Crazy Delicious (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Strawberries, Hot Dogs and Birthday Parties

[chimes tinkling]
[chimes tinkling]
Oh! Hey, you caught me in the middle
of some watering. [laughs]
[suspenseful music playing]
Welcome to our magical, edible world.
This is the show
where inventive home cooks
let their imaginations run riot
as they go head-to-head to make dishes
that are both crazy and delicious.
Oh, blossom. Yummy.
There are no limits to what you can create
in a culinary utopia
that's literally alive with ingredients.
Whoa! That's so cool!
[Jayde] They must impress
the formidable food gods.
Carla Hall, soul food sensation,
best-selling cookbook author and TV star.
Wildly creative British chef
Heston Blumenthal,
two-time winner
of the world's best restaurant.
And Swedish super chef Niklas Ekstedt.
He earned his Michelin star
cooking gourmet dishes over flames.
Today they've challenged Bethie, Lily,
and Joseph
to go bonkers with bananas,
reinvent the pizza,
and make the ultimate barbecue feast.
The most imaginative cook will win
the treasured Golden Apple.
I'm Jayde Adams,
and this is span style="style2"Crazy Delicious.
[whimsical music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Three imaginative cooks are here
span style="style2"to create spectacular dishes.
When I'm cooking,
I'm mostly focusing on
is it delicious and is it fun?
I'm originally from Seattle.
I'm a mom of two,
and a professional singer.
I don't want some boring, bland thing.
Food should make you happy,
so I like to make happy food.
[Joseph] I'm a sports teacher
and I have a mean competitive streak.
On a scale of one to ten,
probably around a solid nine and a half.
My style of food takes inspiration
from my background,
which is Afro-Caribbean,
and also the places I've traveled to.
And I take flavors and then fuse it
together to make something epic.
I'm currently a student,
studying a degree in IT and math.
I love to bake
and I have a serious sweet tooth.
I post pictures of things that I make.
I get a lot of good feedback.
I like to push myself
out of my comfort zone,
and create amazing, delicious things.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The cooks will compete over
span style="style2"three rounds, starting with a challenge
to make an everyday ingredient
the star of their dish.
[chimes tinkling]
Hello, you lovely lots.
[group] Hello.
For their first course,
the gods have picked an ingredient
that we all have turning brown
in our fruit bowls at home.
And they would like you
to turn it into something spectacular.
It's the banana.
There's bunches of them all around you,
so go forth and forage.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"The garden is brimming
span style="style2"with bananas
and all the other ingredients
the cooks could possibly need.
Oh, God, the eggs are in the tree.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Will it spark their imaginations
span style="style2"as they try to create culinary magic?
It's chocolate.
I feel like anything is edible.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The cooks must make sure
span style="style2"their bananas play a starring role.
I love bananas.
Depending on banana/plantain,
you've got something that sits so well
in savory and sweet.
They also have physical benefits.
-Their thickening properties.
You can dry them.
You can crystallize them.
You can crisp them up.
You can powder them.
I think it's also one of those ingredients
that needs some kind of brightness
or acid to go with it.
-[Heston] I agree.
-[Niklas] In Sweden, when I was a kid,
going to my grandma's house,
she thought the banana
was something fancy.
-So, for dessert,
we had a plate, banana, fork and knife.
-[Heston and Carla laugh]
-That explains a lot.
[group laughs]
-[Jayde] Have you got your ingredients?
[Jayde] Great.
You now have two hours to turn them
into something crazy delicious.
So, go bananas!
[Jayde] span style="style2"Each round is against the clock,
span style="style2"and the cook who makes
the best banana dish will get an extra
ten minutes for their next course.
I am making a banana arancini sundae.
I really like arancini, but I've never had
a sweet version of it before.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Physical education teacher Joseph
span style="style2"is giving Italian arancini rice balls
a banana twist.
Serving them with whipped banana custard
and chocolate-coated banana slices.
I pretty much started cooking properly
at uni.
So, I used to tell my uni mates,
"You buy the ingredients, I'll cook."
This really helped me
to think outside the box.
-My princess.
-Oh! [chuckles]
-Hey, Joseph.
-Oh, hi, Heston.
-How are you doing?
-I'm just working on my banana arancini.
-What rice did you use?
-I used pudding rice.
-So, you've basically made a rice pudding.
-Rice pudding.
There's banana in it as well.
And then I'm shaping it,
and then I'm covering it in corn flakes
instead of bread crumbs.
-You gonna fry them?
-I'm gonna deep-fry them.
And then pipe through
um, salted caramel into the middle
of the arancinis.
And then you've got
a whipped banana custard.
-A bit of advice
-All of that big banana richness
is going to need some freshness
to cut through it.
-Be brave with the acidity.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Bethie span style="style2"is using plantains,
span style="style2"the banana's starchier cousin.
They are lower in sugar
and perfect for savory dishes.
I grew up eating loads of Mexican food.
Nachos are like mother's milk to me.
So, these plantains are gonna be, like,
my tortilla chip.
I'm just flipping them over
so they can get nice and crispy
on both sides.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Inside her mold,
span style="style2"Bethie will layer plantain nachos,
veggie chili and a queso sauce,
topped with double-fried plantain slices.
So, this is my plantain queso.
Basically I'm kind of treating my plantain
as my thickener for my queso.
-Tell me about your dish.
So, these are my tortilla chips.
Those just crisped up
as they were sitting there.
-[Bethie chuckles]
Have you put some salt on there?
-Little bit of salt.
-Anything else?
Nope. I'm letting
the plantain do the talking.
-You like it?
-That's really good.
And then,
this is my plantain queso.
-Right. Yes.
-So, that queso sauce
is going to be the cheese
of the nacho stack.
-And then I'm gonna make little tostones.
-And put those in there, too.
What is a tostones?
So, you would take this much
of a plantain
-fry it
-you smash it like that,
and then you fry it again.
I do that with potatoes.
It works fantastically.
So, all the cracks then go crisp.
I can't wait.
[Jayde] span style="style2"For her banana dish,
Lily's doing a sweet take
on a Mexican classic.
I decided to make banana tacos
'cause you can pack loads of different,
amazing flavors into one taco.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Maths student Lily
span style="style2"is making tuilespan style="style2" biscuit tacos
filled with banana cake,
passion fruit cream and tropical fruit.
I'm quite organized
when it comes to recipes.
I do make sure that everything is accurate
and measured correctly to perfection.
Are you confident that the banana's
gonna be showcased enough?
Yes. So, the cake that's inside the tacos
is gonna be banana, coconut,
and almond polenta cake.
So, they're gonna be bringing up
the banana flavor and not overpowering it.
So, can you run through
the tacos themselves?
Yeah. So, it's a span style="style2"tuile whisker.
When they come out
I'll shape them on some mold.
So, you're gonna have a small window
where the molding
then starts to become breaking.
-So, gotta be really careful.
-Well done.
Thank you.
[whimsical music playing]
[Heston] Lily, one of the key things
for her is going to be the span style="style2"tuile.
If she takes too long to do it,
it's going to break.
[Bethie] I wanna make
some more plantain chips.
Bethie, the only thing
that I would consider is the quality,
the consistency, and the balance
with her plantain cheese sauce.
How that's gonna bring
everything together.
For the moment, I'm just whisking
and heating up my banana custards.
[Heston] The biggest concern I had
was the potential for Joseph's dish
to be overly sweet and starchy and gloopy.
And when I said,
"Be brave about the acidity,"
he's really gonna have to push it.
Sixty minutes to go.
Sixty minutes. Sixty minutes.
I'll stop rabbiting on.
Yeah. Come on.
So, this is the banana polenta cake.
I think banana goes really well in cakes.
It just gives it such a lovely flavor
and texture as well.
Oops. Do you know what I just realized?
I did not put a timer on my plantains.
Oh, they're fine.
Still worried about how to add the acidity
into the dish.
Maybe passion fruit acidity.
Some kiwi.
Can't run with this, can I?
-Hey, Bethie.
-Yes, darling.
-What do you sing?
-I can sing harmony to anything.
-Can you?
-Yes, I can.
[singing notes]
-Do that.
-[Jayde sings poorly, coughs]
Hang on. Do you know what?
It's not a singing show,
which it should be
after us two getting together.
It's a cooking show!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God!
[Jayde]span style="style2" With just 13 minutes to go,
Joseph needs to roll his banana rice balls
before he can fry them.
Oh, come on.
[Jayde] span style="style2"And it's crunch time for Lily.
This is the most nerve-racking moment
for me 'cause it is such a tricky process.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Her delicate biscuits are ready
span style="style2"for molding into tacos.
Yeah, they look okay.
[Jayde] span style="style2"She has to work quickly as the
tuilespan style="style2" becomes brittle as soon as it cools.
[suspenseful music playing]
-These look very impressive.
-Thank you.
Have you made more?
No. This is it. I was--
-What happens if you break them?
-Yeah, well, exactly. It's risky stuff.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Joseph and Lily are both using
span style="style2"caramel to sweeten their dishes.
[Joseph sighs]
So, this is miso caramel
that I'm making now.
It's like salted caramel,
but more complex and interesting.
[Jayde]span style="style2" While Bethie's keeping it savory
span style="style2"with her veggie nacho filling.
I'm using lentils instead of ground beef.
What's burning?
I smell something burning.
[Joseph] What's happened?
I burnt my plantain chips.
They're still flavorful.
They just don't look as good.
Beautiful kiwis.
[sighs deeply]
You burning anything?
Not yet. [laughs] Fingers crossed.
Fingers crossed that it stays like that.
Don't have that much time left.
Still got some stuff to do.
That's your ten minute call.
[sings, laughs]
Really under pressure.
The hell do you get this off?
These are not gonna be ready.
Does anyone have any plantains?
Oh, do you know what?
I'm gonna do a layer of the ugly ones.
Put them in the middle
and cover them.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Oh, I was gonna make tostones.
Good job he's a sports teacher.
All this running.
I've got to get these bad boys fried up.
Just don't have enough cream
at the moment.
Passion fruit.
Oh! It was going so well.
I am very tight for time at the moment.
You have one minute left.
I haven't made enough cream.
I'm gonna make them right now.
[Joseph] Oh, I'm all over the place.
[Jayde] Peel away from your bananas.
-[Jayde] It's time for tasting.
[whimsical music playing]
Oh, no.
Don't you just hate it when you finish
your drink and you want a little bit more?
That's better.
[Jayde] span style="style2"The gods will now decide
whichspan style="style1" cook has made
the most delicious banana dish,
and who will receive ten extra minutes
for the next round.
Joseph is up first with his banana sundae.
Arancini rice balls served
with whipped banana custard
and chocolate-coated banana slices.
[Carla] Oh!
[Niklas] Nice.
-[Carla] Wow!
It looks so good.
I'm a kid in a candy shop.
[suspenseful music playing]
I think that the rice
has a really good texture.
I think you chose the right rice,
but you needed a bit of salt in the rice,
even though it's a sweet dish.
-The banana flavor really stands out.
Takes me back to childhood
in a really nice way.
You said you were gonna put
caramel inside.
Yes. There is caramel.
-You might've just missed that one off.
For me,
it's missing a little bit of acidity.
Okay, yeah,
I did speak to Heston earlier about it.
And I was trying to think what I could add
and I was like,
"Passion fruit.
There's passion fruit over there."
-That would have been fantastic.
-I just didn't get the time.
I just ran out of time at the end.
It's just crying out for something
to cut through.
No way can I eat all of that.
-[Lily] Yay! Did it go
-[Bethie] How'd it go?
Ugh. It was so stressful.
I'm relieved the first course is over.
It could have gone a lot better.
But my competitive spirit is up.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Next is Bethie.
She's serving plantain nachos
with vegetarian chili,
queso sauce,
and deep-fried plantain tostones.
[suspenseful music playing]
There's burnt plantain in there.
It was nothing like
I thought it would be like.
Tasty. It's not that crazy.
I mean, there's nothing strange about it.
It looks like a family meal.
I seem to not be able to stop eating it.
[Heston] Me, too. Those tostones
Yeah, these work
with all of the other flavors.
It is really delicious.
Regardless of the burnt plantain,
all the elements
knit together really well.
I think it's really tasty.
I'm taking this recipe with me home.
-Good. Thank you.
-[Lily] Hello.
-[Joseph] How was it?
[in singsong] Hi.
For all of them to keep picking at it,
and picking at it,
and say, "Oh, we can't stop eating it,
can't stop eating it."
I mean, that just gave me shivers
just saying it.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lily's made delicate tuile span style="style2"tacos
filled with banana cake and miso caramel,
topped with passion fruit cream
and tropical fruit.
[Lily] Hello.
They look very cool.
-[Lily] Thank you.
-[Niklas] So beautiful.
[suspenseful music playing]
I think that's absolutely delicious.
The banana comes through
really nicely.
That miso works so beautifully.
And also, it enhances the flavor
of the banana in the banana cake.
Yeah, it really does.
-This could be a little crunchier for me.
-[Lily] Yeah.
If you had lightly coated it
with chocolate,
that way it would've protected
the span style="style2"tuile from getting soft.
But I think you did a really great job.
I can't believe you did this.
Actually, it looks like something
a pastry chef would do.
Thank you.
-[Bethie] Yay!
-[Joseph] How was it?
It was good.
[Lily] Thanks, guys.
[Jayde] span style="style2"One round down, two to go.
The gods must now decide which cook
is worthy of winning
the critical ten minutes advantage
for their next course.
Joseph's, well, he ran out of time.
That passion fruit would've made
a massive difference.
I loved Bethie's idea of the nachos.
Regardless of the burnt plantain,
it ate really well.
-[Carla] Yes!
-It was an unexpected dish.
-And it was delicious.
[Heston] Lily.
She showed the banana
in a quintessential, new way.
So, who do we give the ten minutes to?
Which of them is bananas?
[group laughs]
Congratulations, guys.
The gods loved your brilliant takes
on bananas.
Their favorite dish was
-Well done! You have an extra ten minutes.
-Thank you.
Your next course is even harder.
The gods would like you to reinvent
a comfort food classic
the pizza.
Whoever fails to impress
will be sent home.
Good luck! And go forth and forage.
[Jayde] span style="style2"For the second course,
span style="style2"the cooks must turn an everyday pizza
into an extraordinary one.
But the gods are
in a particularly demanding mood.
Pizza is my number one dish, of course.
My favorite dish out of everything
in the entire world.
How are you going to reinvent this pizza?
Because I'm gonna tell you right now,
the cauliflower pizza, I hate it.
[Lily] Want my Red Leicester.
In this impossible challenge
-what are you looking for?
-Hot, sticky mozzarella
-[Heston] Yes.
your tomato sauce,
and the flavor in that.
It's all about the dough.
It's the most complicated.
What we don't want is something
that looks like a pizza.
[Heston] Absolutely.
[Joseph] What have you got?
Ooh, edible flowers.
If they pull it off
[imitates explosion]
-Oh, my God. Gods.
-Yeah. They will blow our heads off.
[Jayde] Lily, your time starts now.
You two, I'll go and find you
something to eat.
[Joseph and Bethie laugh]
With this extra ten minutes,
I feel a lot less pressure.
-Making sure I have a clear strategy.
-[Bethie] Don't screw it up.
[Joseph laughs]
The name of my dish is,
the "pizza bundt cake."
Making a cake that smells
and tastes exactly like a pizza.
I don't think it's been done before.
[Jayde]span style="style2" Lily's pizza cake will be
span style="style2"a cornbread ring filled with tomato sauce
and classic toppings,
topped with a hot cheese drizzle.
This is like my foolproof way
of greasing a bundt pan.
It's, like, one tablespoon of flour,
a tablespoon of melted butter.
Hopefully it won't let me down this time.
Joseph, Bethie,
I can see you're itching to get going.
Your time starts now!
Gosh, that went so quick.
I need to figure out how to make
my pizza a bit crazier.
There might be a multisensory
experience for the gods later.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Bethie is topping her pizza
span style="style2"with fruit, coconut, honey, and chili.
A contrasting mix of flavors
inspired by an Italian song,
Il Dolce Tormento, span style="style2"or The Sweet Torment.
So, one of the big challenges
for this dish
is to make sure that I get the sweet,
salty, spicy balance
[clicks tongue]
[suspenseful music playing]
-Oh, hi, Bethie.
So,span style="style2" Il Dolce Tormento?
Si! span style="style1"It is a song by Monteverdi,
and that's kind of where I got
the inspiration.
I know it's controversial, but I'm a fan
of a pineapple and ham pizza
-a Hawaiian pizza.
-[Carla] Yes.
-Because I love a sweet, salty mix.
Okay, now, I saw when you were working
with your dough,
you were using a rolling pin.
Do you usually use a rolling pin
instead of stretching your dough
with the backs of your hands?
So, my kids love using a rolling pin.
So, when we do Friday night pizza
at my house,
we sit at the table
and we do it all together.
So, I've just gotten used to using
a rolling pin with my dough.
-Okay. I'm just saying.
[Carla] Thank you.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Also concentrating
span style="style2"on his dough is Joseph.
I'm making a stuffed "Dough Ball Volcano."
So, at the moment, I'm just adding
the charcoal powder to my flour,
to actually get that black color.
Think it just adds to the theater.
[Jayde] span style="style2"His volcano of dough balls
span style="style2"will be stuffed
with spicy sausage and mozzarella
and covered with a lava of tomato sauce.
And the texture of my dough,
it should be, like, quite airy,
quite light.
So, Joseph
-may I taste your dough?
You may taste some dough.
-Haven't you tasted your dough?
-I haven't tasted my dough.
If you're not gonna taste it,
why would I wanna taste it?
-'Cause I'm making it with love.
-I know, love doesn't have salt.
-[Jayde and Joseph laugh]
-Unless you crying, my brother.
-Yes, Carla!
I'm gonna remember that.
I'll definitely remember that.
-I saw you were weighing your dough.
-So, I'm weighing my dough. Yeah.
Because there needs
to be some sort of consistency.
-That's right.
-So I'm just popping my andouille in here.
-I've got grated mozzarella here.
Make sure you have the same amount
of cheese in there.
-[Joseph] Yeah.
-It's like a stuffed pizza dough. Smart.
-[Jayde] I love this idea.
-Okay. I do, too.
All right. Good luck.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lily's also working
span style="style2"with classic pizza toppings,
adding them to her cornbread cake mix.
Hi, Lily.
May I?
Yeah, sure.
-Mmm. Herby.
-Very herby. It's going in the oven.
So, how are you gonna keep the cake light?
-You use, what, a medium grind? Or no?
-A coarse.
-A coarse grind?
And then you use vegetable oil,
I see, eggs.
-Do you have other fat in there?
-I have buttermilk in there.
Okay, great! I think it's gonna be
another delicious dish.
-All right.
-Thanks, Lily.
Lily, my only worry is that
if there isn't enough moisture.
It's gonna be a very dense cake.
And I don't know if the flavors
are gonna come through.
It is really important
to get this bit right.
Joseph is in danger of having
a lot of dough and not enough filling.
It's gonna be about the balance.
My concern with Bethie is at the end
of the day,
I think she is just putting
lots of different topping on a pizza.
Also, I saw that she was rolling
her dough.
And what happens there,
she knocks out those air bubbles.
After burning the plantain
on my first course,
I need to be careful with this dough.
I am so easily distracted,
so I'm going to set a timer and
turn that timer on.
I've got to stop eating these stones.
They're making my voice well gravelly.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Thirty minutes to go,
span style="style2"and all three cooks are onto their sauces.
I'm just making my marinara sauce.
I'm trying to make it nice and spicy.
Just added chili pearls.
You can't really have a volcano
without having heat, can you?
No, it's fine. [laughs]
Thirty-five seconds. [laughs]
So, this is the Red Leicester cheese sauce
that goes on top.
Which of the gods are you most scared of?
-I think they're all lovely.
-No, come on. Heston, mate.
-He floats food.
-He's a wizard.
-Yeah. A food wizard.
-He's a food wizard.
[Bethie] Well, I want the gods to get
a little bit of everything with each bite.
I really hope they like it.
In she goes.
Slightly worried about time.
[Jayde]span style="style2" Lily is about to find out if her
span style="style2"greasing method is actually foolproof.
It's good, I think. Uh
It's got the shape.
Seven minutes left.
[Joseph] Seven?
-Seventeen? Seven?
-Get them balls on that thing.
-Yes, miss.
[Bethie] No. It might go another second.
[Joseph] Come on, sunshine. Oh!
Dry ice.
[Jayde] Ten seconds!
[in singsong] Oh, Mama!
[dramatic music playing]
Put down your pizzas!
Stop tinkering!
It's time for tasting.
-[drum roll]
-[harp plays]
[Jayde] span style="style2"Bethie, Joseph and Lily
must now present their reinvented pizzas
to the gods.
After judging,
one of them will be sent home.
[Lily] Looks amazing.
[Jayde] span style="style2"First up is Joseph.
He's made a volcano
of charcoal dough balls
filled with spicy sausage and mozzarella
covered in molten tomato sauce.
[Joseph] Hello, gods.
Look at that.
[Carla] Wow!
[Niklas] You weren't kidding
when you said "volcano."
It's a very creative pizza, I must say.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Niklas] Yum.
I was concerned that you weren't
gonna have enough filling,
but I think it was the right amount.
-The spicy--
-Yeah, there's chili in there.
-It's supposed to give a kick at the end.
-Yeah, it does.
You listened to what we were saying.
You got the flavor in there.
I still get the feeling
I'm eating a pizza.
It's a playful way of doing it.
[Heston] It's happy food.
-Yes. It's happy food.
-Yes. A happy eating.
-Joseph, thank you so much.
-Thank you.
-[Bethie] How'd it go?
-So nerve-racking every time you go up.
Kids would love this.
You just turn the chili down a bit.
-I mean, imagine.
-A kid's birthday party or something.
It would be a killer.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Next is Lily.
[Bethie] Good luck.
Her cornbread pizza cake has a tomato
and herb filling
and is drizzled
with a Red Leicester cheese sauce.
-[Carla] Whoa!
-[Lily] Hello.
[Niklas] Looks good.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Carla] Wow!
Nice bubble structure to the dough.
[Carla] I love that you have the hot sauce
because with pizza,
you always have this hot cheese.
I was concerned about the texture
of the cornmeal.
It is fantastic.
The flavors are like,
I don't wanna sound rude,
but they are like the mini pizzas
you buy in supermarkets.
[Niklas] Yeah.
I think it's because you've used the--
It's just standard tomato puree.
And the cornbread,
it's not that associated to pizza for me.
[Heston] I agree.
Because the dough
is the most important part of the pizza
and this is cornbread
it's very different.
-Thank you very much.
-Thank you, Lily.
-[Joseph] How did it go?
-It was okay.
They said that it did taste like pizza,
but it didn't,
I don't know,
have that dough element in it.
The cornbread is like the dough.
The toppings were inside the corn bread,
so I think it has it all in it.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Last up is Bethie
span style="style2"with her sweet torment pizza,
topped with fruit,
coconut brie, and chorizo.
She's serving it with a honey drizzle
and a surprise for the gods.
[suspenseful music playing]
The first look at it,
it looks like a regular pizza.
So, I guess the reinvention
will be the flavor and the taste.
[singing "Sì Dolce è'l Tormento"]
That gave me chills.
-It's a sonic seasoning. Yeah.
-"Sonic seasoning," I like that.
-[Heston] I think it made a difference.
-Yeah, but there's too much topping on it.
It's too many notes.
The dough's quite dense.
It could be done
with giving it more aeration.
But if I would go to your house,
and you would serve me this
and sing that song,
I would leave with a smile.
Me, too.
-Thank you for having me.
-Thank you.
-[Joseph] How was that? We heard singing.
-Fine. [laughs]
[Bethie] I did the best I could.
I think I added an extra element
with the music, so I'm happy.
So, Joseph, his volcano
It was in a completely different league
from his first course.
-[Heston] Bethie, with the singing
-I really enjoyed it.
So, Lily, we said,
it doesn't remind us of pizza, it's corn,
but was she closer to reinventing a pizza
than Bethie, who was further away?
So, now it's a competition
between two imaginations.
[suspenseful music plays]
[dramatic music playing]
Great stuff today, guys.
You really cooked up a storm.
But unfortunately, only two of you
go through to the final feast.
The two who we would like to see
cook again are
-[Bethie] Thank you so much.
-You're absolutely fabulous.
So, I'm gutted to leave,
and not be able to cook for the final.
Congratulations, guys.
But Heston Blumenthal says
my singing is like "sonic seasoning."
That, for me, was the highlight
of the whole thing.
-Bye. Well done.
[Jayde] Well done, guys.
You ready for it?
-Ready as I'll ever be.
[chimes tinkling]
[Jayde]span style="style2" For the third course,
span style="style2"the cooks must create a sumptuous feast
in one last bid to win the Golden Apple.
The gods' final demand is that you make
the world's most incredible barbecue.
Give it your all, my loves,
'cause the gods will decide the winner
upon your barbecue alone.
Go forth and forage, my lovers.
Let's do it.
-[Heston] This is right in planet Niklas.
-[Niklas] Yes. [chuckles]
-This is your world.
-We've landed.
-We landed.
-I mean, the man who cooks with fire.
[Niklas laughs]
For me, there's no limitations.
-You can grill anything.
[Niklas] You could do sweet things,
you can do vegetables, fish, meat.
Don't worry, if anyone tries to go forth
and forage you,
they'll have me to deal with. Yes.
In the States, we call it a cookout.
Hamburgers and hot dogs, potato salad,
And purple cabbages.
[Joseph] I used to think they were painted
when I was younger.
I'm really looking for something
that's gonna surprise me.
-[Carla] You are an expert at fire.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
Just be gentle.
-I won't.
-[group laughs]
You've got four hours
to make your barbecue feast.
Your time starts now.
[dramatic music playing]
I am working on the star of my dish.
I'm not gonna tell the gods.
I'm gonna keep it a surprise
till it's time to eat.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Joseph's hoping to trick the gods
span style="style2"with a centerpiece that looks like meat,
but is actually a barbecued watermelon
slathered with spicy jerk sauce.
He's also serving a spatchcock chicken,
shredded pork, and coleslaw.
Growing up around
big, bold, spicy jerk seasoning.
Jerk pork, jerk chicken, jerk fish.
Anything that could be jerked. [laughs]
How many times
have you had a jerk barbecue watermelon?
You haven't, have you?
-Joseph, Joseph.
-Hi, Niklas. How are you?
Good. So, you're doing pork chops.
-So, what else is going on?
-I've got chicken.
So, what's crazy about this barbecue?
-I mean, so far it's been pretty--
-The crazy bit is a surprise.
What is the surprise? Come on, tell me.
I'm not telling the other gods.
You're not allowed to know.
-Can I peek?
-I can't--
No. You can't flirt it out of me.
Okay, this is my favorite vegetable.
It works so well with a lot of heat
and a lot of fire.
-Cabbage and fire?
-Yes, so make sure everything is balanced
and that we've got some music
going on on your plate.
-You will.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Dessert lover Lily is going
span style="style2"for a more delicate approach.
I love patisserie. I love pastries.
So, I thought it'd be good to do
a mille feuille for the feast.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lily's making
span style="style2"barbecued patisserie.
She'll layer chargrilled chicken
and vegetables
between crisp sesame crackers
with piped hummus and herb creams.
So, in the mille feuille,
there's gonna be loads
of different barbecued vegetables.
I'm looking for them
to go nice and soft and charred.
-Lily, how are you?
-Hi, I'm good.
How is grilling?
-Is that--
-I've grilled my vegetables.
-Can I have a look at that?
-Yeah, of course.
I mean, this looks great.
To unpracticed eyes,
it might look burnt
But this is just the way you want it,
'cause you want those black tones
coming into this sweet potato.
-Definitely. Yeah, that's reassuring.
-What else is going on?
They're going to be made with
a sesame cracker instead of the pastry.
Ah! Okay!
Between each layer,
there's going to be savory creams.
-So it's not the ordinary barbecue, right?
-No, it's not the ordinary. No.
It's crazy.
-It's quite crazy. Yeah.
-It's crazy barbecue! Okay.
People think barbecued food needs to be
big, thick, and rustic,
but actually, I like it small
and a little more delicate.
So, I think Lily's way of cooking can
actually be good in this challenge.
I think his surprise element will be
completely crucial for Joseph
if he wants to win this,
because it looked like the chicken
and the pork and the vegetables
were cooked in a regular barbecue way.
Two hours.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"After Niklas revealed his favorite
span style="style2"way to eat red cabbage,
Joseph is making
some last-minute recipe adjustments.
I'm going to do a little bit
of improvising.
Gonna just barbecue some cabbage
and see if it comes out any good.
[Jayde] span style="style2"Lily is on to the trickiest part
span style="style2"of her feast.
The wafer-thin sesame crackers
that will form her patisserie layers.
They add this amazing sweet flavor,
and it works so well
with all the savory things inside.
Everything has to be perfect.
I usually cook to relax,
so I'm not used to being under pressure
in the kitchen.
-Hello, friend.
It's all kinds of--
Did you call me friend?
-You absolute charmer.
Can I peek in your barbecue?
They're not looking.
Holy moly, mother of God, mate.
That looks like a ham!
[Jayde] span style="style2"With time ticking, Lily is
span style="style2"grappling with her barbecue chicken.
This is definitely out of my comfort zone.
It's not something that I do.
I think it's burnt.
[Jayde] span style="style2"And Joseph is making
span style="style2"a boozy barbecue sauce
to go with his jerk watermelon.
[Joseph] Cider vinegar
tomato ketchup
Dijon mustard. Some whiskey in it.
Get that kind of-- A bit of smoky flavor.
[Jayde] span style="style2"It's the moment of truth
span style="style2"for Lily's crackers.
I'm just taking the sesame crackers
out of the oven.
They're not the best.
It's a bit weird
they're never this texture.
Getting the watermelon correct is
really important.
This whole course is resting on
this one thing.
And if it goes wrong, I'm like, whoo!
They're not as crispy as they should be.
One of my crackers just cracked.
[Jayde] Thirty minutes to go, guys.
I'm not gonna make it.
I'm not gonna be able to do everything.
Just running so behind.
I'm not gonna be able to do that.
I just Oh.
Why? What's happened?
Do you wanna sit down?
[Lily] It's just such a big recipe.
I think that you strive for perfection,
which you should do,
'cause you love what you do.
But I think with that,
you're quite hard on yourself as well.
So, I'd say, have a sit-down.
We'll have some water
get into a different headspace,
and then you're gonna go and smash it.
-Okay, Lily?
-Yeah, I'm all right.
Yeah? We've got this far.
We have got this far together.
Right, what's next?
Smash it out, babes.
[dramatic music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"To reach the finish line,
Lily is dropping one of her dishes
to concentrate on the other two.
Limes, limes.
Her fillings are underway.
Strong herbal flavor is great in hummus.
But she's running out of time
to get the patisserie assembled.
-Two minutes.
-Yeah, that's ready.
Ten seconds.
Stop finessing your feast.
It's time for tasting.
-[drum roll]
-[harp plays]
[ethereal music playing]
[Jayde] span style="style2"After four hours creating
span style="style2"their barbecue feasts,
the gods must now decide which cook
will take home the Golden Apple.
-Should we head over?
[Jayde]span style="style2" Having struggled with time,
Lily is serving a pared-back version
of her barbecue patisserie feast.
She's layered crisp sesame crackers
with chargrilled vegetables,
piped hummus and herb creams.
-Hi, Lily.
-How are you feeling?
A bit disappointed.
It was quite ambitious.
-[Niklas] Yeah.
-[Lily] I had all the elements ready,
but it was just the assembly
I didn't have time for.
So, the chicken didn't make it.
Ah! [laughs]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Lily] Inside that is grilled vegetables
and cucumber and tomato salad.
Do you know what my honest opinion is?
It's really good.
-[laughs] Really?
It's delicious!
So, what's this creamy sauce here?
Oh, this is a dill, yogurt, cream cheese.
-Yeah, you got me there on the dill.
[Niklas laughs]
I love the sweet potatoes.
I think the texture is really good
because they're firm enough to hold up
and yet they're soft enough to eat
and enjoy with all of the other flavors.
Thank you.
Only criticism of this is
it's a little bit sweet,
but I really like it.
If you can pull something like this
off a barbecue
-I mean, you can cook, obviously.
-[Lily] Thank you.
But isn't it interesting how cooking
sometimes can be terrifying?
-It is.
-And completely freak you out.
And overcoming that fear,
that's the hardest thing a cook can do.
-[Niklas] Well done.
That was great.
For his barbecue feast,
Joseph is serving spatchcock chicken,
shredded pork,
and his improvised red cabbage.
Plus, the star of the show,
his jerk watermelon surprise.
-[Niklas] Woo!
-[Carla] Joseph!
-[Niklas] Look at that!
You wanna reveal the surprise
before we dig in?
You can reveal it,
and I will let you carve as well.
-Oh, wow!
[Carla] Oh!
[group gasps]
-It's watermelon!
-It's a watermelon!
[Heston] A watermelon disguising itself
as roast ham.
Oh, wow, look at that!
-[Niklas] Wow!
-[Heston] Yeah.
[suspenseful music playing]
It's so light. It's so smoky.
We have people going
for the second serving.
-Look how juicy that is.
-I know!
The sauce has got a nice kick.
Accentuates the slight smokiness
-in the barbecue.
-And reduces the sweetness.
-[Carla] Yes.
[Heston] Fantastic.
-It's crazy delicious!
[Niklas laughs]
So, this is a shredded barbecue pork.
I do think that your meat is a little dry.
You could've used a little more sauce.
And then I've got an added element,
which is the barbecued red cabbage.
Oh! Where did you get that idea?
[group laughs]
So, why this is so good,
is 'cause the sourness,
the acidity that we talk so often of
-just slightly comes into the red cabbage.
But there's still the barbecue flavor.
You can really tell
that you've been seasoning,
you've been tasting,
you've been working on your food.
Everyone's gonna be doing
this watermelon thing, mate.
-Thank you, gods.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, man!
I think my heart stopped beating
when they, like, started carving.
I was like, "Please, be good."
That kind of feedback,
I probably-- I never thought
I'd get it in a million years.
Come on, you two.
[Lily] I'm glad that Niklas is impressed.
The fact that he thought my vegetables
were well barbecued was great.
I'm happy with that.
Maybe I still got a chance at winning.
You never know.
Interesting day.
Joseph gave us a complete barbecue.
The watermelon with that sauce,
it was a showstopper.
-[Niklas] And then--
-[Heston] Lily
I mean, it's a clever idea
to take barbecue flavors into patisserie
and making a cake with barbecue flavors
and grilled tones.
-What she did is she dug deep,
-and she brought herself back on.
And I think that's incredibly impressive.
[thunder and lightning crashing]
Very sorry about that.
They do like an entrance.
[suspenseful music playing]
The final reckoning is upon us.
Who made food incredible enough
to take home the Golden Apple?
Well there can only be one winner.
And it goes to
Joseph. Congratulations!
-Well done, Joseph.
-Thank you.
Uh, I'm really proud of myself.
It's I don't know,
it's just a surreal moment.
They loved my food.
They really loved my food,
and it's just like
[Lily] Well done, Joseph.
You did an amazing job.
[Heston] To me, Joseph is
a very worthy winner of the Golden Apple.
He reinvented barbecue
in a way that none of us expected,
and I ate melon unlike melon
I've ever eaten before.
We've been crazy and delicious.
Join us next time
for more culinary creativity.
[dramatic music playing]
Next Episode