Canterbury's Law (2008) s01e01 Episode Script


1 Frank, I gotta go.
Come on.
You're gonna do fine, angel.
Oh, god.
I look like hell.
I went to law school, passed the bar in several states.
I've become a damn vaudeville act.
I need ignorant juries, I need them worried and I need them to trust me, and that comes down to whether this shirt brings out my eyes.
Are these earrings too much? Would your husband buy you those? My client is not a vigilante.
My client is not a vigilante.
My client is not a vigilante.
My client is not a vigilante.
He's a private investigator.
Yes, his work can be distasteful.
Yes, it can turn stomachs.
He takes dirty pictures.
And when max spencer discovered that his wife had hired my client to take his picture, he flew into a rage, and he beat her bloody.
Jessica spencer barricaded herself in her bathroom and reached out not to her friend, not to the police.
She called her P.
She called and begged him to save her.
My client did what any one of you would have done.
He defended the defenseless.
Defend him now.
Thank you.
On second thought, liz, maybe those earrings are a bit much.
On second thought, frank, I can't see you anymore.
本字幕仅供学习交流,严禁用于商业用途 片名 第N季第N集 -==破烂熊字幕组==- 翻译: 校对: æ—é—´è½´:松鼠 LU 小苏 eyes on me.
I need the jasper depos, grand jury testimonies, and the crime scene reports.
Anything new? We could use a new receptionist.
We're hands-on, chester.
Says something to the clients.
Says we can't afford a receptionist.
We don't need one.
We've got molly.
I'm an attorney.
Not until your bar results come in.
Canterbury & associates.
What have you got, chester? State's new psych evaluation on ethan-- bipolar, sexually obsessed, predatory.
That's what it says.
Ethan's just misunderstood.
He was convicted of rape.
He was 20.
She was 15.
It was his girlfriend.
-Chester,if the jury learns what's in here-- they know.
All of rhode island knows.
The jaspers have painted ethan into a monster.
The jaspers are grieving the loss of their child.
They are ratings gold.
Molly, watch this and learn something.
Open on the jaspers,pillars of the community.
Dissolve to grade-school picture of their missing son.
And then we push in.
Wait for it.
Wait for it.
There's our man ethan.
I mean,why don't they just photoshop horns and a pitchfork? H-he confessed, liz.
See how easy? Russell, you at the jail? No, don't talk to ethan, russell.
Russell, wait.
Pillars of the community my ass.
Thanks, man.
You have good news? Uh, not exactly.
Prosecution wants to know where the body is.
That gives you an option outside of trial, ethan, if you can help the state, if you can help the boy's family.
If it is in your power to do anything to help them find that body-- it's not in my power.
I already told you that.
Ethan, the search is ongoing, and those cadaver dogs are gonna stay on it until they find that body.
And you think that I know where it is.
This isn't about me.
You gotta do the right thing for yourself.
I haven't done anything.
Tell them to do the right thing.
Tell-- Tell them! Tell them maybe he's not in rhode island.
Maybe he's not in rhode island? What does that mean? Maybe he's somewhere else.
Maybe I shipped him somewhere.
Where? Overnight destinations.
Overnight destinations? What's going on? He's, uh, not cooperating.
He's not coop-- you're not a prosecutor anymore, russell.
What does he want me to say? You--you want me to say that I chopped him up and I shipped him across the country? Then I chopped him up, and I shipped him across the country.
All right, just cut it out.
What? Well, he wants a confession, right? You want a confession, right? You already confessed.
I recanted! I was forced to say it, and I've recanted! And I already said that! You already know that! Okok.
It's ok.
I believe you.
You can't pull that crap without me.
Liz, you refuse to discuss it.
Well, you think he did it.
I know he didn'T.
Yeah, he confessed.
He was coerced.
You can't prove coercion.
Russell, you saw the medical records that prove scott jasper beat his son.
Or that his son was accident-prone.
I just need to cross-examine the father.
Need to keep your options open.
What? You want ethan to deal on a murder he didn't commit? You don't know what he committed.
The guy's all over the map.
He just hinted he knew where the body was.
"Overnight destinations," he said.
Russell, you gotta work with me here.
I mean, he's pissed off and petrified.
His meds are all screwed up.
He's in a state.
I just--I can't-- I can't tell when he's telling the truth.
I can.
Can we have some menus, please? Thank you.
Let's take the tunnel today.
What? Let's take the tunnel.
It comes practically out at, uh, judge stanley's chambers.
Tunnel's for cops, crooks, and cowards.
Hey, how 'bout lawyers who wanna dodge the press? Any lawyer that dodges a sound bite ought to be disbarred.
There's a gag order.
You can't speak anyway.
You've known me a long time, russell.
My mere presence speaks volumes.
What the hell? The jaspers are just waiting there? Come on.
I don't care what she said.
No, I-I'm not buyin' a boat.
I don't need a dock.
No, don't put her on the phone.
Don't put her on-- honey.
Y-you're on the site today, huh? Listen to me.
Give me 3 reasons why we need a boat.
I'm sorry.
You know, I'd hold you in contempt, canterbury, if I were not eternally grateful.
Grateful enough, sir, to suppress my client's confession? Judge, as you know, ethan was held for 24 hours, no family contact, no attorney, while his medicine was withheld.
The claremont P.
Swore otherwise.
I ruled on this already.
He had his meds.
Full stop.
Now, before my wife calls back, let's do this, all right? We've removed scott jasper from the witness list.
Ok, judge, we would like to subpoena scott jasper as a defense witness.
Jasper is coordinating the river search for his son's body.
Not today, he's not.
He is outside preening for the press-- you can't subpoena scott jasper unless his testimony is relevant.
Alternate theory of the crime, judge.
There was abuse in the jasper home.
You have rumors run amuck.
Rumors? Do you wanna talk about rumors? -People.
-Your office has leaked so many false tales about my client -people.
-It's a miracle that we acally found a jury.
And you have painted scott jasper as some sort of savage, -brutalizing -his son's medical records stop.
Paint scott jasper-- stop! The hearsay rule still applies.
If you wanna put scott jasper on the stand, find a witness to the abuse.
Must you antagonize? Must you? You saw his hat.
You have to ask? This is the deputy attorney general.
I need you to find me someone who saw scott jasper beat his own son.
What, now? I've got arraignments.
I've got 3 clients I spend a total of 30 seconds with.
Oh, knock it off, chester.
You would kill to second-chair this thing.
I can second-chair? No, you can find me a witness who saw jasper beat his kid.
So we go door to door asking people to smear a grieving father? That's the job, Jerry.
No such thing as an anonymous defense attorney, molly.
An anonymous defense attorney is called a public defender.
They're overworked, underpaid, and they die young.
They can sleep at night.
I sleep, the sleep of the righteous.
May I cut in? Oh.
Having fun? Ahem.
This is your idea, beth,his or therapy.
"Your words.
Actually, I think I said, "anything but therapy," matt.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Well, I tried to call your office today.
All I got was voice mail.
I fired the receptionist.
I talked to janet more than I do you.
Well, I'm here now.
Let's talk.
Look, it's hard to talk and dance.
So go slow, slow, quick, quick, quick.
You can't talk and dance.
Slow I'm doing the best I can.
Quick, quick, quick.
Ok, cruzada.
I don't know what the hell that means.
Left over right,remember.
You're getting hate mail.
When don't I get hate mail? This time,it's different.
No, it's not.
Murders are my metier, matt.
-You know that.
-This resonates outside the courtroom.
oh, it upsets the delicate sensibilities of your ivory tower colleagues.
It upsets my sensibilities.
It should offend yours.
You represent this guy this case has nothing to do with us.
Charged with what he's charged-- this case has nothing to do with us.
Ethan was railroaded.
Why don't you tell that to your law school faculty? Oh, he's innocent? He's told you he's innocent.
How do you know he's innocent? I know when someone's lying to me.
So you fired the receptionist.
What did janet do? She's just stupid.
Stupid? I walked the woods behind the jasper home.
I looked down and saw something in the leaves.
What did you see? It was a claremont high school class ring.
Ethan identified it as his.
Thank you,detective.
And your witness.
How much do you weigh,detective? Uh, I'm a solid 250,I guess.
So you were 250 pounds, but you weren't yet a detective.
I got my shield 3 months later.
Judge, I would ask that the officer stand up for me for a second, please.
According to your grand jury testimony, you were walking in the woods, and you see the ring right at your feet.
That's correct.
I don't mean to be indelicate here.
What color are your shoes, sir? Objection,your honor.
She's ridiculing the witness.
It is a legitimate question.
How could the detective see a ring at his feet when he can't see past his own belly? Objection.
Were mirrors involved? No further questions,your honor.
Guess I shouldn't expect my mom to come all the way down here.
She can't even come to the phone.
Well, they're old, ethan.
She's sick.
It'd help, though.
It'd help if they were in court.
Yeah, it would.
It would say something to the jury.
We don't need them to be physically here.
We have their affidavits.
You were in bed at home.
I'm an embarrassment.
I hurt them.
Is that really why they won't come? Look, I'm not saying you can, but if you could-- show you where the corpse is.
I can'T.
I never saw it.
Russ, could you give us a minute, please? Sure.
I need a bathroom break anyway.
I don't much care for him.
I know,but he cares for me, and I care for you.
You've gotta let this go, man.
You've gotta let it go.
He needs to know his options.
That's our responsibility--you mind? You really think that ethan would be alive if he were guilty? He would have killed himself before arraignment.
He's been to prison.
He's not going back.
Elizabeth,I can't do this.
The case? No, pee.
I can't pee with you standing there,babbling at me.
Oceans, rivers,streams.
Oceans,rivers, streams.
And where are his parents? We had this discussion 2 minutes ago.
His mother doesn't have much time.
Well, neither does her son.
You know, they stay away like they know something we don'T.
They stay away because she's too sick.
And ethan's confession, do you really think zach williams would use it if it were coerced? Oh, come on! Like he hasn't done this before.
Like he didn't do this when you were his patsy.
We cannot prove coercion.
We cannot dodge that confession.
There is a deal to be made.
All clear.
Yeah, we have nothing to deal with.
You heard ethan.
He never saw the kid.
No, that's not what he said.
He said he never saw the corpse.
Jasper,feel free to take your time.
I woke up around midnight, and I had this-- this horrible feeling in my stomach, so I--I went to check on tommy, and he wasn't in his bed.
It was freezing, and the back door was open, and it was just so cold.
-Thank you.
-So the back door was open, but your home alarm did not go off.
It was-- it was broken.
Thank you.
I know how hard this is for you.
-I'm sorry.
-It's ok.
I can't claim to know how difficult this must be for you or how you feel.
No, you, uh-- you can't imagine what it feels like.
I can empathize.
Not unless you've lost a child.
Today's the first day that I've seen your husband in court.
Where has he been? My husband commands the volunteer search.
He commands it? "Commands,"is that his word? I know what you're trying to do, the rumors you've started.
My husband is a leader in the community.
And what happens when you don't follow? I don't understand your question.
Does he ever hit you, ma'am? Objection.
Was your son a good solider? Objection.
Sidebar, your honor.
Your honor,the defense was instructed to question mrs.
Jasper direct to tommy's medical history only.
Oh, boo-hoo--shh.
I will instruct the jury to ignore those statements.
How's that? Thank you, your honor.
Jasper,you are excused.
Thank you.
Judge-- what? I thought you were done.
Weren't you? I am guilty.
Ethan foster trespassed on my property.
I can't tell you how many times.
I felt sorry for him, so I didn't do anything.
I didn't protect my son.
That's my crime.
And you,you warp it.
How do you do that? How do you take that and make me evil? I just tell the truth and see who it stings.
You're a liar.
You can't call me a liar unless you testify.
Jasper,prove me wrong.
Concussion, october,2005--explain it.
Fractured leg shut uP.
July, 2004 no.
Take the stand.
Shut up.
Take the stand and explain it away.
shut up.
Sprained wrist,december, 2002.
Shut your filthy mouth, or I'll-- or you'll what? Scott.
You'll do to me what you did to your son? She's not worth it.
How dare you? What is wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with you?! What is wrong with How'd the door-to-door in claremont go? Everyone in that town thinks ethan's a deviant.
They don't want him back.
He sabotaged the jaspers' alarm and stole the boy away like some fairy-tale monster.
They say.
There's no prints.
There's no proof ethan touched the alarm.
There's no proof jasper hit his kid.
But we don't need proof, molly.
We need reasonable doubt.
No one saw jasper raise a hand to anyone, chester, let alone his son.
Maybe he didn'T.
You think liz is wrong? Let's get a digest of the canssing by the end of the day.
There's nothin' here, man.
I promise.
I'll be the judge.
Do it.
Sexual predator fantasies tend to be detailed meticulously.
They also tend to beOne of 2 things.
One cheap suit.
Their descriptions of past crimes.
2 plans for future acts.
This entire line of questioning is speculative at best.
Is the good doctor-- bad.
Is the doctor a mind-reader? Ask him yourself.
Let me ask you something, dr.
It's pronounced "hawk," like the raptor.
I'm so sorry.
It is spelt h-a-k, "hack.
" I'm sorry.
Well, that must be a little difficult for you.
Judge stanley: Order.
I'd like you to detail for us one of ethan's sexual fantasies.
I'm sorry, detail it? Meticulously so.
Uh, well, uh The details are, uh-- well, they're very disturbing.
I'm not sure if this is the, uh-- your honor, I treat hundreds of these prisoners every year.
I have treated several thousand since i worked with ethan foster.
That must make it impossible to distinguish one patient from the next.
No, no.
I remember him very well.
You're just a little hazy on the meticulous details of his sexual fantasies.
That's all I need.
Thank you so much, your honor.
You're excused, doctor.
Thank you.
I listened to mrs.
I watched the jury.
They don't believe me.
They-- one of them cries all the time.
No, no.
That's juror number 7.
She has allergies.
It came up in jury selection.
I love her.
Yeah, well, the jurors love mrs.
They look at her, and they look at me.
You think they take my side? That's exactly what I think.
Hey, you don't see what I see.
I'll be gone before any verdict.
I wanna go back to my cell.
E-ethan, we're winning.
I swear to god, we're winning.
Thank you.
You need to put ethan foster on suicide watch.
Ma'am? My client, ethan foster, needs to be under observation.
I--I don't have the authority to mo-- listen to me very carefully.
The chemical cocktail you have him on is making him worse.
If he's not on suicide watch and he hurts himself, I will sue the state, I will sue the county, I'll sue you.
So pick up the phone and the get the damn authority you need.
Now! Now! I need someone to physically walk down to ethan's cell and make sure he's not hanging himself from his bedsheet.
Hello? H-- Somehow make a play out of the fact that they didn't see it.
What do you guys have for me? We're just reviewing the canvassing.
I can recite all this crap from memory.
What I can't do is get scott jasper on the stand.
Find me a witness to the abuse.
Get me that.
You know, they busted their asses on this.
Why don't you give them-- not a word from you, russell.
Not a damn word.
You are supposed to get information from the prosecution.
Get in there.
Get me something.
Hell, I didn't even know that they dropped jasper as a witness.
Why didn't I know that? Because I didn't know.
You are supposed to know.
That's the point.
Liz, you gotta face the reality of the evidence you have.
There will be no deal, russell.
I just begged to have ethan put on suicide watch.
We are running out of time.
Now, if you can't help me get jasper on the stand, I'll find a way to do it myself.
Canterbury & associates.
All right.
We'll be there.
What? They found remains.
In the river? No.
Jasper's backyard.
Medical examiner says it's a femur.
Is it the boy? The length's consistent with the child.
The kid had broken his leg when he was 9 years old-- yeah.
There was a healed fracture.
So you guys have been searching in the wrong place for 5 months.
Hey, we found a part of the victim.
Every piece we find is one less for your client to bargain with.
Zach, did you just reduce body parts to bargaining chips? You did, didn't you? Scandal.
What's the jasper house, like 300 yards or so? I could hit that house with a stone, and I throw like a girl.
Here's the new theory.
The night in question, mr.
Jasper hits his son, which we all know that he did.
we all know that he did only, this time-- why are we still talkin' about this? This time, he hits the floor, and he doesn't pop back up.
Jasper panics, buries him in the woods.
We would have found him.
Yeah, but you didn't look! You sunk your teeth into ethan, the car, the river inside 12 hours, all based on the word of one yahoo cop bucking for promotion.
One bone.
The jury needs to hear this.
The state always insisted that tommy jasper was dumped down river.
Why are there remains in his backyard? The bone torpedoes the entire construct of the prosecution's case.
I happen to have it on excellent authority that there are other places we could look where? If her client would cooperate.
Where? Other places.
Other places.
Like where? Overnight destinations.
Therefore I move that we exclude this bone until we have dna confirmation it's tommy jasper'S.
I agree.
This is new evidence.
It's exculpatory.
If the bone is the deceased'S.
Sir, who else would the bone belong to? If it does, it will be entered.
We don't have that time.
That will take a month.
My client's mental state is disintegrating.
Please let me present this.
Pending dna results, the bone is out.
Depends how long she's in there.
The thing is if they're providing new evidence or they're introducing new evidence, then we're gonna have a-- you self-righteous, sanctimonious son of a bitch.
You compromised the firm.
Liz, I-- you compromised the-- liz! "Overnight destinations.
Overnight destinations.
" Wait.
Wait a minute.
You want me to stay on top of zach's office.
Why do you think they talk to me, because I'm pretty? Williams played you.
I have to actually say things, liz, communicate, or they slam the door in my face.
You let him sandbag me right in front of the judge.
This is about your ego, then? No! You screwed up.
Well, you left me no choice.
You're losing this case, and you don't wanna cut your losses that damages ethan.
It could damage you.
I wanna prevent that.
The difference between parole and life without is whether ethan can give them that body.
Well, he can'T.
Until the jury finds him not guilty, I am leaving that door open.
I am not dealing, russell.
I won'T.
Liz, I know juries.
Why don't you put ethan on the stand? Let him tell his story.
He is too fragile.
Let the jury see that.
Show them how fragile he is.
Demonstrate why you think ethan is innocent.
It will hurt him and earn us nothing.
I don't know, liz.
Sit down with zach.
I am spinning off the planet here.
You're up late.
You ok? I'm losing.
Who says? The times says it's a draw.
Russell says.
Aw, russell.
Russell's always been a bit of a defeatist.
He's pragmatic.
I trust him.
Your job is to provide the absolute best defense.
I lack the tools I need to do that.
No, you don'T.
You sway juries, beth.
I've seen you do it.
I've seen you do it with a look.
When you worked at the public defender's office and you examined that eyewitness, you listened, you took in her story, and then you smiled.
You smiled like you, the judge, the jurors-- you were all in on the same joke that that woman was lyin' through her teeth.
And you won.
You won with that look.
I was defending bobby pachecho, and we had a date.
You came to court 'cause I was late.
And I still proposed.
Figure out what look to use with the jury.
If you think you're losin' them, win 'em back.
Don't stay up too late.
Come to bed.
Frank, it's me.
I need a favor.
So now you need my help, huh? I really need to know wh this jury's thinking, frank.
This is above and beyond, liz.
This thing you're asking you don't have to do it, frank.
It's important to you, right? Yeah, it's important to me.
I don't get you, canterbury.
What are we doin' here? You were an escape, a really good escape, I was, or I am? I just needed to shake something up, you know.
I needed someone who could stop me from feeling so numb.
Give me the freakin' file.
Call you when i know somethin'.
Thank you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The doctor'll be out.
No, I don't need to see the doctor.
I need him to refill my prescription or up the dose or something.
I just need something to get me through jury duty.
Give me 5 minutes.
Ohh, just shoot me now.
Hey, don't say that.
You'll break my heart.
Hey, buddy.
Did you eat? You almost cost me my job today.
You are welcome.
Come on, buddy.
You're nothin' but a glorified paralegal over there.
You owe her nothing.
liz hired me when no one else would after you fired me.
Aren't you the revisionist.
You had a choice, and you quit.
I was encouraged to do so.
Zach, did you personally process those officers who took ethan's confession? No.
I have underlings for that type of thing.
You used to be one, remember? What is it? You think that the cops scared poor, little ethan, right? I take it for granted they scared him, but that's not coercion necessarily.
With holding his meds, however-- You're not implying that I would accept coerced confessions into evidence, are you? I wouldn't have yesterday.
And I sure wouldn't have when I was one of those underlings.
And you haven't answered my question, zach.
You feckless puppet.
Where do you get the stones to accuse me? Indignation isn't a denial, zach.
I wanna hear you deny it.
You look me in the eye and you tell me that those meds were not withheld.
You're talkin' out of your ass! You got nothin'.
You've got nothin', because if you did, we're not havin' this conversation.
If you did, your boss would have shoved it down my throat on day one.
Yeah, but I guess I hit a nerve, though, didn't I, zach? Really? Did you? You know what? You talk just like her.
It's a shame, too.
You talk just like that bottom-feeding bitch.
Zach, I've known canterbury since we were one-ls, and when she crosses a line, she does it for her clients.
She suffers for it, but she sleeps at nighT.
You you're lookin' a little tired, buddy.
Come on, please.
Just for 5 minutes.
Let me get you a drink.
Come and sit down.
Just tell me what happened with juror number 7.
They don't believe ethan's alibi.
Really? Really.
They think he was telling the truth when he confessed, but that he was lyin' when he recanted.
And the parents' affidavit? That he was home in bed? Doesn't fly.
Sorry, liz.
It's ok.
I know what I have to do now.
Thanks, Frank.
I really-- I really appreciate it.
My pleasure.
33-最后——卢斌 god, molly, do you ever go home? Hey, liz.
Uh, listen, I've gone through 3 years' worth of the jaspers' local papers.
The boy's mentioned, always for academic merit.
He was--he was some kind of genius.
I--I mean, he won the county science fair last year.
And how does this help me? I don't know, liz.
I just-- I'm trying to find something.
Well, I know at the boy looks like.
And you weren't affected by helen jasper? I mean, she lost her child.
Molly, I could love the person on the stand body and soul and still rip their throat out on cross.
Could you? Well, until you can, you have to stop moaning over pictures of dead kids.
Molly, I'm sorry.
I liz? What did you say he won the science fair for? I'm taking your advice, and I'm putting ethan on the stand.
Is he up for that? Yes, I think so.
What do you need me to do? Just trust me.
See you in court.
Stand up, ethan.
I want you to wear this.
Why? I need you to testify for me.
Why? Believe me, I wish there was another choice.
Now, listen to me very carefully.
Were you in the woods the night tommy jasper disappeared? What is it, a joke? No, I was at home, asleep.
You know that.
Listen to me very carefully.
Were you in the woods the night tommy jasper disappeared? Yes, I was.
And what did you see? I was walking through the woods behind the jasper house.
I saw inside.
Speak up, mr.
Speak up.
Jasper hit tommy with his fists.
Thank you.
No further questions.
When did you lie, mr.
Foster, then or now? I'm telling the truth.
Well, the police report-- the police report said that you were in the woods that night.
You, on the other hand, said that you were in bed asleep, and your parents swore to that fact.
Were they lying, too? They said what they thought was true.
But this, this is the truth.
Oh, this is the truth.
Wh-why didn't you tell the truth before? 'Cause I did that 10 years ago, and it ruined my life.
I went to jail for something I didn't do.
Oh, you mean raping a 15-year-old girl.
Objection! Overruled.
Your client opened the door.
We were in love.
She was my girlfriend.
She was your girlfriend I was 20.
But you were convicted.
Now, when tommy jasper vanished, you were afraid the police would find out what you did to him, right? I knew I would be made to look guilty.
Well, you were made to look guilty, mr.
Foster, because you are guilty.
Yo honor sustained.
I swear I never hurt tommy.
One moment, please.
At this time, the state would like to call scott jasper as a rebuttal witness.
Scott, you led a search party in the days and weeks after tommy's disappearance.
Can you tell the court about that? Yeah.
I was out early on searching for tommy.
It was like I could hear him calling me.
Now, I have to ask you this.
Did you ever lay a hand on tommy? No.
Of course not.
He was my life.
No more questions.
Your son was precocious, wasn't he, mr.
Jasper? Stight-a student.
He was in the gifted program at his school.
He had skipped a grade.
And he won a prize at the fair, the county fair, that year, did he not? Yes.
That's right.
Uh, for-- uh, bl-blue ribbon.
Blue ribbon.
And what was the experiment? I-I'm not sure.
It was over my head.
Sir, did your son have the code to your alarm system? Yes.
Yes, he knew it.
He did? Um, but according to the digital log, the alarm code was changed just the day before tommy disappeared.
Yeah, we changed it every couple months as a precaution.
But I'm looking at the repair report from your security company here, and it says that the internal electrical circuitry may have been tampered with.
"The flow of electric currents was interrupted, and the alarm was effectively silenced.
" Heh.
That sounds complex.
You still don't remember what he won his science prize for? Well, I have a newspaper article from your local paper here, and I quote.
"11-year-old tommy jasper was awarded "first prize at this year's county science fair " for his project-- electrical systems.
"The judges remarked that his knowledge of circuitry was quite advanced.
" That monster stole my son.
That monster stole tommy from his bed.
You changed the alarm code, and tommy disabled the system.
Shut up.
Objection! No.
I'll allow it.
He ran away again, didn't he? Only, this time, you caught him.
You caught him, and you hit him.
You beat your son.
And this time, he didn't get up shut up.
He stopped breathing.
He stopped breathing, and you panicked, and you buried him in the woods.
Order! I love tommy.
I--I love my son.
No! He ran.
It's-- he ran away.
Defense rests.
Want a drink? So, uh, ethan wasn't in the woods that night and never saw jasper hit his son.
You need a drink.
You coached ethan to lie to get jasper on the stand.
I did what I had to do, and I protected you.
Not the point.
Liz, who's gonna protect you? Heh.
Jasper was guilty.
Ethan was innocent.
Not the point.
You can't serve your clients if you lose your license.
You're not gonna save anybody if you're behind bars.
You gonna quit me? Resign in protest like you did williams? Is that what you want? No.
Me neither.
You're a great lawyer, and you're my friend.
And I know that this case wasn't just about saving ethan or nailing jasper.
I spoke for the boy.
Which one? Tommy or your son? Not your place, russell.
Elizabeth, you look like hell.
Can I give you a ride home? Heh.
What a day to be alive what a day to realize I'm not dead what a day to say die what a day to die tryin' what a way to say good-bye what a wonderful life now
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