Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

It's Ye-bun!
She's the daughter.
Mr. Cha, what happened to my mom?
The rescuers smashed the car window
and pulled her out,
but they were too late.
Mom, wake up.
It's cold here!
Wake up, Mom!
Wake up, Mom!
I told you to call when you got here.
It must have been hard.
Let's go inside.
Where's Grandpa?
He's inside.
Ye-bun is here.
How have you been, Grandpa?
You look great.
Father, can you drop Ye-bun off
at her school on your way to Mr. Kim's…
It's her first day of school.
It's fine.
I'll get going.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
Also, the daughter of your mom's friend
goes to your school and is in your year.
She'll help you out.
The daughter of Mom's friend?
What's her name?
Hi, I'm Ok-hui.
I'm going to move to France in the future.
You're Bong Ye-bun, right?
Our moms were besties.
I'm sure you heard about me.
Don't be scared. I'm nice.
Everyone knows
that you're Dr. Jung's granddaughter,
so behave yourself.
The snack bar's that way.
The salad sandwich is the best.
The roof of the east building
is occupied by bullies,
so don't go wandering over there.
Also, be careful of that woman.
She and I don't get along.
And if someone messes with you in class,
just mention my name.
Then they'll at least treat you decently.
Get your game face on!
Or they'll chew you up like hyenas.
Do you get good grades?
So you do.
Then it might be difficult for us
to get really close.
You're nice though, right?
Then it's fine.
let's do this.
It's nice to meet you, Ok-hui.
It was you biatches, wasn't it?
The hell are you looking at?
Do this again, and you're dead meat!
You got that?
Why should I quiet down?
Let go.
Are you Hong Myeong-ho?
What do you think about her?
He said I'm lame!
Watch yourself.
I won't hit the brakes next time.
I'm already screwed.
Study hard without me.
CSAT D-100
Ye-bun got into veterinary school.
She must take after your intelligence.
We have to head over to Mr. Ji's barn,
so get ready.
Your grandpa might not show it,
but I'm sure he's thrilled
about you getting into veterinary school.
Jeez, that stubborn old man.
At least see her off from your window!
I'll come back as the best veterinarian.
I'm going to expand our business
and treat you to nice things.
I'll get going now.
Hurry up. We'll miss the bus.
Take care of her for me, Ok-hui.
We're off, Auntie.
Take care.
Dr. Bong.
I said that I'm not going there, Ms. Jung.
I told you, Dr. Bong.
The patient is in critical condition.
You're aware that we specialize
in dogs and cats, right?
Yes, I'm aware.
And that I specialize in pets?
Of course. I'm aware of that too.
So how could you get me
a cow as a patient?
Don't you know
that cows are livestock, not pets?
But Dr. Jung used to treat cows.
I told you, animal hospitals
need to specialize in one area.
Who would bring their pets
to a vet who treats livestock as well?
Things have been slow for the past decade,
even when we didn't treat livestock.
It'll all fall into place
at the right time.
This isn't a barbecue place.
I told you to take that down.
- People think we're a barbecue place.
- Oh, shut it.
Hurry up. You're late.
- Come on, hurry up.
- Seriously.
Hold on.
What's with all these people?
Did they dig up a new hot spring
or something?
There will be a meteor shower tonight
for the first time in 100 years.
And apparently,
Mount Mujin is the perfect place to watch.
- Oh, really?
- Yes.
This is our golden opportunity.
What do you mean?
What the heck?
Put them up and hand them out on your way.
What is this? It's so tacky.
It looks just fine to me!
Our future is in cows and pigs.
- Gosh, this is so embarrassing.
- Now, hurry along.
Excuse me. You're the doctor
at Bong's Hospital, right?
- Yes. Hello.
- Hello.
My dog is refusing to eat.
What's wrong with him?
Is that so?
He might have eaten
something off the floor.
Or you could have given him
too many treats.
I don't give him treats.
If you're worried,
bring him to the hospital sometime.
Oh, no need for that.
I'll make our beautiful Mujin
a city bustling with tourists.
I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man!
Turning Mujin into the center of tourism.
I, Cha Ju-man, will make it happen.
Hello, Mr. Cha.
Hey, Ye-bun.
Dr. Jung, Ye-bun's here.
Man, I'm beat.
Still, a lot of people promised
to vote for me for Dr. Jung's sake.
I hope it'll be an easy win this time.
You won last time.
I'm sure it'll be easier this time.
- I'll get going now.
- Okay. Take care.
Bye, Mr. Cha.
Vote for candidate number one.
God loves you.
- Vote for candidate Cha Ju-man.
- Thank you for your vote.
- Vote for candidate Park Tae-seok.
- Vote for Park Tae-seok.
God loves you.
God is all-knowing.
General MacArthur is all-knowing as well.
This town's really gone to the dogs.
It's actually gone to the cows and pigs.
What is with this place?
Excuse me!
Bong Ye-bun speaking.
Yes, I'm on my way right now.
Nice to meet you. My name is…
- Come on out. It's a case.
- What kind?
A violent crime, what else?
We're the Violent Crimes Unit.
Detective Na, get the combat police
and come up from behind.
Deok-hee and… What's your name?
Moon Jang-yeol, sir.
Moon? Like in the sky?
Yes, but I don't want to
leave Earth just yet.
What's the situation?
Three have been evacuated,
but more are getting injured.
- Let's hurry up.
- Yes, sir.
This way. Hurry.
Come on, be quick. Run!
- What about equipment?
- Oh, over here.
All right, that's the only escape route,
Detective Na.
Create a line to block it.
Use the Crane Wing Formation.
Hey, look over here.
The Crane Wing Formation.
Is this case drug-related?
Yes. Technically, it is.
- Sure.
- Any hostages?
Is anyone being held?
Well, yes. There's one.
Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up.
Oh, my god!
Ready yourself. Here it comes.
What the hell?
Stop it!
Oh, my god! Help me!
Help me!
Catch it!
Hey, is everyone all right?
- You.
- Yes?
You said it's drug-related.
The cow got startled while getting a shot.
You call this a violent crime?
Hey, what's more violent
than a cow running wild?
My hands are shaking
from our first case in forever.
Then who was that woman on the cow?
She's the vet.
Hey, Detective Na. How did it go?
We just stopped it.
What was that scream?
The cow kicked the vet.
My goodness. What a shame.
She was right about this town
going to the cows and pigs.
What the…
I guess you're shit out of luck.
What kind of town is this?
Oh, this town?
Well, we're Mujin,
the pride of Chungcheong-do.
We have good water, land, and generosity.
But most of all, the best people.
The people are simple and honest,
so we don't have any crimes.
- I really am shit out of luck.
- What?
Are there any development plans here?
Rumors of them have been going around
for about ten years now.
But why? Did you buy land here?
The town needs to be developed
for people to gather.
And that'll give us more cases to work on.
Your experience
in the Regional Investigation Unit
must have given you
a unique approach to things.
But how did you end up here?
I don't plan on staying here for long,
so let's not start exchanging
each other's histories.
I'm going back to Seoul in a month.
- Going back?
- I'll be reinstated to my position.
But how?
What do you mean how?
I'll stack up some points
by solving cases.
You should refresh your GPS then.
I mean, you came to the wrong place.
How are you going to stack up any points
with runaway cows and pepper thieves?
Don't get your hopes up,
and relax here for a few years.
Where there are people,
there are violent crimes.
Why do you think there are
no "crimeless towns" anymore?
It's because people live there.
Huge cases are bound to happen,
be it murder or drugs.
Jeez. Why would you say that?
Such reckless words tend to come true.
Do you have a place to stay?
I'll get to that.
You're so clueless.
My goodness.
Are you going to sleep on the streets?
Help him find a room for himself.
Whether you're here to buy something
or to ask me out, do it already.
- Ask whom out?
- Me.
I'm here to rent a room.
Just a second.
I've seen eyes like those
back at the Regional Investigation Unit.
My sister has quite a threatening face.
Is this your house?
"Ok-hui Deok-hee"?
You're looking for a big case, right?
My sister would've committed treason
if she'd been born in the Joseon Dynasty.
She has the face of a snake.
She's going to get into
huge trouble someday.
I'll show you to your room.
Your monthly rent is 450,000 won,
including water and electricity.
You don't have to pay a deposit
since you're a cop.
Good. I'll be in your care for a month.
He's going back to Seoul in a month.
Do you not see that?
Watch it.
Just don't be messy.
Also, I have a boyfriend.
Is she always that confident?
I wouldn't say she's confident.
More like batshit crazy.
You guys must really love each other.
Do you know why I became a detective?
One day, I'm going to cuff my sister
with my own hands
and throw her ass in jail.
That's why I became a cop.
You poor bastard.
Look how great you turned out
despite having a sister like that.
I can't stand her.
Auntie, shouldn't I get a CT scan
or an MRI for this?
You're just bruised.
Put some pain relief patches on.
Let me tell you.
I'd rather die than treat another cow.
Wake up.
You're the breadwinner of this household.
You have mouths to feed.
Bite the bullet and do it.
A cow kicked me, all right?
You could have ended up providing for me.
Our main income comes from cows.
How could you say you won't treat them?
I don't care!
You okay?
Everything hurts.
Dr. Bong.
- Hello.
- Ma'am.
What brings you here at this hour?
I'm a bit worried about Geumsil.
You know she's pregnant, right?
Yes, but she's not due yet.
Could you come with me?
Okay, wait here.
Cows scare me.
You know what's scarier than cows?
Not having money.
Night examinations are double the fee.
Or you could ask your grandpa
if you could delay your next rent.
Fine, I'm going.
- My hip joints.
- Poor thing.
It's double the pay
for night examinations!
Have a safe trip!
The meteor shower will begin soon.
Perhaps I should go make a wish.
This is my cow's first calf.
She won't eat or sleep
the closer we get to her birth month.
And she cries every day.
I'll go and take a good look at her.
Hold on.
Where did all these cars come from?
Detective Na, come on over.
Something must've happened over there.
- Hurry. Get over there.
- Yes, sir.
Is this part of our job?
If you feel like this is too much trouble,
tell those meteors not to fall.
This is unimaginable in Seoul.
Well, that's a bit of a stretch.
Wait, what's that?
- Thank you!
- That thing prancing around like a deer.
That would be my sister.
Should I go arrest her?
Leave her be.
She's just trying to make a living.
Mr. Park. Are you on your way
to see the meteors?
Hey, what are people saying
about me these days?
That you can't get anything right.
Who keeps spreading those rumors?
Why are you going to see the meteors?
MacArthur was a five-star general.
I'll get more powerful
once I go see those shooting stars.
You spread the word for me.
All right.
They're falling.
Can I have a name?
It's Gwang-sik.
Hey there, Gwang-sik.
No, that's my name.
She's Geumsil.
I'm going to take a look at you.
Don't get agitated, okay?
Stay still.
That's right.
You're anxious and scared, aren't you?
I'm scared too.
So let's call it even,
and let me properly examine you.
Your baby's heartbeat is normal,
and it's having fun in there.
It seems very healthy.
So you don't have to worry.
Now I'm going to examine you
with my hands.
You can trust me. We got this.
Ye-bun, are you okay?
I was so worried about you
- that I couldn't sleep or eat--
- Gross.
Swallow that food in your mouth.
What happened to you?
You've been asleep for three days
since that house call.
- What? Three days?
- Yes.
Did I faint or something?
How would I know?
I think I blacked out
after some kind of flash.
Hi, Meowie.
Come here.
Apparently, I was unconscious
for three days.
Were you worried about me?
Come here.
Hey, kitty. Come here. That's it.
You can live with me from now on.
What was that?
What did I just see?
Stop barking, Arfie.
What are you doing?
What was that? Come here.
I must be coming down with something.
- Ye-bun.
- Yes?
Give this to your aunt.
Hyeon-ok loves rockfish.
- What's wrong?
- Did Ali catch this?
How did you know?
I should go see a doctor.
I'm going to go see a doctor.
What? What's going on with you?
But which doctor
should I even see for this?
Who is she?
- It's not like that.
- Tell me which skank it is!
- Stop it!
- How dare you come here!
Don't you dare come home, or else!
What is happening?
What was that?
Everything seems normal.
You're healthy.
That can't be.
Do you have any other symptoms?
The thing is, I'm seeing weird things.
You're seeing weird things?
Then do you want an appointment
with an ophthalmologist?
No. Not those kind of weird things.
I saw my puppy dropping its treat
and a chicken seeing a man get a bruise.
The rockfish. I saw it bite its bait.
I'll get you an appointment
with a psychiatrist.
What are you doing here? Come here.
What are you eating? Hey.
Come on, spit it out.
Arfie, say hi to Auntie Ok-hui.
Look over here. Good dog.
- Hi. There you go.
- Look at you!
It's me.
Okay, Arfie.
No, stay.
I'll be back soon. Stay here.
You happy?
This is driving me insane.
What's going on?
I need to get drunk.
Gosh, you lightweight.
You couldn't get past
the neck of the bottle.
Hey, how long was I asleep?
Three minutes.
You get drunk fast and get sober fast.
What? Did a guy dump you again?
Or did a friend try to get you
into a pyramid scheme?
Or did a guy
sell you insurance and then bail?
Hey, how long was I asleep?
You're just embarrassing yourself
at this point.
So what's wrong? Use your words.
I think I'm possessed by a spirit.
I think it would be weirder
if you weren't.
I'm not joking.
I think I'm actually possessed.
I keep seeing things.
Things like what?
When I touch animals, I see weird things.
Right. Their memories.
I think I see their memories
and see what they see.
I can see their whole lives in a panorama.
I have to close up. Go home.
I really think I'm possessed.
Then you should go see a shaman.
Why make a scene here?
A shaman?
- Hey, wait.
- Come on.
You're the one who suggested this.
I thought about it all night.
I fainted for no reason
and woke up after three days.
And I see weird things.
But the doctor says nothing's wrong.
Then what could it be other than this?
Let go of my hand and we'll talk. Let go!
My mom's a deacon.
She'd kill me if she found out.
So you go in and…
I'll be waiting here. So go ahead inside.
Sir, I…
Is my one month up?
I can only play the preview.
Excuse me.
I keep seeing these weird--
Be quiet.
You don't have to tell me.
General MacArthur sees everything.
The general is here.
You recently fainted for no reason
and woke up after three days, didn't you?
And you see weird things,
but the doctor told you nothing's wrong.
How did you know?
Honey, what are you doing later?
Do you want to hang out with Ok-hui?
The air's so bad today. Don't you think?
Anyway, I guess you know
all about why I'm here.
So what's going on with me?
All right. Let's proceed to land.
Let's proceed to land to see what's wrong.
All troops,
proceed to land.
You've been visited by a deity.
You've been chosen.
Chosen by a deity?
Yes. It's your destiny to become a shaman.
Do I really have to do that?
No, you don't have to.
It's just…
You'll have some trouble.
You won't be able to date,
and even if you do, he'll die.
Either you or those around you
will get sick or hurt out of nowhere.
They may even die.
Why would that happen?
Look up my MeTube channel.
I explain the details there.
Like and subscribe while you're at it.
Go through the shaman rite of passage.
The sooner, the better.
How does that work?
First of all,
the fee is about 20 million won.
That much?
But that would be
a crazy amount to ask for.
If I use commercial straw cutters,
replace the seasonal fruits
with tropical fruits,
use recorded music for the percussion,
and then give you a discount for locals,
it would cost you this much.
I'll do my best, trust me.
I still don't think
becoming a shaman is the answer.
Thanks for your time.
Halt! General MacArthur
wants to give you a freebie.
I usually get paid for this.
But he'll make an exception
and tell you which deity chose you.
He can tell me that?
Well, of course.
He can tell whether the deity
is a general, bachelor, maiden, or baby.
You said that you're seeing things.
Tell me what you see.
I can't just see it.
Then how?
I think I can only see things
when I touch animals.
Only animals?
Which deity would this one be?
That's Jane the goddess.
Who's Jane the goddess?
She's a friend of animals.
She's in Tarzan. You know, his girlfriend.
Give it a good thought.
Your family will get hurt
if you don't become a shaman.
I'll do my best.
What did he say?
He said I should become a shaman.
- No way. Will you do it?
- I don't know.
Hey, honey.
K-pop dance?
Why would he learn
K-pop dance in Australia?
How much is it?
500 dollars? All right,
I'll send you the money.
I think I'll be performing a rite soon.
Crap. I can still see it.
Am I possessed by some animal spirit?
Auntie Hyeon-ok!
Father, oh my goodness.
- Careful.
- Watch his back.
What happened to him?
He rolled down the stairs
while campaigning for the election.
But he refuses to go to the hospital.
Thanks, Deok-hee.
It's nothing.
Call me if you need anything.
Thank you.
Don't mention it, sir.
Why did you have to get into
that election campaign?
You never cared about politics.
What's gotten into you?
Let me see.
I'll check if you broke any bones.
Forget it.
Hyeon-ok, help me with some
pain relief patches.
Yes. It's your destiny to become a shaman.
Either you or those around you
will get sick or hurt out of nowhere.
They may even die.
Where's your coat?
Auntie, I'm closing
the hospital for today.
I sincerely thank you
for taking care of me this whole time.
What are you talking about?
And what's with all the formality?
You had it so hard for so long.
I sure did.
What did you say you craved?
I'm feeling weak these days,
so maybe some A-rated Korean beef?
Feel free to eat whatever you want.
Really? I can eat anything I want?
Yes, you can.
Where are you going though?
You'll find out about everything
after today.
I'm sorry, Grandpa.
Please have a long and healthy life.
You have to let go of everything
to become a shaman.
Release all the sorrow and rage
that you have inside you.
My dad died as soon as
I started elementary school.
When I was in high school,
my mom committed suicide.
My grandpa had been strongly
against their marriage.
But what could I do
when they both passed away?
I went to live with him.
I thought if I was a good girl,
he would like me. But he didn't.
I became a vet to get him to like me,
and I took over his hospital too.
But he still wouldn't accept me.
So I even got a loan
to redecorate the hospital
and turned it into one
that specializes in pet cats and dogs.
But we rarely get any patients,
and I'm now drowning in debt.
I had saved up some money
to get married and start a family.
But then I was visited by a deity,
so I spent it all on this rite.
Oh, my.
Why am I crying?
Is this because of estrogen?
What's this?
All great shamans walk on straw cutters.
Get on it.
Get on that?
I have to walk on those?
Yes. Just get on.
I mean, I've never learned how to do that.
The deity within you
will protect you from any harm.
Just get on.
Excuse me.
Could you…
Could you demonstrate it for me?
I'll watch and follow after you.
Don't people usually
get on those barefoot?
Yes, they do!
General MacArthur is coming.
Proceed to land on the straw cutters.
Great sharpening skills.
Proceed to land on the straw…
Are you all right? Let me take a look.
- I cut myself.
- Oh no!
Get me some ointment!
- Oint…
- Here.
What? Okay.
I got cut.
By the way,
are you MacArthur right now? Or Mr. Park?
It was the general earlier,
and now it's me.
Then can you call the general for me?
- Now?
- Yes.
Hold on.
MacArthur here.
You wanted to talk?
Why didn't you protect him?
Hi, I'd like to report
a credit card theft.
Hey, no.
If you're MacArthur,
why can't you speak English?
And if you're MacArthur,
shouldn't you be in Incheon?
Housing is expensive there.
And I really did host
the spirit of General MacArthur.
But about ten years ago,
he left me.
Maybe he got homesick?
So why did you trick me?
I have to make a living, you know.
This is my work,
and I have to support my family abroad.
Whatever. Just give me back the money.
Let me have 500,000 won.
My kid wants to learn
K-pop dance in Australia.
It doesn't make sense, does it?
I can't make sense of it either.
How does she know about the painting
if she had nothing to do with it?
Does she really have psychic powers?
It was true.
The special power Nella Jones had
was called psychometry.
Psychometry refers to the ability
to see visions of past events
or events that will happen in the future
by touching related objects or people.
Its users are able to see these visions
without having witnessed
the events themselves.
Then does it work on people too?
I can see memories of people too?
So I can see people's memories too?
Touching someone out of the blue
would make me a pervert.
This is a god-given opportunity.
I'm sorry.
What are you doing?
I didn't see anything.
What's going on?
One more try, just to make sure.
You little…
Hi, Deok-hee.
- Ye-bun?
- Hi.
Oh, hello.
Dr. Bong? What brings you here?
- Come with me.
- Okay.
You're quite the celebrity.
Bong Ye-bun.
I'm a vet.
A vet?
This is all a misunderstanding.
He was a pickpocket.
So it's okay to grope pickpockets?
That's not what I mean.
I wanted to check
if he really was a pickpocket, so…
But why grope him?
You have no proof.
You can't prove that I groped him.
How could you arrest and cuff someone
without any proof of…
I guess you do have proof.
You want to erase it?
I'm just stretching.
Just confess to the crime
before I upload the video online.
Then I'll be very honest with you.
The thing is…
I'm psychic.
Never mind, I'm just an ordinary citizen.
- Yes?
- Auntie!
We have a problem.
Deok-hee called me and said
Ye-bun's been taken to the police station.
The police station? Why?
No idea. He said she was cuffed.
Not this one.
I'm letting you go
since you're not a flight risk.
You'll be summoned once I find the victim.
You'll come to regret this.
That's criminal threat.
I'm so sorry.
I didn't see anything
from touching a person.
Does it only work on animals?
It doesn't work.
Actually, I'll have one of these.
It doesn't work on people
or on lottery tickets.
How useless.
She really is something.
What's all this mess? Where is she?
What year is this diary from?
It's more than 30 years old.
"I'm 21 years old."
- "The most important things to me…"
- The most important things to me
are Goodbye, Mr. Black and…
that guy.
JULY, 1993
Won Jong-muk!
At 25 and 21,
we dated and then parted ways.
And at 55 and 51…
we became enemies.
What are you doing here, Hyeon-ok?
Jong-muk, I'm here for Ye-bun.
She left. You should too.
- Let's talk.
- I have nothing to say.
But Jong-muk,
being with you like this
reminds me of the old days.
So this is a fencing sword.
We should play a game
since we're in uniform.
I'm not going to attack.
I'll just be blocking you.
If you make the green light
come on even once
by poking or slashing me
within three minutes, you win.
Let's make a bet.
Sure. Go ahead.
The loser grants the winner's wish.
Three minutes.
It must be 11 p.m.
All lights out.
Why do you root for me?
you make me look forward to the future.
Green light.
You can do as you wish today.
Put her in a holding cell.
What? You can't do this.
Excuse me, sir.
- Hello.
- Hello.
My dog still won't eat.
Those canned food that dogs like.
How much are they?
Why don't you just bring your dog
to the hospital?
And it just so happens that our hospital
has a promotion until today.
So I'm seeing patients free of charge.
Why don't you bring your dog right now
before we close?
- Is that so?
- Yes.
He hasn't been eating
or drinking water for the past few days.
He used to love walks.
But now he refuses to go out.
He just lies down all day.
I see. How old is he now?
He's 15 years old now.
I'll take a look at him.
His joints have weakened
and his muscle mass has decreased
because of his age.
But there's not much to worry about
other than that.
That can't be.
He used to have a huge appetite.
There has to be something wrong
when he's starved for days.
He must be really sick.
You have a point.
I'll take another look.
Let's get out there and work
to feed Deokgu.
Deokgu, you should eat too.
How is he?
Deokgu must have felt bad about
a lot of things regarding you.
He must have been sorry
that you have to work because of him.
He was sorry that he was taking your food
when you barely
had anything to eat either.
He's old, so he can't control
his bladder and bowels.
And he was sorry
that you had to clean up after him.
I think he was sorry
because he thought you kept getting ill
because of him.
- So he didn't eat or drink water.
- Eat up.
Do you want to go for a walk?
And he just kept sleeping.
Because the quicker he dies,
the sooner you'll stop suffering.
Why, you dummy…
Why would you think like that?
You're the reason I'm still alive.
I have no reason to live aside from you.
If it weren't for you,
I would have no one to talk to,
and wouldn't care about what I ate.
But I eat a proper meal because of you.
I would be lying around like a corpse,
but I go outside thanks to you.
That's how I'm not any worse.
You're old too.
Not being able to control
your bladder and bowels
is natural.
Even God can't help me with my illness.
It's only natural to get ill
when you're old.
Don't think of yourself as a burden.
Just live your life…
and pass on a few days before I die.
That way,
I'll feel at peace when I go myself
after sending you off.
Sir, take this.
- Here.
- Goodness.
You shouldn't be giving me
all this for free.
It's fine.
Feel free to come back
if there are any more problems.
Thank you.
Bye, Deokgu.
Good boy.
I guess it's not totally useless.
Hey, Deok-hee.
What the…
What are you doing here?
He moved in upstairs.
He's our neighbor now.
You better watch out.
I'm watching you.
Why do you keep talking to me
so disrespectfully?
Criminals don't get any respect from me.
- Let's go.
- All right.
Jeez, why are my arms so stiff?
So stiff…
Hey, hold steady!
Hold it!
What are you doing here?
You dirty pervert!
We hit the jackpot. How did you do this?
We're fully booked until lunch.
I'll bring in all the money
there is in Mujin.
His skin is like porcelain.
His face has "Seoul" written all over it.
I heard the guy in the rooftop room
is from Seoul too.
That guy just has "jerk"
written all over his face.
You remember Ted Chang,
who used to deal drugs?
He was last headed toward where you are.
Help me solve big cases,
improve my performance, and be reinstated.
That was rat poison, man.
Excuse me.
Make sure to keep your butt safe.
I'm sorry?
I told you. I'm psychic.
I can see everything
when I touch someone's butt.
I'm sorry!
Don't freak out.
It's a murder case.
Use live ammunition.
Shoot if you're threatened.
What the…
Subtitle translation by: Hyun-soo Cho
Ripped and synced by
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