Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e01 Episode Script

Itch to Explore

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Birds chirping ]
[ Grunts ] Ooh!
Now to make the most complete
map of the creek
every penned and markered!
Hit the bricks, Craig.
Alexis and I have to finish
our presentation
for A.P. Lit.
I just have a lot to say
about "Wuthering Heights."
We bothdo.
But I'm doing something
very important over here.
So important that you have
to use apple-scented markers?
It's mint, and, yes.
just move it already.
[ Groans ]
-Time is money, Craig!
[ Click! ]
The stock market continues
its week of incremental
Hmm, I think you should
diversify your portfolio.
[ Groans ]
[ Panting ]
No pain, no hot Duane.
Dad, you wouldn't turn
your back on a kid
with nowhere else
to draw, would you?
Of course, you can
doodle in here.
[ Beep! Beep! ]Time to feel the burn!
[ Panting ]
[ Whoooooooosh! ]
[ Grunts ]
When my house is not home,
the creek is still the creek.
[ Chuckles ]
It's like
a tickly headache.
I'm training Mortimer to peck
out the brains of my enemies.
I no longer feel
comfortable with this.
Whatchu workin' on?!
I'm making
a comprehensive atlas
of all the known kid landmarks
in the creek.
Here's Mount Sledmore
where Michelle Chin
lost three permanent teeth.
Oh, I lost
one of my teeth, too.
It was, uh
Was it this one?
Come back to me.
And the Mystery Cart --
that weird shopping cart
that Lisa Kowalski found
from a grocery-store chain
that no one's ever heard of.
I would never buy vittles
from there.
And David's Folly --
that hole that
David Brenneman
fell into.
I heard his
pants got
real muddy.
So many legendary kids
throughout history
have made their marks
on the creek.
I wish I was one of them.
Hey, what's that big,
empty spot about?
It looks like a big clearing
in the middle of
the Poison Ivy Grove.
As far as I can tell,
no kid has ever made it
to the center of the grove.
Until now!
I need trash bags, tape,
and all the calamine lotion
you got!
You got it!
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
If we find out what's
in the center of the grove,
we'll be able to put
our names on the map.
We'll be legends!
Kelsey liked
the sound of that.
The children of creek
would sing of their deeds
unto the ages.
[ Humming ]
I can't believe
we're gonna be the first
to go all the way
in there.
I know the trick
to poison ivy, though --
Don't eat it.
Kit: You're going to
the Poison Ivy Grove?
I don't think
it's a good idea.
Any kid that's gone into
the ivy, when they come out,
even their parents
don't recognize 'em!
Becoming legends
isn't gonna be easy,
but nobody never got nothing
from not riskingnothing!
To the Poison Ivy Grove!
[ Glimmer! ]
18-square backyards
of North American poison ivy.
The only thing between us
and a trip to the hospital
is a thin layer
of garbage bag.
My mom says one more trip to
the hospital, and I'm cut off.
This will help us find our
way back, so hold onto it.
Time to step into history --
[ All grunt ]
[ All sigh ]
[ Chuckles ]
[ Grunting ]
Get out of my way!
[ Whoosh! Whoosh!
Whoosh! Whoosh! ]
Wow, it's so quiet
and peaceful here.
Almost makes you forget
that we're surrounded
by the most dangerous
plants on Earth.
Don't worry. We just need
to keep our wits about us.
Help! I'm stuck!
Okay, Kelsey,
get the tape ready.
Oh. Sorry, guys.
I almost cost us
the mission
all because I thought I saw
a conch shell over there.
But I learned my lesson.
There isn't
a conch shell there.
Looks like we're about
six backyards deep
in the ivy now.
Why do people measure
stuff in feet anyways?
makes way more sense.
Uh, guys?
[ Both gasp ]
It must've gotten snagged
on a branch.
All right,
guess we'll just have to rely
on landmarks to guide us back.
Kelsey looked behind
them suspiciously.
A jagged sapling
could be to blame,
but Kelsey's
keen warrior senses
sensed something sinister.
The best part about
discoveries is naming them.
So, what do you guys think --
just combine all of
our names into one?
[ Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! ]
Would it be Cra-Jelsey?
[ Swish! Swish! Swish! ]
I think
we're being followed.
[ All gasp ][ Swish! Swish! ]
We're surrounded!
Check the radar!
How many are there?
[ Snap! ]
Beep. Beep.
Beep, beep.
Beep, beep, beep,
beep, beep.
Why are you beeping?
I-I beep when
I'm nervous.
[ Creeeeeeak! ]
Oh! Aah!
[ Pants ] Whoa!
[ Gasps ] Suits --
Check your suits!
[ Pants ] I'm fine.
Suit integrity still
at 100%.
We have a breach!
Just let me get
one little scratch!
Ugh, don't make me
knock you out!
The creek cuts through
the grove just up ahead.
[ All grunt ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Sighs ]
No! Curse you,
Toxicodendron radicans,
the Latin name
for poison ivy!
Time is of the essence.
We have to amputate his
stomach before it spreads!
Bite down on this.
Mnh. Try to save
my vital organs, please.
[ Grunts ]
Wait, wait.
Let's try the lotion.
What? I-It was right here.
[ Gasps ]
It can't be.
No one's out here in the ivy.
Not someone,
but something is.
And what's worse is
that it has human feet.
Our supplies are gone,
our safety's been compromised,
and we've already lost
one of our own.
We should follow
the creek to safety
while we still have
our lives.
But if someone
or something
is going through this much
trouble to keep us out,
then they've gotta be
protecting something big.
[ Swish! Swish! ]
This way!
[ All grunting ]
Keep moving!
[ Grunts ] Whoa!
[ Grunts ]
Aah! Unh!
Where'd it go?
I don't know!
[ All grunt ]
There's no more
branches to jump to.
[ Sighs ] With suits like this,
we can't go back down.
Uh, guys, I-I'll scratch
everywhere around it,
but I feel like I'm gonna
have to scratch it soon.
I'm so sorry, guys.
I wanted us to become
legendary explorers,
but instead we're
gonna die in a tree.
No good explorers
have died in trees!
No, that's not true.
Magellan had
a bush-related fatality.
I just wanted
to be remembered.
I'm going down.
-Wait, huh?
I'll jump down
and run as fast as I can
to get help.
That sounds like madness.
Do you have tree madness,
No. I just lost sight
of what was important --
not being itchy.
[ Boiiiiiiing! ]
Uhthat was quick.
We've gotta jump down!
-All right!
This was it. This is what
we weren't supposed to find.
So, what should
I write on the map?
-Mount Bouncington!
[ Swish! Swish! Swish! ]
[ Whimper ] [ Whimper ]
W-Were you the one
chasing us?
Yes. I am called
The Scratchless One.
Dude, watch out!
You are standin' in poison ivy!
I know. I was born
with a special power.
I'm immune to poison ivy.
You better hope
you're immune to swords!
-Kelsey, wait!
-Please, I'm sorry!
It's just I have
no other place to go!
-You see,
I got six brothers
and sisters at home,
so I never get
any space to myself.
But thanks to
my poison ivy powers,
I found a place that
no one else dare enter.
I could bounce on
this trampoline in peace
until now.
[ Whoosh! ]
Here you go.
When you draw this
on your map,
just tell everyone take off
their shoes when they jump.
[ Grunts ]
[ Gasps ]
"Danger. Keep out"?
It would be cool to have
something named after us,
but I know what it's like
to need some space,
and there's always
more creek to explore.
Thank you! I'll always remember
you and what you did for me.
[ Rumble! ]
Dinner time!
Do, la-dee do
JP! We'll be out
of calamine lotion
before we get five feet
into that mess!
But if we can't leave,
I'll miss dinner
and everythin' else in my life
that will come after that!
[ Gasps ]
[ All grunt ]
[ Grunts ]
Wow! Wow!
Aah! Aah!
-[ Groans ]
[ Humming ]
La-la legends
[ Groans ] [ Groans ]
We jumped really high.
When it's time
to go to bed alone ♪
You don't have to feel alone
'cause I'll see you tomorrow ♪
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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