Dahaad (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Missing Women

-Bye, coach sir.
-Bye, sir.
-Be on time tomorrow.
Are you too proud to pay your respects
to the coach like we do?
My father told me never
to bow before anyone.
If the coach doesn't mind,
what the hell is it to you?
Pray with me, for once.
Mummy, I must be at the station on time.
The Thakurs have filed a complaint.
Their daughter has been abducted.
The Thakurs?
The boy is a Muslim.
Their daughter is Rajni Thakur.
The boy's family is upstairs.
Let's see what they have to say.
They were good friends, sir.
They really loved one another.
Rajni's parents were
forcing her to marry--
Take us for fools?
Don't you know the Thakurs?
Would their daughter dare
to mess around with a Muslim?
I warned Altaf.
I said, "Stay away from her.
You're inviting trouble."
But he wouldn't listen to me, sir.
Did Altaf himself tell you
about their romance?
He didn't say a word, sir.
They used to meet up secretly
at a friend's house.
My friend who lives opposite told me.
I even confronted Altaf.
But you know kids today,
he flatly denied it.
He said she was helping him
with his studies.
What else did he say?
What did you hear?
What are you staring at?
Out with it. Now's the time to talk.
Sir, his friends said
they planned to get married.
-They applied for a registrar marriage.
-That's more like it.
And you kept mum
about something like that?
-His friends' names?
-Danish and Sharad.
-Do you have a photo of Altaf?
Here. On the right.
He's vanished and left us
with a noose around our necks.
Rajni's family will skin us alive.
Leave the village for a few days.
Parghi, take their statements down.
Then escort them to Sikar.
-Go to the Jhunjhunu registrar.
Ask if they filed
for a marriage application.
"You are like a prayer.
I'm a bulb, and you're a tube light.
You shine while I'm out of sight.
You are beyond all compare.
I'm ordinary with a little flair.
I'm plain, I'm bland.
The world's in the palm of your hand.
Friend, none have me in their sight.
I'm a bulb, and you're a tube light.
You don't light up if the voltage is low.
That's the only time I faintly glow.
No one cares to see me.
It's you everyone wants to see.
In size, I'm short and small.
You're magnificent and tall.
I am a bulb,
and you're a tube light."
Surekha will now explain
"The bulb and the tube light" poem to us.
The poet Balkrishna Garg's poem
is full of symbolism.
It's talking about a man
who feels inferior
when compared to a beautiful woman.
So, he compares himself to a bulb
and his lover to a tube light.
Absolutely right.
But sir, his ideas are wrong.
Are you saying the poet is wrong?
Not the poet, sir. His perception.
Sir, a bulb is a bulb.
Tube light is a tube light.
Everyone has their strengths and flaws.
Outer appearances do not
always reveal a person's worth.
If someone is capable of loving so deeply,
how can they be inferior?
Love itself can never be inferior.
At last, someone has interpreted
the poem so well.
Thank you, sir.
Write 500 words on the poem
and bring it in tomorrow.
Recognize me?
I'm a friend of your brother Monty's.
You don't remember me?
Sorry, sorry. Monty's--
You look just like Mahinder Sisodia's
sister. I got confused.
Papa! Do you want to see the car I made?
You're home early.
I didn't go to work.
There's an event at the hotel tonight.
I'll be working the night shift.
Sorry. Will you manage?
Did I ever say I couldn't?
Anand, I've told Chanda
what to cook for dinner.
Did you prepare the paperwork yourself?
Yes. Want to see more paperwork
to prove it was me?
Look carefully. Was this the girl
who came to register the marriage?
She's the one.
She signed the papers herself.
Did Rajni seem scared or nervous?
Not at all. Anything else?
Make me a copy.
Calm down!
It's your job. I'm not asking you
to add me to your will.
Good morning, sir.
It's about the report I filed.
Do you have any news?
The Tetara village case.
My sister Krishna Chandal.
She's been missing for days.
Stand over there.
-File number?
Report number? You uncouth lout! Speak up!
The investigation is closed.
She ran away of her own free will.
If we have any news, we'll call you.
Sir, I'm her brother, and she
hasn't called me even once.
Her mobile is switched off.
So? It doesn't mean she's vanished
off the face of the earth.
Maybe she just doesn't
want to talk to you.
-No, sir.
-Go home!
Smoke a hookah. Calm down.
Get out!
Bhaati sir.
-It's all here?
Sir, Altaf's brother's story checked out.
Here's the marriage application.
Mahipal Singh has made
a big deal for no reason.
Mahipal? The politician?
He's made it a political issue.
Has Parghi questioned
the couple's friends?
Nothing has come of it.
Either they know nothing,
or they don't want to talk.
Keep looking for Altaf and Rajni.
Don't file a report yet.
OK, sir.
Sir, don't worry.
Our banquet hall can easily
accommodate 1500 guests.
Can you email me all the details?
Yes, sir.
You'll have everything
you need by tomorrow.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you, sir.
Better keep him happy.
His company gives us…
Yes, ma'am. I know
Mr. Saldanha is an important client.
I'll charm him.
I don't doubt it.
You're an expert charmer.
Praise to Lord Ram!
Sir, my sister Krishna
has still not come home.
There's no sign of her.
There's nothing the police can do.
Sir, you're my only hope.
If you won't look for her, who will?
We look for missing persons.
Your sister eloped with her lover.
She even left you a letter.
But sir, it's been two months.
She hasn't called even once.
She's not a tiny baby.
She's a grown woman.
She ran away of her own accord.
The police can't help you.
-The conspiracy of silence!
-We refuse it! We refuse it!
-Our daughters…
-Stay ours!
-The conspiracy of silence!
-We refuse it! We refuse it!
-Our daughters…
-Stay ours!
-The conspiracy of silence!
-We refuse it! We refuse it!
-Our daughters…
-Stay ours!
Politician Mahipal Singh has arrived.
Let us welcome him.
-Mahipal sir!
-Hail to!
-Mahipal sir!
-Hail to!
-Mahipal sir!
-Hail to!
They lure our daughters
from our homes and convert them.
We shall not tolerate it anymore!
We'll shed our blood to protect
our daughters and our faith.
-Our daughters…
-Stay ours!
-Our daughters…
-Stay ours!
We'll see how these motherfuckers
can file a report. Hold this.
Stop! Put an end to this!
-Morning, sir.
-Get your senior!
He isn't here.
He starts at nine o'clock.
He must be on the way.
Don't stand here in the sun.
Please come inside, sir.
-Order me breakfast.
-Sure, sir.
Shall I order samosas?
We refuse it! We refuse it!
-Our daughters…
-Stay ours!
-The conspiracy of silence!
-We refuse it! We refuse it!
-What do you want?
I've filed a case too.
But the damn police won't help me.
If you talk to them,
maybe they'd listen to you.
What do you think we are? Get lost!
Fuck off!
My sister has also run away
with a Muslim boy.
Come here.
-Our daughters…
-Stay ours!
Parghi, lock him up.
Sir, the lock-up is full.
I had to throw three drunks in yesterday.
Take down their details
and send them home.
Lock this one up.
Let's go.
File a report against Altaf. Right away.
I'll talk to the Superintendent.
Take care of this fellow.
Don't worry. We'll do what needs doing.
You stay. We'll look
at your complaint again.
Can you stop that racket outside?
It's easier to work when it is quiet.
-Tell them all to go home.
Krishna, my sister.
How old is she?
How do you know she ran away
with some guy?
She left us a letter,
saying that she has fallen in love.
But his family wanted a dowry.
So, that's why they decided to elope.
-Where's her letter?
-I gave it to Mr. Parghi.
It's in the file.
The boy called me a month ago.
He said they were married.
When I asked to speak to Krishna,
he told me she felt too
ashamed to talk to me.
When I insisted,
he said she wasn't with him,
but he'd ask her to call me later.
Fifty-eight days have gone by.
Did she tell you she was in love
and she wanted to marry?
No. She never said so herself.
But I guessed as much.
I used to hear her talking on the phone
for hours at night.
So, you never saw or met this boy?
No, sir. I never saw him.
Then how do you know he's a Muslim?
I overheard her saying
his name on the phone.
What name?
Imraan. His name was Imraan, sir.
Why didn't you mention
that in your report?
It slipped my mind, sir.
Did she take anything with her?
Sir, her clothes.
Some jewelry and 40,000 rupees
from her savings bank.
Write down her phone number.
And the names and numbers of her friends.
Wash your face.
I'm innocent, sir.
They're forcing their will on her.
Rajni wanted to marry me. Ask her.
I know.
If you know, then why
have you locked me up?
To save your skin.
They're waiting outside,
itching to teach you a lesson.
What about Rajni?
I'm going to talk to her now.
Listen. Give him something to eat.
Yes, sir.
Wash your face.
Bhaati, let's get
Rajni Thakur's statement.
Sir, I'll follow you on my bike.
I'll stop by Krishna Chandal's on the way.
Police. Open up.
Here comes the bombshell!
I'll bury you alive, you lowlife!
We need to question your daughter.
Come in for a second.
Isn't she the daughter
of the Public Works inspector?
The guy who lived in Amanpura?
How dare you bring her into my house?
She's in charge of this case.
-She's in charge?
No wonder Mahipal found Rajni
before the police did.
Changing your name
doesn't change your caste.
Mr. Thakur, there are laws
against caste discrimination.
You should know that.
Your government must've made those laws.
We have our own laws.
Then your daughter must come
to the station for questioning.
She's in no state
to go anywhere right now.
She's been through an ordeal.
She's very upset.
Mr. Thakur, we must talk to Rajni.
Or else we can't proceed with the case.
That's why I'm telling you
to let her get better first.
I'll bring her to you in a few days.
If that's a problem for you,
I'll tell Mahipal
to talk to your superior.
He says Rajni is traumatized.
He'll bring her in for questioning later.
Is that all he said?
You know how bigoted these people are.
Why must you be sorry?
I've had many doors shut in my face,
but no one has managed to shut me up.
May I come in, sir?
We need a warrant for her phone records.
The missing girl. Krishna Chandal.
We need her phone records.
Sir, can you spare a minute?
There's something else, sir.
Sir, Devi Singh gives Bhaati
too much importance.
She's handling all the key cases.
But I am her senior.
Have you deleted your demotion
from your memory?
You were her senior. Not anymore.
You were sent to Mandawa because
you were caught taking a bribe.
And your Devi Singh?
He was sent to Mandawa
because he refused to take any bribes.
A match made in heaven!
Now, put up with each other.
Sir, I have a small request.
Please can you have me transferred?
Can I be posted here?
Not now.
Your boss is not the type to cooperate.
The Yuva Mandal guys
are very active in Mandawa.
They need sensitive handling.
I need a man I can trust there.
Yes, sir.
You'll get transferred and promoted
when the time comes.
OK, sir.
Jai Hind, sir.
-Hey, motorcycle lady!
-Shut up, you mouse!
Never seen a lady cop before? Go!
Come in, sir.
Don't take what my mother
says too seriously.
-She didn't want me to go to the police.
-Why not?
Thank God my daughter ran
off of her own accord.
We didn't have a hidden treasure
to afford a big dowry for her.
A young unmarried woman
idling her time at home
is just a burden on her brother.
But I don't understand why this fool
is still fretting about her.
She's gone, disgracing us by eloping.
Now, he's made us into a laughing
stock by filing a police report.
Ma, I must know
where she is and how she is.
Who cares where she is! Let her rot!
Aren't you worried
about your own daughter?
What's the point?
She's the problem of the boy
she ran off with.
Let her jump into a well!
She's not my responsibility anymore!
Maybe she isn't your responsibility,
but Krishna is my sister.
Can I see her room?
I'd like to see her belongings.
-What will they tell you?
Can I see them for myself?
I might find a clue.
Sir, that's Krishna's room.
-How many more photos do they want?
-Can't they make me out in this one?
-It's not clear enough.
They've asked
for a head-to-toe photo of you.
Shall I take a picture of my feet too?
Photos aren't the problem.
Tell me what else they want.
A motorcycle for the boy,
200,000 rupees in cash,
20 tolas of gold,
-and gifts for his relatives.
-It's way beyond our means, son.
There's no harm in trying, Ma.
How will you do that?
Will those 200,000 rupees pour out
from her eyes like her tears?
Can you take this to Jaipur?
Recognize me?
You're Baldev's sister Tripti, right?
So sorry. You look just like Tripti.
Are you going to Jaipur?
That's where I'm going.
Can I take you there?
No, I can make my own way.
Sorry. I mistook you for Tripti.
My mistake.
It's OK.
She said, "Lend me your rolling pin,
my husband is on his way."
The woman replied, "Return it soon.
My husband will be back any time."
-Uncle, a new car!
-Take a look.
All well, sis-in-law?
-What a car, Shiv. Congrats.
-Thank you.
-All well, Anand?
-Bless you.
-Hello, brother-in-law.
-Bless you.
It's lovely.
How do you like it, brother?
It's nice.
Consider it yours.
Use the car anytime you want.
Grandpa, will you teach me how
to make jewelry like Uncle?
Come. Of course.
After all, you're my only grandchild.
My dear child, we've been
jewelers for generations.
First, your great-grandfather,
then me, your grandfather.
All jewelers.
Your father is the odd one out.
How are you feeling now, Bau-ji?
How can I be well after hearing
those stories about you?
Come, son. Let's eat some laddoos.
My old car was like riding a bullock cart.
This is as smooth as silk.
Any luck with the IVF treatment?
Not yet.
Don't worry. Keep trying.
Jai Hind, sir.
Mahipal is coming to see you.
It's about the Rajni Thakur case.
Hear him out
and settle the matter.
Sir, according to our information,
they eloped.
We can't claim it was a kidnapping.
Mahipal said Rajni Thakur
is willing to cooperate.
You'll have her written
statement tomorrow.
Sir, the boy is innocent.
Don't you get it?
You're stuck in Mandawa,
thanks to your own behavior.
If you're still no smarter,
then resign at once.
Start processing the FIR report.
If you can't handle it, tell me,
someone else will.
Am I clear?
-Yes, sir.
Tomorrow, I'll send a team
to bring Altaf here to Jhunjhunu.
-Hand him over.
-Yes, sir.
I hope your boss has made
everything clear to you?
Jai Ram-ji!
Today, I met a priest at the temple.
A priest? At the temple?
How unusual!
Listen to me!
He's found a nice boy for you.
He made me talk to his family
on the phone.
They're coming here to see you on Monday.
I don't want to hear you say no this time.
You promised if I let
you buy a motorcycle,
you'd meet a few suitors.
It's a great proposal--
If that's your boss calling,
you've had it.
Sir! Sir! It's always "Sir!"
He won't let you marry in peace.
Jai Hind, sir.
I'll have to charge Altaf tomorrow.
I don't understand, sir.
The Superintendent called.
Either I charge him,
or someone else takes over.
They're planning to take Altaf
to Jhunjhunu tomorrow.
Once he's there,
-there's nothing we can do, Bhaati.
-There must be another option.
Is there something we can do, sir?
Your food is getting cold.
You're on the phone all day long.
Why don't you talk to your family?
"You're on your phone all day long.
Why don't you talk to your family?"
Hey, Papa!
No ketchup! Come on, eat up!
Son, finish your veggies,
or you won't get your phone back.
Who are you?
Let go.
Where are you taking me?
Let go.
Who are you?
Where are you taking me?
What do you want?
Keep this. The truck driver
will take you to Manali.
Stay there. Don't even dream
of coming back here.
Stay away from Rajni.
But who are you?
Get out!
Two armed men jumped over the wall
into the compound and ran off with Altaf.
Constable Gurudev tried to stop them,
but he was overpowered.
The armed men fled with the prisoner.
We've set up roadblocks everywhere.
Altaf will soon be back in our custody.
Thank you.
One minute, Superintendent.
Wait, sir!
You've handed Mahipal
ammunition on a platter.
He'll make an issue of it for months.
You dug your own grave again, Devi Singh.
Sorry, sir.
Did you give Bhaati
the Krishna Chandal case?
Yes, sir.
How come? Was no one else free?
Sir, Anjali Bhaati
is a very capable officer.
Many are capable.
Or is she sharing her
special abilities with you?
Sir, my relationship with Bhaati
is strictly professional.
Strictly professional?
Or not so strictly?
I know all about it!
So, you gave her
the Rajni Thakur case too?
Yes, sir.
Get Parghi on the Altaf case.
OK, sir.
-Yes, sir.
The Muslim boy's case is yours.
Yes, sir.
Find out who abducted Altaf.
The clinic will be up
and running in four weeks.
The work is so satisfying that
the whole neighborhood has volunteered.
There's such great community spirit.
What's wrong, Richard?
Why are you so quiet today?
All OK?
Actually, there's a lady at work.
She's doing something
that I just can't stand.
What's she doing?
She's cheating on her husband.
Her husband is a college friend.
I don't know what to do.
What's the point of agonizing over it?
Tell her you need to talk.
Just talk to her.
You're right.
You men complicate the simplest things.
You go round in circles.
Men aren't as smart as you women.
-God was unfair in making us less smart.
Oh. I must go.
Where to?
It's 2:00 p.m., Richard. I'm getting late.
Oh, OK. Bye.
OK. Bye.
-Hello, Padma.
Ramesh, I'm warning you for the last time.
If you call me again,
I'll report you to the police.
No! Don't go to the police, Padma.
Listen to me. Sorry, I won't call back.
I've checked Krishna's call records.
Mr. Kassim, can you look at this one?
Which one?
This one. The night show.
From 9:00 to 12:00.
Let's see who she was
talking to for hours.
She called other numbers for hours too.
That's her brother's number.
The other is her employer's.
Focus on this number.
Javed Lohar. In Mukundgarh.
Do you know anything
about Krishna's boyfriend?
I spoke to him once.
I was near her when her phone rang.
Krishna asked me to answer
and pretend that I was her.
So, I said, "Hello, Vijay."
He could tell I wasn't Krishna.
Her brother, Murli, said
she ran away with some Muslim boy.
I don't know about that, ma'am,
but the boy I spoke to was called Vijay.
Bhaati sir! I've found the bastard.
Every night, Krishna Chandal chatted
to some Javed in Mukundgarh.
What happened?
Sir, her friends insist
her boyfriend's name is Vijay.
Sir, must we accept everything
these girls say?
Is it hard evidence?
Her brother said she was
involved with a Muslim.
A guy called Imraan.
No one mentioned a Javed.
I have Krishna's phone records.
They're solid proof.
We'll find Javed. He'll lead us to her.
Go, talk to her brother Murli.
Is it Imraan? Javed? Or Vijay?
Ask him what name he overheard.
Go, ask him.
-Morning, sir.
Murli, I've found your sister.
She's in Mukundgarh.
I'm making my way there.
No point relying on cops.
If you do, the country will sink.
Are you sure my sister is in Mukundgarh?
Of course, I'm sure!
Do you think I'm the type to fire blanks?
Your sister spent hours chatting
with a Javed in Mukundgarh.
The bastard must've abducted her.
Why don't you come with us?
You go ahead, sir.
I'm at the hospital with my mother.
Hey! Listen!
You said your sister
was calling some Imraan.
Krishna's phone records show
she was talking to a Javed.
But her friends said she loved
someone called Vijay.
What the hell is going on? Out with it!
I'm her brother, after all.
I tried desperately to get
the police to look for her.
But I didn't want to get
an innocent man into trouble.
Innocent man? Into trouble?
Speak up!
You're right, sir.
My sister was involved
with a guy called Vijay.
Forgive me, sir.
They all ignored me.
That's why I had to lie.
Another thing, sir…
Mahipal just called.
He and his men are on their way
to Mukundgarh.
He was talking about some Javed.
Yes, Bhaati?
Sir, someone has leaked Javed's name.
Mahipal and his men are
heading to Mukundgarh.
I'll take the Tetara shortcut.
I'll need backup.
We're on our way.
Mansoor, Sajjan, Kailash!
Hurry! Get moving!
Hello, Mukundgarh police station?
This is Inspector Devi Singh from Mandawa.
Our witness is in your jurisdiction.
His life is in danger.
Will you send a team to look for him?
We're on our way.
I'll be home soon.
-Javed Lohar?
What is this, sir?
What's this about?
-Let go!
-Where are you taking my husband?
Where are you taking me?
I've done nothing wrong.
Let my husband go!
The Mukundgarh cops were too late.
They've taken Javed.
-Where are you?
-I've just passed the temple.
Take Highway 64 from there.
The Mukundgarh officer said
-they're heading to Jaipur.
-OK, sir.
-You called Mahipal, right?
-I didn't call anyone, sir.
An innocent man's life is
in danger, thanks to you.
Come on, rascal! Out!
Keep moving.
Mukundgarh unit? Come in.
No sign of him, sir.
Help me!
No, please.
-There's time for the train to arrive.
Please stop.
Where's the girl?
What have you done with her?
I don't know any girl.
I've done nothing, sir.
Please let me go.
These thick-skinned bastards
will never learn.
Save me.
Please, sir.
-Take a selfie.
-Yes, brother.
Sir, it's a police jeep.
Let's get the hell out!
Next Episode