Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

- Here's a riddle.
- "I am inherently worthless
"but highly prized.
"I will empty out
your bank account.
"I'm all about love.
"But I have a heart of stone
"and have been known
"to prefer to be owned."
It's good.
I have to go back
to the library.
- Okay. I don't.
- Hmm.
Off you fuck then.
- Okay, bye.
- Bye.
- Have fun.
- Thanks.

Choking back
a Breezer on the patio ♪
Within earshot
of that guy we knew ♪
Oh, the Marian Keyes
of it all ♪
Babe, you rewriting
everything I do ♪

Out the back it's freezing,
yeah, it's very cold ♪
So I switch it up
and head inside ♪
Lock eyes with
another adult woman ♪
I can tell is trying
not to cry ♪
But I can't ignore it ♪
I can't let it go ♪
I hate that your friends
hate me now ♪
I hate me on
my own, own, own ♪
I'd have saved you burning upinside an old gray tavern ♪
Saved you burning up
and burning out ♪
I'd have saved you ♪
But you said that
I don't really care for you ♪

Bully, bully, you said ♪
I'm a bully, oh ♪
But I thought
I was just helping ♪
- Hey.
- Heya.
Sorry, it won't be a minute.
No, no, don't worry.
- Do you need to
- Yeah. Grand.
- Good day?
- Mm-hmm. You?
Yeah, grand. Grand.
I'm actually I'm gonna
head home tomorrow.
My dad's picking me up.
Oh, okay.
Uh, have a good summer.
Yeah, you too.
And best of luck
with the rest of your exams.
- Hey, Bobbi.
- He's back.
- Nailed it.
- Good shit.
I think so.
How do you feel?
Yay. Summer.
That's fair. Surely.
- Yes. Smart.
- Good.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
- Ooh.
More, more, more.
- once I start.
- Once you
- Are you like pressuring me right now?
- No, I'm just
- Do you feel that I feel
- just showing interest.
- I should head.
- Okay.
Text me when you're home.
Always, Frances.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Whip, crack, snap.
An announcement
to the females in the room.
Although we suspect
the interest will be wider.
We are now, thanks
to mainstream television.
Elevated to the status
of dominatrix.
Haven't you heard?
Buckle up,
this is the next wave of
female empowerment.
You might remember the last one
where we reclaimed the pole
and learned
to dance better on it.
Good for exercise.
- I mean, it is
- in theory
in terms
of actual muscles
being exercised.
But is that the point?
Hey. Oh. thank you.
That was really great.
That's that writer.
I know.
That's kind of you to say.
No, I really loved it.
It was very sweet but ruthless.
- Well, that's Frances.
- She's the writer.
I'm Bobbi. I'm like her muse.
Well, I want a muse.
I don't operate exclusively.
How long has
she been musing for you?
We started in school.
We were fucking back then, too,
but we don't do that anymore.
We dropped the fucking
but kept the poetry.
That sounds like
the wrong way around.
I know, right?
- Where are you from?
- London.
- You sound
- New York.
That's a big change.
Oh, I know. I was like,
"Look at this little baby city."
I do love living by the sea.
- Do you swim in it?
- Yes.
And you?
You should try it.
My name is Jules.
I'm running late.
I have a little poem
for you guys.
It was lovely meeting you.
We should continue
this conversation sometime.
- Yeah?
- Put your number in my phone.
chase clout for me.
Did you ever read her book?
Yeah, I got it,
I've just never read it.
- Hmm.
- It's good.
You'd hate it.
Night, Frances.

Do you do it every day?
Just about.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
The Irish Sea.
Who fucking knew?

I know, I'm like, what happens
if I just was,
like, I'm over it?

That was amazing.
Yeah. Told you.

- Kind of ridiculous.
- Yeah.
You'd think I'd know
how to open my own door by now.
Come on in.
And you can just throw
your shit there. That's fine.
I'm gonna throw on some water
and, uh, and then
I'm probably gonna jump in
the shower, if that's alright.
Yeah, of course.
It takes me ages to get warm.
Um, there's another bathroom
right through there
with some clean towels on
the side if you wanna jump in.
Yeah, thanks. Is that okay?
Yeah, sure. I'm fine.
Okay, well, help yourself
to whatever you'd like.
Um, can I do anything?
No. No. Just relax.
Oh, Nick should be back soon.

- How's it going?
- Hi, I'm Frances.
Yes. One of the poets.
- Hi.
- How was the swim?
It was good.
- What's for dinner?
- You'll have to wait and see.
Your house is very cool.
I love it.
You two are such grown-ups.
I know.
How long have you lived here?
- Um, six years?
- Yeah.
Yeah, I came over
when you did, I suppose.
- Yeah.
- Bobbi's from New York.
Oh. Right.
Yeah, it was a bit of
a culture shock at first.
There are, um,
a lot of white people here.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
I feel like it's a bit better
than it used to be, but
I mean, it's still
- pretty mono culture.
- What brought you over?
Um, my parents got jobs.
They're academics.
They hate each other.
Nick's the only person I know
whose parents are still in love.
- Mm!
- And quite demonstrative.
Uh, yeah.
It's quite uncomfortable
to be around actually.
I mean, no one
should have to deal with that.
So Frances studies English.
- Nick studied English
- and French.
Did you like it?
Yeah, um yeah, I loved it.
Do you write other stuff,
Like other forms, prose?
- No.
- Why not?
I like the impermanence of this
and, like,
the performance thing.
I feel a bit sick when I
think about it lasting forever.
That's so funny
because I always
thought of writing
as about some
sort of desire for permanence.
I feel like when I'm writing,
I'm trying to get clarity,
and then when I do,
I want to keep it.
No, I
think I'm trying for that but
And it
it just doesn't feel possible.
Or maybe I don't want
to package it for people to own.
Frances is a communist.
- Oh.
- Thanks, Bobbi.
So, books understood
as commodities?
Maybe, in a sense.
It depends.
I mean, obviously, the really
good ones are more than that.
The rest of us are just grinding
it out on the production line.
- You mind if I
- Oh, please.
- Do you need a light?
- Uh, yes, please.
I'm not great at these things.
Me too.
- That was really delicious.
- Thank you.
Are you, um
Are you, uh,
in something at the moment?
Um, yeah.
Uh, doing a play.
Are you enjoying it?
I mean, it's, uh
it's nice to be working.
I know people
always say that and
The play is fine.
It's not a very bold choice.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Do you know it?
Yeah, I-I, um,
I read it a long time ago.
But I-I haven't seen it.
- Hmm.
- It's melodrama.
Which isn't, you know,
it's not a dig. I'm not
People say that, don't they,
in a disparaging way?
But, I mean, that's the point.
It's the fun of it.
It's a proper play
where stuff happens.
But, no.
I should see it.
Uh, like, I liked the play
when I read it.
Yeah, um
I can get you some tickets.
It's nothing groundbreaking
You're being polite.
No, I just would
really like to see it.
Yeah, if I take your email,
I can sort it out.
What, um,
what do you write about?
- That's a terrible question.
- The worst.
- I'll think of another one.
- Something lighter.
So are you committed communist?
Not really. No.
Um, I mean, I don't do
anything about it at all, uh
which must make me sound
No, not at all.
It's, uh, it's good,
I think, in whatever way.
You know, most of us
just kind of swim around
in a pretty aimless,
I'm not making any sense.
Um, not at all.
Uh, I mean, you are, I think.
- I know!
- That's horrible!

Don't you think
it's weird they're married?
Weird how?
You think they're not, like
- Not really.
- But, I mean, more like,
"Why the fuck
would you get married?"
People get married.
Obviously, Frances.
People grow up, get married,
have babies.
Yeah, boring people.
Boring people
who then get a fucking divorce.
But she is interesting.
Conscious, smart.
Like, I can't picture them
having a wedding
with a dress and those
little people on a cake.
- Right?
- Maybe they didn't.
Maybe she wore a jumpsuit
and they had a cheese board.
I don't know.
It's still fucking marriage.
You have a crush on her.
I have a crush on her.
I thought he was funny.
He barely opened his mouth.
Can you actually imagine them
on their own fucking.
Holding a conversation that
lasts longer than two minutes?
I mean, who knows what happens
between two people
when they're alone, Bobbi.
So I will leave you
in Philip's capable hands.
Really happy to have you
with us for the summer, Frances.
- See you later.
- Thanks, honey.
Uh, you can kinda sit wherever.
Where do you sit?
Um, here.
Kind of a hot-desking thing.
Oh. So I can read to you?
- Um, no. You read to yourself
- in your head.
- Ah.
- And then you write a report.
So I-I sit here
and I make an assessment
on someone's abilities
when I'm not qualified.
And I'm fundamentally opposed
to the whole notion.
You said you wanted
this job, Frances.
What happens
if I have a shit morning?
Do I just make
arbitrary decisions
and we use that as a test
of cultural excellence?
- Don't get excited.
- You write it. I read it.
And if you happen to have
an undiscovered
genius in that pile
there may be
someone more important
who might get to hear about it.
Alright, then.
She comes ♪
And take you out ♪
Savor your lips ♪
Till the sun goes down ♪
Lean on me.
No. Just give me my crutch.
Lean on my shoulder.
I don't wanna
lean on your shoulder, Maggie.
I want my crutch.
Are you gonna give me my crutch
or do I have to get down
on my knees
on the floor and crawl?
Here, take it!
Take it.
So you don't drift away ♪
While we are bound ♪

Let it all go ♪
Let it all go wrong ♪

Let it all go ♪
Let it all go wrong ♪
Oh, let it all go ♪
Let it all go wrong ♪

but it was disgusting.
So how was the play?
He was good.
Um yeah, the play was
- Yeah.
- Awkward.
Can't believe you went
without me with me.
Was Melissa there?
Um, I didn't see her.
Makes sense.
She thinks
Tennessee Williams is mannered.
Yeah, I mean, that's the point,
though, isn't it?
Like like it's not like
it's accidentally mannered.
Like, I feel like
that's pretty obvious.
Okay, Frances,
now you're being annoying.
Yeah. Sorry.
Oh, I think our food's ready.

Are you okay?
Yeah, just period pain.
Have you got
any painkillers in there?
Um, no.
Okay, hang on.
Do you need anything else?
No, no, no.
You go home.

Um, Frances.

You stayed.
You suffer.

I'll make you some tea.
Thank you.
How you feelin'?
- Stop staring at yourself.
- Yeah.
Come on.
This poem is calledDiamonds.
- Here's a riddle.
- My best friend
- is inherently worthless
- but highly prized
who'll empty out
your bank account.
But what they did do,
and we'll quote
from their report here,
which is much better than
anything we could ever make up.
All of these lectures
revolve around
the diamond engagement ring
and are reaching
thousands of girls
in their assemblies, classes,
and informal meetings
in our leading
educational institutions.
They spread the word, they said,
using wives and daughters
of political leaders.
Any woman
who can make the grocer's wife
and the mechanic's
sweetheart say
"I wish I had what she has."
Do you get a feeling
that we are still kneeling
under the heavy midst
we've been told
so stones can be sold.
And if a diamond's a thing,
put it on a ring,
but don't sing to me
about love being
enshrined in its class.
I won't be your audience.
I'm out of your grasp.
Hey. That was brilliant.
- Thank you.
- Hey.
Well done.
- Thanks.
- You wanna buy me a drink?
Yeah, of course. Be my pleasure.
- After you.
- Thank you.
So what did you think
of the play the other night?
Yeah, it was good.
I thought you were very good.
Don't you feel
a bit conflicted?
Generally or
You're playing a gay character
and you're a straight man.
Is Brick gay?
Bisexual, maybe.
You make it sound like
gay is the destination
and bisexual
is like a stop on the way.
Not quite there.
- Hmm.
- I mean, Frances is bisexual.
Jesus Christ, Bobbi.
You've probably
totally offended her.
I promise, I feel
very conflicted, Bobbi.
- Okay.
- And I apologize.
Well, as long as you're
self-flagellating and having an awful time.
- Melissa, I need you to meet someone.
- Okay.
Philip, Melissa.
Melissa, Philip.
I'm sorry I was late.
Thanks for coming.
I really liked it.
I don't really know
how to be articulate
about it beyond that.
I liked it.
I think it would have been
better if I'd said nothing.
I'll craft you an email.
It'll be full of
compliments and
be in complete sentences.
But won't require us
to make eye contact.
We could try, though.
I don't need you to love me ♪
I can't be broken twice ♪
Just tell me I'm beautiful ♪
As we lie down ♪
That will suffice ♪
Don't look so guilty ♪
As though
you've done me wrong ♪
I'm not your victim
to be pitied ♪
I'm not yours at all ♪
For long ♪
Oh, with your hands
you cheapened me ♪
And I'll never let
another weaken me ♪
But you
kissed me too softly ♪
And then I felt used ♪
Next Episode