Blade (2011) s01e01 Episode Script

Blade, the Man

My name is Eric Brooks.
I'm a vampire hunter.
Yeah they're what goes bump in the night.
Half of me is human the other half is one of them.
As luck would have it, that means I can go out
in the sun, with the power of the Daywalker.
I hunted them down and cut them apart.
It wasn't long before they feared
me, and started calling me
1x01 - Blade, the Man
A red moon
I hear my mother died on a night like this.
When I go out hunting, I remember
something the man who raised me said.
"Be careful, because when you gaze into
an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
Hey, baby, wait—!
Wait up—!
Where are you, pussycat—?
Don't hide, come on out
Found you.
What the hell are you!?
You gotta help me! This chick
she turned into a monster!
Remain calm, sir.
Everything's under control.
You hear a lot of trash about
crosses and garlic hurting them
But, that's pure mythology.
I prefer silver-edged blades
To cut them to pieces.
You're Blade!
Hey, man.
Watch yourself at night.
Now, you
What do you want!?
Your kind uses that club to feed, right?
What's that sign above the entrance mean?
I dunno!
Answer me
That's our organization, Existence's, symbol!
What's that supposed to be?
We're trying to become the power players in Asia
You know about a vampire with four fangs?
No! Never heard of him!
It's the truth!
Damn, he scared me
He'll pay for this once the boss gets here
Your boss is in town, huh?
I better pay him a visit.
We've been waiting for you, sir.
Welcome to Feed.
Makoto, are you ready?
I'm heading in.
Alright. We'll meet up later.
Be careful.
Got it.
Welcome to Feed, miss.
I'm the owner, Radu.
Good evening.
Good evening, Radu.
This is a great place you have.
Thank you so much.
Having a vision of beauty like yourself appreciate
it is the finest compliment I can imagine.
Oh, you flatterer.
Why don't we share a drink, and
get to know each other better?
I'd love to.
May I ask your name?
It's Makoto.
Makoto it sounds lovely.
Thank you.
What's the matter?
I smell something
Oh, this?
It's a cologne from my homeland, Romania
It stinks
It doesn't matter how much cologne you splash on
You reek like a wild animal.
Who the hell are you!?
A vampire hunter!
Get out of here, hurry!
Quit standing around!
Makoto! You alright!?
Oh, I'm great!
You think you can get away with this insult!?
What the hell is he, a werewolf!?
Shit! The silver bullets aren't working!
Over here, hairball!
What a racket
Who the hell are you!?
I've got this.
Stay out of our way!
Get moving.
Right. Take care of it!
Blade I've been waiting for you.
Where's your boss?
I don't need him to handle you.
Besides, why should I tell you where
he is, when you're about to die?
Yeah? Alright
/The First Blade
ave a shinkenger attack!? /
That should do it for tonight.
Stay on your toes.
That's Existence's leader—!
Makoto, listen closely.
If you want to make it as a 1st rate hunter, you
need to learn to put your feelings aside, got it?{bld?
What are you saying—?
Do you understand!?
Run for it!
Hold it!
It's you
My name is Deacon Frost.
Now, let that frenzied fear take hold of your blood
The same way your mother did.
Shut your mouth!
We'll meet again.
S Stop
We've retrieved a sample of the Daywalker's blood.
Let's go.
Dad what are you doing?
I'm begging you, open your eyes!
Dad, are you ok—
You son of a bitch!
You killed my father!
God dammit!
This string of disappearances isn't letting up, is it?
That's true. They've even
increased, in the last few months
No matter where I go, there's
always people like this.
Getting intel isn't exactly easy.
I've been expecting you. Allow
me to formally introduce myself
Hang in there, I'm coming to save you!
Next time on Blade Mad World.
Next Episode