Brave New World (2020) s01e01 Episode Script


[Goldfrapp's "Happiness"
# #
- # Join our group #
# And you will find #
# Harmony and peace of mind #
# Make it better #
# We're here to welcome you #
# We're all on the journey to #
# Finding the real inner you #
# Make it better #
# Make it better #
# We're here to welcome you #
- Lenina Crowne.
- # Time #
# Stops still when #
[machine chimes faintly]
- # You've lost love #
- Lenina Crowne.
- Fine.
[clears throat]
- Well, aren't you a lucky girl?
- # Happiness #
# How'd you get to be
happiness #
# How'd you get to find love,
real love #
- Thank you.
- # Love, love, love #
# #
[futuristic music]
# #
[music swells]
# Happiness,
how'd you get to be #
- Good morning.
- Hi.
- # Happiness #
# How'd you get to find love,
real love #
# Love, love, love #
# #
- Mr. Marx.
- Ah, Ms. Crowne.
Thank you for coming.
- I guess it couldn't wait?
- I'm afraid not.
- Yellow?
Sounds serious.
- Well, it doesn't need to be.
- My levels are fine, thank you.
- It's come to my attention
that you are engaged
in an exclusive
sexual relationship
- I beg your hold on.
- With Henry Foster,
an Alpha Plus,
for over two months now.
- No, that's not accurate.
I don't think
- This is last week.
You do remember?
- [moans]
- Ah, this was a Monday.
Executive bathroom
above the gestational wing.
- Wait, that's not
- Two Thursdays ago.
The breezeway.
Previous Tuesday.
- Stop.
- The prior Monday.
Monday before that.
Oh, lots of Mondays.
- Stop, please.
- Oh, no.
There's no need for shame.
I assure you I'm quite used to
this sort of thing.
It comes with the job.
Well, I understand the impulse.
He's handsome, strapping, tall.
Ah, yes.
Our Henry Foster is every bit
the Alpha Plus, isn't he?
What I can never seem
to wrap my head around, though,
is the selfishness.
I mean, two people engaged
in possessive, monogamous
Forgive me, I don't know
what else to call it
Relations in private, separate,
with no regard
for the social body,
no consideration
for the pain they cause,
the damage they inflict
- No.
- Sorry, did you say "no"?
- It was a few times.
- 22.
- It just happened.
You can understand that,
can't you?
It was purely sexual.
- I'm gonna stop you
right there.
- First we began to talk,
to prefer each other's company,
and I just thought that
that was
- No, you didn't.
You did not think.
You gave no thought whatsoever
to anyone but yourself.
Not your colleagues,
not your friends
All of whom have just as much
a right to Henry Foster
as you do.
[eerie music]
Or do you not agree with that?
# #
- Everyone belongs
to everyone else.
- Yes.
That's right.
That's good.
[clicks tongue]
Well, that's over now.
And I've found,
with things like this,
it's best to get
right back in the mix,
to focus on one's duty.
And if you like,
I can recommend
a few excellent, um
Go on.
A soma a day keeps
the jimjams away.
- You wouldn't happen
to have something more
- An orange for you?
This really isn't
your fault, Lenina.
You're a Beta.
Henry Foster's the Alpha here
- Beta Plus.
I'm a Beta Plus.
- Yeah, no. Of course.
All I mean is that you can't be
expected to think so far ahead.
Henry needed to consider
the bigger picture.
And Henry
[inhales deeply]
Well, Henry didn't.
Nor did he consider all
of those who might desire you.
- [exhales]
- At least not until today.
- Henry Henry told you?
- It's not important.
What's important
is that we caught it in time.
These things have a habit of
festering jealousy,
possessiveness, secrecy.
Lenina, you're going to take
the recommended actions
and you are gonna feel better.
I promise.
[solemn music]
# #
[soma dispenser clicks]
# #
[somber music]
# #
[uplifting music]
# #
[music swells]
# #
- Bernard Marx?
Bernard Marx.
Are you ignoring me, Marx?
- No, sir.
I would never.
- Listen
there's been an incident.
- Where'd you get off to?
Or should I say,
"Who'd you get off with?"
- Frannie, behave yourself.
- If you say Henry Foster again,
I swear I'll report you.
- [scoffs] Don't be silly.
Ending is better than mending.
[growing electronic music]
# #
- You are an essential part
of a perfect, social body
Everybody in their place,
everybody happy now.
And Indra keeps us
all connected.
But imagine a world
without Indra's stability
and harmony
A primitive land of greed,
and pain.
[awe-inspiring music]
You don't have to imagine.
Only an 11-minute rocket
from New London,
you'll find the Savage Lands.
# #
Come and experience the magic.
You bring the friends;
we've got the fun,
with realistic shows performed
daily by actual savages.
All the misery of the old world
with all the comforts of home.
Adventures await
in the Savage Lands.
- Hot towel or soma fizz?
- Thank you.
- Hot towel? Soma fix?
- Thank you.
- Now arriving.
District of the Sublime.
- Hot towel? Soma fizz?
[pop music]
# #
- [mumbling]
- Are you the Gamma?
I'm from the bureau.
- Counselor.
I'm happy you're here.
- Yes.
What, uh what happened?
- Our residents were enjoying
a recreation session.
Satisfaction levels
were quite high
until one of the Epsilons, he
He had an accident.
- How rare.
Show me?
They do happen, you know.
I've seen one myself.
- Yes.
But it seems that
this accident was
Well, see if you can
make sense of it.
This way, Counselor.
- Excuse me.
Excuse me, sir.
Thank you.
Hey, you Jacks.
Get away from there.
Hey, you Jack.
Did you hear what I said?
[tense music]
# #
A soma for you, Jack.
[crowd gasping in horror]
Nothing to worry about.
[dispenser clicking]
One for you.
Here you go.
It's a fine day.
Why waste it here, all right?
Clear the residents
from the area, yeah?
And tell these Epsilons
not to touch anything
till I get back.
- You're leaving?
[eerie music]
# #
- What's your name?
- CJack60.
- You knew this worker?
- We knew this worker.
- You see what happened to him?
I asked you a question.
- This worker fell.
- Fell?
# #
- We clean up now.
[dramatic music]
# #
- [panting]
[dispenser clicking]
[operatic music]
# #
- I record feelings and
turn them into experiences
Bigger, bolder,
better than anyone
could imagine,
and I give them to you,
my adoring audience.
And you're welcome.
- I was just looking at
what was left of him, and
I tried to imagine what it
What it must have been like
to to to climb up
and look over the edge
and to plan it.
I mean, to choose it.
- You lost me.
Choose what?
- To end himself, to die.
- I don't understand.
- 'Cause he jumped.
- Jumped?
You make no sense.
Why would he?
No one's ever done that.
- If he was in pain, if
- He could take a soma.
- What if soma didn't work?
- But it does.
- What if I said that
there's a kind of pain
that that
That soma doesn't touch?
- I'd tell you to take a soma.
[dispenser clicks]
- It's not funny.
- [sighs]
- I felt it what he felt.
I I I touched him, and
- An Epsilon?
- The must have been
some part of him
that was still connected
to the network
- Bernard.
- To Indra,
to everyone I mean, to me
- The Epsilon?
- Yes.
Are you listening?
- Not even sure they have
feelings, the Epsilons.
Oh, don't do that.
You know what I mean.
I mean
feel like we do.
- They feel the same.
- You're not well.
- I'm fine.
I'm just I'm trying
to explain something to you,
something important.
- And I am listening.
I always listen, don't I?
'Cause I'm your friend, Bernard.
And as your friend, I'm going
to tell you this one time only.
These feelings you described,
these aren't Epsilon feelings.
These are Bernard feelings.
- No, this is not
anything like that.
- Oh, please.
How many times
have you sat in that very chair
and then complained about
- This is different.
- "No one respects me
at the Hatchery.
"I don't feel like
an Alpha Plus.
- Stop it.
- "I never know what
to say to people.
I'm Bernard."
- I'm telling you
that I connected with
I had a vision.
- No, you had a bad afternoon.
You said you had no soma, right?
- I ran I ran out 'cause
I had to give it all to
- Right. So there you have it.
You were overtaxed.
Simple as that.
This Epsilon fell. Upsetting
- He jumped.
- Stop it!
I don't want to hear it.
[device chimes]
- What are you doing?
- I'm arranging for you
to have my table
at the Pleasure Garden tonight.
- Why would you do
Please don't
- You will go there, you will
meet some young, eager thing,
and you will do
what is expected of a man
in your position.
You want to make
a connection, Bernie?
Well, make it there.
'Cause quite frankly, my friend,
if you're not happy,
you're nothing at all.
[lively music]
# #
[group cheers]
- [sighs]
- That's the spirit.
- It's not nice to tease.
- Says who?
And who says I'm teasing?
- What happened to "never
go minus before midnight"?
- I'm just testing the range
of my "come hither."
- Well, lucky you.
You won't need it tonight.
- Lucky me.
So here's what I'm thinking.
- Hmm?
- You ready?
Be honest.
- Hmm mm.
- No?
Okay. Fine.
Too many memories anyway.
- Wow, that is
- What?
Not his thing?
- It's not anyone's thing.
- You never know.
[clears throat]
- [laughs]
- Oh, you.
Everybody likes Sexy Cat.
- If you say so.
- [sighs]
- Maybe just be yourself.
[heart thumping warmly]
[vibrant music]
# #
- [screams]
- [laughs]
Hi, Henry.
- Hi.
- This is Frannie.
- This is Damon.
- # Love will come #
# Come #
# Love will come #
# Come #
# Love will come #
# Come #
# Love will come #
# Come #
# Love will come #
# Come #
# Love will come #
# Come #
# Love will come #
# #
# Love will come #
# #
# Love will come #
# #
# Love will come #
# #
[suspenseful music]
# #
# Love will come #
[music swells]
[heartbeat thumping]
# Come #
# #
# Come #
# #
# Come #
# #
# Come #
[heartbeat thumping faster]
# Come #
[rock music playing on radio]
# #
- # I'm so sick of #
# Fill in the blank #
# Accomplish more,
accomplish nothing #
# #
# If I was split #
[switch clicks, music stops]
# Just take my fists #
# So I can beat up
the rest of me #
# #
# You have no right
to be depressed #
# You haven't tried hard
enough to like it #
# Haven't seen enough
of this world yet #
# But it hurts, it hurts,
it hurts, it hurts #
# Well, stop your whining,
try again #
# No one wants
to cause you pain #
# They're just trying #
- Madysun.
- What?
- Hi.
I just
- Thank you, everyone.
- You okay?
- Do I look okay?
Hell no.
I'm hot as balls in this thing.
Jesus, John, you gonna give me
a hand here, or what?
- Oh.
[indistinct radio chatter]
- [sighs] So?
Oh, Christ, man.
Spit it out.
They'll be coming soon.
- No, no, no.
[clears throat]
You didn't show last night,
so I thought maybe
something happened.
It's not a big deal.
- Right.
Yeah, there was
a meeting last night.
- With your group?
- Yeah.
You gotta come sometime.
- It's too bad, you know?
I thought you were coming over.
I wanted to show you the view.
- You already
showed me the view.
- I wanted to show you again.
- You're bad.
- Am I?
- I already told you
it's not a good idea.
- Why not?
- Because I'm
with somebody, dummy.
- Yeah, but I'd be good to you.
- And what's that got
to do with anything, huh?
- Hey, dickhead.
- Oh, see what I meant?
I don't need to be dealing
with this shit.
- Hey, I'm talking
to you, stagehand.
- You better go.
I'll cool him out.
- Today's show was
a mess!
- Get the hell out
of here, John.
Hey, baby, come with me.
- Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh.
[gun fires]
You made us look like a bunch
of idiots out there.
[gun fires]
How am I supposed to work
with this shit?
- Sorry, Kvle.
- your sorry, man.
You don't care.
That's your problem.
I don't understand why
you can't just be professional
for one goddamn show
- As we discussed, you have
to check the firing pin
before you use a weapon
in the show
- You check the
Firing pin, prop boy.
Do your job!
And get it through your head
We don't do it right,
then maybe they stop coming.
And if they stop coming,
we don't eat.
- [groans]
- Hey, I know you're not
gonna make me wait for you.
- You had enough yet?
[eerie music]
# #
[ambient music]
# #
- Just give me the goat.
- Look, friend,
I deal in quality.
[door creaks open]
It's a complete set.
I can't go breaking it up
just 'cause you got
certain preferences.
- Just give me the goat.
- You're gonna buy something
this time?
- What happened
to the good stuff?
- What are you talking about?
All I got is good stuff.
- "Myron Hauska
and the Fiascos"?
- # Daddy, let's make #
- This is
"Mimi's Bachelorette Mix."
- Mimi ahead of her time.
# #
[upbeat music playing]
- "Let's Learn Shapes"?
This is bullshit, man.
- I'm trying to conduct
some business here.
- Give me the goat.
- These are rare
totemic artifacts.
I found them eight feet down,
some dead son of a bitch
still clinging.
- # Yeah, God is time #
# Feel how #
- All right.
You found your jam.
- Best thing you got in here.
Like, ever.
You don't like it?
- Ah, it's music, man.
They ain't making anymore of it.
She seeing anybody?
- What's that?
- Take it.
Tell her I'm sorry
- Just stay away from her.
- Yeah.
I can't do that.
- I don't
- Hey, hey.
I'm gonna help you out.
You know, the stuff you listen
to about finding the girl
and driving off
into the sunset sounds nice,
but it ain't that easy.
[CD player beeps]
Most dangerous thing a man
could be is a romantic.
[romantic music playing]
# #
- [chuckles]
Who is this?
- No one knows.
- # Oh, yeah #
# #
# And there's no way to know #
# #
# Forget, forget #
# #
# I'll never let you go #
# #
# If we get there #
- Mom, what are you doing?
- John. Hello.
# #
- # And dreams we share #
# #
- Did you go outside today?
- Yeah, I mean
I I tried.
I did.
I really tried, but that
horrible woman was out there
with those vile children.
She gives me nasty looks, John,
like she wants to club me
with that cane of hers.
If you're gonna be mad, be mad,
but please don't get quiet.
You know that I can't stand it
when you won't speak to me.
Oh, my God.
What's wrong?
- What's wrong is that
you're sitting here
in front of the window for the
whole neighborhood to see you
like you're
- Go on.
Say it.
- [sighs]
- Go on.
- Put some clothes on.
Go easy.
That's gotta last.
It's really good.
- In certain light,
you look exactly like him.
If I were to close my eyes
a little,
it's as if remarkable
- Mom.
- Yeah?
No, I mean,
you should know this
- No.
- Yes, it's who you are
- Please stop.
[electricity surges]
- # Only today #
# #
# See the pretty girl,
see the pretty vamp #
# Does make for a view #
# But how does she know #
# This little thing #
[switch clicks, music stops]
[solemn music]
# #
[cans clatter]
[ambient music]
# #
[engine revs]
- Hey, John.
- Madysun?
- [panting]
- Are you in pain?
- Pain?
I mean, maybe you could
untie my wrists.
Who are you?
Where's Madysun?
Where is she?
- Come with me.
I wanna show you something.
- [groaning]
[eerie music]
# #
- John, up here.
Stay with me.
You know what that is?
- I work there.
- What you see there is
an obscenity.
These outsiders come here,
take our land.
They build that insult
for their own amusement.
I don't like being laughed at.
Do you?
- No.
- So why'd you let them?
- Madysun?
- She can't help you.
- I think you made a mistake.
I think you have
the wrong person.
- We need you, John.
I watch you
every day
washing those cars.
Putting on plays
for these outsiders,
these New Worlders.
They love nothing.
They believe in nothing.
Look at that blue horror
out there.
Burns you and me to ash
if we so much as touch it,
and yet, they walk
right through.
How do they do that?
Makes you wonder
if they're even human.
You wanna know what's in there?
- No.
- Your destiny.
- No, no.
No, no.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
- A chance to live or die by
your own wits, your own will.
Open your eyes.
We're going to tear it
all down, John,
take back what's ours.
- What do you want me to do?
- You're asking
the wrong question, sweetheart.
The question you gotta
ask yourself is "What am I?"
A free human being?
Or a washer of cars?
- [indistinct]
[ambient music]
# #
[overlapping chatter]
[music fades]
- Marx, what are you doing?
Why are you off-line?
- Oh, I wasn't.
I mean, for a moment, sir, I'm
- What is it you do?
- "Do," sir?
- When you're alone.
I reviewed your activity.
You've been private lately.
- No have I have I?
- Yes.
Optic out, off network,
No recent sexual connections,
no communal
- Well, that's just a matter
of free time
- That's unacceptable, Bernard.
It's solipsism.
It's disgusting.
Privacy is a vice the social
body simply can't afford.
I shouldn't need
to explain this to an Alpha.
But then, you're not quite
an Alpha, are you?
- I'm an Alpha Plus, sir.
- Clean yourself.
Explain this.
- It's a grapefruit.
- It's the grapefruit you
dropped at the incident today.
Why would you do such a thing?
You are to assess
emotional trauma
and administer soma accordingly.
- The Epsilon
I wanted to understand.
- You understand he fell?
To believe otherwise
would be irrational.
Isn't that right?
To be honest, Bernard,
you don't look well.
- I'm I'm fine, sir.
- Not well at all.
Depleted, exhausted.
Have you considered a vacation?
It isn't up for debate.
I know just the thing
to sort you out.
[wolf howls]
- Welcome to the Savage Lands!
- You gonna invite me in?
I thought you wanted
to show me the view.
- Not tonight.
- Oh, don't be like that.
- How the
Do you want me to be?
- Grateful.
We're giving you a chance.
- I can't do what you're asking.
- It's not me.
I like you, John,
but the others
Promise me you'll
think about it.
I'd hate for anything
to happen to you
Or your mom.
[eerie music]
# #
- Lenina, what are you
- I didn't everything you said.
I reconnected
I took, I touched, I gave.
- This is inappropriate
at your level.
- At my level?
What about you?
- Me?
I'll have you know
- I saw you tonight,
standing there alone,
running away like a coward.
You're a hypocrite.
Did you hear me, Bernard?
- Yes.
- I don't feel better.
- Neither do I.
- What did you say?
- I'm tired.
And it seems that I'm
in some sort of trouble.
I've been told my behavior
is private.
I've been off network.
But I know what's
expected of me,
so I I try to
I don't have a problem with sex.
I don't.
I mean, sex is something
that I
Believe me, sex is something
that I I
It's not real.
- What's not?
- Any of it.
I don't know. It.
I'm not who I'm supposed to be.
Everyone sees.
- Maybe I can help with that.
[whimsical music]
# #
- Can't Indra
tell the difference?
I mean, does this work?
Projecting ourselves?
- I don't know.
I've always wanted to try.
You were wrong,
about Henry, I mean.
It wasn't the Alpha Plus of him
that pulled me in.
- What was it?
- Maybe it's my conditioning.
I'm a good scientist.
I've always been curious,
wanted a look inside things.
Henry let me.
- Do you see inside me?
What do you see?
- # It wears #
# #
# She looks like
the real thing #
# #
# She tastes like
the real thing #
# My fake #
# Plastic love #
# #
# But I can't help the feeling #
# #
# I could blow
through the ceiling #
# #
# If I just turn #
# And run #
# #
# And it wears me out #
# #
# It wears me out #
# #
# It wears me out #
# #
# It wears me out #
# #
# And if I could be #
# Who you wanted #
# If I could be #
# Who you wanted #
# All the time #
# #
# All the time #
# Oh, oh, oh #
# #
[uplifting music]
[dramatic musical sting]
Next Episode