Courting Alex (2006) s01e01 Episode Script

A Tale of Two Kisses

This place is amazing.
Oh, look, swans made out of butter.
That's a talented cow.
So, here we are.
I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this.
Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry.
I'll just turn that off.
I hate that sound.
I hear it in my sleep.
Maybe I should stop sleeping with my phone.
You have to get that? Uh, normally, I would never, but it's this deal in Japan.
Oh, it's okay.
Ten seconds, I promise.
They talk really fast in Tokyo.
Alex Rose.
What? Yes, I have it with me.
I am so sorry.
Why don't you order us a nice bottle of wine? Of course.
Thanks for being so great about this.
I swear, five minutes, tops.
This is perfect.
So why should I change it? "Any dispute regarding the term 'property' "as heretofore defined in section nine, "subsection F, paragraph 15, lines six through ten, but not excluding 12.
" How much clearer could it be? I give you that point on page 29, and you won't concede to this one little Hold on.
Alex Rose.
- Who? - Jonathan.
Your date.
I'm going to go.
What? No, no, no.
I'll call you right back.
Alex Rose.
Alex Rose's office.
Hey, Molly, it's me.
I need you to push the deposition to 3:00.
- Done.
- Good.
Anything else going on? I gave my number to the Starbucks guy, but he hasn't called, and I think I'm getting a sty.
Wash your hands a lot, and I'd hold out for the deli guy.
Morning, Alex.
- Is that a guy over there? - No, it's not a guy.
It's just Julian.
Oh, yes, no one good, just Julian-- the harmless eunuch from upstairs.
- Hi, eunuch.
- Hello, spinster.
Bye, Molly.
Hot off the presses.
The catalog for my new exhibition at the Chelsea Gallery.
Ooh, nice-- you're charging $20,000 a painting.
And I knew you when you were doing sketches in Central Park.
Yes, I charge $10,000 for those now.
More if there's a horsy.
These are beautiful.
Pick any piece you like.
My gift to you.
Oh, no, you have to let me pay you something.
Oh, nonsense.
Pose for me and we'll call it even.
I am not posing naked.
Alex, I am an artist.
It would merely be a figure study.
Of me naked.
If it would make you more comfortable, I could be naked, too.
- I got to go to work.
- Have you got any milk? Uh, I went grocery shopping in 2002-- anything's possible.
Hey, didn't you have a date last night? You know the rule-- if I don't bring it up Oh, you worked through dinner again, didn't you? No.
Admit it, you took a business call.
I promise, when the right guy comes along, I won't take the call.
Because your fingers will be too gnarled with age to pick up the phone.
You know, not everything sounds charming with a British accent.
No milk.
Just a bottle of champagne, a sugar-free Red Bull and 28 packets of soy sauce.
Stocking up for the big one, are we? Hey, do you know what my empty refrigerator says about me? You're an independent girl, you're living by your own rules, you're doing it for yourself, sister.
Okay, when the big one comes, you're not getting any soy sauce.
- Morning.
- Morning, Molly.
Here's your messages, here's the Atwell file and here's the yellow top I borrowed.
Turns out, I'm not 5' 11".
Is my 9:00 here? No, I pushed them to 11:00, then they pushed you to 12:00, so I pushed them to 4:00.
Now it's their move.
Now I can actually have a minute alone.
Or not.
Hi, Dad.
Nice chair.
I don't have one of these suckers and I started this firm.
What can I do for you, Dad? Remember my idea about having our biggest client buy up that block, clear it out, put up a skyscraper? Dad, I believe the Lockhart Tower was my idea.
Well, now that whole project is about to collapse, and it just might take this firm with it.
That's right, that was your idea.
My idea was "Pizza Fridays.
" The tavern in the middle of the block, they decided not to sell.
- Since when? - This morning.
John Lockhart pays this firm millions of dollars every year.
I gave him my word I'd get this deal done.
- Ooh, Dad, the vein.
- The vein, the vein.
The vein will go down when the tavern owner sells.
And he will.
Just go across the street and talk to him.
I'm going to.
And you're going with me-- he always liked you.
Well, maybe because I call him by his name, not just "my friend.
" Nothing wrong with being a little personable.
"How's the wife, my friend?" "The food was excellent, my friend.
" "You said that horse was a sure thing, my friend.
" - I know his name.
- Mm-hmm.
It's Phil.
His name's Bill.
Like yours.
Molly, I'm going to Larson's Tavern for a few minutes.
Oh, I'll tell people you're in a very important meeting.
I'm not going there to drink.
Let's just see how the deal goes.
Brilliant work on that Dupont case.
Oh, thanks, sir.
Thank you.
Hi, Alex.
Morning, Stephen.
Quite a kid, that Stephen.
Definite partner material.
Can you believe he's still single? - Dad.
- Honey, what? You know, I worry about you.
When I was your age, I was, I was married.
And divorced.
Three times.
So, you got a little catching up to do, but Okay, where is this clown? Employees only, sir.
Oh, it's okay.
I'm and an old, old friend of the owner.
I'm gonna go see if he's if Bill is in his office.
How you doing? I'm Scott.
- Hi.
- Hi.
You, uh, you want a beer? - No, thanks.
- A case of beer? I'm good.
You want to help me unload the beer? Look, you seem like a very nice guy, and you obviously have access to a lot of beer, but I'm not here to flirt.
Flirt? You thought I was flirting with you? Oh, well, I just thought, with that whole beer thing What's going to happen next? You gonna ask me to dinner? No, I It's all right, I always get hit on when I wear this T-shirt.
- Hey, my eyes are up here.
- Oh, I-I Now you're flirting.
I'll go to dinner with you.
You know, you're actually kind of funny.
- Thank you.
- But I'm not having dinner with you.
Come on, take a chance.
You need more fun in your life.
Excuse me, but you don't know how much fun I have.
You don't know a thing about me.
Mm I bet you're a lawyer.
And I bet you look totally amazing with your hair down.
Look, my friend this has been great, but I am very busy.
Well, I appreciate a woman who plays hard to get, but I'm only going to ask you one more time, so you might want to say yes.
Listen, Mr.
Beer and T-shirt Man, you have now crossed the line from charming to obnoxious.
Get this-- the old man turned the place over to his grandson.
So now we got to kiss the ass of some kid named Skip or Slappy - Scott.
- That's it.
Last chance-- we going to dinner or not? I have to say, this is the cheapest business dinner I have ever had.
Talking about me or the food? Anyway, we feel the deal we're offering for your tavern is more than fair.
You know what? I don't think I can negotiate with someone who has mustard on their nose.
What? - How long has it been there? - Not long.
A couple of blocks.
Oh! Thanks.
We even? In three blocks we will be.
So, uh, you always wanted to be a lawyer? Um pretty much.
I was a lawyer every Halloween since third grade.
That might be the scariest Halloween story I've ever heard.
I had fun.
And do you know how many Milky Ways fit in a briefcase? What about you? Mm, I was a fireman.
That's a cute costume.
Oh, no, not for Halloween.
I was actually a fireman.
I was a smoke jumper in Montana.
Before that, I was a stockbroker.
That costume sucked.
How do you go from stockbroker to smoke jumper? Going to an office every day, it just got to the point I couldn't breathe.
So you went with the thick smoke and the burning ash? I gotta tell you, there were a couple fires I wasn't sure I was coming out of, but there wasn't a minute I didn't feel totally alive.
I'm our floor fire marshal.
- Anyway, about the tavern - Do you have a boyfriend? Um, I think we're losing a little focus here.
- Right.
So what's his name? - I don't have a boyfriend.
Really? Scott, the plan was to talk about the deal.
Oh, forget the plan.
I'm sorry, I canceled two meetings and a conference call because you agreed to discuss the deal with me tonight.
So you got the rest of the night free.
I got a motorcycle.
- Let's go to Coney Island.
- Who are you? It's a full moon.
We'll ride the Ferris wheel.
- No! - Oh, come on.
When was the last time you did something spontaneous? That's irrelevant.
Really? Never? Not never.
I can be very spontaneous when I choose to be.
Oh, you can't choose to be spontaneous.
It's not up here.
It's in your bones.
Or in your case, I guess it's not.
- You really don't know me.
- Oh, I think I do.
You think you do, but you don't.
I know you don't have a spontaneous bone in your body.
You're so wrong.
- Oh, lots of lawyer bones, sure - You've known me an hour.
- Stuffy bones, yes.
Snooty bones.
- OK.
That's it.
Shut up! But spontaneous bones? Nope.
It's pretty clear you don't have a single spontaneous bone in your whole Well, anybody can be spontaneous once.
You know, I think I'm gonna go.
Alex Rose.
I just wanted an update on the dinner with our stock boy.
How, uh How you two making out? Definitely getting closer.
Come in.
Sorry to interrupt.
I know it's late.
- You're not really interrupting.
- Good, 'cause I'm not really sorry.
I've got a lovely journalist from The New York Times upstairs, and we're about to go off the record and into the Jacuzzi.
Could I borrow that bottle of champagne from your fridge? Help yourself.
God knows I've got nothing to celebrate.
You'll never believe what happened.
Ah, Red Bull.
She'll need that in about an hour.
- Don't you want to know what happened? - Absolutely.
Send me an e-mail.
All right, what's his name, then? What makes you think it's about a guy? Well, let's see.
It's 1:00 a.
, you're on your workout-thingy, which means you've either lost a case, which never happens, or messed up a date, which always happens.
His name is Scott.
But I don't even like him.
Although, he's so full of himself, he probably thinks I do.
- Why would he think that? - I kissed him.
Arrogant bastard! But not because I like him.
It was a business dinner, and then he started insulting me, and then I just wanted to shut him up.
You know? Makes perfect sense.
- Slut, slag, bitch.
- I'm not kissing you! I feel so stupid.
My dad works on this deal for two years, and I have to jeopardize the whole thing with one kiss.
You can't ruin a business deal with one kiss, unless you're a really crap kisser.
But we could always work on that.
When I negotiate, I'm doing battle.
I'm a warrior.
Warriors don't kiss.
Alex, you're overreacting, unless, of course, you like him.
Then, you're screwed.
Like him? Oh, please.
Ugh, I so don't.
Not even.
If you say so.
Hey, there's no problem here.
Tomorrow, it'll be business as usual.
I'll just act like nothing happened.
That ought to clear it up - until you have sex with him.
- What? Nothing, love.
- Did you call Scott? - He'll be here in five.
- Is he cute? - What? - No.
- A little? - No.
Why, did he say something? - No.
Why, did something happen? - No.
Can we drop this please? - Consider it dropped.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Oh, hey, thanks for those tickets, Bill.
Oh, yeah, anytime, son.
So who you taking to the game? Actually, Alex, I was hoping you could come.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm really swamped.
- You know, I - Not a word.
Excuse me, sir, your assistant has Mr.
Lockhart on the phone.
She knows what to say.
I've dodged five calls from Lockhart this morning.
He must think I live in the crapper.
Last night, you told me you were close on the deal.
How close? Dad, he's on his way up.
I'll handle it.
If you feel like this kid is holding out, just throw more money at him.
I don't need to remind you what this deal means to the firm.
No, it's all right.
The vein reminds me.
- Scott Larson's here.
- Oh, oh! - Hey, Scott.
- Hello, sir.
- How are you doing? - Good.
Well, I heard you two got close last night.
- You did? - Yeah.
She's good, isn't she? Uh, yeah.
- Dad, I'll take it from here.
- Okay, honey.
Oh, listen, don't worry, son.
Whatever she was willing to give you last night, I told her to give you a little bit more.
Good-bye, Dad.
Thank you for coming.
I'm really glad you called.
I wanted to present our improved offer to buy the tavern.
I can't stop thinking about you.
If you'll look over these numbers, I think you'll see we've been - Come on, Alex! That kiss - Meant absolutely nothing.
Nothing? Nothing.
You should be advised, there's a time limit on this offer.
'Cause I really felt something.
Within 72 hours, these terms will be withdrawn.
And I know you felt something, too.
Damn it, Scott, I'm trying to negotiate with you.
You want to negotiate? I'm not selling.
That's not negotiating.
Look, this place has been in my family for 112 years.
I promised my grandfather I'd come back and run it.
I gave him my word.
I'm just gonna write a number down on a piece of paper.
You don't get it.
This is just another transaction to you.
This is my life, my family, my history.
You write a number down then.
Come on.
Are you really gonna be happy stuck behind a bar? You're a smoke jumper, a fireman.
Look, I like saving things, okay? And if I don't save this place, then nobody else will.
I'm sorry, Alex.
You're gonna have to build your skyscraper somewhere else.
Wow, that got a little heavy.
You want to get a beer? Scott, I'm not going out with you.
I'm just not interested.
So is this where you grab me and kiss me? Look, I have a boyfriend.
- Last night, you said you didn't.
- Because last night we were broken up.
Now we're back together.
On again, off again-- that's what happens with passionate, spontaneous couples.
Oh, no, I believe you.
Is he, like is he in the room right now? Stephen.
What time are you picking me up tonight? - Um, I thought you said - That's right, we decided on 6:00.
- I'll see you then.
- Okay.
It's the most dangerous surfing in the world.
They actually tow you into these giant waves.
You could die at anytime.
It was an amazing documentary.
I almost drowned watching it.
- Hmm? - I said, I almost drowned watching it.
- Alex, are you okay? - Yeah, I'm sorry.
I was just thinking about this other case.
Stephen, have you ever done anything really impulsive? Oh, you mean in real life? No.
No, no, no.
Seriously, I think being impulsive is overrated.
As far as I'm concerned, it's just a nice way of saying, "I don't have a plan.
" Thank you.
Like there's something wrong with having a plan.
My to do list is my bible.
- Even God had a to do list.
- That's right, the Ten Commandments.
Well, that's more like a what not to do list.
But still, he was organized.
Yeah, and anytime I do something impulsive, it just makes a mess of everything, and I just wind up regretting it.
I do regret it.
God, do I regret it.
What? Nothing.
Oh, look, the wine's here.
Would you like to hear the specials? The chef has some surprises for you tonight.
Surprises? I don't think so.
This is me.
Oh, um I'm really glad your schedule freed up tonight.
Me, too.
It's so nice to find someone else who was a lawyer for Halloween.
Look, there's something I really want to do, and I've been trying to figure out the best way to go about it.
Anyway, I've decided the direct approach would be the most appropriate.
So I'm just gonna do it.
Here goes nothing.
But just to dot the I's and cross all the T's, - is it okay if I - Yes.
I mean, huh, cool.
- Good night, Stephen.
- Okay.
I'm not telling you about my date with Stephen.
You had a date with Stephen? I thought you were Molly.
Well, here's how you tell us apart: I've got a better ass.
So, you were telling me about Stephen.
No, I wasn't.
You'll tell Molly, but you won't tell your dad? - I wasn't going to tell Molly.
- Good, let's keep it between us.
Dad, how do you know when someone's right for you? Easy, she'll sign my prenup.
Not for you.
Say you do have strong feelings for someone, but they're the last person on Earth you ever would have imagined yourself with.
And it's complicated, and there are problems.
But - I just keep thinking, like - No, stop.
Honey, - you think too damn much.
- What? It makes you a great lawyer, but it's why you're missing out on all this good stuff, like fun, love, romance.
Maybe the good stuff scares me a little.
Scary is good.
Remember the first time you climbed up on a diving board? You stood there for about half an hour before you jumped.
You pushed me.
It's the crowd, honey.
The crowd was waiting for my cannonball.
But you needed a push, didn't you? Yeah.
Well, I'm pushing you a little bit now.
Stop living in here all the time.
Just jump.
Okay, enough of this personal stuff.
These are billable hours.
What about the tavern? What's the deal there? He's not selling.
- You mean not yet? - Not ever.
Did you write a number on a piece of paper? - Dad, it's over.
- That's it.
I've had it with that little pissant.
I'm gonna shut that tavern down one way or another.
- Alex Rose.
- Let's forget the kiss.
This may not be the best time.
Let's forget it happened and just start over.
Johnson! Get me the health department records on that tavern! Their tax returns, too! Really not the best time.
Alex, I'm headed out to Coney Island.
I really want you to come.
Sir, Lockhart's calling again.
- Crapper? - What do you think? Strategy meeting in the conference room right now.
You coming? You coming? Hi.
I was getting worried you changed your mind.
I did, five times.
I've been riding up and down the elevator for the last ten minutes.
I'm really glad you're here.
You know, I was starting to think No, no, no! Don't think.
Let's get out of here before I change my mind again.
Hold on.

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