Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

The Darkest Hour Is Just Before the Dawn

[whimsical music playing]
Hello, this is Im Hyeok-soo
of Brainflix TV,
here to give your brains a break.
Uh, as I mentioned to you last time,
today I'll be talking about insomnia,
the unwelcome nighttime guest
that many of us face today.
Insomnia refers to the common condition
in which one cannot get
enough quality sleep at night.
If you're having trouble falling asleep,
it's better if you can get
out of bed right away.
"The bed is for sleep,
and the bed is for sleep only."
That's the kind of message
you wanna be sending your brain.
Malnutrition is another condition that
can be detrimental to one's mental health.
For example, some studies
have found a link between
deficiency in certain types of vitamin B
and increased risk of depression.
[woman] Da-eun!
- Da-eun!
- [Da-eun] What?
I just brushed, Mom.
Drink it. Come on!
- Okay, I'm off.
- Come finish this!
How can you not even finish this?
[Da-eun] I'm leaving now, Mom.
[Mom] She's just skin and bones.
Oh my. I guess I should've
added some honey.
You know how
we refer to some people as worrywarts?
Well, those worrywarts
are the kind of people who stress easily.
When we typically think
of mental illnesses,
they're caused by biological,
social, and psychological factors.
Stress affects all these areas.
As the saying goes,
stress is the root cause of all illness.
Managing your stress levels
is key to maintaining good mental health.
If watching Brainflix TV helps you relax,
that's a great way to manage.
And please keep tuning in.
I really appreciate it.
Uh, recently, when someone was arrested
for committing random street assaults,
the news heavily focused
on the fact that he had schizophrenia.
It became a hot issue
since he was having hallucinations.
[man to himself] Don't do it. No!
Seriously? You wanna seem crazy?
Don't do it. Don't do it.
C'mon, no, no, no. Don't do
Don't do it. Why are you doing this?
[Da-eun] Excuse me.
[sighs] What's really sad is
the public's perception of these people.
After all, the rate of crime
committed by untreated schizophrenics
only accounts for 0.04% of all crimes.
Mental illnesses
all come down to management.
Visiting a hospital in the early stages
for proper management is key.
[intercom rings]
[electronic beep]
[music fades out]
[gasps] Hello! I'm Nurse Jung Da-eun.
Nice to meet you.
- [nurse 1] Jung Da-eun?
- She's transferring to this department.
[nurse 1] But she's a third-year.
We went to school together.
[nurse 2] Isn't it rare
for third-years to switch units?
[nurse 1] Especially to a unit like ours.
- All dressed?
- [Da-eun] Yes, ma'am.
[woman] Hmm.
[gasps] Oh!
This one.
And your badge?
Sure, here you go.
[woman] Use a clip like this from now on.
Some patients try to self-harm
even if they so much as see a strap.
Oh. Yes.
Your feet.
- Very good on you. No laces.
- Yeah.
- Ready?
- Okay.
[woman] The shower heads
are built-in without exposed hoses.
- [quirky music playing]
- Not to mention the doors.
- No knobs or locks.
- [Da-eun] Oh!
[woman] In this unit,
we use piano hinges on all of the doors
so that there's no space in between.
It prevents the patients
from hanging things on them.
[Da-eun] Ah! Right.
[woman] If you need to use a pen,
use one made of silicone
or one that has a tip
thicker than 0.5 millimeters.
- Yes.
- And don't carry around scissors.
Uh, anything they can use to harm
themselves or others is off limits.
[Da-eun] Oh.
- [patient 1] Rock, paper, scissors.
- [patient 2] Oh, shoot!
- [patient 1] I won!
- We don't even have curtains.
So our mornings are
earlier than any other unit.
[patient 3] One, two.
One, two, three, four five, six, seven
[music climaxes, ends]
[upbeat ominous music playing]
[woman] Let me make an introduction.
This is third-year nurse Jung Da-eun.
She'll be joining us as of today.
- [Da-eun] Nice to meet you all.
- [man] Welcome.
You've only been here
during your clerkship, is that right?
- Yes.
- [woman] Ah.
Well, we handle things differently,
so there will be some trial and error.
Try to help her out
while she gets acclimated.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Uh, you'll be working
with Charge Nurse Park Soo-yeon first,
so that's good.
- Take care of her.
- Yes.
Follow Min Deul-re here and get the hang
of things today. You're her preceptor.
- Show her around and get her started soon.
- Yes.
[Deul-re] This room in the unit
is where we talk to all of our patients.
When you do, don't forget
to sit with your back to the door.
Oh, I should have my back to the door?
When patients act out,
sometimes they try to block the door.
- So it's just in case.
- Oh!
It's not that different from other units
except for the facilities.
[Da-eun] Mm.
This one is the therapy room.
Mm, ping-pong.
[softly] The caregiver, Mr. Yoon,
is our unit's ace player.
[Da-eun] Ah.
- [Mr. Yoon] Huh.
- [woman] Oh, she won.
[man] That was a good shot. Powerful, man.
- [whispers] Who won?
- Su-hyeon did.
- [Deul-re] Do you play at all?
- [Da-eun] I don't.
You should learn.
[Da-eun] Mmm
Ooh, dexterous!
- You're fast from internal medicine!
- All those prescriptions.
Right, right. Do you like it here?
Don't know. It's too soon to tell.
- [nurse] Da-eun?
- Mm?
We're all wondering
why you switched over to psychiatry.
- Huh?
- Everyone's dying to know.
[Da-eun] Uh
I wanna talk about Ms. Jung.
I feel like something happened.
But you know her. Did you ask?
Whatever happened, it seemed
like she didn't wanna talk about it.
[phone ringing]
This is Unit 53.
Yes, understood.
The doctors are coming to do rounds.
[enigmatic music playing]
Su-hyeon. Time to go.
Let's get to your room. Time for rounds.
- [Hyeok-soo] Great work.
- [nurse] Good morning.
Ah! You're the nurse starting today?
Yes, Dr. Im.
[Hyeok-soo] I look forward
to working with you.
- [Da-eun] Thank you, Doctor.
- This is Dr. Cha Min-seo.
I'm Cha Min-seo.
- [nurse] Dr. Kong Cheol-woo.
- I'm Kong Cheol-woo.
Oh. I'm Jung Da-eun.
- [nurse] And this is
- Hwang Yeo-hwan.
- [nurse] Right, Dr. Hwang Yeo-hwan.
- Shall we, Dr. Im?
Yes. A proper welcome soon.
- Yes.
- Yes.
[quirky percussive music playing]
[Hyeok-soo] Why's Cheol-woo
smiling so much?
[Yeo-hwan] First time
in outpatient treatment.
[Min-seo] Apparently, he has to have
all the patients sent to him.
[laughing] I love that spirit!
- Aghh!
- What the
[Min-seo] What's wrong? What happened?
- What's wrong with you?
- [groans shakily]
- [Cheol-woo] Hemorrhoids.
- [Hyeok-soo] Huh?
- [groans]
- [stifled laughter]
I poured my blood,
sweat, and tears into this,
so my hemorrhoids came back from stress.
[Min-seo sighs] Unbelievable.
[Hyeok-soo] Well, good luck anyway. Okay.
[dramatic music playing]
[knocking at door]
- [music ends]
- Yes?
- Dr. Kong?
- Yes.
- There's a patient here for you.
- Right. Take a seat.
Okay, what can I help you with?
[man] I think that I have OCD.
- [Cheol-woo] Hmm.
- I tend to get hooked on things easily.
I'm glad you came.
There's still some sort of stigma
on folks that come here to psychiatry.
How I see it,
you were healed the moment
you decided to come here to meet me.
The most important thing is beginning
your healing, which you've done today.
I will do everything I can to heal you,
with all my power.
I'm here to get you all better.
Now, okay then,
could you try to show me your symptoms?
[man breathing shakily]
[knuckles crunching]
[fingers snapping]
- [man groans]
- [quirky music playing]
[cracking continues]
Who would've known? This cracks too.
I always do this.
If I don't, I get anxious,
I get discomfort. Like nausea.
That That must be it.
This compulsive disorder
involves obsessive thoughts
that can lead to compulsions.
For example,
you might ritualize certain actions
to reduce anxiety or stress.
Has anything been making you
anxious or worried at all lately?
Not really, no.
Tell me, do mental illnesses
run in your family? As far as you know.
No, no.
Does your compulsion ever negatively
affect your social interactions?
- No, it doesn't.
- Hmm.
It's obvious.
Some people do hate me for it.
Oh Why do you think all that?
Popping your fingers makes them thicker!
Really, look!
People everywhere avoid me, always.
Due to your thick knuckles?
I even get hate on social media,
and it just makes me so mad.
So your thick fingers get you bullied?
[keyboard tapping]
[music ends]
- [door lock beeps]
- [door opens]
[nurse 1] Okay, that's the tour.
Think you'll get used to working here?
[Da-eun] I'm used to the treatments
and everything,
but the protocol does feel very alien.
- [nurse 1] Ah, yes.
- [nurse 2] Just a second, please.
There's a mandatory
onboarding question. Wanna hear?
I guess if it's mandatory.
A patient tells you
that they have severe stomach pains,
while also there's another patient
who's acting out.
Which one would you prioritize?
Uh Sounds like the answer
is the patient who's acting out,
though I would be drawn to the one
who said they're having severe pain.
[Mr. Yoon] It's always
the patient who is acting out.
Patients acting out
pose a real threat to others
as well as themselves
until they're treated.
Oh I understand.
What else?
Ask patients about
how they might be feeling,
listen to them, but address emotions
that might hide behind their answer.
[sighs] That sounds tough.
- And the most important thing
- Hm?
- Park Soo-yeon must be avoided.
- [door lock beeps]
- Beware!
- Hm?
[Soo-yeon] Ms. Hong,
you seem excited today.
You must've been gossiping again.
I wasn't.
[gasps] Spooky!
Whoa, you're right.
[announcer] Myungshin University
Medical Center
conducts daily checks
to ensure patient safety
and the most pleasant
inpatient experience possible
Ms. Oh Ri-na's guardian is here
and speaking to the doctor right now.
That's the patient admitted
in a manic state last night, right?
Mm-hmm. Ms. Jung?
- Yes?
- Ms. Oh is in a single room down the hall.
For orientation, why don't
you help make her feel comfortable, okay?
Yes, Nurse Park.
My daughter can't sleep anymore.
[papers shuffling]
She keeps repeating expressions
that make no sense at all.
Then suddenly,
she gets undressed and starts dancing.
[Ri-na's mom] My daughter,
she used to do ballet
when she was younger.
[Da-eun] Ms. Oh Ri-na?
[Ri-na's mom] And she
It's so embarrassing
that I can't even say it.
From what you're saying,
she may be bipolar.
You've heard of this disorder,
I'm sure, right?
[Ri-na] I'm not sick.
Tell me honestly, do I look sick to you?
Oh, uh, it's just
[Ri-na] I came here
because my mom made such a fuss.
But I'd like to go.
Please process my discharge.
Um so we have you down
for agreed admission.
I came in voluntarily.
Surely I can leave whenever I want to, no?
Your case was an agreed admission,
not a voluntary one,
so you still could be discharged soon,
but if the doctor determines
from your results
that you need treatment and protection,
and if consent is given
from your guardian,
we would list you as a protected patient,
which would make it hard for you to leave.
[scoffs] What are you saying?
[Yeo-hwan] This is the consent form
for protective admission.
But I signed already.
Ms. Oh Ri-na asked to be discharged,
so we're switching
to protective admission.
Legally, a protective admission
requires the signatures of two guardians.
We can get one signature
from her husband, since she's married.
The thing is, my son-in-law is very busy.
He serves as a judge.
I really don't think he has the time.
We'll need him to sign within 72 hours
because we'll have to discharge her
if we don't get both signatures.
Here's the form for consent.
[Da-eun] Oh.
- [Da-eun] Ms. Song.
- Yes?
Could you take a look at this?
Ma'am, you have to be honest with us.
Is this really
your son-in-law's signature?
Why wouldn't you believe me?
He came, signed it, and then left.
It's important that he signs it,
for your daughter's rights.
He signed it.
Then it should be okay
that we call your son-in-law now?
This stupid form
would take seconds to complete.
He does essential government work.
We can't call him now.
I'm so sorry.
Your son-in-law still has to come down
to sign at the office here.
- Ms. Jung.
- Yes?
I'll look at the signatures
once she brings it back.
- Yes, Ms. Song.
- [Ms. Song] Hm.
[Ri-na's mom sighs] This is infuriating.
[sighs, groans softly]
Would you give Ri-na this for me, please?
Oh, I'm sorry,
but I'll have to check it first.
Some foods are not allowed here.
They're grapes.
My daughter likes them.
My daughter is a judge's wife.
Every single year in school,
she was class president.
Went to a prestigious college.
When I talk about her,
everyone gets jealous of me.
This place is just not her.
[sighs softly]
When could you get us that signature?
[Ri-na's mom] She's affectionate,
sweet, smart.
My perfect child. [gasps softly]
[sighs shakily] So why did she have
to end up with such a terrible illness?
[knocking at door]
Just tell me. You met my mom, right?
Yes, These grapes are from your mother.
You told her?
Does she know I want to leave?
It looks like you're staying here.
- [apprehensive music playing]
- [Ri-na gasps shakily]
Your mother seems very worried about you.
Yeah, right. [breathing shakily]
It's all a lie!
Do you know
the real reason she admitted me here?
The real reason?
[Da-eun gasps softly]
The truth is
I love somebody.
It's not my husband.
[sobs] I was having an affair.
[Da-eun] Uh
[Da-eun gasps]
- [music ends]
- Ow! Ow. Hey, let go!
Oh, God!
Why are you in this unit? Because of me?
Oh, please! Not because of you.
You're seriously saying
that's not why you switched?
Yeah, seriously not why I switched.
[scoffs] Wait, then why
are you in psychiatry?
I don't think
I need to tell you why I switched.
Okay! Then it's not about me.
Huh. I'm off.
Whoa, hey! Wait, one second.
Oh Ri-na was your patient
in the unit today, so what do you think?
Ms. Oh said it herself,
that nothing was really wrong.
Her mother forcefully admitted her.
Oh Ri-na told me
she's been with someone
who isn't her husband
and that she's been having an affair.
[Yeo-hwan] I didn't
see any of that in her file.
Can you speak with them and check again?
[Ri-na's mom] Did I have Ri-na
admitted against her will?
You believe that?!
We heard that Ms. Oh has been
having an affair outside of her marriage.
[sighs softly]
So Ri-na told you about that jerk?
Uh Ms. Oh says
that you admitted her against her will
in order to keep her away
from her new lover.
I promise you it's not like that.
Is your son-in-law aware
of Ms. Oh's hospitalization with us here?
[Yeo-hwan] Did you perhaps
keep everything a secret from him?
If that's why you're unable
to get the signature for the form
Take a look at this.
[tense percussive music playing]
[Ri-na's mom] It's a restraining order
filed against her.
- My daughter was stalking that guy.
- [Ms. Song gasps softly]
[Da-eun] W What?
Are you saying
that Ms. Oh's feelings weren't mutual?
Her husband doesn't know
about any of this.
How could I tell him
my daughter's lost her mind
and has been obsessively
stalking this loser too?
[music stops]
Oh! So I can leave now, right?
Let me take your blood pressure first.
[Ri-na] Look, ma'am, please
You have to believe me.
I told you, I'm totally okay.
I I have to go meet my darling.
He must be worried sick,
what with me
vanishing into thin air and all.
The thing is,
according to what your mother said to us
What on Earth did my mom say to you?
[Da-eun] Um
Tell me, ma'am! [breathing shakily]
[Da-eun] She said that
She said you were mistaken.
That you had a one-sided crush.
[Ri-na groans] What?!
[Da-eun gasps]
[Ri-na] "One-sided"?!
Just a "one-sided crush"?
- Did my mother brainwash you too?
- [somber music playing]
- So you could lock me in here?
- [shakily] Ms. Oh, I'm
You! Bring my darling here right away.
I need him right now!
- [Da-eun gasps]
- [music becomes dramatic]
[gasping frantically]
[music becomes discordant]
[music becomes tense]
[gasping shakily]
[Ri-na's mom] Ri-na, tell me.
[music becomes whimsical]
[Ri-na's mom] I'll do anything for you.
- [squeals, laughs]
- [music intensifies]
[voice 1] You went to a good school.
You have an amazing husband.
[voice 2] You married a great guy.
[voice 2] Your mom
lets you have anything you want.
[voice 1] Anybody would just kill
to live like you, Ri-na.
[Ri-na screeches, laughing maniacally]
[voice 3] You have a husband who's a judge
and a housekeeper that does all your work.
- [voice 4] Did your mom buy this car?
- [voice 2] Ask your mom if she can help.
[voice 3] Ri-na's so lucky.
[screeches echoing]
[voice 4] You have everything
you ever could've wanted.
- [screech echoes]
- [music becomes foreboding]
[man] Ri-na, you're always alone nowadays.
Is something wrong?
[Ri-na's mom] Are you crazy?
[man] Feel free to tell me anything.
Whatever it is, I'll lend you an ear.
[Ri-na's mom] Are you just going to
throw away your husband and kids?
- [organ music playing]
- [slow drumbeat]
[Ri-na's mom] Ri-na, my angel,
why are you acting like this?
[man] Don't worry.
Everything will be fine.
[Ri-na's mom] It was all just a bad dream.
[music ends]
- [whimsical music playing]
- [slow drumbeat]
[gasping shakily]
- [drumbeat accelerating]
- [Ri-na gasping]
[patient chuckling quietly]
[drumbeat stops]
[Ri-na breathing shakily]
- [Soo-yeon] Outta the way!
- [footsteps approach]
- [Soo-yeon] Mr. Yoon!
- [man] Are you okay?
- [Mr. Yoon] You okay, Ms. Jung?
- [Soo-yeon] Mr. Yoon!
[Ri-na groaning]
[Soo-yeon] Hey, Ms. Oh, you're okay.
You're okay, it's fine!
[Mr. Yoon] Please, calm down.
- Bring me my darling!
- [Soo-yeon] Ms. Oh, calm down.
- I need him right now!
- [Soo-yeon] Ms. Oh.
- [Soo-yeon] You're okay.
- [Ri-na screams]
- Two milligrams of Ativan.
- Yes, I'll go get the IV drip.
[Yeo-hwan] Ms. Oh,
this must be so hard for you.
- Let us help you calm down.
- Let's get back to your room, Jae-hwan.
[Ms. Hong, calmly]
Yeong-mi, back to your room.
Let's go, everyone. Back to your rooms.
- [Ri-na breathing deeply]
- [somber drumbeat]
[breathing echoes]
- What are you doing?
- Oh! Yes.
[drumbeat stops]
[Da-eun groaning]
[Ms. Hong] Manic patients
do have a tendency to expose themselves.
But to get slapped
and covered in urine on your first day
I told you to look out
for their emotions and not their words.
[door lock beeps]
- Are you okay?
- [Da-eun] Oh, Ms. Park.
- Just sit.
- Sorry, this is my fault.
Patients with delusions
can turn violent on a dime
if you deny their claims.
- [Da-eun] Oh.
- You should wear my scrubs for now.
[Da-eun] Right, thank you.
- Always have an extra set ready.
- [Da-eun] Yes.
Everyone makes mistakes
on their first day.
- Ms. Min, let's go sanitize the area.
- [Deul-re] Okay.
- [Ms. Hong] Get some rest, okay?
- [Da-eun] Mm-hmm.
[cellphone buzzes]
[Yeo-hwan] Come to our usual café.
Da-eun, you're still as nosy as ever.
[Da-eun] Ugh! Look, I said I was sorry.
Hey, how is it
that you haven't changed at all?
Hey, how about you just leave me alone?
Problem solved.
How could I?
It's not like we're strangers.
[Da-eun] Uh, well,
can I pick your brain for a second?
- Take notes.
- Huh?
Open your notebook and take notes,
or you'll forget again.
[somber whooshing, solemn music playing]
[Yeo-hwan] Open that notebook
and take notes.
Jung Da-eun, from now on,
take notes when you ask me something.
[music brightens]
You always forget every answer I give you.
Why do you always look down on me, Yeo?
And why are you
bringing out the stickler in me?
At this rate, I could send
a tuition bill to your mother.
[music fades out]
Come on, I'm busy. What's your question?
[Da-eun] What exactly is bipolar disorder?
You didn't even study that,
and you're in psychiatry?
[grumpily] I did!
Studying is different
than dealing with it firsthand.
It could inconvenience others
if I make a mistake like that again.
[Yeo-hwan sighs gently]
Bipolar disorder is diagnosed
as a mental-health condition.
characterized by both manic
and depressive states.
- You know about Winston Churchill, right?
- I do. The world leader.
- He had bipolar disorder.
- Ah.
The United Kingdom
was struggling during the war,
but Churchill was in a manic state.
He had an abnormal overabundance
of pah! energy.
Some say that it gave Britain
an edge in overcoming its national crisis.
However, after the mania came depression.
Churchill referred to it
as "the black dog,"
so the story goes.
[taps table] Write it down!
I'll record it instead.
- So Oh Ri-Na was manic
- She's in a classic manic state right now.
[slow drumbeat]
[Yeo-hwan] Before all of this,
Ms. Oh never disobeyed her mother
and grew up like an elegant swan.
And then, once Ms. Oh started to show
the symptoms of bipolar disorder,
her personality did a 180.
- [Ri-na] It's been forever!
- [man] Ri-na! You look great.
[Ri-na] How are you so pretty? [squeals]
[Yeo-hwan] Manic patients
have an overabundance of energy,
so they never stop talking.
They're also quick to switch topics
and are easily distracted.
They can become very outgoing
or become prone to impulse buying
and lose their sense of judgment.
They might also be drawn
to unusual sexual behavior.
[music builds]
[music climaxes]
[music fades out]
- [subdued music playing]
- [Ri-na] I'm outside your place now.
Where are you?
- You're not seeing another girl, are you?
- [message-sent beep]
- I miss you!
- [message-sent beep]
[message-sent beeps]
[rapid beeping]
[Ri-na] Babe, are you asleep? I miss you.
Why won't you answer?
Don't you miss me? I know you're awake.
When will you call me back?
Why can't I reach you?
I wanna hear your voice.
- [Ri-na] Baby!
- Don't say that.
[Ri-na] What's wrong, angel?
- You are insane!
- [music becomes dramatic]
[music climaxes]
[music fades out]
[Yeo-hwan] In some severe cases,
they may experience
hallucinations or delusions.
We'll write a prescription,
and we'll have to keep an eye out for her.
[Da-eun] I saw in her file that she was
born with a silver spoon in her mouth
and had a great upbringing.
What could cause her bipolar disorder?
Do you think that abundance
is enough to prevent a mental disorder?
That the development of illness
is caused by deprivation?
Well, no, not necessarily, but I
That's probably
what she heard all the time.
"Ms. Oh, you have everything.
How could you be sick?"
We see people
when their minds have been compromised.
Just like how you would visit
internal medicine when you have a cold.
Any one of us really could find
our minds in a weakened mental state.
Like Ri-na.
After all, we're all simply human.
- Hmm.
- Hey, it's my turn to ask you something.
Why did you really come to this unit?
- [groans]
- Were you hoping I'd make it easy for you?
Uh, no.
[Yeo-hwan] Right.
You're not like that, are you?
Do you like me or somethin'?
Stop being stupid.
Then why'd you transfer?
The head nurse at internal medicine
said I'd be a better fit in psychiatry.
And that's it?
So what, you just took her advice?
What's wrong with that?
It was meant for my own good,
so I listened to the advice she gave me.
Why never take my advice, then? Huh?
Because you don't respect me,
and you're constantly talking down.
You read people well, I guess.
Anyway, keep our past a secret at work.
Imagine word getting out
that I used to tutor you, huh?
One mistake from you, and I'm the one
who gets blamed for being a bad teacher.
Just the thought of it gives me chills.
- What's up with that guy?
- [quirky music playing]
[banging on window]
- Mom, what's that man doing?
- Oh! It scared me.
What is he doing?
[Yeo-hwan] He must have
bipolar disorder too.
It looks like perhaps
he's having an episode of mania.
[Da-eun scoffs]
[cellphone ringing]
"Uncontrolled caller,"
not "unknown caller"? Who's that?
That guy.
[diner] Holy cow!
[Yeo-hwan] Oof!
I wonder if he's okay. [chuckles]
[Da-eun] So ridiculous.
[Da-eun scoffs]
[music intensifies]
Song Yu-chan!
Sleeping so well.
- [book slams]
- [Yu-chan gasps]
[Yu-chan] I'll start studying now.
I'm ready.
- Where are we? Huh?
- [Da-eun] I don't know.
Hey, I have to go.
[Yu-chan] What the Where'd he go?
- Hey, where'd Hwang go?
- Ran away when he saw you.
- [Yu-chan] Damn it!
- [music ends]
- Uh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- [Da-eun sighs]
He never got me
into med school like he said he would.
You said you chased him around in college.
Shouldn't you just let it go now?
Mr. Hwang's the one
who got me hyped for med school.
[amused] He called you bipolar.
Huh? Bi-what?
Bipolar. No, forget it.
It's a medical term.
- Aren't you working?
- Oh. Yeah. I gotta run.
- Hey, Songyu.
- Huh?
You don't happen to have
a ping-pong table?
- Yeah.
- Huh? Really?
[Songyu] Hey, are you really pushing?
[Da-eun] Yeah, I'm totally pushing
with my shoulder right now. [groans]
But seriously, why do you have
a ping-pong table at your place?
[Songyu] Don't you remember?
My dad owned a ping-pong club
before running it to the ground.
So that's why all our tables at home
and the restaurant were ping-pong tables.
Was that why? Always thought
it was like a quirky decoration.
Please tell me you're kidding.
- Anyways, how's work?
- Uh
I got hit by a patient.
What? A patient hit you?
Don't let them bully you like that.
[groans] I'm not sure
switching to psychiatry was the best idea.
I'm sure the head nurse at internal
medicine had my best interests at heart.
- That's why I took the advice.
- Okay.
But was it right to make this switch
just based on someone else's advice?
- Without any sense of duty?
- [scoffs]
You should've thought of that earlier.
It's not too late to develop
that sense of duty.
- You think so?
- Enough talk.
[Da-eun scoffs]
- Hey, Jungda.
- Yeah?
Wanna know the secret
for taking a beating minus the pain?
- What? You can't do that.
- You can.
You know I used to kickbox.
Knowing how to strike is really important.
Rolling with the punches is the essence.
- Hmm.
- [Songyu] Just watch.
When the patient hits you,
move your body
in sync with the trajectory of their slap.
- And then that will cushion the blow.
- Move with it?
That's right. Turn your head with it.
Okay, turn it when I swing.
- You swing?
- Yeah, now watch.
- Here it comes.
- Mmm.
Three, two, one.
- Ah!
- How's that? No pain, right?
[somber music playing]
Yes, pain.
"Yes, pain"?
[Da-eun] Yeah!
- That hurt you?
- Mmm!
Maybe you didn't
turn your head the right way?
[music intensifies]
Uh, hey, let's give it another try, 'kay?
All right, three Focus.
Two. One.
- [grunts]
- Ah!
Nailed it! You nailed it. No pain.
Yeah, pain! That hurt a lot!
That's impossible.
You do it.
- I hit you now. Ready?
- Yeah.
Three, two, one.
[grunts] Agh!
No pain, right?
- It hurts like a mother.
- [solemn music playing]
Shit Boxing! Should box your ears out.
[gasps] It hurt so much.
Hey, maybe you should bail
if someone hits you again.
- [music ends]
- Jerk.
- [door closes]
- [footsteps descending]
- [thud]
- [Da-eun groaning] Mom! I'm home!
- [Mom] You're late.
- [moaning]
[Mom] I thought I heard
Yu-chan's voice out there.
Oh my gosh!
[flatly] Mom, I can't even lift a finger.
Can you drag me in?
You have no energy because you didn't
eat properly. C'mon, have dinner.
[Da-eun sniffing]
What is that smell?
[Mom] Mugwort.
You switched to a new unit,
so I thought I'd make you rice cakes.
- No! Don't! I really don't like those!
- Mugwort is great this year.
[groaning] I don't want it!
I don't want it!
- Also mugwort stew.
- Ugh! I hate it so much.
- C'mon, just get up.
- [groans]
- [Mom] Go wash up.
- [weakly] I'm burnt out.
- [groaning]
- [Mom] Oh my God.
[car horn blares]
[somber music playing]
[music brightens]
[music fades out]
Good morning! Time for your meds.
[Ri-na sighs] Um, by any chance
[poignant music playing]
did I ever slap you in the face?
[Ri-na sighs softly]
So I didn't imagine it.
So sorry.
I guess it's true. I'm sick.
It's really okay. Just take these meds.
Here you go.
[Yeo-hwan] Ms. Oh Ri-na, age 43,
was admitted for bipolar
and manic episodes.
We've also observed symptoms of delusion
while she's been here.
How's she doing now?
[Yeo-hwan] We've prescribed
600 milligrams of lithium
and two milligrams of risperidone.
Oh Ri-na seems like a different person.
She must be going
from a manic state to a depressive one.
[Yeo-hwan] We're watching her reaction
to the drugs, which seem to be working,
but since she has a history
of depressive episodes
and a strained relationship
with her family,
we believe she has
insufficient social support.
Uh, there's a high chance
she will have another depressive episode.
Judge Jung.
Why is Ri-na acting like a stranger?
It's hard to say
conclusively at this point,
but we believe her surroundings
in this case played a large part.
Her surroundings? What do you mean?
[Yeo-hwan] We run many tests whenever
a new patient visits the Psychiatry Unit.
Our tests revealed
her self-esteem is very low.
It's definitely a factor.
People can start adopting personas
to mask their low self-esteem.
Our goal is to treat the Oh Ri-na
who could be hiding behind that mask.
[music continues]
Jin-seop, wait!
Jin-seop I mean, Judge Jung.
Judge Jung, please don't hate my Ri-na.
It's all because
I raised her the wrong way.
Couldn't you forgive my Ri-na just once?
[door opens]
Ri-na's mother's here again.
[Ri-na's mom] They're the organic grapes
that my Ri-na likes.
Apparently, the farmers
are really diligent
about every single grape on their farm.
[knocking at door]
[Da-eun] Ms. Oh?
I have some grapes again from your mother.
[Ri-na moans]
[Ri-na sighs]
[sighs] I'm sorry.
Do you think you could put them away?
You haven't touched these.
grapes are not really my thing.
She's loved grapes
ever since she was a little girl.
So much so that after "mommy,"
her first word, "grapes."
[poignant piano music playing]
[Ri-na] I've hated grapes
ever since I choked on them
when I was a little girl.
I was convinced to eat them
because they were good for me.
Same went for everything else.
my husband.
I was told
that I would like all of those things.
[Ri-na's mom] I wanted Ri-na
to be the happiest girl alive
and ensure she had the best of everything.
So how did she end up in here?
My mother made all the decisions,
so I tried to do what she said.
I hated it all.
[music fades out]
Dr. Kong, even in that short moment,
it took everything in me
not to crack my knuckles
here in your office.
You could be associating
the cracking sound
with stress relief in your head?
When you say it like that sounds right.
That sound comes
from air bubbles popping near your joints.
So maybe next time,
pull your finger instead.
The air bubbles will go away,
then the sound will.
[patient] Ah. Ah!
That's so amazing. Thank you, doctor.
[door slams]
[sighs gently]
Dr. Kong.
[solemn music playing]
I pulled on my fingers. It didn't work.
The sound doesn't do it.
You could try putting
your hands in your pockets?
Put them into my pockets?
Oh, that works! Thank you! Yep!
[door shuts]
[music becomes quirky]
Wouldn't I look too cocky
with my hands in my pockets?
Do you have a hobby?
It could help you
stop cracking if you take one on.
Not particularly, no.
- [fingers snapping]
- No, not really.
How about gaming though?
I'd play all night.
Why not buy a pet?
I'm allergic. [coughs]
It's not that complicated.
Why don't you try to find something
you like instead of cracking?
That'll help?
[Cheol-woo] Yeah.
[music ends]
[footsteps approaching]
- Hey, Jungda!
- Oh my God!
Huh? What's wrong?
Why is your face all scrunched up again?
[Da-eun] It is?
Your face gets scrunched up
whenever you get worried.
Wait, no way! Did someone hit you again?
Ugh, it's not like that.
It totally is.
That look on your face
is pretty concerning.
It's not true.
- Tell me.
- It's nothing.
- Uh-huh.
- Drop it.
Just say it!
[Da-eun] Ah, stop prying, okay? I'm not
at liberty to talk about my patients.
[Yu-chan] Remember that one time
in elementary school?
You came crying to me,
too embarrassed to tell me what was wrong,
and ended up talking in circles.
Yeah, and even though I begged you not to,
you still beat Yeong-cheon up.
Ugh, come on!
Then say what's wrong in a way
I'll never be able to figure out.
I won't tell anyone.
[Da-eun] Hmm.
Well, imagine there's this duck.
Okay, a duck, and?
- [poignant music fades in]
- Well, she was originally a duck.
But then, her mother dolled her up
and made her out to be an elegant swan
because she thought she would like that.
Her mom made her marry
a wonderful swan husband too.
All the other ducks
envied her because of it.
This duck wasn't happy.
She got more and more sick.
Why is that?
- Is being a swan something she wanted?
- Huh?
Others' praise for her swanlike beauty
won't mean jack
if she doesn't wanna be one.
That duck life could be more up her alley.
Happiness isn't complicated.
Being free to do what you like,
that's happiness.
Well, Song Yu-chan!
[Yu-chan] Ah, thank you, thank you.
No need to get excited.
It's your wisdom of the day.
Quite on the contrary,
your words of wisdom
are extremely exciting.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
[Yu-chan] Drink up.
[music fades out]
[patient] Doctor!
Fancy seeing you here!
- I actually wanted to talk to you.
- [insincerely] Hello there.
I just Uh, I just can't find something
I like to distract me from cracking.
- [lively music playing]
- Crack away, then.
I mean, let's be honest,
thick fingers don't have
a detrimental effect on your life.
I told you my big knuckles
cause harm to other people.
Why on earth would your thick knuckles
cause harm to other people?
Thick knuckles mean
they're strong and healthy, right?
[Cheol-woo moans]
Then I guess I'll keep cracking.
If it keeps bothering me,
I'll come see you again
- Ah!
- [music abates]
Sorry, I
I signed up for Doctors Without Borders.
Wow. You're leaving?
- Yeah.
- [music intensifies]
Tomorrow. Afternoon.
[music climaxes]
You can't go. Wait
[music ends]
- [exhales]
- Uh, Dr. Kong, my
The elevator's full.
[Cheol-woo groans]
- G'morning, Dr. Kong.
- [Cheol-woo] Must be nice taking it easy.
In my day, we worked 24
- [Yeo-hwan] Buh buh-da buh-buh!
- Ah!
- You need to get that treated!
- [whimpering]
[Cheol-woo] Ugh, I want to.
It's just hard to get an appointment.
I have a friend in colorectal.
I'll put you in for priority.
- Thank you, sir.
- Goodbye, sir.
[man yelping repeatedly]
[prolonged yelp]
[sighs shakily]
[nurse] Pull your knees up
to your chest like in the picture, please.
- Like this?
- Yes, that's good.
- [door shuts]
- [knuckles cracking]
- [tense music playing]
- [cracking continues]
Who could that be?
D Dong Go-yun? But
It is you.
I thought that might be you. [gasps]
[echoing] I told you my big knuckles
cause harm to other people.
- cause harm to other people.
- harm to other people.
- cause harm to other people.
- harm to
- [echoing continues]
- [knuckles cracking]
[music intensifies, abates]
- [fingers snapping]
- Ah, what do we have here?
According to the scan, it's deep inside.
I'm going to look.
Doctor, I'm going to use my hands now.
- [Cheol-woo, high pitched] Okay.
- Right. Okay
- Squeeze like you're trying to defecate.
- [grunts softly]
- All right. Keep going.
- [tense music playing]
Looks normal.
I'll insert my finger into you now.
It could feel cold
or like your bowels are moving.
Now, breathe very deeply,
then give me a "haaaaa"
as you take a breath out.
Now, take a deep breath in.
- Breathe out and say "haaaaa."
- [soft squelching]
[Cheol-woo quavering] "Haaaaa."
- [Go-yun] "Haaaaa!"
- "Haaaaa."
- That's great.
- Haaaaa.
- Going in
- Haaaaa.
- Haaaaa! [quavering] Haaaaa!
- [squelching]
- Keep going. Give me another "haaaaa."
- [crying]
[Cheol-woo screaming]
[music ends]
- Oh, Ms. Jung.
- Yes?
Dr. Hwang allowed Ms. Oh to have visitors.
You can let her know, please.
[softly] It seemed as though she had
a hard time saying no to her mother.
Ms. Song?
[hesitantly] Is there anything
I can do to help Ms. Ri-na?
In internal medicine, all we had to do
to help our patients feel better
was prescribe medicine for their pain.
I don't know how
to help them get better in this position.
Hm, right. It can be hard.
You have to decide
what's right or good for the patients.
How about we start by asking Ms. Oh
about what's bothering her the most?
Let's start from there.
[chuckles softly]
[Ri-na] Getting better now
won't do anything.
At the end of the day,
it won't change my surroundings.
Nothing will change.
I'll just get sick again.
[Ms. Song] Anyone can get sick.
And treatment can take a while.
But you know what they say.
It's always darkest before the dawn.
- [thoughtful music playing]
- [Ms. Song] And this much is certain.
No one is born as a patient,
and no one stays a patient until the end.
The darkest nights make way for sunlight.
The light will shine on you.
Light will shine?
It really isn't too late?
[Ms. Song] Well, if you feel ready
for light to shine on you,
then of course it will.
We send some positivity
by giving our support to you.
And what you choose to do with that,
well, that's up to you how you handle it.
[music continues]
[knocking at door]
[Da-eun] Ms. Oh?
Your mother is here to visit you.
She came to bring you
some of those grapes again.
[Ri-na's mom] Ri-na,
you're feeling better now, right?
[Ri-na softly] Uh-huh.
[Ri-na's mom sighs] What a relief.
You have no idea
how hard I prayed for you.
Have some of this. I went all the way
to the farm to buy these for you.
[tense music playing]
[Ms. Song] We send some positivity
by giving our support to you.
[Ri-na] Then
it really isn't too late?
Well, if you feel ready for light
to shine on you, then of course it will.
Taste one
while they're still fresh. Go on.
[music stops]
No, thank you.
[tense music playing]
They're your favorite, Ri-na.
Yes, they are.
- You've always loved grapes. Come on.
- I don't.
I don't.
I do not!
[Da-eun gasps]
[gasping] Ms. Oh!
[Ri-na] I've told you
countless times that I don't like grapes!
Why do you keep doing this?
Why do you keep suffocating me?
I've lost myself.
I've never had a chance to be myself.
You know what?
You've always made all of my choices.
I went along with the clothes,
the friends you picked out for me,
even married the man you told me to marry.
I told myself I owed you
for all the privilege in my life,
so I stayed silent.
You said if I did what you told me,
I'd be happier than anyone.
That everyone would envy me.
So, Mom
why do I hurt so much?
[sobbing] Why is my life so messed up?
I just did what I thought
would be best for you, Ri-na.
- You know how much you mean to me.
- I'm 43 years old!
I can't even order coffee for myself
because I don't even know
what the hell I like to drink!
You've turned me into an idiot who's
baffled by the simplest things at 43.
But do you know what's really funny?
[snivels] Now,
the happiest memory I can think of
was taking off my clothes and dancing.
The time when
when I was being judged
and called a crazy lunatic was
the first time
I felt like I could breathe properly.
- I am not happy when I'm with you.
- [door lock beeps]
- [Ri-na's mom gasps]
- [Da-eun] Ms. Oh?
You should get some rest.
[Ri-na's mom] Sweetie,
I'd do anything to help you stop hurting.
You should know that.
[door shuts]
[sniffs, exhales shakily]
[poignant piano music playing]
[sobs softly]
[music fades out]
[Yu-chan] Others' praise
for her swanlike beauty
won't mean jack
if she doesn't wanna be one.
Happiness isn't complicated.
Being free to do what you like,
that's happiness.
[Ri-na] I won't meet with my mom anymore.
[Da-eun] You want to refuse visits
from your mother?
You can tell her that.
[intercom rings]
[electronic beep]
[Da-eun sighs gently]
I'm so sorry.
I mean, why won't my daughter see me?
What kind of treatment
have you been giving her?
This won't do!
No. I'm taking her home right now.
She's leaving right now.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Uh, I may be overstepping
by telling you this, but, uh
What is it?
To be honest, you're like my mom a lot.
[thoughtful music playing]
She's like you. She tells me to give out
rice cakes at work and that stuff.
I know she thinks it's for my own good,
but the truth is, I never really liked it.
[Ri-na's mom sighs] Jesus!
Do you see?
This is what daughters are like.
They just don't understand that
what we're doing is for their own good.
Us daughters get it too.
Our moms love us more than anything.
We know that.
You really do?
Of course!
I'm sure your daughter knows it too.
I'm sure she gets
that you did what you did
out of love and care for her.
At one point, I also used to think
it was easier to do what my mom said.
Do you know
when I get along with my mom the most?
When is that?
It's when she gives her support to me,
no matter what I do.
Could you find it in yourself
to support what Ri-na wants to do?
- [music ends]
- [car horn beeps]
Oh, good to see you again.
These just came in.
They're still fresh for you.
- Your daughter loves grapes, right?
- [softly] Mm-hmm.
[poignant music playing]
Maybe not. No.
I think I'll take something else.
- Yes, of course.
- [door lock beeps]
[orderly] Your daughter is here.
Have a bite.
Go ahead.
[Ri-na sighs]
Oh. The grapes are
just in there to add color.
You don't have to eat
anything you don't want.
[stifles a chuckle]
Try it.
[Da-eun] People tend
to affect each other in various ways.
Sometimes in sad ways,
at times in painful ways,
and sometimes in ways
that hurt everyone around them.
at times, the stone we cast
to change ourselves can start a ripple
that doesn't stop at us
but goes on
to reach those around us as well.
[humming happily]
Oh! Hello!
Why so excited?
I was thinking about it, and I think
switching here was a good idea.
Yeah? What do you mean?
I'm gonna
become a stone from now on. [chuckles]
[humming happily]
- [Yeo-hwan] A stone?
- [fingers snapping]
- Hey, I told you to stop cracking.
- Hey, who was that skipping just now?
- A nurse in my unit.
- [softly] Oh.
She says
that she's going to become a stone.
A stone? That's her ambition, huh?
Mm. I know, right?
Why didn't you eat?
Go easy on the snacks, okay?
[Deul-re] So, I asked someone
in internal medicine,
and Ms. Jung didn't have any issues there.
[Ms. Hong] Really?
Why is she here, then?
That's enough. She could have
just really wanted to come to this unit.
Ah, the gossip.
Ms. Park! Ji Min-jeong
is choking in the Closed Unit.
Mr. Yoon.
[suspenseful music playing]
I'm on it.
Ms. Jung, please take
Mr. Kim for treatment.
To colorectal?!
He'll say a bunch of stuff
you don't understand.
- You don't have to respond to it all.
- Okay!
[Go-yun] I think the results
for Mr. Lee got mixed up.
Can you check with pathology?
- [orderly] Yes, Dr. Dong.
- Thanks.
- Huh? Stone.
- What?
Are you here from psychiatry?
Just one moment.
[Mr. Kim] Hello.
[softly] Looks familiar
[Go-yun] Hm.
[Mr. Kim] Say,
have you seen the dragon on the ceiling?
[Ms. Hong] He'll say a bunch of stuff
you don't understand.
You don't have to respond to it all.
It would be nice
to have someone join my party.
I don't see anyone around today though.
Is that so?
- You can hear me right now?
- Of course.
Whoa! [chuckling]
Oh, it's just been so long
since someone's responded to me.
Okay, so where was I?
Oh, your party with no one to join you?
I'm not seeing any candidates.
Usually, we wait until a healer arrives.
I used the fire-blade skill on it,
but it just wasn't enough.
[Mr. Kim] I should've accounted
for its fire resistance
and done something
with ice damage instead
[Da-eun] Doctor?
Have some water. Here.
Drink some water.
[Mr. Kim] That water's not enough
to cleanse me.
[coughing] Ambrosia!
Ambrosia? What is that?
[Mr. Kim] Green water.
Green water?
Oh, gr green water! Oh!
[continues coughing]
[Go-yun] Breathe in deeply,
then breathe out
Here it is. Okay.
[continues coughing]
[Da-eun sighs]
[tense music playing]
[Mr. Kim] I can't believe
you give out ambrosia like this.
[music intensifies]
- I feel better.
- [music fades out]
O great mediator.
[whimsical chimes chime]
[Da-eun] That's good. [chuckles]
[uplifting music playing]
- [Da-eun] Are you okay?
- I am.
My HP's at rock bottom.
I can feel my mana surging.
[music fades out]
[woman] But Dr. Park told him off,
so he turned tail and came over
to take it out on us out of the blue.
[Ms. Song] Gosh.
What were we supposed to do though?
The station was in an uproar.
That's not something
that happens in psychiatry though.
Well, we get a lot of requests
from guardians to make up for it. Mm.
How is Jung Da-eun doing?
Is she settling in?
[Ms. Song] Yes. Well, so far.
Well, that's good to hear.
I honestly felt
kind of bad about the whole thing.
It felt as though
I was passing my burden onto you.
[poignant music playing]
I mean, being a good nurse
means more than just having a good heart.
That girl's just so overly sweet.
Well, the patients
are taking a liking to her.
And what's the use of being so nice
when she's a nuisance to the other nurses?
We were already neck-deep in work,
so her falling behind
certainly didn't help.
At the end of the day,
it meant other nurses covered for her.
[sighs] Anyway, Jung Da-eun
[Da-eun] The smallest of ripples is enough
to cover us in cuts and bruises.
That's how weak we really are.
[music fades out]
[whimsical music playing]
[solemn drumbeat]
[drumbeat ends]
[poignant music playing]
[music fades out]
Next Episode