Call of the Night (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Naito furaito

This is so nice.
For the first time ever,
I ventured out at night without telling anyone.
It feels so free.
This is where I belong.
I wish!
I mean, I probably have to go to school
and sleep at night.
The swings are so fun for the first time in forever!
Just recently, I started having trouble sleeping.
Ko Yamori, age fourteen.
2nd-year in middle school.
I was getting by just fine
I think.
I'm sorry.
I just don't really understand dating.
It's not that I wasn't happy.
But what could I do?
I really don't get the whole thing about
liking or not liking somebody.
Yamori-kun, why did you reject her?
She was crying, you know.
What, that's all?
You're the worst.
Suddenly, I just couldn't be bothered anymore.
Swings have more momentum than I thought.
The most pressing issue is that I can't sleep.
Advice online said I should talk to family
or someone I can trust.
Someone I can trust, huh?
If I had someone like that this wouldn't be an issue!
Did they find out?
That I'm out on my own?
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Well, of course not.
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Not my parents.
Strolling works best.
- Student (18)
Can't sleep without drinking.
- Unemployed (25)
Talking to someone on the phone gives me some comfort.
- Student (20)
Can't sleep without drinking.
- Unemployed (25)
Talking to someone on the phone gives me some comfort.
- Student (20)
Booze for insomnia and heartbreak!
- Part-timer (20)
Talking to someone on the phone gives me some comfort.
- Student (20)
Booze for insomnia and heartbreak!
- Part-timer (20)
Mmm, booze
- Self employed (45)
Booze for insomnia and heartbreak!
- Part-timer (20)
Mmm, booze
- Self employed (45)
Wanna go drinking sometime?
- Part-timer (20)
So much stuff about booze!
You sure are enjoying yourselves!
But I've never even tried drinking
I never knew vending machines
were this bright at night.
Oh, you're buying booze.
Hold on
How old are you?
You sure don't look like you're over twenty.
Oh, shoot! Who's this?
But more importantly, I-
No,uh, someone asked me to-
I mean, um, I made a mistake!
Just an honest mistake!
Well, gotta go!
You think that's gonna fool me, delinquent boy?
I-it's not what you think, really.
I don't usually do this kind of thing.
I'm not going to take you to the cops or anything.
You can't sleep
can you, boy?
Let me help you.
Why do you think people stay up at night?
Because there's a show they want to watch
or something they want to do?
Or they're worried about tomorrow?
What's with this woman?
A woman
A woman, right.
What does she mean by "help"?
It all boils down to one reason.
They aren't satisfied with how they spent the day.
Take a look.
See how satisfied they look!
Fast asleep, with no discontent whatsoever!
Aren't they just totally wasted?
Hey, old man!
Didja drink plenty?
Yeah, plenty!
Yeah! Yeah!
'Kay, later then!
Make sure you get home and sleep.
Did you know those people?
Nope, not at all.
You're that casual with strangers?
What are you talking about?
This is the nighttime, y'know.
The time of freedom.
You'll never be satisfied
if you don't release your inhibitions
H-hey! Are you going home?
I don't get it.
Seriously, I don't!
Release inhibitions?
I wouldn't be in this fix if I could do that!
Old man!
I-is he okay?!
He's fine, he's fine.
He's always like this.
He went and did it, huh?
That was a lot
Old man, don't let the drink consume you!
And clean that up!
How's it feel to release yourself a bit?
Not too bad.
Hey, you getting sleepy at all?
I guess
Then let's go.
To my place.
I want to give advice to people who can't sleep
and help them resolve their issues.
This doesn't look like a smutty joint, at least.
Okay then, lie down.
What's this
Just my futon.
Okay, let's sleep.
Y-y-y-you're gonna do dirty stuff to me?!
Huh? Nothing dirty.
Just a guy and a girl, sleeping on the same futon.
That's plenty dirty!
Sorry, gotta go 'cuz I'm scared, goodbye!
Not so fast, boy.
Don't worry, don't worry!
I won't do anything.
It's just the tip!
What tip?!
Don't you want to sleep?
Don't worry.
When you wake up,
you'll feel refreshed like nothing else!
Close your eyes and don't think.
Now slowly, let yourself breathe.
What am I doing?
Do I just not care anymore?
Still not sleepy?
Oh, uh!
I'm fine.
What is this?
Anyone can tell she's a nutjob.
And yet, why is this so relaxing?
This is what it feels like to sleep with someone?
She might be a bit weird, but I guess she's nice?
I'll pretend to be asleep for a bit and go home.
I'm really good at faking sleep, too.
You asleep?
Wait, are you really asleep?
Hey, but you're actually awake, right?
Hello? Boy?
Whew, thank goodness, you really fell asleep.
I can't wait any longer
Well then
feeding time.
Wh-what's with this kid?
He tastes so good!
What was that just now?
Wh-why're you awake?
My blood?
A-a m-mosquito
There was this huge mosquito.
Oh! A mosquito!
I got it with a good slap.
I see, a good slap
Not very convincing, huh?
Nope, not really.
You have blood on your mouth.
No dice, huh?
So, are you, uh, a vampire
of some sort?
Yeah, I suppose I am.
You are, huh?
Then does that mean I'm a v-vampire now?
Nah, you shouldn't be.
No worries there.
Oh, I'm not?
Then, why aren't I a vampire now?
Rather, why didn't you turn me into one?
What do you mean?
Well, I mean
Don't vampires suck blood in order to create offspring?
Oh! You mean that kind of thing!
I see, I see!
Yeah, I guess people tend to think that!
To me, sucking blood is like eating.
Yeah, I mean, think about it.
Wouldn't it suck if you got new
family members every time you ate?
Yeah, that would suck.
Plus freak me out.
So basically, it depends.
I hear there are vampires who create loads of offspring,
but I'm not interested in that kind of thing.
Don't "Huh?" me.
You never answered my question.
Uh? What was it again?
I asked, why won't I turn into a vampire
even though you sucked my blood?!
All right, fine.
Man, you're loud.
I'm not being loud!
See, I don't want to go around telling people this
The reason you're not a vampire
Or rather, the way a person can become a vampire
is for that person to fall in love with one.
Okay, I see.
Fall in love, huh?
Um, why are you all embarrassed?
Man, my face is burning!
The beer's so good!
Well anyway, uh
Basically, when a person who's in love with a vampire
gets that vampire to suck their blood,
they become their offspring.
Just like how a child results when
a man and a woman in love copulate!
Uh, why the gross analogy all of a sudden?
But it is, right?
Humans can only create offspring through copulation.
D-don't say "copulate"!
What's the matter?
How old are you?
I'm fourteen
What?! You're still a little punk!
At fourteen, you should be all over
talk about copulation and stuff.
What's wrong with you?
That's ridiculous!
And why do you call it copulation?!
And then comes the l-love gossip, and uh
Love gossip, right?!
Why do you look kinda put off?!
Well, why do you look kinda embarrassed?
Shut up!
What can I say?
I really don't understand that kind of thing.
Don't you have a crush on anyone at school?
Or rather, I don't like girls.
Huh?! You mean you like boys?
Nice, I approve.
That's not what I mean.
Then what do you mean?
What, that's all?
You're the worst.
Shut up, ugly.
This is why I hate girls.
Okay, I'm off
The hell with this.
Middle school can be tough, huh?
So you stopped going to school
and started fooling around at night.
Well, I know I shouldn't be doing this kind of thing.
Tell me, boy.
How does your first night out feel?
What do you think now that you've
taken a step outside the norm?
This place is the furthest you can hope to get
from all those things you think are a pain.
It'd be a waste if you didn't keep this kind of thing up.
I was getting by just fine
I think.
At least, I tried to do the right thing
because there was nothing
I wanted to do or wanted to be.
Who cares?
School's boring, right?
Stay up until you feel satisfied about your day.
That's not a bad way to live.
So yeah, do me a favor and-
Miss Vampire!
Huh? Y-yeah?!
I have a favor to ask of you!
Turn me into a vampire!
H-hold up a sec.
L-like I said, a person has to fulfill certain conditions
in order to become a vampire-
I know that!
They need to fall in love with a vampire.
Ah! Don't, it's embarrassing!
They need to fall in love with a vampire.
I'd probably never take that leap.
I know I'll just go back to my old life
and spend my days in boredom.
But now I've seen it
the night
It's the first time I've wanted to be something.
I don't want to dismiss this feeling!
So please, let me fall in love with you!
You're being ridiculous.
It's my policy to not create offspring, y'know.
Just so you know, I'm not going to do anything.
I'm just gonna suck your blood
like the vampire that I am.
If you wanna fall in love, go ahead.
I'm Nazuna Nanakusa.
Ko Yamori.
Do you know when human blood tastes best?
At night.
Especially right before a person falls asleep
to the moment that they do.
That's because the blood is infused with night.
Um, why the roof?
Because we're closer to the moon, obviously.
If you think about the distance to the moon,
the difference between the ground
and the roof is negligible.
That's why I want to infuse more night in you, boy.
You mean I need to stay up late?
Well, I plan on that anyway.
That too, of course, but in order to infuse blood
with night - in other words, to stay up late -
you can't just stay awake.
But you wouldn't know what I mean.
So I'll teach you
what it means to enjoy the night.
I'm gonna die!
No, you won't.
I'm gonna die!
The night is for fooling around.
Let's have some fun, boy.
Hang on tight.
What do you think, boy?
How do you feel?
Isn't it?
Next Episode