Cracked s01e01 Episode Script

How the Light Gets In

Police! Search warrant! - No sudden movements! Keep your hands clear! - Down on the ground! Down on the ground! - Keep your hands clear! Hands behind your back! - Get down on the ground! - Get down on the ground, buddy! Down! - Police! Down on the ground! Down on the ground! - Don't move! - Get down! Stay down! Stay down! - Keep your hands clear! - Hands behind your head, man.
Don't move.
Don't even think about moving.
We're secure in the back room.
- Hey.
It's ok.
I'm not gonna hurt you, ok? - Metro police have called a press conference later this afternoon to announce the results of a major drug bust early this morning.
The raid included a seizure of a sizeable amount of weapons.
In other news - Come on! Making change isn't rocket science! - Hey, I don't get my morning jolt, I'm outta my mind too.
- I'm not outta my Anything! - Ok, buddy, why don't you come with me, just cool down a little bit? - Out there? Huh? Into that carcinogenic cloud being made by your vehicle? Ever hear of a no-idling zone, officer black? You know, you ought to arrest yourself for giving the public brain tumours.
Come on, arrest me for speaking the truth.
Arrest me for disturbing the coffee-line peace! - Look, I just want us to get our coffees and go home.
Nobody's - arrest me.
Huh? Arrest me! - Nobody's day has to be ruined! - Are you chicken? Are you chicken? Huh? Are you chicken? - Nobody's ruin has to be - Are you chicken? Arrest me.
Or aren't you chicken? Huh?! Arrest me! You chicken? - Ba-kaw!! Ba-kaw!! Ba-kaw!! - I got out of bed today swear to God I couldn't see my face I got out of bed today staring at a ghost oh, have you seen my ghost? seen my ghost? Seen my ghost? oh, have you seen my ghost staring at the ground? na na na na na na na - Excuse me, buddy.
- Coming through.
- No, no, no.
She's not taking the wolf.
She can have anything she wants, but she's not taking the wolf.
- This isn't hostile fire, you and me.
I like you, Aidan, but I need to ask.
Why did you do that Turkey dance in the deli-mart? - Not Turkey, not "gobble-gobble"; it was, uh "Cock-a-doodle-doo".
I wanted to get to the other side? It just got away from me.
I couldn't stop.
Don't ask me to navel gaze.
I don't want to go there lint.
- Let's get out of here.
Come on.
The past year, you've been involved in two fatal shootings, the inquiries, psych evaluations - The trots.
You forced me on vacation, I drank the punch.
- You know, stress, it's a tricky thing.
It lies in wait and then, boom, makes people act in ways they would never act otherwise.
- I don't want reassignment.
I like SWAT, I like team seven.
- Team seven scattered grains at your feet when you walked in yesterday.
Aidan, they love you, but they feel a little uneasy about you hefting an mp5 right now.
- Well, put me on team eight.
- Look, you've done well.
Patrol, street crimes, homicide, tactical.
- Don't forget the year I quit and managed a rock band.
Then tactical.
- And next? - Just don't put me somewhere boring.
- Eleven months ago, Aidan shot and killed a gunman in an office building, and five months after that, he shot and killed dominik laszlo, the guy who took the kids hostage on the school bus.
Aidan was inside that bus and he was the one that negotiated with laszlo.
- That was him.
- Aidan pulled that trigger, but siu deemed both shootings clean and justified.
But then last week something else happened.
Team seven his SWAT team they were serving a gun warrant, and then, later that day, they're in a coffee shop and some idiot mocks him, and then barnyard noises ensue.
- Barnyard noises? - So it was then that we decided that Aidan needed a transfer.
- He's still in therapy as well? - He's had psychological evaluations, several of them.
We know a lot about Aidan black.
We know he's one of the best cops on the force, and we know that we don't want to lose him.
But we also know that there's a lot of things about Aidan that we don't know that he keeps to himself.
- Well, no one truly knows what goes on in the hearts and minds of others.
- Well, isn't that why we hired you, daniella? - I'm a forensic psychiatrist.
I'm here to investigate crimes and crises involving unusual behaviour, not magically read someone's thoughts.
- Symptoms of post-traumatic stress.
- Some anxiety, possible mood disorders.
- And he was still deemed fit for duty? - It's cool, man.
I pop bubble wrap.
- Hey.
So, we're all here now.
- Oh, it's good to see you, Daniel.
- Hi.
- All right.
First day, new unit.
I'm sure you are obviously aware of why we are here.
'Cause it's one step closer to homicide.
- Love the one you're with, honey.
Detective black, you're with Dr.
daniella Ridley.
Daniella is a forensic psychiatrist.
- Hi.
- Detective wisnefski, you're with Leo Beckett.
Leo's a psychiatric nurse.
- Hey.
- So, you all know about our recent investigations the chainlink attacks, the Kate Preston disappearance, also the recent shootings of people with mental illness.
And I'm sure you're all keenly aware of the public outcry.
So, here we are: Psych crimes and crisis.
Your job is to respond to any crime scene or crisis that seems likely to involve an emotionally disturbed person.
If you are not on a call, you are patrolling until you are.
These are your vests.
Let's make it happen.
- Let's do it.
- Let's see what we have here.
- Let's see there we go.
- Ooh, I look good.
- Shrinks, what's the hold up? - Uh, Detective black, "psychiatric nurse.
" - Whatever.
Let's go.
- Help! Somebody help me! - No! Stop! You can't leave! I won't let you do it! - Know him from the hospital I used to work at.
Name's Stewart.
Delusional, psychotic, off his meds again.
- He won't let me leave! - Hey, Stewart, what's going on, man? - She's gonna hurt the baby again! - You got any weapons on you? I'm just gonna pat you down.
It's ok.
- No, don't let her hurt the baby! I love my baby! - Get me out of here! - No! - You raise your voice, he gets upset.
He's just trying to protect his baby.
You'd do the same.
Cuff her.
- Cuff her? - What? - If it looks like we're apprehending you, he might calm down.
Let's go.
- No! - You heard the woman.
- We stopped her, Stewart.
She can't hurt your baby now.
You good? I know him from the hospital I used to work at.
He has schizophrenia.
He's an architect, father of three.
- Copy.
On our way.
Daniella, something's going on.
We gotta go.
Boys, take him home.
- Take him to St.
- Cuffing the victim Was different.
- Hey, Aidan.
You're in psych now? - Yeah.
It's fitting, huh? Uh, Detective liette, you know Dr.
daniella Ridley? - Yeah.
Ok, scout cars got here at six.
By nine, homicide decided to hand the case to you guys.
- So, what do we know? - Unknown male enters the house before dawn via the front door, which the homeowner insists was locked.
Two teenage boys asleep in their beds.
The oldest boy, Toby, he's stabbed in the chest.
And the other boy, Wyatt, he screams and the suspect flees, pushing past the dad here.
Toby was pronounced dead at the hospital.
- The boy, he, uh Tried to crawl away and was pulled back.
This your first homicide? Ok.
You said the dad saw the suspect? Male, 18-25, dark jacket, knit cap, gloves.
- What about the mom? - She's in China on a business trip.
We're trying to get her on a flight home.
- So, why are we here? Why was psych crimes called? - Dad came into the room, found this, a light bulb.
It was sticking up out of his kid's chest wound.
This would normally be my case, but it's unusual.
With the new way of doing things, "unusual" belongs to you.
So, if you need anything from homicide, you know where to find us.
- Welcome to psych crimes and crisis.
- You know how to use a gun? - Not a cop.
The light bulb's missing.
- Ok.
- He took it from here.
- Yeah, that's common in home invasions you don't want the neighbours to see what you're up to.
- Oh, I think you and I can both agree this is no common home invasion.
- He enters with a key.
- Or without, because the dad didn't lock up like he thinks he did.
- He worries someone upstairs heard him.
Now, why enter a room where two strong, athletic boys are sleeping? 'Cause what you want is in this room.
- If it's an object you want, you'd wait until the house was empty.
- Not if you need the kid to show you where it is.
- Sounds logical.
So, you think the killer was using logic when he put the light bulb in a boy's chest? - Probably not, but I'll start with logic and you can start with evil unicorns, and we'll see who solves it first.
The suspect moves past the younger boy's bed to get to Toby, the older boy.
Maybe he needs Toby to show him where the thing is.
What's the thing? A trophy? Boy says no, and - "Whoops! I broke into your house to steal something stupid, "but now that I've up and murdered you, hey, why don't I screw this light bulb into your chest?" - You'd be surprised what regular people can do when the adrenaline's pumping.
- But this guy, he held on to the light bulb; he didn't toss it or smash it; He took it from the fixture because he had a plan for it.
I think what he did to this boy was deliberate.
It was a message.
- What message? - Could be the murderer felt previously harmed by this boy.
It was a counterattack.
- No, this is a robbery.
- It was revenge.
- A robbery.
- A light bulb was inserted into the knife wound of a victim.
- Sometimes the bad guys try to throw us off, make it look crazier than it is.
- Not this time.
- How do you know? Let me in on your hocus-pocus, woman.
- It's all about the five senses, and memories that include them are usually the most vivid.
- Sense memory things, such as the roughness of a carpet, the texture of a bedspread.
- Light or - Darkness.
Whoever put the light bulb in Toby Burke's chest, does this guy have some sort of sensory or memory issue with light? Am I that dull? Do I need backup dancers? - Look, maybe the guy's got issues with totally random stuff that he thinks is cool.
We need to stay open to every reason for the light bulb, including no reason.
We don't narrow our focus this early in an investigation.
- So does that mean that you'll retract your narrowly focused robbery theory? - The neighbourhood needs canvassing.
- Yeah, it sure does.
- Excuse me, guys.
Uh, the father, Garrett Burke, he reported that only one person outside of the family has keys Next door neighbour, elderly man, keys accounted for, solid alibi.
Everything ok here? - It's fine.
- Ok.
Then Detective Miller wants to see you down on three.
Uniforms picked up a suspect.
- Kurtis mandel.
Uniforms found him hiding in a backyard six blocks from the Burke house.
Priors for b&e and one assault with a deadly weapon.
- What kind of weapon? - Knife.
- Looking good for an opportunistic robbery gone wrong.
- Good work.
- Ok.
Retribution? Robbery? Maybe we can both be right.
Maybe it's some kind of Retro robbery.
Ok, that was supposed to make you laugh! - So, nothing unusual at all? No disturbances? - Nothing.
I'm sorry.
- All right, thank you, ma'am.
- So, you're a psychiatrist.
- You state the obvious.
- Does that mean you're naturally curious about everyone? - No.
- Not that I want you to analyze me.
I don't, but, uh Don't you want to get to know me? A little? Not interested at all? - In you? - Yeah.
- Your mind? - Or my body, if you really think we might go there.
- Oh.
- Ok, well, you obviously do not want to get to know me, Dr.
Ridley, but, you know what, I want to get to know you.
You're my new partner, you don't carry a gun, and I gotta trust you with my life.
The suspect they brought in earlier, kurtis mandel, he's not our guy.
They got him on his building's security cam at the time of the murder.
Don't be so happy.
Now we're back to zero suspects.
- Diane, you wanted to see me? - Yeah, come on in.
You called me Diane just then, which is fine we are working to shape and define the unit, and I enjoyed working with you, I really did but the relationship is different now.
Just, I can't be Diane.
- Ok, um inspector.
I'm good with that.
- Ok.
Uh, now that we're on the same page, there's something I need you to do for me.
- What's that? - I need you to keep me up to date about Aidan.
You know, how he's doing, how he's behaving.
- I don't Understand.
- Well, just check in from time to time.
You know, casual, just let me know if I need to be concerned.
- I'm his partner, not a babysitter.
If you want to know how Aidan's doing, why don't you just ask him? - You ask a cop that question, it just forces him to lie.
Hold a sec.
Are we good? - Ok, inspector.
- Thanks.
Yeah, ok.
No, no, no, four o'clock's fine.
- Am I way off base here? 'Cause I'm, like, getting a vibe you think my side's all wrong.
- Aidan - you know what I've figured out about you? You can't stand not being right.
You love perfection, which is interesting because you've chosen a career in an inexact science where the answers are never all right or all wrong, so why are you here? - Caligra asked me to help design the unit.
I'd like to make sure that people with mental illness don't unnecessarily pay with their lives.
- Brownie points.
You've taken a huge cut in pay and status, you helped design the unit; You didn't have to be in the unit.
You know why I think you're here? Because you want to get close to the edge.
You won't admit it, but you want something uncertain.
You can't help it, you're drawn to it.
You want a little bit of that chaos inside you.
- What's your problem? - I don't know.
You tell me, doc.
You're the psychiatrist, - you want me to diagnose you? - Absolutely.
Your professional opinion.
Diagnose away.
- Asshole.
- Oh.
Is that in your big book of diagnoses? All right, Toby Burke's little brother should be here by now, so, uh - Wyatt, you have six bedrooms in your house, and you and Toby share a room.
How come? - We like to talk.
We make up ghost stories and sometimes new hockey strategies.
- You like hockey? You play? - Yeah.
Toby's on a team that's going to Finland.
I, mean, he has games and practices just about all the time.
- Wow, dedicated.
How about you? - I play too, but not quite like Toby.
He's gonna be a star.
I mean He was.
Just until he quit.
- Quit hockey? When? Just last Friday.
He said he wanted to try photography.
- Huh.
What'd your dad say when Toby told him this? - Why does it matter how I reacted? My hopes and dreams for my son have nothing to do with the stranger that was in my house! What do you want? Want to know my favourite colour too? Just go! Go find the guy that was in my hallway! - We're doing the best we can, Garrett.
- No, no, he killed my son! Go find him! - You're angry.
We get it, absolutely.
But, Garrett, tell us what you remember every detail from when Toby was attacked.
- I was in my bed, and it was like a Just like a tornado came through the house.
No it wasn't a tornado; it was more of an earthquake.
It was shaking me and And my bed and my brother and just the whole room.
- So I-I ran.
I just ran.
I ran to their room.
- But in the hallway - I smashed into someone, and then I was knocked over, and then I realized what was, uh There was a stranger in the house.
I saw Toby lying on the ground, and I Thought there was a It was a it was a white ball, it was resting on him here, and when I grabbed them, it fell off, and then I I saw that it was a It was a light bulb.
- Can you think of anyone that might have wanted to harm Toby? - No! Why would anyone want to harm him? - What happened next, Garrett, after you saw the light bulb? - I don't remember.
I don't know, ok? I don't know! I what's up with this itchy seam inside my shirt here? Tell me what, uh Tell me what brand this is.
I'll I'm never gonna buy it again.
- There's a funny place between sleep and being awake.
And because we're not completely asleep and we're not completely awake, we have a hard time making sense of what's going on around us.
So Thank you.
I think you've been very honest.
- So, where's the dad in all this? - He "can't remember".
He's hiding something.
- The stressed mind induces memory gaps and strange behaviour.
You know that, Aidan.
- Intimately.
- I didn't mean you you.
- Let's give him a polygraph.
- A polygraph? - It can't hurt.
- It could re-victimize him, and it's not even admissible in court.
- Yes, but it will let you know if you should look harder at the dad, or rule him out.
Do it.
- Thank you.
- Do you have a wife named Anna Burke? - Yes.
- Do you own an elephant? - No.
- Were you angry when Toby told you he didn't want to play hockey anymore? - Yes.
- Did you stab your son Toby? - No.
- Did you kill your son Toby? - No.
- He's lying.
I don't get it.
- Ok.
Toby says, "dad, I don't want to play hockey anymore", but dad is addicted to all the travel, all the attention, and suddenly lt's gone.
He goes ballistic.
- But the light bulb.
Why would Garrett do that? - Daniella, look at him.
He did it.
- I guess I missed the signs That he was lying.
I missed them.
Epic polygraph fail.
"Did you stab your son? Did you kill your son?" Blam.
- I'll get mobile to sit on the house where he's staying.
- Uh, wait, I have a question for you.
Actually, I don't have a question for you.
- Aidan, what are you - Liz, come home.
It's been two weeks.
You move out, you don't say anything.
What's going on? - You want to know what's going on? - Ok, don't berate me for not knowing already.
The signs that something's going on are all mixed up and confused for people who are like me, which I am.
- All those times you were staring off into space, or when you'd say your eyes were just watering and you were, like, folding laundry or something stupid, and I'd say, "Aidan, tell me.
" And then you'd make a joke, and that would be the end.
- Well, on the upside, I fold laundry.
- See? - Let me try again.
- No, I've been asking you to try for three years.
- Is there someone else? - No.
- So, I was thinking you might put me in the marine unit.
Boats are nice; they float, they anchor, they're very sane that way.
- Ok, stop.
Listen to me.
I watched you.
Twenty-six years old, you responded to a gang rape a teenage girl, the worst moment of her life.
Aidan, you were the only person there that could make her feel safe.
Do you want to know the other reason why I put you in psych? - Who better to catch criminals that are bananas than a cop up high in a banana tree? - I heard about the dad's polygraph.
- Yeah, put a fork in him.
- Need more than a polygraph for a conviction, though.
Take another run at the kid.
- It's all jumbled up in my head.
Everything I remember just doesn't make sense.
- Wyatt, could you draw it for us, what you saw? - One arm's longer than the other.
It's pointed at the end.
It's not an arm.
A knife? Is someone holding a knife? The arm is a knife? - Yeah.
- Who is this, Wyatt? Who hurt your brother? - I don't know.
- I think he's been stabbed! Oh! - This this isn't happening.
You think he's been stabbed? You're not sure? - Uh, I don't know.
He's been cut, I think.
- How deep is his cut, sir? - Uh uh, I don't know.
I don't know! It's, uh, uh, three or four inches.
- Look, my wife is getting in tonight.
She needs clean clothes - the 911 operator asked you how deep the wound was.
Why the long pause, Garrett? - What? I don't know, ok? I just I don't remember.
Why do you keep asking me this? - He was checking the knife to see how far the blood smeared up the blade.
- Usually in police investigations, we allow the subject to answer the question.
- I don't remember even making the 911 call, ok? - Your son - Come on! - Your son drew us a picture - Leave me alone! - Of someone with a really long arm, pointed at the end where the hand should be.
Take a look.
Why don't you tell me what happened, Garrett? - I'm, uh I think I'll I think maybe he was He was drawing me.
- What are you saying, Garrett? You had the knife? - What? - Why don't you tell us what happened? Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Easy! - I didn't kill my son! - Easy! Easy! Did you have the knife? - She, uh she asked me how, uh How deep the wound was.
- The 911 operator? - And, uh I put my hand inside his His his chest.
I-I I mean, I felt his heart with my bare hand.
And I felt His little heart.
Why did I do that?! - Garrett, there's no logic, there's no right or wrong when you have your child dying in your arms.
That's why Garrett Burke failed the polygraph test.
"Did you stab your son?" - He believed he did with his bare hand.
- He had a physical memory of it imprinted in him, even though he couldn't remember it.
- He thought that by reaching in and touching the kid's heart, he finished him off.
And you were right.
Garrett Burke didn't kill his son.
He didn't kill him.
- Hi, uh, Mrs.
dunlow? - Yes.
- We had an incident happen a few nights ago.
Um, did you notice anything strange within the last 24 hours? - No, no, nothing.
- Are you ok? Do you need some help? - No, I'm fine, thank you.
My my bed is right here in the living room.
I'm fine, thank you.
- Ok.
Um, thank you for your time.
Sorry to bother you.
- Mom, hey, I told you not to get up.
Don't answer the door.
Sleep now, mom.
I'm gonna make you better.
I'm gonna cure you tonight.
- Says here the occupants of this house are Laura and Michael eldenberry.
- Laura eldenberry? My wife reads her books.
She's an author.
- Well, it says here when our guys canvassed earlier, a neighbour said they were out of town book signing.
Back tonight.
- Poppy.
- What? The light bulb's out.
- What if the meaning behind the light bulb isn't light, it's power? - So the killer thought power was flowing out of the light bulb and into Toby, power to feed his success? - Or maybe the power was flowing the other way, like, the kid is the source and the power is flowing out of him and into the light bulb? - So he was collecting power.
- Who was that author? Um, what was her name? - Eldenberry.
- Yeah, eldenberry.
Maybe she was targeted before Toby Burke, right, but then maybe the dog barks and - And then they woke up, then the guy takes off.
He didn't get what he needed, so then he goes to Toby Burke's and gets it instead.
- Poppy, who has a key to the eldenberrys? - The daughter, the dog Walker - dog Walker? The burkes have a dog, or at least they used to.
I saw a picture of the boys with one.
- Maybe it was the dog Walker.
A dog Walker with a key.
- Mrs.
Detective wisnefski again.
I need the name and number of your dog Walker.
- Garrett, it's Detective black.
Did you used to have a dog? It died a year ago? Did you have a dog Walker? Can you give me his name and address? Great.
Thank you.
- Same guy.
- I'm sorry, I have no idea where Griffin is.
He walks dogs, so he could be anywhere.
- I know this is a difficult question, but Does Griffin have any illnesses? - Yes, my son has schizophrenia.
He Was at college, but he came home to take care of me.
He's a kindhearted boy.
- How about friends? - Does he have any? - Oh, he had a lot of friends.
They just don't come around anymore.
There was a girlfriend too, but she left when the paranoia started.
He tells me there is a great doctor teaching him how to cure me.
I have lung cancer.
Stage iv.
- His thoughts are unusually organized for schizophrenia.
His delusion is focused.
It has its own logic.
- What's the delusion? - He thinks he can save his mother's life.
- I know I'm not going to be around very long.
But I don't know who is going to look after him when I am gone.
Who is going to help him? - Stick the light bulb in the victim's chest; The power flows up into it.
- And he takes the light bulb home, the power flows back out and into his mother and it cures her cancer.
- But last night he was interrupted by the dad, left the light bulb at the scene.
- He couldn't get the power.
- He could be out looking for another power source right now.
- Aidan.
I think I've found something.
Dog walking contracts.
- Let's go.
- Eleven dog walking contracts.
- Eight keys to houses.
Let's match 'em up.
- Casey.
- Casey.
- Trumpet.
- Yeah, trumpet.
- Jolie.
- Jolie.
- Sadie.
- Sadie.
- Bitsy.
- No, no bitsy.
- Peewee.
- Peewee.
I'm out of keys.
- Jellybean, yeti.
- Ok.
- Three keys missing.
- Which one? Which one would you choose? - Jellybean, yeti, bitsy.
- Sarah, I need you to send units to three houses.
- Texting the addresses now.
- Tell 'em put a rush on the medics.
- - All right, which one, which one would he choose? This one says the breed is a doberman.
I'm him, I'm not light bulbing the owner of a loyal attack dog.
This is a poodle, needs to be walked during the night, but the owner works nights.
No one home to kill.
- This one.
How do we know for sure? - We don't.
Whoever lives there has talent.
- Two ninety-six.
- Two ninety-two.
There! Aidan, there! There! - Hello? Police? Well, just me and my daughter.
Why? Lauren! - No! No! No! Griffin, why are you doing this? Ah! No! No! - Please don't be scared, ok? We're gonna save someone's life tonight.
- Hey! Stop! Griffin! Drop the weapon! - No! - Drop it! - No! Stay down there! - Griffin, drop the knife now.
- He doesn't want to do it.
Try to connect with him.
- No! - Ok.
Listen to me.
I know you want your mom to live.
She's always protected you, and you need her.
But this girl, she doesn't have enough power to save her.
She's too little.
But I think I can help you.
- Help me.
- I'm gonna try.
- I don't have much power in me.
But promise You'll give it to my mom anyway.
- Griffin, hey, hey, don't, don't it.
- You don't understand! - Listen to me! Look at me! Just stay right here, you and me, man.
I do understand.
I get it.
Just stay with me, all right? I know.
I know you've got something inside you that Is really loud and strong, and it won't shut up.
And you can't ignore it.
And you gotta do what it tells ya.
I get it, man.
Griffin there's something else I know.
That thing inside you, sometimes it tells you the truth, but sometimes it lies to us.
My mom.
- I know.
I'm sorry about your mom.
It's ok.
It's ok.
It's ok, man.
It's ok.
It's ok.
It's ok.
- I think I just got to know you.
- You know I've been to three psychiatrists in the last year and nobody's been able to tell me anything? - I got out of bed today swear to God I couldn't see my face I got out of bed today staring at a ghost He's endured a lot of trauma as a cop, and it's changed him.
But he can open himself up to understand the minds of others.
He finds comfort in chaos, and his heart beats more steadily when he's in strange places, but all this comes at a price, because it separates him from others.
- Is he ever just gonna be ok? - Well, he's not broken.
But there is something, and I don't know whether it's a gift or a curse.
But since you really want me to apply diagnoses to Aidan, well, then I'd have to say he's just He's cracked.
- Staring at the ground oh, have you seen my ghost? seen my ghost? Seen my ghost? oh, have you seen my ghost sick of those goddamn clouds? are you some kind of medicine man?
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