Criminal Code (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Barata Voa

[suspenseful music plays]
[man] It takes time to understand
the business of a border.
People think borders exist
only to separate.
But they're also where
things get all mixed up.
People from everywhere,
right and wrong,
cops and criminals.
- All caught in a fucked-up, deadly war.
- [sirens wail]
With casualties on both sides.
[tires screeching]
Everybody talks about
what Paraguay sends to Brazil.
But nobody talks about
what Brazil sends over there.
Crime. Every kind of crime.
Including gangs seizing entire towns,
a practice that's 100% Brazilian.
[man on radio] Entering the strike zone.
Begin countdown, four minutes.
[narrator] Several different gangs
work together.
- Go, go, go! Get down!
- Get out of the car.
- We haven't done anything!
- Stay down!
Everything is coordinated. They take
control of the city, take people hostage
- Block the streets.
- [men shouting]
They hold off police forces
with military-grade weapons.
- Move it!
- [man 1] We seized the police station.
Secure the perimeter
and lock everything down.
[man 2] Two minutes and counting.
[narrator] They create chaos
all over the fucking place.
- Stay down.
- Let's go, fuckers!
Nobody move.
[man 1] Lock down secured.
- [man 2] One minute.
- [man 3] Approaching the target.
[narrator] Then, they go after the money.
Lots of money.
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go, go!
Come on, come on!
Coming through now!
Fall back, fall back!
Bring the M2.50s! The M2.50s!
[man 2] Call the van, call the van.
[man 4] Call the van!
- Over here!
- Come on! Inside, damn it!
- Inside, let's go!
- Come on!
- Come on, bro, hurry up. Faster, faster.
- Come on, man!
- Come on!
- Hurry up! The bomb set?
- Back up. Go!
- The bomb's set. Get back!
- Hey, listen! Get back, now!
- Get back. Stand clear, damn it!
[narrator] What does a Brazilian cop have
to do with an attack
on a vault full of cash across the border?
[alarm blares]
For starters, I'm sure that one of the
thugs from this attack killed my partner.
- Come on! Go, go.
- Move in, move in!
And I'll do everything I can
to catch that motherfucker.
[theme music plays]
[horns blaring]
[hip-hop music playing]
[man] Is your coroner coming?
Where's Benício at?
Let's go.
[tense music plays]
Three months ago, they killed
a federal cop in a prison here.
I'm sure you heard about it.
- What do you want with him? My cousin?
- Someone's taking credit for the crime.
In the organization.
They call him Soulless.
What do you know about him?
- [phone vibrating]
- Hey, Rossi.
The officers started bitching
when I got here.
Federal officer seems to have vanished
from the crime scene.
If they were good detectives, they'd have
realized I was gathering intel.
Less philosophy and more work, Benício.
And find yourself a new partner,
or I'll do it for you.
Good luck with that.
- Good afternoon, Chief!
- Where's Nogueira?
He's busy. I offered to drive you.
The airport, right?
A good opportunity
to finish our conversation.
Wasn't it finished?
Yeah, but I heard Benício disappeared
from an investigation just this morning.
If only criminals were
as fond of gossip as some cops are.
Benício hasn't found a new partner because
no one wants to put up with that madman.
And I've been asking to go back into
the field since I came back from leave.
Wouldn't you be
more comfortable at the station?
- It'd give you more time.
- [scoffs]
- To be home, you know?
- No, I don't.
Hey, check-in closes in 15.
Relax, I'll have you there in ten.
[tires screech]
[dynamic music playing]
[horns blaring]
[siren wailing]
It might not be a bad idea
to have someone
To keep an eye on the kook?
[sighs] Sure.
If that's the price, I will pay it.
[tires squeal]
He's a talented officer.
Just try to keep control
over his wild instincts.
[announcement on PA] Welcome to
Castrate the baboon. I understand, Chief.
Talk to Rossi.
He's been working with Benício.
- [driver] Have a good trip.
- Attention, passengers for São Paulo
["Sexy Lady" by Japiaguar plays]
[song continues in background]
[tense music plays]
[muffled shouting]
- [muffled sounds]
- [clink echoes]
[muffled sound continues]
- ["Dream On" by Aerosmith plays]
- [applause and whistling]
- All my feelings ♪
- [Benício] Cheers!
- [man] Congrats, man.
- Come back to you ♪
You know, I danced to this song
with Tânia when it came out.
No fuckin' way, man!
This is my grandma's era. How can
you say that with a straight face?
Yeah, you've always been fuckin' boring.
[Benício] Fuck!
[man] I can't believe
it's been three years
[eerie music playing]
[alarm blaring]
[man 1] Show yourselves! Hands up!
- [man 2] Hey!
- [man 1] Hands up! Drop your weapon!
- [man 2] Chill, chill. Just chill. Chill.
- [man 1] Look at the fucking ground!
- Get the saw and open this shit up.
- [man 3] Get the saw!
Tie 'em up. You, deal with the cameras.
- Go on! Go!
- [man 2] Okay!
- Into the bathroom. Nice and easy.
- [man 1] Go, go, go. Come on!
[uneasy music plays]
[sirens approaching]
Three police cars
approaching the roadblock.
- [man 1] Fire a warning shot.
- Affirmative.
[gunfire continues]
[man 4] Move it. Three seconds.
All right. We're in.
[man 1] Come on, fuck!
[man 5] What the fuck, Isaac?
Where the fuck is the money?
- [man 2] Hey-ey-ey! Just chill out, bro.
- [Isaac] Fuck!
[alarm blaring]
The money should be here, God damn it.
So if you're the guy with the plan, and
the plan fails,
what function do you serve?
[scoffs] The function
of making dumb people rich.
Whoa! Nah, don't sweat it. He's been
calling me dumb since we were kids.
- Motherfucker.
- It's with love.
[Isaac] Where's the money?
[man 6] Check the time.
[Isaac sighs] Let's fucking go.
Fucking hell!
Hey, how long to blast that thing open?
[man 3] This time we need a stronger
explosion. A single, reinforced shot.
You two, come with me.
Come on, downstairs!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
[baby fussing]
- [gunfire and shouting]
- [sighs]
[baby coos]
[man] Are you okay?
[driver] Look at this.
There's a huge bank robbery
going down in Paraguay.
[gunfire and screaming]
Holy shit.
[driver sighs]
It sucks to know that this
is happening right next door.
- Yeah.
- And there's nothing we can do about it.
[sighs] You've only just gone back
to work, much less into the field.
- So take it easy.
- [sighs]
But I have to admit, this whole
Tomb Raider thing you've got goin' on
turns me on.
[both laugh]
- Ah, Fernando
- Mmm.
I'm in old T-shirt and burping the baby.
There is no way you can
be that desperate.
No? See for yourself, then.
We've gotta see if there's
anything about it on the news.
- [sighs]
- Come on.
[alarm blaring]
[Isaac] Quickly. Come on, quickly!
Stop right there. Stop!
Come on! What do you think you're doing?
The other guards will get suspicious.
No one makes a fool out of me
and gets away with it, you son of a bitch!
If it weren't for me, none
of you would even be here.
Hey, tranquilo. Que te pasa
[scoffs] Motherfucker.
[alarm continues blaring]
- [bleep]
- [man 3] Go.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
[car alarms wailing]
[electricity buzzing and crackling]
[Isaac] Well, will you look at all
these motherfucking dollars!
- Grab the biggest notes.
- [man 2] All right, hurry up.
- [man 4] Which ones?
- [Isaac] Dollars first, then euros.
- Yeah, that's it.
- Go, go, go!
- Faster!
- Go, go, go!
- C'mon! Let's move it!
- Get it, get it, get it!
- Let's go!
- Come on!
Fuck, the bags. Get the bags!
Let's clean 'em out!
Go, go!
The bags!
We're running out of time!
- Let's go, let's go, let's go!
- Come on!
- We're running out of time.
- Hurry up.
[Isaac] Let's fucking go.
- Come on! Move!
- [Isaac] Let's go, let's go, let's go!
- [man 6] We got it.
- [Isaac] Let's go!
- Let's go, let's go.
- [man 6] That's it, it's wiped.
- [Isaac] We're done. Keep moving.
- [man 6] Let's go.
- [man 4] Down there?
- [man 6] Go!
- [man 2] Downstairs?
- [crackling]
[dog barking outside]
[door opens and closes]
[woman] The police announced
that the robbers
left Ciudad del Este
in a convoy at four a.m.
As of yet, no arrests have been made.
The Federal Police and the Paraguayan
police will conduct a joint investigation
in search of a gang
potentially specialized in heists.
- Cheers!
- Congrats, man.
You know why I like this dive?
- Yeah.
- Dream on ♪
Because it's a foreign fucking country,
where nobody knows we're police,
and it's the only place
on the Triple Frontier
that has a jukebox with vinyl!
- Eh?
- [both laughing]
That's bullshit, man. [chuckles]
Dream on, dream on ♪
- Dream until your dreams come true ♪
- 'Cause you're a different person here.
Happy, and shit.
[tuts] No fuckin' way, dude.
- It's 'cause of the jukebox.
- Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on, dream on ♪
["Dream On" fades]
[vehicle approaching]
[horn beeps]
[engine switches off]
[man on radio] The weather today
in Foz do Iguaçu will be mild,
with no rain forecast.
- Temperatures will range
- Hey.
- Coffee?
- Yes, please.
We go now to the news,
and the most important things
to have happened over the last few hours.
- Cold?
- First
I was trying to be nice. First time
anyone's asked to be my partner.
deadly heist led to multiple
Rossi mentioned some cigarette
smugglers in Alvorada, right?
The robbers' firepower
took the police by surprise.
- They were unable to fight back.
- [scoffs] Fight back?
Like that was possible. They had
enough .50s to shoot down a helicopter.
And our guys were no match
for them with .22s.
You saw the photo of the damage
they caused with the explosion?
I'm aware of it.
- Shall we go?
- Let's go.
- Take highway 277. I'll guide you.
- [engine starts]
[suspenseful music playing]
[driver] Alvorada is not this way.
You're sending us the wrong way.
It's an alternative route. Trust me.
- [wind whistling]
- [crickets chirping]
Those guys had three cars
full of explosives.
- Fuckers broke into a prison.
- Shit, here we go.
They killed a federal officer.
They got dozens of prisoners out,
all gang members, all expert bank robbers.
Three months later, Suellen
They bust into Proguard and wreak havoc
just over the border. And?
I found out some Brazilians robbed
an armored vehicle two months ago
in Santa Fe, Paraguay.
They fled across the lake to a hidden port
that's in Rocha, Itaipulândia.
Perfect for docking undetected.
No patrols can access that area.
- You think they're going to that port now?
- I do.
If we don't wise up,
they'll keep getting away with this shit
without even breaking a sweat.
There's a difference between wising up and
kidnapping your partner on the first day.
Or are you just that kind of guy?
Technically, there are
cigarette smugglers in Rocha too.
There's no way Rossi can find out
where we went, right?
That's the partner I wanted to see.
Don't give me that shit, okay, partner?
Don't even try and sweet-talk me.
- I don't have the patience for it. Got it?
- For sure.
[bird cawing]
[sighs] Come on.
- Calm down.
- [tuts]
They would have left Proguard very late.
From there to here,
it's about 50 kilometers by car.
Plus, they had to cross
this fuckin' thing.
I don't know, maybe they
[vehicle approaching]
[man] Get outta my face! This is heavy.
- Move those bags!
- Get this done already!
- See how much is in here?
- That's crazy!
- We've gotta get movin'.
- Shoot them all up.
- What's up, dude?
- Hey, man, what's goin' on?
- Hey, careful! The money.
- Come on, come on.
- Damn it, son!
- We got more to do.
- Man, look at this shit!
- Don't pat yourself on the back yet.
- Yeah!
- Man, believe in never.
- Yeah. I gotta go home.
- Jesus, let's fucking go!
- Miss my girl.
- Move it!
- Chill, man.
- Hey, come on. Three more to go.
- All right?
- [laughter]
[Isaac] Hey, people, listen up!
- We're in their way.
- [Isaac] We're doin' good.
We're halfway there. But the robbery will
only be over when we get back to HQ, okay?
So be very careful.
You all know what to do, don't you?
Then let's go. Cars one and two,
Team Ghost. Come on.
- Let's go.
- Mamute's guys in the second car.
- Sorriso and Mentex, with me.
- Move out!
[engine starts]
- Let's get moving!
- Come on!
- Hurry up, let's move it!
- Can you move that yourself?
- I got the bags.
- All right.
- We'll see you back at the hideout.
- Get outta here.
Keep moving.
[radio static crackling]
[Benício] Come in. Anyone read me?
Fuckin' walkie-talkie.
Those guys are armed to the teeth,
and all we have are fucking pistols!
We'll get signal once we hit the highway.
- Holy shit!
- [Benício] Stop, stop, stop!
- [gunfire]
- Go back, go back, go back!
Oh, fuck!
Reverse, hit it, hit it, hit it!
Fucking fuck!
Shit. We're fucked.
The cops are gonna be all over us.
Guys, every man for himself. Free-for-all!
Free-for-all! Go, go!
[Suellen] Urgent backup needed in
Itaipulândia. We've got a lot of shooting.
It's the guys from Proguard. Do you copy?
- It's the guys from Proguard.
- Send six backup cars to Itaipulândia.
And one to every neighboring town.
You see anyone suspicious,
bring 'em straight in.
Tell anyone with the day off
to report to duty right now.
[man] Come on, let's go.
Hey. Who promoted Mr. Heartthrob to chief?
- Well, isn't Wladimir traveling?
- So?
So, Pretty Boy's on duty.
- He walked right into it.
- [phone rings]
- Let's go.
- Come on.
[phone vibrating]
- Rossi, is it urgent?
- I believe it is, sir.
We found suspects
from the Proguard robbery.
What do you mean?
It's worth including the director in this.
[man] The police car was shot at
in Brazil, correct?
Then it's clear the case is federal.
I can provide a team
from Brasília to manage it.
[Rossi] Sir, I don't think
that's necessary.
We're perfectly capable
of handling the situation here in Foz.
Director Wladimir can confirm that.
Mr. Rossi, you're in charge for now.
- Do you have a plan?
- Of course, sir, of course.
You can count on me.
I'm setting up a crisis team to organize
the response of the security forces.
Reports from Paraguay indicate
50 or 60 participants in the robbery.
At least 20 of them
crossed over to Itaipulândia.
The Military Police has been
called in and are on-site.
[sirens approaching]
All highways will be monitored
by the Federal Highway Patrol,
and will be provided support from the
Civilian Police thoughout the operation.
- [man 7] Hey, hey, man!
- [man 6] Chill.
- It's the fucking cops.
- [man 6] Chill.
- No, fuck them!
- [man 7] Shoot the fuckers! Shoot!
- [man 6] Fucking do it!
- [PA] This is Highway Patrol.
Pull over immediately.
Fuck! Fuck off! Fuck!
- Holy shit!
- [man 8] Roadblock, Mamute!
[sirens and gunfire continue]
[driver] Mamute, duck!
[PA] Come in, Civilian Police. They're
heading your way. We're coming up behind.
[man 8] Fuck, they're on our tail.
[Mamute] Hey, bro. We'll shoot 'em up.
- Trust Mamute. Trust Mamute, brother.
- [man 8] Fuck!
- Motherfucking trust Mamute, brother.
- Fuck, man.
- We'll have to shoot our way out.
- I don't wanna die, brother.
- [cop on PA] Abandon your weapons!
- Trust Mamute, man. Fuck this.
[dramatic music plays]
[cheerful music playing on radio]
- [woman] What? Oh my God.
- [man 6] Those are our hostages.
- [woman] No, no, no!
- [man 10] Go, go! Come on!
- Let's get outta here, Soulless.
- Hurry!
[woman] Please, no!
Quietly, quietly, quietly.
- Let's get the fuck out of here!
- Hurry the fuck up, man! Come on!
- Pedal to the metal.
- See, we're good, yeah?
[Soulless] It's all good.
Let's get the fuck outta here!
We gotta go faster.
Take a deep breath, you're fine. All
we want is a ride to the next town, okay?
[man] Stay calm, man.
- We're all workers, we have families.
- [woman whimpering]
[Soulless] So are we.
We all have our job to do, you get me?
You crazy, dude?
That's gonna fuck up your stomach.
No, starving's gonna fuck up my stomach.
I haven't eaten since yesterday.
Leave her groceries alone.
For fuck's sake, focus.
You want three meals a day in the clink?
[woman whimpering] No, please, sir.
[Soulless] Driver,
where's the nearest bus station?
[Suellen] Look, my husband got
the voice memo.
He's freaking out.
I've got a million missed calls.
- [Benício] You have kids?
- Uh-huh.
- [phone chimes]
- Look at this.
Rossi's asking us to go back
to the station. Before making a catch?
- What the hell?
- Right now, it's a free-for-all.
If we're lucky, we'll run into one of 'em.
If we're not lucky, we'll run into 20 guys
with bulletproof vests and big guns.
I never said this would be easy.
But I understand.
You have a family.
If you don't wanna do this, I get it.
Partner, with all due respect,
you can go fuck yourself.
- [Benício laughs]
- You done pissing, right?
Let's get outta here.
[radio] 13-25, do you read?
Military Police found an abandoned van
just outside of São Miguel.
No wounded.
Suspects left guns and equipment behind.
They took no hostages.
There's a bus station in São Miguel, man.
On our way.
Copy that, central. We'll be
in São Miguel in five minutes.
Send backup, lots of it.
And focus on the bus station.
[tense music playing]
[hum of voices]
[door buzzes]
You wait here.
- Yuri, I need you to inspect a van
- Hi, Rossi.
in São Miguel do Iguaçu.
Uh, of course, but
That's in a conflict zone, right?
Will I have an officer with me?
A new guy is going with you.
Total rookie, straight out of the academy.
The kid is a senator's son.
Try and teach him something.
- [sighs]
- [door bleeps]
You're with the forensics department.
Are you sure, sir? There a lot goin' on.
Isn't there a better assignment for me?
Do you watch CSI?
- No.
- Enjoy.
Let's go, genius.
[siren blaring]
How are you?
[Benício] Hey! [whistles]
Wait. Hang on.
Open up, please.
Thank you.
[Suellen] Good evening, Cinderella.
Where are your shoes, sir?
- What happened to your shoes, man?
- They're here.
Could you step outside with me, sir?
I have my ticket here.
[sighs] Don't make me insist.
Let's go.
Move it, man!
You're traveling without any luggage?
Yeah, that's right.
[Benício] Listen up!
Everyone, please come
collect your luggage.
[Suellen] Looks like we have an orphan.
[unzips bag]
[Benício chuckles]
- Don't recognize it?
- That bag's not mine.
If they can't find something
to book you on at the station,
I'll personally drive you to Curitiba.
I can even buy you slippers
to keep your feet warm.
[handcuffs clicking]
- [man 1] Documents, please.
- [man 2] Of course, here you go.
[man 1] Where are you headed?
[man 2] My family and I are
visiting Florianópolis.
[man 1] What's the purpose of your trip?
[man 2] Family vacation,
we'll be there for a few days.
- [man 1] And you, sir?
- [man 3] Me?
[man 1] Yes. Where are you headed today?
[man 3] I'm headed to São Paulo, sir.
[PA] Attention,
all passengers traveling to Florianópolis,
- make your way to platform seven.
- [man 1] Your ID, please.
Thank you.
Good morning, sir. Would you
please step this way with me?
- Is there a problem?
- Please, sir.
- [door buzzing]
- [phones ringing]
In this bag, there must be at
least five hundred thousand.
What's all that downstairs?
Well, I said to bring in
everyone who was acting suspicious.
That's what we got.
So, now, if you can explain
how an investigation that began somewhere
else entirely detonated all this?
[Suellen] Of course, sir. Um
Well, we got to Alvorada and there was a
fisherman there who gave us a tip-off,
and seeing we were so close by,
we decided to check it out.
When we got there, there was a shoot-out,
which was more of a firing squad.
We survived, thank God.
Anyway, I think it was
a stroke of luck, really.
For all of us.
Yeah, that's exactly what happened.
I see. Let's interrogate
the suspect you brought in.
Maybe he'll spill the beans.
Oh, they always say
they don't know anything,
if they talk to us, the others
will kill 'em, all that bullshit.
Well, if he doesn't talk,
his fingerprints may do it.
- In fact, they might have a lot to say.
- Leave it to me.
- [horn beeps]
- [dogs barking]
[officer 1 sighs] Evening.
- [rookie] Good evening. How's it going?
- [Yuri] Good evening.
- Everything okay?
- [officer 1] All good.
- Good evening.
- [officer 1] Good evening.
Did you guys touch
and arrange these weapons like that?
To photograph them after they
were seized. That's procedure.
Procedure? Did you wear gloves to do that?
You contaminated everything. Good job.
Don't touch anything.
[siren approaching]
[rookie] As you've already
touched everything,
I might as well examine them personally.
Were the gang members here?
Not bad, huh?
- So what happened here, gentlemen?
- [officer 1] Corporal.
Weren't you briefed on the report?
Nah, you know.
Gets so busy in the station, right?
- I get it.
- Huh? Yeah.
- [chuckling]
- [Yuri sighs]
A half-eaten hot dog? Is that all you got?
Corporal, do you know who took a bite?
[corporal] A witness said
one of the robbers was hungry,
and grabbed a hot dog from her bag
and started eating it.
I sent her to the station to
give an official statement, too.
- So we've got his DNA.
- The robber started eating a raw hot dog?
- [laughs]
- That's filet mignon to us.
Mr. CSI, huh?
Will this sausage thing take long?
Or can I go catch some criminals?
That's exactly what I'm trying to do
while you're here whining.
My friend, the inspectors say that
your ID is as fake as a three-dollar bill.
Looks like you're gonna be here a while.
All right, book me, then,
so I can catch the game tonight.
[tense music plays]
[woman] No matches for this one, either.
Let's move on to the next one, then.
[muffled, distorted sounds]
- you are!
- ["Dream On" playing]
You are the most Aquarian Aquarius
I know, my brother.
- [scoffs]
- And that's good and it's bad.
Should we do another shot, just bap-bap?
Come on.
- No, man.
- No, no, no.
- We've got work in the morning.
- Just one round, pussy!
- What's the matter?
- We've got duty at the penitentiary.
Just one more?
[phone ringing and vibrating]
- Benício.
- Hey, Rossi.
Get here now.
There's been an escape
at Foz penitentiary.
- [sighs]
- Santos was there.
Benício, he's been killed.
[clink echoes]
[forensics officer] Benício. Benício?
Look, we've got a match for this guy,
picked up from the bus station just now.
It looks like this guy
was locked up at Foz.
Looks like he escaped three months ago,
during that break-out on January 29th.
Move it, asshole.
Things don't look great for you.
[Benício] Stop! With him, there!
What do they call you?
What's your nickname, asshole?
Now! No bullshit. Tell me your fucking
street name, you filthy son of a bitch!
[Rossi] My office, now.
- Move it, punk. Go on.
- Get your hands off me, man.
That son of a bitch was part
of the breakout at Foz.
His fingerprints match.
He escaped the day Santos was killed,
I'm fucking sure of it.
Go home, Benício.
We're not investigating
the death of your friend now.
You arrested him, and seized
half a million bucks. Be happy.
No fucking way, Rossi.
Look, I have reason to believe that the
Proguard heist
was carried out by this organization.
Anyone who thinks the Foz Penitentiary
prison break was a coincidence is a moron!
It's the same fucking guys!
I'm gonna pretend you didn't just admit
to working a case you're not assigned to.
Take a look at this photo.
- Who's that? Their face is a bit
- [Rossi] Mamute.
A prominent member
of the organization in São Paulo.
He was killed in the shootout.
With half a dozen suitcases full of money.
Then he's right! If someone that high up
in the organization was part of the heist
There's a chance.
But it could also be just a coincidence.
An isolated attack by a few members.
Look, either way, Mentex is going back
to jail. We have no way to squeeze him.
And I've got a room full of officers
that would do the same questioning as you.
So unless you have any bright ideas
Let's question the guy the Military Police
stopped at the bus station bathroom.
With the Bible.
There's something off about him.
- Too calm.
- Yeah, remember the look they gave?
I've got a call with Brasília.
You take the lead here.
Play by the rules.
Hey, love. I'm still at the station.
We made some arrests.
How's the babe?
I love you.
[door buzzes]
[suspect] Ponta Grossa.
On Governor José Richa street.
Villa Isabel.
What time did you leave there?
- Ten a.m.
- When'd you get in?
- Five in the evening.
- Yesterday?
What were you doing at the bus
station today without any bags?
There were no buses
when I tried to head back.
So I couldn't buy a ticket.
- Where did you sleep?
- I stayed awake.
I didn't wanna pay for a hotel and
I was afraid of sleeping in the street.
[Benício] Right.
And what brings you
so far from home, Antonio?
I brought a car to a buyer here, sir.
I see, so you're a salesman?
I'm not. Uh, here's what happened.
Sir Djair wanted to sell the car.
He gave me 500 to bring it.
- I do all kinds of work.
- And who's the buyer?
I only met him at the bus station.
He got in the car and left.
- [Benício] Know his name?
- Yes, sir. Denilson.
What else? There's no surname? Nothin'?
- What are the plates on the car?
- I don't know, sorry.
[Benício] Phone number?
Of the buyer? I don't have it.
If you talk to Djair,
that might be easier.
Call him right now.
[unsettling music plays]
I'm out of battery.
I don't know it by heart.
I'll charge it for you.
[camera clicks]
[door buzzes]
[door closes]
You are my rock and my fortress.
For the sake of your name,
lead me and guide me.
I need to charge this phone and
get him to speak to this guy Djair.
Anyone have a fucking Motorola charger?
His ID is clear. So I'm going to run
his fingerprints and call the bus company
to see if there were tickets available
yesterday for sale.
I'll send his picture to police groups
and see if anyone recognizes him.
Boss, we're putting pressure on him.
Here's the thing.
They've made a deal with Paraguay.
International crime.
No longer our jurisdiction,
Brasília wants to handle it.
- [laughs] Of course they do.
- Fuck, right.
It's textbook. We're running around
getting shot at and Brasília gets credit.
You act surprised!
Sir. You know that van?
The Military Police touched
everything, but I found this.
A hot dog. One of them bit it.
One of the police officers?
No sir, one of the robbers bit it.
If the DNA matches any other attacks
in Brazil, the case is ours.
[officer 1] Getting a lot of messages.
Come with me. Bring the hot dog.
[officer 2] Come on, let's go.
[officer 3] I see it, I see it.
I'll send it to you immediately.
How's it going?
I couldn't get ahold of the bus company
'cause they were closed,
and his fingerprints
don't give any matches.
- But, that doesn't mean anything.
- Yeah.
Did you have better luck?
- Ah, man!
- [clicks tongue]
[Benício] Call him now.
Put it on speaker.
[ringing tone]
[sighs heavily]
[ringing continues]
- Your Honor.
- [sighs]
Your Honor.
Here it is.
This hot dog contains DNA material
from a suspect in the Proguard heist.
Nowadays, thieves don't wipe their DNA,
because here in Brazil,
DNA analysis is not used
to solve robberies.
Look, your Honor,
if these criminals left as much DNA behind
the way they used
to leave their fingerprints,
then we could deal with the bank robbers
just like Italy did with Clean Hands.
Or how the FBI dismantled the Mafia
in 2011. It'd be historic.
And it would all come
from our investigation here in Foz.
The whole process, right here in Foz.
Every prison, anything seized, we could
Inspector, I understand your interest,
and I share it,
for us to have a case of this size here.
But we both know that if the robbery,
the initial offense,
happened in another country,
you can't possibly ask me
to keep the case here.
But what if the first crime
took place here?
Your Honor, I have reason to believe,
and I can support it with evidence,
that the incident reported at Foz do
Iguaçu Penitentiary three months ago
was the prison break
that led to this heist.
[ringing tone]
[call drops]
- Should I try again?
- Your story is looking a bit odd, buddy.
I called the bus company.
There were tickets available
to Ponta Grossa.
- Were there?
- [Suellen] There were.
- Departing when?
- Seven o'clock.
Ah, ma'am.
You know I spent six hours driving, right?
I was famished.
I stopped by a little spot
and grabbed something to eat.
When I got back, I had missed the bus.
Can anyone else confirm your story?
Your family? Wife?
What's that?
My wife and my son.
Call her then, smartass.
See if she saves you.
She They
They went with God a couple years back.
We were traveling at night.
And I fell asleep. I was driving.
That's why I didn't wanna
travel at night. Fair?
I think I actually
wanted to miss that bus.
Brings back the pain.
Do you have families?
Listen up. Take everything upstairs
when you're done
[Benício] I wish my smile
gleamed like that.
Mmm. Just ask him for the number of the
place he goes to get his teeth whitened.
Judge Kowalski agreed with us
to keep the case right in here in Foz.
- [groans]
- [Benício] Damn!
What's goin' on with the
suspect you were questioning?
- Hasn't he been here for 12 hours?
- I need more time.
I sent his photo to a police group. I
Someone's gonna recognize him.
- How do the prints and history check out?
- We've got nothing on him, boss.
Prints don't match and
I mean, seems like he's all clean, so
Then let him be.
You can't interrogate him for more than
12 hours without risking a lawsuit.
And I don't know about you,
but I'm very fond of my career.
[sighs] It's bullshit, but he's right.
[Benício sighs] Fucking hell.
[door buzzes]
Get outta here, smartass.
["TáTendo" by Edi Rock plays]
Many thanks.
[woman] Exclusive images received show
Ciudad del Este's descent
into chaos and terror by a gang
of criminals throughout the city.
The criminals blocked streets,
burned cars,
and took several locals hostage.
CCTV footage shows the gang of robbers
breaking into a Proguard vault.
Now the Federal Police have begun
an investigation,
- and are working to identify
- [man sighs] Have a good one.
the gang who masterminded this heist.
- [dogs barking]
- [child crying]
[tense music playing]
[motorcycle passing]
[phone chimes]
[motorcycle approaching]
[dog barking]
[sighs softly]
Benício, Suellen.
The guy you were questioning,
with the locket. Is he gone?
Well, yeah.
You said he should be released.
I don't know if the system glitched or if
he really does have no criminal record.
But an undercover police officer
did recognize him.
- From the organization.
- [Benício] Who is he?
They call him Soulless.
[dramatic music plays]
[Benício] The guy
was right in front of us.
Under arrest in front of us!
I think he's the one who killed Santos.
["Dream On" plays]
Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on
Dream until your dream come true ♪
Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on ♪
On ♪
Sing with me, sing for the year ♪
Sing for the laugh
And sing for the tear ♪
Sing with me, if it's just for today ♪
Maybe tomorrow
The good Lord will take you away ♪
Sing with me, sing for the year ♪
Sing for the laugh
And sing for the tear ♪
Sing with me, if it's just for today ♪
Maybe tomorrow
The good Lord will take you away ♪
Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on
Dream until your dream come true ♪
Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on
Dream until your dream come true ♪
Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on, dream on ♪
Dream on ♪
On ♪
Sing with me, sing for the year ♪
Sing for the laugh
And sing for the tear ♪
Sing with me, if it's just for today ♪
Maybe tomorrow
The good Lord will take you away ♪
Sing with me, sing for the year ♪
Sing for the laugh
And sing for the tear ♪
Sing with me, if it's just for today ♪
Maybe tomorrow
The good Lord will take you away ♪
Next Episode