All That Glitters (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

I've been thinking.
How did I get to the point of no return?
How did I get here?
Have I really done wrong?
How I wish that
we could be like before.
We made a pact to get rich together.
The three of us have done it.
I've always kept our brotherhood
close to my heart.
Is this what brotherhood means to you?
I know that I broke your heart,
I'm sorry.
Have you ever loved me?
I still go back to what we were before?
I asked for strong kopi-o.
This is strong kopi-o.
Strong kopi-o has no water added.
This is strong kopi-o.
Strong kopi-o has no water added.
Grandma, I bought
your favorite vegetarian bee hoon.
Enjoy. I ordered more side dishes.
There's also your favorite strong kopi-o.
That coffee stall guy makes my blood boil.
He was half-hearted about it.
I said strong kopi-o.
But he still added water to it.
Xiaomei's coffee would be so different.
I bet you miss Xiaomei's coffee.
But many things have changed.
We can't undo things and turn back.
You've come to accept it, right?
You said that everything would change.
The taste of coffee would change,
people would change.
We should not be calculating. Let go.
But Liu Mu says
there are some things we cannot let go.
Grandma, what you said
made a lot of sense.
But Liu Mu also makes a lot of sense.
I trust Liu Mu and you the most.
I listened to you when you were alive.
Now that you're gone,
I listen to Liu Mu.
Liu Mu says we need to do something.
We're never coming back after that.
All my life, I only have you and Jintiao!
I wish we could stay
good brothers forever.
What have you done to Jiahui?!
Don't worry, Grandma.
I won't hurt others,
but I will defend myself if I have to.
Wherever I go,
there you will be too.
I'm taking Xiao-jie to school.
Say bye to Daddy.
Pay attention in class.
I'll do some grocery shopping too.
Let's go to school.
Belt up.
Sit down.
I'm having my breakfast.
Join me?
Sit down.
I remember that you love
kopi with lots of condensed milk.
Let me go get it.
Sit down.
Liu Mu.
I know you are livid.
I bet you want to shoot me dead.
But if you kill me now,
you'll have to pay with your life.
It's not worth it.
Put the gun away.
We were best buddies.
Surely we can talk things over?
I actually made it back alive.
You must be shocked?
I had two questions for you back then.
You've not given me an answer.
What were the questions?
Do you remember now?
I don't know what you're referring to.
What happened to Zhenting
had nothing to do with me.
You knew that Richard Mo
had always liked Zhenting.
Zhenting was seeing Arthur Thng
behind his back.
Richard got so mad when he found out
I saw him push Arthur Thng
down the stairs.
Zhenting wanted to call the police.
So you pushed her down the stairs.
She bit your hand to fend you off.
You then let out a cry, right?
It wasn't me!
It was you!
It was you.
Your eyes betrayed you.
Your tone betrayed you.
We were brothers for years.
Surely I'd know you better?
Don't doubt me
if you call me your brother!
Tell me. Did you kill Jiahui?
Liu Mu.
You only care about your games.
You didn't pack the book for school.
Hurry up. We're running late.
What did he forget to bring along?
His workbook.
Who is he?
An old friend.
You'd better help
or he'll be late for school.
Found it?
Why are you looking flustered?
What have you done to my wife and son?
I asked you two questions earlier.
You haven't answered me.
I have. It wasn't me.
Let me ask you one more time.
Did you push Zhenting down the stairs?
Why must you make me talk?
Or is it a no?
But it was an accident!
I didn't mean it.
It was an accident, get it?!
An accident!
What about Jiahui?
Did you kill her?
Bro Jianzhi, you must believe me.
What happened?
-Let's go.
Thank you. Next.
Thank you.
Next. Your order, please.
One teh.
Sis! That's boiling hot.
Trying to kill me?
Serves you right.
I wanted to see if you were alert enough.
Leave your sis alone.
She may just scald you badly.
Did someone take advantage of Sis?
Fatso Qing touched your sis's hand
on the pretext of helping your sis.
-That rascal.
-Where are you going?
My sis got bullied.
I have to do something.
What did Mom just say to you?
Your sis spilled hot water on him.
His arm is covered in blisters,
so his stall is closed for the day.
He'll get it from me tomorrow.
Let me help you, Mom.
-Have you eaten?
-Not yet.
Help yourself to the toast.
-Mom, let him help.
Nah, he'll be a hindrance to us.
Besides, he has to
leave for work after this.
No hurry. I woke up earlier today
to attend to Your Majesty.
All right. You'll toast the bread.
Yes, Your Majesty.
We've got a case. Come back now.
Mum, I've just received a decree.
I can't help you today.
-Got to go, bye.
-All right. Wait
Take a slice of cake with you.
Thanks, Mom.
-Be careful
This is Roy Teo.
Deputy Head of the Special
Investigation Section from CID.
The neighbors heard
a few deafening sounds.
They sounded like popping sounds.
The main door had been left open
when we got here.
When we entered the house,
a man was seen lying face up on the floor.
He was no longer breathing.
We found three persons tied up
in a bedroom upstairs.
They were the wife, their son
and domestic helper.
How are they?
They are in shock,
but no visible injuries.
They are giving statements.
The two of you will check upstairs.
Weihao, you'll check over there.
Weihao, get the coroner here.
-What is it?
-Er, nothing.
Get the coroner here.
Whoa So a real gun is pretty heavy.
It's different from what we see in movies.
Did that horrid Jianzhi wet his pants
when he saw you?
He is
Who is dead?
Jianzhi is dead.
You killed Jianzhi?
The few gunshots I heard just now
were fired at him?
I didn't think you meant it
when you said you wanted him dead.
You killed him for real?
Liu Mu.
There's no going back
if you kill a person.
The murder case will be published
on news channels and newspapers.
What do we do now?
What do we do now?
Liu Mu.
Take this money.
Why? I'm poor at managing finances.
My grandma would tell me
to let her keep my money safe.
Now that she's gone
You take the money.
-It'll be in your safekeeping
-Take it!
I'm wanted for murder now.
Don't stick to me.
No I must stick to you.
That's what friends are for.
We share the good and bad times.
We'll go to prison together.
Do you want us to die together?
I'm a wanted man now.
I may die anytime.
Keep the money.
If the police question you,
tell them that you know nothing.
We'll die together.
We'll die together.
Don't be afraid.
You'll be fine.
You you'll be fine.
The deceased is He Jianzhi,
Deputy CEO of a company.
According to his wife,
she took their son to school
at around 7:30 a.m.
Her son had left a workbook at home,
so they returned to get it.
When she got into the house,
she saw a man wearing a cap
with his back facing her.
So she didn't see his face.
Sir, the neighbor's maid was
washing the family car this morning
when she noticed
a motorbike parked outside.
A man was also hanging around the bike.
She found his behavior strange.
Then she saw a man in a cap
leaving this house.
Both of them left on the bike.
Contact Command Center.
Review footage from
the surveillance cameras in the estate.
Look out for a bike with a pillion rider.
Not forgetting roads leading
towards the Tuas Checkpoint
and the airport.
Ke kanan pusing!
Kanan means right
I know. Kiri means left
and kanan means right.
Silly boy.
Which is your left
and which is your right?
Left, right.
-This is your left?
It's your right! Left.
Right. Left. Right.
Silly boy.
Granny Thunder.
Putting your grandson
through his paces again?
He can't tell left from right.
If I don't teach him now,
he'll suffer when he does his NS.
He's still young.
Be patient.
I'll get going. Bye.
You still get it wrong. No food for you.
I'm hungry.
Get it right before you can eat.
Granny Thunder.
Who is it?
Who called me a dumbo?
Big Dumbo.
Who is it? Who called me Big Dumbo?
Look in all directions.
Front, back, left, right.
-Up and down.
You Come down.
Why should I?
Come down and say sorry to me.
Why say sorry to you?
Because you called me
a dumbo and a big dumbo.
I merely said "Dumbo" and "Big Dumbo,"
I wasn't calling you names.
I'm the only other person here.
You said "Dumbo" and "Big Dumbo."
That means you were calling me names.
Then are you a dumbo or a big dumbo?
Of course not.
Since you are neither,
then I wasn't talking about you.
If it bothers you so much,
you're admitting that
you are a dumbo and a big dumbo.
So, have you decided?
Yes I have.
-Stop running!
-The left side.
Stop running.
Stop running.
Stop running.
Kiri Kanan, let's check it out.
This is going to be fun. Let's go.
Why should I do as you say?
You're going nowhere.
Stop beating my dad
Get lost!
Dad, save me!
Save me, Dad
Dad, save me.
Dad save me.
Save me, Dad!
He ran away. What a lousy dad.
Yes, he's lousy.
Kiri Kanan, when you see injustice
you lend a helping hand.
-Go on!
How dare you hit me.
Watch me!
Let's run!
Guess we got into a fight for a reason.
Let's be friends?
-How about you?
I'm Lin Musen.
But you can call me Liu Mu.
When you tear apart "Lin Mu Sen,"
you get six of the Mu radical
I am Huang Jintiao.
But I don't have
a single gold bar/jintiao.
I am He Jianzhi.
Let's hang out together from now on.
No one can bully us.
Let's go.
Liu Mu.
Are we really going to
go across the border?
Can we make it there?
You killed a man.
Only you know about it.
The Singapore police are competent.
They'll find out in no time.
Not so fast.
We can still make it there.
But I can't say for sure
if we are delayed.
Step on it.
Auntie, this is cheaper
at the opposite store.
Are you driving my customers away?
Where the hell did you go?
You were supposed to collect cardboard.
The granny has taken it all.
She didn't steal it from me
I let her have it.
How generous of you!
You let the granny have it, eh?
Just dock my allowance.
So you have money?
Where's the money? Pay me!
I have money. All my money is
with my uncle.
My parents' money is
with my uncle for safekeeping.
We feed and clothe you.
We also have to put you through school.
That small sum of money is peanuts.
How dare you ask me for money?
I'll get a lawyer to sue you.
My God!
Sue me?! How dare you!
Your parents left behind a pittance.
It's not even enough.
My parents left behind a big sum of money.
It's not a pittance.
It'll all be mine when I grow up.
Correct, Uncle?
Why is a child asking such questions?
You should listen to your aunt.
She's strict with you lest you go astray.
She's not guiding me but abusing me.
How dare you talk back to me!
Let me give you a good spanking.
I need help with a Math problem.
I need Bro Musen's help.
Why are you so stupid?
You always need help.
I'm not stupid.
Bro is more stupid than me.
Says who?! Your brother isn't stupid,
he is just lazy.
Brother also needs Bro Musen's help.
Let Musen help Congming.
He's taking his PSLE this year.
Misbehave again and I'll throw you out.
Thank goodness you got there in time.
Or I'd have gotten badly beaten.
Sorry, Bro Musen.
Your mom, not you, hit me.
Why are you saying sorry?
I'm saying sorry on my mom's behalf.
Silly girl. We answer for our own actions.
Your mom hits me.
That's between her and me.
When I want my revenge one day,
I'll go after her, not you.
No, don't get back at my mom.
All right. For your sake,
I won't go after your mom.
Come here.
This and this and this add up to how much?
Bro, Bro Musen is helping me now.
He also has his homework to do.
Mommy says he'll starve to death
without our family.
He should work for us.
I'm sorry, Bro Musen.
It's okay. Watch me.
Bro Musen.
One should answer
for one's actions, get it?
Bro Musen, you're so smart
I'm sure you'll be a somebody
when you grow up.
How come there's no music now?
Forget about the music.
No It'll be our turn soon.
Steady yourself.
I'm calm, but I'd be more calm
if there was music playing.
Why must it break down now?
Don't you love singing?
Sing now.
A little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
Maybe I will perch on a branch one day
But become the target of hunters
What do we have here?
Sir, we found some burnt clothing items.
We also found burnt remnants of a bike.
Contact Command Center. Request divers.
Those who know my name
How are you doing?
It's a small world
We're destined to have no way of escape
Ng Kim Tiao.
Bro Musen, go.
Rascal, stay right there.
-Oh, God.
What are you doing?
Bro Musen is not the thief.
He is! The bird's nest and shark's fin
in our store are gone.
He's been wronged.
Come again.
By wronging and driving Bro Musen away,
you can pocket his parents' money.
How dare you?!
See if I don't give it to you.
Don't you run away.
Bro Musen, help.
Bro Musen help.
Bro Musen, help!
Bro Musen, help
-Bro Musen, help
Bro Musen
-Bro Musen, help.
What happened?
Someone wants to kill me.
Save me, Bro Musen.
Who? Who wants to kill you?
I'm scared.
He Jianzhi.
What are you doing?
Let her go.
Let her go.
Bro Musen.
Bro Musen.
Bro Musen.
Is this all real?
Did I really kill someone?
Or was it all a dream?
If you call yourself my brother,
why can't you put yourself in my shoes?
I killed him.
I killed Jianzhi with my own hands.
I killed Jianzhi.
How did I end up like this?
Wow, it's crowded.
Why did we come here for coffee?
-You're feeling rich?
-Ask Jintiao.
He says the coffee is the bomb.
It's not just the coffee here.
But their iced dinosaur is also the bomb.
Also, their prices are the same
as that at the hawker center.
So their iced Milo dinosaur is the bomb.
Or is it the girl here?
Give it eight minutes.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Let's stand in line.
-What's up with him?
Never you mind.
Place our coffee order.
Thank you.
-The usual?
I want more milk.
I love a generous helping of milk.
Babe, I want more butter on my toast.
The smooth butter tastes so good.
What's wrong?
That jerk took liberties with Mom,
and now he's targeting you.
If he dares take liberties with me
Your younger daughter
looks like that movie star.
Little Boba
My foot!
Subtitle translation by: A Han
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