Country Comfort (2021) s01e01 Episode Script


[theme music playing]
[thunder rumbles]
- Oh, hey. Listen, I was
- [teen] Well, well, well.
Looks like they sent us
the perfect woman for the job.
Oh, crap.
What kind of ranch did I walk into?
Horses, mostly. You like horses?
- Not that much.
- Wait!
- Aren't you from the nanny agency?
- No.
Dang. Do you have
any experience taking care of kids?
- No.
- Have any experience lyin'? I do.
Hey, y'all! Come meet our new nanny!
I'm Tuck, and you are?
Not a nanny.
Look, my truck died, my phone died.
- I just need to use your phone
- [Tuck] Y'all, get down here!
- Everybody, this is our new nanny.
- I'm not a nanny.
New nanny, that's Brody, Dylan, and Chloe.
Hey, y'all. Is your mama or daddy around?
I'm having a breakdown.
My truck, and emotional.
Actually, our mama died two years ago.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
- Thank you.
- And thanks for showing up, Nanny
No, Bailey. Just Bailey.
I just need to use your phone,
call a mechanic,
get back home, wherever that is.
You forgot where you live?
Did you check the tag on your backpack?
Honey, I wish it were that simple.
Never date a musician.
[thunder crashes]
Oh, honey. It's okay.
It's okay. I just need to use a phone.
Cell phone. Home phone. Xylophone.
- Oh, is that a phone?
- [Tuck] It doesn't matter.
- Storm knocked out all the phone service.
- Of course it did. Why do you hate me?
[thunder crashes]
Look how good she is with children!
She's straight up Mary Poppins, bro.
I think nanny number ten is a winner.
Ten nannies? What is wrong with y'all?
Her. She's got some anger issues.
Are you kiddin' me?
We're not hiring her
just 'cause you fools think she's hot.
"You fools" think I'm hot?
- Smokin'!
- So hot.
You have no idea
how much that means to me.
You can't imagine what I've been through,
and for y'all to think
Résumé, ma'am.
I I don't have a résumé, because I'm
Because you think you can just
stroll through life on your good looks?
No, because I'm not equipped
to do anything. [sobs lightly]
Tell you what, we'll double
whatever you were making at your last job,
unless, of course,
we find out you were fired,
in which case we'll have to cut
your salary in half and strip your bonuses
until you prove yourself.
It's called playing hardball, people.
[thunder crashes]
Sweetie, you mind sittin' next to me?
I'm a little scared of thunder.
Well, I guess if you're scared.
It's okay.
[woman gasps]
Lord help me, another brother?
Ah! You flatter me.
I'm actually the daddy of all these.
And I'm the daddy's girlfriend
of all these.
Well, you are early
for your interview, and I like that.
- Oh, actually, Mr
- Beau.
- Mr. Beau
- No, Beau's my first name.
- Beau Beau?
- Just Beau.
Just Just my Beau. [chuckles]
And who might you be?
Oh, I'm Bailey. I was
Our new nanny.
Bailey, Summer. Summer, Bailey.
All right, let's go, Daddy. Can't be late.
- See ya after school, Nanny.
- Whoa, hold on there, Tuck.
[laughing] Your daddy hasn't even
checked her references yet.
She thinks I look like their brother.
You're hired.
Why are we wasting time?
She's young,
she's pretty, she's great with kids.
- I'm not a nanny!
- That will greatly reduce your salary.
Bailey, if you're not a nanny,
what exactly you doin' in our house?
Well, it all started last night
when me and my boyfriend, Boone,
were singing at Tootsies.
Our band's been playing that club forever,
but last night, Mr. Sam Gold from
Sam Gold Records was coming in to see us.
He's one of the biggest producers
in country music.
If he likes you,
it can change your whole life.
And not to toot our own horns,
but we crushed it.
Dream baby got me dreaming sweet dreams
The whole day through ♪
Dream baby got me dreaming sweet dreams
Nighttime, too ♪
I love you and I'm dreaming of you
But that won't do ♪
Dream baby, make me stop my dreaming
You can make my dreams come true ♪
[audience cheers]
Turns out,
Mr. Sam Gold didn't think we crushed it
the way I thought we crushed it,
and I was crushed.
So, why are you in our house?
Needless to say, I was pretty devastated,
but Boone didn't wanna
wallow in our misery.
He wanted to talk about our future.
you know how much I love you, right?
I do.
Yeah, I do.
I do.
Oh my gosh, Boone, you're not
[laughing] Lord have mercy, you are!
The answer is yes!
I will! I will!
You will what?
Let you go on.
Go on.
Right. The thing is,
the boys and I've been talking,
and we decided that if tonight was a bust,
which it most surely was,
that we, the band, needed to make some
some changes, you know?
Shake things up a bit.
Go in a different direction.
Okay. What direction?
You're out.
- She's in.
- What?
Bailey, the band's been together for
nine years and we still haven't made it.
I mean, someone has to change.
So you're trading me in for her?
I mean, just professionally.
But it is all good.
Because who still loves Bailey?
This guy!
Are you out of your mind, Boone?
We're a team! Together forever!
You either take all of me
or none of me!
[sobs] He picked none of me.
Oh, you poor thing.
I am gonna call you an Uber this minute
to take you home.
I don't have a home.
Me and Boone lived together.
So that's why you were driving all night
in this storm?
You had no place to go?
No. Can you believe it?
In one night, I lost my home,
my career, and my man.
you're single?
Listen, if someone could please just
give me a ride to the service station
[alarm blares]
- [Chloe] Tornado!
- All right, come on.
Y'all know the drill.
Everyone in the basement.
[Summer] Wait for me!
I know you don't know me,
so I understand if you don't want me
to come down I'm coming down.
[thunder crashes]
[screams] Y'all!
[Beau] Oh, careful on those stairs,
They're very steep.
No, don't worry about me, sugar.
My stilettos are much safer
than her flat steel-toed boots.
So, this is how it all ends.
What's under there?
It's the last nine nannies.
You're kidding, right?
Oh, honey. You're shiverin'.
Y'all are so lucky to have each other.
In times like these,
I guess I'll have to ride out the rest
of the tornadoes in my life alone.
Darlin', I'm sure
there's someone special waiting for you.
Out there.
I sure do envy y'all.
You all have such a beautiful family.
Thank you. Where's your family, Bailey?
Oh, I don't really have much
of a family other than Boone.
And, well, you know what happened there.
As far as my other family,
my mama ran out on me when I was two.
Who would walk out on you?
So far, Boone and her mama.
And she's just gettin' started.
[glass shatters]
- [girl] I've got you, Chlo.
- [Beau] Boys! Over here.
[thunder crashes]
I've been cheated, been mistreated ♪
When will I be loved? ♪
I've been put down
I've been pushed round ♪
When will I be loved? ♪
When I find a new man
That I want for mine ♪
Always breaks my heart in two ♪
It happens every time ♪
I've been cheated, been mistreated ♪
When will I be ♪
She doesn't like The Everly Brothers?
I can do Doobie or Jonas.
[Beau] Cassidy?
- Cassidy, baby, open the door.
- What's happening?
- [Beau] Honey, please.
- I got ten bucks on her not opening it.
- Sweetheart, this has gotta stop.
- What's gotta stop?
You keep saying you're fine,
but this is not a good indication.
What's she indicatin'
she's not fine about?
Honey, it's been almost two years
since your mama passed.
Please, just stop shuttin' us out.
I think maybe she needs a woman's touch.
I'm uppin' it to 50.
Cassidy? Cass?
I don't know what to do anymore.
I mean, what am I supposed to do?
She won't talk to me or a psychiatrist.
She won't even cry.
She hasn't shed one tear since
her mama died, and that's not normal.
- Let's keep goin'. We were cookin'.
- What about your sister?
- She's the reason we can't play.
- Tuck!
I'm sorry, Daddy, but it's been two years.
We had a band with our mama,
but since she died,
we haven't been allowed
to touch these instruments.
Because of her.
Tuck, enough.
I agree. It is enough.
For two years, we've had to watch
everything we do and say in front of her.
Don't mention Mama in front of Cassidy.
Don't play music in front of Cassidy.
Well, we lost our mama, too.
Why does our whole family
have to live by her rules?
[Cassidy sobs]
No, Cassidy.
- [Chloe] Daddy, no!
- I'll go, Daddy.
- No, I will.
- None of y'all are going out there.
- She probably went to her room.
- We go, we'll find her faster.
- Why don't all of three of us
- Bailey went.
[Bailey] Cassidy?
I know you're in here.
It's the only place
out here that has a cover.
- [wood splinters]
- [Bailey screams]
"Had" a cover.
Come on, Cassidy.
Even the horses
had the good sense to get the heck out.
Look at me. Cryin' like a fool.
Wipin' myself with the jacket he gave me.
Boone gave me this jacket
the first night he told me he loved me,
Cassidy. I hate this jacket!
But I love him.
And I love this jacket.
Okay. All right.
Cassidy, I'm sorry about the guitar
and the singin', okay?
I never would've done it if
[yells] Oh, Cassidy, I don't wanna die!
Last night was a different story, but
I mean, if I never saw the sun come up,
I did not care.
But then, honey,
some kind of miracle happened.
I heard this voice callin' out to me.
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Stand a little taller
when I'm alone."
And that's when I knew God was trying to
send me a message via Kelly Clarkson.
And now Kelly Clarkson,
via me, is sending it to you.
You gotta be strong.
You gotta carry on.
- You gotta
- [Cassidy] Good Lord.
All I've been hearing about since
you got here is this guy broke your heart,
you got nowhere to live,
your career's over.
- [crash]
- [Bailey] No!
And I'm so sorry about that, Cassidy.
But right now, we need to
This is my mama's guitar!
It's all I have left of her,
and you just pick it up like it's nothing!
It's everything!
She was everything, and now she's gone!
And it's not fair!
No, you're right, life is not fair. Which
we won't have if we don't get outta here!
Who cares?
No, don't talk like that. Your mama
wouldn't want you talking like that.
- How do you know what my mama'd want?
- Well, I know she'd want you to be happy.
How do you know I'm not happy?
A guess?
Well, if I'm not happy,
it's 'cause for two years
everyone's been telling me what to do
and how to feel.
- I hate it!
- Good!
Just keep yelling.
Just get it out as we walk.
I hate everything!
Walk and talk! Walk and talk!
Especially Summer.
I hate Summer so much!
I'm guessing the girlfriend,
not the season?
How could he be with her?
- Doesn't he love my mama anymore?
- Of course he loves her.
But you should talk to him about it
in the house!
I can't.
I can't talk to anybody except my mama!
I'm so sorry. I
I know how painful it is. And honey,
finally letting go like this
is a good thing. All that
- [wood splinters]
- [Bailey] Oh my God, Cassidy! God.
It'd be so much more helpful
if you would just move your feet.
Draggin' works, too.
- Oh, thank God. I found her.
- You found her?
[Cassidy] Daddy!
It's okay. It's okay.
Hug and walk. Hug and walk.
Hey. Mornin'.
Oh, you're up.
You're here. I'm just gonna
go to the dryer and grab my clothes.
Oh, by the way, that pillow top mattress
It's like I died and went to heaven.
Not died. Not heaven.
Oh God, Cassidy's not here, is she?
She is still sleeping. I don't remember
the last time she slept this late.
[sighs] Oh, that makes me so happy.
Okay, I'm just gonna go grab my clothes.
[Beau] Oh, they're right here.
You folded my laundry?
No man has ever folded my laundry.
Not to imply there have been so many men,
but the man I was with
never once folded my laundry,
never once did a dish,
and twice forgot my birthday.
Sure can pick 'em.
Well, It is the least I could do.
I mean, you brought my little girl back.
- What else can I do to thank you?
- Coffee'd be nice.
Oh, thank goodness.
I thought you were gonna ask for cash.
- How do you take it?
- Fifties would be nice.
Oh, I hope you're giving her money
to buy pants.
See, I know those pajamas come with pants
'cause I gave 'em to Beau for Christmas.
Okay, well,
I'm just gonna throw these pants on.
Well, Bailey
how soon can you start?
Start? I already got my second leg in.
I mean, how soon can you start
as our nanny?
The room's already fixed up,
and you said you liked the mattress.
But darlin', she's not a nanny, remember?
Well, she could've fooled me.
I've never seen the kids
respond to anybody like this.
Yeah, but she's not a professional.
I bet she doesn't even know CPR.
- No, I know CPR.
- Do you know the Heimlich?
- I do.
- Do you know where Beau keeps the bourbon?
Well, Summer's right.
I'm not a nanny, I'm a singer.
Been my dream since I was four years old.
Well, you can't give up on your dream!
Well, things are a little tougher now that
my dream's turned into a nightmare.
I got no money,
no place to sing, nowhere to live.
Maybe I should try this nanny thing.
- You're stayin'?
- Yes, she's stayin'!
Hold on. She hasn't said yes yet.
Let me handle this, Daddy.
Name your price, Bailey.
Everybody's got a price. And don't settle.
He squeezes the quarter so tight,
the eagle screams.
But Bailey doesn't want to be a nanny,
she wants to be a singer.
why can't you be a nanny and a singer?
Yeah, Maria from The Sound of Music
was a singer, a nanny, and a nun.
That horse has already left the barn.
I don't get it.
If you move in with us, you'll have
an even better shot at being a singer.
Trust me. You got talent, kid.
The only reason you haven't made it
is because you've been lacking
decent management.
But the good news is, you stay here,
I'm willing to offer you a mere 20%.
Managers only charge ten.
Fifteen it is.
Well, morning, sleepyhead.
What time is it?
Time to celebrate.
Bailey's gonna be our new nanny!
Unless you have any objections, Cass.
But she is not a nanny, Cassidy.
And I appeal to you,
as the responsible lady of the house,
do you think it's a good idea to put
your life and the lives of your siblings
in the hands of someone
who's just not a professional?
Let me tell you a little story, Summer.
Once upon a time,
we had a chicken named Naomi.
Mama named her after Naomi Judd
‘cause they both battled depression.
Well, we found out
the reason our Naomi was so sad
was ‘cause she was laying
fewer and fewer eggs,
and started to feel like the best years
of her life were behind her.
I feel that's what's happening to Bailey.
I mean, what has she got left?
She lost her man, her home, her career.
And like Naomi, she's no spring chicken.
[Summer laughs]
What are you sayin', darlin'?
I'm sayin',
we didn't get rid of Naomi.
So you want me to stay?
Who else is gonna take you?
[sobs] No one!
All right, well,
welcome to the family, Naomi.
[Beau laughs]
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