Call It Love (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

There was a poet,
who once said the following.
That if you wanna understand,
if you wanna forgive,
and if you wanna love someone
you should observe how they look
from the back
for a long while.
-Mr. Han.
-Mr. Han.
That if you do just that,
you don't have to unnecessarily
try to understand, forgive, or love them
because their lonely shadow
will have made you cry
without you even knowing.
-They're right.
-Hey, how's it going?
To understand someone's loneliness
Well, for me, I think
that's the beginning of love.
Here is Wonstein singing, "Secret Garden."
You're such an idiot.
You should have known
it was gonna crumble,
pay more attention.
You're picking up the check today.
More like you're
getting free dinner again.
Come on, let's play.
Ugh, why is my heart pounding so hard?
The back of my neck's
been prickly all day.
I wonder what awful thing will happen.
You could cut out coffee,
drink less alcohol.
-And don't think about cigarettes.
Because I don't want
to lose my drinking buddy.
Let's ruin our health a bit less then.
Don't go telling everyone
you're a pharmacist,
they might just stone you.
-A bottle of soju, please.
-All right!
Do you wanna make a bet?
Winner gets a wish from the loser.
Hey, stop trying to play me
and just pay okay?
I think I should put in
the seasoned soy sauce
or the spicy sauce?
Sweet choices, yeah?
What's the bet on?
-Are you in?
-Tell me first.
Whether it might rain or not.
Well, I'd bet it would.
Aha! So you're trying
to scam me, not make a bet, huh?
You haven't checked the weather?
No, I didn't check the weather.
If you can't trust a lifelong friend,
you can check it on your stupid app.
All right, I'll check the app.
Hey, the chance of rain
is about ten percent.
You certain you wanna do it?
Do you?
Why are you making this bet?
If I win the bet knowing
that that's the probability
Well, it'd mean the sky's gone nuts.
So I thought my own insanity
wouldn't be all that noticeable.
I could cause some real trouble.
What lunacy are you preparing
to unleash now?
You're scaring me.
Congee and two bottles of soju,
fifteen thousand won, please.
Hey, lady, you said two bottles of soju
went to his table!
Hey, are you deaf?
Can't you hear me, or what?
Hey, I think the soju was for us.
That's right, there aren't any bottles
on his table.
Oh! Seriously,
-I really should fire that girl.
-Let's get out of here.
You know, mister, you should have
told me you didn't order it.
I was yelling
and now my throat hurts.
Listen, ma'am.
The way he asked, "Soju?"
That means he didn't order it.
Why are you giving him such a hard time?
Uh, well then.
We're ready to pay.
I'm sorry.
I'm not the one you owe an apology.
Who knows if he'll come back?
The rice is ready.
Sim Haesung, Sim Jigu,
breakfast is ready!
I set the table, so wake up Jigu and eat.
When you're done, soak the dishes.
It's hard to wash them
if there's food stuck on them.
Oh, what's that? A big roach?
You're awake then.
The alarm hasn't rung.
I can sleep a little longer.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, what now? What do you want?
Ten percent chance of rain today
just so you know.
I watch the news in the morning too!
Stop waking me up before my alarm!
Why don't you use that energy to wake up?
Come eat breakfast.
Oh, okay, okay.
Okay, you attacked me first, don't forget.
-Look over here.
Oh, it's bad.
Whoa, that's really bad.
Oh, it's so bad.
Yeah, that's a good one.
-Why'd you do that?
I'm gonna send these great pics
to your boyfriend.
Wow, if he still wants to marry you,
that's true love right there.
-He may not recognize you.
-Delete them while you have the chance.
I don't wanna have
to get violent with you, so
Excuse me?
-You think I'll lose to an old hag?
-Who you calling old hag?
You should try again.
Old hag, old age,
old people, old spinster!
They all mean old and frail, you idiot.
Why'd you do that to me?
-Give it!
Look who's old now, you punk.
Ow, my back.
It was already bad.
-Wow. Come, eat breakfast.
-You're really crazy.
-Give me my phone back.
Oh, you're out of your mind.
Why'd you kick me in the back?
I have an injury.
Give it back.
-I have to delete the pictures first.
-Come on, just give it back.
How do I do this?
You better not send those.
-Okay, just give it back.
-Oh, stop. I have to delete them.
There's a problem
with the Singapore exhibition.
Oh, what a sudden downpour.
There's one thing in this world
that never fails you.
A foreboding.
You know how animals seem to know
when an earthquake is coming
and seek shelter?
They have the ability
to predict their fate.
But humans can't, can they?
It means we lost our bid again.
I mean,
didn't they say it was for sure this time?
-to go under real soon.
Yeah, I know.
It's risky, right?
Wasn't the result due
the day after tomorrow?
Officially, yes. But, uh
I know their team leader personally.
He said we've the most experience
with exhibitions in Singapore,
and assured me that it was a sure deal.
But then, uh
Is it President Shin who won the bid?
It seems he only bids on the contracts
that we're trying to get.
I think
he's obviously blocking us.
Should I try and get
the contract fee back?
No way we'll get that back.
And President Shin knows it too.
Can you please sum up all the payments
that are due this, um, week,
and send them to me?
I'll review it on the go.
Miss Baek, wait.
Shin's interference. Have you told Sunwoo?
Yeah, I already did.
Oh, I should be the one thanking you.
Yes, yes.
Yes, we'll do our best.
So you're here.
Yes, sir. Wait.
Uh-huh, that's right.
Oh, you've got some guts now, Team Leader.
Lower your tone to your mentor, would you?
You're not my mentor now
and I'm president.
It was five years ago
we started our company.
So how about the Singapore fair?
Did you undersell us on it?
Hey, would you have been able
to outbid me?
Even if I told you whether
I underbid on it or not?
You guys don't have the money, right?
If you and Dongjin
were still working under me,
how nice would that be?
You two used to be my little errand boys,
so, of course, I'm pissed off.
You see
I don't particularly want
to encourage your pettiness
so I would just ask.
You're doing all this,
is this some kinda sad attempt at revenge?
How many times do I have to tell you
that we didn't take your employees--
Who saying that?
You think this is a sad attempt.
Revenge is also a means to make a living.
And my constipation was done
after I screwed you, guys.
You really are peculiar, you know that?
-You must be tired.
-Why would I be tired?
I'm livid right now.
You guys are just ripe for the picking,
so why wouldn't I kick you
while you're down?
All right
Are you about done?
You still have your company.
So, I guess I'm not finished.
How can you say that right now to me?
The lunch hour is the most busy one.
Wherever you are, just get back here.
But it's raining.
Well, so what?
I thought I told you.
That if I beat the 90 percent chance
and it actually rained
I would cause some real trouble.
Someone once told me that.
If you really need
to take revenge on someone,
even after a decade or two,
well, you should try.
Simply pulling a chair out
from under them.
Young lady. What, um
What do you think you're doing here?
The point I'm trying to make
is "If an opportunity arises,
humiliate them by any means you can."
Wouldn't you agree?
I don't know who you are.
It's been 15 years.
So I suppose there's a chance you don't.
Sim Chulmin's daughter, Sim Woojoo.
I've grown a lot, right?
And you, well
You've grown old, huh?
Let's get going.
I'm sorry. It's 'cause of me
Don't say that, Heeja.
Gimme some more stew
and another bottle of soju!
It's all right,
don't pay any attention to me
and enjoy your meals.
Aunt number 1, Uncle,
Aunt number 2.
Have you been well?
Well, other than the fact that
I found out about the funeral
via messages in the neighborhood chat,
I guess I've been all right then.
We heard you cut ties
with your father a long time ago.
That's why we didn't reach out.
It's not like we didn't want to tell you.
Mm. So considerate.
Oh, then what about the ten million won
that you borrowed from my mom?
You acted like that never happened
when they divorced.
I wonder if that's also you
being considerate.
Will you give me an answer today?
You could always give me
the money instead.
Oh. Oh, I should just stop talking to you.
How can a child be so disrespectful
to her elders?
Guess what?
I could be really nasty right now,
but I'm showing you respect.
Because that's what adults do.
The person you are
trying to reach can't answer the phone
Oh, why aren't you answering the phone?
Always when I need you.
The line you are calling is busy
Yes, I can make
the payments next month.
Right. I apologize.
Excuse me, sir. I apologize.
Our department chief says he forgot
that he had a prior engagement
I know you were waiting a while.
I apologize on his behalf.
Could I just see him briefly?
Uh So he says that he'll call you.
He can't see you today.
I apologize.
He'd at least need my number then.
Ah, yes, indeed.
If you could pass it along
Have a nice day. Goodbye, sir.
Best Fairs?
Not only is he ruggedly good-looking,
he's a CEO as well?
So you think he's good-looking?
Hmm. To me, he just seemed like someone
who came here to get a loan.
I'm sure you've heard the rumor
that you're a bad judge of men.
They say you're the worst in the branch.
Who's spewing that kind of nonsense?
It's me.
When I get married next spring,
you're gonna catch my bouquet
when I toss it, right?
You've grown up well.
You're the second child, right?
I'm asking you
for the sake of your dead father.
Please can you just remove yourself?
We'll contact you with the burial info.
What's up with the cheap side dishes?
I thought this was a premium suite.
There could be 12
-or nine?
Eight sides!
If not, what about just six, huh?
Or are you too cheap for that?
What? What are you saying, hmm?
What's wrong?
You don't like that word?
If you ask me "cheap" suits you.
I guess, everyone here knows that.
Not just cheap but you're
an overachieving cheap side piece
who stole her friend's husband.
Who are you to raise your voice?
Thirteen years ago,
when the two of you took off
with the bank account book
and the jewelry,
you didn't prepare for this, huh?
Keep your voice down.
What, is this humiliating you?
Your entire life is so embarrassing.
You you brat!
You just going to stand there?
Hmm, well, I won't leave
until I finish the soju.
You didn't really believe
that I'd come here just to humiliate you?
I'm here for the ghost of the man
whose funeral we're attending.
To show him that his daughter
has been waiting for this day
for all these years.
Okay, fine.
You eat up.
Finish eating and then go.
Keep it in.
If you cry right now, you're a loser.
You mean that woman
sold the house in Yeonhui-dong?
Your brother put the deed in her name
just before he died.
And then, that ridiculous woman went
and sold it
as soon as her name was on it.
Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.
So then Woojoo came here
to confront her
about her house being sold.
I was afraid for the worst,
but it was better than I thought.
I was so worried
that she was gonna flip out and
Oh, I don't know,
throw a table or something.
-I mean
That little thing is so fiercely feisty,
you know what I mean?
Repeat it to me, who sold what?
Oh. Oh, dear. I really have
to use the restroom.
Well, I, uh, so I thought
maybe you'd already left.
-What, what, huh?
Tell me what was sold right now!
Don't look at me like that!
Maybe you should ask Heeja instead of me!
-Let go of me.
-Just come with me.
-Let go and answer me!
-Settle down, let's talk up here.
-Be quiet.
-Just tell me.
Tell me, did you sell our house or not?
I said be quiet and follow me.
Oh, come on! You brat!
I said let go!
Why are you doing this to me?
Didn't you crash the funeral
'cause you knew that?
Why the look?
What? Nobody bothered
to mention it to you?
So, you really came here
just to try to punish my dead husband,
looking like a hooker?
Who's really cheap?
Because look who's talking.
Explain it then.
Tell me, why would it belong to you?
Because it doesn't, okay?
Hang on a sec.
You should do something about your phone.
It's driving me crazy.
-Look, I'll call you later--
Why don't you answer your phone?
Some people are here
telling me to vacate the house
We'll need to change it all out.
Right? New wallpaper?
Please, Woojoo, where are you?
The house is mine!
Keep your voice down!
What makes you think it's okay
to shout at me like that?
Look, your father and I
were legally married you get it?
That house was under your father's name.
It belonged to you then,
but now it's an inheritance.
It was mine to sell.
-I haven't done anything wrong, okay?
-Well, you can't just force us out.
You can't just take away our home,
we live there still.
I swear
If you take our home away from us,
karma will come for you.
You can't uproot us like that,
how could you?
You really think karma exists?
I'll consider the humiliation
I endured today
as punishment enough.
About the house?
You have a week to move out.
Take this.
Use it to catch a cab.
You can't go on the bus looking like that.
Where are you going?
We're not finished yet.
What the hell?
Don't you touch me!
I'm done being nice,
you need to respect me
and your dead father.
Stop this now unless you want you
and your precious siblings
pulled out by force.
Ah, eeesh!
Hey, where did you get the car key?
Where do you think I got it?
I guess you went through my desk.
This is kidnapping, you know?
Do you know how scared
my baby must have been?
When did you get the car?
a while ago, I think.
I paid for it a little before that.
It was before things got so bad.
Say something okay?
Dongjin, don't just give me that look.
As co-owner
I'm also working hard
to find some cash flow for us.
So please don't make me sell my car!
You find some money, okay?
I will do what I can.
Hey, did things go well at the bank?
How much are they gonna loan us?
Hey, Dongjin!
Hey! Can you please just tell me
what's gonna happen with the company?
Dongjin, you actually came here?
Nothing good's gonna come outta this.
Dongjin is here to see you.
You didn't see him often.
he was always good to you.
You remember, right?
You left the world first,
leaving me all alone.
Now, this boy is all I have left.
Why did you have to go so early?
Tell me why you left me all by myself.
Ah, stop it already, it's stupid.
Ah, Woojoo, did you do something crazy?
I was hoping I wouldn't find you
when I got here.
But my hunch was right
I wish I had been wrong.
Like what impulsive decision convinced you
that it'd be okay
to dress like that at a funeral?
Come on. Why don't you get up?
Are you crying?
Hey, please don't cry.
Go ahead and say it.
"Woojoo, why do you even come?"
I tried so hard to hold myself together
so my dad wouldn't see these tears.
And now if they see me here
they'll think that I'm broken
'cause of his death and that's not why.
I didn't want to cry for him at all.
You're cruel, you know.
You don't visit me once for five years,
and it takes someone to die
just for me to see your face?
I transferred the money.
You should check your bank.
I'm sorry.
I know I got married a lot
so I guess I didn't offer you
the support you needed.
Though I endured,
much anxiety and pain during your birth.
If you were having a hard time,
you should have talked to me sooner.
Why would you be running around
and asking everyone for money like a bum?
Where did you get the money though?
It wasn't stolen.
Just so we're clear.
I'll pay you back.
There were so many people looking.
You should have at least gotten a haircut.
Now you're acting like your dad's son.
Oh, Dongjin.
Let's see each other more often, okay?
You know, I have no one but you now.
That's all. Hm?
Hey, before we go,
do you wanna get takeout from our area?
What if the jjajangmyeon
in the new neighborhood sucks?
Yeah, I wouldn't like that at all.
Do you wanna get kang jjajangmyeon
in that case?
Yeah, sure, the seafood one.
Oh, in that case,
I'll get some fried rice.
You want sweet and sour pork?
Sweet and sour?
Huh, let's get a medium size.
Hi, this is the house
with the ginkgo tree out front.
I'd like two seafood jjajangmyeon,
a fried rice,
and a medium sweet and sour pork.
And a bottle of Cola
and a bottle of cider.
Am I weird for debating
whether we should be eating right now?
Do you want something or not?
And a jjamppong also.
The Hulk,
the psycho,
and me, Jigu.
Mr. Han.
What are you doing?
I mean, it's not like you haven't
seen an empty exhibition hall.
What were you so focused about in there?
All that space.
But the problem is,
finding ways to fill it.
How can we fill the hall
with just one fair?
What if not enough people attend?
There's this one guy who always
avoids the first day of his own fairs,
on purpose I bet.
And will you be the same?
Oh, so
Why did you come to see me?
Hall C.
I'd like to reserve it.
What? You've got a new trade show?
Your company is back to normal?
You're Dongjin's right-hand person
so it makes sense you knew the situation.
If Mr. Cha also knew about it,
then I might be kind of hurt.
Mister Choi, can you
separate your work and personal life?
I'm separating them.
This is personal and not okay,
Baek Soohee.
You're my mom's friend's daughter,
we literally grew up together, right?
Did you tell him we're holding
our own exhibition?
Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.
If we're talking about that, well, I knew.
So then, you all knew it?
When I'm also president
and I was just told?
So, instead of always disappearing,
just show up.
You should be used to it now, huh?
I'm a busy guy, okay?
Look, look, look. I see that look again.
What I'm saying is,
we just got an investment,
jumping into another fair too soon
is risky.
Oh, let's face it.
We're pushing our luck.
Bidding on exhibits
will only take us so far.
We need to hold our own exhibition
to create a stable revenue source
and prevent debt.
So what is your idea then?
A camping exhibition could be good.
Hmm, it's actually
a growing market right now.
There's expansion potential
with food and drink distributors
and manufacturing companies.
Could be good.
Take a look.
Before you are the companies
I've talked with already.
I've included the contact details
for the major clients
so you can arrange meetings right away.
Oh, so when'd you do all this?
When do you think he did it?
I don't show up to work in the office
but he never leaves at all.
And that's why
this is all working so smoothly.
-Are you proud of that?
-Why yes, indeed.
Enough of this meeting,
let's get some lunch I'm hungry.
Just say it.
How's the food?
Dongjin? It's bland, right?
Can't we just eat?
Do you spend time,
camping alone these days?
That's what you wanna know?
Is like
No matter what was going on with you,
remember back in the day,
you were always going camping
every chance you got, yeah?
But ever since you broke up with Minyoung,
you haven't camped once.
So I thought,
"Okay, I guess he's done with camping."
That's the reason I wouldn't talk
camping with you, Dongjin,
but you mentioned it again today.
Is there anything going on with you?
Look, it's just an idea
and it's something that I know.
I was wondering
why did you break up with Minyoung?
Just kidding.
Please ignore my stupidity, eh?
But you do have to tell me about your mom.
Where did she get all that cash anyway?
We need to know where
the investment funds are from.
It wasn't stolen.
Just so we're clear.
I wouldn't have cared.
Even if she said she stole it,
I probably would've taken it
without thought.
That's why I didn't ask
where she got the money.
'Cause we needed it.
Can I have some more tteokbokki, please?
Of course.
-Thank you.
-Yes, have a good day.
Thank you, sir.
Oh, ma'am.
Uh, did you take a number?
Oh, it's all right. I can take her.
Hello there.
I wanna withdraw all of my money.
Yes. Could you show me your ID?
Oh, may I ask,
if this is your husband's account?
You're something else, aren't ya?
Why yes, exactly.
I'm sorry, ma'am. My mistake, sorry.
Keep your mouth shut.
Until I ask you a question.
Ow! My back hurts!
Ma'am, please, please, calm down.
-Let go!
-Ma'am, please
Ma'am, just please stop, ma'am.
-Ma'am, please. Let go of her!
-Please stop
I really don't know anyone
called Park Youngsoo.
What do you mean you don't know who he is?
He was calling you "honey" and "darling"
when he spoke to you late last night.
He's the same guy who lives with me!
No, uh
-The man I'm seeing is Park Minkyu--
-Park Minkyu!
Park Youngsoo is Park Minkyu.
Minkyu's his nickname,
his real name's Youngsoo!
Don't tell me you didn't know.
-You must have.
Ma'am, I really didn't know, I swear.
Who are you calling "Ma'am"?
Don't try to be so polite
in the middle of this mess.
I didn't know
Well, I, uh
I would never date someone
who was already seeing
another girl, I swear.
What's all this then?
We're not legally married,
but we've been sleeping
in the same bed for ten years.
I sold cosmetics to provide
for his clothes, food, everything.
I'm the one who gave him his life.
And he says he wants to break up with me
so he can live with you.
You should have come to me sooner.
It must have been so hard for you.
I won't see him again.
Now that I know all this.
I can't believe he did that to you.
You expect me to believe that?
Give her a chance.
There's nothing else you can do.
If you see her with your husband,
just look for me instead
of looking for her, okay?
It'll be faster.
'Cause I'm her little sister,
and I'll kill her personally
if she sees him again.
This is my cell number.
Can we consider this finished?
But let me say one more thing.
More than likely,
my sister really didn't know.
And the only reason she let you
beat her up and humiliate her
is because she's so nice.
It's 'cause she knows
it isn't easy hearing it like this.
That must be
what's most painful from it all.
And, um
I'm not as nice as her.
So don't forget that.
Are you crazy?
Why are you throwing that away?
Hey, Sim Haesung!
Hey, I'm your older sister!
You shouldn't yell at me like that!
Why didn't you use that temper?
I'm appalled that she got the best of you.
I just really like this picture of me.
Well, I'll cut my face out
and then I'll toss the other photos.
Come on, you stupid or what?
So tell me, how is it that
all your relationships are so horrible?
I don't have to explain myself,
especially 'cause you think guys
are just like our cheating dad.
Even if I did explain myself,
you just don't get it.
Well, you don't date, so back off, Woojoo.
I think I consider myself quite lucky.
And I think I'm luckier than you are.
Then at least meet someone that's decent!
Why do you always go
for pathetic dogs like that one?
I'm year of the horse!
Dog signs are a match, okay?
Oh, wait. I have to go
to the pharmacy too.
Yeah, well, I quit working there.
Then where do you work now?
Beige pantyhose.
Hey. Who is she?
Uh, Miss? May I ask, do you know this guy?
Yes, uh, actually quite well.
What? Is that true?
Then may I ask
how you know each other then?
He's helping me with my stuff,
so perhaps we know each other.
Oh, you really don't know her?
Well, should I? I can't recall.
Uh Have we met somewhere already?
I, uh, suppose here and there.
I'm around until about six each day.
Oh, the rumor must be true about you.
Uh, what rumor?
You go to work like you go to the gym.
What's this?
She works for us?
She's a part-time office assistant.
She's been here for a week now.
How old is she?
Why do you wanna know so bad?
She's too old for part-time
and she seems really tough.
She already knew exactly who I was,
but she didn't even flinch for a second.
And besides,
what's with her attitude anyway,
the way she talks?
I'm not sure if she was joking or not.
Yeah, I was planning to head out anyway.
The second you put on glasses,
it's my cue to go.
Since this is the attitude I get,
I'm not that surprised
she's acting like that too.
It's just for three months.
It's a temporary position,
a three-month contract.
No extensions.
Excuse me, you get my pantyhose?
Didn't you get my text?
Oh, look at that. Why yes, you did.
Well, yes, I did.
I didn't get them for you.
I would have if you had written,
"Woojoo, could you please
get me some pantyhose?"
It was the way you said it.
It felt like you were giving me an order.
I felt offended by that.
I was in a hurry at that time, I
Mister Cha, I really don't like her.
Well, she's a good asset to us.
Yeah, so what?
She's just a part-timer though.
I don't think
she's a typical part-timer.
Our team leader's picking
her assignments personally.
This is reference material.
Can you read and summarize it?
It'll be good for you
to have some background knowledge.
Ms. Baek doesn't even call you
by name if you're not good enough.
It took you, what?
Three months too, right?
I'm still getting over you ♪
It doesn't feel like it's the end ♪
Even though you are loving
someone else ♪
I'm still loving you ♪
Can you choose just one?
You should either blow your nose
or clean your eyes.
Am I dirty?
Oh, um, it's not the most clean.
Why am I dirty, though?
Married cheating assholes
should be instead.
They're all just pieces of trash
that you can't recycle.
They all have to be put out
into a trash bag
and then thrown away!
So then
then why
did I ever love
those stupid pieces of trash at all?
I'm still in love with you ♪
I love you more than anyone else ♪
We never broke up even if we broke up ♪
When can I get over you? ♪
Without you knowing ♪
I'm still loving you ♪
Ah, that startled me!
Oh, what's she doing
that's too important for her
to pick up the phone?
How am I gonna handle her by myself?
You gonna stand there all day?
Don't look into it any further.
You told me you met with that woman.
Yeah, I went to talk to her.
I met her, okay?
Your dad put the deed in her name
before he died,
so you kids don't have any claim.
Even if you did,
she already sold the house
and funded her son's company.
She's a terrible woman,
but she still loves her son.
I also heard
You spent all your money
on your mom's treatment
and that house was all you had.
I don't understand my brother.
Why did he have to marry a gold digger
I'm outta here.
Woojoo, hey, wait!
Her son's business card.
When he came to the funeral hall
I made sure to get it.
You know, actually, he seems
totally different than she is.
You could ask him for some money.
Hey, who knows?
Maybe he can right his mother's wrong?
If he was different
from his mother,
he shouldn't have taken the money.
He would have known
where that money came from.
It's simply "like mother, like son."
Hey, do you remember?
Maybe your sophomore year of high school?
You know, when you wore
that expensive pair of shoes to school
and that day some bullies took them away?
The one who went
and got them back was Woojoo.
Was it really her?
Those kids were known
to be the strongest and meanest
in Seodaemun District those days.
She chased those guys for a whole month
to get those back for you.
Wow, she's totally crazy.
-Not an ordinary crazy
but a terrifyingly diligent psycho.
First floor.
She went through all that trouble
just to get a pair of shoes back,
but now, she's lost her house.
Do you really think that psycho
would just sit idly by?
I really wanna be on your team.
She's a part-time office assistant.
She's been here for a week now.
Of course not.
Apartment 2701.
If you're looking for my place,
it's apartment 2701.
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