Combat! (1962) s01e01 Episode Script

Forgotten Front

1 So that's a die works huh.
Beat's me sarge.
That's what they said it was.
Wonder if there's any krauts in there.
Well we're gonna find out soon enough.
Check Mate King 2, this is Black Rook, over.
This is Check Mate King 2, have you reached Kansas yet, over.
This is Black Rook, just outside sir, over.
Roger, out So far, so good.
Sergeant McGraw is a good man, sir, He'll do okay.
He has to.
We got to locate that gun.
All right Whitehead, listen to this now.
Crenshaw, you go first, I'll go second, Gerbie, you go third.
Whitehead, you cover us Are you ready? OK, come on, Crenshaw.
Check Mate King 2, this is Black Rook, over (There is an explosion) Black Rook, this is Check Mate King 2, over.
Black Rook, this is Check Mate King 2, over.
Black Rook, this is Check Mate King 2, over.
Black Rook, Black Rook, this is Check Mate King 2 over.
Black Rook, Black Rook, this is Check Mate King 2, over.
This is Black Rook, arrived at Kansas 0-3-5-0, over.
This is Check Mate King 2, roger.
We lost contact for a minute, are you okay? over.
Booby trapped.
I got it sir, place is booby trapped.
It looks like the rest are all dead, over.
Can you get out, over I'm afraid not, sir, it's my stomach, I th, I think it's pretty bad, over.
Roger, hold on we'll get somebody in to get you out.
It may take an hour or two, over.
Roger It looks empty.
You hope.
I'm gonna take a closer look, cover me.
If it's clear Doc, you follow me.
Take it easy, Mac.
Doc Come on.
Lieutenant's real smart, sends a kid medic on a patrol like this.
What's he gonna do for McGraw anyway? Maybe he can fix your nose after I bust it, Kirby.
Listen, Frenchman, anytime you Check this place out good, don't stay together, and don't touch anything unless you have to.
Number one booby trap, got four of them.
All right, sir.
You guys must have really hustled, It, it took us twice as long.
Stop, Doc.
This won't do him any good now.
Never would have.
Doc, was he dead when you got here? Yeah, yeah, he was dead when I got here.
Sure Kirby, you were right.
You see we didn't need a medic, after all.
Sarge I'm in here.
Check Mate King 2, this is White Rook.
Check Mate King 2, this is White Rook, over.
This is Check Mate King 2, over.
This is White Rook, reached Kansas at 0-6-5-0, over.
This is Check Mate King 2, what is condition of Black Rook leader, over.
This is White Rook, Black Rook leader and all Black works are dead, we will report when objective sighted, over.
Roger, out.
Kirby, take the first room with the radio in there, Jake take the outside.
All right, sergeant.
What about McGraw and the others, don't ya think we ought to bury them.
We can't, I'll have to stay with the op for now, we'll take care of them later.
Come on Doc, I want you to get some sleep.
Full of names and numbers.
Doc, you know this place is booby trapped, be careful where you lie down.
How well do you know McGraw? I asked you a question, sergeant, how well did you know McGraw? As well as I knew Crenshaw, Allen,Goldshleg, Lister, and 15 other guys that got it.
You know I didn't say more than 10 words to him in maybe 3 weeks.
You never say much to anybody, that's your, personality.
Come on, Doc, get some sleep.
Sarge, there's somebody under this door, I saw it move.
Get off that, find Caje, quick.
What? I don't know, somebody down there.
Sarge, what's happened? Wait a sec.
Keep quiet.
Stand back.
Doc, get McGraw's carbine.
Hey, get my helmet, what is it, Sergeant? There's somebody down here' How many? I don't know, just stay up there and cover us.
OK, what are we doing? You come over here, when I tell you, pull that top back, real fast.
Why don't we just open up and throw a grenade in? Because I don't know who's down there.
Alright, are you ready? Yeah Give me a flashlight.
A lousy kraut.
Achtung Achtung I said "Achtung".
Achtung Up, up, get up, up, stand up.
Do not shoot, do not shoot, do not shoot.
Do you understand English? Yeah, yeah, yes, I speak very well English, I learned in school, I speak very well, do not shoot.
All right, come on, climb out of there.
Yeah, yeah, yeahyeah.
Do not shoot.
Do not shoot.
Do not shoot.
You will not shoot.
Put your hands behind your head.
Put your hands behind your head.
What are you doing here? Bringing booby traps, what else? I said what are you doing here? Running away, deserting.
Planning surrender? Yeah, yeah.
What were you doing hiding down there? I hear voices, I think German voices, I didn't know there was Americans voices.
Sit down there.
Sit down there, take off your boots.
Your boots, take off your boots, off.
Hey, how long were you here? Come on, come on.
Two or three hours, I'm not sure, there was an explosion.
Yeah, there was an explosion, alright.
How many more of you are here? What? What? I said how many more of you are here? No more, I'm alone.
You're alone, huh.
The place must be crawling with them, Sergeant' Doc, come on down here.
Caje, you and Kirby check the outside.
Doc, watch him real close huh.
Real close Doc.
Do not shoot, do not shoot.
May I put on my hat? No.
My boots? My name is Dorffman, my name is Karl Dorffman.
What is yours? I see.
I know what you think, this is the enemy.
Well, I am no one's enemy.
I never had any fight in me, never.
My mother was happy about this, Oh, such a boy she said.
So sweet, so gentle, My father He's disgusted.
I say to my father, Its easier to smile than to fight.
He replies, you're an insult to my house, an insult to my house.
All you can do is talk.
Well that's true enough but I could never talk my way out of the Wehrmacht.
So, I'm running.
How did you get here? Through the tunnel in the engine room.
Maybe that's how he got in.
Let's go back inside.
yeah, I was a magician, a magician.
In a carnival It's a good life.
Fresh air, good food.
Girls, heh, hahahaha.
Do you like singing? I used to sing, yeah, in my act.
I never really had a good voice.
But people used to say that I had a lot of feeling they say, lot of feeling.
I think that feeling is more important than voice.
Very fond of American music, very fond.
It's pleasant to the ear, yes, huh.
In my sunshine Humm hum hum.
Any requests, ladies and gentlemen.
Ha, eh.
Show me the way to go home.
I'm tired I want to go to bed.
Yeah, good, yeah, nice.
I had a little drink about an hour ago.
And it went right to my head.
Show me the way to go home.
I'm tired, I want to go to bed.
I had a little drink about an hour ago.
And it went right to my head, hey, hey.
Show me the way to go.
Hey, will you look at this, look at that, real apples, boy.
No kidding, where did you get them? One of those rooms, upstairs.
Hey, Maybe that thing's booby trapped.
Might blow my head off like McGraw.
hahaha That's not funny, Kirby.
Hahaha' Hey uh, you, you wanten zee apple.
Please, thank you.
There you go.
What's the matter? Don't you like it? Eat it! Look I said, eat it kraut.
It is rotten.
And so are you, so just eat it.
Take a rest, Kirby.
Just keep your mouth out of this, will you? Would you rather I shoved it down your throat, would you like that? how about that? Apple in your throat be good, huh.
Kirby, knock it off.
He's a human being.
He's a bug.
Doc, bring me the map case.
Doc, stay out of Kirby's way, I got enough problems.
On the right.
(Large Gun fires) (Shell whistles by overhead) Kirby, get up here.
Doc, you watch that kraut.
On the double, Kirby.
(Another shell whistles by) Yes, Sergeant.
Mark it.
2-5, 3-5 1-7, 3-5 Check Mate King 2, Check Mate King 2, This is White Rook This is White Rook, over.
This is Check Mate King 2, over.
This is White Rook, target located.
They got it.
2-5, 3-5, 1-7, 3-5 2-5, 3-5, 1-7, 3-5 Out.
(Shelling continues) Don't worry, they're not shooting at us.
How long does it take the artillery to start doing something about that lousy kraut cannon? 15, 20 minutes, if we're lucky.
If we're not lucky, we just gotta sit and sweat it out, while they sit on their big fat Sarge, sarge.
I thought I saw something, down there.
What'd you see? A man, where the river curves.
Check Mate King 2, Check Mate King 2, this is White Rook, over.
This is Check Mate King 2, over.
This is White Rook, German patrol approaching Kansas, over.
This is Check Mate King 2, do not engage enemy, repeat, do not engage enemy if possible.
Stay to adjust artillery, I say it again, stay to adjust artillery fire, over.
This is White Rook, we have a prisoner here with us in Kansas, over.
Keep an eye on 'em, Kirby.
OK You, get up, you, come on, get up here.
I said get up here, fast, move, come on.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Listen to me.
There's a kraut patrol outside, If they find us, you're finished.
What can I do? There's nothing I can do about the patrol.
Listen, you tell them that this house is wired they can't come in here, you just tell 'em that you're an You're an engineer, you're deactivating these mines.
I know nothing about mines, they'll never believe this.
They better believe it.
But they won't, they'll shoot me.
I can't see them no more, they went around the front.
Get out there and don't make any mistakes.
I will try but All right, move.
(shouting in German) (conversation in German) Wait a minute.
You did a lot of talking out there, didn't ya You told me to explain about the mines.
And that's all you explained about? Just as you said.
What were they doing here? They are looking for you, I send them away, is that not truth enough? They said they were looking for us? Yes, you were observed last night.
(a large shell rips by overhead, then explodes) Kirby, watch the kraut.
BOOM You're the mother hen, kid, you watch him BOOM BOOM Still with the gun, huh.
They seem to think I'm some sort of a master spy, or monster or something.
BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM Well, they're right on.
I'll say they are.
They got artillery, Caje.
BOOM That's the end of big boy.
BOOM That's the end of big boy.
Did we get 'em, did we get 'em sir.
I thought I told you, to watch that kraut.
Doc wanted to do it, the kraut's his buddy, you know.
Hey, that's one lousy kraut cannon the company won't have to face when it moves out tomorrow? Shut up.
Well, did you get it sarge? You got the big gun huh, good.
What do you know about it? Everybody knows about the big gun, believe me.
Get him out of here.
All right, move.
What's the matter with you, Doc.
BOOM Check Mate King 2, this is White Rook, over.
This is Check Mate King 2, this is Check Mate King 2, over.
This is White Rook, scratch big boy I say again, scratch the big boy, over.
This is Check Mate King 2, Roger, out.
That's two mistakes you made, Kirby, and it only takes one to kill us all.
Now, wait a minute, sarge.
You wait a minute, you follow orders, or I'll have you court martialed, you got it? Look, I didn't mean You got it? Okay, okay, I It's all right.
Tired? Yeah.
Sit down.
Go ahead, sit down.
What we do now, Sergeant? Pull out of here as soon as it gets a little darker.
But suppose he told the patrol about us.
Why do you think this of me, I never said anything about I'm not talking to you.
I think he did tell them.
He goes with us when we pull out of here tonight.
I got a better idea.
Like what? I don't usually agree with Kirby, but in this case, I have to go along with him.
Go along with what? I said he's going along with us tonight, and that's it.
(A tank is heard outside) Kirby, you watch him, and this time I mean it, just watch him.
It's a tank, it's a lousy German tank.
What about it, sarge? Does he get away with it? That's not my decision to make, come on, let's get out of here, Kirby.
Come on, Kirby.
You're next, let's go.
Doc leave that, we haven't have time for it.
I told the truth and everything.
Come on, Doc.
I told the truth.
Told the truth.
Come on, shutten zee mouth get down here, over here.
I told the truth.
OK, Caje, come on.
Hey, what about the kraut, are we gonna take him with us? Yeah, if we can.
And if we can't? Then we leave him, come on, let's go.
Alive? What you guys yakking about? Got your own private war? All right, take off your boots, your leggings and jackets, strip down.
You too, take off your boots and jacket.
All right, listen to me.
This leads, listen to me, this leads to a storm drain.
It's gonna give us good cover till about 10 yards from the river.
If it's clear, we all go together, to get us covered.
One by one, make a run for the river between the second and third barges.
Stay in the water as long as possible.
Head down stream.
Once we get to the shore, we'll head for our lines.
What about Fritzay.
I'll go first, Kirby then you go, Doc.
The German, Caje.
See if it's clear.
(The tank is moving into position) (Tank machine gun opens fire) We've got discovered, we go one at a time.
The tank's got us locked in, so keep low.
Let's see how quiet you can be until you get past those barges.
how long you can hold your breath.
Yes, sir.
You're a pretty good fellow, Sergeant.
Just move it, Kirby.
(Tank machine gun fires) Doc, come on.
Go on Doc, those are the orders.
Shut up, Doc, now move, come on, get up, move.
No, no, why? why? what is my life to you? I can't hurt you in any way.
Please, huh.
You think I will say you advance tomorrow, I will not, I will not say a thing,no.
Please, what's the use? Caje.
Cage! (a single rifle shot) Did they make it? Who goes next? You go.
(Tank fires cannon) What happened to the German? I think the krauts got him.
What's the matter, Sarge? I, uh lost my, Thompson.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Hey sarge, hear you lost your Thompson? Yeah, have you seen Caje around? Down by the river.
Better put in a Halozone tablet.
Thanks, Doc.
Hanley wants to see you, Doc? We are moving on? Yeah, pretty soon.
Well, at least we don't have that big gun to face.
Get any sleep? Did I? Like a baby.
Well, that's good, cause you're acting squad leader today.
Did Doc say anything to you? No, nothing.
Well, he talked to me.
You know, it's kind of rough on Doc, he got to know that German.
He talked to him.
He tells how he handed him back his Carbine.
How he was in Vaudeville and So, don't say anything to Doc about what happened back there.
There's no reason why he should know.
I won't tell anything to Doc.
Don't you worry about it either.
A decision had to be made.
A tank looks down your throat, you do what you think is best.
There was nothing else to do.
Yes, there was.
And I did it.
You did what? You did what? I didn't kill him.
Look, do you think it's easy you just pull the trigger and shoot an old man who's looking up at you?.
I heard you fire.
Yeah, I fired, but I didn't kill him.
I just couldn't.
They don't teach you that, nobody ever taught me that.
All right, forget it.
I started to but Forget it.
I just couldn't, that's all, just couldn't.
Forget it, you did right, Caje Forget it, you did right, Caje.
Yeah, but if the old German told them.
I don't think he told them a thing.
And even if he did one piece of information isn't gonna win or lose this war.
You did right.
Well, if we're moving out, I better scrounge me up a Tommy gun.
Don't you think you have to be pretty sure, awfully positive, before you start playing, playing God with people lives? Yeah, that's for sure.