Angels of Death (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Blood and Duty

We are the Emperor's will
made flesh.
For the emperor!
We are taken from the dust.
We shed our weaknesses, our frailty
To become
!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
In blood I am born.
In battle do I live.
In light do I rise.
In darkness do I fall
In blood will we be renewed.
Honored Chaplain Rafael.
We are brothers before any other rank.
Is there something you wish of me?
Only to speak to a friend.
I have duties to attend.
Duties beyond
this voluntary solitude?
There is nothing I would speak of,
I will patrol the lower decks
I was there to see you succeed
in the trials.
I watched as you became an Angel
in both heart and deed.
Yet, now I look upon a brother
that would rather see me a stranger.
We were lost in the storms
and are now trapped
over this blighted world.
Kept from returning to blessed Baal.
Do you not chafe at this inaction?
Did your service to the Deathwatch
make you nothing but a weapon, Kazarion?
Can you no longer find peace, even here?
What more is a Space Marine
than a sword against the dark?
The galaxy burns.
We face annihilation! I
I will not waste any more words.
That threat has always been,
since Mankind first dragged itself
from the surface of Terra.
But it is a threat we face together.
As you say.
We still cannot reach Captain Orpheo
or his retinue, Ship Mistress.
Signal distortion continues to increase
within the planet's atmosphere.
We were informed that the city at the base
of the orbital tower
is supposed to be deserted.
There is nothing down there,
at least nothing to delay the Captain.
Open a vox link to the orbital dock.
Yes, Ship Mistress.
Vox link established.
This is Captain Solken
of the Blood Angels Strike Cruiser
Sword of Baal.
This is Niades Orbital Spire Command,
we are most honored to address
and converse with you again,
Captain of the Sword of
We have lost communication
with a reconnaissance force
sent to the surface
and require aide in establishing
their exact location.
Of course we will do all we can,
but as we elucidated previously,
most honoured ship mistress,
the surface of our once verdant world
is plagued by electromagnetic storms
that are both severe and unceasing.
This is not a matter for debate.
Organise whatever force is left
on the surface and locate our Captain.
I mean only worshipful respect,
but please comprehend
that rebel elements
may have found a way into the city,
now that we have chosen
to escape from the-
You shall comply within the hour or,
by the Emperor,
you will wish you had.
You'd think they could have just
talked each other to death
How long until we resupply?
The promethium tanker
has almost completed refueling,
priority supply loading
and repairs are in progress.
Estimated completion,
four hours standard.
Good. We stand by to cast off
as soon as it's done.
We've been here long enough.
Ah! I had thought
to find these vaults empty,
Brother Ancaeus.
Brother Hadrael,
I did not mean to disturb your rituals.
Four hundred and twenty-six
unique impairments to this void ship
have kept me and the work crews busy.
We were fortunate to find
safe harbour over this planet.
It is good to see you, brother.
You have been below decks
since we broke from the storm.
What brings you
to these holds once again?
I would tend what is left
after the battle.
Without an Apothecary,
it is all I can do to ensure
their legacy continues.
You do vital work.
I would have your efforts recorded
when we return to Baal.
Thank you, brother.
If the storms ever break
the ship will be ready.
"When", brother, not "if"
Ever the light in the dark, Ancaeus.
Tell me, does Brother Kazarion fair well?
He has been gone a long time.
Perhaps too long.
Are you concerned
that the gene-seed store is not secure?
I was, for a time,
considered as a novitiate
for the Sanguinary Priesthood.
I am
Uncommon, yet you have risen
under Captain Orpheo.
Command suits you,
Sergeant Ancaeus.
Perhaps, yet I once believed
my purpose was as caretaker.
These fragments taken from our fallen
will live on in our initiates.
Everything that is flesh perishes,
yet we will survive in the blood
that flows through those that come after.
I speak out of turn.
An intriguing insight.
All can be repaired,
made again in blood or in iron,
and thus attains a kind of immortality.
So long as we remember.
The machine demands much,
and takes more.
I was made an Angel
but then half of my soul was given
to the cog of Mars.
I do not say this in bitterness.
It is merely a truth.
You are an exemplary warrior.
If you wished induction
into the priesthood,
why did you not pursue it?
Surely High Priest Corbulo
would have welcomed-
We do not choose our duty.
Only honour in its fulfillment.
Ship Mistress,
there is a direct communication
from Navigator Tabor.
On vox.
Livia The night folds
Red is the dawn
A candle in a gale
The breath of the four airs parts
the branches of the forest.
The storms
the Warp
Light of the Emperor
the tide ebbs, the storm, calms.
Navigator Tabor, your predecessor
knew how to get to the point.
I see
I see
a passage through the storm!
You can see a way out of the system?
A temporary alignment
Summon the Angels.
How long do we have?
Not long, my lord.
This is unlike
any Warp Storm I've ever seen.
Why do they not move?
Surely their own Navigators
see this chance.
They are afraid, my lord.
The tower has already requested us to lead
the flotilla through the storm gap.
They're moving as fast as possible
to evacuate what's left on the surface.
-What of Captain Orpheo?
-Still nothing, my lord.
For the all that the tower
offers us supplies and safe haven,
the surface could harbor anything.
It is supposed to be a desolation.
Yet from that desolation
Captain Orpheo has not returned.
There is a choice here.
To locate the Captain's return,
or follow our orders to Baal.
Our first duty is to the Captain.
As explained,
the surface cannot be contacted.
Then we go down ourselves.
Only eleven of us remain on this vessel.
The gene-seed stored in our hold
must be returned to Baal.
And the Captain?
He knows our duty.
And it appears I am the only one
who remembers what it is to have honour.
How can you say such a thing.
We are not lone warriors here, Kazarion.
As you once knew and should remember.
Honour, duty, blood and oaths.
Our path lies not in one,
but upon the blade edge between them.
To doubt each other is to
be defeated before we face an enemy.
Even in such moments
you still seek to teach us.
What time is better than a crisis?
Emergency signal detected!
Code Vermilion!
It's coming from the surface!
Its weak but it's breaking through
the interference somehow
My lords, it matches
Captain Orpheo's beacon!
Prepare for Drop Pod assault.
We are his sons
Forged to grim purpose
In crimson clad
With fire in our hands
And fury in our hearts
We are his Angels
And our gift
is death.
May the Omnissiah's blessings be upon you.
Be ready to recover us
once the Thunderhawk is repaired.
Drop Pod Secundus, ready!
Drop Pod Quartus, ready!
Ship Mistress,
the proximity of the tower
is complicating our launch trajectory.
The governing machine spirits protest.
Override them.
The blade falls at your word.
Next Episode