul, right?
He was headed this way.
I wasn't wandering around with him.
I just saved some money.
Stop this pointless interrogation.
What do we have for dinner? I am hungry.
Chinese? Tell me the truth.
What did you sell?
Where's my straightener?
Did you pay the bank instalment?
I am going to freshen up.
In the meantime, heat up the food.
Who is this heroine?
Manish, open the door.
- No
I I have got nothing to do
with this girl.
Tell me the truth. Who is this?
- You are getting it all wrong!
I am getting it wrong!
You are fucking cheating on me.
And I slog my ass off all day at work.
Whose wife is she?
- Hey
What are you blabbering? Have you lost it?
I am blabbering? I see.
What are you doing?
- You are fucking me over!
No! Don't do it.
Why did you rip this up?
You feel so bad as I ripped up that photo!
Actually, I should leave you.
You can bring her here.
What are you saying?
At least, hear me out.
Where are you going at this hour
of the night?
Look, actually,
on the back of this photo,
I had noted the investor's number.
Tell me the truth.
You are getting it wrong.
There's nothing between us.
Why did you say 'postman'?
- I got scared.
Let's go in. Give me the key.
I don't have the keys.
- Then why did you step out?
Are you blaming me for that?
You should always step out with the keys.
- Then why didn't you?
I have a towel around my waist.
Where could I keep the keys?
Did you put something on the stove?
- Fuck!
A lot of smoke is coming out.
- Fuck!
Ma'am! Ma'am, please help!
'And in Manish's new start-up,'
'But what no one sees
is always noticeable to me.'
'And in Manish's new start-up,'
'I can see the potential
for a lot of entertainment.'
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