Beast Tamer (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Meeting of Fate

You're fired.
Meeting of Fate
Beast Tamer.
It's a class that is able to communicate
and enter into contracts
with many kinds of animals
Taming their strength as your own.
Beast Tamers aren't well-suited to combat,
but I worked hard to support my
comrades during our harsh journey,
and my comrades in the
Hero's party trusted me for it.
Or so I thought.
Um, hang on a sec.
This is kind of sudden,
so I'm not sure I follow
Wait, is this a prank?
Of course not.
You're serious about this?
I-I want to know why!
You want a reason?
You mean other than the obvious one?
It's because you're useless!
You don't serve any purpose!
Do you get it now?
You've been holding us back so much,
you even being around
is more trouble than its worth!
I am?
You have to have noticed, right?
You never do any damage to our enemies,
and we're constantly having to save you.
All you really contribute
is scouting and carriage,
using the animals that you've tamed.
Doesn't that sound worthless to you?
It was asking too much of
him in the first place.
What is this?
We don't have time for babysitting.
I was always against letting
a Beast Tamer join up.
Don't be like that.
Worthless as he is, I thought he could
shine by sharing the same spotlight as me.
Arios, you are so kind!
Very. The only sin here lies with this man
who has wasted the grace of the Hero, Arios.
This is what my party thought
of me this whole time?
I This can't—
Don't lower our opinion of you
any more than you already have.
And make sure to leave your gear behind.
We're the ones who gathered it.
This means we can finally
take on the Lost Woods.
We've waited long enough.
I understand.
This town is big, but there's nothing in it,
and we've been here for days.
How long was he going to spend
on gathering supplies, anyway?
We were mistaken to have even
the most modest hopes for him.
Let us simply consider this a brief respite.
Good idea!
When you put of it that way, maybe he
was of some use at the very end.
In that moment
It felt like anything between us
had come to a permanent end.
You're weak, like a child.
You still seem to lack both the bearing
and the skill required of the Hero's party.
Are you ever going to be good
for anything besides running errands?
So worthless
No need to be so harsh.
Rein is trying his best.
At least, for a Beast Tamer!
I thought the reason they were so hard on me
was because they had high hopes
for what I could accomplish.
Maybe they never cared
about me in the first place.
But more importantly, what do I do now?
No goal, no gear, and no coin.
I'm starting with next to nothing.
Did you finish your job for the Hero?
Uh, actually
Do the thing then, come on!
Come on, please!
Do it! Go on!
So, for today
That's the temporary contract.
Go on, say hello.
Nice job.
And thank you.
See you around!
There it goes
Well, like I told you,
that contract was only temporary.
They're easy to form,
but they don't last very long.
Maybe that was a little hard to understand?
You really are awesome, Rein!
I wanna be a Beast Tamer when I grow up!
Me, too!
Me, too!
I thought you said you wanted
to be a hero before?
I mean, the Hero and his party
always look annoyed
when commoners like us come up to them!
Even though they suck up
to rich folks and nobles
It's kind of nasty, right?
And scary.
I didn't know people thought that way
about Arios and the party.
I guess that explains the reception
I got whenever I went to buy supplies.
You're different though, Rein!
You always play with us!
And you're nice!
It's gonna be even harder
to tell them I got fired now.
So I'm gonna be an adventurer,
and travel all over!
And make a fortune overnight!
A fortune!
A fortune overnight! A fortune overnight!
An adventurer
Living like a migratory bird on
the wing, free to live or die as I please.
Making a living off my skills
by taking jobs as an adventurer?
Now that I don't need to worry
about defeating the Demon King,
it might be the perfect job for me.
Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild!
I'm Natalie, the receptionist.
Let's start with an explanation
of the adventurer's trial.
Could you tell me a bit more
about being an adventurer first?
I hate to admit it, but I actually
don't know that much.
Arios and the others
looked down on adventurers,
so we didn't interact with them much.
You're an earnest one, aren't you?
Most of the applicants don't really
put too much thought into it
Personally, I think you're
on the right track!
You really do?
I really do!
Let's start at the beginning, then.
Adventurers, like monsters,
are assigned ranks from S to F
and that's everything.
Is there anything else
you had questions about?
Nope. Thank you.
I should be good, now.
In that case, let's move onto
the matter of the adventurer's trial.
What's your class?
Beast Tamer.
Beast Tamer?!
Um will you be okay by yourself?
It's because you're useless!
Don't do anything reckless, okay?
Adventurers need to know
when a job is too much.
Right. Of course.
Do you understand why
the guild requires a trial
in order to be registered as an adventurer?
Is it because if there were
a bunch of unskilled adventurers,
it'd undermine trust in the guild?
Correct! Well done!
And without that trust,
the government would get involved.
But putting that aside, the details
of the trial involve slaying ten goblins,
and collecting 20 medicinal herbs.
Adventurers take on a variety
hunting and collection jobs,
so this is the bare minimum required
to pass muster with the guild.
That's ten.
Thanks for helping me find the goblins.
I guess even a Beast Tamer can
handle F-ranked monsters like them.
I've got the rune stones from the goblins,
so I just need to gather the herbs
and head back to the guild
A scream?
It's from further in the forest!
A Killer Tiger?!
Oh, no!
The D-Ranked monster Killer Tiger.
Even a veteran adventurer could be killed
by one of these if they weren't careful!
And of course, I don't stand a chance.
It's better this way.
Hey, you!
Can you move?
You need to run while you can!
No monsters to tame.
No weapons to use.
But I can at least buy her
enough time to get away
Wh-Why are you still there?!
With the last
Of my strength
Wow. She took down
a Killer Tiger in one blow.
Just who are you?
There are beings of inexplicable power
in this world known as ultimate species.
Dragonoids. Fairies. Demigods.
They all count among the ultimate species.
But one of them is more rare than the rest.
And that is
A Cat Spirit?
And I am done.
Hey, are you all right? Were you hurt?
Say something!
So hungry
She's the real deal?
Despite being one of the ultimate species,
the Cat Spirits are said to be
on the verge of extinction.
They can't use magic, but they've
evolved to have athletic abilities
that make them among
the ultimate in the world.
And she really is one?
Thank you so much! You're a life-saver.
I thought I was gonna die back there.
I'm just glad I had some
traveling rations on me.
Still, are you sure you're not exaggerating?
Not at all!
I've gone days without
anything to eat or drink.
I could see my grandparents
in heaven waving me over.
She must've been in pretty rough shape.
That would've been another
step toward extinction.
Okay, extremely bad shape!
Oh, I never introduced myself, did I?
My name's Kanade!
As you can see, I'm a Cat Spirit.
Nice to meet you!
I'm Rein Shroud.
I ran into you in the middle
of my adventurer's trial, miss.
Wh-What is it?
I'd rather you call me "Kanade" than "miss."
Okay, if you call me Rein.
Okay then, Rein!
I'm glad you're the one who helped me!
What were you doing out here
in the first place, Kanade?
I mean, it's kind of strange
to find an endangered Cat Spirit
in some unremarkable forest
I've just been traveling, is all.
There's not many of us, so we
live quietly, deep in the mountains
But life was kind of boring that way,
so I went on a journey,
where I ran into you,
who saved me!
Feels kind of like fate!
Now, tell me about you, Rein!
Then you were in the Hero's party, Rein?
Yeah. Only for six months, though.
This is strange
Thinking about it has been so depressing,
I never told anyone else,
but I'm telling Kanade everything.
And that's how it went
That Hero ought to be ashamed!
I can't believe he kicked you out
When you're such a nice person!
Are you mad on my behalf?
Of course I am!
Because Rein, you're I
You're really sweet, Kanade.
But it's okay now.
They were right about me being a hindrance,
and I doubt any good would have come
from staying in that party.
If you're not mad, Rein, then I'm not mad.
Still kinda frustrated though
Thank you, though.
Oh, no! That was on reflex
What a relief. She doesn't seem to mind.
But I want to make one thing clear.
You're not useless at all, Rein!
If anything, you're really strong!
But I'm just a Beast Tamer.
And you've got an incredible gift for it!
The reason being
I'm pretty sure you could tame me, Rein.
How do I put this?
It's like the second I saw you,
I felt this buzzing, like electricity!
I thought that you would be
able to tame me.
There are only a handful of people in the
whole world who can tame Cat Spirits!
Which means you're really amazing, Rein!
Me, taming a Cat Spirit?
I never even considered it before
Come on, Rein!
Try taming me!
If I could actually tame
an ultimate species
It would be an unimaginably big help.
Nothing like that would ever happen again.
With an ultimate species
Feels kind of like fate!
Oh that's right.
It's not because she's from
an ultimate species.
I want to get to know Kanade better.
Okay. Let's try it.
My name is Rein Shroud.
In establishing this new contract,
a bond is formed.
An oath in our hearts, hopes in our souls
Your power, in my hand.
Speak now your name.
If Kanade gives her name now,
the contract will be formed.
Did it work?
Yep. The contract is sealed.
Look at the palm of your hand.
There's some kind of weird pattern!
It's the symbol of what links us.
You and I are contracted now, Kanade.
Really? Then this means you
and I are bound together, huh!
That's great!
Bound together?
Was I wrong?
No, you're right.
It symbolizes our bond, Kanade!
It's a pleasure to be
traveling with you, Rein!
The feeling is mutual!
There are the ultimate species,
with inexplicable power
I was a Beast Tamer kicked
out of the Hero's party,
bereft of a goal or any comrades
And now one of the ultimate
species is working with me.
Hey, aren't we going back to town?
I need to finish my adventurer's trial first.
I think they should be
around here somewhere.
Ah, there we go.
Yep. First, a temporary contract
There he goes.
But, wait, Rein how can you—
Next, he brings his friends over.
I'm in fluffy heaven!
Then I form temporary
contracts with all of them.
Okay, everyone,
I need you to look for medicinal herbs
in the area and bring them to me.
Be careful not to mistake them
for food and eat them!
Okay, off you go.
That ought to do it
What's wrong?
What the heck is going on?!
You were able to tame so many at once!
And give them complex commands!
Is that really so rare?
You bet it is!
Even with temporary contracts, most Beast
Tamers can only handle one at a time!
Not to mention, you've tamed me,
so you shouldn't be able to do any more, Rein!
I mean, I know I said you were
an amazing Beast Tamer, but
This is supposed to be impossible!
Huh, you know a lot
about this stuff, Kanade.
How is this happening?!
I've never heard of a Beast Tamer
doing all this at once!
I'm not sure what to tell you
Back home, everyone can do this sort of thing.
It's just normal for
a Beast Tamer, isn't it?
It's not even kind of normal!
And you called me inexplicable?!
Next time: "Comrades."
Next Episode