Actress (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

No Reason

- Uh, I really want to thank you again.
I mean, if it wasn't for you--
When my battery died, I thought
I would probably spend the night here.
By the way, my friend had
no bad intentions in this.
Of course, when he had an emergency,
he took the car away.
Then when he brought it back,
he didn't realize that the tank was empty.
- Boom, I found myself stranded.
These things happen. That's life.
- Yes, exactly.
- They can happen to anyone.
Anyway, when bad things happen,
they generally happen all at once. Right?
- Yes.
- I mean, you run out of gas
and your battery runs out.
- I'm Murphy!
- Yes.
You ran out of gas
in a really bad place.
I mean, because
it's usually deserted around here.
- The fact that I was passing by--
- Complete luck.
- Yes, well
- Uh-huh.
perhaps you could say it was my luck.
- Right?
Could be.
I hope you don't mind-- Can I just say--
Please, feel free to speak openly.
Ah, you really look like,
you know, that girl.
- Ah, I understand. Yes, I hear that a lot.
- Really?
Ah, so sorry to interrupt you.
Let's turn here.
- Here?
- Yes.
Ms. Yasemin!
Congratulations on your new film!
Who's your designer?
Ms. Yasemin, you are very chic!
- Congratulations on your film, ma'am.
- Can we talk?
Don't get close.
I can barely stand up.
- Ms. Yasemin, please!
- Can we get a photo?
Ms. Yasemin,
can you please look this way?
Thank you. Amazing!
Ms. Yasemin, let me ask you
about the news on Mr. Korhan.
- Have you two become closer?
-Dear friends,
we have already explained this.
And if something like that happens,
you'll be the first to know. So--
Be careful. You'll fall. Please.
Well, thank you very much, really.
I think we made a very good movie.
It's very cold right now.
I'm really thinking of you.
Uh, thank you for coming.
You're worth it, Ms. Yasemin.
Can we say there's love in the air?
Look after yourselves. Thank you.
In the early hours of this morning,
an exploded vehicle
and a burnt body were found
in a deserted area near Taşlıtepe Forest.
Although the autopsy results
are not yet available,
it is believed that the vehicle
and the body belong to Cetin Rahmi,
the owner of the Private Vina Schools.
Cetin Rahmi was involved in a child abuse
scandal at his school in recent months
and his trial continued without an arrest.
Of course, the question
of the possibility of foul play is raised.
Is the same person at work again?
Although police officials refrain
from emphasizing serial murder,
social media wholeheartedly believes
that's what's occurring.
Nicknamed Hunter,
the person is a ruthless killer to some,
and a hero to others.
Celo - King hunter continues
to dish out justice #hunter
Ilayda - Open an account
and let's share jobs via DM!
Melike Soyser - You'll cry,
calling him hunter #hunter
Yigit Metehan
How do we reach hunter?
Iremmcim - Praising a serial killer
is the last thing we should do!
Yunus Arka
I don't give a shit
Fuck off and commit murder then!
- What do you want from me?
Fuck off.
Get the fuck out of here.
- Ya-- Yasemin!
- Yasemin?
- Come in!
We're going to be late.
Mr. Rafet is waiting.
- Taner?
- What?
There was this song. What was it?
It was something like this.
The words were
about complaining about a crime.
I don't know, Yasemin.
We are going to be late.
It's going to be rude of us.
You know I don't like Rafet. Why are you
setting up a meeting without asking me?
Because he's got
a really good role for you.
What's the story?
Uh, a woman, uh,
discovers her femininity and superpowers.
It will be on a digital platform.
Plus there won't be any surprises
in the script.
They've really looked at the story
from a different angle.
Come on.
You get dressed and I'll wait outside.
Yasemin, hurry up. Let's get going.
Is this funny?
Yasemin, let's not keep the man waiting.
Come on,
I'm being polite and asking you nicely.
Calm down.
Take it easy.
We're not keeping anyone waiting.
I'm coming. Calm down.
Calm down.
What's this?
Should they also
shine a light in the sky like Batman
when they are in trouble?
Am I the guardian of Istanbul?
Why have they gone with Hunter?
Hunter. I've never heard
a shittier name in my life. Hunter.
- And you should let me go too.
- It's always the same conversation.
Because you're a hypocrite, Ahmet.
Admit it.
Hypocrite. Look who's talking.
I am providing what is asked of me,
but you are causing harm.
The world is the way it is
because of people like you.
- Who are you talking about?
- You lot.
- Who are we?
- You lot, the politically correct.
To you, killing a cockroach is heroic,
but killing a butterfly is satanic.
Even your morality
has aesthetic standards.
- Are you trying to peddle Nietzsche to me?
- No.
No, I'm saying
we can judge the butterflies too!
Butterflies. Bad butterflies,
very bad butterflies.
Have you finished? Can we go now?
Ah, come on.
- Enjoy your food.
Okay, who do we have?
Bahadır Nevi. He's a writer.
What has he done?
Didn't dot the I's and cross the T's?
I thought it was funny.
He did this to his girlfriend.
Is that enough?
I'm looking into his routine.
We need to wait a little longer.
Are you going to eat--
I asked you at the beginning
if you wanted to eat anything.
- Come on. Let's not keep him waiting.
You've managed
to remain patient, have you?
- If we're going, I'll come in.
- Let's go!
Thank you.
Where were you again
before the gala yesterday?
You missed, like, 50 interviews.
Producers, PR guys--
They can't say anything to you.
They came and nagged me.
What's going on, Yasemin?
Disappearing, not answering your phone.
"Find a friend," I say. Nope.
A lover? No to that too.
"Come, let's hang out," I say,
"Let's be social." No to that too.
You found a tiny little café, and you're
always there. I just don't understand.
Yasemin. Who am I talking to?
Aren't you going to say anything?
What you're saying is so valuable.
- Coffee?
- Thank you, but no.
You'll grab the coffee quickly, won't you?
We won't have to wait?
You know I hate chewing gum, don't you?
I'm making the coffee!
The car is waiting.
Will you play with me, Yasemin?
Why can't I--
Ugh. Fuck.
Excuse me?
- Who are you?
- Who are you?
I asked first.
Oh, God. Fuck.
Leave it. Get away from my counter.
Didem doesn't usually hire friends
as polite as you.
She didn't. I took over the place.
Huh. She was saying
she might not let the place go.
I was out of town for a while. Sorry.
Good. Well, now you know.
Ah, you really are quite rude.
Dear sister, do you have an order?
"Dear sister."
Americano, no milk.
If you could be a bit quicker,
that'd be great.
The car is waiting for me at the door.
You should have gone
to the ready-made coffee place.
That was funny.
- Huseyin.
- Huseyin.
Here you go. And that's the tip.
If you say so, Huseyin.
Why are you hiding the real Yasemin?
- Who's that?
- I don't know him.
What did he say?
Oh, I don't know.
Someone winding me up again.
- Have they changed the coffee?
- What?
- The coffee, has it changed?
- What are you saying?
- Your beloved café,
- has it changed the coffee it uses?
- It has.
Do you feel better?
Look at me.
Wh-- Why don't you like Mr. Rafet?
He smells like sweat.
I'm going to visit Aysem. Behave yourself.
Mr. Rafet, look. If you give me
a chance, I can pull this role off.
- I won't make you regret it.
- This role is a big role.
I can do it! I've practiced. I really can.
I mean, not even if you sleep with me.
Got it?
That's why-- Oh, my Yasemin has arrived.
Rafet, I've played so many big roles,
but I don't remember sleeping with anyone.
You-- Did you hear that on your way in?
- No, we were just joking around.
This is very important.
The woman's calling. I have to take this.
Okay, we're done with you.
It's a deal. You can leave.
Yasemin, I'll be right back. Have a seat.
- What did you get so angry about?
- His rejection.
What else would I get angry about?
If he'd said yes,
would you have slept with him?
I don't know.
He smells really bad.
I'm here. I'm back. Eh?
Are you still here? Come on, off you go.
Yasemin, sit.
What would you like to drink?
I don't want to waste my time.
And you know I don't like you very much.
Well, I read the script. I didn't feel it.
I didn't see myself in the role.
That's what I came to say. Thank you.
And for God's sake,
solve this sweat problem.
Sweat! It's just sweat!
I don't know, go get Botox.
I'll get you the number of a doctor.
I mean, what century are we in?
I mean, it's just sweat. It's just sweat!
It shouldn't be this hard.
You have all that money.
It can't be this hard
to solve a sweat problem.
People have gone into space.
It's just sweat!
What's space got to do with Botox
and sweat? I don't understand.
Shall we drop you off somewhere?
- Okay.
- Yasemin.
Yasemin, can you look at me?
Yasemin. Yasemin.
I left you alone for five minutes
and you told him he stinks of sweat?
Do you have a manager?
And you gave him advice!
What do you mean, "Get Botox?"
Nice. Now you do.
Would you rather paraglide
with Ben Affleck or Jennifer Lopez?
- I'd like to do it with Jennifer Lopez.
Have you paraglided?
It's an unbelievable feeling
when you jump off the top.
Who would you choose,
Jennifer Lopez or Salih Bademci?
- Of course Salih! He's a close friend.
- You must really love him
- as you made your choice with this photo.
- I really do.
- So,
would you choose
Salih Bademci or Tom Hardy?
Ah! It's so hard.
- Uh, I want to sing a song.
I've been trying to find it.
The lyrics were
something like a criminal complaint.
I remember it had something
to do with animals or something.
- What are you saying, madam?
- Criminal complaint.
With a team like this,
with a huge cast like this--
And I've always believed
in destiny, really.
Children are our future, you know.
If it's already in my fate and destiny--
To feel that family warmth
on the set is very--
I'm bored, very bored,
bored with myself.
Is it over?
It's over.
It's over, yes. Please.
Then let me ask the one question
everyone is thinking about.
Why are you doing this?
- Because I can.
Are you killing people
just because you can?
- Yes.
Why does everybody want to establish
a cause-and-effect relationship
and be content with it?
Don't you find it sickening?
Society wants us to come to terms with it
by giving nicely packaged
plausible reasons.
Right or wrong, as long as
there's a reason. But there isn't.
We have to accept this.
Sometimes what has happened has happened
and there is no reason.
The people you choose
are interesting though.
I mean, you seem to be targeting evil.
That's all Ahmet's territory.
So you are not interested
in getting justice?
And Ahmet? Why is he helping you?
He was my neighbor in my old house.
I wasn't even an actress then.
There was a deathly pale man
with a gun in his waistband
wandering around in that apartment.
So I got curious.
I went and asked some neighbors about him.
I wanted to know his story.
He was an ex-soldier.
His wife and children had died.
-Of course, I became even more curious.
One day I knocked on his door,
and Ahmet answered.
He was about to commit suicide.
I don't think so.
He said it like that to dramatize it
completely. He loves drama.
We talked and talked and talked.
He didn't commit suicide that day.
I went back a couple more times
that week and he didn't commit suicide.
It felt good to talk to me.
I did someone a favor for the first time
in my life, even if I didn't mean to.
Then one day
the shit hit the fan at my house.
Everything went wrong.
He helped me.
He never left my side after that.
What a sweet story.
What is your star sign?
- Cancer.
- What were you like as a child?
- Who's the young one?
- My sister.
Where is she now?
She died.
- Did you kill her?
- Not on purpose.
- Fire! Fire!
- Yasemin.
Take Ms. Yasemin. Take Ms. Yasemin.
You called?
-Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
Why did you leave early?
I had an emergency on the other side
that I had to take care of.
That's why I couldn't stay.
Why did the fire start?
I don't know. They are looking into it.
Are you okay?
I said I'm fine.
Okay, see you later.
Where were you?
- I had something to take care of.
- Isn't your job to protect me?
Are you paying me?
What's with everyone's complacency?
If I die, you'll watch it on the news.
- What happened. Were you scared?
- Yeah, terrified.
What's that there?
What started the fire?
An electrical fault.
I thought I saw Mazhar in the studio.
Didn't you burn him?
I burned him, uh-huh.
I really burned him.
I burned him a lot.
- Hey!
- Yasemin, come on, go eat your avocado.
- Do we still need to wait for this writer?
- His house is very secure.
Lots of cameras and stuff.
We'd be in trouble.
So, what are we going to do?
There's a place under the stairs
in the small market where he hangs out.
It's a massage parlor.
One of those happy-endings places.
No cameras or anything.
We'll do it there. Tomorrow night.
Come on, get up.
Let's go out and have some fun.
- I'm sleepy.
- Come on. We can get something to drink.
- I'm sleepy.
- Come on! Hey! Come on!
- Try somewhere else.
There are many unrecognized
species in the deep blue. Their numbers
Somewhere else?
We are closed, Huseyin.
No, you're open. Look.
Do you really not know me?
Do I need to know you?
Where did you show up from?
Why were you sent there?
Did you kill someone?
You killed someone.
- Who did you kill?
If you're bored, leave.
I'll close up this place.
Didem would have left it to me.
- I won't.
- I won't.
- Are you impersonating me?
- Are you impersonating me?
- Is this a joke?
- Is this a joke?
- Are you a child?
- Are you a child?
- Are you seeking attention?
- Are you seeking attention?
- Yeah, you're pretending to be crazy.
- Yeah, you're pretending to be crazy.
- Oh, for fuck's sake.
- Oh, for fuck's sake.
- We get it, for fuck's sake.
- We get it, for fuck's sake.
We're closed, Huseyin.
- Moving on.
- Yes.
- I think we can find it.
- Let's try.
Something like a criminal complaint.
I remember it had something to do
with an animal or something.
- What are you saying?
- Criminal complaint.
- Complaint, with an animal.
- Uh--
Tonight With Ibrahim Selim
Yasemin Derin
We're together now Yasemin!
Until death do us part
Huh. Did you come to clean?
Yes. Yontem's firm sent me.
Equipment is upstairs. The keys are here.
You're beautiful.
Come see me when you're done.
Oh, Mr. Bahadır, welcome. Please come in.
Hey, sister,
I wouldn't go in there.
Another lady just went in.
Oh, wow, that's great. Whoever takes
the son of a bitch can have him.
You must be new, I guess.
I came just for you.
Hey, you really look like--
Ah, yeah. I hear that a lot.
Right, why don't you sit there?
I'll come in a minute.
You told me to come and see you.
This one is on me!
Ha By the way,
the song you were looking for
They stole my cat
They stole my cat ♪
They stole my cat
They stole my cat ♪
They put it in a box
They put it in a box ♪
They put it in a box
They put it in a box ♪
They stole my cat
They stole my cat ♪
They stole my cat
They stole my cat ♪
They put it in a box
They put it in a box ♪
They put it in a box
They put it in a box ♪
The cats on the street ♪
They brought them all ♪
I couldn't love or caress them ♪
I couldn't even give them food
Because I lost my cat ♪
Since then I'm always sad ♪
You broke into my house too ♪
Oh, dishonest thieves! ♪
Don't you have any conscience
Honor, dignity, pride? ♪
Didn't you think
What this man would do? ♪
Have I done so much wrong? ♪
What was my crime? ♪
Like a Rijogso
They shot me in the back ♪
Like a castle on a mountain
They left me alone ♪
Loving animals is not a crime ♪
Just don't be selfish ♪
They stole my cat, they stole it
They put it in a box ♪
They stole my cat
And they got rich again ♪
Again, again, again, again ♪
Again, again, again, again, again ♪
They stole my cat, they stole my cat ♪
They stole my cat, they stole my cat ♪
They put it in a box
They put it in a box ♪
They put it in a box
They put it in a box ♪
They stole my cat, they stole my cat ♪
They stole my cat, they stole my cat ♪
They put it in a box
They put it in a box ♪
They put it in a box
They put it in a box ♪
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