Begins Youth (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Am I Wrong?

This series is based on a fictionalized story inspired by the story of BTS's album,
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life,
and is not related to BTS members and their families.
Child actors and animals were filmed
in safe conditions under the supervision of their guardians.
Get out of the way!
Make way
Make way!
Make way!
Oh, my
You made it
Did I also live here?
You lived here until you were five
Before your parents left for Seoul
Hwan, it's getting late. Let's go
I reserved a quiet Korean table d'hote restaurant
for your meeting with Songho Scholarship Foundation
Excuse me, Ma'am
Oh, she's getting the school uniform
And the meeting at 6 p.m.
Today's your first day of school, isn't it?
Ah, yes
I don't know how to say this
I went to the tailor shop
to pick your tailored school uniform up,
but it's not open yet
They are not answering their phone
Here is your soup
What do you expect us to do?
That's nothing to brag about
They told me to come get it today
It's okay
I'll just wear this to school
What do you mean, "It's okay?"
He's all nervous
because it's his first day of school
It's ridiculous that
he's not in his uniform
Just go to school for today
I'll talk to the principal myself
Let's discuss this later
Take your hand out of your pocket
Yeah, hi
Come here
I got you. Where do you think you're hiding?
Come here!
- Huh?
- Sir
- Good morning
- You think I can't see you?
Necktie is a part of your uniform
I told you to wear it at home
- You try to walk in all suave
- Thank you
Why didn't you wear your tie at home?
- I'll go in now
- Go inside
Thank you, sir
It's you! The new student
- Right?
- Hello
Come in
What's your name, again?
It's Hwan Kim
You are good-looking
I'm the disciplinarian
Where is your greeting?
This kid
Not a day passes without you making a scene
That knucklehead
Let's go in
Because we have a different education system from the States
I put you in the eleventh grade
It'd be easier for you to adjust
If you go to the twelfth grade
you have to prepare for the college entrance exam
Don't you agree?
Thank you
I'll help him
to adjust to the new school life
You do that
You can come to me directly
if you have difficulties
You might already know
but your father and grandfather
were born and raised in an esteemed family
here in Songjoo
Our acquaintance runs deep
I hope you will be a good student
to live up to your father's name
Looking at you
reminds me of your father
who was also my student
I believe we'll have no problem getting along
like your father did
Have your tea
Go ahead
I hope you will be a good student
to live up to your father's name
We have a new student joining us
He's Hwan Kim
Be nice to him
and help him adjust
to the school, okay?
- Okay
- Okay
Hwan, introduce yourself briefly
I'm Hwan Kim. Nice to meet you
Give him some clap!
Go take the empty seat
Class captain
- Hello
- Hello
Anyone sick today?
- No
- No
It's getting cold these days
- Hello, Hwan
- Hello, Hwan
Let's be friends
Where do you live?
I'm one year older than you
Who's Hwan?
- Here sir
- Oh, I see
Nice to meet you
- Thank you
- Thank you
Never mind
How was your first day?
Was everything okay?
Wow, look
He's from a rich family, huh?
He even has his own driver
I'm an aide, not a driver, you idiot
Wow, he's charismatic
Please get me a bike
A bike? Why?
It's a bit too much going to school like this
That's why you want to take a bike?
Your parents will be worried
It's okay
I used to ride a bike when I was in the States
Okay, I'll have to ask your father
How was school?
Did you make any friends?
It's all set
Please come again
How much do you need?
81, 82, 83, 84, 85
Thank you
Thank you for your hard work
But is this
for your father's hospital bill
or your brother's settlement money?
You carry such a heavy burden
Cheer up
I'll see you tomorrow
See you
Hey, Jooan
Jooan Kim
Did you have dinner?
I waited for you so we can eat together
have 2,000 won
Are you that hungry?
I also have my transit card
I got my wage
Let's raid the convenience store with this
I'll leave NOTHING behind
It's times like this when my resolve gets tested
On one hand, I have chicken
and the other is bulgogi
This is tasty
but this is delicious
No hamburger?
You love hamburgers
Get the hamburger as well. Coke, too
I'm fine
I'm going to eat yours.
It tastes better when it's not mine
Fine, suit yourself
Hey, hold on
My ball
Ring it up with this, please
Here's 2,000 won
Oh, shoot
What are you doing?
You treat me all the time
I felt bad. That's why I did it
Should I keep this?
Put it back in your pocket
I'll take the kimchi jeyuk bokkeum
After you, sir
Why thank you
Did you show him
the school newsletter?
Like he would come
when he's always drunk like that
What about you?
I didn't even mention it
They're not interested anyway
Our parents
You always stop to look
You like this house that much?
or is it love?
Why do you always stop by?
If we live in such a house
we'll have nothing to worry about, right?
Beats me
Like I would know, right?
He did look
like he had nothing to worry about
Hwan Kim
He lives here
Hey, Jooan
This house
has another main gate on the other side
Don't lie. What kind of a house has two gates?
I'm serious
The gate on the other side
is bigger than our roof
I don't buy it
You don't believe me?
You want to see it for yourself?
Come to mommy
Come to mommy
Come over here to mommy
One two
Shall we go to your dad?
Are you okay?
- Daddy
- It's okay
Still not done?
It does look good
Why doesn't Hwan Kim live in this mansion
and live above Jeha's?
That apartment is also good
Rich people in our neighborhood
all live in that apartment
Hey, Jooan
Have you ever been inside a house like this?
Like houses on TV,
if you climb the stone staircase,
there's a front garden filled with grass
and a big, handsome dog
Well they don't seem to have a dog
Yeah, but even without the dog
they have a marbled floor
The one you see in gemstone saunas
Hey, Jooan
Jooan, where are you?
I'm here!
Why are you up there?
Let's take a look if you're that curious
It's empty anyway
Come down
- No
- I said come down
- I'll go alone and look inside
- Hey
Hey, Jooan
Are you alright?
Are you hurt?
Hey, answer me
Hey, Jooan
Hey, Jooan
Where are you?
Hey, Jooan
Didn't realize you were home
Why is he here?
I thought he lived in Jeha's apartment
Why is he looking at me like that?
- As if we're here to steal something
- Hwan
I'll explain everything
Hwan, wait
What happened is
we were passing by
We just wanted to look at
what it's like inside
That's it
That's what happened
Yes, is this the police?
We carefully patrol the area
since it's your father's house
You must have been startled
I've known them for a long while
They might be poor,
but they're not bad kids
They're from poor families
so they just wanted to see
what it's like inside
They didn't steal anything
and they're just students
Please make sure this doesn't happen again
Of course
I will scold them hard
so that this never happens again
Please put in a good word
to your father for us
You two
You guys got lucky
We're letting you go
because he let it slide
- Yes
- Yes
Get going
So you were home
- Hey, Hwan. We were
- Hwan
I think I dropped my money envelope
when I was climbing over the wall
Could you please check?
Hey, Hwan Kim. Can't you hear us?
Check whether you have the envelope!
Or open the door
so we can check for ourselves
Hwan Kim, are you listening?
It's not here
What the
He hasn't even looked yet
Just open the door
We will check it ourselves
I said it isn't here
What the
Did he turn it off?
Why you
Those morons
Jooan, come down
I'll just take a quick look
- I said come down
- No
You need that money
Is this the police
Talk to him yourself
You two
I let you go earlier and you climbed the wall again?
Are you out of your mind?
I'm sorry
I mean
when he climbed the wall earlier
he dropped his wage
inside Hwan's house
We asked Hwan to check for us
and he couldn't even do that
That was Dohyeon's settlement money
Your brother always gets into trouble
You can't afford to get into trouble yourself
Your brother and your father
are regulars in our station
Why do you have to mention my father here?
Jooan Kim!
What's that look
You really want to get into trouble?
We're sorry
He just wanted to find
my money envelope for me
Money envelope?
Did you see any envelopes?
I don't know
If he dropped it
I should've spotted it when I went back earlier
He says he doesn't have it
You are not making all this conundrum
because you need money, are you?
Of course not!
It's humiliating
- Mister
- What? Mister?
You kids
I tried to be lenient since
I've known you for a while
but I'm not letting you go this time
I'm calling your parents and your school!
Can I go now?
Oh, yes, you can go
We'll punish them severely this time
Please talk to your father for
This is crazy
Hey, Hwan Kim
Keep that up. Let's see where you end up
Even my boss at the gas station will vouch for this
I got paid in cash,
for my part-time job today
it disappeared somehow
He said he doesn't have it
Get moving
My bike
Hey, Hwan Kim
Keep that up. Let's see where you end up
My camcorder
Ah, yes. The bike?
Yeah, the price is negotiable
Then how about doing a direct transaction
in front of the Songjoo City Hall at 5 p.m.?
Oh, okay
I'll meet you later then
Good morning
Where's your bike?
I left it at school
What if someone steals it?
The bums in this neighborhood might
steal anything that expensive
You want me to drop you off?
I'm good
Have a good day
Hey, rock, paper, scissors
Rock, paper, scissors
You stole this bike, didn't you?
- What?
- You stole this
I did steal it but
Give it back. It's mine
What did you do with the camcorder?
What camcorder?
There was a camcorder here
This isn't yours
This isn't yours, you jerk
Jooan, what are you doing?
Hwan, are you okay?
You two stole it from me
- It isn't yours, you psycho
- Stop
What's going on?
- Wait
- Hey!
- Hey
- You bastard
Hey, Jooan!
Get off me
Hey, Jooan
Let go!
You blockheads!
You blockheads!
Have you lost your mind?
Stop, all of you!
Stop it, all of you!
What are you doing? Get up!
You fool
He must've gone mad
Are you okay?
What do you think you're doing?
Acting like gangsters
- Why did he have to hit me?
- Don't try anything,
Form a line and follow me, understood?
Acting like gangsters, these blockheads
Follow me
Follow me, you fools
You've all gone mad, haven't you?
I got a call from the police first thing
as soon as I arrived at school
and I felt annoyed, Dogeon Kim
That eighth grader you were with yesterday?
You must be Jooan Kim
Why did you break into the legislator's house?
You went in to steal things, didn't you?
I didn't steal anything
You did steal my bike
and my camcorder
We didn't steal it
That bike isn't yours!
Come on, say something
Dogeon Kim, did you steal a bike?
I'm not the one who stole it
You. Did you steal it?
Oh, my
You're still wet behind the ears
You are just an eighth grader
You should get yourself together!
I said I didn't steal it!
Look at this kid
How about hearing him out?
Hear what out?
Anyway, all of you will
- get detention starting today, got it?
- What? Me too?
- I just tried to stop them
- Shush
Hwan, you get going
Get inside
Why are you letting him go?
He was the one who started the fight!
Shut it!
I saw you throwing the first punch
Hwan, I said get inside
Go study
Why you little
Why are you staring at him like that?
Wipe off that look
You knucklehead
I saw you lying down
I caught you
You get an extra month of detention
You guys, too will serve detention
for the entire semester, understood?
First, clean this place up
Throw out all this trash
and get rid of spider webs
This entire place?
Our class is starting soon
You shouldn't have picked a fight
as you came to school
if you cared that much about classes starting
Sir, we also have
the parent-teacher meeting today
That doesn't concern you, does it?
Are they even coming this time?
After class,
come and clean this place up
every recess and lunch
I'll be keeping track, understood?
- Yes
- Yes
You, knucklehead
I have my eyes on you
My eyes, on you
That knucklehead
Goodbye, sir
Goodbye, sir
Are your parents coming?
I didn't even tell them
Me neither
It's not that I didn't
I just couldn't
Anyway, let's start cleaning
Let's move the desks to one side
I'll move the instruments
Hey, grandpa
You should start cleaning, too
No, I won't
That's why your detention is never-ending
He might let you off the hook
if you actually made an effort
That will never happen, ever
I didn't know there was a mirror here
Is this a dance room or something?
There's even a piano
This place is quite good as a hideout
Cein, where are you going without cleaning?
Where are you going?
Don't mind him. Let's do it ourselves
How come Hwan got away with this?
The bike
What? Where are you guys going?
Please look after my boy
I will
Oh, Hwan
I was going to call you
Your father's secretary just called me
Your father's attending a performance event
so he can't make it
to the parent-teacher meeting today
Oh, okay
Government officials are always busy
I heard you're still in detention
You often skip school and are late for classes
I have some business to attend to
so I need to return to my unit
We'll talk over the weekend
And also,
Let's visit your mother the week after next
Don't get into trouble
I don't know a thing about bikes
but even I can tell it's expensive
It will cost you around 1,000,000 won
My brother has this model
He said it's legit
Isn't this the perfect place to goof around?
The disciplinarian will ask us
to clean other places after this
Let's just stay here
But why are you in detention?
Wasn't Jooan the one who got into the fight?
That's because of me
I'm sorry
Never mind. You don't have to apologize
It's so freaking fun
to goof around together
But where did you get this bike?
- Is it Hwan's?
- No, it's not!
It's Dogeon's
Dogeon's brother stole it
Sorry, Dogeon
That was MIT, wasn't it?
- Your brother?
- Yeah
I guess he wanted it since it's a good bike
So we tried to return it
but the owner didn't want it anymore
He told us he wanted to sue us
He made all this fuss asking for settlement money
That's why I brought it
to sell it off
No wonder
Hwan wouldn't be like that for no reason
Jeha Jeon
What's that supposed to mean?
Are you implying that we would?
No, what Jeha meant was
why would a rich guy like him
want other people's bikes?
That's what he meant
So Hwan is the one who got it all wrong
That's what I meant
- Let's get inside and start cleaning
- Yeah, okay
Wow, this tastes freaking good
It's really good
Why are you biting your nail
instead of the tteokbokki?
Why aren't you eating? You bought this
He must've gotten scolded during the meeting
Your father gave you some pocket money
You always use up the money
the day you get it
Jeha Jeon
Aren't your parents coming?
I think they're coming
but they're coming for Mingook
My father's not interested in me
But Jeha, is it okay to eat with us?
You said your family
always have dinner together
I quickly digest anything I eat these days
so it's okay
Oh right
It looked like Hwan's father
is also not coming today
I guess being rich isn't all that
my dad did tell me that being rich
doesn't make you a happy family
Being rich
might make you less miserable though
Argh, why is my stomach hurting?
Did I have too much?
You did eat in a hurry
You want me to get you a Coke?
I can prick your finger if you're feeling sick
Come over here
I'll prick your finger
I saw this on a medical drama
- You have to cut off your finger
- No
I think I'm fine now
Don't storage rooms have electric saws?
There must be one inside over there. Have a look
Oh, really? Let's take a look
Hey, guys
I don't
Get him!
Having fun?
I told you to clean up this place, not goof around
Oh, look
Don't you guys attend junior high?
These kids
Who told you you could come here?
Haru Park
Jeha Jeon
I got your names now
I'm going to talk to
your school disciplinarian, understood?
But, sir
Where's Dogeon?
He left for the parent-teacher meeting
His mother came
Dogeon is a thoughtful kid
I was worried that he wouldn't tell you
since you're busy
That's why I made the call
There's also something I wish to discuss
I must come, of course
You might already know
but Dogeon is a smart kid
His grades for the mock exam are excellent as well
But lately
I heard he's working part-time
both on weekdays and weekends
Ah, yes
His father is ill
Yes, I'm aware of that
instead of working part-time,
to let him concentrate on his studies,
how about applying for a scholarship program?
One moment
Did you get a scholarship?
Wow, well done. Well done, my son
as this program is provided
to support his studies,
once he gets the scholarship,
Dogeon may have to quit his part-time jobs
Will you be able to support him?
I must
I have to let him study, of course
So you can't work
after getting the scholarship?
How should we pay for the living expenses
and your father's hospital bills?
It's obvious
I should keep on working part-time
She said you can't
Are you really asking for my sake?
If I quit all my part-time jobs,
do you have any other plans?
For now,
just until I get a job, you
who else is there in our family?
it's my dream to live a normal life
Like watching TV together
when I get home after school
and having dinner together in the evening
and at night,
falling asleep on a comfy bed
A normal life
But why is it so difficult
for me to lead a normal life?
I'll call you later
Things don't look so good
He does all the heavy lifting in his family
Huh? What?
How come you're here?
What are you doing here?
- In a suit!
- Let go
Explain yourself
Why didn't you tell me
about the parent-teacher meeting today?
Because you're drunk all the time
What are you doing?
- What?
- You didn't drink today
How could I drink before a school meeting?
What should I do with you, honestly
Don't I look good today?
- What do you think?
- Oh, no
- What?
- Oh, no because you look too nice
This kid
- Oh, here
- Yes, here
Your mother's in the teacher's office
My mother?
I can't thank you enough
Huh? Hosu
Oh, Mrs. Kim
I thought you wouldn't come
since you have to visit other schools
Of course, I came
you're one of my precious children
Did you have lunch?
I had tteokbokki earlier
- Huh?
- Cein treated us
Oh, Haru
Who's this?
He always walks home with me
Oh, hi
Let's go
Who was that?
the kid who likes me so much
that he transferred to this school
He also likes to dance
Oh, really?
He's cute
You didn't tell him, did you?
You know you should never tell him, right?
I'll get going
I'm telling you I'm right
Ah, yes
I'm really sorry, but I don't think
I can make the transaction today
The bike suddenly disappeared
I'll call you right away
I'm sorry
I'm telling you, it's Hwan Kim!
Hwan stole your bike
No way
Then who?
It was here until lunchtime.
Where can it go?
I'm telling you, it's Hwan
Let's go to his house
I have to go to work
Don't you get what's more important here?
- How are you going to settle?
- My work is also important
I have to make money
to settle
Darn it
If we're getting the bike, we have to get it quickly
If I had a stolen bike
I would sell it off for cash
Also, you'd be easily caught
riding that bike
What are you going to do?
Are you going to look for it?
You want us to help?
It's not mine, anyway
The owner left for work
and he doesn't even believe me
Hey Jooan, that hurt
I said that hurt!
Haru, why
Weren't you going home
with your parents?
I told her to go so I can go with you
Let's go
Let's go
Let's go
We'll get going
Your mother is really pretty
She looks like you
I was more jealous of you
You looked close with your mom
She's not my mom
She's the lady from my orphanage
You didn't know?
I live in an orphanage
I don't have any parents
It's weird
Everyone reacts this way
every time I bring this up
I'm fine, really
My mom would've had her reasons
I was so freaking cute when I was young
I bet she had no choice
when she left me
Oh, I almost forgot
I found a shortcut to your house
A shortcut?
You see the Grass Flower Arboretum here?
If you take this path,
you reach your home in 30 minutes
We always took the detour like idiots
Here's the local police office
Go a little further from here
and it's the arboretum
- Oh, yes
- This is for the Red Room
- The Red Room?
- Yes
Here's your order
Who's this?
Is he your friend?
He's from our school
He's one of the smartest in the region
Didn't know he worked here
How amazing
You get good grades
and work at the same time
Mingook, eat up
You're getting thin lately
Ah, yes
What took you so long?
How much should I fill?
- Make it full
- Okay
Throw this away for me
Here you go
That will be 93,000 won
Yes, here it is
Come again
I found the bike
This is yours. The one with the chafed saddle
I told you he stole it
I told you I was right
I told you multiple times
that Hwan Kim stole it
And no one believed me
We found the bike at his place
would Hwan
I don't care about his reasons
Forget it
It's ours
so I'm taking it with us
He even chained it
after stealing it from us
Hey, Jooan
That wouldn't work
What do you think you are doing?
Leave the bike
Hey, Hwan
- About this bike
- That's mine
The one you guys stole
I took it back
You stole his bike?
- These thieving rats
- Nope!
It's Dogeon's!
Do you know how much that is?
How would guys like you afford that?
If you're poor, at least lead an honest life
If you waste your life
you only end up like your parents
- Hey, mister
- Mister?
Should I call the police?
Let's go
Go where?
Where are you going?
They tried to steal it and sell it off
Kids these days are scary
What are you looking at?
You are selling the bike, right?
How about a fast deal?
I'm telling you, rich kids are different
Thanks to that Hwan Kim
we'll make some money
Someone's coming
You guys
Where did you get that bike?
You guys stole it, right?
you're not buying it?
You'd better answer me
You guys stole it, right?
With the camcorder and all, it must be
You stole it
What the
Isn't he that guy?
That psychopath
The one who burned his mother alive
That you sneaked sleeping pills to kill her?
You want to know?
Want me to tell you?
Why bother to use sleeping pills?
I used a syringe,
to put her down completely
Someone's here looking for you
This is your bike, right?
That's Dogeon's, and this is yours
Look closely
The camcorder that went missing together,
must be this
We are not who you think we are
What do you mean?
The kind of people
that you're picturing
I can't pay you if you work like this
Where were you
last night and two nights ago?
I went for another job
I thought so, so I secretly came by
You weren't here
Dogeon. No answer
Dogeon! I shouted multiple times, but still no answer!
Are you out of your mind?
I looked out for you,
and got you this job
I mean
who would pay you
just for keeping your post?
It doesn't have to be you
People are lining up for this job!
Quit it, then!
I'm sorry
Even without you,
I can't sleep
because of people who're after this place
Don't you want this job?
I'm sorry
This won't happen again
I'll stop by frequently
- I'm telling you, I'll stop by frequently
- Okay
Be careful
I don't even know how many times
I go back and forth
I'm sorry
- I'm sorry
- I can't sleep because of you
When did you get here?
I came because of this
I'm sorry
I got it wrong
I'm really sorry
The bike
and this, too
Oh, thank God
I did drop it in your house
I was worried
I might have dropped it on the street
Thank God
Me too. I got you wrong
To tell you the truth,
Cein called and told me
that he found the bike
and there must've been a misunderstanding
That you must've had
your reasons, too
I didn't expect you to come here to apologize
I thought you wouldn't acknowledge your mistake
and let it slide
I thought you would ignore it
like the other people I know
I'm sorry, too
Did you have dinner?
If you didn't
- Let's go to the convenience store togeth
- I had dinner
you already did
I still want to go with you
Oh, Hwan
- I'll just get my phone
- Okay
Ah, this
This happens all the time
I break things whenever I touch something
They call me "Dolk"
It's a combination of Dogeon and "Hulk"
You can take this
I'm sorry
I thought you owned that bike
Don't worry
It might come to use someday
No law says
I shouldn't get a bike like that
Thank you for the lock
I'll use it well
Keep to the pedestrian
Don't walk on the road
Get inside
Oh, Hwan
Had your breakfast?
Come inside, onto the pedestrian
Don't walk on the road
I said walk on the pedestrian
Where's your greeting?
- Hello
- Hello
Don't run and come inside
Keep to the pedestrian!
Hey, Hwan Kim
Why are you standing there?
Get inside. Go study
I'll receive detention with them
It was my fault as much as theirs
Wait here for a while
Let's just take the same route
You can get home more quickly
by taking the arboretum route
Okay, let's go
I'm sorry
I guess you want to spend
as much time with me as possible
Let's go
You've got nice dance moves
This is a really nice shot, isn't it?
It's like watching a music program
The camera movement
Honestly, the camera movements did all the work
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