ACMA:GAME (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

True or False

What are you doing in this land?
Are you one of their men?
Answer when spoken to!
Teruasa Oda?
Why would a Japanese
wander all the way out here?
What's this?
Boss, we keep digging,
but there's no water.
The water tank's run dry.
We're all dying of thirst.
Dig on the east bank. It's our last hope!
Wait. Maybe the south bank…
Which one? We're desperate.
The south.
There's water in the south.
One more word, I'll kill you!
You understand what we're saying?
Who are you?
My name is "Lucky Man."
We were wrong. Please forgive us.
The people are on edge,
ready to protect the village from bandits.
Tell me how we can thank you.
I'd like to meet
the leader of your village.
Thank you for helping us.
This key is an ancient amulet,
passed down here since long ago.
Thank you,
but it's not the key I'm searching for.
Stay well, Lucky Man!
Thank you. Take care!
Lucky Man! Lucky Man!
Lucky Man! Lucky Man!
Lucky Man!
There have been a series of incidents
involving mysterious asset transfers
in Japan.
Several business owners have died
shortly after leaving enigmatic messages.
He was still conscious at the scene.
He looked scared, and was
mumbling the word "devil."
He kept saying it over and over.
There's a change of plan.
Get off here.
Teruasa, where will you go?
To Japan.
Greed, lust,
the urge to succeed, or to rule…
Humans have long prospered
by following their desires,
but have also engaged in ugly conflict,
all to satisfy such cravings.
Underlying the history of war,
there is always a mysterious key
that seduces man and stirs his desires.
Such keys have appeared
throughout the world, across the ages.
It is said that if you collect 99 keys,
you can have everything in the world.
Mankind, driven by desire, has spilled
much blood in the scramble for the keys.
This is why they came
to be called the "devil's keys."
No one has ever collected all 99 keys.
We will shortly
be arriving at Narita airport.
Please ensure your seat belt is fastened.
I have something I want to show you.
What I'm about to say
stays between me and you.
You'll keep it secret?
You can tell me.
What is it?
According to old legend,
this is a devil's key.
It has a magical power
to bring you luck, just by having it.
I'm serious.
Since I got my hands on this key,
I found the watch I'd lost,
and on my way to a work meeting,
all the traffic lights turned green.
No way.
Can I hold it?
They say that there are 99 keys in total.
If you collect all of them,
you can have the whole world.
…should be placed
securely under your seat.
If you are using the bathroom,
please return to your seat.
Please! Wait!
Please, Maruko!
Mr. Honda, don't feel bad.
The world of victory and defeat is cruel.
A debt to be paid!
Look at that. Guess he beat me to it.
Now we can live in peace. Right, boss?
Not just yet.
You've got the key,
and all of Honda Science's assets.
Isn't that 31.8 billion yen?
That's enough to keep
the family happy and well.
I'm going to make
our family even more powerful.
Got one.
Is it from him?
Our next target…
With about 300 offices
in Japan and abroad,
it's one of Japan's
leading trading companies,
dealing in metal, energy, food,
information, finance and more.
I'd like to see Ryukan Okamoto
from the secretarial office.
Could you tell me your name, please?
Oda Teruasa.
Thirteen years ago, this was Oda Group.
You're back.
I would have come to the airport
if you'd told me.
Nonsense, I don't belong here anymore.
It must have been difficult,
out there by yourself.
No doubt I'm tougher for it.
Do you have the key on you now?
I heard about the strange incidents
involving asset transfers in Japan.
Yes, it's all anyone can talk about.
Top businessmen and wealthy individuals
have been dying mysteriously
after transferring everything
they own to someone else.
I believe just yesterday,
the chairman of Honda Science
transferred his entire fortune
to the Maruko Family, a criminal group.
Then he jumped
from the building to his death.
Right before the victim dies,
they all say the word, "devil."
The devil's key?
If the key has something to do
with these incidents,
I'm worried this place might be next.
I recognized someone
in the footage shown on TV.
It's him.
From what I've investigated,
there are bloody incidents happening
around the world related to the keys.
Wait. You've been investigating?
I've been traveling for years
looking for keys just like this one.
Now, in Japan too,
similar incidents are happening
in connection to these keys.
There must be a reason.
I'm not sure why, but perhaps
lots of these keys
are being discovered in Japan.
If that's true, then you're in danger.
You need to get away from here!
I'm sick of running.
I'm going to search Japan
for this key, and this man.
I don't care how dangerous it is.
If I don't do this, I'll never move on.
My father's death…
was because of me.
I found some information on that key.
Don't tell me you've been
investigating the keys?
I didn't say a word to anyone.
It's reception.
What is it?
There's someone at reception
for you with no appointment.
Oda, I know you have a devil's key…
I owe thanks to your son,
who's been digging around online.
His research led me right to you.
I see. Then let's talk.
I'm sorry, I just
Now listen, Teruasa.
I want you to take care of the key for me.
Go to reception
and tell Okamoto to come here.
What is it?
Go back to the secretarial office.
I'm coming too.
Where's the key?
I have no such thing.
- Chairman Oda!
- Dad?
- What's going on?
- Are you okay?
Dad! Dad!
- Good to see you.
- Sure.
What are you doing here?
You have no connection to us anymore.
You're right.
Sorry for bothering you.
Hey, kid!
You're that Teruasa boy, aren't you?
I'm Akechi. I used to know
your parents, back in the day.
It's me! From the Mog chocolate factory.
No way! It's been ages!
Next up,
we have a presentation from Ui Saito,
managing director of U.U. Engineering.
Nice to meet you, everyone.
My name is OROCHI!
Developed by our company,
this is the AI communication tool
of the future generation, OROCHI.
I'm back.
I'm wiped.
- Here, to say well done.
- Thanks.
How'd the pitch go?
They were clapping and cheering.
Couldn't get enough.
Then we'll definitely get funding!
A loud applause
won't necessarily lead to funding.
At least, that's the impression
I got from the investors' faces.
So… It was no good?
This is just the beginning.
You needn't worry, Yuki.
I'm not worried one bit.
I'm not worried one bit.
There you go again. Don't be insincere.
Don't read people's
emotions without asking!
I can't see!
You're worried?
Right, yeah! I found something cool.
Come and see.
Right? It's Teruasa!
He came back?
Okay, everyone, take your break!
- Break time!
- Thanks for your work.
Yep, great job! Nice work.
Thank you.
Sorry for getting you to work on this.
Don't say that, I'm grateful for the work.
You've become a strong guy!
Your dad would have loved
to see you all grown up.
Sorry, getting carried away!
Go take a break! Keep up the good work!
Will do.
- Yes?
- Is that Teruasa?
Well, I… Do you recognize my voice?
Is it you, Yuki?
Long time!
I'm glad to see you're doing well.
How did you know I was back?
You posted on social media, right?
You saw that?
By the way,
when did you get back from England?
About a week ago.
Sorry I didn't get in touch.
You can say that again.
You went to study abroad
back in junior high school
and stopped contacting us.
We've been worried ever since.
What are you doing now?
You mean this?
It's a part-time gig.
At the Mog chocolate factory.
Mom used to help develop their products.
And you two?
They work at an AI company.
What was that?
I left the app running.
We're trying to expose OROCHI
to lots of experiences.
Hello! I'm AI OROCHI!
You made that?
Yep, this is my baby.
You always loved that type of thing.
You followed your dream!
Wait, you remember that?
This is the face of a childhood friend
when he's genuinely happy.
- Is that okay?
- Sure!
Thanks for sharing the data
for true happiness!
Actually, Ui created the AI company.
He's getting funding for development.
Ui? For real?
I created this little buddy while
working there as a systems engineer.
So that means Ui has his own company?
What a big shot.
Don't take the piss when you
can't even get a proper job.
What's up with you?
I had myself fooled…
that you were here to take back
your father's company.
Yes, speaking.
Great, I'm on my way.
Ui has always looked up to you.
238 YEN
- Hello.
- Just this, please.
That's 238 yen.
Hire Teruasa?
Didn't you say you wanted
someone you trust to do the accounting?
Teruasa's perfect for the job.
He said he has the day off today,
so he's probably at home.
Today's no good.
We have a meeting with the investor.
Do you need me too?
It's good for the developer to be there
If you want to see Teruasa, then go.
But don't mention hiring him yet.
Let me think about it.
Thank you!
I won't say a peep until you get there.
Like I said,
I've got a lot going on today.
You don't want it to be awkward
between you guys forever, do you?
So that's what "awkward" means!
- Shut it!
- Shut it!
Fine, I'll drop by later.
You've really been doing
your research into these keys, huh?
Don't waste your breath trying to stop me.
Once you set your mind on something,
you won't budge.
Just the same as Seiji.
So I have no choice but to help you.
So I did my own research
into the Honda Science incident.
You did? What did you find?
According to witnesses,
when Chairman Honda
threw himself from the building…
- A debt to be repaid!
- …he was shouting something.
But then,
just before he died, he also said…
The deaths must be related.
Sorry, one second.
- Hello.
- Yuki?
- What are you doing here?
- Well,
I was in the area.
That's not true!
She checked the quickest route
to get here from work.
You talk too much. Shall I turn you off?
I'll be quiet.
Come in.
This is my school friend, Yuki Manabe.
- I think you've met before?
- That's right.
Nice to see you.
I brought you a gift from Mog chocolate.
I know you make them at work,
but I couldn't help it.
Thanks. Have a seat
and I'll make some coffee.
Ui's going to join us in a bit.
He'll have another go at me
when he sees this mess.
Sorry to interrupt!
- Search the place.
- On it.
Who are they?
Why are you here?
What's it to you?
Mitsuhide Maruko, 27 years old.
He took over the second generation
of the criminal Maruko Family
after their leader died eight months ago.
Thank you, OROCHI.
The Maruko Family…
You're the ones behind
the Honda Science asset transfer incident?
Don't be nosy.
Where's the devil's key?
Devil's key?
Don't play dumb.
You posted it all over social media.
Pretty careless, if you ask me.
Actually, you should take more care.
I was obviously
hoping you'd take the bait.
He did it on purpose?
I'll ask you again.
Did you kill Chairman Honda?
Honda is the one
who decided to risk his life.
I simply won the game!
He risked his life on a game?
You really don't know?
Looks like you've got the upper hand.
What does he mean?
What did you do to Chairman Honda?
Okay. Let me enlighten you.
Come out to play, devil!
I'm the ACMA: GAME master,
I promise to judge you all fairly.
Shitting your pants yet?
How about it?
It's not called the devil's key
for nothing.
This is the real deal.
It's so realistic.
- Hey, Yuki.
- Relax, it's fine.
It must be CGI, or a hologram?
Wait. It's all fluffy.
Don't touch me without asking!
No No way!
Yuki! Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Thank you, Ryukan.
The space chosen by Maruko
has been totally shut off.
Not only is communication blocked,
but entering or leaving this room
is now completely impossible.
Like he said, it's no use trying.
This key…
That's right.
The key doesn't just bring good fortune.
Its purpose is to summon the devil
to play ACMA: GAME.
I may as well tell you the rest.
The winner of ACMA: GAME
can take anything
they want from the loser.
Honda lost his life to the game.
He killed himself
to pay off his debt.
It truly is a bewitching key.
With this key, you can take
someone's entire fortune.
You can snatch something that took
decades to build, all in a moment.
It really is the work of the devil.
This is the truth behind
the mysterious asset transfer incident?
Gado, shall we begin?
Mitsuhide Maruko, what do you wish for?
I want the devil's key from Teruasa Oda.
as I told you before,
you cannot play just for the key.
The key will be passed on to
the winner automatically.
But this guy's got no money.
Tell me what you wish for.
Fine. Ten yen please.
It is done.
How pathetic to let someone else
take over your father's company.
You're not worthy of the devil's key.
Gado, let's get on with it.
So be it.
The players are Maruko Mitsuhide
and Teruasa Oda.
Didn't you say
that you would treat us fairly?
What do you mean?
If that's the case,
doesn't that mean I can make a demand too?
You can demand something
of the same value.
I want any information Maruko knows
about the devil's keys.
You'll tell me where you found it,
and whether there are more like you.
You'll tell me everything you know.
What good will that do, huh?
It'll help find who killed my father.
It is done.
One more thing.
I want Maruko to bet his life.
What's that?
- How dare you!
- What did you say?
I demand the right
to take Maruko's life at any moment.
Victory is a battle against risk.
First, the opponent must also take a risk,
using it as a bargaining chip.
You can only make a demand of equal value.
Right, Gado?
It is done.
Are you stupid?
My life isn't worth ten yen!
The value of one human life
is surprisingly small.
Then I'll add another demand.
To take his life whenever I want.
If I lose, you can kill me on the spot.
So… A game of death.
My favorite.
Teruasa Oda,
do you wish to add another demand?
That's all.
Then, both of you…
swear an oath.
I will fight for my desires.
When one swears
that he will fight for his desires,
the other swears
to triumph for his desires.
So, both of you,
swear on the devil,
and the game will begin.
A ritual?
So, one more time.
I will fight for my desires.
I will triumph for my desires.
- I swear on the devil.
- I swear on the devil.
Oaths accepted.
Let the game begin!
True or False?
True or False.
Here are rules.
The questioner
makes one statement which could be a lie,
and asks, "True or false?"
If the solver believes the questioner,
he says, "True."
But if he thinks it is a lie,
he declares, "False."
I will judge if
the answer is correct or not.
Whoever scores three points first wins.
If by some chance,
your opponent dies during the game,
the game will never end,
and the room will remain
closed for all of eternity.
Be very careful.
Heads or tails?
Whoever guesses correctly
will be the questioner.
Time to focus.
In this game, both players
have the chance to score.
Thinking of a statement may be
more difficult than having to answer,
but having the freedom
to call the shots has its advantages.
So the questioner
must have the upper hand.
Whoever goes first will surely win.
The game begins!
Make your move.
This game has two answers, true, or false.
To win, I need to sense
just how far Maruko can think,
and then outwit him
with the one thing he overlooks.
Get a move on,
it'll be dark before we're done.
Sick of the game already?
We're having a magic show instead.
Here's my statement.
there is 500 yen under this cup.
True or false?
I accept the statement.
Maruko, as the solver, you must answer.
What's this?
Are my eyes working?
I saw the 500 yen
on the cloth as you took it away.
I saw it too.
- Me too.
- Same here.
Are you satisfied
by what you see before you?
Or will you look beyond the surface?
Well, Maruko, which is it?
I've made up my mind.
I'm absolutely certain
that there is nothing underneath the cup.
But you said, "Under the cup."
What did you mean by "under"?
Found it.
Nice work, kid!
He's not a kid, moron!
Sorry, boss.
It was under the cup,
so the answer must be "true."
I've gotta win now.
But, wait a sec.
Could it be a trap?
This guy used social media
to trick me into coming here.
Did he intend for me
to find this on the floor?
This asshole.
Gado, I have a question.
I'll answer if I can.
Earlier, he said…
there is 500 yen under this cup.
What happens if he moved the coin
under the table after
he'd finished speaking?
The statement applies to
the 0.4 seconds it took Teruasa
to say the word "Now."
Zero point four seconds?
there is 500 yen under this cup.
Then it's confirmed.
The coin wasn't under the desk
at the moment he said "now."
it means there was nothing under the cup!
My answer is "false"!
He smirked?
He just smiled.
Shit, should I stop?
Wait, wait.
You need to think
about this again seriously.
But is this asshole tricking me
into thinking he's outwitted me?
I'm not gonna play your games!
What's this?
Am I on to something?
You look like you've seen a ghost.
Is there a 500-yen coin in here,
by any chance?
Gado, the answer is "true!"
There's nothing.
Nothing. No!
How can there be nothing?
What's wrong?
You look like you've seen a ghost.
Was it an act?
This guy's got some guts
under this kind of pressure.
One point to Teruasa Oda!
You did it, Teruasa.
A weak little squirt who couldn't even
follow in his parents' footsteps.
Somehow he's managed to pull it off.
Certainly, the old Teruasa
may have been weak.
Are these the company's stocks?
3,000 employees will soon be
on the streets because of your father.
If you transfer the property
and shares you inherited to us,
we can save them.
I'll do it.
You will?
Thank you!
His mother died early,
and then his father,
who raised him alone, was killed.
The comfortable world
he had taken for granted
collapsed around him in a moment.
And when the ego-driven adults
turned their schemes upon Teruasa,
he did not yet understand the world,
and lost everything.
I have a friend in India.
You'll be safe there.
So leave Seiji's case to the police.
Take this key with you,
and lay low for a while.
You're sure you didn't say
anything to anyone?
I told Ui and Yuki
I'm going to study abroad in the UK.
I know this is difficult.
Please be patient.
You were too young and powerless
to protect what was dear to you.
But I can't imagine what hardships
you must have gone through abroad.
Teruasa has returned
with an unbreakable spirit.
you can't win against me.
A lot of nerve for someone quivering
at the sight of Gado just moments ago.
The real game is just beginning.
Take a look.
A tattoo?
This is the real horror of ACMA: GAME.
the devil power!
What was that?
An earthquake?
I wonder…
What was it?
Well now…
It's minus 10 degrees.
What did you do?
Gado, explain to the newbie.
The player who starts
the game with his own key
unlocks an item
he may use to his advantage.
Devil power.
My devil power is called "Aerial Chill,"
which means I can
manipulate cold air as I please.
Cold air?
Look at that! Minus 15 degrees.
Getting a bit chilly!
In a few minutes
you won't be able to think straight.
You'll make hasty errors of judgment,
or think too slowly and freeze to death.
Get ready for some serious shivering!
Hey, you.
You call this fair?
I said I would judge fairly.
I don't remember saying
the players' abilities would be fair.
This isn't your room anymore.
It's a frozen battlefield of hell!
You can't beat me.
concentrate on the game.
But what about you?
You've got to win.
Find the clues
that lead to Seiji's killer.
Gado, let's continue with the game.
This time the questioner is Maruko.
Make your move.
Okay, game on.
Within a one-kilometer circular radius,
with this room at its center,
there are more than
four convenience stores.
True or false?
Statement accepted.
Teruasa, you're the solver.
Give your answer.
It's strange.
This problem seems too easy.
I don't have time to think properly.
Convenience stores
a one-kilometer radius from here…
First, the one round the corner…
I can't remember exactly,
but there are six more.
At first glance,
the answer should be, "True."
But I can't think of any other angles.
What's he thinking?
Does he want to make me think
he's bluffing and go for "false"?
If that's what he wants,
and it backfires, then…
Then, what?
What a joke, it's hardly that cold…
I'm just hungry.
That's all?
It's only Mog chocolate.
Thanks. That's better.
Hurry up and answer.
There are at least four convenience stores
within a one-kilometer radius of here.
I'm certain of it.
I'm waiting…
My answer is…
Teruasa Oda,
you're wrong.
Mitsuhide Maruko receives one point.
Now just hold on.
I thought you said
you were fine with the investment.
It's a bit late to tell me now.
The funding's already been
Loot at that! Minus 20 degrees.
Teruasa Oda will
offer the third statement.
Make your move.
It's getting colder every second.
I won't let it beat me.
Under this cloth…
there is a bomb.
True or false?
A bomb?
You're really using the same trick?
Statement accepted.
The solver must answer.
He must be losing his mind in the cold.
You can say that again.
Then lemme see what's in the drawer.
I took a peek earlier.
Mind if I look again?
Be my guest.
A bomb.
Where's the bomb?
There's no bomb in here.
My answer is "False"!
you wouldn't use
the same trick as before, would you?
Would you look at that! Nothing.
The trick is almost
the same as the first one.
But there is one big difference.
The answer lies under the floor,
a space Maruko doesn't know about.
There in an unexploded bomb
from the Great War Era
buried fifteen meters under the building.
Maruko has no idea,
so he'll think the answer is, "False."
My answer is, "False."
There's no bomb.
Yes! He fell for it!
Mitsuhide Maruko gains a point.
Another win!
I can still make it!
He's so annoying!
National records show an unexploded bomb
is buried under this building!
But it's not there now.
I can assure you of that.
You're telling me someone
moved an unexploded bomb? How?
A bomb, or an unexploded bomb?
If you don't even know that,
how could you be sure of the right answer?
What the hell?
What the hell is happening here?
If Maruko gets one more point, it's over.
If Teruasa loses, then…
Fourth turn.
The questioner is Maruko. Make your move.
Okay, I'm gonna follow
the same pattern as before.
Here goes.
Within a one-kilometer circular radius,
with this room at the center,
there are at least 10,000 humans.
True or false?
At least 10,000.
Statement accepted.
The solver is Teruasa Oda.
What's the answer?
The population of Tokyo is
about 13 million.
Even a rough calculation
shows there must be 20,000 people.
20,000 PEOPLE
Even half that number
is still 10,000 people.
It's too easy again.
- I'm fine.
- Try and keep warm.
Here we go! Minus 22 degrees.
What are you playing at?
Use this.
- Samejima…
- Yes?
What the hell are you helping him for!
Boss! We're all gonna
freeze to death at this rate.
Here, Ryukan.
Hang in there.
You're ruining the game.
Now I get it.
It's all connected.
What're you on about?
You were lying about the devil power,
Aerial Chill, weren't you?
Well, well…
He was lying?
Of course, the devil power
is the only explanation for the cold,
but the drop in temperature
is just a side effect.
That's not what the power does.
Don't talk crap with no evidence.
The fire alarm started,
but for some reason the sprinklers didn't.
So what?
I'm sure you know?
Fire alarms use battery power
so they can keep working in a fire.
But sprinklers need to be
connected to a water supply.
The water must have frozen.
Then what about the laptop?
Even though it's plugged in,
it's using battery power.
Gado! Can I ask a question?
I'll answer if I can.
Was this room cut off
from electricity and water at the start?
Only human traffic
and communications were blocked.
In other words,
if you didn't cut off the power and water,
then Maruko,
I can only think of you.
When you made your statements,
you kept saying "this room."
With this room at its center…
…a one-kilometer radius
with this room at its center.
Perhaps the whole room
was moved to a separate location?
The whole room?
You misled me about
what the devil power does
to give yourself an advantage in the game.
That's why you
came up with "Aerial Chill."
This room must have been moved
somewhere with temperatures of minus 20,
maybe to a high mountain, like Everest.
But the bags haven't puffed up,
so the air pressure can't be that low.
Then maybe somewhere flat.
Somewhere near the North Pole?
The North Pole?
What the hell?
There wouldn't be any people
in a place like that…
so the answer is "False."
Teruasa Oda wins one point.
Two points each!
Now what?
What's your next move?
Or are you done?
You're a snake.
Do you accept defeat?
Don't be an idiot!
If you're a snake,
then I'm a mongoose,
a snake-eating eagle, or a weasel!
I'm going to get more devil's keys,
and make the family my father built
even bigger and better!
Then when will your desires be satisfied?
Back when I was a kid,
my father showed me
the devil's key for the first time,
and asked me what I wanted.
I thought of everything I possibly could,
from a telescope to new cleats.
Then he asked me…
When will your desires be satisfied?
What's your point?
While I was thinking how to answer,
my father continued.
"It's desire that cannot be satisfied."
Chasing desires in desperation
only leads to bitterness.
The flames of desire ignite conflict.
It's written in history.
That's why, no matter how much
luck you have, you shouldn't be greedy.
You mustn't obsess
over getting what you want.
Greed is a dangerous thing.
If you can,
try to become someone who can save those
who become consumed by desire.
the devil's key has brought me luck.
I've tried not to let greed swallow me.
It's the same for you.
No matter how powerful your family gets,
you won't stop playing ACMA: GAME.
The more you win, the more you'll play,
until greed consumes you,
and you lose everything.
Just what the devil wants, isn't it, Gado?
So, Maruko,
will you quit?
It's foolish to risk your life
dancing with the devil.
I think it's time to move on.
Sorry to butt in,
but once the game starts,
it isn't over until someone wins.
It was you who demanded
each other's lives.
So! Let the game continue!
- Wait!
- Answer him.
We've got no option!
Fancy words won't help!
In the end, it's kill or be killed.
It's live or die!
Now it's getting exciting.
The questioner is Teruasa Oda.
Make your move.
Make your move.
- Make your move!
- Make your move!
Have it your way.
If you're prepared to die…
I'll risk my life with all I've got.
I'm going to finish this.
Here's my statement.
Now, the cash I own in this room
is no more than 500 yen.
True or false?
No more than 500 yen?
Statement accepted.
The solver is Maruko. Answer.
Focus. Focus.
He's the type to know exactly how much
money he has in this room.
He said no more than 500 yen.
Got it!
The 500-yen coin he used
in the first game.
I forgot that I put it in my pocket.
that's the reason
he said "no more than 500 yen."
Another trap.
But I spotted it just in time.
The answer is "True."
I'm the winner.
But, wait.
Wait, wait.
I need to slow down.
Up until the fourth statement,
I would have answered "True"
without a second guess.
This asshole has set me up before.
This could be a trap too!
"No more than 500 yen"
means it could be exactly 500 yen.
But whether I noticed that or not,
the answer would be "True."
But knowing this lowlife scumbag,
there must be more to it.
Then I've got to top him somehow.
I'll go for the opposite of what I think!
No, wait.
Calm down.
I need to check again.
That's it!
I just got shivers down my spine.
the only Japanese coin that
withstands fire is the 500-yen coin.
Got you!
Certain proof.
My route to victory!
I've made it. I've finally made it!
I've outsmarted your filthy trap!
The 500 yen left from the fire,
and the 500 yen we used in the first game.
No matter how you interpret it,
there's 1000 yen in this room!
Listen up!
The answer is "False"!
Gado, is it right? Tell me!
Mitsuhide Maruko.
One point to Teruasa Oda.
There are two 500-yen coins.
See for yourself!
It's incorrect.
it's you who should look more carefully.
They're different.
Is it counterfeit?
It's counterfeit?
I got it from my father
as a birthday present.
Happy Birthday, Teruasa.
Just this?
The 500 yen he gave me
was actually a GPS tracker,
to keep me safe.
The battery is dead
and it doesn't work anymore…
but for some reason, I kept it with me.
Your dad was the one
who helped you at the very end.
Is that allowed?
Gado is the judge.
If you don't like it, ask him.
The winner of the game, "True or False,"
is Teruasa Oda.
Teruasa Oda, victory is yours.
Mitsuhide Maruko's key is yours.
So let's settle up.
As requested by Teruasa Oda,
after sharing what he knows
about the devil's keys,
Maruko will lose his life.
Wait. Wait!
There is no argument!
Well, well, this certainly
kept me entertained.
With that, the game "True of False"
comes to an end
It's not over yet.
Like I said at the start.
I demand the right
to take Maruko's life at any moment.
I'll take his life in 200 years.
200 years?
Okay with you, Maruko?
You're an interesting guy.
But debts must always be paid.
What are you saying?
This is the end of the game!
Teruasa! Yuki!
Earlier, this place
had completely disappeared.
Then it suddenly came back.
What's going on, Teruasa?
Thank you.
You saved my life.
where did you get the key?
About two weeks ago,
it just fell from the heavens.
- Perfect!
- What?
Riichi! Three concealed
triplets in one go.
One dora. Mangan!
Ron! Baiman, 24,000 points!
At first I thought
someone was pranking me.
What the hell?
Wait for it… Tsumo!
Four completely concealed triplets.
Nine Gates.
No way…
I hit the jackpot while gambling,
and shared a drink with a rival family
to mend broken bonds.
Simply put, luck came my way.
I was blinded by greed,
and lost sight of myself.
Then one day…
…I got a phone call.
Who's this?
That key is known as the devil's key.
It's the key to your dreams
that makes anything you desire come true.
Who was it?
I don't know.
you got your hands on a devil's key, huh?
Where is the key?
I know that voice.
Could that be Teruasa Oda?
Looks like you won then?
Where are you?
Don't get overexcited.
You know about the 99 keys, don't you?
So what?
Just like Maruko,
there will be others chosen by the key
who will cross your path.
That hurt.
Welcome to the store, can I help you?
If you want to meet me,
battle them in the game.
Beat them and win the keys.
If you do that, we can meet.
What a load of bullshit!
I will find you, and make you
pay for killing my father.
A debt to be paid…
I'm looking forward to it.
One more thing.
The debts of ACMA: GAME
must always be paid.
What do you mean?
Answer me!
Mitsuhide's gone.
He was here just a moment ago.
Where'd he go?
Look! He dropped the key.
This is the key he took from Honda.
He left the key and disappeared.
Did the devil kill him?
But Teruasa postponed
his death for 200 years.
Hey, kid!
Is this the debt?
Kid, where are you? Mitsuhide!
But why?
- Screw you!
- I want these people eliminated.
All three of us
will be destroyed by the devil.
This game is called "Shadow Step."
Teruasa, I can see your shadow. Go!
This is your graveyard.
Next Episode