Beartown (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Why don't you stop fighting now?
-Look, how pretty it is.
-Look outside and take it in.
Take in your dad's old hometown.
Your dad's old hunting grounds.
Fucking empty hunting grounds!
Leo, any swearing
has to be in Swedish.
-Fucking hell! Shit!
-Fuck off! Shit!
-For God's sake!
-Bloody hell and damnation!
-Up your fucking ass!
-Not like that!
-Great to see you.
-You too.
-Maya, welcome.
Hello, Sune! It's great to see you.
Here we are.
-I hope it's warm enough.
-Look in there.
-I turned on the heat over the weekend.
-Feels good to me.
-What do you think?
-It's okay.
If you want fewer people around,
there's empty houses in town.
I don't mind a few neighbors,
a bit of life.
I'm happy, though, if they don't all
come over for a cup of coffee.
No one calls first, they just appear.
"That's how we do it up north."
"We have all the time in the world
for a cup of coffee."
Oh my God!
Welcome home!
Hi there! What are your names?
-I'm Maya.
David? You were this tall
-I'm so sorry
-Don't worry.
Hi, honey. You okay?
-Hi. Are you taking a break?
-Yes, I needed it.
-How are you?
-I'm fine.
-You don't mind us showing?
-Oh god, no. Not at all.
So, Peter Andersson
has returned home.
It's an honor and a blessing.
We've got plans for you.
We're in trouble. One more loss
and the sponsors are gone.
Then it's back to full time
at the factory. Not much fun.
We need to avoid that.
For the factory's sake, if nothing else.
You working full-time
would be disastrous for production!
-Time for cake, is it?
-Let's do cake!
Here we are.
Will you grab those plates? Perfect.
Time for cake!
I guess I should say a few words
now that we have these lovely cakes.
I'd just like to say that I am,
or, we are really happy to be back home.
Home, no place like home.
So you'll all know that I took
this job for the money.
You didn't get any in the NHL, right?
Seriously, though,
I accepted the job
because your hockey's gotten so bad
that someone has to sort you out.
-The neighbors above us weren't here.
-The Erdahls?
Maybe just as well.
Why's that?
-We don't get on, is all.
-Are you the same age as that Robban?
He looks so worn out. Don't you think?
Yeah. That's how it works up here.
It's a bit do or die.
-Know what I mean?
-No. What?
You either make it
or you don't.
Something like that.
I was thinking about
redecorating the place.
Maybe we should hold off a bit.
Or maybe start downstairs,
in Leo's room.
We'll start with that
and hold off on the upstairs.
Make ourselves at home first.
-So you just arrived from Canada?
-A few days ago.
-Still jetlagged?
-I am!
-Hi. I'm Anneli.
-Hi. I'm Mira.
-I'm Mira, the new lawyer.
-Is that my
-That's yours.
-Maya, have you met Sidney Crosby?
-Yes, I have.
-So what's he like? Is he cool?
-Yeah, he's okay.
-A guy barfed in that locker.
-In this one?
-When was that?
-About a year ago.
And nothing's been done about it?
Oh yes, but the stink won't go away.
Try this.
You think it'll help?
You won't know until you try it.
-I'm Ana.
Achmed yallah, yallah!
The lunch lady must be so proud
of this food
Me, I'm best mates
with the lunch ladies.
-You're disgusting!
-We're family.
-What the hell, Benji
-Don't panic, it's organic.
Moron. How can you practice
when you're stoned?
Why not? It's so nice.
Your body goes all soft.
Body checking becomes
a whole new thing.
Seen the new girl?
Peter Andersson's daughter?
Maya, is it?
-Aren't you a bit old for her?
-Only two years between us.
Practice later?
Sure. When Peter Andersson's
finished with the oldies.
-Get in the zone! Get in the zone!
-Come on, Robban!
Mark him there.
That's it! Chase it!
What the?
Defense! One player each!
Come on, guys!
Okay, we'll try something else.
This geriatric tempo sucks.
How old are you, Robban, 70?
We'll do slalom drills.
First man past the middle cone
finishes the puck.
Show me some quality now.
I need to see your best play. Go!
Let's go!
More speed! That's it!
What the hell?
Come on! Tempo!
Let's go!
Well, I'm sorry, but
we had to let some players go.
-The ones that could play.
-Not true.
-That's my old friends out there, Sune!
-I know.
Guys from the factory.
They're a bunch of old fogeys!
What have you said to them?
That I'll make champions of them?
-A few of the guys left.
-No wonder!
You've been so damn short-sighted!
You bet on a few who left.
Now we've got nothing!
Peter, you're here to build
a new Beartown hockey team.
You said I'd be training an elite team.
This is a fucking fogey team!
They're pathetic.
I know it's been tough for you, but
What? What do you know?
What the hell do you know about me?
Shut up!
Just shut up. Shut up.
Just shut up.
-You can keep your damned fogey team.
They suck!
I didn't mean
Having a rest?
-Cut it out, Mom.
-Then go!
Come on!
You keep doing the same thing.
Move up left.
-Great, Kevin!
That's Kevin. Erdahl's boy.
Never saw the like.
Actually, I have.
-Once before.
-But that was a long time ago.
-A long time ago. He's damn good.
Okay. Come on!
Kevin Kevin!
Kevin, listen to me now.
When the goalie goes down
He pushes him so hard.
-Yeah, Mats Erdahl.
He'll either go to the NHL
or the psych ward. What do you think?
Not much difference, to be honest.
-Hi, Peter! So, you're back home.
-Why don't you show us some moves?
-Nah, I'm retired.
-Come on!
-Show us some NHL moves!
-You haven't chucked your skates?
-No way. I still skate.
Do you like being retired?
Yeah, I do.
Great to see you play.
You're looking really good. Really.
-Will you come to the game tonight?
-Sorry, I can't tonight.
-Another time, then.
-Get moving now!
-Be good.
-Good seeing you.
That was so loud!
-Can I have a go?
Firm against your shoulder.
You aim. Take a deep breath
And hold it in.
-Not breathe?
-Not while aiming.
-Doesn't your dad notice if you use it?
-He taught me.
I shot that.
For real?
Can you tell the difference
between predator and prey?
-Predators have eyes close together.
They only need to see straight ahead,
the prey.
Prey have to be able to see the predator
behind them, so they can run.
Their eyes are wide apart.
-Doesn't that make them harder to hit?
But when they know the game's over
they freeze.
between Sunderbyn SC
and Beartown.
Go it alone!
Don't lose it!
-Backcheck! Backcheck!
-Go deep! Go deep!
-Number 20 scores for Sunderbyn.
Go, Kevin!
Stop the cross-passing, Kevin.
Go deep.
It's not even the same sea.
If your ashes are spread in water,
you're in all seas. It's all connected.
Isak would have turned seven today.
What do you think
he'd have wished for?
I forgot it was today.
That's all right.
It happens.
Come here.
It was nice.
I had so much to do
I'm sorry.
I didn't have time.
You know I can't cope with that.
We can't either.
I'm Maya.
Can I play?
I've got to practice.
Come on. First to three wins.
Come on.
Let's make a bet.
Loser gets to eat snow.
Are you scared of losing?
You could practice any day.
This is once in a lifetime.
Oh, yeah? Are you that special?
Yep. Come on!
Okay. Ladies first.
Maybe stand a bit closer.
Your go. See if you can do better.
I'll show you how it's done.
You're so going to eat snow
-I hit it.
-What do you mean no?
-You're kidding? Stick to your promise.
-Cut it out! You're cheating.
-On your knees! You're eating snow.
That was the deal.
You lost.
You're cold.
It's you who's warm.
Training hard, I see.
No, stay there.
You might learn something.
The girls like us like that,
on our knees.
-Didn't think we'd see you back here.
-And yet here I am.
We're eating now, Maya.
The A team is out of the question.
-It's the junior team or no team at all.
-So you say.
-What are you saying?
-I'll have the juniors or none at all.
They're my team.
I've coached them since they were ten.
-And you have the nerve to say that?
-We know you've coached them.
You've done the groundwork.
-To reach the top we need a new tack.
-And I can't handle that?
-I don't think so.
-We all know how good Kevin is.
-He's great. What's your plan?
-Kevin is a solo player.
-And that's the problem.
You've got to build the team around him.
You haven't done that.
-And you know that after one day?
-I've played elite hockey all my life.
I know a few things.
I've coached them for a long time.
But you're at the bottom, right?
I saw yesterday's game!
We're not doing great, are we?
Seriously, this is annoying.
Let's be Just shut up now!
Are we going to be honest,
or keep pretending?
"You've done a great job.
The team is brilliant."
We're at the bottom of the league!
This town is at the bottom!
The factory is failing. There's no
downtown. I could barely recognize it!
There isn't even an undertaker. You've
got to go to Hed to die. It's true!
-You're insulting this town!
-I'm not.
-And you two just let him!
-I want to hear him out.
Give me the juniors and you'll have
your shopping mall and a new arena.
-I want you as assistant coach.
-Assistant, great!
-Incredible! That's that, then.
-Come on, David.
-That's it. You just jabber on.
-Let him go.
-He'll come around.
-Nice work there.
So what do we do with the A team?
Do we pull the plug?
-I don't give a damn.
-You don't give a damn?
-Maybe you should've stayed in Canada.
-Well, I didn't.
Let's do this.
Let's build the team around Kevin.
Then they'll start winning.
Let's wake this fucking bear up.
Who says he can do better than me?
For six years I coached that team.
Maybe a new voice is needed
that can lift them.
-Why not?
He came back
because he was a loser in Canada.
-Listen, he
-No, you listen to me now!
You know as well as I do they came back
after they lost their kid.
Isn't that right?
-So don't start talking about that shit.
-Right. Still
Sure, I feel sorry for him, but
His playing was crap
even before they lost the kid.
You can't go around blaming that.
Like, "Oh, you've lost a kid!"
Maybe it'll work really well.
-Assistant coach, isn't bad.
-I'd rather be dead. Assistant coach
-It'll be fine.
-It won't.
Peter Andersson himself!
That's wicked!
Now we can't blame the coach anymore.
Cut it out, Lyt!
Are you coming?
-Hello there!
Parents aren't allowed in at practice.
-What's that?
-No parents in the arena as of today.
-We can't be here?
-You'll have to wait outside.
-So we'll sit on the stands?
-No, outside.
-Then how can we watch?
-Listen, Maggan.
I don't care where you wait,
as long as it's not in here.
You want us to
-The boys expect us to be here.
-Pick them up after.
So I have to wait outside?
Do you know how cold it is? Hello?
Cut it out!
-Come on, you pussy!
-Come on then, Lyt!
Good to see you all.
The past few years, the A team
has tumbled down through the divisions.
Do you know why?
Look at this cone here.
If you build on the top,
where it's least needed,
the cone won't stay upright.
The cone needs to stand on its base.
That's how I see this team.
We're going to build a solid base.
We'll have a top as well.
If one of you climbs up to the top,
that's fine.
But he's got there
by climbing on the team's shoulders.
That's how we'll build this team.
Where each one of you will be his best,
his fastest, his strongest.
-Grow up.
-You're Bobo, right?
-That's me.
Get up.
You're big.
You're big for your age.
Then use it.
Be the biggest. I want you
to put on 40 pounds by next year.
Use it.
Own it, Bobo.
And you, Lyt
You're a son of a bitch. Get up.
That's your talent.
Use it. Annoy them.
Chirp the opponents. Be the asshole
that puts them off their stroke.
-It'll mess with their play. Right?
Be that guy. Own it.
Benji, get up.
I've heard a bit about you.
That you are
hard to get at.
Nothing sticks
like water off a duck's back.
Is that true?
Hit back. Come on!
That's it! Go for it harder!
Great! Really great!
You've got a punch. Great, Benji!
Own it.
For your own sake, and for the team's.
Own it.
Then let's go, guys!
What about me?
-What about you?
-What should I think of?
-You shouldn't think at all.
-Nothing new there.
-Where's my puck?
-You don't need one. You already own it.
Let's go.
Move it, Lyt!
You can do better!
Nice pass!
Get off the ice! Practice is over.
Are you deaf? Get off!
-What's going on?
-You come here with your new rules.
If you got a problem,
take it up with me, not with Kevin.
-You better watch it.
You better watch it.
Right Okay, that's it, then.
-Look, Mats
-You better fix this, Jonas.
Or you won't have me as a sponsor.
All parents out!
Did you hear that, Jonas?
-Leave now.
-Let go of me!
Everybody resume practice!
Come on!
Peter! Kevin's your responsibility now.
Do you understand?
Your responsibility.
Who sponsors your team?
Who pays for all your shit?
Who's gotten you better practice times
than the A team?
Who drives you to all your games?
-I never asked you to.
-I never asked you to.
-What the hell are you saying?
Get out!
-Are you kidding?
-I'm not. Look at me.
I'm not kidding when I'm telling that
I've given everything for your hockey!
If that's not good enough,
you can manage on your own!
So, get out! And take your gear.
It's like 25 below outside.
Hi! How are you?
And where's Kevin?
He's at Benji's, or somewhere.
Is he eating with them?
Lotta came by today.
I'm a bit worried about her.
She's not in a good place, not at all.
-She's really low after losing her job.
-Is that so?
We had coffee and chatted for a while.
-We had coffee and chatted.
-That felt good.
I was wondering if you've got something
for her in the office.
As she's lost her job.
And she's completely Hello?
Hey, Mats
The idiot!
-Kevin! Kevin!
-Was he dressed properly, Mats?
-Just a sweater.
-Is anyone over there?
-At least ten guys.
They've got to spread out.
Shit, it's cold!
Shut up. You're so fat.
How could you be cold?
Knock it off. This is serious.
Come on, guys.
Look over there. What's that?
Do you see anything?
Yes, there he is. Stop.
I see him.
Get in the car.
It's freezing cold out here!
-Get in the car.
-You're really cold.
Come on!
-Stop it.
-It's 35 degrees below.
It's cool.
Please come with us.
I can't.
Come with us.
Get in the back.
-You'll be all right.
-I won't be all right!
-Put your glove back on.
-I'm finished.
Your blood vessels and nerves
are damaged.
-That's why you're numb. You'll be fine.
-I'm finished.
Otherwise we'll just tape the damn stick
to your hand!
Hi, Robban. We've found him
and we're driving home now.
leave the road?
I'd have found you then!
Get him inside now.
You're welcome, you bastard
-Were you on the same team?
-Yeah. Erdahl played dirty.
I got fed up and whacked him
on the back of his neck.
-In practice?
And he fainted there on the ice
Then he quit.
-He quit hockey for good?
-Yep, for good.
He's always blamed me for it.
But he just didn't have what it takes.
It's a frigging miracle
that he's got such a talented son.
Even with frostbitten hands,
his shots are on the money.
Christ. You and your fucking pucks.
Do your thing, annoy that asshole.
-His brother was in the loony bin.
-I'll tell him you said hi.
-Say hi from
-What's that?
-Cut it out. Say hi from me.
-Yes, Mom.
And get that puck in the net.
When the ref is looking away you push
them into the boards. Never mind Peter.
-Win this one for us. Please!
-Yeah. We'll speak later.
I think I'll hide here with you.
I can't handle all the parents outside.
He'll come when we start winning.
Then he'll be there shouting.
-Better start winning then.
-How are things with you?
-I'm okay.
-Kevin is king!
Right, let's go!
-I'll drive.
-You're drunk, Niklas. I'm driving.
Don't even try. I'm driving.
How does it feel?
-I'll be fine.
-You will?
There won't be a pep talk,
we're not going to win this game.
At least I don't think so
and you won't win the next game.
But if we give it our all
at every practice
in every game, then we'll start winning.
Hockey demands only one thing from us.
Do you know what that is?
What's that?
Right, guys. Let's go.
It's Hed against Beartown
and it's face-off time.
-Say hi to your sister.
-Shut your face.
She's really cute.
Looking good.
-We're going to get so much pussy.
-Hell, yeah!
-What the heck?
-Fastest route.
Seriously, Lyt.
Nice speed!
Lyt, don't lose that!
You've got to win it. Got to. Okay?
Own the puck. Do it again.
That's great Lyt! That's it.
We rule their thoughts,
so make them small.
Great, Bobo!
-Now we're talking!
-They're great.
You're looking really great!
Number 9, Kevin Erdahl scores,
assisted by William Lyt.
Only ten seconds left
of the third period.
And Beartown wins the game!
Hello! Congratulations!
-You were great! Well done.
You heard we won?
I scored both goals.
Who scored for Boden?
Who'd you say?
Oh, I know him. He's good.
Powerful. Good in battles.
Boden is a cinch compared with Hed,
but you'll beat them too, of course.
Come on, give him some credit.
He scored two goals.
Maggan said he was awesome.
-Come here.
-Get a grip.
What's wrong with you?
He got two minutes for it,
but it was worth it.
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