Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Let You Down

[static buzzing]
[upbeat music]
[man 1] Man, thought you'd be
off the clock by five,
they keep you on call. Shitluck.
[man 2] Cap said I could leave
my gun and badge
if I went home to listen to my old lady
go on and on about her online shopping
or whatever the hell she did all day.
[man 1] That's what you get
for choosing the life of a public servant.
[man 2] It just had to fucking rain.
Hmm? What the hell you doin'? Back it up.
Looking to get shot?
[gasps, shouts]
[music ends]
[man grunts]
[guns firing]
[grunting and groaning]
- [shouts]
- Got us a cyber psycho!
Raise MaxTac now!
We need to fry the system fast.
Freak's supporting military-grade ICE!
Meaning that our tech isn't? Get to it!
[upbeat music]
- [laid-back music]
- [groaning, gasps]
[Ripperdoc] So, what do you think?
Still warm, that. Couple hours old.
Lifted from the edgerunner
who scrolled it.
Straight off the street.
So, what!
Doc, hey, you gotta tell me
who keeps feeding you these nuggets.
Kurosaki. Who else?
Ain't no other editor who churns out
BDs that sweet and preem.
Won't pull nothin' like that
off the shelf, neither.
No shit. Brain's still buzzing.
Gonna be sick.
Slow, deep breaths, choom.
Just left the head
of a skezzed-out chrome junkie.
Cyberpsychosis ain't no joke.
Anyway, either hurt or don't,
got more chips for you to slot.
Really? What?
Something special.
- [David] Huh? Cut the shit, man!
- [erotic moaning]
[machine whirring]
- [machine beeping]
- Huh?
[automated voice] Cycle suspended
due to insufficient funds.
- Geez, not again.
- Cycle suspended due to in
[reporter] It was a tragic scene
in Westbrook today
when a corporate convoy
- was ambushed by 6th Street
- [sighs] God, Mom.
[both gasp and sigh]
Morning, Miho.
If you keep sleeping on the couch,
gonna get early onset arthritis.
I know. Just dead
after my night shift, is all.
[David] You and the washing machine both.
Forget to re-up it?
[mom stammers] Yeah.
I'll take care of it later, 'kay?
Oh, money, right.
You mentioned a reef update for class.
That happen yet?
When did you say you need it?
No, no. It's fine. Got Doc to handle it.
- What do you mean "handle it"?
- I'm good. All set.
[mom] Don't go cutting corners, D.
Already cashed my paycheck.
You'll get it updated right. Hear me?
Mom, seriously!
Just feed the washer, alright?
[mom] I forgot this time. I told you.
Promise me you'll buy the update.
Okay, okay.
And you're really going to school
dressed like that?
- Uniform's soaked.
- [sighs]
- [reporter] A military-grade implant
- [gasps]
- was found missing from the body
- Hmm?
of Lt. Col. James Norris,
shot dead by MaxTac
Mom, you're on TV! Nova!
- Not Nova, David. A bloodbath.
- [TV pings off]
- Go on. Off to school.
- [gasps] Bye.
Love you, Miho.
[phone ringing]
Maine? It's Gloria.
["Who's Ready for Tomorrow" playing]
I ain't your average sicko ♪
I'm dead, just like disco ♪
My bank account
Is zero-zero-zero, oh no ♪
I think I need a hero ♪
I don't have no ego ♪
'Cause I'm spinnin' out now ♪
- [man crying]
- [kid shouting]
[panicked moaning]
And now I'm getting older
My heart is growing colder ♪
Oh, that's fine ♪
[automated voice] Trauma Team.
Clear a path immediately.
Emergency evac underway. Emergency evac.
All AVs, vacate the airway.
Trauma Team. Clear a path immediately.
Trauma Team. Clear a path.
Don't walk.
Don't walk.
- Walk. Walk. Walk.
- [rapid beeping]
Walk. Walk.
And now I'm getting older
My heart is growing colder ♪
Oh, that's fine ♪
I was a teenage outlaw
With no worries on my mind ♪
And now I'm getting older
My heart is growing colder ♪
Oh, that's fine ♪
You say it's over ♪
[gasping] Huh?
[sighs, scoffs]
[upbeat music]
Good morning to you, class.
Today's attendance. Zero absences.
Martinez, David.
You are not in compliance
with the Academy's dress code.
Yeah. Real sorry about that.
Afraid my uniform's still
at the cleaner's.
- [grunts]
- [lecturer] Do you have a spare uniform?
Yeah. Spare's there too.
[lecturer] Understood. Please submit
a Uniform Exception form after class.
- [hiss]
- Now, let us begin today's lesson.
- You will observe
- [Katsuo] Gutter rat. Rat off the street.
Me? Nah. Wouldn't show my face.
[David] Cray-crazy, I know,
but some of us here to learn to learn.
[Katsuo] With that fossiltech?
Updates, man. Bet it's not compatible.
[David] I made it compatible.
[Katsuo] Huh? How?
[David] How I had to.
[Katsuo] Life's gotta be gotta be shit
when a two-bit wreath
costs your life savings.
[lecturer] At this time,
I ask all students
to log into the Green Room for meditation.
Countin' on ya, Doc.
[magical buzz]
[static buzzing]
- [man] Seriously?
- [girl] What?
- [man] Martinez again!
- [indistinct chattering]
- [indistinct chattering]
- [man] Not again!
[Gloria] I'm so sorry
for the inconvenience my son has caused.
[principal] I wouldn't call this
a matter of money, Mrs. Martinez.
Although I must say it was quite
an expense for us to restore the system.
[Gloria] Of course,
and I will pay for the repairs.
As I understand it,
Mr. Martinez modified his headset
with backalley software
to avoid paying for the licensed update.
This is not behavior befitting a pupil
from a financially stable home.
[Gloria] It's not a problem, really.
We can afford it.
[principal] Be that as it may,
I see an opportunity here
to improve David's situation.
[Gloria] Meaning what, exactly?
David is not a good fit
with his classmates.
He could benefit
from a change in environment.
No! Wait, please.
I mean, he has to stay here.
He deserves this education as much
as every other child in this school.
What happened?
Didn't I tell you to get the upgrade?
Yeah. Doc's damn fault.
Gave me a faulty port drive.
[Gloria] You tried to get around
the system, didn't you?
Now, it'll cost us ten times more.
[David] Sorry.
[Gloria] If it's something
you gotta apologize for,
maybe don't do it in the first place, hey?
[David] You said you didn't have
the eddies when I asked, so
[Gloria] I was waiting for payday!
You know we don't got that kind of cash
just lying around.
Can't you sit still a minute? [sighs]
[David] You know,
I've been thinkin' lately.
[Gloria] About what?
[David] Maybe I drop out.
Find some work or whatever.
[Gloria] Do you hear yourself?
[David] C'mon, seriously.
You know we can't afford those repairs.
Plus, you got no idea just how bad
I stand out compared to all of them.
Anyone sides a true blue corpo
gets shit on.
Even if I do graduate,
they'll never accept me.
No kid from Santo will ever be a suit.
I don't wanna be one anyway.
So, you tell me.
What have I been busting
my ass for then, huh?
Everything I do, I do for you, D.
Don't you see that?
[sighs] You're breaking my heart, Miho.
Wait. What?
My sweet baby boy. So smart, so talented.
You're everything to me.
I want to give you a fighting chance
in this city and a good education.
It's why I put in all of those hours.
Why I'm never home.
[David] Uh, I'm sorry.
Shouldn't have brought it up.
Don't cry, Mom.
[Gloria] Think I don't know
how they treat you?
Think I don't get treated the same way?
But that's why you gotta prove them wrong.
You have to work hard
and rise through the ranks.
My son at Arasaka Tower top floor!
I can just see it.
You've got this, D. You're my son.
Yeah, well, easier said than done.
- Huh?
- [Gloria shouts]
- [David groans]
- [man 1] Fuck 'em up!
- [David groans]
- [Gloria shrieks]
- Don't let 'em get away!
- Suit's limo's titanium plated!
[man 1] The hunt's on, my beastbros!
- [man 1 laughing]
- [man 2 shouts]
No one fucks with the Animals!
- [man] Suckers
- Mom! Brake! Brake hard!
- [Gloria shrieks]
- Watch out!
- [static buzzing]
- [David heaving]
[stammers] Mom? Mom!
- [fire blasting]
- [David breathing heavily]
[tense music]
Is that the Trauma Team? Oh, thank Christ.
- [beeping]
- [man] He's not a client.
[woman] Neither is she.
Hey, wait!
[man] Secure the policyholder.
Leave them to the city meat wagons.
- [woman] Copy that.
- [David] What?
What the hell? Hey! Where are you going?
No way. Just gonna leave us here?
Mom! Momma!
Mom, wake up!
Fucking piece of [heaving]
Mom! Dammit, get off me!
Shit. Get the fuck off!
[indistint] Dammit!
[groans] Mom!
[shouts] Fuck!
[doctor] Surgery was a success.
Your mother hasn't come to just yet,
but she's stable.
Need her to stay a few more nights.
Oh. Then, is it okay if I see her?
No can do, buddy.
Visitation ain't part of your package.
Oh. Right.
Anyway, I should get started
on the paperwork.
Brought your mom's things.
And don't forget to zip us those eds.
Got three days.
- Uh
- Yeah.
[doctor] There's a reason everyone
in Night City
- wants insurance.
- [sighs]
Stay safe now.
[David] Yeah, hoop ship. Version back.
Is that all? You low-balling me? Huh?
Nah, forget it, choom.
Dammit! Hmm?
["Who's Ready for Tomorrow" playing]
What the fuck?
- [rumbling]
- [heaving]
I ain't your average sicko ♪
I'm dead, just like disco ♪
My bank account
Is zero-zero-zero, oh no ♪
Another account. Christ.
Just enough. She saved so much.
Never knew.
So, that, it settled the medical.
Still gotta cover rent. Huh?
Doc? Hey, you get the still I sent?
Don't think I'd forgotten I owe you a kick
in the nuts for that shoddy bootleg.
But check this.
Yeah, looks, uh, military, doesn't it?
How do you think it would fetch
if I was interested
and the price was right?
Not selling. Just want an estimate.
Nah, fuck that noise.
No way it's that cheap.
[sighs] Oh, come on, choom.
Whatev! Wasn't selling anyways.
By the way. Don't expect me
to push your XBDs at school anymore!
Any pinchin' hack had taken me for a gonk.
A Sandevistan.
No serial number and what?
Military-grade, this thing, really?
It definitely ain't legal. But whatev.
Whoa! The hell are these specs?
[upbeat music]
Huh? Ah!
- [all chuckling]
- [clicks tongue, scoffs]
[man] Little piece of advice, Martinez.
- Learn to take a hint.
- [David] About what?
[man] Our class.
You're not welcome. Got it?
[David] Huh? If this is about yesterday
- Who said anything about yesterday?
- [David] What?
You probably figure I give you a hard time
'cause you're poor. Simply untrue.
I'm rather charitably inclined.
Not your fault you were born
on the wrong side of society.
[inhales] There's no rule
that says a street kid
- can't make it at the Academy,
- [sighs]
provided they pay their way.
What cracks my chrome
is something else entirely.
- Know what?
- Look, choom.
I haven't understood
a single thing coming out of your mouth.
- That right there!
- Hmm
Time to get gone.
Just drop out, why don't ya?
- Huh?
- You're a misfit, an anomaly.
Human but trash, and there's nothing
that can change that.
Rot in you runs as deep
as your bones, Martinez.
Best you can do
is not spread it to the rest of us.
Did I just short-circ?
Said you didn't care
as long as I paid tuition.
I heard your mommy came in
to see the principal,
- [inhales]
- ask forgiveness for your little stunt.
Caused quite a scene,
crying for her baby boy,
begging for him not to get expelled.
So shameless.
You know, since we're chatting,
I've just always wondered.
How could she afford to send you
to Arasaka Academy anyway?
- [heavy breathing]
- Care to explain, Martinez?
Go on. Tell us.
How does Mommy pay your way?
What's any Night City bottomfeeder
do to make a quick eurobuck, huh?
Oh! A couple of pretty
salacious things come to mind.
[David] Tired of this shit.
- Hold on, choom. Who said we were done?
- Fuck off!
- [scoffs]
- [gasps]
- [groans]
- [chuckles]
[mocking] Huh? Oh? What?
Huh? Ha! [silly sounds]
Got anything slotted?
Anime freeware maybe?
- [straining]
- Hmm? Hmm. Aww!
- [gasps]
- [silly fighting sounds]
- [grunts]
- [fighting sounds]
[grunting and groaning]
[fighting sounds]
[David shouts]
[David] I knew it.
Nothing like the Strongarms 400 to bring
out the best in your kung-fu chipware.
Organic knuckles? Seriously?
Wanna try me again?
I suggest you pack some serious chrome.
- Or just drop out.
- [whimpering]
You know what I'd prefer.
- [somber music]
- [pained breathing]
- [phone beeps]
- [doctor] Mr. Martinez?
I'm calling in regards
to Gloria Martinez's condition.
- Huh?
- She was stable this morning,
but then her vitals began to nosedive
really out of nowhere.
But you said the surgery was successful.
True. But only so much
we can do on the discount package.
Worn down as she was,
I doubt she'd had lasted much longer.
- Overworked, seemed to me.
- [gasping]
Anyway, I'm supposed to tell you
we offer some burial options.
People in Night City
want corpo gigs for a reason, kid.
[automated voice] Greetings, valued
customer. We are sorry for your loss.
To ease things at this difficult time,
we can deliver the body
of your dearly departed
to your home or to a funeral home.
Would you like to learn more?
[David] I got a choice?
Is our budget-friendly
cremation service right for you?
Waive those pesky delivery fees
and bring your loved one home today.
[man sobbing]
- [machine buzzes]
- [melancholic music]
[automated voice] Don't walk.
- [principal] Good day, Mrs. Martinez.
- Don't walk.
- We've received a quote for the repairs
- Don't walk.
- to our system infrastructure.
- Don't walk.
As agreed, I've sent you an e-mail
with the payment details.
Also, perhaps you've had time to think?
Do let me know.
Just say the word
and we'll begin making arrangements
for David's transfer
to another institution.
[automated voice] Please note.
To maintain your utilities contract,
you must pay a penalty of 500 euro-dollars
in addition to any past
due amounts and late fees.
If you cannot pay by the deadline,
your services will be terminated
in the following order
[female voice] Trauma Team.
Clear a path immediately.
- [female voice] medical
- [man] Ding-ding, Martinez!
Me again. Time's up.
Rent's long past due.
Keep this shit up
and I won't just change your lock,
I'll throw your ass out
on the street. You feel me?
City burn ♪
We're not planning to return ♪
Trying so hard to be free ♪
- [rumbling]
- [straining]
[David] The implant I showed you,
you said you'd take it off me for 10K?
Six now? Said ten yesterday, choom!
Come on. That's just one fucking day.
And we both know that it's worth way more!
Hell yeah, I looked into it, and I
Oh, yeah? Well, fuck you too! Bitch.
Katsuo here. I heard about your mom.
I could offer my sympathies,
but find it hard to sympathize.
God only knows what she had to endure
to send her delinquent son to an Academy
he doesn't belong at.
Her methods couldn't have been noble
if she died in a car accident. So mundane.
But you know?
Karma. There's a lesson in this, David.
[panicked breathing]
Your mother tried to live
beyond her means and died.
Don't make the same mistake.
[panicked breathing]
[erotic moaning]
[man laughs wickedly]
- [man gasps, grunts]
- [door buzzes]
Christ. The hell. Who is that?
- [chuckles] David, hey.
- [panting]
That the big bad Sandy?
Not a badge or fixer in town
who's not looking for that beauty.
I told you though [sniffs]
ain't gonna find anyone
that's willing to take it off your hands.
- [David] I'm not here to sell.
- [grunts]
I want this fused here.
'Bout time I chrome the fuck up.
[upbeat music]
["This Fffire" playing]
Eyes, burning a way through me ♪
Eyes, destroying so sweetly ♪
Now, there's a fire in me ♪
A fire that burns ♪
This fire is out of control ♪
I'll burn it, I'll burn it ♪
I'll burn it, I'll burn it ♪
Next Episode