B & B: Bujji and Bhairava (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Crash and Burn

Hey, come on!
Get that over here!
Other cargo ship has just landed.
Hold that up!
Don’t worry. I’ll get till there.
Oh, come on!
Be careful. That’s important.
Stupid rider.
Should have torn a suit and then said sorry.
Huh? What happened?
Some guy scratched my paint.
Oh! And on your hundredth flight too!
That’s a shame.
Glad I won’t have to do this cargo anymore.
I have waited for so long!
Finally, I got my promotion.
A private carriage for a Complex member.
Can’t say I’ll miss you.
Now, let’s go already!
This route goes through the off sector.
Rebel territory. It is not safe.
Commander Manas
personally asked for this cargo.
Do you want to keep him waiting? No?
Lock in the route.
Your wish, Captain.
All systems check!
BU-JZ -1… ready to take off.
Alright, alright! Easy!
There you go.
I told you it’s not safe!
Emergency! We are under attack.
Send help…now!
They won’t reach us in time.
We are on our own.
You are mad!
I am not dying for this.
You’ve got crazy! I am leaving.
Hi, good looking!
And that’s how you do
a successful 100th mission.
Promotion time!
Hey! What’s happening?
Huh? What is this?
A pineapple.
I thought there were all gone.
I haven’t seen one since I was a kid.
Complex has kept everything for themselves.
Finally, some real food!
People of Shambala will be very happy.
We need to move.
The army will be here any second.
Pro…pro…promotion time!
Did you see that?
Looks like wong’s gonna get a new bounty.
Wonder how many units is it worth?
Bro, do you want to smell some pine?
What’s going on?
I was like doing a lot of stuff.
Oh, yeah.
Please, help me!
Please, someone help!
Get out of my face!
Oh, sure.
-What’s that guy’s problem?
-Look at that guy…
Hello, tailless rat! You are mine.
Please…someone help me.
That’s the wrong word.
Why don’t you try something else?
I’ll…I’ll pay you.
I will give you five hundred units.
It’ll take more than that, old man.
My bum is very comfortable
on this chair, right now.
Okay, a thousand.
Please! That’s all I have.
Units first.
Hey, wait a minute.
Ringa ringa roses
A pocket full of posies…
Hey, hey!
Get out of my face!
Where did he go?
Don’t worry. He already paid me.
You idiot!
That guy was worth 20,000 units.
And you just took one thousand units.
3000 units!
For all this damage.
Hey! Look there! A giant lizard!
Hey! You should pay for my drink!
Look, dear. That’s Bhairava.
Hey, Bhairava!
Looks like you are having a bad day?
I don’t know if there is someone
as unlucky as you!
I think even I made more than you today.
Same routine every day…
It’s 50,000 units.
You know you don’t have it.
Just wait, Goku.
Once I buy this bike,
I will be able to earn more bounties
and before you know it,
one million units
and I am off to the Complex.
Good joke!
I really needed it.
Hey, man…
You so owe me 300 units.
Hmm? Oh! Come on!
How dare you break into my house!
How dare you make me break into
my own house!
Two years since you paid me rent!
This is not your house.
I am done with you.
I’ll sell my kidneys and put a bounty
to get you killed.
But why?
If you give me the kidney units instead,
I can pay your rent!
I have a plan, old man.
I’ll get a bike…
Big bounties…
Complex membership…
Don’t worry.
I’ll take you as a visitor one day.
Clean air, fresh food…
I’ll get you new clothes.
And you’ll look so handsome the ladies
will ask you to dance with them…and…
Three-star bounty. A possible rebel.
50,000 units.
Old man! This is the one.
Okay. Leave me, please.
Don’t come back, if you don’t get it.
I am changing the locks
and getting security.
I am serious.
I’ve got to go fast.
I got to hurry.
Nice landing.
See you later!
Quickly! I need to catch that bounty.
I am sorry. I don’t do bounties.
Of course, you do.
Everything has a price. How much?
5000 units.
I can buy a new rickshaw for that much.
Alright. Go, buy a new rickshaw.
3400 units. That’s all I have.
Units first.
Let’s go!
Hold on to your pants, old man!
What is that guy doing with that old man?
God is great!
Ah! How dare you!
Hey, what’s up?
Hey, watch where you are going?
See you later.
My teeth…
Mommy! It’s Bhairava.
What are you doing?
Bhairava! You are a public nuisance!
Get out of my face!
You owe me 500 units for a new wig.
You know what?
They don’t pull rickshaws like they used to.
How much for these?
300 units.
Are you crazy?
That’s a beautiful tyre and…
200 units.
What? You just…
Every time you speak,
I’ll reduce the units by 100.
What a stupid idea!
Get a vehicle and get into the Complex!
Not a bad idea actually.
Who said that?
Better build a new vehicle from that scrap
than to sell it for just hundred units.
A vehicle?
From this scrap? Impossible.
Maybe for you. But not for me.
I can do it.
I can help you…if you help me.
Who are you?
Yeah. I am Bujji.
And who are you?
Hi. I am Bhairava.
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