Concordia (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

I didn't know what
to do or where to go.
But I made this,
so if you're
watching it, then
I'm probably already
- Your mother.
- She can come in.
- Don't forget these.
- I won't. Thanks.
- Have you told Hanna?
- Not yet.
It would just be a distraction.
And I thought it might be
better coming from you.
When can you get back?
There are still a few loose
ends to tie up with the council.
I can break the news to them.
I'll fly later in the day.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. It's
It's our people I'm
concerned about.
Well, I
- I gotta go.
- I know.
Good luck.
Thank you.
This huge factory was an economic
engine for Kopwitz, Germany.
Now, the city of Kopwitz is
searching for its identity.
A city about to be reborn.
In nine days' time, we'll begin
the two-year integration plan
which will transform Kopwitz
into a safer, greener,
healthier place to live.
All while other cities across
the world line up to be next.
You can now remove your goggles.
Here's the person who
brought Concordia to Germany.
I'm very pleased to introduce Saxony's
minister president, Hanna Bremer.
Thank you. Thank you.
Good morning, all.
Welcome to Kopwitz.
Past, present and future.
We know the eyes of the cities
you represent will be on us
as we embark on this great experiment
to create a second Concordia.
And we hope you will join us,
so we can share that
experience with you.
We only found out this
morning ourselves.
- The murder, it shocked us all.
- Come on. This way.
Is there any connection between
the murder and Concordia?
As far as we can tell, no.
But the crime scene was
just outside town limits,
so the news will create a stir.
The press will ask
you for a statement.
20 years without any crime.
That's a record we can
point to with pride.
Especially now.
And what about Fatemah?
She's sending someone in. A
crisis manager from London.
It might help.
Hanna, I know you've
staked your entire career
on bringing
Concordia to Germany.
I won't let a tragedy
like this stop us now.
Outside Concordia?
Come on. E-mail,
phone, credit cards,
cameras in stores,
airports, streets.
Outside Concordia, we
are tracked everywhere.
Data is gathered, harvested
by everything we touch, do.
Our data, that's the
world we live in.
Nobody knows where
that data goes.
Who sees it? If it's
sold, how will it be used?
I told people, isn't it more
important you know the answer to that,
rather than pretending
it's not true?
In Concordia, they're open about the
cameras, not like everywhere else,
where you never know who's
watching you or for what reason.
They're honest about the usage
of our data, how it's gathered,
what is gathered and
how we benefit from it.
We trust in Concordia that
our footage, our data,
our rights are safe and secure.
They will never be infringed
upon or taken advantage of.
What they didn't understand is that
no one ever really sees that footage
unless there is a reason to.
And only by those people whose
job it is to protect you.
The AI, the humans, it
all works hand in hand.
Checks and balances, making
sure there is no misuse.
It's great to live in a place
where truth still matters.
Thea Ryan? Isabelle Larsson.
I'll be working with you, leading the
investigation from the Concordia side.
I see why the Gothenburg
police are involved, but here?
What do police do in
a place with no crime?
We don't have police here, only
community officers like myself.
In Concordia, we don't
fight crime, we prevent it.
- Isn't that what the cameras are for?
- They're not used the way you'd think.
We have to get some admin out of
the way. Can I have your devices?
Laptop, phone.
- Are you serious?
- It's just for a moment.
We need to install a firewall to
protect your personal data while here.
Just don't go through my photos.
I'm joking. Mostly.
I promise it won't interfere
with any of your current data.
Once you leave Concordia, you
can deactivate the firewall.
We are being watched, aren't we?
Firewall installed.
Consider yourself one
of us now. Follow me.
Ms Ericksen.
Juliane. Nice to meet you.
- You, too.
- Please.
A.J. Oba, our chief
technology officer.
He is responsible for the AI
system that runs Concordia.
And Mathilde, our lead data scientist
working with A.J. at Concordia HQ.
- Nice to meet you.
- You, too.
I'm sorry your first visit
to Concordia is under such
terrible circumstances.
In my job, I rarely see a
place at its finest hour.
I don't see why a murder outside town
limits should reflect badly on us.
No, but the timing of the murder
does have Fatemah concerned.
The Kopwitz launch is soon.
There's also the fact that Oliver
Miller worked at Concordia HQ.
He was an analyst, entry level.
Concordia operates on machine learning
to codify and predict behaviour?
The original Concordia system
could recognise criminal activity.
My algorithm can predict it.
The only surveillance footage
we see is footage of concern,
showing a resident, who may be
at risk to themselves or others,
or need our help and support.
That's why we created
the Court of Review,
which can grant us access to the footage
for our residents in an emergency.
We applied to the court for footage
from the last month of Oliver's life.
To go back any further than
that, we would need to reapply.
The Gothenburg police have asked
to see the footage as well.
It'd be best if we review it
before sharing anything with them.
Particularly as data protection
is key to your business model.
The footage could be key to
finding out who killed Oliver.
As it happened
outside Concordia
I'm not suggesting
withholding the footage,
just delaying a few hours, so
we can stay ahead of the curve.
We need to find out
what happened to Oliver,
for his family's sake and for the
sake of everyone who came to Concordia
with personal safety in mind.
We also need to make sure that
we are not releasing any footage
that compromises Oliver's
or anyone else's privacy.
Notify the police that we
will review it as we go
and pass along anything we think
could be helpful to the investigation.
- You must be Thea. Azeem Mahmoud.
- Hi.
I'll be upstairs.
Azeem is the officer assigned
to Oliver and his mother
when they first
arrived in Concordia.
Doesn't happen with
every family I settle,
but with Oliver and his mother
Cathy I've remained close.
- Can I talk to her?
- This afternoon.
Shall we?
The Millers moved here
after Oliver's father died.
He already experienced
serious bullying
and then he withdrew
even more to cope.
- They were looking for an antidote.
- Did they find it here? In Concordia?
We all thought so.
He started out in our social
support programme, soon flourished,
graduated in computing, then
recommended for a role at Concordia HQ.
A success story, by any measure.
Until yesterday.
This was provided by
the Gothenburg police,
who were the first to arrive.
According to forensics, he was
killed with two gunshot wounds.
Very close range.
One to the chest
and one to the head.
He had no criminal
history, no drug use.
Generally nothing of
concern, nothing to explain
such a violent death.
But something brought him to
the woods outside Concordia.
Something that got him killed.
Have you heard anything
from Andersson?
- Oskar!
- We need to talk.
Okay, sure.
Thea, this is Oskar Eklund, the lead
investigator for the Swedish police.
Thea Ryan, who's overseeing
the investigation
for the investment
fund behind Concordia.
I mean right now.
In private.
I'll just take a look around.
What is it?
I'm told Concordia won't
release the footage.
The court needs to approve before
we can release any footage.
This is a murder investigation.
We're losing time.
You'll see it as soon
as possible. I promise.
Call me.
As soon as it's approved.
What was that about?
He's upset we're
withholding the footage.
He doesn't like being
in the passenger seat.
Thought this was
your first case?
I studied criminology and had a
work-study with the Gothenburg police.
- Oskar headed up the programme.
- So you have a little cop in you?
Not enough to make
a career out of it,
but when the job opened up
in Concordia, I took it.
- It's better to
- prevent crime than solve it, I know.
You really believe
in this, don't you?
I do. This way. Come.
I think I'm still
struggling to understand
Of course. It's okay, Cathy.
We're doing everything we
can to get you answers.
I I told the police
everything I know.
You know him, Azeem maybe
better than I did in some ways.
No one would want to kill him.
We've asked permission to
review Oliver's footage.
And once we have
We all do things in private.
Things we might not
want people to know.
Not just strangers, people
we know, people we
people we love.
No one will see it who
doesn't have to, Cathy.
What we're asking you is
if you want to
know what we find?
I want to know the truth
about what happened.
were there parts of his life that
he wouldn't have wanted to share?
That he had to figure
out for himself?
I'm sure there were.
if you see something that can help
you find out what happened to him
and you need to tell me,
If not
please let me remember my
son through my own eyes.
after being cleared by police,
the activists vowed to return
unless the city took
more aggressive action
against climate change.
Concordia, the AI-powered surveillance
utopia has been hit by its first murder.
Early this morning, a body was found
just outside Concordia town limits
and outside the view
of Concordia's cameras.
The victim identified
as Oliver Miller
is said to have been an AI
analyst at the town headquarters.
We will keep you posted
as the story develops.
Please be ready! We're
boarding shortly!
I hear you and A.J. go way back.
We studied machine
learning together.
Although A.J. started
out in game theory,
but eventually he saw the light.
Shall we?
Actually, I originally created a code
to identify tells in poker players.
Reading faces wasn't my forte,
so I tried to create
something to read their minds.
The AI system of Concordia is definitely
a more ambitious application than poker.
Much higher stakes, too.
I'll cue up the footage.
So, this is R&C,
Review and Confirm.
If the system detects a potential
violation, it sends an alert.
Then someone from
R&C takes a look,
checks to see if it's a
true cause for concern.
Oliver worked here?
He did.
Did anyone question the
people Oliver worked with?
Oskar did just
before you arrived.
Oliver kept to himself mostly. He wasn't
particularly close to any of them.
We got the go ahead from the court
to review the first month of footage.
We've had the system go through
it. 24 hours a day, every day.
Nothing turned up.
But we thought it was important
to show you how the system works.
Anytime you want to
punch in, let me know.
Punch in?
Punch in like this.
- Do you want coffee?
- No, thanks.
The system didn't
pick up anything?
Anything at all suspicious?
No Nothing was flagged.
Well, we need to go
back further then.
How far back do you want to go?
A year. We need to speed this up
and another month won't cut it.
We'll make another
request to the court.
Thea, this drive has Oliver's
surveillance footage on it.
It's firewalled, but the software
will work with your computer.
When more footage is cleared, bring
it back to me and we'll update it.
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
our ferry will reach its
destination very soon.
Please return back to your cars
and make sure that you have all
your personal belongings with you.
Thank you very much
for choosing us today.
We wish you a pleasant
onward journey.
Fuck. We're almost out of fuel.
Wait here, okay?
I'll buy some pepperoni sticks.
Spicy for you and mild for me.
They'll still make my mouth
burn, so probably some milk, too.
And ketchup chips.
Ketchup chips?
Prescription. Swear.
Here you go.
- There are no cameras, I checked.
- We can't be certain, Elodie.
There's no one here.
- What about you? You went in.
- Yeah, because I had to.
They're not looking
for me. Not yet.
There's a plan.
We just need to follow it.
Do you understand?
Okay. So, come on, please.
- Hi, Talon, what you got?
- Hey.
Well, we're just calling to say
goodnight from the little guy.
And hello from the big guy.
- Say goodnight to Mummy.
- Goodnight, Mummy.
Goodnight, sweetie, sleep well.
Alright, enough playing. Go
brush your teeth. Let's go!
So, how's
Been working on that all day?
Not all day, I had some
calls with clients.
I did my best.
Seriously, how is it?
Not what I expected.
People really believe in this.
Well, you have to say
that though, don't you?
Aren't they watching you?
- Signal if you need help.
- You're such an idiot.
- What's she like?
- Who?
- The big dog.
- Juliane?
As impressive in person
as she is in public?
I've only met her once, so I'm
still getting my read of her.
I can only comment from afar,
but you don't make the cover
of The Times if you're not.
She wears it pretty easily.
Famous and friendly:
oldest trick in the book.
Makes people believe they're
one of us, but they're not.
We'll see. Jury's still out.
Daddy? Daddy!
Well, I guess I should go.
I'll call you tomorrow, okay?
- Same time?
- Same time. Ciao ciao.
I'm coming! I'm coming!
What's going on here?
What's going on here?
Okay, it's time
to go to bed now.
Time to go to bed.
You know that.
Arms under the quilt.
No turning on the light.
- No reading.
- Yes.
- And fall sleep straight away.
- Yes.
Okay. Goodnight, little man.
Sweet dreams.
No, it's Alex.
Veronica, it's Alex.
Where's John?
John's gone. You know that.
When's he coming back?
Maybe in the morning.
Come on.
Come on, it's late.
Thea doesn't like it when
her father stays out so late.
She worries about him.
Tell her not to worry.
I will.
I thought I might find you here.
Dinner. It was tonight.
- It was.
- I'm so sorry. I forgot all about it.
- Would you mind if we rescheduled?
- Not at all.
I know how busy you are.
It's not about being busy.
Should we be worried?
I don't know.
Who's handling the case?
The Gothenburg police and
Isabelle from our side.
Is that wise?
She's on top of it.
We'll get through this.
You'll be there tomorrow?
If you want me to.
Tomorrow, then.
Tomorrow, then.
- Hello?
- Isabelle, I think we have something.
The system picked up a
series of overnight trips,
triggered by an
alarm on his phone.
This clip was the first
time he went out overnight:
five months ago.
Yeah, nice. Suck on that.
- I thought you were covering me.
- No He gets out the way every time.
Wait. Okay, now, go, go, go.
No, no, no.
The alarm made his heart race.
Blood pressure rose, too.
Elevated heart rate, BP,
washing himself.
A girl, maybe?
One minute. Let me
see what I can find.
- Please tell me you slept last night.
- A full eight hours. I promise.
In the last five months,
Oliver Miller made
16 out-of-town trips.
Leaving Concordia at 10
pm and back at 6-6.30 am.
Any idea where he went?
Can you send this?
No, he headed north and
every journey was 140-145 km.
Can you send me dates, times?
And the car make and model?
Thanks. Hey, one more thing
He used a car share service. He probably
had a different car for every trip.
And when cars leave town,
the AI stops tracking.
We cleared Oliver's footage, if
you want to come take a look?
I'll leave that to you.
We'll keep working our end.
But let me know if you
find anything, okay?
And make sure you get some
sleep. You sound like shit.
You're lucky you can't see me.
This is his entire dating
history for the last year.
He met them all on dating apps.
So four dates total.
The first three dates
were uneventful.
The fourth date, though, it
showed different data readings.
Nothing that was
flagged, but take a look.
Do you like outdoor stuff?
- Outdoor stuff?
- Yeah.
Like doing stuff outdoors.
Like hiking and stuff?
Yeah, I do.
- Do you?
- Yeah, yeah, big time.
Maybe we could do
that on our next date.
Or we could do something else
if you don't like hiking.
We could do something
cooler, like surfing.
You like surfing?
Yeah, I do.
Wait. Did I tell you
that I surf on the app?
I can't remember.
I think you had a picture
of you surfing, right?
- No.
- You must have said, then.
I have to go to the bathroom.
Fucking idiot.
Fucking idiot.
She looks spooked.
If we want to get to the bottom
of this, we have to talk to her.
She hasn't been logged
by the system for months.
It looks like she no
longer lives in Concordia.
- Where is she now?
- Seems she moved to Gothenburg.
A month after her
date with Oliver.
His late-night excursions.
Could he have been
driving to see her?
I don't like the sound of
that. We need to talk to her.
Am am I in trouble? Because
I only met the guy once.
It's him we're interested in. We think
you might be able to help us with that.
You remember your date with him?
Did something happen?
He knew too much about
me. It didn't feel right.
On on the dating app,
he kept talking about music
that I also happened to like.
So at first it seemed like
we had similar tastes.
But then he showed up and he
started talking about surfing.
That that he was
interested in it.
I mean, we're in Sweden.
There's no open ocean.
I've never met anyone who surfs
here. Nobody would suggest that.
Did he tell you he
worked at Concordia HQ?
Look, I went back over our
conversations, my profile.
There was nothing about surfing.
I don't have social media. I searched
my name online. There was nothing.
So call it paranoia
or whatever
but the thought
landed in my head
about him working there.
We had only moved to Concordia
a couple of years before
and it took me a while
to forget about cameras.
Eventually you do,
but then how did he
I mean, my parents
said it was impossible,
I just felt really
weird after that.
Everywhere I went, I
wondered if I was being
There was an HAR on Anna Perillo
for suspected drug dealing.
Human Activity Review.
When the system flags a
potential infraction or issue,
it's reviewed by human eyes.
Who did the review?
Oliver Miller.
- Can you bring the clip up?
- Yeah.
I can't remember if it was two years or
three years ago, something like this.
I was in university and there were,
like, a lot of classes I liked,
but in the end
So where is this drug deal?
Maybe it's farther in.
that I was interested in.
I decided to pick the
first one and it was short,
but like, challenging
- Any other flagged clips for Perillo?
- There's another a few days later.
And who reviewed that?
Also Oliver.
I don't get it. Why would the
system flag this for drugs?
There's nothing going on.
Did anyone else
review any of these?
If Oliver had found something, he'd
have had to bring it to his supervisor.
His supervisor would
have brought it to me.
So what happened with these?
He dismissed them
as false alerts.
They didn't get
forwarded up the line.
Two false alerts for the same
person, so close together,
reviewed by the same analyst.
He must have planted something
to trigger the system,
so he could spy on
the women he dated.
If he did manage to figure
it out for one of the women,
I think we have to assume
he did it for all of them.
And for anyone else
he wanted to spy
on in Concordia.
Next Episode